AI is Evolving Faster Than You Think [GPT-4 and beyond]

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I'm disappointed, I didn't realise that pope picture was fake. Thought he just had mad drip

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

What's happening lately is fascinating to me. This video nails a lot of this amazing development. How will lawmakers keep up as well?

Technology in the field of AI, is advancing at an unprecedented rate. It's amazing to see how quickly Alpaca has been developed training on LLMs. Are we ready for what's next? The speed of AI development poses challenges and risks to the job market

I'm curious to know other people feelings and how they view the near future (Alpaca was thought to take 8 years to develop but was done in 5 weeks?) This breakneck speed of AI development, truly amazing times to witness.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shadowpips πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

YouTubers certainly evolve fast to make new videos, gpt4 is cool but it's nowhere near perfect, I hope those YouTubers are right and we're not stuck 10 years (like when ibm presented Watson, I excepted big leap forward and then nothing or even Siri was a major disappointment).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/maroule πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Please continue with the updates. I am very grateful for the great work of this team. Thanks for keeping us informed!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rshastal πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Saw this, its a good video to watch if you've been out of the loop for a while

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KoalaOk3336 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
hi welcome to another episode of Cold Fusion the growth in both the prevalent and capacity of artificial intelligence systems seems to be exponential with the release of chat GPT suddenly everything from education to copy editors was disrupted then came Microsoft's announcement the technology would be integrated into their search engine for those following along these events sparked a battle in the tech industry so entertaining that the only thing that one could do was sit back and enjoy with some popcorn Google and Microsoft would go head to head in what's being dubbed the artificial intelligence Wars in the latest developments open AI reveals the next generation of their language model gpt4 it's smarter than ever before can recognize images and has left users dumbfounded once again the internet was satellite with Incredible use cases many were left wondering what industries are going to remain untouched at this rate but within a matter of days the floodgates were blown right open Google's Bard AI finally drops to Consumers chat GPT starts taking plug-in extensions for third-party software and this includes access to the internet Microsoft Bing receives AI Generation image support Microsoft's office suite receives AI capabilities as well and everyone from Adobe to Nvidia made their AI announcements but then a bombshell drops Microsoft researchers admit that gpt4 is showing quote Sparks of artificial general intelligence or AGI a feat that wasn't supposed to happen for the next 20 years also in this episode we'll Feast our eyes on some of the latest images coming from AI so definitely be sure to stick around for that they're amazing and just a disclaimer with the rapid speed of AI progress demonstrated in the rest of this episode some viewers may find it concerning but my aim here isn't to scare anyone but to give you the courtesy of showing you what's around the corner there's even three prompting tips in here to help you get ahead and with that hold on to your seat belts because it's going to be a wild ride [Music] starting to get the first studies done on this new early stage of generative AI an Mit paper found that professionals using systems like chat GPT are now able to complete tasks in half the time while increasing the quality of the output by more than 20 percent this was expected in the cold fusion episode covering Chachi PT's launch I mentioned that this would be the equivalent of having an expert assistant in any field with you at all times we all know it's not perfect but it's still helping people even in its current form new applications of the technology were being discovered every day and that's the fascinating thing even its creators had no idea what it could do or even the precise means of how it does it so what happened when the world hasn't even digested the implications of chat GPT and yet a new and improved version is Unleashed just recently open AI once again expanded the capabilities of its now famous text generation AI in the latest version GPT 4.0 not only has the size of both its input and output being expanded from 3000 words to 25 000 words but the model has now become multimodal in other words it not only understands text but images now too it's very interesting and particularly intriguing because above just understanding the image it can also interpret and explain what's depicted within the image for example gpt4 can now look at the groceries in your fridge and even generate a list of dishes that can be made with them it can understand and solve an image-based problem and it can identify humor in multiple photos even explaining why it's funny and another mind-blowing example is creating a website from scratch while only being shown a shoddy drawing on a piece of paper it's also smarter in logic here's an example of gpt3 versus gpt4 on the same logic problem user in a room there are 100 murderers you kill one of them how many murderers are left chat GPT if there were originally 100 murderers in the room and you kill one of them there would still be in 99 murderous left in the room now the same problem with gpt4 user there are 500 murderers in a room you enter and kill one of them how many are there now gpt4 this seems to be a riddle assuming the murders are people who have committed murder and you kill one of them there would still be 500 people who have committed murder in the room including yourself as you would now also be considered a murderer on first glance I can even see a lot of humans dripping up on this one so I find this particularly impressive on top of all of that its deep learning capabilities have also received a boost it's improved its overall reasoning abilities as a result its performance across multiple reasoning benchmarks have increased significantly reaching a human-like level of Common Sense this also applies to standard tests for example on the bar exam the GPT series went from the bottom 10 to the top 10 performance level and that is just remarkable its reasoning capabilities surprised even the open AI team during tests they discovered that it was able to solve hindsight neglect a decision-making problem where it had struggled greatly in the past in this figure you can see GPT 3.5 scored almost zero and GPT 4 a perfect score of a hundred improved reasoning also boosted a sore spot for previous models the factualness of the model according to the company gpt4 is 40 more likely than its predecessor to produce a factoral response an 82 percent less likely to respond with quote disallowed content yet of course despite these improvements the research notes that this model is still biased and can output some questionable information now the interesting thing is if you're curious about how the team at open AI achieved these results there's little to no information on the subject that was on purpose in their release paper the creators state that this is mainly due to two reasons competition and security it seems that Microsoft is putting a lot of pressure on the back end of this technology to remain undisclosed this is a huge departure from open ai's original ethos and basically the opposite of the norm for the current AI industry up until this point it seems now like Microsoft is in full battle mode and the AI Wars seem to be in full swing there may be some potential risks ahead but more on that later about one week after GPT 4's public release a team of Microsoft scientists published and released a paper highlighting that the AI system is showing quote Sparks of human level intelligence or AGI here are some quotes from the paper quote we demonstrate that Beyond its Mastery of language gpt4 can solve novel and difficult tasks that span mathematics coding Vision medicine law psychology and more without needing any special prompting moreover in all of these tasks GPT Force performance is strikingly close to human level performance and often vastly surpasses prior models such as chat GPT we believe that gpt4's intelligence signals a true paradigm shift in the field of computer science and Beyond given the breadth and depth of gpt4's capabilities we believe that it could easily be viewed as an early yet still incomplete version of an artificial general intelligence system so it's not full AGI just yet but it looks like we'll be here soon enough if progress continues at the same rate so in all of this you might be confused you might be thinking I've used chat GPT or gpt4 but it doesn't seem that great well it turns out that many people are using it wrong of course there's plenty of prompt Engineers out there to give you tips but here are some of the best ones that I've heard the trick is to make it do and not think a good template to follow is as such give a specific objective for the output a vague input will give you a vague answer give a specific format for the answer and lastly give a specific list of things that it should avoid and it all makes sense you can't give a worker fake instructions and expect an amazing result first is being specific in what you want and here it's the same thing here are some examples of some people who have figured it out and got gpt4 to do some amazing things just over a week since its release people around the world have started to discover the whole world of new possibilities that this new AI model has to offer due to its boost in deep learning it got significantly better at coding one user was able to create five microservices for a new product in less than three hours with the help of the new tap GPT for context the same service usually takes a human developer around two weeks and it would cost in the range of five thousand dollars another user was able to create a Google Chrome extension in a matter of minutes from the ground up what about an iPhone app built from scratch using just gpt4 and it's already on the App Store its capabilities to create video games has also improved dramatically as well it can now create games all the way from classics like snake and Tetris to more advanced 3D prototypes like the original Doom with its extended input and output it can now process a lot more information it was able to find multiple vulnerabilities on a live ethereum contract the extended output also facilitates creating deeper content for example the CEO of LinkedIn was able to come up with the first AI created book staying on the creative Side by combining gpt4 with other AI tools such as mid-journey Runway gen 1 and boomi AI one user was even able to make a movie and here's another example of a short clip completely made by AI tpt4 is also able to help with taxes or how about drug discovery by giving it a current drug it can find compounds with similar properties modify them and make sure that they're not patented and it can even help you purchase these compounds from A supplier one user asked the system I have a hundred dollars how can I make as much money as possible GPT 4 then acted basically as a company founder and at the time of writing it's been four days since the experiment began and so far the user is up fifteen dollars you've probably been hearing a lot about chat GPT it's this powerful artificial intelligence bot that can write papers for you and maybe even pass a bar exam but what about having it just make you some money and I'm talking about real money this week one person gave it a simple task explaining it on Twitter he said I gave chat GPT for a budget of a hundred dollars and I told it to make as much money as possible I'm acting as a human liaison buying anything it says to that was Wednesday so 24 hours later the stakes were raised significantly it's day two y'all I've given hustle GPT a formal challenge to get to a hundred thousand dollars cash on hand as quickly as possible just sitting I thought it would be a fun idea I went on Twitter and it really it kind of blew up very quickly and so now we've got a community on Discord of 200 people all trying this hustle GPT Challenge and about 30 people starting their own projects with it it's been pretty crazy so I'll tell you exactly what's going on is it suggested this name green Gadget Guru I asked chat GPT come up with a business idea come up with a name all go out and buy the domain I'll get everything set up it's it's you in the driver's seat I'm just the human liaison like you said on another note not related to gpt4 specifically but still extremely interesting nonetheless a Chinese company took this a step further they made an AI their CEO it's in charge of analytics leadership decisions risk management and workplace efficiency since its introduction the company's stock has constantly outperformed the overall market for seven months now companies are also moving rapidly to create new Services based on the capabilities of gpt4 there are countless new projects these are just a few creating personalized bedtime stories for your kids to fall asleep to ai-powered matchmaking to make your dating life easier and in the case that you want to file a quick lawsuit there's also a solution for that some of these services are complete game changers for people one of these is a visual assistant it's an app that helps the visually impaired get some of their day-to-day functions back Duolingo has created a new feature in its subscription program that allows you to access a private AI tutor Khan Academy also introduced ai-based tutors for both students and teachers it seems that the knowledge Gap can start to be closed with the introduction of these new tools it's not only much cheaper but it offers high levels of personalized education a problem that has forever plagued the field so with human level reasoning how far are we from starting to see this type of AI acting on its own according to its creators there is evidence that this new model was developing independent long-term plans while accumulating power and resources to carry them out during the testing project by openai something very peculiar happened while testing for potentially risky Behavior gpt4 lied to a gig worker on taskrabbit telling them that it was visually impaired and it hired this human worker to get around capture restrictions moreover gpt4 can even just recognize the capture images itself when asked despite these worrying signs the model was not able to better itself on its own even if it had the research but how long will this last nobody knows not even its creators and what about jobs who's most at risk well in an open AI study here are the most at-risk jobs and sadly for many people it's not looking great according to them almost no one will escape 80 percent of U.S jobs will be impacted by 10 or more and the figures should be similar in the rest of the developed world the worst affected are those in High Finance Insurance data processing publishing scientists and most interestingly monetary authorities like central banks now me personally I don't think that last one is such a bad thing the least affected were agriculture wood manufacturing food Mining and construction and this kind of makes sense the physical jobs will be the last to go but the sad thing is a lot of the world still doesn't even know this is happening so they're going to be completely blindsided and this brings us to an interesting discussion while more competition tends to be good for the consumer in a rare case this time around it may not be so as companies move faster and faster to integrate AI into their Solutions the guardrails of these Technologies are starting to be removed gpt4 was not supposed to be released this soon in the official document the researchers state that they do not endorse gpt4's release all Microsoft's deployment plans seems like the launch may have been accelerated by corporate pressure from Microsoft a leaked audio recording from Microsoft's VP John Montgomery seems to indicate the same he stated to his team that quote the pressure from CTO Kevin Scott and CEO Satya Nadella is very very high to take the most recent open AI models and the ones that come after them and move them into the consumer's hands at a very high speed concerns continue to grow as there was a shocking announcement made Microsoft had fired their entire AI ethics team that the company just removed the brakes as the pace becomes more rapid more and more companies will lose the incentive to withhold these new models and launch them as they are as soon as possible the consequences of such actions could be drastic and this is mainly because the next version May behave in ways that we simply cannot predict foreign [Music] at the same time other big tech companies announced their own intentions for creating large language models among these companies are Apple Amazon and Baidu and while these models are likely to compete for size and quality a major breakthrough in costs came from Stanford its own language model alpaca was trained using other existing language models as a result while not competitive with the latest gpt4 the cost reduction was insane to train a model like GPT cost somewhere in the ballpark of 4 million dollars and alpaca it only cost 600 to train to put this in perspective this type of cost reduction was projected to only happen in the year 2030. what was supposed to take eight years of work only took five weeks please just stop and think about that for a second this opens up the gates for more entities to create their own models for Better or For Worse and to add to that while the majority of the cost comes from running the actual model due to alpaca's small size it can also run on a local computer reducing its operational cost this type of accessibility can be an absolute game changer for many companies is pretty much locked in that in a few years time we'll all be able to run localized AI chat bots on our smartphones next we'll move on to the latest in the corporate AI War but before we get to that let's take a look at something else going on in the world of AI the AI image generator mid-journey has just ticked into its fifth iteration some of the images that have come out of it are so lifelike that it's insane let's take a look at some of them we'll see [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] and remember this is the worst that it would ever be so now all of this brings us to the latest development in the AI War a lot has happened in a short period of time and the speed of updates only seems to increase during the same week both Google and Microsoft announced their own work-related AI integration applications after sounding the alarm earlier this year Google tried to have the first move in this space and as such on March 14th they released new AI powered features to Google workspace however this victory was short-lived as only a few days later Microsoft revealed its own slew of ai-powered updates to their office applications and with that it seems that both companies are looking to steal market share from one another in the field of work-related applications the search engine battle is also in full swing it's clear that Microsoft is going all in dual gpt4 is only available to subscribers anyone can access it using Bing Microsoft was using it for Bing the whole time while we don't have the numbers to see if the strategy is working Microsoft is certainly spending a lot of resources to disrupt Google's business while the main news is for sure the launch of gpt4 its integration of third-party extensions has caused a stir now it can have access to the internet book travel buy groceries or with direct support from companies that specialize in these fields it no longer has to guess many fear that this is all moving way too fast there's already been a data leak of users chat history to other users if gpt4 has only been out for about two weeks how do we know what happens when it can read and write to the internet in real time I guess we're all going to find out together but aside from that there's been some other important recent events in the AI industry starting off with Google it released an API for its own language model Palm this is important news since the development of AI apps by users will be a fundamental component for the competitiveness of Google in the future this was followed by the release of their Bard AI to a select group of users unfortunately for Google the reaction was more or less consistent across users Bard is significantly worse than even chat GPT but I think Google could LeapFrog they have the resources to do it so we're all going to just have to wait and see in other news Adobe released their AI art generator Firefly Nvidia announced foundations A system that will allow any company to create generative AI given enough data Jensen Huang CEO of Nvidia also stated that quote every single Pixel will be generated soon not rendered generated this flurry of a Breakneck speed innovation in the field of AI has caused none other than Bill Gates to speak up love him or hate him Bill Gates knows a lot about one thing the world of computing on March 21st 2023 he wrote a personal note on his website Gates notes and declared that we have entered the age of AI the penny dropped for him when he saw GPT achieved the equivalent of an A or a plus grade on a college-level biology test and that was last year since then things have progressed a whole lot I think it's safe to say that we're in a new era as I stated before we're moving from the information age into the knowledge age I might keep providing updates like this every now and again if you guys are willing to hear me talk about them feel free to let me know your thoughts about all of this in the comments section below if you want to see me talk about topics like this or other episodes that I've done in extended format definitely check out my podcast through the web I'll leave a link for it in the description cheers guys have a good one I think about the Next Generation though like growing from the people born now the baby's born now they're growing up in a world where it's like computers always talked you could just always write something always an assistant speak something and it could generate a movie that was always how it was and it's just like wow what will they be shocked by yeah it's so true so true yeah that's such a great great question like what world did we shocked by um yeah like what's left it's like designed by Ai and it was done years ago foreign [Music] all time [Music] [Music] it's me thinking
Channel: ColdFusion
Views: 2,197,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coldfusion, TV, Dagogo, Altraide, Technology, Apple, Google, Samsung, Facebook, Tesla
Id: DIU48QL5Cyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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