Make $3,500 a Month Selling Books Online WITHOUT Writing a Single Word! (Step-By-Step)

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yo what's going on family boy hey yo I'm sitting in the intro chair and my sister our newest teammate Michelle is going to actually be taking over the show today you know a recent study came out and revealed that nearly 64 of people are living paycheck to paycheck that these people are literally three paychecks away from something detrimental happening within their life my team and I was like hey how can we help put 200 into their pocket 500 into your pocket a thousand dollars into your pocket instantly and so we partnered with the company called bookboat and this is a company that's going to help you make a low content journal for the cost of a cup of coffee a month and yes by the end of this training you will know how to put put a journal on Amazon and make 500 a thousand two hundred dollars whatever you need so you don't be in that study uh and so I really want to encourage you to dial in get your notepad get your piece of paper take notes because this is going to be something different we're going to literally walk you through step by step on how you can do this share this with a friend share this with your partner share this with anyone because this is important so we can shift our finances hey let's get over to Today's Show with my girl Michelle listen before we go there share this video subscribe I'll see y'all in the next show it's Michelle's day today foreign thanks Anthony now before we get started I want to go ahead and explain to you what a low content Journal is basically a low content Journal is your regular Journal your average Journal it just has a couple of lines on the inside or sometimes you may have a few little prompts on the inside but it's pretty much not a lot going on so today we are going to be learning how to use book bolt to create your own low content Journal so first things for it we're going to go ahead and head over to book bulk and we're going to click on the login and once you log in the first thing you're going to see is a tutorial page now the tutorial page is pretty much just giving you all things all information book bolts you can go through that and just search and get a little bit more background information so now but what we're here for today is that we can go ahead and create our own low content Journal so what you're going to do is going to click on the right hand side and we're going to click on book bolt Studio and once you get here so basically in order to get to this page it's going to have you log in again and once you log in it's the same as your original login from the original um user page so you're going to click on create project now today we're going to be creating a paperback Journal I'm going to name a project I'm just going to make today I'm going to make a gratitude Journal because I'm feeling very grateful today so we're going to make a gratitude and I'm going to just choose six by nine because that's usually your average Journal size I'm just going to stick with black and white paper and I'm going to choose for it to bleed bleach just means that when you're creating um the cover or anything on the inside it would just go from page to page so just bleed completely and I'm going to make my journal 50 pages and we're going to click on create project so once you click on create project you're going to come to this next page basically this next page is the front cover of your Journal so the right hand side is going to be the front and the left hand side is going to be the back of your Journal now if you don't want to see this or you get it you understand all you have to do is click on this little shaded gridded area here and just put hide cover now the really cool thing about book bolt is that there is an image Library so they actually have something here called pixabay so pixabay is an area or a gallery here within bookboat where all the images are copyright free you do not have to pay for these now you do have the option of uploading your own image here if you would like but I'm gonna go ahead and use pixabay because I already know that all of these images are copyright free but if you are a little bit more artistic you can but just be mindful because we are actually going to be putting this on Amazon this is what the whole side hust was about and you want to be mindful that these images you're using are don't have any copyright because you may run into an issue so I'm feeling very boho so I'm just going to look for like a boho type theme this is really cute so I'm going to take this and just drag it to cover to cover boom and we're going to fill up the whole entire cover now what's really great about book bolt is that I don't know if you guys see here these little green perforated lines basically that just lets you know where you cannot go outside of so like right here which is like the margin in the middle and also right here because Amazon has very specific very specific like measurements that you can use in order to sell on their website so you want to make sure that you're not writing outside of that and that's what's so great about bookboat because you're able to just use their system and not have to worry about the sizing and making sure that it's on or off or the right measurement so once you go ahead and do that then you want to go ahead and add your text if you want to add text I said this is going to be a gratitude Journal so I do want to add text to my journal here it's gonna write you've got this okay and I'm gonna go ahead and make it a little bit bigger and I'm going to change the color to like brown to kind of match it a little bit you know a little better and I'm also going to Center my words okay so it looks a little you know kind of match more Razzle Dazzle and we'll Center it okay so that's my design like I said before I'm not a graphic designer or anything like that so you can make this more Jazzy if you would like but for me this is just more than enough so I'm going to go ahead now and move over to the inside of the journal because like I said we're making a low content Journal now we're going to go over here to this little graph maze looking icon and this is where you get to choose your template so I said that I want to make a gratitude Journal so I'm going to go ahead and just search up gratitude here in the search bar but before I do that I want to show you all the different templates here that are available so you don't only have to make a low content book it's just that it's a lot easier but if you want to get a little bit more Jazzy or make crossword books or whatever it is that you want to do you can do so but for me today I'm just going to make a gratitude Journal so I'm gonna click on gratitude and I'm going to press preview and as you can see they have all the prompts here already for you what I like about this is that it says date is not like it's not still dated meaning that anyone can buy this book any time of the year and it will always be um up to speed and in need so I'm going to go ahead and use this template and here I get to select how many pages I want to have this have this um gratitude template so I'm going to unselect the cover because I don't want that on my cover and I'm actually going to just go ahead and unselect the last five pages you can just go ahead and press submit because it's the perfect sizing and while it loads so here you can see right here boom now you can see that you can see here that it's the perfect size right so it's outside of the green well it's not outside of the green perforated slides on the page so that way you know it's going to fit into your book perfectly and it's also going to fit perfectly on Amazon so like I said I went ahead and did these Pages for the first 45 pages the last five pages I just want to do some blank pages just for like a note section right so I'm going to go here to ruled wide rule just because I like that style and for the last five pages I'm gonna go ahead and add the lines and if I scroll down here you would see that the last five pages have just the regular lined paper oh I have to fix this perfect and that's pretty much it we just created an entire Journal 50 pages using book bolts so now your next step is going to be downloading your Journal and you're going to want to download using download currentproject RGB that way you're going to be able to get the cover download and then you're also going to get the interior of the book you're going to go ahead go ahead and do that it's going to save to your desktop and now we're going to head over to Amazon KDP so now we're here at Amazon KDP so creating an Amazon KDP let me tell you the first thing and the most important thing about this is that Amazon KDP is absolutely free it does not cost you anything to create an Amazon kdb account and it also takes like less than two minutes all you're going to do is into your email address create a password you'll just get a confirmation code in your email and then boom you're done your account is created so I'm going to go ahead and log in and here I'm going to go ahead and show you all how to update your content Journal so you can see here I kind of already uploaded but I want to go ahead and show you and walk you through the steps on how I went ahead and did this so I'm going to press create we create a paperback book if you remember so we're going to say paperback and then we're going to write our book title so my book title is going to be gratitude Journal because that's what I decided to create today you can add a subtitle here if you would like or you don't have to um series we're not going to do a series because it's not like you know an actual book that we did again remember whole thing is low content journal and we don't have any addition number now here's the fun part because you actually get to put your name here where it says author because you're the one who created the book and like you didn't have any copyright images Etc so you are the author so I'm going to go ahead and write my name right here we don't have any contributors and now we're here at description so this is where bookboat comes back into hand and it's really important because book bolt has their algorithm to work well with Amazon that way you know which different books on Amazon are doing well and that way you can kind of preferate your books the same way that they are that theirs are the ones that are doing well so here is where we're going to go to the cloud on the cloud you get to check and see all the different type of journals that you can make in book bolt remember we made a journal and if you have any special keywords that you use you can go ahead and type it here remember we made a gratitude Journal so I really want to just shorten or small in our um search here so I'm going to put gratitude Journal here and as you can see I have it here and we're going to press search okay so here are a few gratitude journals that came up on bookball and we can see how well they're doing and how they went ahead and titled their own journal as well as how many sales they're making a month Etc so I'm going to go ahead and look at this first one this first one looks like it's doing really good it says good days gratitude Journal and as you can see here they're selling their gratitude journal for about seven dollars and they are making about 573 73 sales every single month so clearly this person looks like they know what they're doing so I'm gonna go ahead and pretty much just kind of use them as a guide and how I'm gonna go ahead and put up my journal here on Amazon so here's what their book looks like on the Amazon website and I'm going to scroll down a little bit and here is their um their description and what their description box looks like so pretty much here they just put like that it's a paperback that it's six by nine um and just a little bit of things here so what I'm going to go ahead and do is kind of follow suit in that exact same way so I'm just going to say this is a six five nine Journal gratitude Journal and I'll just say you know start your day with gratitude again you can go ahead and put anything that you like here in description box but you always want to go ahead and look at um just some references from book bolt to see what it is that the people who are winning what they're putting because I mean if they're winning that means that they're doing something right so here we're going to put that we we own the copyright and then keywords so a lot of times with people on Amazon when they don't have success is oftentimes because they're not writing the key word you know they have this thing called SEO which is search engine optimization you want to be sure that your Journal when people are looking for a journal that yours is one of the ones that comes up first that's the only way you're really going to ever make any money so that's where we're going to go back over to book bolt because they actually have a section here oh we're gonna go here they actually have a section where it says keywords and then we're going to click on search and we're going to just type in the type of Journal that we created and we're going to press search and we're going to see what keywords are doing well on Amazon this way we can know what to add to our own um our own Amazon account so as you can see here this shows you here the Amazon search it also shows you who what people are searching up on Google as well and here on the side it shows you how many high searches that they have so for example a gratitude Journal is high we're going to keep going down we have here gratitude grateful gratitude Journal also High gratitude affirmation Journal those are high keywords gratitude and goals Journal so basically we're going to go ahead and copy and paste some of these keywords over to our Amazon account that way when people are searching up these words online or on Google your Journal would be one of the first ones that come up and I'll just do one more for just good measure next you're going to want to choose your categories this way your Journal can be found when people are searching in certain categories you maybe want to try a category that are super popular that way it can be a smaller Niche and you were to come up first as well so we'll go next over here and right here you're going to want to go ahead and click low content because remember we made a low content Journal which is a journal notebooks or maybe even a planner we did a gratitude Journal so we're going to go ahead and click on low content and does this contain any languages or situations that are inappropriate I would hope not because I'm creating a gratitude Journal so I'm going to go ahead and press no and save and continue so we can go ahead and publish it without an ISBN we don't necessarily have a publication date and we're going to go ahead and keep scrolling down and you want to make sure that this matches the same information that you went ahead and you put on bookbull so you have a six by nine node bleed and I'm going to go ahead and let my book be matte just because I just like matte but you can also choose glossy if that's more of your style and right here we're going to go ahead and upload the manuscript so the manuscript is going to be the interior of your Journal so we're going to go here and upload so as this is uploading we're going to go ahead and upload the interior of the journal and then we're going to just come down and upload the cover of the journal perfect so now that you have both the interior and cover uploaded you're going to want to go ahead and click on launch previewer this way you can see if everything is measured out correctly and that you actually like how your Journal looks [Music] and basically in this process it's just checking to see that you meet all the requirements that you don't have any copyright information that it fixed all the measurements and sizes and that way you can just move on to the next step [Music] okay so here's a preview of our Journal you have your cover page it has the barcode here you're going to go next and it just shows you all of the pages that we created on book ball so if everything looks well and good you're going to press approve foreign at the bottom it shows you that every book that Amazon prints for you it costs two dollars and fifteen cents or whatever else is equivalent to where you are so that is for every book that's printed now that's not necessarily something that you're going to have to go ahead and print out of your own pocket it's just that every time someone go ahead and they um they order your book that cost is going to come out of the fee of ordering your Journal so we're going to just press save and continue and here's where you get to pick how much you want your journal to cost so if we go back to bookboat and we look at the other well actually we'll just go back to the page as you can see here this journal that we're using for reference that's selling over 500 copies every single month they're selling their journal for what 6.99 the paperback version so you want to be mindful in the way that you um that you priced your journals because you want it to to be able to be seen and also equivalent to the other people who are selling journals on Amazon as well so I'm going to go ahead and go around that ballpark number as well so I'm gonna just put my journal for seven dollars and here it will show you how much the printing fee is how much Amazon takes and how much royalty that you will receive every single time you go ahead and sell a book here on Amazon and at the bottom here you also have the option to request a proof If you would like and then it takes about 72 hours for your book to be available for purchase on Amazon so here on the Amazon KDP account it lets you know that royalties are paid every month approximately 60 days after the end of each month so here you would see every single month you get paid at the end of essentially every single month and that's essentially it so that's all you have to do in order to get your Amazon account get your bookball account onto your Amazon account to go ahead and start selling books online with just a few clicks of a button now you may be asking okay you use this book bolt software how does it work how can I get it Etc so if you actually go on to book bolt it will show you here that they actually have prices here so you either can do 9.99 a month or they have the 1999 version a month that you can use now the 1999 has more features a lot of the features that I was able to use now today we do have a coupon with the table actually you get 20 off using the code ttao when you check out so that's something that you can do in order to use the book bolt software okay so that is pretty much it that's all that you need to do in order to create low content journals here on Amazon and you can create more than one journal in all different type of styles coloring books just anything that you want to create on the book website so that is pretty much it thanks so much for joining us today and we will see on the next episode here on the table [Music] thank you
Channel: The Table With AO
Views: 181,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money online, make money online, sell books online, sell books on amazon, make 100s a month selling books online, low content book publishing, low content books, how to sellbooks, how to sell books online, how to sellbooks on amazon, make money from home, kdp low content books, low content books amazon, make money, passive income 2022, book bolt, no content books, side hustle, sell digital products, side jobs from home to make extra money, anthony oneal
Id: JJemSq2qIGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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