Pentagon UFO Program - Q+A

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hello and welcome to another edition of BuzzFeed unsolved post mortem a show where we answer your most pressing questions about the most recent episode of BuzzFeed unsolved which was the Pentagon UFO FILES all the questions were answering today came from you guys via our bus be done solved Facebook page and our BuzzFeed unsolved Instagram page as well as on the video directly on bun make sure you're subscribed okay whoa feels like we're home we had our vision episode and then we had our our live episode yeah so it really did feel like we weren't in our wheelhouse and now we're back at home base we're in the war room yeah it could be ourselves classic meat and potatoes bun right here right back to the old boiler plate yeah we were talking about aliens this week yeah it is because it's something we can agree on well we don't really agree on it we agree on it in the smallest sense that you could agree on something yeah yeah let's move into it crime town Mariana s13 how do you guys make terrifying things so funny lol well I wonder if she was commenting directly on this episode but do you find aliens scary yes you do why can I could find them scary in the sense of alien like okay sure yeah yeah yeah yeah or I could find them touching in the like in the sense of et where it they have a beautiful relationship it's a creepy little yeah right here huh welcome to our new segment right there I'll say it with me scary or not scary lightning round here we go okay alien scary give me two scary give me three yes Terry there's a dog not scary UT not scary predator let's get scary the thing well scary I'm running out come on lil o instead we won't snitch haven't seen it what I don't go watch it lay low and Stitch you know scary or not scary ends with me wants and lilo and stitch so now it's on to our next question go watch it now wow what a film is good right it's so good not scary Tube town Josh Crowe do you believe full disclosure is I believe you meant to say imminent here and if so how will it change the global community if at all now by that he means at some point the government will say here it is here's the here's the skinny they're real here's the full Robin although we got them yeah we're going to bring them on a train through your town you can throw peanuts at them they're gonna be a Coachella this year Coachella a bunch of terrified aliens in a cage or they're not they actually have like alien is oh yeah but like they're very talented musicians but it's alien music so it just sounds like and everyone's like really feeling it and then they get super popular and then over time they get him you know like addicted to drugs then the band breaks up and then there's like a 10-year period they're like we should get the band back together the band gets back together and then they're like a band like some of them left so there's just like a session jazz musician what's that guy doing with so yeah I think it's imminent yeah and that's what's going to happen of course it would change the community would there be a whole new like arena of Commerce in terms of like alien prep in case they come stores would be called well maybe yeah like would you like would we all start stocking up on stuff like like we all have like a panic room well I guess you'd want to find out like me I wouldn't change my life at all I'd still be you know doing my thing oh here's a dark thought oh I actually think that if it was full disclosure it could help mankind quite a bit because unifying wise it would make us all be a unified front because we now have a common enemy do you think it would do that or do you think it would make things worse when people be like well well knowing that well this is also a dark thought but I think the aliens would need to come down and murk a couple people maybe like one in every country if aliens full-disclosure actually happened and it was revealed that there was maybe an imminent threat coming towards all of humanity yeah I think we would be forced to put our squabbling aside and just band together for a little bit and then once the threat was eliminated we'd go back to killing each other but like I I just think that that would actually maybe be a good thing going back to Graham town now here's from oxen-free alley for postmortem yeah Shane do you ever think you'd take Ryan to a priest to be blessed or something to make Rikki skip town not gonna lie the bit mildly creeps me out how's her he cotesworth who's Ricky Gold's worth maybe think about your questions a little bit more I mean I just pick whatever I pick I just just thought it's on the Instagram account so I just okay what you did yeah I just copied the text and paper were you thinking in your head with this question I don't know man what's it to you what's it to me yeah see this I'm standing up to him this is what we got to do everybody you can't keep taking it like this otherwise it's gonna make him stronger huh yeah see he's back good ol Ryan's back [Music] this crap well I think we've made a breakthrough here today oxen-free Olli right buddy hey yeah oh oh you're back youtube link you could get one of those like weird tinfoil blankets over here I'm missing the crackers oh boy weird bit weird bit I think we should take it back over to YouTube yeah yeah let's go back to YouTube steggy says assuming these encounters are alien ships which they are but anyway why do you think they came to earth for research on humans on other technologies if they're coming to earth they're not they don't give a about our technology right I think it's purely a probing exercise but yeah yeah probing in the military sense yeah sure so they could be studying us they want to evaluate the situation see how much of a threat we are yeah that's what I would assume they would be doing because there's no other reason why I could see I mean I guess they could be in like an exploratory exercise where they're just purely out there for science Stephen Hawking did say and I agree with this if aliens ever did come and we do consider them more intelligent than us it's not gonna be good I can't imagine that I love that cuz Stephen Hawking is basically like have you guys seen predator we go to Graham town this is from dramatic doctrine fortnight it's pretty funny good good stuff gets done let's move on thanks for your question man you think like after he did that he just dabbed 8,000 times I did let's go to Facebook Jennifer chin do you think maybe it is human but from future from the future time travel maybe that could be something to touch on since we're already doing ghosts and aliens love this love it that's once is she saying the ships are from the future yeah yeah yeah I mean that would make sense why they would be around right because like it is hard for me to fathom why aliens would just cruise yeah fly around and like if they don't want us to know they're there why are they just cruising around but it does make sense if if this is far enough in the future that we have the technology to travel back in time we've obviously probably got some laws in place about time travel maybe we're a little better as a society we don't want to mess with the fabric of the universe so maybe when they do come back to observe the past they don't want it to be known but does that mean but then they're cruising around see that still is that makes sense to me cruising around is as secretly as they can that's very yeah I mean like obviously they can't do anything that's why they're just observing right because the butterfly effect but then again just even if you really want to go into that I know yeah coming back at all yeah flying through the atmosphere yes sending ripples yeah yeah I love the idea I actually love the idea of somebody inventing a time machine to go forward to see our advancement and they go like a thousand years into the future and it's the exact same and they're just like is this thing working like going back into the machine like let me check the dial no I'm here what the hell is going on like one new model of the iPhone I think he doesn't in the middle of the street and he's like I guess the McDonald's got it kind of stopped we just kind of stopped we're just like that's enough enough okay Graham town this is from tim has an Instagram Congrats Tim good stuff Tim hey Ryan this one's for you they said your name yeah I get it what do you think of theories that UFOs may actually be paranormal in origin there are purported UFO summoners who say they can make aliens appear through meditation not unlike a psychic medium hashtag ghost aliens and he doesn't even have to say it but I'll throw out a hashtag gara he's not saying this is true he's just saying is a funny little just sounds like a boo gar it's a funny thing that sounds like a boo guard is it yeah sure I mean this sounds pretty ridiculous I'm gonna say that I'm gonna say that up front I haven't looked into this ever heard of anything like this no of you no that's why I put it on here cuz it really caught my eye this seems like something he made up but maybe he didn't maybe you did in Tim I haven't done my due diligence in searching about this of this info it seems like something you opposed seven years I guess what I'm picturing here is like a like a cult or like people in robes standing in a circle and what about somewhere what I could picture and this is mainly based off of many alien plots in movies yeah but there is usually one person that for whatever reason they have some kind of link with the aliens maybe they've been they had been abducted in the first act and they could kind of sense when they're around now they have like a preternatural ability to sense aliens you're Randy Quaid type exactly so I could see that being the case here mmm I don't I don't like to immediately abandon something at face value but I'm gonna have bendin well you know Tim just seems like he's interested in talking about it I don't think he's fully behind it I don't think he is either so but that's mine thanks for putting that in front of us Tim yeah good stuff thanks for slapping it on the desk yeah whatever Oh what do we got coming up this week this week we have an investigation that I've been looking forward to for I mean frankly my whole life just maybe not even an investigation I just wanted to visit this location because I'm a big fan of of history and this place is history in particular has always interested me it's been featured in a lot of movies so it's a fun app and if you're a fan of us dressing up like idiots you're gonna be pleased because we dress up like idiots so yeah yeah it's a fun app it's a very very unique location and it also inches us ever closer to the finale which I'm very finale ride that does it for this episode of BuzzFeed and saw post-mortem make sure you watch the episode this Friday and then send in your questions to the BuzzFeed and saw a Facebook page the BuzzFeed unsolved Instagram page or comment directly on the video on bun and maybe you'll be in the next episode of BuzzFeed and saw well thanks for tonight baby [Music] hey everybody if you're a fan of BuzzFeed unsolved good news we have new merch and a new store
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 595,931
Rating: 4.9736505 out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, Buzzfeed unsolved, PSSC, Q+A, SffZ, alien, aliens, answers, buzzfeed unsolved network, case, cold case, cold-case, creepy, demon, detective, detectives, eerie, ghost, haunted, investigate, investigation, investigative, monster, mystery, paranormal, questions, scary, spooky, strange, supernatural, theories, theory, unsolved, unsolved mystery, unsolved network, weird
Id: 3l1lGZUmXwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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