Mothman - Q+A

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^- Hello, and welcome to another edition of ^Buzzfeed Unsolved: Postmortem, a show where we ^answer your most pressing questions about the most recent episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved, ^which was the Mothman. ^All the questions we're answering today came from you guys ^via our Buzzfeed Unsolved Facebook page ^and our Buzzfeed Unsolved Instagram page. ^Obviously, this is not Shane. ^- Yes! ^I'm a new and improved Shane. ^Just kidding. - I agree, I agree. - Much shorter and much harrier version of Shane. - Yeah, and most importantly, no Hot Dogga. (tense music) (ominous mumbling) I'm gonna celebrate that a little bit, and I get to hang out with Curly. - Yes! - Win-win. He's the resident Buzzfeed Unsolved expert, I would say. - Groupie, I like. - Let's go expert. (laughing) So before we get into this, every time I have someone in this show that's not Shane-- - Yeah. - --we gotta establish, where do you fall on the Boogara-Shaniac spectrum? What are your beliefs? - Ooh, how do I... I feel like I'm more towards your side, 'cause I feel like with our upbringings, there are certain things that we, especially Latin folk, we don't do or we do do. We have certain traditions-- - Yeah. - --that some people might see as being superstitious, but for us, they're just a part of our life. - Exactly. - You know, like we never put our bags on the floor because we know we might lose money. You don't sweep over people's feet, you don't keep a mirror in front of the front... I mean, you do keep a mirror in front of your front door, but those are things that I was raised with, so whenever I hear you being like, I'm not messing with that demon, I'm like, me either, you know? - Take that, Shaniacs. - Yep. (laughing) ^- Megan Underwood says, as a West Virginia native, ^I was very excited to see you guys do an episode on Mothman. ^However, there was no mention of ^the collapse of the silver bridge. ^It is many people's belief that the Mothman ^actually died during the collapse. - But it kills him, though? Is that what she's saying? - I don't know if it kills him 'cause he has been-- - Yeah, that's what I... - --in recent times. - Yep. Basically, people believe that Mothman is kind of like an angel of death, and in this case, he shows up and very shortly after, a bridge that collapses without warning kills about 30 people. I personally don't know if I buy that, just because the people who built the bridge kind of looked at it, did a postmortem, and then they realized, yeah, this bridge was kind of destined to fall eventually. It was faulty engineering. I'm not a Shaniac, but I will say that seems more plausible than the Mothman being like, yo, told you so. ^- This next one comes from @echomariecosplay. ^She said, my chemistry teacher has a haunted ^periodic table of elements and lava lamp. ^Should I send them your way? ^Yes, send it to my house. - Don't send anything. - Unless I'm trippin' on what a periodic table is, it's just what all the letters are. - Yeah, it's the periodic... It shows all the elements of the world. I had to memorize them in-- - That's why it's haunted. It's haunting our dreams. - Well, it's definitely haunting my dreams. - See, but I'd much rather be one of those ghosts that slam doors, break dishes, leave things open, turn on the lights. I'm not gonna be like, I'm in a little lava lamp, you know? There's no-- - I guess that's true. I guess there is a little bit of a level of nuance to that. - You need to think bigger, ghost. You need to dream much bigger than a lava lamp. (tinkling) - Jesus Christ, what are we doing here? (laughing) Uh. ^This one comes from Facebook, from Susan Case. ^Here's a suggestion: Shane is the Mothman. ^That's why he was so enthralled when she was ^talking about the woman who fought the Mothman ^and why he's so good at the cry. ^In addition, he couldn't stop insisting ^that the Mothman wasn't real. ^It is because he is the Mothman ^and doesn't want anyone to know. ^Checkmate, Shane, if that's actually your name. ^Shane "Mothman" Madej. ^- Wow. ^- #BuzzfeedSolved. - Oh my god. I feel like Shane is such a sweet little angel pie. He's a love angel music baby, a little lamb. (laughing) So I would never call him a demon, but I think a Mothman... Why are you laughing so hard? - Well, you said six words in succession that... I'm trying to process them all together. I was like, yeah, those fuckin' work. - [Curly] Love angel music baby, a little lamb. - If I tried to do that it would be a mish-mash of words. It'd be verbal garbage. ^From Facebook, Benjamin Valdez, Benjamin. ^(laugh) ^A man named Ingrid Cold was connected to the Mothman. ^Do the research, it's really creepy as hell. ^Do it! - I looked into this as well. Basically, some people call him the Smiling Man. Around the time Mothman was going on, this guy was driving on the road. He saw this metallic craft behind him and stopped, got out of the car, and it was a man in a suit. He had kind of oliveish skin and he talked to this guy without his mouth moving. People think that this guy is somehow connected to the Mothman. - It could be. I mean, we can't really be like, no, you can't possibly be the same person. - Yeah, once you start talking about a giant moth, I think everything's kinda on the table at that point, right? - Everything's on the table at this point. It did give me a little bit of the chills, listening and thinking about this man who's just talking to you and just smiling but not saying anything really. - Yeah, I don't like people who have an ever-present grin on their face. - I like to do that. Sometimes late night I go into the bathroom, and I look at myself, and I smile really big, and I freak myself out, I'm like... (gasp) And then I just leave and turn off all the lights. But I don't know if that's... - That's pretty weird. I mean, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna-- - No one else does that? - That's very strange. - You just scare yourself and you're like, woo! - Yeah. (laughing) It is what it is, you know? - Lonely. ^- This comes from @blacklillie. ^Yale scientific hypotheses that humans would need ^a minimum 22 foot wingspan to fly, ^but then wouldn't be strong enough. ^Even assuming the Mothman was incredibly strong, ^how do you account for its wingspan reportedly ^not being even close to the width needed ^for a create of its size? ^The answer is not demons. ^#Shaniacs. If this thing can move things with its mind, and manipulate people through its mind, and cause things to happen, I don't think the wingspan matters that much. ^- Dun dun duh-dun. ^- It's from Facebook. ^- Is that Schott? ^Okay, so we're gonna say Gianna Schott. ^She said, I think the Mothman is a demon! ^(laugh) ^Lots of exclamation points. ^First of all, it has glowing eyes, ^just like the Goatman did. ^Ooh, Mothman and Goatman. ^- [Ryan] Yeah. ^- It also is able to alter people's feelings ^and emotions, just like both Sally and the Goatman. ^Also, he can fly, and let's be real, ^demons can definitely fly. ^Can they, though? ^- I'll allow it. ^- I don't know a lot of demons, to be honest. ^- That's true, I only know one. (laughing) ^- Finally, he hasn't materialized into a human form, ^and demons can't materialize into any ^human form other than children. ^This person is so matter-of-fact. ^Nope. ^(laugh) ^- Yeah. - Demons cannot do this, ^but they can do this. ^I'm sure of it's a demon. ^Guess you'll be doing two demon episodes this season. ^Hope it doesn't come at a great cost. ^Actually, she put an exclamation point at the end, ^so it's like, hope it doesn't come at a great cost! - In my... If I had to put my money on something, I would say he's more an inter-dimensional being, and that's, I guess, where I could kind of get behind the theory that, yeah, he may be able to be an omen of some sort. - Yeah. - Something like that. - Oh, you know what? I heard somebody one time say that dimensions are like the blades of a fan. Have you ever heard that? When you see the blade of a fan, if it's slower, that's the dimension that we're on, and when it goes faster... Just because you can't see the blade anymore doesn't mean that it's not there, so I always think that, oh, maybe these beings exist on faster dimensions, faster realities that we just can't see, you know? But I also don't believe that if this thing is come to warn us or be like, there's a bridge that's gonna collapse... I don't think it's a demon. - I just... The more I think about it, the more I don't buy that he was trying to warn anybody, unless he wasn't trying to warn us and this motherfucker was like, I want a front-row seat to this shit-- - Gotta be in on it. - --'cause that collapse is gonna be dope. - Yup. - This piece of shit was with the popcorn like, can't wait for this to go down. - He's lovin' it. - With all due respect, Mothman, if you're watching this, you can go fuck yourself. - Mothman, you can call me. I remember those abs and that hairy chest. - [Shane] Did you see this guy's ass, by the way? - Oh my god. ^Moving on to Ethan Walker from Facebook. ^It was teenagers in the 60s. ^They were most likely on drugs, and as soon as ^one of them things they see something, ^it becomes a shared delusion for all of them, ^even if it's not real. ^The other claimed sightings are after news coverage ^and it's because they want to see it. ^If they see anything human-like with big wings ^and/or with red eyes, they see the pattern ^and assign the name Mothman to it. ^If it is real and a Mothman was used in the video, ^how did the coexist with humans all the time? ^If it is real, I'd say it's extraterrestrial... ^My eye just twitched. ^That was fuckin' weird. ^- It's the Mothman. ^- Or it has the ability to pop ^through dimensions to avoid being seen. ^Overall, I don't believe this one is real. You know what? This could be four teens getting high off their ass, taking a little drive, you know, out to the forest, thinking they see something, go, whoa, bro, I thought we fuckin' saw that. Yeah, I saw that too, and they're talkin' about it the whole way over to the police station. Somehow they remember the details and they match up. - I feel like if you're high, though, the last place you'd go to is a police station, though. Not that I've, uh... ^Kel.marie.williams says, Ryan, I'd just like for your to know that you're supposed to wear orange to not get shot out in the boonies, not a bright yellow vest with reflectors on it. Lmao, or laughing my ass off. - Lmao. I think it's kinda funny that there seems to be some dead-set rule, as if me wearing yellow, a hunter's gonna see me, goes, eh, not wearing orange. - Not orange. (laughing) - Just fuckin' blows me away anyway-- - That's not orange. - --'cause wear the wrong... If they shoot me because I'm wearing yellow, I don't think the vest would really mattered. - Yeah. Did you feel anything while you were out there? - I felt fear, but I feel fear everywhere. (laughing) When that pack of coyotes started howling... Holy shit. - Is that some coyotes? - Are you not fuckin' alarmed right now? I was very afraid. I did not want to be in the mouth of a coyote. - Oh no, that's scary. That, for me, I'm like, hell no. - And Shane was like, isn't this incredible? - [Curly] Oh no. - And I was like... That's when I knew, this man truly doesn't not feel fear. - No. - But, you know, I'll go rock climbing or something, but I'm gonna laugh in the face of a pack of coyotes-- - No. - --because I think, huh, maybe we'll die. - Although that would be a fun way to go, I think, a pack of coyotes. How did Curly go? He just fucking got eaten by a pack of coyotes. - That's... (laughing) - And they threw him in some orange soda. - Holy shit. That does it for this episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved: Postmortem. Make sure you send in your questions after you watch the next episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved and maybe you'll be on the next Postmortem. ^Send in those questions to the Buzzfeed Unsolved ^Facebook page and the Buzzfeed Unsolved Instagram page. Wow, that means this is actually the end of the episode. You don't have to sit through five minutes of the musings of a madman, a grown man talking about little food creatures traveling through space. That's what we've come to now, just... That's what's happening. - Aw, what a shame, baby. - And I'm actually angry that I'm even talking about it right now. In fact-- - You miss him. - Me talking about it right now means he's won, ^in a weird way, and I'm just realizing that, ^so you know what? ^Let's just cut this of before I do any more damage. (laughing) See you guys next time. - Bye guys! (laugh) (chill music)
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 1,043,861
Rating: 4.8922148 out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, Buzzfeed unsolved, Curly, HALLSC, K_fe, Moth, Mothman, Q+A, SffZ, West Virginia, case, cold case, cold-case, cookie, coyote, coyotes, creepy, creepypasta, crime, criminal, d57R, demon, detective, detectives, eerie, evaT, ghost, haunted, hot dog, investigate, investigation, investigative, monster, mystery, paranormal, pizza, questions, ryan, ryan bergara, rzMf, scary, shane, shane madej, spooky, strange, supernatural, theories, theory, true crime, unexplained, unsolved, unsolved mystery, weird, woods
Id: iAec1c7GpRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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