Change Is An Inside Job

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Romans chapter 12 is where we're gonna go today if you'll put it up on the screen that would be great Romans chapter 12 and the second verse [Music] the Bible says to us don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking instead fix your attention on God you'll be changed somebody shall change you'll be changed from the inside out that's it don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking instead fix your attention on God set your affection on him and you will be changed from the inside out look to your neighbor on the right and say neighbor change is an inside job turn to your other neighbor say neighbor change is an inside job father today we honor you would thank you for your word we thank you for the opportunity to be in this place to hear it now anoint me God to declare what you want this house to hear when it's all said and done I'll give you the glory and the honor and all of the praise belongs to you in Jesus name somebody shout Amen on your way down to your seat hit somebody again tell him change it is an inside job I am the kind of person that loves clarity anybody like me you like clarity I pretty much can can can fulfill an assignment as long as I clearly understand what it is that you want me to do I don't like to assume I would rather ask questions some people would rather not ask questions and they assume and they get it wrong but I'm the type of person that even if I get on your nerves I'm gonna ask questions ask questions because I don't want to second-guess and I don't want to assume and I don't want to come short and I don't want to build something that you do not want built so I'm going to ask a lot of questions because I like I like to succeed I like success I like accuracy I like certainty I like precise exactness and I like understanding the Bible Center and all that you're getting get understanding once I get to the place where I clearly understand a thing it is at that place I lock in and I lock in hard when I clearly understand I'm gonna lock in hard sometimes I lock in so hard to a thing that I end up locking myself out of what it could potentially become or what it could potentially evolve into all of that being said as I began to come out of 2018 and step in into 2019 I found myself asking myself a series of questions questions that went something like this what if I am the person that I don't think I am what if I really am the person that I never really thought I was for example what if I really am a person that has confidence and the doubtful person that has tried to tell me I am doubtful all of my life has been lying to me okay are you following me what if I am sure but I've lived my entire life feeling as if I am unsure think about all I might have missed I'm asking myself all of these questions think maybe I what what if I am brave and I've lived my entire life fearful because I just thought I was fearful but in reality I breathe I told myself for years I was fearful so because I told myself I was fearful I didn't walk in the bravery that God had given me to walk into what if I have lived as an indecisive person all of my life frustrating everybody around me because I didn't think I had the power to make a good decision what what if the script really flipped in your head what if the narrative that you have been speaking to yourself about by some chance was wrong what if you've been telling yourself your whole life I don't know how to hear god I can't hear God but the truth of the matter is you actually do hear God and you hear him better than most people you have a preconceived idea of what God is gonna sound like him because because his voice may not sound exactly like your preconceived idea you don't think that you're hearing God hello or you think you can hear God in a B C D and E but you cannot hear God in f g a b c d e f g a I'm sorry I had to get you to get that straight I lost what just what if what if you ever had you are what if you've lived 60 years thinking you were one way but in reality God has been all along the way trying to tell you that it's not who you are and you wasted your whole life think about that I was thinking about that I am thinking about that I've asked myself so many questions um I was thinking god I know I can hear you in this and I know I can hear you in that but something in me holds back over in this area because I'm waiting for somebody else to say what you're saying and then I'll confirm it it'll leap inside of me but the truth of the matter is I already heard it because you told me you know what I mean and and and I have discovered that the day I stopped believing I could not hear him was the day I began believing that I could that that was the day God is not as difficult to hear as we want to make it out for him to be my question to you today is what narratives are going on what narratives are you telling yourself that need to change because they are not the narrative that God wants you to tell yourself what what what flip what script do you need to flip in order to fulfill the destiny that God has called you to do what changes do you need to make could it be is it is it by any way possible that the things that you have dreamed about the things that you have envisioned the things that you are passionate about the things that you are longing for the things that that you are hoping for some of them you have not even told anybody anything about could it be that they can never ever ever happen until you become the person that the dream requires you to become think about that you have this dream you have this this thing that causes you to tick it sure it's your passion but it seems like it it never ever manifests could it be because God is waiting on you to become the person that the dream is requiring you to be in order to fulfill the dream hello well I'm just waiting on God pastor Brady I'm just I'm just waiting and and I'm waiting on God because I got to dream but God is going to make it all come to pass really God is gonna do it he's gonna do it for me seriously let me tell you let me tell you something today that I have discovered that God will do many things for you he will be many things to you he'll be a father to you when you're fatherless he'll be a mother to you when you're motherless he'll be a friend anybody had him be all those things he'll be a friend to you when you are friendless but the one thing that he will not be to you is he will not be your tailor okay he will not be your tailor he will not tailor down the suit of your destiny to fit the person that you are but rather he requires that we grow up to the place in him where we can fulfill it have you ever seen a little boy an image of a little boy and maybe I can get this for me for the next service an image of a little boy in a big old suit that's overgrown his sleeves are down here and his pants are all bunched up and his shoulders I hanging off I mean he is just a kid but he's in his dad's suit everybody has at one time another seen something like that I'm trying to give you the visual of it today that suit is not going to be reduced down to the size of the boy the boy has to grow up into the size of the suit have you ever seen anybody that was wearing something way too tight for them this flip the opposite side is true to some of your words no one like us I'm your pastor I love you be nice pastor the suit does not is not going to shrink down so that it fits you properly I mean it's not gonna grow up so that it fits you properly you are going to have to shrink down look at somebody next to you and tell them your growth is dependent on you what do you mean I mean if your destiny is bigger than you are you have to grow your following me if your destiny is bigger than you if the shoes of your destiny are bigger than your feet then your feet have got to grow in order to fill out the shoes so that you can stay with with with assurance God is not in the business of downsizing destiny you understand that today I said God is not in the business of downsizing destiny but God is in the business of upsizing people well look at somebody and tell them this is your year to grow now some people some people haven't embraced their destiny because they are waiting on God to bring it down to their level that is not going to happen let me say let me say it again God is not going to create a destiny for you and reduce it down to the level that you are okay he's not gonna do that you will miss it before he does that the flip side to that is some people are not obtaining their destiny they're not seeing it they're not reaching it they're not they're not a laying hold to it because they are too big for their britches okay they're too full of pride they're too full of arrogance and God is waiting for you to decrease he's waiting for you to humble yourself under the mighty hand of God because he says you you think that you are better than what you are but I either way I came to tell you today if you are planning to fit into your future then things that I've got to change I've got to change on your end and they're not going to change on God's here okay they won't change on God's and they got to change on our in and all of that being said the distance between you and your destiny is called change I want you to see it the distance between where you are and where you are destined to be is called what and as your pastor I came to talk to you to tell you that where you are and and where you are going I can talk to you about that all the time let me show it like this I can talk to you about that some of the time but I can't always talk to you about where you are and about where you're going and not talk about where where you're not okay and I've got to talk about where you're not sometimes in hopes of helping you to ultimately gird yourself up and start moving toward the place that God wants you to be between where you are and where you want to be it may be a huge gap and that huge gap could frighten you sometimes it's a gap like uh what is the big park in Colorado my mind is blank right now Grand Canyon y'all mine was blink - Grand Canyon sometimes the gap between you and your destiny can feel like the Grand Canyon and you can be standing there on the lip of the Grand Canyon and and and if you're not careful you might say the distance is so hard it's so far there's so much that I would have to cover there's so much that I would have to change there's so much that I would have to strategize and when you look at the hurdles that you have got to overcome to reach destiny or even if you look at the mess that has come up in your life as as Rick in regards to the seeds that you sold yesterday when you're looking at all of that and and then yet you're also looking at things that life is throwing at you sometimes it can be scary and sometimes it can be tempting to just stay where you are anybody ever been there I've been there why should I kill myself going out there and trying to get a gold medal when it would be possible for me to just chill out where I am and go home with the bronze why would I take the risk if I stay I can go home with the bronze why go out there and kill myself take a risk of not winning it and and then go home or or two just keep doing what I'm always doing and go on with the bronze here's the problem if you are destined to wear the gold who and you choose to settle for the bronze I said if you're destined to wear the gold if you are destined to go a bit further if you are destined to reach higher if you are destined to go beyond the average person and you decide to stay there and just wear the bronze metal then one day you will have to stand before the God that gave you your potential and I promise you that when you stand there and start making excuses as to why you didn't go for the gold he is not going to be impressed when he finds out you did not maximize your potential look at somebody and tell him you got potential for the gold okay I'm talking future but let me talk right now some of you are trying are not trying right now to even become all that God has told you you're not trying right now to reach that place in your destiny and and and you're saying well well it's just easier my circumstances are against me and and all of those things and get me tell you something God is not listening to that now any more than he's gonna listen to it then you know why because to whom much is given much is required you might not have to go after the bronze but the person next to you go after the globe with the person next to you might have been given so much that they have to go for the gold and so for you it's okay to just be a bronze but the person next to you is gonna be a failure if they go home with the bronze because they were destined to go for the gold are y'all listen me today many many many people believe that the distance between where you are and where you should be will just automatically close when the right person gets in it gets in your life and they put the right oil on your head and the anointing falls on you from the top of your head to the soles of your p.a feet up with with Bishop shakes lays his hand on me the gap that is in that that is there is going to immediately close immediately this is a bit of breaking news for you God doesn't bridge the gap that's between you and your destiny that is not God's job that is your job and you are going to have imagined this you're gonna have to show up in your old life in order to bridge that gap and the way that you get there the way that you get the gap bridged it is all dependent upon one word somebody say one word this one word is it's not it's not gonna excite you it's not gonna cause you to feel chill bumps running down your body it's not gonna cause you to say oh there's an anointing on that word there's an anointing but I promise you that one word will move you from where you are over to where you need to be and then one word is called change somebody shall change and this house shall be known as the epicentre of change I cannot get over it I hear it over and over in my spirit that's why I'm preaching about change that's why I'm talking about change somebody shout change if you don't this is what I'm gonna tell you today if you don't like the way your life is going slap somebody and tell them to change it you didn't say that with power tell them change it change is a gift that has been given to you by God hear me today Church chain is a gift that has been given to you by God and he did not give the gift of change to everything he created animals do not have the gift to change born a dog I'm old I know you understand plants do not have we're not given the gift to change insects we're not given the gift to change fish were not given the gift to change birds were not given the gift to change no other species receive the gift to change other than human beings so you got exactly what it takes to change and if you don't like your life you got the power to change it if you don't like yourself you've got the power to change it animals cannot do anything with the fact that that that they are what they are because they were not given the gift that is called change so I'm telling you today that have been given that gift stop waiting on God to change you and start changing yourself because he is not coming down and closing the gap you are gonna have to change until little by little that gap begins to close and you embrace what God has destined you to embrace let me tell you something you're not clapping good and here's why because our particular brand you know of Christianity Pentecostal charismatic brand of Christianity has taught us that we can escape the responsibility of change Oh No God's gonna do that in my life no he's not hello he can do it if he wants to but for the most part he ain't gonna do it he saved you everything he's already done everything he's done for you is already done when he hung on the cross and he cried it is finished it was finished so we have this we have this mentality in our particular brand of religion that we can escape the responsibility of change and it's not on us but it's on God so we cry and we whine and we complain we blame our leaders we blame our parents we blame our past hello we blame the community were raised in we blame the person who violated us when we were younger so we blame them and we say we are victims and I get that when people did some things to you that they should not have done to you the first time that they did it you were a victim but if you keep reliving that you're no longer a victim you are a volunteer hello look at somebody tell them you've got to let that stuff go when you start using all of that stuff that happened to you yes you're right you weren't victimized but at some point when you bring Jesus into your heart you've got to say I am no longer you know what the devil wants you to keep saying you're a victim because victims don't have power to change and as long as you tell yourself I'm a victim I'm a victim then you will not have the power to change but when you tell yourself I'm the head and not the tail I can't change I will change he gave me the gift called change look at somebody tell him use it use it use it use it but passive ready if you know where I come from you would understand why I cannot change no I wouldn't I'm gonna tell you today yes you can change somebody tell your neighbor yes you can change the power to change is inside of you it does not matter how dysfunctional it doesn't matter how broke it doesn't matter how sad it doesn't matter how void it does not matter how tragic that your life has been because when you open up your heart and you let Jesus come in he came in with the power to change your life he came in and gave you the gift of the power to change and it is not something you have to pray for or that you have to fast for that you have to sow seeds for it is something that you already possess and the devil wants to keep that a secret but I'm pulling the lid off of his secret today and I'm letting you know that you have already got the power to change it's already in you and the only thing you got to do to activate it is to own it look at somebody say own it own it own it you have been given the power today right now right here at the potter's house North you have got the but not in the future not in heaven not in the sweet by and by but you got the power right now to change anything you don't like about your life you got the power to change it and it is offensive to God when he sees his children who he gave the power to change not change because they are waiting on somebody else to do it for them it's a it's like if you as a parent gave your child $20 and said here stick that in your pocket when you go through the lunch line you buy your lunch and then you find out that your child did without lunch because they stood there waiting for somebody to buy their lunch it'll make you angry it'll make you frustrated because why because I empowered you to buy your own lunch why in the world would you stand there and naughty waiting on somebody else to do it for you when I gave you the power to do it yourself God is the same way when we sit and we cry and we wring our hands and we'll all stress out about things that need to change but we don't make the slightest effort to make those things change that is offensive to the Father who gave you the power to change [Applause] here's the problem we don't know the greatness of the power of God that is inside of us because if we knew the greatness I said if we knew the greatness we would lock into that that great the greatness of that power but see when you don't know the greatness of the power that you have in you then you have a tendency to look for health help in other forms you have a tendency to wait at the lunch line hoping that somebody else is gonna say here let me buy your lunch okay you look for when you don't know the power that you mean you don't know you got the money in your pocket when you don't know you got the substance in your pocket or you choose to ignore that you've got the substance in your pocket you end up trying to look for help or empowerment from other forms the nicotine addict looks for power to make it through by what looking for nicotine the crack addict looks for power to make it through his situation by looking for crack the alcoholic looks for power to make it through his situation or her situation by looking for alcohol because they are looking for something to cope with in life but if you ever encounter the greatness of God's power you will no longer need all of these lesser powers in your life to help you make it because the lesser powers can no longer hold you captive when you come face-to-face with the greatness of God's power for if the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwell in you it shall quicken your mortal bodies slap somebody on both sides and tell him you already have the power to change and if you ever find yourself removed or separated from the path that your destiny is on tell your neighbor just change just change just change if your life outwardly is not reflecting what you know God has spoken to you in wordly then you have to be the one that says I am going to close the gap between these two dual dueling things going on in my life and I'm gonna do it by deciding to change this room today is filled with great great life's who have chosen to change but I do want to tell you just as a disclaimer just because he's given you the power to change don't think that change is inexpensive because it's very expensive and the one word that best describes the people who give up on change because it is too costly is the word that is called regret so many people are living a life filled with regret because they just keep going in circles see regret will keep you going in circles and you won't even realize you're going in circles everybody around you can see it but you can't see it yourself going interest certain circles regretting the marriage that didn't work regretting the child that you didn't get to raise regretting the education that you didn't get regretting the the the business that you that you wanted to open but you never really were able and you're so busy going in circles of regret but if you would just stop for a minute and say God if you put this idea in me you've also put a plan in me and I can't help where I've been but I'm determined to help where I'm going so wake up every sleeping thing that is inside of me because if you don't I'm telling you if you continue to live your life riddled with regret there will be a possibility that the price of regret is going to cost you more than the price of change I preach it better than yelling clapping but it's okay but it's gonna cost you either way so if you if it's gonna cost you you might as well buy something you won't rather than by spending you're spending it on stuff that you don't want not that living a life without change isn't costly because it is but either way it's gonna cost you and it's least expensive the least expensive way is to go ahead and lean into change and the choice is up to you tell somebody the choice is yours you're either gonna pay the cost of change or you're gonna pay the cost of regret so I'd counsel you today hello as a woman in her late 30s late late late okay forties all right my legs it is I counsel you today do not live with regret it is an expensive hobby I said regret is an expensive hobby and it is the cruelest jailer that you will ever serve time under it is so much easier to change I want you to reach over and touch at least four people stretch if you have to but tell them you have got to change change you got you an old-fashioned Bible word for change Bible word imagine that an old fashioned by the word for change it's not used very often today it is it is not in style it is not trending it is not popular it is a word it's not a word that you are going to see people sitting around the table at Starbucks sipping their coffee talking about and it might be a word that is actually offensive to you but I'm gonna tell you whether it's offensive or not there are some words that we cannot surrender to this generation or to to the world system whether it we can't just surrender them because they're not cool of that not not trending or that or they're not politically correct this word is one of those words that we cannot just let go of and it is the word called repent hello it's the word called repent okay I know you haven't done it in a long time but I'm gonna ask you to look at the person next to you with the authority that you have in the kingdom and tell them you need to repent how uncomfortable was that it was uncomfortable and it was awkward because we associate the word repent with sin related issues I said we associated the word repent with sin related issues so you may have thought I can't tell them to repent I don't know they've got hitting sin issues going on in their life but I'm gonna tell you if we continue to only associate the word repent with sinners then we don't even have a clue what the word repent means because repent means Metanoia which means to change it means to turn yourself around that's what it means somebody say it means change we've associated the word repent with huge moral failures but I'm telling you repent is not a one-time thing it is an ongoing word repent is a working word and we need to make sure that we carry the word repent over into the next generation are you hearing me I heard somebody say the other day that repentance is the mines mutiny against past governments unless I'm oh say it again y'all just think about I think about it repentance is the mines mutiny against past government it is the Mont repentance is the mines revolt it is the mines science against past regimes against past dictators do y'all hear me that thing that used to sit in your mind and dictate to you and tell you to do this and tell you the slip and do that and tell you to sit over here tell you to mess up over there no repentance is saying I refuse to live any longer under the habits under the predictions under the tendencies under the practices under the patterns of the way that I used to live look at somebody and tell them I dare you to change and let me tell you right now change does not begin in your circumstances change begins in your mind hear me today Church change tell somebody it begins in your mind the Bible said my soul has escaped the snare of the Fowler your soul is your mind so what that scripture means is my mind has gotten out of the trapped that was laid for me if you can get your mind out it won't be but a matter of time until your body look at somebody and tell them come out of it come out of it come out of it come out of it [Applause] [Music] it begins in your mind and because a lot of people don't see it change in their circumstances then they give up on change but let me tell you what change is change is like an antibiotic the first one that you take may not immediately make you feel well but if you'll t keep following the directions and take all of them come on y'all you remember your mama saying don't stop halfway you take that I feel better I don't care you take all of them cuz they're gonna go to the root of what is wrong with you [Applause] somebody say God get to the roots in my life if you keep taking them and if you'll be obedient to the one that prescribed them to you eventually you will get well not just better see a lot of people settle for better I don't want to be better I want to be well I want to be right I don't want to be better I want to be right hello you keep taking them eventually you made you you won't know which pill actually crossed you over from the land of the dead to the land of the living but because you kept making the decision to be consistent [Applause] your circumstances began to change see when you first make up your mind to change it doesn't always feel like it's working anybody know that's why we give up on New Year's resolutions because we want it we made up my mind but we want to see it in our circumstances so because we don't see a change in our circumstances then we want to just forget about changing but whether it looks like it or not whether it looks like change is happening or not you have got to know that the very moment that you made up your mind to change the very minute that you flip the script and said I refuse to live like this another day in my life death was the beginning and that was the birth thing of massive change it wasn't when your circumstance started to change it was when your mind changed tell your neighbor change your mind and you can change your life because change doesn't work on the outside it doesn't work from the outside in it works from the inside tell somebody else how the inside shop okay so whenever you whenever you want anybody ever watch those documentaries that people that go from rags to riches you take an Oprah you think you take if you if you watch her story her life if you're looking at I'll Perry he said I slept in my car you know I was so broke I slept in my car you take a Steve Harvey he's got even a more sad story he slept his car he lived in his car all of those all of the people that you wouldn't today you could never look at him and know that that's how they used to be they went from great poverty to great wealth and it all started when they changed their mind somewhere way back then where there were no cameras there were no lights there were no fanfares there was absolutely nothing nothing but a mutinous thought that thought said I am born for more than this and I refuse to spend my life another day living life I'm living at first they only thought it then they started telling themselves you better than this you ain't got to live like this and once they started believing it then they started telling everybody that was around them and the more you say it the more your life turns or repents or goes in another direction poverty has me going this way but when I win it dawns on me I am born for more than this and I make that I repent make the decision to change and I start walking in the direction of what I am professing that is when the gap between me and there begins to close up the reason circumstances don't change quickly is because circumstances are huge and the steps you are making are very little and because of that change doesn't happen quick and so people throw in the towel but I want you to just prophesy to one person and tell them you will win if you don't quit well one of the greatest tactics of the enemy when it comes to our marriages is that he wants to convince us that the come we got a bad marriage he wants us to be convinced that our commitment to change is actually a waste of time this is not working this is a waste of time but listen you didn't get in that shape overnight I know who I'm talking to today but I'm talking to someone maybe it's somebody online nobody here you did not get in that shape overnight and guess what you all heard it you ain't gonna get out of it overnight either but if you will be more committed to the process then you are committed to the circumstance I need somebody that's had to practice that the holla amen if you'll be more committed to the process then you are committed to the circumstance you will eventually see the fruit of your commitment can somebody say man turn yourself in the direction of where you want to be tell every circumstance I see you I know you I know you're there but I am moving in that direction turn in the direction that you want to go and tell somebody keep moving keep moving I don't care what the circumstance says keep moving move in the direction of change and do not stop until you get there because if you stay committed to moving eventually you will realize I've come too far I can't go back now hit somebody and tell him you didn't bring me this far to leave me it's like when you're standing in the water you're standing in a swimming pool and you are on one side but you want to get to the other side if you will just steady keep your pace and take what is blocking you from being here to being there take what is in front of you push it behind you one handful at a time then eventually you will get to the other side tell somebody around you you're about to cross over you are about to cross over put it behind you one handful at a time put it behind you and make up in your mind I'm too far now tell somebody I ain't going back I go back Hey back your life and your circumstances will not change overnight but if you will stay committed to the process the process I promise you will eventually bring you into a harvest look at somebody tell him give it some time give it some time the seed that you plant today I said the seed that you plant today that nobody sees will eventually come up in time now y'all with me sit down for a minute harvest takes time you know something else takes time prosperity prosperity takes time prosperity is another another one of those words those Bible words that they're not going out of style that people are afraid to talk about look at somebody and say prosperity takes time okay so however it takes time but I tell you the moment that you decide to live a prosperous life on the inside is the moment that you began moving toward prosperity what do you mean passive ready I mean this the day that you decide no longer to harbor bitterness is the day you move toward prosperity the day you decide not to harbor resentment anymore is the day that you began moving toward prosperity the day that you say unforgiveness you have got me for the last time I put you under my feet that is the day that you began moving toward prosperity the day that you decide no longer to allow your flesh to control you the day that you decide okay I'm too old to get this man my blood pressure is gonna go up and I'm gonna end up having us throat I'm too old to be filled with so much anger I still have it in me but I have made a decision that I'm gonna bring that stuff down and put it under mine the day that you decide to stop throwing temper tantrums and unless you're - you better not be throwing temper tantrums anyway cuz you make yourself look like an idiot but the day that you decide the very moment that you decide I ain't giving myself to that anymore I ain't yielding myself to pornography anymore I'm not using myself to gossip I'm not yielding myself to being critical I'm not yielding myself to sowing discord I'm not yielding myself to being envious the day that you decide to do that is the moment that you began moving toward prosperity true prosperity is an inside job but once you start sowing outwardly what God is doing in you inwardly you set yourself in a cycle of blessings that nobody can do anything about because you will reap what you sow even if people don't want you to reap it don't get jealous over my blessin if you don't so what you can't grow it I said if you know so much you can't grow it but I sold it so guess what I'm gonna grow it that is a biblical promise and it may not happen today and it may not happen tomorrow but eventually if you sow and you will grow it the seed that you plant today that says I am going to change it may not be visible to the natural eye it may not be perceivable by other people that are around you but if you plant it anyway it will eventually go from being a seed into being a harvest what is a seed anyway a seed is potential a seed is possibility a seed is fruit that is in disguise if I had tomato seeds in my hand you wouldn't be able to look at him and see a tomato but he hidden up under that seed I said hidden up under the skin hidden up under the layers is a potential that has been put in there by God to grow tomatoes help me Jesus see our seed is not immediately known but if you can hold on to it it will eventually unveil the mystery of the fruit if you will hold on to that see when you understand that then you live your life with a rake in one hand and a hole in the other because you're digging out all of the mess that's there and you're breaking back over your possibilities just always you get out of there I got possibilities that are in the ground I got a seed that's in the ground no I'm kicking around and I preached about that last flip I'm kicking around there because I am gonna watch my seed turn into a harvest if stand there and fight I'll fight look at somebody as they protect your possibilities in 2019 you have to protect your possibilities so anything that threatens your planting anything that threatens your potential anything that threatens your purpose anything that threatens your growth you look at that thing say you got to go you got to get out of my life I better keep my seed is the right soil I got to keep my seat in the right climate I got to keep my seed exposed to the right nutrients and the right of mallow amount of water because I eventually expected Shannon I'm almost done who does anybody know you about to see a harvest anybody anybody been planting anything let me tell you this the day that I became generous was not the day that I sold a big seed into God's kingdom no that was not today the day that you become generous it's not the day that you saw a big seed into the church it is the day that you decide whatever you bless me with God I'm gonna share what you blessed me with and I'm gonna sew it into your kingdom and I'm not just talking about money okay I'm talking about generosity you can be generous through serving if you come in here and serving but you're mad about serving you just lost your reward cuz you're not generous you're selfish and so we need you to sit down if you come in here and you say well I don't think we should do this and I don't think we should do that number one if that's number one that's the wrong way to come at me okay cuz that's gonna get you absolutely nowhere if the system we have set up if the structure that we have set up is set up you got to come in and flow in the structure hello any other way you're out of order if you think I'm wrong are you saying you're beyond being wrong absolutely not but if you think I'm wrong pray for me that's your job pray for me don't talk about me don't buck the system the system is in place because that's what we feel is right and when you buck the system you're you're you're rebellious and that rebellion is gonna come back to hurt you more than it is to help you I don't know why I said all that but there you go and one in my notes hello the day I became generous the day you become generous it will not be the day that you can sew and write a check for a hundred thousand dollars into the pomace house north that's not the day it was the day that you made up in your mind and said God whatever you bless me with I'm gonna be able I'm gonna be ass or I'm gonna be I won't be generous with my time I'm gonna be generous through serving I'm gonna open my home up I'm gonna cook a meal for somebody I'm gonna find out who just had a baby and I'm gonna take them dinner for a couple nights that's how you become generous I see somebody that's discouraged I'm gonna become generous and I'm gonna provide them with some encouragement see the tool you got everything in you you got for a reason whatever somebody needs you have it in you so I'm gonna dig into my encouragement and I'm gonna provide encouragement to somebody I'm gonna tutor somebody's child that's failing in math I get it I understand it so I'm gonna take time to be a tutor to help somebody and I'm gonna become a teacher to somebody that don't know the way generosity is sharing on the level let me say it right generosity is sharing on the level of where you are and not necessarily on the level you want to be on did y'all get it generosity is making a decision I'm gonna share on the level where I met even though I'm not where I want to be yet I'm gonna share on this level I would love to get up in the light and so a hundred thousand dollars into the parking lot but since I'm not there yet I'm gonna keep sowing my thousand dollars and I'm gonna keep sowing not ten thousand dollars and I'm go so my hundred dollars I'm going I'm gonna close the gap by sharing on the level I am on because the Bible tells us that a generous person will prosper but it does not necessarily say that a prosperous person will be generous ceylon a generous person will prosper the Bible says that but it does not say that a prosperous person will ultimately become generous so if you are waiting to prosper in order to be generous then you will miss the mark prosperity and generosity is a decision that you can make right now you don't have to wait till you get a paycheck you don't have to wait till you get a job you can say right now I switch it and I change it in my mind I'm making a decision to be prosperous and a decision to be generous and then you begin to live your life in the direction of the choice that you are making look at somebody say live in that direction living that door soon I have laid hands on people countless times when I was sick in my own body my circumstance was saying you're gonna be late ends how nobody you can't even get healing for yourself you don't need to pray for anybody but I decided I decided that I couldn't wait on my circumstances to line up with what God has said would for sure happened or with what God has called me to do so I brought myself I couldn't wait but my circumstances to give me permission to do what God had called me to do he said you will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover my circumstances says you got a fever yourself I am NOT waiting on my circumstances to say okay now you can go you have got to take charge of your circumstances or your circumstances will take charge of you you've got to change any you got you've got to change you got you you gotta say to them you have no right you have no authority and I'm gonna keep what doing what I'm doing whether my central situation or my circumstances change or not some of you are in debt right now and you would like to get out but the gap between where you are and being debt-free is huge and it seems insurmountable so you decide I'm never gonna get there and you go ahead and buy something on credit anyway I know it's quiet I didn't expect you to say man you know it's bad when you can hear the people at home say Amen louder hello so you just decide that's onion on there don't get out of my cell just get what I won't anyway let me tell you something you will never be able to serve your destiny well if you are always in debt you cannot be under financial pressure 24/7 trying to figure out how more obturator to pay Paul and still be able to focus on fulfilling my destiny okay are y'all anybody say Amen right there know that whatever it is that's causing you to do that has got to change and how does it change it changes by making a change here making another little change there making another little change over there making another little change over here followed by another little change over there and another little change over here and if you keep doing all of these little changes day-in and day-out you will find yourself freeing up from a life of financial bondage is it easy no is it costly yes because all change is costly there I'm almost so embracing destiny maximizing your potential it is going to cost you it will be costly one of the worst things that you can do I'm taking one of the worst things you can do is go shopping in the store of Destiny and pick out a big one that you can't afford and people do it all the time oh I want to be like him oh I want to be just like that when the truth is you can't afford that [Music] and you sometimes you might have a tendency to go into the store and say oh I know that ain't worth that much let me just switch the price tag I'm talking today I'm saying something today well that's already no goodwill it ain't worth all that I'll just I just wait till the girls on sale destinies don't go say hello they cost what they cost you can't just say I want this destiny but I only want to pay this price for it no put it back put it back because it costs what it calls and you'd be better to get what you can pay for than should try to get something that you don't have the ability to pay for you ever went into the grocery store years ago when my kids were little later just to go in the grocery store we were a family of five and I had $35 a week to buy groceries and I use cloth diapers okay so I'd go into the grocery store I'd have a little calculator some people still do that still do that going to the grocery store and you have to bring it up as you go but sometimes I found myself getting to the checkout and realizing that it was a little more than I thought it was so I'd have to say just put that back anybody ever had to just say the painful part of it was when you need everything [Applause] it's not like I was trying to get luxurious things I needed a laundry detergent but I can't afford it because I had to buy food because I had to feed my family so I realized I can't afford everything in my cart so I had to determine what I could live without and I did that enough times to make up in my mind I don't like living like that [Applause] there were times that somebody would hop behind me would say no no no here I'll get that for you just just keep it on there keep it on I'll pay for it it was a miracle but but I'm gonna be honest I don't like living my life at the mercy of a miracle some of y'all lost faith in me right there but I don't like to live like that I believe in miracles but I don't want to live my life depending upon them because they are too few and far between and I think that the reason that they are like that is because God didn't want me living and believing that that was the way I should fix my problem would you play something so they did it so God would be like okay I'm not giving this to you this thing to this thing I gave it to you then occasionally he'll give you a miracle a miracle here a miracle there but there's a whole lot of gap in between and the reason I think it's like that is because God says Cheryl that's not I can fix it I have the power to fix it but I don't want to keep fixing it like that because I've David I've given you the power and you can fix it hello so you know what I did officially I woke I allowed myself to say yes to the calling of God that was on my life and God began to open up things in my life that I was sitting around waiting for him to do it he opened up the opportunity I worked the opportunity and the opportunity yielded increased to me and I no longer had to go through the grocery store putting things back I finally something switched in my head and I said that idea that a right that ain't right I'm tired of living like this I'm tired of putting back things I'm me it's embarrassing to put back things it's inconvenient cuz everybody that's in line knows what you're doing and they just want you to get out of their way and so I decided since I can't change the price on the item all the things that I need that I was just gonna keep believing keep changing keep sharpening my gift until my gift made rules for me until I grew to the point where I could pay the full price for whatever I needed he didn't say Cheryl I'm gonna change the prices on the things that I know you need hidden do it he said but if you if you'll just go back now and start growing a little if you'll stop waking up and looking at the resources that I've put inside of you you'll find out that you have everything you need to get everything you need look at somebody and tell them change is an inside job
Channel: Sheryl Brady
Views: 47,029
Rating: 4.8390579 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Sheryl Brady, Sheryl Brady, The Potter's House of North Dallas
Id: 13k_sDIZI6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 47sec (4127 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 01 2019
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