Making a Decision to Change Your Default

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go with me to the book of Hebrews if you're able to stand on your feet join us today as we read the word of the Lord if you're not able just keep your seat don't feel bad about it I totally get it but if you're able at standing let's honor God for his word thank you to all our ministers and our elders and deacons and children's workers we're blessed in this church look at somebody tell him we a real church the Lord has blessed us Hebrews this way we're going to go if you will today and we're gonna go to the twelfth chapter I was reading this in my Bible last night and literally ripped it out my Bible so I'm going on I had to clip it together but hebrews chapter 12 and i'm gonna begin reading at the eleventh verse and the Bible says now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present but painful nevertheless afterward thank God that there even isn't afterward that one verse right there helps just that mean that one word right there helps the entire verse nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it therefore strengthen the hands which hang down and the feeble knees and make straight paths for your feet so that what is lame may not be dislocated but rather be healed pursue peace with all people and a holiness somebody shout holiness we don't hear that word a whole lot in the church but it's in the Bible so we need to hear it in the church but pursue peace and all people and holiness without which no man will see the Lord looking carefully lest anyone falls short of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble and by this many become defiled lest there be any fornicator oh if I didn't lose you over bitterness and holiness I've lost you now for sure lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau who for one morsel of food sold his birthright for you know that afterward when he wanted to inherit the blessing he was rejected for he found no place for repentance though he sought it and he didn't just seek for it he started diligently with tears he wanted his inheritance he was supposed to have his inheritance it was laid up for him it was his but he didn't get it he didn't get it even though he repented and he cried for it he failed to inherit it all because he was hungry today I want to by the grace of God just work with this text a little bit and I want to talk to you about making a decision to change your default look at somebody and say decide to change your default it's a decision decide it's not about the tears you cry diesel hello it's about a decision to change your default father today I honor you for your word and I don't even know what all you're gonna say in here today but I know that we're hungry and we're waiting somebody's thirsty somebody's been reaching somebody's been praying somebody's been saying God I need a word from you I've got situations in my life that I need to see change I need to see growth in certain areas and so today we've laid aside every weight and we've come into the house and we've integer gates what Thanksgiving or we've come before your courts with praise we blessed you we've honored you we sang your praises today we're positioning ourselves to hear Lord they need more than what Cheryl can say they need to hear what God would have to say thank you for speaking to all of us and yet being able to say something different to each of us at the same time you are amazing like that and we will forever give your name the praise and glory in Jesus name as a matter of fact we're gonna give you some of it in advance right now come on clap your hands and and just thank him right now well think about think about your favorite meal being laid in front of you and tell him thank you in advance in Jesus name on your way down touch somebody and tell him you got to change it default [Music] change your default I'm gonna get quickly into the Word of God because I want to be able to give you what is all on my heart if the Lord says the same but the writer in this book is warning us and he's telling us and he's giving us a heads up about the discipline of God we often talk about the love of God the grace of God the kindness of God but the same God that loves us that extends grace to us and kindness is also a God that brings discipline to those of us who are his children he is telling us that as we say yes to the correction of God that this legitimizes our place in the family of God if you can't say yes to God and he cannot correct you than you the Bible says that you were a bastard and you are not a son chastisement however sometimes children their their goal is to if I can just grow up if I can get 18 if I can become 21 I can get out of this house but they they have somewhere along the way failed in their understanding or we fail to help them understand that chastisement is not limited to childhood I said chastisement is not limited that some children grow up just wanting to get away from from home because they don't want anybody to correct them but it is our job to help them understand that the day of correction and the day of chastisement does not have an expiration date on it I don't care how grown that you get you will there will always be repercussions and there will always be consequences when we make mistakes and when we mess up and as a parent see I'm always wanting my children to know that I always I was always one that was quick to jump on everything I would take something little blow it up and make it big because I didn't want to have to face nothing being because I understood if I don't correct my children the judge will correct my children amen I understood that if I don't correct them that the courtroom will correct them I understood that if I didn't correct them the police officer would correct them and if the police offered it sir doesn't correct them the IRS will correct them but one way or another you never outgrow correction you don't escape the rules and you don't escape I said you don't escape the rules and you don't escape the consequences no matter who you are or no matter what your name is there are consequences when things are not done right and and a lot of people live their life trying to be the exception to the rule and that's fine you can do that all you want but I choose to major on the rule and should god give me an exception I would say thank you for that exception so touch somebody tell them just plan on doing doing it right just do it right life is easier if you just do it right I said life is easier if you just do it right God brings to the correction to our lives simply for one reason he brings correction to us because he loves us and the Bible says for those that the Lord loves he chastens I corrected my children I will correct my grandchildren for that very same reason simply because I love them I'll stop them from walking out in the middle of the road because they didn't look to the left or to the right because I don't want them one day walking out not looking in a car coming and knocking them out so I we correct our children and and I didn't want them and many times I corrected them because I didn't want them to be subjected to people who would correct them that didn't love them hey man so I would I would correct them the Bible said in Hebrews 12 chapter 11 that now know turning seems to be joyful for the present but it's painful nevertheless afterward it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it have you ever done anything in your life that you had to endure some correction let me see your hand don't lie in here okay have you met okay for those that didn't your raise your hand have you ever just had a stubborn streak in your life and you were like I'm gonna do that so help me God and you went after it God warned you the pastor warned you your mama warned you everybody warns you but you decide you were gonna go after and do it your way burger king how many ever done that yes so so we have had to have correction in our lives well the fact is that that when correction comes to us it is truly when correction from the Lord comes to us it is an announcement not not that that we are not God's child but it is an actual announcement that we are his child because if he did not love you and you were not his he would not be correcting you and the fact that the very fact that others can get away with doing things that you cannot get away with doing listen it probably means that you are marked by God it means you're chosen by God it means you've been set aside by God if you're like me I could never get by with anything I would always get caught I would get caught my momma would catch me my sisters would catch me somebody would catch me I always got caught I'm grateful that I got caught because it's helped make me who I am today because those that God loves he also chases now no chastening the Bible said seems to be joyful at the present I love how the message Bible says it it says now all discipline seems to be more pain than pleasure at the time see there are many ways all discipline it says but there are many ways that God will correct us no he doesn't come after us necessarily with a switch that he's pulled off of a tree and he's braided together he doesn't come after us with stuff like that but he can still correct us he will correct us he'll he'll bring emotional correction to our life he can bring financial correction to our life anybody ever had God say okay I'm getting ready to correct you financially hello he'll he'll do that he'll correct you he'll say now you know better than this my mom used to always say if you don't listen you're gonna feel you're gonna feel if you don't listen so God he may not be after us with a switch but he knows how to get it on money to get our attention he knows how to get in our relationships to get our attention so God God has the way of setting you in time out and when God is the one that sets you in timeout guess what all your prayer partners in the world are not gonna be able to to get you out of that timeout they can anoint you with oil they can prophesy over you they can do everything they can but when is and if it's the devil they can rebuke the devil but when it's god you can't rebuke God so you just got to stand still until God says okay you are done and when God is satisfied with your level of repentance he will unloose you he'll let you go but until then our hands are tied you know cuz you can't fight God all of all of the discipline seems to be more pain than pleasure at the time when you're in it that's what the Bible's talking about but later it will produce a transformation of your character somebody say character somebody say character counts so in other words when God gets through working on you and me he will correct that thing that's in us that continuously messes us up that makes us fall short of the glory that makes a lose time that threatens our purpose that threatens our destiny when God gets through working in us he will he will change that thing about us and I don't know about you all but I anybody have parents that corrected them lift your hands absolutely I thank God for my parents and I thank God that they corrected me I thank God that they got to the root of a whole lot of issues when old people weren't looking they got to the bottom of some issues it did not seem good at the time but the older I got I found myself loving them for the very things that I hated them for come on now it was painful at the time but guess what it's proven to be fruitful in my life now there comes a time that you get you you you you you get glad about it there are things that they corrected me before that I wasn't too happy about but I'm glad about it look at somebody tell him get glad about it get glad about it and if you love your children you correct them because they might not like it today but they'll thank you later he goes on and he says in verse 12 so strengthen the hands which hang low down which hang down and the feeble knees and make the paths for your feet in other words when I correct you don't walk around moping and whining and pouting and crying because you have been corrected just straighten yourself up lift up your hands straighten your pants and get your life together quit walking around like oh I'm just so sad I god it's just God closing in on my life don't be sad get glad get happy get your life together you have a play of places to go you have things to do you have targets to hit you have businesses as you got a build you've got families that you've got to raise there's a purpose for your life I said there's a purpose for your life and if God corrects you it's because he sees something in your future that you cannot see so you just stand there even if you hadn't have tears running down your face even if you falsely accused you stand there and say God I'll get every ounce of correction I can get out of it because you got something that you want to do in my life so I'm go straighten up now hey I won't lift them all strength in my hands I'm gonna strengthen my feeble knees and I'm gonna make up I'm gonna straighten my path I'm gonna create the patch for my feet so that that which is the lame he says in verse 13 may not be dislocated but rather let it be healed somebody say let it be healed don't let your brokenness get linger in you so long over your correction that you get off course and you stop pursuing your destiny take your medicine take your correction and let it be healed you have to make a decision okay I'm gonna be healed over that now I'm not gonna sit here and let that fester in me that I was corrected I'm just gonna say thank you and I'm gonna keep moving you gotta give yourself permission to recover some people refuse to recover they'd rather get bitter than better but you are the one that has to make that decision I don't want to be bitter I'd rather be better so you've gotta let it be healed and you gotta announce to yourself that's over now I said that is over now I've been broken I've been wounded I've been lamed I've been twisted I've been hurt I've been set back but I am gonna let this thing be healed now I'm getting beyond this I'm getting over this and I'm going to let it go wilt thou be made whole look at somebody and ask him will you be made whole Jesus has the man at the pool he asked him a question would seem like it was so unnecessary he asked him wilt thou be made oh I mean that's crazy to me because doesn't everybody that's lame want to be made whole I mean he's been sitting there in the same area for 38 years waiting for the angel to come once a year in trouble the waters so that he could get in obviously I would think that he wanted to be made whole surely he would not have hung out there had he not been expecting something to happen for him why would Jesus ask him when he was doing everything outwardly to be made whole why would Jesus ask him such a question well I got an answer for you because your outward actions do not always line up with your inner convictions you can come to church by coming to church doesn't make you a believer any more than going to McDonald's will make you a hamburger hello you got a hat there's two different things going on and you got an outward you've got outward actions but you've also got inward convictions and when your outward actions line up and sync up with your inward conviction convictions that's when God can release a miracle on your behalf there is a will factor I said there is a will factor to be considered look at somebody and tell him you gotta want it you gotta want it you gotta want it and you gotta want it so bad that you'll come into agreement with God and you'll get to the point where you'll say okay Lord though he slay me yet will I trust him do you want to be a hole or do you want to be sick that's just what I want to know today many times people will build a culture around their sickness they'll build a culture around their issues they'll build a culture around their lameness and it becomes their comfort zone and they build this little secret society around a dysfunction that they are secretly enjoying so outward they act like they want to be whole but they kind of like what's going on inwardly so they like that because then they can make up excuses that limit them from being made whole I'm preaching to somebody today I said a lot of people don't want to be whole because then they can make up excuses for the reason that they act like they act and then they had that secret society who enables them to act like they act don't be an enabler today no sir don't enable dysfunction lay hands on dysfunction and decree in the name of Jesus I break your stronghold from the top of your head to the sole of your feet I refuse to enable you to be dysfunctional some people like being broken because that means they can do what they want like they want to do it and then they can blame it on how they grew up hello that brokenness becomes your excuse for hatefulness it becomes your excuse for anger you're feeling you you gotta you it becomes your excuse to have 10 - temper tantrums and lay out in the floor and just go crazy it becomes your excuse for being compulsive for being excessive you can never just be content with what you got I preached about that last week about the conspirators contentment you can never become when you got that kind of a spirit you can never be uh you can never be happy over where you are and what you have you have you have a lack of discipline and you have and and we all have a look we have this aggression in us when when we're not whole I'm acting list like this because this is what I saw all my life I saw this model doubt in my family I saw my mom like this I saw my dad like this you know what but you are a new creature in Christ Jesus it's time for you now to change and go back and model to those that you love that there can be a different way I heard about a story of twins that were that these twins were born and they were raised by by an alcoholic father one of the twins grew up and he became an alcoholic just like his father did and so when they asked him why he was like he is he said because I was raised by an alcoholic the other twin when they asked him who had never put a drink of anything liquor to his mouth or any kind of alcohol to his mouth when they asked him why he was like he was he said because I was raised by an alcoholic so they both had the same answer Sheila Sheila you can decide to do it like it was done or you could have seen it enough to say that's it I never ever ever want to be like that a day in my life the decision is yours first 14 says pursue peace with all men and a holiness without which no man shall see the Lord what he's saying to us pursue peace with all people are all men what he's telling us right there is I want you to work on your relationships with people don't be so quick to to to want to fight people don't I want if you're gonna be quick with anything I want you to be quick to choose peace choose peace over contention choose peace over competition choose peace don't be so quick to be caught up in conflict wasting your time and wasting your energy over fighting with people over things that don't matter just take that what if Michelle Obama say when they go little we go high now that's something that she said in the campaign but it's something that we ought to live by every day when people come in with low blows we just need to go hiking low blows or for little people they're not for you they're not for people who know God they're not for the sons and the daughters of God pursue peace with all people you know what he's saying to us I want you working on your horizontal relationships I know you come to church every Sunday and you're working on your vertical relationship but God said I want you to go out of here and I want you to work on your horizontal relationships because when you when you win your vertical really you know don't be don't be trying to to tell me you are all deepen in all right and tight with God and and and then you go out here and you treat me like a dog you fussing at me you yelling at me hey but you're deep the devil is a liar when you're vertical relationship is right with God it will cause your horizontal relationships to be right as well you only go help me but I'm preaching anyhow how in the word you know why I say that because the scripture comes to my mind how in the world can you love but God whom you have not seen when you don't like the brother whom you see every day so the Bible says pursue peace with all people and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord I've heard I've heard holiness all of my life I was brought up in that kind of church I was brought up it went where they would preach holiness a hill you its holiness are you going you're gonna bust hell wide open yeah yes anybody grow up like that idea and it would be like you better get right or get out you better get right are you gonna be left yeah it was it was all that kind of stuff I was brought up on that type of teaching I was brought up on things like unholiness teaching the problem with it which I don't I'm grateful for what how I was brought up because once again I majored on the rule and I found out that there were some exceptions to the rule that I majored on but I'm gonna tell you something I'm grateful for that kind of teaching the problem however is the holiness that they taught us was based on externals and it was not based on internals okay we were taught how to dress holy we were taught how to talk holy we were taught how to walk holy we were talking we were taught how to not go to unholy places we were taught that that that you had to be holy 24/7 we were taught to we were taught my mama said it a thousand times Cheryl avoid well she'd say shun the very appearance anybody ever heard that verse right there shun the very appearance of evil come out from the world be ye separate we had rules okay you dress your neck had to be up so high your sleeves had to be down so low your skirts had to be so long that's how I was brought up and we had standards he might know what standards are uh-huh and I'm grateful for some of those things cuz it's kept me and it's preserved me we were taught to follow holiness for without holiness no man could see the Lord and to not be able to see the Lord is the equivalency of not being able to see your purpose and not being able to see your destiny and not being able to see why you were born and what God gave you the power to do it meant that we would put to admit that we could potentially hear about it and we could dance about it and we could shout over it and get excited over it but we would not actually obtain it and we wouldn't see it because we weren't living in the lifestyle of hotel somebody holiness still matters verse fifteen looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble and by this many become defiled so now he's talking to us here in verse fifteen about sins of the heart okay he's talking to us about bitterness and Prejudice thing about pridefulness about maliciousness about critical there's a lot of people that are just in this room today who are worshipers who love God but they got sins of the heart going on inside of their life and the problem what that is you can cover up those kind of things and you can cover them up for a real long time and from a distance nobody will ever know that you got those kind of sins in your heart but if they ever get close to you if they ever go out to eat with you if they ever hang out with you if they ever go to your house they find out pretty quickly that secretly you are a hater anybody know what that's like I mean in people's face you are like all for them you got this I want you to make each other head not the tail above holy and not be neat I mean you in their face you want them to win but in your heart you're counting down the days of their demise these are called sins of the heart and I am here today to tell you that they will ultimately destroy you they will destroy your purpose they will destroy your destiny they will destroy your opportunities they will destroy y'all and go help me but I'm telling you the truth anyhow I've seen it I've seen people who should have been further than they are who should have been higher than they are but they could not go because they would not deal with the sins of the heart they were talented enough to go they were gifted enough to go they were educated enough to go but their attitude has limited their altitude I said their attitude has limited their altitude and the of the heart can corrupt and will ultimately corrupt every opportunity that God sends to you you might get the opportunity but I'm gonna tell you unless you deal with the sins of the heart you will not keep it and you will not maximize it and it will not become all that it was meant to become because you haven't dealt with the sins of the heart I'm not talking about the sins of the flesh yet I'm talking about the sins of the heart the very fact that that scripture somebody's like well I'm saved I'm not gonna be like that you are who I'm talking to you're the very one cuz i'ma tell you some the very fact that that scripture was written and placed in the Bible is a warning to us that bitterness is a possibility that life can make you bitter things that you especially as you get older young aging all by itself can make you bitter because after you've lived long enough to collect a whole bunch of experiences in your life you can become cynical and because you become cynical you don't even expect good things to happen to you anymore so so you have to watch your heart and you have to wash your heart so you not only have to wash the outer man father uh to have clean hands and of your heart you have got to say God correct created me not just my hands but created me a clean heart Oh God and renew a right spirit within me because a cynical critical sceptical distrustful heart will ultimately separate you from God and if there's anybody you don't want to be separated from is you don't want to be separated from God so you to accept let a man examine his neighbor's heart that's not what it says let a man examine his heart examine your own attitude why do you feel that way about certain people why do you think certain thoughts when a certain name comes to your mind why does your mood change every time that person walks into the room why do you say what you say what why do you open your mouth and even say that why do you have a need to say it what you are too big to be talking so small almost say it again you are too big to be talking so small why do you allow something so insignificant to potentially spoil and ruin the entire warehouse of giftings that God has placed inside of you he's given you a warehouse of giftings and they're all laying there dormant because you gotta talk small I guess to impress other people and make them feel like you are being I'd rather you think I'm small and God just wake up all of those things in my warehouse and make me big cuz eventually everybody will see so for the sake of our children our children's children so this bogus sake that our ladder house will become greater than the former somebody under the sound of my voice needs to get over it whatever it is it's time to get over it and stop waiting for people to preach you out of it just stop waiting for people to sing you out of it or prophesy you out of it you got to wash it out if you want it out you gotta wash it out you cannot count on others to do it because others cannot always see it and because the sins of the heart can can go undetected for so long they end up staying in there way longer than they should be generally we generally we don't see the sin of people's hearts until you live with them have you ever lived with somebody who ever everybody thought was oh they're just an angel and you didn't want to expose them but you're like yeah Lord verse 15 verse 15 talks about the sins of the heart but as we go in to verse 16 verse 16 talks about the sins of the flesh okay tell somebody brace yourself verse 16 talks about fornication verse 16 talks about things not in your heart but it talks about things you do in your body it talks about the profaneness and the carelessness with which we live our lives the unholy ungodly dirty nasty desolate sinful things that we do with our body we allow our body to control every decision we make you're 40 but you can't control your body so you act like you're 17 gifted but filled to the brim with fornication called by God purpose by God but controlled my flesh see people gotta watch you because your flesh is so out of control they don't trust you so they'll laugh with you but they won't get far from you because they're gonna watch you and what we end up doing is we end up missing God opportunities because our flesh is at the wheel I said our flesh is at the wheel the truth is our spirit should be at the wheel our spirit book should lead us and guide us into all truth but our flesh is so queer so full of our flesh that our flesh is driving our flesh is making decisions that our mind is going to have to live with and we waste opportunity after opportunity because we've never learned to manage our own mouth get a new job and you go and then somebody makes you mad and you tell you gotta tell them off and then you leave proud that I told them I don't have to have this job yes you don't have to have that job oh you foolin your kids need food but because you don't know how to manage your mouth you'll work here for three weeks you go over there and work for four weeks and go back over here and work for two weeks next minute next thing you know you're all jacked up financially and your children are suffering because you don't know how to manage your mouth you don't know how to manage your own passions and you don't know how to manage your own flesh the truth of the matter is I'm gonna tell you every last one of us in this room and every last one of y'all that's watching us online there are three things that you and I got to learn to manage we've got to be able number one to manage power if you cannot manage power quit asking God for more why should he give you more when you are not using your influence in a godly way power is intoxicating I said power is intoxicating I don't care if it's power from right here speaking to your life or if it's somebody out in the parking lot that's working in the parking lot that says you cannot park here seriously do you think people get up and come to church to be talked to like that no you sit right here shut your mouth be careful and I say this periodically cuz the middle I see stuff like that I hear stuff like that it just sends my blood pressure through the roof cuz ain't nobody got any right to talk to anybody in such a manner not in this house and not on my watch the next time somebody talks to you like that roll your window down and say that's not what the pastor would do praise the Lord I'm telling you timeout for all of that stuff people don't have to come to church here I said people don't have to come to church here they come here because they're hungry they come here because they get fed they come here because they sense the presence of God but if you frustrate them in the parking lot before they ever get in here what are me and God supposed to do look at somebody say just be nice be nice just be nice if you don't be nice you ain't gonna get no more power the power you got right now will be all the power you're gonna get you can pray you can do whatever you want but if you misuse power God is gonna get you if you don't believe it you ask David about it David will tell you time after time how God brought him into correction because he miss used power if you're using power not just in this church but if you're using power to threaten your spouse to threaten your children to control and manipulate people on your job you better stop asking God for more power cuz you're not getting it and eventually you're gonna lose the power that you've got because God's got his high on everybody y'all don't like me for that I love you anyhow that's why I gave it to you eventually if you don't learn to manage power you gonna be in trouble the second thing you got to learn to do is you got to manage money tell somebody you got to manage money I don't care how much you have of it you have got to manage it you've got to learn to deal with a budget if you disregard budgets if you miss manage money I don't care how much money you have you will eventually be broke because you are driving over a principle you've got to manage money you've got to appreciate money and it's it's not that you can't you can't spend your money and it's not that you can't enjoy your money but you are selective about how you enjoy it and how you spend it thank you third thing you got to learn to manage is you've got to manage sex in your life I know it's uncomfortable but I don't care a lot of people handle their body like they handle their money they want what they see and they'll go after it at any cost they buy what they want and then they got so so what do you say you sleep with what you want and then you got a big for what you need you buy what you want and you got a bag for what should me look at somebody and ask him do you have any management skills or are you totally over budget you've got to have some personal convictions inside of you what can I ask you today what is there anything you won't do hello is there anything you won't say is there anything anywhere that you will not go there ought to be some personal convictions inside of you that says I'm not even thinking about that I'm gonna shun the very appearance of evil so when the by I mean if you think about it every major person usually that goes from the top to the bottom it is one of those three areas hello it is either power that brings them down it's money that brings them down or it is sex that brings them down I'm telling you it's time for us to stop the stupidness it's time for the church to stand up and be the church and live holy and live righteous and do what is right and turn away from what is wrong I'm preaching when the Bible talks about fornicating and when the Bible talks about profanity it talks to us about a man whose name was Esau we don't we don't we don't talk about much too much about Esau in the church so if you have never heard his name don't feel bad uh we don't talk about him a lot what we do talk about is that he's the God of Abraham he's the god of Isaac and he's the God of Jacob but it really should have been that he is the God of Abraham he is the god of Isaac and he's the God of Esau Jacob was not even supposed to be in that list Esau was supposed to be in that list the the benefits of being the grandson of the richest man that ever lived which was Abraham it should have gone to Esau property rights should have went to Esau goods should have went to eat some opportunity should it went to Esau spiritual intellectualism should have went to Esau influence and power with God it should have went to Esau but he lost it all because one day he had been out hunting or working or doing something and he came back in the house and he was hungry and his brother had a bowl of beans and his brother offered him the bowl of beans in exchange for the birthright was what a stupid decision he made it like Bishop Jake's would say he made a permanent decision in a temporary situation cuz hunger will pass I said hunger will pass frustration is going to pass disappointment discouragement dissatisfaction is going to pass loneliness will pass watch out because the enemy will always try to set you up but by my taking what looks good to your flesh and presenting it to you when you are hungry don't let the devil rob you of your next 25 years over 25 minutes I said something right there there's too many people that's allowing the devil to rob them of their future and their children's future in the next 25 years all because they can't say no in the next 25 minutes stupid mistake but now before we judge Esau too harshly let's remember and we've all done stupid stuff - blows my mind just how quick and it we are to forget how the stupid stuff we've done but we remember the stupid stuff everybody else has done we're arrogant about I can't not be leave that supposed to be a man of God well what is just a little while ago that you you gave up something precious because you were angry see it doesn't surprise me that Esau did stupid things because he's human and sometimes humans do stupid things but if you're gonna do some stupid doesn't just don't stay stuck in stupid you ever seen anybody stop it stupid they do one stupid thing right behind another fall for the same mess same time type of situation same you you get in the same relationship we just spent three months praying you out of know it's yours now you deal with it fighting the same proclivities cuz we never deal with the root of the issue so what we do is we just do stupid stuff we push the envelope we're living as close to the edge as possible living beyond our means you keep having to beg your needs because you keep living beyond your means at some point you got say this is where I'm at garden I thank you for it and this is how I'm going to live don't tell me God won't bless that I said don't tell me God won't bless that so here we are living her life's at the consequences of our poor choices I was Esau stupid mistake and I'm just killing Esau because Jacob was he was pretty clever but what what honestly and I'm gonna close in a moment but what bothers me about this text the worst you know there are some just texts in the Bible that when you read him you're like yeah I can't explain that a lot of people can't explain most of it but but that particular one when he got ready to change when Esau got ready to change the Bible said that he sought repentance with tears but he couldn't find it he lost his future not because he did something stupid but because he wasn't able to change what his what he had set in motion in his life not because he didn't want to change it because he did not because he wasn't looking for a way out of it because he did not because he didn't even cry over it because he said tears over and I'm being honest today when I say that scripture bothers me cuz I think if you're honest and I think if you're really repentant and I think for God's sake if you're crying tears how many ever got got because somebody cried tears yes but this man understand this man was destined for greatness and he lost his inheritance he forfeited his place his position and he forfeit his hit buffeted his greatest moment over a bowl of beans over a Hummer that he could not get control of over an inability to correct a pattern or a correct pathology of making dysfunctional decisions one after another after another he sought repentance repentance means meant to annoy it means it means to have a change of mind so he he's sought for a change of mind with many tears but he could not find it he sought hear me he sought for a change of mine he sought for a change of intelligence with many tears with many emotions but he found it not and this tells me that an emotional response does not equate change that's why you can't come in here and clap and sing and shout and dance and walk out of here and go home and change because I'm telling you it doesn't work like that there it has to be more than in an emotional realm there has to be a repentance in your mind just because people cry does not mean that they are ready to change their outward tears are no indication that they are ready for an inner change just because they are crying outwardly does not mean that inwardly they want it to be different you know why because they cry and lie at the same time look at somebody and tell them they cry and lie at the same time real repentance real Metanoia means to have a change of mind that pivots in a different direction I said it means real repentance metanoia means to have a change of mind that doesn't just stay where it's at but it pivots in a different direction it is a change of mind that is so strong and so radical that it alters the way you behave and it alters the way that you think because you are repented and you're tired of going that way and you say I'm going to pivot myself in the direction that is right I'm gonna pivot myself in the direction that God has for me I'm gonna pivot myself in the direction of holiness and not craziness and that kind of direction and that kind of repentance that's not something that you have to do every day that's not the kind of repentance that says Lord I know I'm gonna mess up today so I'm just telling you I'm so sorry that's a different kind of repentance this this is those directional changes in your life where you say Lord I have been going the wrong way and I have determined that if I don't flip this thing I am NOT going to survive it if I don't flip this thing I'm gonna I'm not gonna be able I'm gonna lose out on my future because of my flesh it is a directional change somebody holler directional change I close with this for example I'm not all that wonderful with computers but I'm learning but a computer has what they call default settings okay are you following me but default settings it's it's like this the default sets certain principles or or it set certain ideas into the computer which the computer is committed to you following me it sets some things in in there that the computer says this is what we're going to do it just means that that if it means that if I it doesn't mean that I can't navigate around those default settings because I can I can open up and I can open up a window and I can type and and I can change the font I can change the size I can change the color and it looks like everything has changed but the minute that my computer gets gets the opportunity if I walk away from it too long my computer will go back to that default setting and so it looked as if I may change but I didn't because as long as I get back in that one document or wherever that is I can type in the funk and be different and I can do in five different fonts if I want to and it looks like everything has changed but the truth of the matter is it'll go back to its default setting after a while are y'all following me now if I don't want it to go back to that's default that particular setting then I change the default I mean I changed the situation by changing the default I can open up a new screen and I can change the font I can make it up here as if things have changed but guess what the change is temporary because the minute that I close out that screen if I want to come back I got to change it all over again because I did not change the default and that's the problem with some of us this is how we are living our lives we come to church and while we are here we are committed to be different we are committed to do different to act different to walk different and to talk different but the minute that we go out there we go back to our default setting so in here you're around people that make you feel peace that make you feel victory that make you feel different that make you feel like you have joy but when you go home you go back to your default and you prayed about it and you've cried about it and you can't figure out how you could cry for something serve for something pray for something and the same old things keep happening in your life over and over again I go to church now highs now I serve now I'm committed now so how can these negative things with your font there's a problem in your default you always go back to be who you were rather than changing your default look at somebody and tell him I tell you to decide to change your default you changed your friends you change your address phone number you change the places you go today has ever changed your life simply because you made a decision to change it nothing wrong with a 10-step program to being sober people are getting free with that but there's also people who decided I am NOT gonna drink anymore in my life I'm coming out of this God became their default and they changed everything about their life because they got sick of it I don't want this anymore I don't want this controlling my life you've got to change your mind I don't care what comes against you I don't care what confronts you I don't care what threatens to stop you I don't care what threatens to block you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] there is therefore now [Music] [Applause] somebody changing my mind Catherine when you walk out of here this week you gotta change somehow just running standing remains to Esau please hear this today if you don't hear anything if you didn't hear anything if you ain't planning to listen to anything else after this but hear this Esau saw repentance throw his emotions that's a better way to deal with it it's a secret I'm making a decision to change online this is a decision it's not an emotion an emotion says I'll be there when I feel like it an emotion says I don't feel no glory in here y'all ain't making me cry that's your emotion a a change mind says Lord if I never cried another day your presence is here because this is your house and where two or three are gathered together in your name you're with us [Music] talking about a decision every head bowed every eye closed everybody's standing and please don't move
Channel: Sheryl Brady
Views: 24,514
Rating: 4.8482757 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Sheryl Brady, Sheryl Brady, The Potter's House of North Dallas
Id: xezdn-B5UcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 7sec (3847 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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