The Gift of an Expected End

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but today I'm gonna go to Ruth's chapter 4 and I'm gonna read it down with the message Bible so you were invited to follow along with me but the Bible says this in verse 13 it says so bow as married Ruth she became his wife Bowa has slept with her by God's gracious gift she conceived and she had a son the town women said to Naomi blessed be God he didn't leave you without family to carry on your life may this baby grow up to be famous in Israel he'll make you young again he'll take care of you in your old age and this daughter-in-law who has brought him into the world and loves you so much why she's worth more to you than seven sons Naomi took the baby and she held him in her arms coupling him and cooing over him waiting on him hand and foot the neighborhood women started calling him Naomi's baby boy but his real name was Obed Obed was the father of Jesse and Jesse was the father of David I also want to give you a very familiar scripture today out of the Book of Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11 and it reads this for I know the thoughts that I think toward you saith God thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you yes you and expected in for the next few moments I just want to talk from the subject the gift of it expected in the gift of an expected end Spirit of God I thank you for your word I honor you we cherish this moment Lord we've heard a lot of bad news this week but in the middle of that we just are grateful that now we get to pull up our chair to the good news of Jesus Christ I asked father that you would anoint me to speak your word to touch your people find every hero every person that needs to hear every person that longs to hear even those that don't want to hear let your word find them this day and make them whole thank you for the anointing to deliver it in the name of Jesus a man and a man in in these challenging times that we find ourselves living in I I got myself a note book and it's just my journal of scriptures and as the scripture speaks to me or brings comfort comfort to me I log it in that little journal and the one I just read to you Jeremiah 29:11 is definitely on the top of my list in my journal of Scripture we know this the scripture quite well it's a very familiar and for those who are facing challenges in life are those who might be in the middle of a storm these words right here can be profoundly comforting when times are troubling is good for us to remind ourselves that the thoughts that he thinks toward us are thoughts of peace and they are not thoughts of evil I love how the message Bible says it that's what I that's why I read it to you are that version today no I read Ruth out of that version but when it comes to Jeremiah 29 you ought to read that out of the message Bible as well it says this I know what I'm doing I have it all planned out plans to take care of you plans not to abandon you plans to give you a future that you hoped for boo that's good right there God is saying to us listen when it is all said and done everything that I have planned for your life is going to manifest itself in your life he goes on in verse 12 and he says when you call on me and when you pray to me he said I will listen to you God is saying if you will take a minute to call on me and if you will take a minute to pray to me guess who I'm going to I'm gonna listen to I'm gonna listen to you he said in verse 13 when you when you come looking for me you will find me that's a guarantee right there when you start looking for me he said you're going to find me and when you get serious about finding me and you want it more than anything else I will make sure that you will not be disappointed what is God saying to us right here he's saying listen I'm giving you the grounds no matter what you're facing today to keep hope alive I am giving you a reason I'm giving you a promise I am giving you a basis to believe that it is going to get better that it has to get better I'm giving you a basis to believe that you are going to win in the end now what he doesn't tell us right there is he doesn't tell us that we're gonna feel like we're winning in the middle or that well we're gonna feel like we're winning at the beginning but he does say I'm gonna give you my word on this that when it gets to the end you are going to be the winner now that is why faith is so important faith the Bible tells us is the substance of the thing that we're hoping for and it is the evidence of the things we have not seen so therefore I have to have faith in order to embrace the expected end that the father has promised to me so we're going to have to have faith we're going to have to use our faith in order to push forward to embrace that expected in you have an expected end that is coming from God and it is going to cost us our faith in order to be able to obtain it now having that expected in what does that mean it's kind of like when you are boarding a plane when you are going to get on a plane when when we used to get on planes quite often it's it's like I bought a ticket for a particular destination and so I get on the plane with that destination in mind and often the flight attendant will look at our tickets just to make sure that we are on the right plane that we are going exactly where we said we were going to and that the truth is that I know where I'm going I don't know exactly what I got an encounter between where I am and where I'm going there may be turbulence there may be win there may be other people going in other different to other different destinations there might be storms that blow up between me and where I'm headed but when it is all said and done I know where I'm going because that is my expected end when I get on a plane to go to San Francisco I expect to end up in San Francisco why because that is my expected in now there's a lot that can happen between Dallas and San Francisco there might be some turbulence that we come up against the flight attendant might have to stay in their seat and not be able to give the cabin people the people in the cabin the service that they need the the light the seatbelt light might not go off and the the captain might say I need you to stay in your seat with your seatbelt buckled the plane may shake it may rattle it may it may roll there was one I was on a flight several years ago where the wing was struck by lightning so it was it was a little crazy but at end of the day I knew that that plane was going to land you know why because I had an expected end I had I had a destination in mind let me tell you something today it may be an uncomfortable season that we're in we might feel delayed we might feel rerouted we might feel tired we might feel emotionally exhausted we might feel like we're surrounded by fog or surrounded by the clouds I may not be able to to see my way clear you may not be able to see your way clear you might not be in control of the flight deck you might not be in the captain's chair in this moment in your life you might not be able to see anything around you because of the virus I mean because of the fog I mean because of the clouds that surrounding you I may not know when it's going to be over I may not know where the bottom of this is I may not know even where I am in the process but what I do know and what I hope you know today is that God has given you an expected end we may have lost some time we may feel like we've lost time we might feel like we've lost control we might feel like we've lost some movement like we've lost our peace but at the end of the day I still have and expect it in sometimes you got to tell the devil you might have gotten my peace but you did not get my expected in you might have got my job but I still have my expectation you know I've been in a fight but I'm holding on to the expectation that God has given me I faced some storms in 2020 that I didn't really see coming that I wasn't prepared to have to deal with but I'm still holding on to my expectation whatever you do today somebody hear me from the north south east and west never allow this this this problem that you're facing never allow the storm that you find yourself in to rob you of your expectation I don't know who I'm talking to today but somebody needs to know yeah it's been tough it's been disrupted hadn't you a little bit worried it's it's it's lasting a little bit longer than you thought it was going to last but whatever you do do not allow it to rob you of your expectation the word has given you the authority to keep hope alive if you are at home wherever you are today you ought to put that out in the atmosphere I am going to keep hope alive I don't care what seeing in or what says I am going to keep hope alive why because God still lives he still rules he still reigns and he is the one that is ultimately in charge in our text today we are talking about two mothers we are talking about one one who is old and we're talking about one who is new the new one is full of energy she's full of excitement the old one is exhausted and she is very empty one is hopeful the other is hopeless Ruth is the new mother she's full of expectations she she's in love with a man by the name of Boaz and she's in love with her baby she's in love with this new place of life that she has found herself in Ruth is also loved by bones now that's important because back in in that particular time and in that particular society women were evaluated based on who loved them and if you weren't loved by the right person then you know they were considered to be insignificant women so a woman's significance and a woman's Worth and a woman's importance and value and self esteem was all determined by whoever it was that loved them and here we are centuries later and and there are a lot of people who are still trying to define themselves by who loves them which is totally crazy today because let me tell you the King of Kings is in love with you and it don't get any better than that the King of Kings is in love with you and in in this very same passage of scripture just those few little scriptures that I read to you today we have a new love we have a new mother we have a new baby and we also have an older mother we have a mother that is seasoned we have a mother that has been through some things in her life she is this the older mother is rich in a ways that the younger mother is not she is rich with experience and at a glance if you just kind of looked at their lives because they were in two different seasons and they were in different stages in life if you just glanced at them you might you might think that they could not really relate one to the other Naomi who is the elder mother however she knows some things that the younger mother Ruth does not know the older mother knows what it is like to be young but the new mother doesn't know what it is like to be old Naomi Naomi knew what it was like to be newly loved she knew what it was like to be newly touched and cherished and married and and expecting she knew what it was like to be right where Ruth was at the moment that we read this text she too was was once like that she too was once full of excitement Naomi was at one time full of hope full of vision and fluid expectation she expected that she was going to live a long life with her husband whose name was Elimelech she expected to be loved by him for a long time she expected to be cherished a long time by him she expected that forever she would just be the apple of his eye that they would laugh together that they would cry together that they would smile together that they would grow old and drink lemonade together and just enjoy their lives together and then life just happened life happened and her expectation turned into frustration let me give you just a moment's backstory here her famine had hit the land that Naomi and eliminate ulema lek were living in with their two sons and as a result of famine moving into the land they felt like they had no other choice but to move out of that land and uh it was a famine that they did not see coming in and isn't it so true that it's the things that we don't see coming that frustrate us the most and usually break our heart the most those things that we just didn't see coming the adversity that we didn't anticipate the pain that that we didn't plan on or the struggle that we did not strategize for that that's what challenges this challenges our faith no one told Naomi that she would marry a limit like she would fall in love with him that they would have two sons and a famine would come and they would uproot them out of their homeland and it would uproot them out of their comfort zone and it would take them into a complete foreign land I can just hear her talking to her her sons now and I can hear her sons talking to her okay so like mom what what did you say we're moving where where where are we moving to what is moving we've with that low before and now you're telling me we're moving boys will you just get on the mule that's all I want you to do is just get on the mule there is a famine that is threatening us just trust me and your father because we're moving to protect you we have your best interest at heart we're moving to be in a place where we can provide for you and we can preserve you from the famine that is coming to the land and so they loaded up and they they left out of out of a place called Bethlehem Judah which was their home and they moved to a place that was called Moab and life appeared to be so much better in Moab life appeared to be so much easier for them family in Moab they're eating good in Moab and they're drinking good in Moab and they appear to have gotten the victory over this famine living in Moab but isn't it funny how you can get the victory over this and then turn around and have to find yourself fighting over something else that is exactly what was happening Naomi had followed her husband a Lebanon Elimelech they moved out of Bethlehem Judah they took their sons they moved into Moab she protected her sons from the famine and yet though the famine did not kill the men that she loved they ended up dying anyway but they didn't die of thirst that they didn't die of hunger because she had fixed that problem but sometimes your problems will have problems I don't know if anybody knows what I'm talking about but sometimes your problems will have problems just like your opportunities have opportunities your problems can have problems and though they survive the threat and though they survived the famine and though they celebrated the victory and though they they started a brand new life in a brand new place and the boys ended up growing and getting married when she least expected it Elimelech dies her husband dies death came knocking on the door in the blink of an eye everything changed I'm talking about like that I'm talking about just in the blink of an eye in a matter of a split-second now she was married but now she's widowed she lost her husband she lost her provider she lost her children's father she lost that the absolute love of her life and while she is reeling from the loss that she is experienced and while she's trying to help stabilize her son's through some of the darkest days of her life whatever and then the other one dies too it was what she least expected it was nothing that she saw coming it completely just blindsided her and it actually eroded who she was her name meant joy but because of all of the circumstances that she was going through she didn't see a reason to rejoice she didn't see no I see a reason to be joyful as a matter of fact when they called her Naomi she said don't even call me that anymore that's not who I am have you not seen my life lately have you not looked at what I'm going through have you not looked at my circumstances don't call me Naomi I'm not joyful call me Mara Mara is more close to what I really am right now call me Mara Mara means bitter because I've not only lost my husband and I'm not only lost my sons but now I've lost my way and I've lost my vision and I'm losing Who I am at the core and I'm not sure that I even expect anything good to happen in my life anymore Naomi had given up on her plans she had given up on what she had been hoping for she had given up on what she would what's even working toward and what she expected which can be a very painful death in and of itself she was in a season of back to back to back losses well when you find yourself in a season like that you really happen to be so careful because if you're not careful you'll lose faith in God and you'll lose faith in yourself and you'll lose faith and those who are around you you'll lose faith and who you are at the core you lose your joy you lose your smile you lose your ability to laugh you lose your ability to love and you lose your ability to live because your expectation which used to be your energy has now become your enemy can I be very honest with you today and tell you there are times in life where we have to come to grips with the fact that God didn't promise you what you had in mind God promised you what he had in mind for you and often when people come to that realization they find themselves drowning in the sea of disappointment I did not plan for 2020 this was my year of clarity this is my year and I should see my way clear I did not plan for this and I'm gonna tell you something if you're not careful you'll find yourself drowning in the sea of disappointment just because you can't see it clearly today does not mean that you won't see it clearly let me say that again just because you can't see your way clear right now does not mean that you won't see your way clear she is now disappointed and she is struggling with this thing that's called expectation because you see disappointment cannot exist without expectation so so here's what a lot of people do to avoid being disappointed they just make a decision to live their life with no expectation let me tell you something today if I could pull right up in your house and sit right on your couch or sit on your hardwood floor or sit on your carpet or sit on your coffee table I would do that today because I am so driven today to tell you that in spite of everything that you are facing don't you dare give up on your expectation don't lower your expectations raise the roof on them and just watch God as he works all things together for your good some people lower their expectations and they stop hoping and they stop anticipating and they get to the point where they're they don't want to desire anything and they just don't want to indesign or anything because they don't want to go through the pain of being disappointed again but let me just tell you that trouble I don't care who you are trouble has a way of finding you wherever you are it will find you but also I want you to know that God knows right where you're at - and whatever you're facing in the middle of it you gotta hold on to your expectation it is not going to in like this I declare that I didn't come through what I've come through to get to this point and it go out like this devil you are a liar covering 19 you are a liar I shall live and see the goodness of the Lord not when I get to heaven but I'm gonna see it right here right now in the land of the living hold on to your expectation I don't care what trouble is raging trouble found its way in a Naomi's house the woman whose name means joy her name means joy it means friend it means happiness it means satisfaction at the very core but she's been through so much now that she wants to change her name somebody oughta holla back and holla loud and put it in the atmosphere and just say don't do it don't do it whatever you do don't change your name just because your circumstances are stacking up against you don't change what God has called you he's called you the head and not the tail he's called you above and not beneath he's called you blessed in the city and blessed in the field don't you dare change your name I know that you've probably been through some disappointments and I know that you've been through a lot of changes I know that we have suffered a horrific loss I know that we've got trauma stacked up on trauma upon trauma but don't let it change you who you are at the core don't allow circumstances to define who you are goddess already defined who you are he has already put his hand on you he's already marked you he's already made you just say to yourself when that thing starts moving in just say I don't know how I'm coming out of this but I am I don't know how long it'll take me to rebuild but the same God that brought me and helped me rebuild before will help me rebuild again I will survive I don't know how long I gotta face this but when it is all said and done I will come out of this there's a lot of things I don't know I don't know the enemy he he might have messed with the house I don't know how I'm coming out I don't know how I'm getting over this I don't know how I'm gonna make it I don't know how I'm gonna survive but what he cannot touch is he cannot touch the who the who love you who you are I know who I am and in spite of my loss I'm gonna keep on knowing who I am I Know Who I am in spite of my what I feel like might have a slip through my hands I Know Who I am in spite of my situation I Know Who I am in spite of my circumstance I Know Who I am come what may from today I know I might have lost my house but I'll tell you what I haven't lost I haven't lost Who I am I may face disappointments but I do know who I am in God I might have to press but I'm gonna come through it I might have to cry but I am gonna come through it i'ma have to walk in my bedroom and fall on my face but when it's all said and done I'm coming out of this I might have to take the long road but I'm still gonna get there I said I'm still gonna get there I might be bringing up the rear but I am gonna get there you might get there before me you might have an easier tourney than I do you might graduate before I do but don't sleep on me cuz I'm gonna tell you something I Know Who I am and I know whom I had believed and I am persuaded that he is able to get me where I need to go are still the holy ghost in here today somebody needs to know that you are who God says that you are never allow anybody never allow a storm never allow your circumstances to change the ho of who you are because listen to me the blessing is on the who of who you are the blessing is on the who of who you are at the core if you lose the who then you then what you're facing will overtake you and if you lose the who you are then you will you will you will lose the blessing as a secondary consequence but let me tell you something that's why you gotta know who you are because there's so much on the line the blessing is on you you understand that the blessing is on you it's not so much on the business it's not so much on the house the house is blessed because you are in it the business is blessed because you are in it the blessing is on you it's not on your situation it's not on your finances it's not on the things that you lost the blessing is on you and let me say it like this don't lose yourself in the middle of your situation because the blessing and the favor and the anointing and the gifting is on you and when you hold on to those things it doesn't matter how low we go you watch and see the blessing is on me and God will raise me up again as long as I'm living and moving and having my being in here that I'm gonna make it because the blessing is not on the stuff the blessing is on me and that's why you cannot afford to lose who you are the Corps put some put an oxygen mask on yourself breathe in breathe out have yourself a wonderful day find a way to bless yourself because you my sister and you my brother you my eldest you my deacons you our church members you have got to survive this it's not about what we've been through it's not about what we've lost and we've lost greatly it's but it's not even about where we harm it's about you it's about who you are don't lose sight of who you are because the blessing is on you and if you can keep your countenance up if you can keep your expectation up if you can keep your your eyes looking up till the hills from which coming your help God will pull you out of it kind of like the prodigal son you know he was locked up in the hog pen he was in the hog pen he was covered from head to his toe with with stank with stench he had manure between his toes but in the middle of all of that he came back to himself I don't know who I'm talking to today but if you've lost your hope I'm calling you back if you've lost your peace I'm calling you back to yourself if you feel like I don't know if I'm gonna survive this come on back come on back come on back I'm calling you back I want you to know who you are in God you've got to remember who you are and just like that boy he had to remember huh I Know Who I am I don't have to eat slop I know who my daddy is and my daddy's got plenty in his house and when he came back to himself he said I'm coming up out of this I'm dare you know holler I dare you to jump up I dare you to have somebody in your living room and tell them I'm coming up out of this this pandemic this social distancing this loss of movement this restriction it might have resulted in a memory loss for a minute [Music] [Music] [Music] just get on the inside you're alive I [Music] lost my house I lost my son I've got these dogs I'm going back to Bethlehem jewel to go back to Bethlehem Judah me means that she had to get back on the road to Judah is that you know what that is Judah is praise I'm telling you wherever you are I'm call you back on to the road of praise I'm call you back on to the road of Bethlehem Bethlehem speaks of the bread it speaks of the word I call you back to the word and I call you back to the praise and when your circumstance start overwhelming you start looking in the word and start giving God the praise she said I can't live here another day I'm going back to Bethlehem wherever you are praised as always your way back I said praise as always your way back she said I am out of here Andrew said I am true because wherever you go that's where I'm going Naomi said no girl you go back home girl cuz I can't be your leader today I I can't hardly believe myself today I don't want to be your leader you go back home she said I can go back home I have nowhere to go you have you have taught me everything I know about this new life that I'm living I can I have nothing to go back to or put the other daughter-in-law said oh I'm going back I'm not ready for that big of a commitment Andrew said you know why I got nothing to lose okay I don't have a reverse in my faith or BA you have a reverse in yours but I don't have a reverse in my faith so forgetting those things which are behind me and reaching for what is in front of me I will press you don't have a reverse on your faith listening to me today I challenge you to press your way forward not backward press your way forward faith has one direction and it is forward if you were here I would tell you touch your neighbor and save power that's the only option you got naomi has never been more unsure of her decisions in her life but for the sake of sanity and for the sake of destiny for the sake of purpose she had to keep it moving I don't know who I'm talking to today but I'm gonna tell somebody you got to keep it moving you say I'm under house arrest pastor Brady I can't move but let me tell you something we can be shut down but we can still keep moving it my faith is moving you know you you try to tell me I can't travel to the nations of the world try to tell me I can't go to London I can sit up in the middle of my bed and close my eyes and be right at the big band I can sit up in the middle of my pen and be right in times I can sit up in the middle of my bed and be anywhere that I want to go why because I have a dream I can dream my way there let me tell you something you got to keep moving I don't know what your business might be facing but I declared to you while it looks like it's going down you got to dream of it going forward you gotta find a new ray out new way just say when I come out of this you watch and see won't God bless me in the face of failure you gotta keep it moving in the face of loss you gotta keep it moving in the face of fear you gotta keep it moving in the face of low expectations you got to keep it moving Naomi put one foot in front of the other Ruth was in tow and the more she moved the more it took her mind off of herself she took her mind off of her loss she took her mind off of her pain she took her mind off of her dilemma and little by little and line upon line she began pouring herself into Ruth she started talking again she started pouring out wisdom into this young lady's life she started pouring out direction she started pouring out counsel into somebody else I don't know who I'm talking to but you feel like your life is about to be over I came to tell you to tell you today that just because you feel that does not necessarily mean that that is so you are hearing this preacher today telling you if you feel like your life is over find somebody to start pouring your life into because as you give it out God promises to give it back to you press down shaken together and running over you will never ever ever get where God wants you to go as long as you continue to focus on yourself as long as we just focus on our situation can I tell you that selfish people never really truly succeed in life look at the people around you they scheme they manipulate they play games and they they do all kinds of crazy things but at the end of the day it looks like they may be successful successful but when it is all said and done they are not successful in the long run and here is why because the Bible said be not deceived God is not mocked whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap you got to help somebody beside you hell if you feel like you are all the tension is on you and you're focusing on yourself I dare you to help your neighbor I dare you to holler out and smile at somebody I dare you to walk out with your mask on and your gloves on and encourage somebody else in your neighborhood today pray for somebody's family besides yours encourage somebody's besides yours bless somebody else's marriage bless somebody else's ministry stand up for somebody who can't stand up for themselves because if you want to succeed you've got to be able to give somebody else a hand up and if you will help them up if you pull somebody else out if you pull somebody else over if you pull somebody else through God will in turn pull you through the whole thing that you're in Naomi had a shift in her mentality whoo she said I hey it's no longer about me anymore it's no longer about my vision anymore I'm gonna help this young girl get to wherever she's going if I never see my vision come to pass if I never get mine I'm gonna make sure that she gets hers and the more that Naomi forgot about herself the more she came to herself I said the more that she forgot about herself the more she came to us the more she forgot about her plans the more she kept in to her purpose hear me today the more she forgot about where she thought she should be the closer she got to where she was supposed to be sometimes you gotta forget about you I know you can tune in next week and I'll be like you better bless yourself you better prioritize yourself you got to forget about you Naomi said okay it's no longer just about me it's not about my marriage it's not about my sons it's not about everything that I expect because everything I expected to fail apart it's not about my plans cuz all of my plans it just kind of went out the window she said I'm taking my focus off for myself I'm taking the attention off of myself I'm gonna give myself give myself away I'm giving my insight away I'm giving my wisdom away I'm giving away for free what it cost me to know I'm gonna pour it in to somebody else and in Ruth 3 & 1 the Bible says that Naomi looked at Ruth and said my dear daughter it's time for me to secure your future now I want to fix it to where you are going to have a good home cuz you're too young you're too beautiful you're too full of potential to be running around here without a husband it's time for us to make a move really yeah it's time I want you to go to bow Hans's house tonight he's our kin you know he's got the power to redeem by that everything we lost she gave her five steps she said take her back wash yourself put on some perfume change of garments go down to the threshing-floor when you get there humble yourself under the mighty hand of God you see Naomi had been around long enough to be in a position where she could position somebody else to get their own she know how to position this daughter-in-law of her son daughter alone what daughter-in-law loves their mother-in-law and one mother-in-law loves their daughter-in-law like these two did its historical its unprecedented she said you know what I've been through enough that by now in my life I can tell you what not to do I can tell you what not to do I can tell you where not the goal I can tell you what not to say so that you can position yourself for what God is about to do in your life listen to me today prophets house north right where you are in this particular storm in this particular situation that's unprecedented right now I'm telling you change your garments wash yourself put on cologne humble yourself and get down to the feet of Jesus and if you do when the time is right and God opens the door and he brings you through and he brings you out you will be ready you cannot afford to come out not ready I said you cannot afford to come how not ready I know they say some of us say I can't come out right now because that the atmosphere is not right we're not ready to deal with this whole reentry thing I understand all of that but I'm talking about another level I'm talking about spiritually don't you come out in us in the same spiritual way that you win here you better come out on fire you better come out knowing that God hasn't expected in you better come out saying I've changed my garments I don't smell like I used to smell I got fresh oil on my life and I'm humbling myself under the mighty hand of God why pastor Bernie cuz I haven't seen and because your ears have not heard what God hasn't stored for you Naomi room whatever your name is they only succeeded at helping Ruth this is what's kind of funny to me she's succeeded that help and Ruth when she couldn't even really help herself I said she couldn't even really help herself have you ever been like that you got all the answers for somebody else but you don't seem to have any answers for yourself let me tell you something when you don't have the answers for you and you've got him for somebody else just give them away just go ahead and help somebody else they only had come to the place in her life where she said I may never remarry again I know I'm never having another baby I may never get my own place but I'm just happy knowing that I made it and that I helped somebody else maybe I'm just happy knowing that I survived I'm just happy knowing that I'm still here oh there ought to be some survivors that are watching me right now we ought to give God a survivor's praise Lord you'll let us live you let us live to see mother's day you let us live we give you that survivors play a praise I give you a praise who says I'm at peace with where I am God I give you a praise because you've been good and your mercy has been new every morning I'm about to tell somebody here today when you finally come to that place where you say God seemed like I ended my message last week right here to God I surrender it all to you I'm good with me God I don't want anything you don't want me to bond I don't need anything you don't need me to need I'm good with me I'm good with your plan for my life I'm not begging you any more now to just get in my plans and make my plans happen whatever your plan is that's what I'm good with I'm go ahead to be alive today I came today into your home to your life to your family to your marriage to tell you that when God brings us through if we're ready we are coming out successfully I don't know who I'm talking to today but God wants somebody to know you gonna get your baby back I don't know what your baby represents but you won't get your baby back but guess what this time you ain't the one that's got to go through the labor to have it well you know the person that I got you to help by the name of Ruth she's the one that's gonna go through the contractions she's the one that's gonna go through the labor and when she has that baby they gonna put that baby in your hands Naomi I'm gonna give you a house as you didn't build whoa I want to give you a well she didn't dig I'm gonna say that loud and clear cuz the devil don't want me to say that today but it ain't my words it's the words of God he said I'll give you a house as she didn't build I'll give you 10 yards that she didn't plant I'll give you a wells that you didn't dig let me tell you something that was the word before ghovat 19 it's gonna be the word after coffin 19 for every battle that you went through expect God to bless you for every loss expect him to bless you for every blow that you took expect God to bless you forever advice that spoken against you expect God to bless you to go get your baby back everything that was lost everything that was stolen Ruth when she found out she was gonna have a baby she came to Naomi said I'm expecting Naomi said I am do then I am tuchus I poured into your life I helped you the Lord charged me and I was obedient to the charge so I'm gonna be blessed to this time you gonna have the labor but I'm gonna have the baby but I don't know who I'm talking to today God said to tell somebody they gonna have the labor but you are gonna have to pay do you have enough faith today to expect that baby without new labor Ruth had the baby and the Bible said you read it they brought the baby to Naomi and put it in her arms notice what they didn't do they didn't bring the baby tomorrow Myra means bitter they didn't put that new baby in the hands of an old bitter woman they put that new baby in the hands of a woman that got her joy back she got her jewelry back let me tell you something you can't have what God has for you being bitter you can't have what God has for you living constantly 24/7 being doubtful somebody hearing me today is about to get your joy back you about to get your peace back you're about to get your shout back you about to get your dance back you're bout to get your victory back I don't know who I'm talking to today but whoever you are you're got to get up right now and just run in place to show the devil you ain't got my joy you ain't got my dance you ain't got my victory I got the victory over this and I still I'm back on the road to praise I was down for a minute but I'm coming out of this because I'm believing that God has a gift for me calm I expected in and you might take things from me but what you can't take is what the Lord has given I said they cannot take what the Lord this joy that I have the world didn't give it to me and the world cannot take it away Naomi just sitting there at the end of the story and she's holding the baby well Ruth is going about her life doing things that young mothers do they homie has the privilege sitting in her rocking chair and holding on to that expected end because if God promises something to you nothing in the world can stop it from taking place
Channel: Sheryl Brady
Views: 13,831
Rating: 4.8961039 out of 5
Keywords: Sheryl Brady, The Potter's House North Dallas
Id: Qy-Tj93DKy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 45sec (3225 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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