"Squeezed Out" - Sarah Jakes Roberts

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hey family pastor T here god bless you listen you're getting ready to hear a powerful message and I wanted to also remind you about the message that is in this book it released as you know on February 6 is already number one new release on Amazon in three different categories if you don't have this book in your life get it in your life it is changing the world one whole person at a time but God bless you for now I've got a great message that I want you to hear [Music] about the eighth anniversary of the potter's house of Denver and I asked him I said dad why why the potter's house Denver what was it that made you want to plant here in Denver it could have been anywhere else certainly with an international ministry there could have been any city that you decided to plant in what was it about Denver and he said that he was at a time in his life where he recognized that his influence was expanding and that he really wanted to create experiences like the ones that he has in Dallas in different parts all over the country but he wasn't exactly sure how it was going to happen and when this church was in transition it just presented the right opportunity at the time when he was praying for him to go ahead and step out on faith and so I asked him I said dad what is the vision for the potter's house and he said that it was meant to be a potter's house were broken and wounded people can find restoration my father said that the Potters house is not further perfected it is a Jeremiah 18 ministry reshaping human lives the church is the potter's wheel the word is the water that reshapes fallen humanity and he told me specifically to let you know that he knows that you've been through a lot but this is year number eight for those of you who don't understand why they're celebrating it's because eight represents a new beginning and there's something about the number eight that gives us joy because we recognized that we were perfected enough in the previous state that we earn the right to fight on another level so I don't know about you but I'm ready for a new year with new beginnings for the potter's house Denver I'm ready to change the definition of what this church represents in this city by hook or by quick I will stop at nothing to make sure God's glory is revealed in this church but I cannot do it by myself so I need to know if I could get at least two or three people who would pledge with me and here number eight that we've the cream by the name of Jesus that because no weapon has prospered better we will plaster like never before come on [Applause] [Music] in here number eight here number eight our year of new beginnings I'm excited because it's eight years here I've been here eight months so I'm right alone with what's happening in this spirit realm with new beginnings and so I was praying too that means in the ask God as I shared this message on our birthday what is it that you would have me to say and he led me to John 9 verse 11 through 17 if you're visiting you'll notice we are all standing it is our custom to stand for the reading of the word I won't have you standing for very long but you can pray for my seat though when you sit down John 9 verse 11 I'm reading out at the New King James Version and it says he answered and said a man called Jesus made clay come on Potter's house he answered and said a man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me go to the pool of Siloam and wash so I went and washed and I received sight then they said to him where is he and he said I don't know verse 13 continues it says they brought him who formerly was blind to the Pharisees now it was a Sabbath when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes then the Pharisees also asked him again how he had received his sight he said to them he put clay on my eyes and I watched and see therefore some of the Pharisees said this man is not from God because he does not keep the Sabbath others said how can a man who is a sinner do such signs and there was a division among them they said to the blind man again what do you say about him because he opened your eyes and he said he is a prophet my subject for those of you who like to take notes as squeezed out squeezed out God we turned this moment over to you much as we have done throughout the entire service god they didn't come to hear from Sarah Jake's Roberts they came to hear from you and without you I am nothing I can do nothing and I can say absolutely nothing to break lives and to change lives and break fears into to break generational curses I cannot do it on my own but God if you were to stand up through me if you were to have your way than I am crazy enough to believe that somebody would leave out of this place different than the way they came in before I'm crazy enough to believe that if it was only you standing up here that that would be more than enough to shake up what's happening in this world God I'm asking that you would make it a man on the anointing that you place down on the inside of me before you even formed me in my mother's womb and that you would stand tall in this moment because I cannot do it without you and we need we must hear from you so God let this word become flesh and let it bear fruit for years and years after this moment and Jesus name I pray amen amen there's a term that happens in business and corporation when majority stakeholders are making the decision to move the company in a new direction but they have minority stakeholders in the company and so they have to make this decision on how to get the minority stakeholder out of the business and this process is called being squeezed out it's when they devise a plan to get rid of the minority stakeholder and in the process of being squeezed out the two larger entities the two majority stakeholders devised this plan but there's always a deciding factor there's one deciding person who has to choose which side they're going to be on sometimes the difference between the majority and the minority is which side you decide to be on and as I was bringing about the history of the potter's house of denver in' and everything that has gone through and everything that god has yet for it to accomplish i recognized that there were some people attached to this church who had to make a decision they had to make a decision in the middle of division on whether or not they were going to be the majority or the minority this was a a very pivotal decision to make because whether or not they chose to be in the majority or the minority would literally affect whether or not somebody had food on their table it would affect whether or not somebody's son got ministered to in the prison someone had to make a decision and so someone decided that they didn't care where the pastor was or what was going on in the choir stand or what was going on in any other building all they knew for sure is that the work of the lord must come first so all of a sudden what started off as the minority moved to the majority and that's why this church is still standing they squeezed out the plots and plans of the enemy they squeezed out gossip they squeezed out rumors and opinions they squeezed out division they squeezed out anything that would dare come against what God was doing in their life they found a way to squeeze squeeze out anything that was standing up against what God was doing and as I was praying and I realized that not everyone has been here but I think the concept of being squeezed out is one that we must all take to heart because there will be moments in our life where we have to make a decision which side were on when fear starts talking to us when experiences start challenging us when we start to believe that we may be less than that we may be the tail and not actually the head that maybe we're not so fearfully and wonderfully made life has this way of putting us in a crossroads where we have to make a decision which side were going to be on and over the last few weeks I've been feeling more and more like the squeeze has been on that we've been having to that we've been forced to make a decision about which side we're going to be on and sometimes when you're forced to make a decision about which side you're going to be on you have to know definitively definitively down on the inside of your spirit that I don't care what is happening that would dare create division in my life I will squeeze out anything that comes up against me I'm going to keep saying it the way I studied it because I think it's important that you recognize that the only thing that needs to happen in your marriage is that someone needs to make a decision that we are not going to allow ourselves to drift apart no we're going to squeeze out that was just trying to tear us apart I'm gonna squeeze out that which is trying to tear me apart and how do I do that I do that when I receive an impartation of God's Word I do that when I start believing that what is said in this Bible is real that he is not a man that he shall lie that he didn't just do it for my neighbor so I could become envious he did it for my neighbors so that I could witness the glory of God and know that if he did it for them that he can do it for me sometimes you have to make a decision to squeeze something out I'm not going to be depressed any longer I've gotta make a decision that I've got to move forward by any means necessary so anything that is standing in my way must be squeezed out it squeezed in seizing it squeezed in seizing how do I know that I am I went out of town on Wednesday to Dallas and I spoke Thursday Friday night and Saturday morning I got on a plane and came back here and I'm speaking this morning and no didn't do it for applause because here's the thing you I told my daughter I said I don't know how I'm going to do it I've never spoken four days in a row four different messages and my daughter told me that if God can do it for you in three services he can do it for you for four services and so I recognized that though I felt pressure that the pressure was there to squeeze something out of me and I feel like the last eight years that we've been going through things that the Potters house is Denver that it was actually God squeezing something out of the members that would make them recognize that you have ownership in what takes place in this church I don't know about you but life has had a way of squeezing some stuff out of me I didn't want to be strong stress was squeezed out of me when circumstances started pressing up against me an issue started making me question myself I had to make a decision like you've had to make a decision like all of us will have to make a decision like the blind man had to make a decision so when we find the blind man in the text it's important for us to recognize that jesus healed him from being blind but Jesus gave him a miracle that he didn't even ask for when we see other people in the Bible we see them begging by the side of the road we see them having their children carry them up sick Jesus because they needed to touch the hem of his garden or tearing off the roof because they wanted to have access to Jesus this was a unique type of miracle because Jesus stopped what he was doing in order to bless this man I love that because it speaks to the intentionality of our Jesus that he has this way of giving us miracles that we didn't even know to ask for the the blind man didn't say hey Jesus as you would as he was passing by and then Jesus stopped and gave him the miracle no jesus saw that he need he had a need and because Jesus saw that he had a need he took it upon himself to answer the need before he even opens his mouth man that's good to me because I know there are some needs in this room that we don't even know how to formulate I don't even know exactly what I need I feel the presence of God I don't even know exactly what I'm supposed to be praying for in this season I don't even know why I'm in this room I just know that I need something and I'm crazy enough to believe that if I just get in their atmosphere if I just get in the presence of God that he would give me the miracle that I didn't even know to pray for aren't you glad that you served the kind of Jesus that will stop what he is doing and assess your life when we worship he assesses our life and says that's where you need the miracle I know you've been praying that God would catch you in this area but what you really need is him to touch you right here this this scenario with this blind man was so beautiful to me because I recognize that sometimes when Jesus gives you a miracle that you didn't know to pray for that it creates a new beginning in your life and when it creates a new beginning in your life we should be rejoicing but nobody talks about the complications of new beginnings like when a child is born and everyone gives you congratulation balloons and you should be so excited and you are so excited that you front this life into the world and then the nurse mentioned something about waking up every two hours and you're like how bad could that be shouldn't be that terrible this is a new beginning this is a fresh start but there's something that happens where every two hours three months in that you start to wonder whether or not you're ever going to sleep again if I'm ever gonna have my mind again nobody talks about the complications that happen with new beginnings like when you first get married in the wedding ceremony is beautiful and then you have to sit down and talk budget and you recognize that somebody spends a little bit more more money than they had mentioned when you were dating there's something about new beginnings that create complications and at the time that Jesus performs this miracle on the man when he should be opening his eyes and taking in everything that he had seen because it's important to remember remember he had been blind since birth he never had say and before he could even enjoy the fact that he had outside they were asking him questions about what happened to him before he could fully even enjoy the miracle before he could even get settled in his new job he was swamped into the politics of what happens in the workplace before he could even get settled and his new normal he was inundated with all of these different issues and concerns new beginnings have complications attached to them and if I don't tell you that you'll be so excited about the new beginning that the complications will catch you off guard but when you recognize that the complications are there to squeeze something out of you then you'll look at the complications a bit differently the blind men didn't know that though he received the miracle that he would also be receiving a squeeze and verse 11 says it says he answered and said a man called Jesus all I know about what happened to me is that a man named Jesus he made clay and anointed my eyes and said to me go to the pool of Siloam and wash them so I went and I washed and I received sight that's all I know all I know is that Jesus and I had an encounter I didn't know that Jesus and I having an encounter was going to change my whole life all I know is that when I cried out he heard me I didn't recognize that when he heard me that I was going to end up losing relationships all I know for sure everybody wants to know what happened to me everybody wants to know when is the moment that you changed and all I can say for sure is that jesus healed me and there was something about him healing me that changed who I was on the inside it changed how I saw life and when it changed how I saw life it changed how other people saw me when Jesus opens your eyes and gives you wisdom that you didn't inherit and gives you out gives you ideas that you couldn't have come up with on your own and gives you grace in patience that you never would have had had it not been for you having an encounter with Jesus instantly it changes the way people look at you and it helps you to see that people were blind to your potential before you had and now that you have sight people are taking a step back to wonder what all is down on the inside of them verse 12 says they said to him where is he don't be surprised when people start trying to emulate your formula when they start trying to track down how you became who you became when you became it some people don't recognize that the only thing that saved me I didn't have any fancy footwork I didn't go to any fancy schools I didn't have anybody who paved away from me the only thing that got me in this position was that Jesus saw me and I had enough courage to obey what he saw on the inside of me I think the power of the next level is not going to come from who you are connected to I think the power of the next level I feel the presence of God on here I feel like it's gonna overflow in just a minute let me work this thing God I believe that the power of the next level it has everything to do with how you obey what Jesus sees down on the inside of you it has nothing to do with what other people say it's possible for you and everything to do with how you obey what he said about you that you are fearfully and wonderfully made that you can do all things through Christ that I did not bring that child into your life so that you could lose them I gave you that child because you are the only one who could save them I did not put you in that marriage so you could lose yourself I put you in that marriage so you could figure out who you are when you start to believe what Jesus saw I believe what you saw about me that's why I dragged myself in the church that's why I lifts my hand in worship even when I don't know where my next check is coming from because I believe what she's sewing me up leave that when you covered my eyes and open them up and I had brand new site that you were not lying about what's possible for me I believe him I'm sorry I know it's old school and sometimes it gets on peoples nerves but I believe what Jesus said about me I believe when he got on that cross and stretched himself wide that he did that so I could have another chance I believe what he said about me I believe that if I put my mind to it and I pray and I grow and I become disciplined that nothing is off-limits to me I believe what she's showing me I believe that when you search my calendar and said I had to speak four days in a row that you were gonna have a word when I got on stage so at 5:00 a.m. this morning I said God this is all on you because I am believing what you said about me I wish I had some real believers not some churchgoers not some people who came to clap their hands and shout around the church I need to talk to somebody who is intent on believing what God said about you but God saw when he puts you in this earth when you receive that word that you were going to break something off of your family that you believe that he meant that thing that he wasn't lying when he said it I believe what she said about me I believe what you said about me I don't need any man to validate it I don't need any man to clap for me I don't need any man to co-sign it I've already been endorsed by heaven my breath is a promise that the bed is still on my bed is a promise that the seed is still down on the inside of me I believe what you said about me all I know is that he saw me when I didn't see myself all I know is that he saved me when I was risking myself all I know is that he came through when no one else did all I know is that he sends up in me when I stand down all I know is that when I press he pushes in some kind of way we break doors down all I know is that when I press he pushes in some kind of way we break generational curses he squeezed something out of me he squeezed something out of me that I didn't even know was in me I thought life was turning on me I didn't know that God was squeezing something out of me I thought people were turning their backs on me but really really he was squeezing me out [Applause] this man receives this miracle should be the happiest moment of his life and yet the pressure is all on around him there's pressure from people who didn't know he could be healed there's pressure from people who never wanted him to be healed there's pressure from people who don't want other people to find out that you can make it to the other side life is squeezing him at the moment where he is experience sight like never before he can't even enjoy have you ever not been able to fully even enjoy what God did in your life because life can't squeeze in you I've been waiting the coast I've been waiting to just be on cruise control but every time I think I've arrived life squeezes something else out of me the pressure is on for this man and I realized that Jesus wasn't trying to just get the man to be able to see that he was also squeezing something that was done on the inside of him when the people who used to see him out by the temple saw that he could suddenly see the first thing they wanted to know and you've got to read the whole chapter it's powerful is this not the man who used to sit and beg it's not the man that's how they knew him as the one who used to sit and beg and now God has changed his identity and everyone else is having to play catch-up to what God did to his eyes can I tell you a little secret I think people are playing catch up to what's happening in the potter's house to dinner that's all I'm saying it's all I'm saying because I know that he's doing something in here and I can't quite figure out what he is but all I know is that I keep showing up and y'all keep showing up and my husband keeps showing up and y'all keep showing up and every now and then we get a few first-time visitors they keep showing up and I spilled like God was squeezing something out of this community and when he got finished squeeze and that other people gonna be playing catch up but that was just for me that went even for y'all y'all take notes and send it to me later the pressure is on so the man who used to just sit and beg that's all they knew about him was that he used to sit and beg God puts him in a position where he changes his language and he changes the way people look at him and he changes the way people received from the blind man who was once just a beggar I feel that for somebody who's in a begging season that God is going to change the way your language comes out that one when we talked about God opening up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing we talked about him doing one thing that radically changes everything in your atmosphere so when Jesus allows the blind man to see he does one thing that changes everything in his atmosphere now you don't know me as the person who used to sit and beg you know me as the person who has received a healing and now that you know me as the person who received a healing you're also going to learn that I've always had something to say because as we continue through the text we see the blind man he's put in a corner and they take him to the Pharisees those are just the haters if I had any Bionics version of the Bible I would call the Pharisees your haters all right amen he takes the blind man to the court of public opinion and in the court of public opinion they asked him what happened to him and this is the part that I really want you to get it's really just the last few verses they asked him what happens to him he says over and over again he took clay and he did a miracle with the clay he took clay and he did a miracle I was the pot he was the Potter and I was in his hands and all of a sudden he did something with the clay that radically changed the way I see I'm saying that because we're in the potter's house and I feel like we are the clay and if God could do something with the clay for the blind man that he could do something with the clay that's sitting in these seats I need you to know that life is not just squeezing you out there life is shaping you informing you and turning you into something so when we celebrate new beginnings what I'm saying is I'm trying to see what God is shaping through the word that you're receiving at this church he says therefore some of the Pharisee said this man is not from God how can a man who is a sinner do such times and this is the part where they where they had the blind man in the corner they asked the blind man and I'm asking you what do you say about him it's time for the blind man to cast the vote it's time for the blind man to decide whether or not he's gonna join the mob that's trying to attack Jesus if he's gonna join the mob that's trying to attack the person that ended up giving him a miracle it's time for him to decide are we going to squeeze out Jesus or are we going to squeeze out those who are coming up against Jesus and what I'm asking you is that it is time for you to cast a vote are you going to squeeze out your fears and your insecurities and the things that keep telling you what you should have done it this way and since you didn't do it this way you don't have a shot at all or are you going to cast a vote because when it was time for the blind man to cast a vote and they asked him what do you say about the man who said that you were free indeed what do you say about the man who said I can make all things work together for your good what do you say about the man who has been going from city to city healing people it is time for you to cast the vote I need you to cast a vote right here this Sunday at the potter's house Denver because the vote you cast today is going to change the rest of your life the votes you cast today is going to change whether or not your life is dictated by fear or faith it is time for you ladies and gentlemen I don't have three extra points this is all I came here to do I came here to get your vote I came here to figure out who do you say he is what do you say about the man who has been showing up time after time what do you say about the man who was making a way out of no way I came here to get your vote I came here to push hell back up all for you I came here to let you know that you are not waiting on a breakthrough God is waiting on your vote God is waiting for you to make up in your mind that I will not be held back any longer I will not wait any more for somebody to do what Jesus has already done when jesus healed his eyes he unleashed his mouth and now all of a sudden you can stand with me I you can stand with me all of a sudden people care what he says and because people care what he says his words have weight a weight that they didn't have before a weight where you couldn't just be running off at the mouth anymore your words have weight and in the moment that the blind man says that Jesus is a prophet he became one too because he endorsed what God was doing on the earth and I am Telling You that you have been receiving the word and that is beautiful but I think that it is time for us to become prophets and to start co-signing with what God has already said about us in heaven I dare you for just seven days to start radically prophesying over your life I dare you for seven days to start radically prophesying over your marriage prophesying over your finances prophesying over your future I dare you to squeeze out anointing that's down on the inside of you that you didn't even know was there if you never hear another sermon there's enough word and enough oil down on the inside of you that you could squeeze something out that changes your family I want you to start squeezing something out of your mouth down in the depths of your being [Music] there's so many of us in here I think if we just took 10 seconds to prophesy over our life out loud out loud maybe it's just a whisper for somebody you don't feel comfortable saying good but I want you to dare to squeeze out what you want to see happen in your life what you believe God has already prophesied over your life I dare you to start squeezing out something about what you see in your marriage what you see over your children to start getting together with God and squeezing out fear and squeezing out insecurities and squeezing out rebellion can we just have one of those Church moments for a minute on our eighth year anniversary can you start prophesying over your life god i prophesy my healing i prophesy healing over my broken heart i prophesy that my child would be saved i prophesied that my husband is gonna come to know you i promise like that addiction doesn't know my name any longer i wish i had just two or three believers that didn't mind going the war with me over pharisees and sadducees that are trying to stop what god is doing down on the inside of you i prophesied that the book has been written i prophesied that the movies coming through fruition i prophesied that i maked in this school and that i'm graduating school i prophesy that the nonprofit is coming together I prophesied that my mother it's gonna be healed I prophesied that I will never lack me anything ever again with what God is already orchestrated in heaven I am coming into partnership with God like never before I need some prayer warrior on my behalf I need some prayer waters to break some things in the spirit I need some prayer warriors to notice over my church over this nation [Music] your kingdom come let every voice arise in this place and enemies be scattered from all over me if you squeeze it out of me I'll do whatever it takes to lay hold of what you have me here squeeze out my purpose squeeze out my destiny [Music] squeeze it out I rebuke you Satan I rebuke words spoken over these people I review curses spoken over our generation I rebuke curses spoken over the church not just this church but every church I rebuke you Satan I push back Hell on our behalf squeeze it out of us so God until there's nothing left on me inside of us squeeze it out squeeze it out squeeze it out squeeze it out squeeze it out don't let us be so consumed with our miracle that we miss the opportunity to become prophets may we prophesy over our lives prophesy your truth God prophesy your word prophesy your destiny spirit of the Living God I believe that you want to fall in this place spirit of the Living God let there be overflow as only you can do we open ourselves to you we open ourselves I just wanna hear the sound of worship the sound of prophecy the sound of us taking ownership of why we're here on earth the sound of us recognizing that we didn't just get the miracle to enjoy life but we got the miracle so that we could be in partnership and declare the works of the Lord God send a miracle in this place that your glory may be magnified in this room that your glory may be magnified in our lives there's some things only he can do that's who you are you are the king of kings there is no one else like you there is no one else like you you make all things work together for our good you are our healer this is our new beginning and we can't start this thing without you God go ahead of us and make the crooked path straight Oh God order our steps as only you can do let your anointing fall fresh Oh God for another eight years and then eight years after that and then 80 years after that got up speak generational blessings over my family I speak generational blessings over this church this the fact that I'm even your pastor is a sign that generational blessings can come in your neighborhood don't just be a recipient decide that you have ownership of generational blessings taking place in your life but sometimes the only way it happens is when life squeezes us squeezes us out if as I've been speaking you recognize that you felt the pressure of life closing in on you but as I was speaking you heard something that made you feel like maybe life was it bit bullying you maybe life is actually squeezing out what God placed on the inside of you I don't know who you are but you're here and everything was going so well and now all of a sudden it seems like things have taken a turn in a shift and you can't even explain it and now you know because you heard this word that life didn't take a turn that the blessing is still there that the miracle is still working but there is something that you have to do there's someone you have to become in order to be the person worthy of the miracle you already received I want to ask you to join me at this altar because I believe there is an opportunity for us as we join together in prayer to ask God to help us withstand the thoughts that make us feel like we're disqualified to help us withstand the thoughts that make us feel like life is suffocating us when really God is just crushing the oil that he placed down on the inside of us you know for sure that you've seen God do something in your life but it seemed like the thing that God did brought was stressing and concerns and issues that you weren't even prepared to deal with and now you're wondering if you wish he would have done it at all but I'm telling you that you needed God to do it because God is trying to reveal who you are he's trying to get you to unleash different areas of your life giving you your sight was easy but making you the kind of person who prophesize about what I've done is a challenge and you can only do that if you let me squeeze you until you cry out until you cast your vote and make a decision maybe you're here and why we're speaking you said you know what I that religion thing I don't really I don't really know that very well and I have so many questions about God and church in the Bible and Jesus but I do know that why you said something I felt something down on the inside of me we welcome you as well because nobody here has it all figured out but what we do know for sure is that we were once we're blind but now we can see and because we can see we come in here every single week asking God to show us more we don't have all the answers but we know the man who does and he reveals it to us time after time after time and we want you to be a part of this moment we want you to know the man that we're talking about we want you to leave here with the Holy Spirit and we know that he can do it because he's done it for us if you would just lift your hands and surrender renly really lifting our hands is about surrender it's about as saying God listen here I am fully life has been hard it's been crushing me I felt so much pressure but I'm turning it over to you because I need you to show me how to withstand the pressure of you squeezing me that's hard god I thank you for your sons and daughters who received this word I thank you for your sons and daughters who are recognizing that you have not left them nor have you forsaken them but as a matter of fact you are more with them now than they even realize that you have just been squeezing down everything that you place down on the inside of them gotta exit you would continue to give them insight and revelation on how to deal with the squeezing that they're currently experiencing God I'm asking that you give them wisdom and insight to cast their vote and decide that I am going to believe what God has said about me and God as they unite with you as they link up with you I'm asking that you was pushed out and squeeze out any fear any thoughts any issues any bitterness any unforgiveness as a matter of fact I decree and declare that the moment that they came to this altar that they push back fear I decree and declare that the moment that they lifted their hands in surrender that hail had to lift their hands off of them I decree and declare that generational curses were broken when they walk to this altar and I prophesy over their lives with the power of God that works through me that you would set them free like never before that you would unleash ideas that on the inside of them that you will show them new ways to love new ways to forgive new ways to connect God I'm praying for their families for their hearts and for their careers that they would all fall into alignment with the anointing that you put down on the inside of them and that you would not stop squeezing them until everything that you place down on the inside of them comes out can you just repeat after me Heavenly Father thank you for Jesus thank you for making him who had no sin all of my weakness all of my limitations you placed in his body and when he was raised from the dead free and victorious I was raised to with glory wisdom insight and strength to withstand the squeezing of life help me to see how I can grow in him through this pain that I will look back and see your purpose on every tear on every scar and in every victory in Jesus name I pray amen can you celebrate with the person beside you say I'm so glad he squeezed you and I'm so glad he squeezed me and I'm so glad we're together in this journey and on this process listen pastor will be here on Wednesday if you have not been baptized maybe you heard something in this moment and it makes you want to get baptized we want you to come out on Wednesday and be a part of the baptism may the Lord bless and keep you may he make his face to shine upon you and be gracious towards you may he lift up his countenance over you and grant you Shalom Shalom in Jesus name we love you we'll see you on Wednesday
Channel: The Potter's House of Denver
Views: 259,718
Rating: 4.8678679 out of 5
Keywords: Touré Roberts, Sarah Jakes Roberts, TD Jakes Bishop, Bishop Jakes, TD Jakes, Denver, Colorado, LA, Los Angeles, Ministry, Preacher, Church, God, Squeezed, Purpose, Wholeness
Id: XRo_qSPFvyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 55sec (2755 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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