Watch Me Come Out of This

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of glory John chapter 11 I'm gonna skip around so just follow me if you can John chapter 11 the Bible says now a certain man was sick named Lazarus of Bethany the town of Mary and her sister Martha and it was that Mary which anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair whose brother Lazarus was sick therefore his sisters sent unto him saying Lord behold he whom thou lovest is sick and when sickness I'm and when Jesus heard that he said this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God this sickness is not unto death but this is for the glory of God that the Son of God might be glorified thereby verse 14 then Jesus and and then said Jesus unto them plainly Lazarus is dead but I thought you just said that the sickness was not unto death but now he's saying Lazarus is dead he said yea he's dead and I'm glad for your sakes that I was not there to the intent that ye may be leave nevertheless let us go unto Him okay so you wait till he died and now you're ready to go alright verse 17 then when Jesus came he found that he had lain in the grave for four days already verse 20 then Martha as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming win and net him but Mary sat still in the house then said Martha unto Jesus Lord if thy word has been here my brother would not have died verse 23 and Jesus said unto her thy brother shall rise again verse 24 Martha said unto him I know that he will rise again in the resurrection in the last day and Jesus said unto her I am the erection Bartha I am the life and he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die do you believe that Martha verse 34 and he said to her and he said to Mary now where have you laid him they said unto Him Lord come and see Bible said that Jesus went talk about empathy Jesus therefore verse 38 again groaning in himself coming to the grave it was a cave and a stone lay upon it jesus said take you away the stone Martha take away the stone Martha the sister of him that was dead saith unto Him Lord by this time he's thinking for he has been dead for four days jesus said unto her said I not unto thee that if thou wouldest believe that thou should us see the glory of God then they took away the stone from the place where the dead was laid and Jesus lifted up his eyes and he prayed he said father I thank thee that thou hurt is that thou thou has heard me verse 43 and when thus had spoken he cried with a loud voice Lazarus come forward and he that was dead came forth bound he was bound his hands were bound and his feet were bound and he was bound with grave clothes and his face was found with a napkin that all preaches by itself right there jesus saith unto him now lose him and let him go he's all bound his his hands his face everything about him is bound up but look at your neighbor on the right and say neighbor watch me come out of this well look at somebody else and say watch me come out of this Oh y'all y'all must never been in nothing you must have never wanted to prove a point look at somebody and tell him you just watch me come out of this cuz I'm bout to come out of this in the name of Jesus coming out I'm coming out of it coming out of it in Jesus name father bless your word and we thank you for it have your way speak in this house be God do whatever you want to do we yield this whole floor to you we yield the moment to you we're just your people you are using us but God we need your glory have your way in Jesus name Amen and amen on your way down hit somebody tell him watch me come out of this watch see that's a witness in the room somebody's getting ready to come out of something if I don't say anything else you already heard the word of the Lord watch me come out of what looks impossible watch me come out up watch me watch me watch me come sit down y'all let me just try let me just let me just trap to come at it let me give you some words so you can back it up when you get a home by yourself and you find yourself in a closet and you say hey watch me survive this watch you watch God watch me all around me is sinking sand but on Christ [Applause] the absolute greatest preacher that the world has ever known was a man whose name was Jesus and everywhere he went he carried the gospel through the foolishness is what the Bible says of preaching everywhere he would go he would turn entire cities upside-down wherever he went multitudes would follow him and without a mailing lists or a database without a television program without a microphone without a book deal without anything at all that we think we have to have today he preached his messages until multiplied thousands of people followed after him out of all of the great preachers that we have in the world today none will ever be able to compare to him because he did not just have a word he was the word he was the word that was made flesh and he dwelled among us the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth and he preached and when he preached he preached with unprecedented power now I told you last week as he would move from city to city to city to city he was very careful at the houses that he would stay at and yet when he would come to Bethany there was something always in him that would gravitate to the home of Mary Martha and Lazarus and I believe that the reason he would gravitate to their home was because number one they knew who he really was and number two he knew that they would host him he knew the people in that home was going to honor him he knew that they loved him and then he also knew that they were loyal to him now loyalty and I plan to preach on this sometime hopefully pretty soon if the Lord says the same but loyalty it was a really big deal to Jesus and because it was big to Jesus I've learned that whatever is big to him I tried to make it become big in my life as well as a matter of fact the subject of loyalty is massively important in the eyes of God himself one of the reasons that it is so important to God is because it was this loyalty which is the opposite of loyalty that disrupted heavens unity in heavens peace and heavens tranquility and if you've ever experienced disloyalty it becomes unforgettable in your life it was disloyalty that was fueled by pride that became the catalyst for Lucifer's rebellion let me say that again it was disloyalty and that was disloyalty that was fueled by pride that became the catalyst for Lucifer's rebellion it fractured eternity into - I said it fractured eternity into - and all of a sudden now the universe of the light has got to be introduced to something it had never seen before which was the realm of darkness so darkness and light had to come face to face never before had God's kind considerate generous compassionate loving heart been so violated as when Lucifer caused the church the first church split I believe that is why to this very day that the issues of loyalty run deep in the heart of God and I don't I don't have time to really go into all the bits and pieces of loyalty today but let me try to summarize it like this heaven had a church split and one of God's most powerful angels to whom he had given incredible glory and honor to whom he had made beautiful decided to allow all of the power that God had given him to go to his head and he began he became filled with things like pride and and betrayal and deception and disloyalty and ultimately he started using the power that God had given him against the very God that gave it to him and as a result he swayed a third of heavens angels over to his side but the the thing that we must know is that he has never been and he never will be a match for God because when God got finished with him he cast him and his cohorts out of heaven and put them into the earth and to this very day one of the things that God hates is those who sow discord among brethren we have underestimated that scripture and we have not taught it like it needs to be taught but if you want God to bless you you have got to have a loyal spirit and if you want to go through hell in high water keep on being disloyal because God hates those who sow discord all right a good I heard a friend of mine this week when I was talking with him and he gave me an incredible definition for disloyalty and he said to me disloyalty is using the privilege that someone gives you as leverage against them let me say it again disloyalty is using the privilege that someone has given you against them look at somebody next to you and tell him God hates it so win-win so when he found when Jesus found loyalty among the family of Bethany he went to their house and arrested will you just look at somebody tell him I dare you to be loyal see we pray for God to answer situations we put before God for him to answer and many times we don't understand why he's not answering them but I'm gonna tell you today could be that the reason he's not answering them is because our spirit is not loyal to God and to the things of God David was loyal to SAW I cannot Cheryl you cannot preach this today but David was loyal to saw even though Saul was not loyal to Dave and God turned around and gave the kingdom that belonged to Saul - David hello it pays to be loyal okay here's another one Abraham and lot Abraham was loyal to lot he didn't even have to take him with him he didn't have to bless him but when they got out there and he got blessed it all went to his head he didn't lost his mind and now the land can't bear them and Abraham goes to lot and he says you pick whatever land you want but we can't continue to walk together like this why because Locke was disloyal he takes the best part of the land it looked like he got the best of Abraham but trust me when your heart is right and you're pure and you are a loyal person God will always save the best for the last he looked like he got the best part but what he ended up with was Sodom and Gomorrah the loyal spirit that Mary and Martha and Lazarus had it did not exclude them from trouble because I don't care who you are where you're from from time to time every last one of us will go through trouble and when you love God like they loved God and when you love God like we love God and you find yourself in trouble sometimes it can be confusing sometimes it can be bewildering when you get the kind of doctor support report that they were talking about today it can be unsettling but but let me just give you a heads up that the Bible warns us about things like this and he tells us that our light affliction which is but for a moment for a wolf will work for us an exceeding eternal weight of glory and it never ceases to amaze me just how heavy those light afflictions can be to us you know what I'm talking about it's suffering beyond in any sense and it can leave you speechless betrayal that has caused your heart to be broken into a thousand pieces a disadvantage that makes you feel as if your life and your destiny and your purpose is now devastated and yet what does the Bible call things like that light afflictions unfaithful spouse a drug-addicted child a bankruptcy a pink slip off of your job an eviction notice on your door a doctor who says I am sorry but we've done everything that we know to do the Bible calls them light afflictions you got a daughter that will not speak to her mother you have a son that will not speak to his father you have a sister and brother who despise each other and the Bible calls them I'm faithful to the church but I've got a light afflictions and I'm serving the Lord I'm faithful to come to choir rehearsal but I've got some light afflictions I'm raising my kids by myself but I'm still raising him but I got lights afflictions I am a leader but I got lights afflictions I am so blessed that I know there are people that literally hate me but what they don't see is that up underneath all of the blessing I do have some light afflictions that can I tell you today that there is nobody who has ever lived for any length of time and not had to endure lights afflictions but let me remind you what the scripture says light afflictions which are but for a moment see that's the good part about that verse right there because that means it ain't gonna last forever it means even if I can't fix it if I can just stand still and if I can just hold on and if I can survive long enough I can outlast it and I can outlive it look at somebody on your right and tell them it's about to be over is almost over tell somebody else it'll be over in a minute it'll be over in a minute and if the truth be told I want to encourage somebody today by telling you that the things that have seemed insurmountable in your life the things that have seemed nearly unbearable the things that have seen unjust and unfair the things that you might be facing even right now as I'm speaking to you those things are really usually never even about you somebody has said why am I going through this why is it that my load is so heavy this just ain't right God have you ever went to God and just say God to say right they say why me of all the people in the world why would you expect me to carry such a weight as this but I came to the potter's house North today to remind somebody that whatever you are under right now it ain't even about you it is not it is not about you oh yeah you're in it you're living it you're facing it you are enduring it you are confronted with it but it is really not even about you the Bible said that when Jesus got the message this is the message translation he said he said the sickness is not fatal it will become an occasion to show God's glory by glorifying God's Son he said this ain't about you this is about my glory he said this thing about you this is about my glory I know it's inconvenient and I know it's frustrating and I know it's it's disappointing and I know that it is painful but I never told you that that I would come into your life to make you comfortable and I never told you that you would never be frustrated and I never told you that you would never be disappointed and I never told you that you would not have pain and have to cry from time to time and you by the way let me remind you you are the one that said use me God so how about you let me do that how about you let me use you and I'm gonna use you on my terms and it's gonna be for my glory because see God is saying I need somebody that I can take through the fire who will not get burnt up and I need somebody who can pass through the flood and not drown in the middle of it I need somebody who can handle pressure and not bail every time that gets a little bit heavy I need you to let me use you for my glory get somebody around you and ask them can he trust you with trouble some you've been wondering why you're being going through what you're going through God said I've just been trying to see if I could trust you with trouble this ain't about you this ain't about me forgetting you I forgot you I know right where you are I know ever ahead that is numbered on your everywhere numbered on your hand I know where you are this is about my glory my God never to me that there has never been a time in the church where we have had more available to us to mature us and to grow us and still we got people in the church who refuse who absolutely refused to grow even in spite of the fact that we got great teachers and we've got great preachers and we've got great tools we've got software we've got streaming we've got downloadable books now you don't even have to wait to go to the book store to get it you've got audible books books that you can listen to we've got podcasts we've got schools of learning we have been exposed to now in our generation we've been exposed to more than any previous generation has ever been exposed to we've got all kinds of stuff to make us grow and to make a straw but I don't know there's so so much weakness that is in the church people who are hurt so easily people who are offended so easily people who can't take nothing people who are always looking for an excuse they are victims and they are proud of it powerless and proud of it no anointing but they're proud of it well pastor Brady I have just been through so much I've been through so much I've been disappointed by so many leaders well guess what you have disappointed quite a few leaders too y'all don't like me but I'm gonna tell you the truth you disappointed some leaders and you disappointed some people too and by the way whoever told you to put your confidence in people and leaders in man God said you might say well Allah I lost all my confidence no you didn't lose it you just misplaced it you put it in the wrong place you put it in people and it should have never been in people too we can wear well I get I guess I'm just disappointed because I actually never thought that the church would be a place that I would get and end up so hurt and have to deal with so much pain well guess what the church should not be the place where you have to deal with so much pain but you have got to have something in you that reaches beyond church that reaches beyond people that reaches beyond leaders and you got to have something that anchors you to God himself because if you don't have that you will never survive the storms of life [Applause] this room is full of people that's been hurt by church but we have something that reaches beyond all of that stuff and we grab hold of God and say God you they may fail me but you will never fail me and it's you I came to praise and it's you I came to worship and it's you that I came to learn from your word but today we're still looking for something tangible we're looking something for something tangible that we can lay a hold of a man a woman a person or personality but let me tell you something when it comes to things that are tangible you're dealing with things that are changeable and so you can't always lock into things that are tangible because they are changeable and that's why you gotta have something that goes beyond just the church and just beyond something that's tangible that's why you can't come to church and look at somebody who was who was in one place last week and now they're in another place because people will switch up on you because people are are tangible you gotta grab hold of something that doesn't change and that is Jesus he is the only one who is the same yesterday today and forever more how long are we gonna call ourselves Christians and still trust in flesh how long are we gonna call ourselves Christians and come to the house of God and serve Him and praise him and worship Him and still not know him compassion of him in the church for many years I'm not talking about knowing the church I'm talking about knowing God because there's a difference between knowing the church and knowing God and here's here's how you can tell what is what here's how you can tell which is which because the people that when you find people in the church that are strong it is people that know God it's it's not people that know church people that are strong are people that know God sometimes you go through stuff and people look at you and you say they say I don't know how in the world you are able to handle that it's because what I have is more than just Sunday morning charts what I have is God and the Bible says for the people that know their God shall be what I said the people that know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploits I'm going through but I'm strong I've been through the fire but I'm strong I lost my job but I'm strong I've hurt and hurt but I'm strong I'm weak but I am strong how can you say I'm weak but I'm strong because his strength is made perfect in my weakness therefore through it all somebody holler I'm standing strong and I'm telling you I'm gonna close out 2019 standing strong - because God is going to display his strength on the page of my life and when he gets through played a painting the final touches on my disappointment and my discouragement and my setbacks it will be such a divine display that even my enemies will have to say the Lord is with that sure Brady I'm telling you God is touch somebody around you and tell them be strong in the Lord cuz it ain't about you you didn't tell him that tell him it ain't about you it's about his glory it's about his glory it's about his floor I'm at my wit's end but it's about his glory I don't know how to fix it but it's about his glory I'm walking the floor in the midnight hour but it's about exploring I'm in shock because I didn't see it coming but it's for exploring I'm broken I'm humiliated I am in Paris but tell somebody it's for his car so so when I ask God well ask God to use me I had no idea when I said Lord I want you to use my life I had no idea that it would be in this kind of way I mean I was thinking maybe he would annoy me to preach maybe you would gift me so that I could be able to sing maybe you would give me influence so that I could lead people when I said usually that's kind of what I was talking about I thinking maybe you would touch me so that I could touch people when I ask you to use me and when I asked you to give me power I was thinking you would give me power socket break yokes I asked you to give me power so like I could lose those who about but instead of giving me those things you chose to give me a light affliction and God said yep that's exactly right that's what I chose to give you do you know why because I'm looking for a people I'm looking for a generation who I can point to and say look at these people they know how to go through trouble but they still know how to praise me they know how to worship me they still know how to dance their heart is broken but they still come in and smile and they still come in and celebrate favor even know where they're going afterwards but they're here anyway because they love Jesus he said I'm looking for that kind of people I'm looking for a generation who will stand up and say hey I just count it all joy they'd all been joyful but if I had everything up I will count it all joy and in everything I will give thanks I will look at delay and say at least you're not denial because I trust the Lord God said I'm looking for people who don't flip out and freak out and throw in the towel and just because I don't because I don't move according to your time I move according to my time cuz I'm the one that made time I'm the one that has that is time so whenever I get there rest assure that I'm always on time because I am God he said I heard you the first time you called me but I can't come after you right now I can't come out to you right now cuz this one right here that Julian this one ain't about you this is about my glory so I can't I can't lift the burden yet oh I don't know that's for my god I can't lift it yet I can't snatch you up out of it yes I can't rescue you yet I can't come in there yet because if I come now then I won't get enough glory if I come right now I can't get enough story out of your life in fact the reason that God puts you where you are it's because he said I want to get some things out of your life and is I can't come here cuz it ain't bad enough [Applause] it ain't bad enough yet because you know what if he brings you out today people are gonna say oh yeah I see it was the counseling that brought them out it was their mama that brought them out it was the medication that the doctor put up them on that medication brought them out it was their quick thinking that brought them out it was their talents it was their skill it was all of their ability that brought them out of what they are in so therefore God said no I gotta wait I gotta wait until nothing is working in your life I've gotta wait till you reach the end of your rope I gotta wait till you come to the end of your game I gotta wait till you come to the end of your power and your life and your strength and then I have to show you at that point that without me you can do nothing I gotta get to that place where if I don't fix it you know that it won't be fixed and if I don't do it it won't be done and when you finally do come out you will know how the only way I came out of that was God and he was God all by yourself and what will your testimony be at that point [Music] [Applause] tell somebody to tell your neighbor God is up to something he's up to something how do you know because I'm in stuff that I can't get out of I'm facing things that I can't fix my hands are tied it's beyond me it's bigger than me this can only mean one thing tell your neighbor God if it was about the devil god what a rebuke him he would have delivered him me from him he would have loosed me so since I can't pray it away or fast it away I can bash it away I'll believe it away then I've got to know the reason it ain't going away is because it's for my good by his glory so it God has not answered your prayer it's because he's up to your neighbor he's about to get glory somebody to know that what you're facing right now it's gonna be for his floor thank you Jesus [Music] when Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick he said this is not about Lazarus is death this is about my glory somebody shout glory sit down I got a hurry because I'm gonna tell you what that glory means so our glory there means the full extent of the thing it means the full stretch let's just stretch right where you are right now it means the full stretch maybe some of y'all wake up now it means a full stretch and the full stretch can be painful a full stretch can be uncomfortable however periodically God will take us through things he'll take us through things so that the fullness of who he is will be manifesting through us see this is what we have to understand that the very glory that's going to come out and if glory ever comes out of a person's life if you sense glory when they speak if you sense glory when they walk into the room if you sense glory when they play an instrument if you sense glory when they open up their mouth and begin to talk as sing if you sense glory you have got to know that it is that glory came out of the stretch and that stretch came out of pain and because you cannot claim glory without stretch marks I said you cannot claim glory without stretch marks don't be trying to tell me you got glory and you ain't never stretch for nothing you ain't ever reach for nothing you ain't ever had to get out there by yourself and say Lord I'm gonna die if you don't help me if you don't throw me a lifeline I'm going under this time I'm telling you you don't get glory without stretching you can't just want it you can't just be entitled to it there has to be a stretch there has to be a press in your spirit because you will never understand your potential until somebody has forcefully pushed you to your limits when you've been pushed to your limits that is where you find out where your strength ends and God strengthen begins Lazarus this sickness was stretching his sister's to their limit we talked about it last week Mary and Martha they were god-fearing woman but they were completely opposite one was all up in the spirit the other was all in doing carnal things natural things so there's friction between the two of them but when sickness hit their family it pulled them together say I don't know if you know this or not but sometimes most of you probably already know this but what you can have all kinds of tension in your house the family reunion can be crazy everybody dreads to go nobody wants to be there they know what's gonna end up in a fight but I'm gonna tell you something let's somebody get on their death bed let's somebody get a little pool your entire house together look at somebody and tell them trouble will pull you together trouble will yes sometimes God will use and Lazarus is bad to help pull everybody in your house together so God is saying Lazarus this isn't really about you he said I'm just gonna use you to pull your family together I'm gonna use your problem to do to cause them to understand that they got to go back to calling on my name they got to go back to prayin like they've never prayed I'm gonna use them too cause I'm gonna use your sickness to cause them to appreciate the Hat one another to understand that there is power when we touch and when we agree so you may not know this Lazarus but I'm Oh usual bed to fix your house because I hate division and I hate a divisive spirit so I'm gonna use what you're going through to pour your sisters together and so they got together and they started working and they tried to comfort him they tried to cover him up and keep him warm because it's pretty cold they tried to console him um last listen we've done put the word out Jesus is coming you know he's gonna come he's gonna see about us because you know we've been good to him in here and this is his home and when he finds out when the word gets to him that we are in trouble like this I'm telling you les he's gonna come you hold on just keep living just hold on lasers because I'm telling you he loves us and he's gonna be here for us is there anything we can get you his voice is weak his voice is frail and it's nothing like somebody that you love who is sick who their voice is weak nothing like that to raise your sensitivity level and no matter what they say it's almost like you can hear it because you have leaned into their pain the reason you've leaned into their pain is because you love them there was nothing like trouble and and pain to make you live on high alert in the lives of those that are around you Mary and Martha came together they prayed together they work together they strategize together Mary this Martha this is his favorite food can you fix this for him sure I'll fix that for you let's try to see if we can just get him to eat a bite of these potatoes I don't know if he'll even take them but let's just try you Mary you go in there and you sit with him because I don't want him to be alone I don't want him to think he's going through that's fine I'll go sit with him they came together they pulled their resources together you do that and I'll do this and I'll do that and you do this they did everything they could because like I told you last week when somebody you love gets in trouble you are right there with him trouble had pulled them together and once trouble pull them together all of life's little issues and all of life's little discrepancies and disappointments and all of the little nitpicking that they were doing with one another got pushed to the side because real trouble will make you push stuff like that to the side master Martha and Mary really need you to come see about Lazarus he's there Kent can't you just stop what you're doing and call me heal him no I can't do it yet because I need an exceeding weight of glory well let me tell you something next time it feels like God has forsaken you in your fight and you have been in it way longer than you think you should have been in it don't charge him foolishly just tell everybody you watch I won't come out of this but it won't be in my time it'll be in his time would you feel like God has forsaken you just say a prayer anchor yourself down deep hold on and start looking for an exceeding weight of we're looking at the trouble and start looking for the glory because I'm telling you somewhere in the middle of all that trouble the glory is gonna come in and swallow up the trouble I know some of you have had a rough year in 2019 but I came today to tell you that the greater the pain the greater the glory the greatest of pain the greater the glory the greater the pain the greater the glory and the reason God couldn't come and deliver you earlier than he has is because he's not gonna cheat you out of your blessing and he's not gonna cheat himself out of his call right master master no I'm he's he's dead your friend you know the one you loved Lazarus he's dead Jesus is wonderful come on let's go see about him see sometimes God will let it get to the point of impossibilities so that you cannot claim any glory for it he said that this is too much for them but it's just right for me it gets Salah it gets to the door and guess what everybody's mad at him if you'd have been here my brother would not have died he said just hush no whining okay Martha stop complaining cuz this ain't even about your brother that's the whole problem you think this is about your brother you think this is about Lazarus but this ain't about Lazarus this is about my glory Mary and Martha I know that you might not understand this right now but I had to wait until you couldn't carry it any further I had to wait until it was out of your control I had to wait until you finally realized that you could not handle this I had to wait till you completely gave up I wait till you came to the end of your rope because that at the end of your rope is the place where miracles take place so now all I'm asking you to do is show me where you laid him down take me to the place where you'll finally stop the believing I was gonna come through take me to the place where you decided to step back and get out of my way I don't know who I'm talking to today like God said he'll get the glory if you get out the way I said he'll get the glory if you will get out of the way some of you are standing in the way of the biggest miracle you have ever seen in your life [Applause] he said all I'm asking from you he said I want you to show me where you gave up on him cuz that's where I'm gonna pick up on him I want you to show me where you quit because if you show me where you'll quit that's where I'm gonna begin he said if you'll show me where you stopped then I'm gonna show you where I start so show me take me take me there take me take me to that very place master I can't take you there he's been in there for days and he's thinking see the thing though don't suppose who in the body of Christ the thing we don't understand is we want to hide all the stinky stuff from God Martha's trying to hide but God don't care none about that that's what he wants you to invite him into he says invite me into your sink if anybody can handle it I can handle see we want to show him what we're proud of I'm so proud of this God look at my contribution letter look how much I have given to your house Lord I've been faithful I've only missed one Sunday out of the last two I've been so faithful Jesus we want to show him the clean clean little neat things about our life and we want to show him our church attendance we want to show him how we were there for all of the outreaches that we had we want to show him our ability to sing to lead to preach into all of that but God said that's not what I want to see he said I want you to invite me into your failure I want you to invite me into your mistakes I want you to invite me into your shortcomings I want you to invite me into your sin I want you to invite me into your state that is exactly where I want to come because I do my best miracles in the worst messy places so invite me into your mess if you got it all going on then obviously you don't need me but if you ever take a minute and cry out to me and open up the doors of your heart and say I failed I messed up I'm a mistake god I need you to help me he said daddy's right where I want to be [Applause] they got to the tomb and the crowds began together he started coming from everywhere Jesus looks around and he sees them he says yeah I head together a few more witnesses cuz he fatter went to the house only a handful of y'all would have saw what happened so I had to put some more people at the table and I had to take your trouble and put it on blast has God ever put your trouble on Oh y'all scared to say Amen that's okay we saw it in the paper we know already God is about to cause your pain and your trouble and your mess in your misery and he's gonna take it and he's goin work it up siren exceeding that means above anything you've ever imagined wait and not just an exceeding way to glory but an exceeding eternal weight of glory look at somebody and just prophesy right now get your anointing out right now get your northing out don't touch them if you ain't anointed but look at them if you're anointed grab their hand and say the pain of your story it's producing the weight of his glory now most say that again I said the pain of your story whatever you're in right now the throes of what you're in the thing that's making you cry at night the thing that's making you walk the floor you keep wanting God to get you out of it and they said I can't get you out of it because it's the pain of your story that's producing the weight of my glory and the weight of my glory on your life is what sets you apart it's what marks you it's what makes you not average like everybody else can I tell somebody in here God would have never taken you through what he's taken you and Allah to survive it if he was not going to bless you so whatever you do don't die right now but don't quit right now don't throw in the towel right now and don't faint right now because I want you to tell somebody around you something it's about to happen in your life now I want you to turn to somebody else and say neighbors something is about to happen in my life my peace my joy my strength my influence opportunities are going to another level light affliction [Music] [Applause] quick shot much for us setting a watch for you we'll be come on exceeding eternal weight [Music] [Applause] Tahlia Ava it's working for you it's working oh yeah so you cry but it's working for you how are you rocking the floors but it's working for you this light affliction Oh get this the light affliction only lasts for a moment but the glory is eternal [Applause] you are coming in just some that you will never come out on it's a blessing that is eternal perpetual permanent into it it's [Music] we're estar entre yo there's that the caterpillar the locust [Applause] I don't know what this is for get up Julia shut up get up trio [Music] for us [Applause] you got somebody telling me notice your name he's about to call you by name and when it calls you he's gonna break you out of stuff you should have not got out of that Craig that stone should have not moved out of this way some of you are wondering how am I gonna get out of ditch how am I gonna get out of these charges how am I gonna get out of this relationship how am i coming out of this depression because he's gonna call you [Music] till you hear him I set it up call ya til you hear him look at somebody around your head session do you hear what I hear [Applause] sometimes my life has been in trouble but I hear something very just finished come on yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody there's a lorry coming out of your story there's Laura coming out of it and God has called for all the liars all the gas effects and all the people that said you would never make it the book that said you would never last he's gonna break em all and they are gonna witness the glory that is on your life [Music] Aquos [Applause] I'm out of there [Music] [Applause] [Music] him they announced his hand they are bound his feet tell somebody go away a while ago they opened his eyes and now we could see this vision has come back this meet but tation have come back look at some hockey come on out of this [Applause] I wish I had 20 people [Applause] what your past days [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is calling me out I heard something I hear him he's calling my name because it wants to restore unto me all of the that means the time that means that page that were wasted but people that wasted my time that wasted my opportunity [Music] if not you I know your names laughter not you not you not there was a lot of Lazarus's that was sleeping in that - he's number one I won't because your blessing has got your name my puppets [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm taking a bracelet right now I feel faith in this room somebody has felt bad somebody has felt like there was a stone in front of you somebody has felt obstacles you found differences but God's sake reticence somebody into your life [Music] [Applause] [Music] so when it [Music] nobody [Applause] nobody [Applause] [Music] nobody thank you Jesus can you help me thank you for his work today if his word found you today will you help me thank you if you're in something you can't fix yourself would you help me would you just tell them I'm gonna trust you God I'm low trust I'm gonna
Channel: Sheryl Brady
Views: 119,644
Rating: 4.860322 out of 5
Keywords: Sheryl Brady, The Potter's House North Dallas
Id: 9T57bG2ofzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 57sec (3417 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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