Discerning Doors

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you that have led us into the presence of the Lord I want to go right into the word this morning just remain standing for a moment as we read I want to take you to Revelation chapter 3 I'm going to read out of the New Living Translation I want to read a couple verses out of the book of Revelation chapter 3 and we're going to begin reading God is speaking to his churches in this book here and I want to talk to you today as he I want to read where he talked to the Church of Philadelphia while your oil you're finding that are while they're getting ready to put it up on the screen I want to thank all of you who have brought school supplies and blessed our house so that we could be a blessing to children and I want to also especially thank minis food pantry because yesterday they filled up a my daughter's car with more backpacks and all of them were loaded with school supplies I mean the trunk the back seat the front seat everywhere you could look was was backpacks and I'm grateful I love to partner with people who partner back with us and that's what they did and let's thank God for minis food pantry Cheryl said I just want to be a blessing to my church she would said I want to be a blessing to my church and as we have them today I want you to and you need them I want you to feel free to take them because I believe that we're gonna set our kids send our kids off in the right direction this year I don't want them lacking nothing I don't know why I keep going there I just don't want them to lack anything lack no lack in their lives no financial lack no intellectual lack nothing nothing lacking nothing missing nothing broken hallelujah thank you Jesus but I think God fer for people though all of you that have helped us to do what we do here in the potter's house north let's be good reading today at the seventh verse and the Bible says write this letter to the angel of the church in Philadelphia this is the message from the one who is holy and true the one who has the key of David what he opens no one can close and what he closes no one can open he goes on and he says I know all the things that you do and I have opened a door for you that no one can close you have little strength and yet you obeyed my word and you did not deny me he said I know I know you all I know all about you I know your inside out I know you ain't got a whole lot of strength but I also know that you obeyed what I told you to do and you did not deny me he said I know all the things you do and I have opened a door somebody shouted or a door that no one can closed when I tell you I feel like it's going to be a year of acceleration for your kids I believe it's gonna be a year of acceleration for us you may say well this sounds like New Year's it can be a new year if you want it to be then it just like God saved the best for last I said he could save the best for last and I believe because of what God is getting ready to do in our lives that we have to now more than ever have a spirit of discernment and so today I want to talk just from a simple subject discerning doors discerning doors because God can open up so many so fast that you will have to absolutely know what is the mind of God because you can't go in every direction I said you can't go in every direction but I believe he's gonna enable us to discern the doors that he is opening in our life Spirit of God I thank you for the spirit of expectation that is in this room I thank you because you promised us that our latter house would be greater than the former and I thank you that no matter what it might look like today in this place in our lives I thank you that your plan will prevail that your purpose will prevail we understand that we are buffeted from time to time on the left and on the right but it is in those moments that we choose to declare that you are God you are holy you are worthy and you are still on your throne now today father I don't know every need in this room but you do so speak Lord so that every man woman boy and girl will be able to know that they've heard your voice used me if you can use me any way that you want to and I'll give you the glory in Jesus name somebody say Amen on your way down and hit somebody and tell them discerning the doors discerning the doors I want to just also make a quick announcement while I'm thinking about it we have determined that this is our year of great growth and we are growing in our church we're growing in our lives were growing on the left and on the right some of you are growing families and I am just grateful that it is all you have great growth and our I am excited to announce to you that on next Saturday at 11 p.m. I was not necessarily going to open this I'm sorry what I say a.m. did I say p.m. do not come out here leaven p.m. you will be so sorry if you did but 11 a.m. we are going to have a man that I have admired for many years from afar his name is dr. Paul Scanlon and those of you that are moving it's because you've probably heard of him I found out that he was gonna be up here in Sherman the beginning of the year and I took our team up there and we sat for one of his classes in one of his sessions and he blessed me so and he is a genius thinker and he is going to be a blessing on Saturday at 11:00 p.m. we opened it up for our servant leaders and what did I say we might have to have prayer at 11:00 p.m. I told the Lord to use me anyway could but anyway it's gonna be here and I I decided this week you know I want to open it up to those who have the mind cuz that's how you're of great growth and for those of you that have a growth mindset you know that you have to have a growth mindset you know that you have to have a growth mindset so he's going to be you know I didn't want to open it up bring him and then keep back those who really have a growth mindset so I'll be here and our team will be here and he will be here on Saturday at 11 a.m. hallelujah so make sure I just want to open it up to you and I encourage you to come out and be be there with us this is our year of great growth but I also believe that because we are growing God is beginning to open some things he's beginning to and he he has he's beginning to and we'll yet continue to open some great things in our life open up great things whenever you okay we're gonna say it like this whenever you grow in the natural you got to have some new clothes unfortunately but but in order to accommodate your growth we got we got to look for something different so I believe that as we grow in the spirit that in order to accommodate the effort that we have made and the mindset that we have positioned ourselves to have that God has to open things up because we have outgrown where we were and so I that's why I believe in I'm excited because this next season I'm not even talking about next year I'm talking about this year I don't know what next year's gonna hold but I'm talking about this year God is getting ready to swing wide some doors on your behalf you ought to receive that right now I don't know what it is that you're believing for but there's some doors that are getting ready to open I know it in my spirit I see it come in I feel like I can hear the hinges squeaking over Oh my life in the heavens something is about to open up in our lives so I want to make sure that you are prepared for it and and I don't I don't know that anybody has ever taught me anything along these lines until now but I think it's imperative that we understand the significance of doors in our lives doors are very they are very significant to us doors are in the natural doors are everywhere and we walk through doors every day more than we will even realize how much we walk through them if I ask you right now to count how many doors that you have in your house I don't know if you could tell me right off the bat but doors are very significant we immediately say well I have a front door and some of us say well I have a back door so I have a front door in the back door but we have garage doors we have attic doors we have some people have dutch doors that's where it's cut in the middle and you opens at the top and the bottom some people have French doors in their house we have closet doors we have sliding glass doors we have bathroom doors if you don't have a bathroom door please get one right away you need one we have shower doors you need one of those too we there are bedroom doors there are trap doors there are hidden doors there are revolving doors if you live in a hotel or in a wonderful fine house there are secret doors that there are all different time doors doors are significant in the natural and they are there are also very significant spiritually as well doors can be a way in and doors can be a way out doors can be a bridge they can be a barrier doors can say you are welcome or you are not welcome doors can represent acceptance or they can represent rejection doors can keep things out so that you could stay safe and doors can keep things in that are valuable doors will also separate they will protect they will isolate and they will expose doors are everywhere and they are very significant in our lives not only are the doors significant to the natural but they are significant to the spirit jesus said here where we're reading today in Revelation to the Church of Philadelphia anyone with ears to hear must listen to the spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches write this letter to the Angel of the church in Philadelphia this is the message from the one who is holy and the one who is true the one who has the key of David what he opens no one can close and what he closes no one can open I know all things about you and I know what you do and I also and he said I can open for you a door that no man can open I know that you have little strength I love that because he knows when your strength is running thin I know that you have little strength and yet despite the fact that you are little have little strength and you don't feel at your best he said you have obeyed my word anybody obeyed God when you didn't have strength to almost obey Him and he said you never denied me I love how the message Bible says it he said I see what you've done and now I see he said I see what you've done now I want you to see what I've done I've opened a door before you that no one can slam shut you don't have much strength I know that you used what you had to keep my word you didn't deny me when times got tough he's saying there I know what I know that you don't have it all together I know that you are not perfect I know that you are not as spiritually strong as you want to be but at least you stayed with me at least you're still here at least you kept singing and you kept praising and you kept being faithful and at least you have not denied me so he said because of that I'm gonna open a door for you so for some of you today that are in this you've been faithful you felt like I've not had the strength I've not had the time I've not had the resources there's a whole lot that I did not have but I did have my faithfulness and God said because you were faithful when times worth lean he said I am gonna open a door for you tell somebody that's the door of opportunity say it again that's the door of opportunity anytime God picks you up and sets you in a situation that you could not have had the strength to get in there on your own it is a door of opportunity anytime you have to pinch yourself because it feels like what you are doing is so unbelievable that is a door of opportunity you have to know that and you have to be quick to acknowledge that this door is the door of opportunity and nobody but God opened this door in my life God said don't fool around and start and praise and everybody else because when it's all said and done I am the one that will open the door that no man can shut and I'll shut the door that no man can open so I want to talk to you for the next few minutes just about doors in our lives and and I want to give you a few a few things that I think you need to know regarding doors so I want you to write this down one of the first things I want you to understand is that our doors are attached to our decisions our doors are attached to our decisions in in the Bible doors are metaphors for the decisions that that that have been made and it is our choices and it is not our circumstances that are going to determine our destiny I must say that again it is our choices and it is not our circumstances that will ultimately determine our destiny every door that you walk by leaves you with a choice the choice says will you go in or will you stay out will you walk through it or will you walk by it some doors shouldn't be walked through some doors can't be walked through and other doors are not worthy of your time for you to even attempt to walk through them so uh wherever there is a door there is a decision that has got to be made so number one I said our doors are attached to our decisions the second thing that we need to know about doors is that destiny is shaped by the door by the decisions that we make when we face doors let me say it again destiny is shaped by the decisions that we make when we are facing doors in other words our destiny is going to be determined by the doors that we walk through or by the doors that we pass up the toughest part about all of that is knowing which door is the right door because all doors are not created equal I said all doors are not created equal and the reason I say that that that it's tough is because any time you walk through the wrong door there is always a cost that is associated with your decision it may cost you your money it may cost you your time it might cost you your influence it might cost you your energy it might cost you your good name and it might even cost you your peace because you're so scrambled simply because you made the wrong choice so let's let's make it personal let me just go ahead and ask is there anybody under the sound of my voice that has ever walked through a door that you thought was right only to have to admit later that was wrong lift your hand that's awesome the rest of you are liars and you're going to hell I'm kidding you II I'm praying for you i'ma pray that God accelerates repentance in your life but it's costly to take the wrong door wrong doors will lead you off of a right path I said wrong doors will lead you off of a right path and ultimately they will cost you much more than you are really willing to pay and and and you you you you you and many times if you ever have been on a right path stepped over on the wrong path it's sometimes it's much easier to step onto the wrong path than it is to get back onto the right path it doesn't happen like that sometimes it takes you years to be able to pull yourself out of the decision that you made it's not always like one course correction and now shoo thank God I'm back where I was know sometimes it'll take you years it'll cost you friendships it'll cost you your peace of mind some doors lead you so far off of the right path that it can take you years to get back onto the track that you need to be so we have to make we have we have we have to make decisions up front and we can't wait to the spur of the moment we got to make them up front and the way in order for us to make decisions up front is we got to have discernment somebody say discernment the more discerning that we are the more wise our decisions will be and the wiser that that we are the better decisions that we are going to make Deuteronomy says in verse chapter 30 verse 15 today I am giving you a choice you can choose the life and success or you can choose death and disaster life and success or death and disaster here's where the problem comes in and here's where discernment is of the utmost importance because we cannot always see what is behind the door okay the doors can be beautiful and they can all entice but trust me they're not all the same when you open them I grew up loving to watch the show let's make a deal I love that I think that's why I have everything in my purse you can imagine because I used to play that game do you have a banana peeling in your person yes here it is I got that I just I love that the stuff that people had in their purse everybody that helps me carry it despises that but anyway I loved it and it was I loved it because there was a risk involved they would say you can take this that you see or you can trade this in for what is behind door number one or door number two or door number three and people all in background they don't have no skin in the game they're just hollering to be hollering but but I love that game because I I would watch people take a risk sometimes it was good sometimes you there was a car and then other times you would trade your car off for a clown who was behind door number two but though and those two things are very very different a car and a clown but but how somebody might say today well how do I know pastor and how do I choose the right door for my life somebody shout discernment discernment is important in everything and anything that we do in our lives we need discernment in our careers we need discernment in our finances let me tell you something bigger is not always better I said bigger is not always better you might say oh this is a bigger door I'm gonna take it but there are a lot of people that took bigger doors who were sorry because they learned the hard way that bigger is not always better you so we need discernment we need discernment in our education we need if we're gonna go and get to school we need to make sure of what we're going in debt for make your calling and your election Shore so that you don't find yourself too years from now paying for decisions that you do do did not ever use those same in it's okay I understand we need to sermon in our friendships hello we need to CERN Minh in our relationships and I'm gonna be honest some people consistently make the wrong choices when it comes to their relationships sometimes some people you all know them not y'all of course but you know them people who are always picking the wrong person to be in a relation that picker is broke it's just broke you'll give them a little slack one time but like after three or four times you're like you your chooser is broke your picker is broke and you need God to help you I love you but I'm being honest I've watched people I've bought people in this church go from one racial relationship into the next into the next and their life is in shambles because they have no discernment when it comes to making decisions in their relationships and we lose precious time and some of us are too old to lose time our destiny will always be determined by the decisions that we make and our decision are going to be determined by the doors that we walk through so the the third thing that we got to know about doors is doors may represent different things doors may represent different things for instance a door might be a god opportunity every opportunity that comes to you from God is an opportunity that we have got to seize you cannot allow a god opportunity to slip through your finger he told the Church of Philadelphia he said I'm gonna give you a wide-open door and if you walk through the doors that God gives you that our wide and that are open if you walk in the right way if you walk in at the right time and if you do the right thing while you are in those doors in the right place he is going to blow our minds some of you need to hear me today as God moves you throughout the remainder of this year he's gonna open up a wide door and if you will move in that door at the right time at the right pace do the right thing and be in the right place God said I'm gonna blow your mind because this year is into this year it's not gonna be like you thought it was gonna be at the first of the year well I tell somebody a god opportunity is coming to your house a good of a really good example a really good example in in Scripture of a God opportunity can be found in 1st Corinthians 16 and 9 Paul says a huge door of opportunity for good work has opened up here Oh a huge door Paul said listen I wouldn't go stay in this long but now there's a huge door that has opened up for me it's a huge door of opportunity but that's the first part of the verse the second part of that verse goes on to say but there is also mushrooming opposition okay please be aware that oftentimes opportunities plus opposition equal the will of God let me say it again many times the opportunities plus opposition equals the will of God don't think for one minute just because God opens the door of opportunity that it's going to be without a fight or that it's going to be without a struggle living in the will of God does not mean that we have a problem-free life but what it does mean is that God is going to help us as we work our way through those problems every opportunity comes laced with opposition expect it I said every opportunity will come lace with opposition you can expect that you will never have a god opportunity that is not going to be opposed by the enemy the enemy is always going to oppose every god opportunity that breaks out in your life and whenever that happens you you you whatever God gives you an opportunity you just got to know that there's probably trouble attached to this somewhere oh when I would do good evil is present with me the right door doesn't mean that there won't be trouble but the right door door does mean that trouble won't last always hallelujah I said it won't last always so underneath underneath that one right there let's write that a door maybe an opportunity from God or it may be a distraction from others so other people adore there is a door that can open that people are trying to distract you from what God wants to give you through a god opportunity so whenever whenever what appears to be a good opportunity ends up becoming a distraction it will always keep you from doing the will of God for your life I must say that again because you're writing whenever something that appears to be a good opportunity turns into being a distraction it will always keep you from doing the perfect will of God in your life doors like that will lead you off course doors like that will leave you in a dead-end sense of what situation so once again that this is why we got to have discernment in our life because not every door is a god opportunity I said not every door I learned this the hard way but not every door is a god opportunity some of them are just there to be distractions they are there to distract you from the god door I said some doors are there to distract you from the god door but let me tell you God has big plans for your life I said God has big plans for your life but guess what people do too I said people do too so people will try to offer you all types of opportunities that sound good uh uh this is gonna be good for you but it's ultimately gonna cost you your time it's gonna cost you your energy your money and and ultimately if it's not a god or it won't be a good door they are distractions that's all they aren't listen let me say that again every door is is every open door is not a god door we as believers we have this tendency to think oh it's an open door but every open door is not a god door it's just an open door are you follow me every open door is not a god door sometimes it's just an open door and don't be so overly spiritual that you think it's a god or just because it's open cuz it might not have your name on it and it might not belong to you every open door is not a god door for you it's somebody say it's just an open door and you have to be able to discern and I have to be able to discern whether it's a door of opportunity that's been opened by God or whether it's a door of distraction that has been opened by people what we don't have time to do is to go down and through a door of distraction that has been opened by people when when Nehemiah heard that this his hometown had been destroyed Jerusalem he wanted to go back in and rebuild the wall and he wanted to pretend he didn't wanted to do that because he wanted to protect the people from the enemies that were raging and coming against them and to attack them so he gets permission and he goes down and he starts rebuilding the city while he is rebuilding the city they are criticizing him there is a group amongst those some of them are glad that he's there some of them are criticizing him they are ridiculing him they are making fun of him they are threatening him and some of them wanted to kill him and and and they began to intimidate him but Nehemiah never allowed any of that to stop him he just kept on doing what he was doing so they decided well we can't get him down like that so let's see if we can get him down to reason with us let's see if we can get him down to discuss this thing and all they really were trying to do is they didn't want to discuss it they were just they wanted to delay him with distraction and so so they they tried to get him to come off of the wall and stop doing what he was doing because they wanted to discuss it be careful over people who want to consume your time just I just want to talk about it because if you don't have discernment you won't know that they already have a made of mind and there's nothing you can do and there's nothing you will say and so you're wasting your time and you're wasting your win trying to get people to change you have a made up mind but discernment will be like nehemiah and say I'm sorry I'm doing a good work I can't come down why would I come down to talk to you about something I know God has assigned me to do he sent messages I said go tell them I'm doing a good work don't tell Sanballat to buy and guess if I'm doing a good work and I ain't got time to calm down some of you need the spirit of Nehemiah to come upon you so that you can go to your distractors or send a word to your distractors that says listen i am doing a good work i am in the middle of the will of god for my life and i ain't got time to explain everything to you and i got time to help you to see just help me to see listen i got time to help you to see it ain't my job to help you to see it's my job to see what God has for me and if we're not careful and if we'll not we're not discerning we will miss walking into a divine door because we are tied up by doors that are distracting us so we have got to know the difference between a door of opportunity and of distraction because we don't have time to go through both and we certainly don't have time to go through a door of distraction a door can be an opportunity from God it can be a distraction from other people or here's the third thing it can be it can be a trap from Satan I said it can be a trap from Satan it will look as if God has opened the door and you know he is he is he is cunning and he knows exactly how to how to fix it so that you will think that is God Jesus is talking to his disciples in Matthew 16 and he's telling them I've got I've got to give up my life I've got to go I'm gonna be crucified but I will be raised again and Peter and his his hothead looks at him as he starts to mildly rebuke him and says no no that is not going to happen to you and so Jesus turns to beat her in the 23rd verse of Matthew 16 and he says get away from me Satan oh I thought it was Peter but you got to know the difference between when God is using your friend and when the devil is using your friend and you got to call it what it is hello I'm gonna say that again well that's my friend I know but God can use your friend or that if the if your friend is not careful the enemy can use your friend as well and Jesus looked at him and said get behind me Satan he said get away from me you are a dangerous threat to me you are seeing things merely from a human point of view and you're not seeing them from God's point of view and anytime we start looking at our future from a human point advantage and not from a God Vantage it is a trap I said it's a trap you've gotta be careful about that so so we've got to know that our doors are attached to our decisions number one our destiny is shaped by the decisions that we make when we are facing those doors number three doors represent different things and that leads me to the fourth one which is God God doors never contradict God's Word I said God doors will never contradict God's Word so what does that look like all right let's say you are in a marriage you are unhappy in your marriage you feel like that instead of growing together you have grown apart and it feels like things are getting worse rather than getting better and because of all of that you become disconnected a little more every day so you go to work sir and God you got to the God to the job that God has given you and you go in there and you feeling all disconnected and all down and out about your marriage I don't know that y'all think like this but I'm saying this for people who might be tuning in today online and you're going to work and now they've made a new hire on your job that happens to be the DES next to yours she is absolutely beautiful okay and now she's working beside you every day she's very nice to you she's very complimentary to you she is even she's very considerate of you and so in your mind you start comparing the woman that works in the desk next to you to the wife who is at home in the bed next to you and and and you think well how how inconsiderate she is or how insulting she is and you make a foolish comparison and I say it's it's a foolish comparison because it would it would be like comparing tangerines to sub they sound alike tangerine submarine they sound alike but they are very different they sound alike but they are not alike and and and so the the reason the reason you can't compare them is because on your job you look your best you smell your best hello you act your best and at the end of the day it's a phony picture of you and if she really saw the real you yeah but help me and I used I used it as a man but let me tell you they're women that are out there the same old way and and so so because of that you make a very unwise comparison and you end up stepping out on your wife or your husband and you end up having an affair with somebody and people are crazy enough I know y'all are not because this is all your great growth and you've grown in this area but some people are crazy enough to come and say you know pastor Brady I just believe that God sent her into my life I believe that good because God wants me happy right God wants me to be happy and and so I believe that God sent her in my life and this a god door for me and I'm like whoa let me put the brakes on right here and let me tell you that that is not a god or God did not send her into your life and I don't know who I'm preaching to today but but you don't have to raise your hand but I'm getting the point across to you anyway and then while I'm getting the point across let me get the scripture across because proverbs 6 and 32 says but the man who commits adultery is an utter fool for he destroys his own soul I said for the man who who commits adultery or the woman who commits adultery you are another fool somebody say don't be a fool don't be a fool cuz you're destroying your own self you're destroying your own soul why because here's why it causes pain it causes pain in you it causes pain in your family in their family it causes pain in your in your children it causes pain in generations that are yet unborn because you are establishing something that if we're not careful and we don't break that generational curse it will happen in your children and your children's children and your children's children sure it will happen all the way throughout your lineage it will cause pain that will come for generations and this was not a god or and here's why because God never a god or never contradicts a God God's Word Matthew 24:35 says heaven and earth will pass away but my word it shall abide forever listen if it was his word 2,000 years ago it's his word today and it will be his word 2,000 years from today the fifth thing that I want to tell you about doors is sometimes God will close them to protect you sometimes God will take a door and close that justice because he wants to protect you we don't talk about it in the church much but God does shut doors I said God does shut doors the Bible said in Genesis chapter 7 verse 15 and they went into the ark to know a 2x2 of all flesh in which is the breath of life so those are entered male and female of all flesh went in as God had commanded him and the Lord shut him in when everybody when he got the art built when everybody that wanted in God e'en God Himself shut the door God will shut you up so tight that no matter how hard you try to pull on the handle that door ain't coming open because I will shut a door that no man can open and that's where some of you are right now you cannot figure out what in the world God is doing in your life he's cut off some of your most faithful relationships he's isolated you it looks like he's took an opportunity and just knocked the legs out from underneath it he shut you in and he says no visitation for you right now and he has shut you up and I think I've got the answer he shut you up to grow you up I said he has shut you up to grow you up and so you might as well hang up your phone you might as well quit calling people because they ain't nobody coming over to your house ain't nobody taking you out to dinner ain't nobody gonna say anything and ain't nobody encouraging you because God has shut you in and when God shuts you in and nothing you can do but be shut in look at somebody and tell him I'm in a shut-in in my life when God shuts a door in a relationship I don't care how hard you work to renew to rekindle to revive ain't nothing happening sometimes he has to shut the door because we don't have enough sense to shut it hard sometimes he shuts it down because he don't want us to go back in to those very stuff that he worked to give us out of look at somebody and tell them when it's over it's over just stand still and see the salvation of the Lord your God sometimes God shuts down the old so we can open up the new I said sometimes God will shut that's what's happened for some of y'all he's shutting down the old don't misjudge him just trust him look at somebody say trust him trust him and it's what door closes in your life don't cry over it just shout over it because he is a decision that shoot open up another in the face of a long time ago just thank God in the face of every shut door because that's one less decision thank you life [Music] thank you for it for me [Music] let me finish this I want to finish it with this there's a reason somebody hit me today there is a reason God is have you shut in and secluded there is a reason he said you isolated and incubated he locked you up in an uncomfortable situation but he did it for your preservation you don't know the traps that were laid you don't know how the enemy was gonna use that door to lure you into a direction that you had no business going in so get your hand off the door and let it die it needs to die I believe God brought you here for me to tell you that it was just when you think something else he put Noah and his family in an uncomfortable situation he put them in a tight place he put him in a place that we're sinking but God put him there no they don't have what they used to have they can't do what they used to do they don't have the resources the freedom that they used to had they don't have the finances they used to have they had all that stuff before but now they're in a tight lockdown stinky place but let me tell you something what you do have you do have your life I said you do have your life the only difference between those who are drowning on the outside of the art and those who are living on the inside of the ark was a shut door sometimes a shut door preserves your life and sometimes God will shut you in because of the one what he's taking you through he won't yes and he'll shut you in because of what he's taking you through he doesn't always deliver you from the storm but sometimes he'll deliver you in for he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High where you are in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow the shadow shall hide me the secret of his tabernacle it's your neighbor say neighbor chill out goddess you might not understand it but he's got you covered your finances might be a little easy but he's got you covered just be faithful and if you will be faithful for your protection hallelujah am i helping anybody today you'll wonder lion when lunch of wit and if you're not careful you'll drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what does that do what us what did I Lord what should I have done different God said you couldn't have done not one very thing different I let it happen like it happened because I wanted that door shut in your life because I didn't want you killing yourself in this little door because I'm getting ready to open up big time in your life that will bless you know family and everything associated with your family does anybody believe God's Word today I gotta quit I gotta quit I gotta quit with this but I'm not both quit til I give you this last one somebody said get the last word get the last one sometimes God will sometimes y'all will crack a door open long enough just to give you a glimpse of your future I said he'll crack it open long enough just to give you a have you ever had God do that just like you're just there and you're like you know what what your sing is not really what what you're seeing you just you just got a glimpse of something and soon as you're about to get all into it lean into it why does he do that to us I'm gonna never forget when God began to call me to preach and what he showed me it was so far from my reality I don't like what and then just as quick as it opened his shut why why'd you do that he did it to inspire us to grow okay he did it to let us know I got more ahead for you and God will show you things that you're not quite ready for yet just so that you will dedicate yourself to destiny so that you'll dedicate yourself to pursuing his purpose God has a destiny for every one of us periodically he will give you a glimpse of that destiny just to stir up your appetite and to make you hungry for more sometimes he'll open it just enough for you to get a little vision and you'll be able to see oh that's what he wants to do next he'll give you a dream you give you it'll give you something that'll make you want to grow into it and listen to me this is so important he doesn't give it to us all at once he doesn't because if he gave it to us all at once it would probably intimidate us and we would think that's it I can never do that that's one of the reasons you don't give it to us all all at once but he also doesn't give it to us all at once because he wants us to lean on him and he wants us to depend on him so he'll show you your beat your dream your vision your destiny your purpose he'll show it to you one part at a time and as you are faithful over this part then he'll open up that part then he'll open up that part just write this down for reference I'm back at 2 and 3 in the living bible says but these things I plan they won't happen right away slowly steadily surely the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled it seems so slow do not despair for these things will surely come to pass just be patient they will not be overdue a single [Music] God is saying I'll bring it to pass on my timetable here's where we mess up though guys we get a glimpse of a dream we get the glimpse of a vision we get excited about it and without waiting on him we try to accomplish it God showed it to me yeah God showed it to you but you didn't wait you only got part one get the conclusion of the matter and so what we end up doing is we end up falling flat on our face now we start second-guessing ourselves we start second-guessing God maybe God didn't mean it maybe maybe his word is not true maybe he just maybe it wasn't God maybe it was just a bad dream but the truth of the matter is maybe it was God but you just snatched it up and ran with part one you completely forgot what how bad had said the things I'm planning for you they won't happen right away surely steadily slowly they will come to pass remember this a god vision always comes in three parts a god vision always comes in three parts I don't know if anybody's ever told you that but I think we need to know that don't over spiritualize it it always comes in three parts the first part God will tell you this is what I'm gonna do with your life so it comes into what he shows you the what the second part he says this is how I'm gonna do it so the first part is the what you're gonna do the second part is how you gonna do it and the third part is where God says and here's when I'm gonna do it in your life he gives you the what in the first part the how in the second part and he gives you the win in the third part and if you run off in one and two you gonna always fall on your face you got to get the conclusion of the matter every god-given dream every god-given vision has a what a how and a win every god-given dream after god-given vision has a what how and a win and it takes all three of those things and a three-fold cord is not easily broken so I'm gonna close today and as you begin preparing for your your your next whatever God has for you you're gonna need your what you're gonna need your how you're gonna need your win but you're also going to need a spirit of discernment Philippians 1 in 4 says this is my prayer for you that your love will keep growing more and more with knowledge and a greater discernment so that you will be able to make the right choices so you're going to need discernment with your what your how and your win and you're also going to need courage because what good does it do you to know what's next if you don't have the courage to walk in it so you're gonna need it it's not enough just to know it but you have got to have the courage to do it what is courage courage is not the absence of fear courage is just doing the right thing even when you are afraid it says I'm gonna do the right I'm afraid that I'm gonna do the right thing when Solomon felt overwhelmed when he was trying to build the temple David said to him in first chronicles 28 and 20 he said be strong and be courageous get to work don't be frightened by the size of what of the assignment that the Lord your God has given you but he is with you and he will not forsake you he will see to it that everything is finished correctly why do we need discernment to the doors in our life why did you tell us all this today pastor Brady because oftentimes God's will is found at the door and the reason so many people fail to move into his will is because fear keeps them stuck at the door well I just don't have a peace about that door I don't have a peace about that I don't have a peace about that I love it when I have a peace about it but you cannot wait to always have a peace about it because sometimes you don't get peace on this side of the door y'all hear me and so what people do is they miss God and then they wonder why they don't have any open doors because God said when I stood you in front of the door you wrestled with fear and you allow fear to talk you out of walking into what I opened up for you so that's why then what do I do I asked for discernment and I say God I have to discern even when I don't feel I have to discern when I don't feel peace I have to discern that that's my tour and I will let nothing separate me from the door that you have open in my life sometimes the peace that passes all your understanding is not found until you get on the other side of the door standing with me all over the building father I thank you for the doors that you were hoping I thank you that the reason you are talking to us like this is is very signifying to us that it is because you are getting ready to open up some doors in our life you weren't talking you wouldn't be talking to us about a door if you wouldn't plan to open it so I pray for myself I pray for our pastoral team I pray for our staff I pray for our volunteers I pray for every man and every woman and every child that you would prepare our hearts for what you are about to do we trust you we believe you and we are expected I pray that you'll give us discernment like we've never had in our life I think we're just gonna know we're gonna know that we know that we know the things that my mother uses I just know that I know I don't know how I know I just know I thank you for that kind of a discernment annoying annoying annoying annoying annoying not a guessing not a hoping but a knowing I thank you for that thank you preparing us so that we don't miss anything that you have for us in the name of Jesus why your heads are bowed and I closed eyes closed somebody in this building today needs to know Jesus how do you know I just know I know I know he brought you here he's going to open the door of salvation for you today that's your first door the door of salvation but asking for a door of opportunity until you walk through the door of salvation God will help you if you say pastor Brady that's me and I want to get saved today I want you to lift up your hand if you want me to pray for you I see your hands I see them I see them I see them I'm ready to commit myself to God I see them all over this world [Music]
Channel: Sheryl Brady
Views: 52,654
Rating: 4.8493843 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Sheryl Brady, Sheryl Brady, The Potter's House of North Dallas
Id: qWhf8zovvcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 17sec (3557 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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