Devote Yourself to Grow Yourself

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first Corinthians chapter 3 I'm gonna read at the tenth verse I'm reading out of the NIV so I've asked them to put that up on the screen so you can follow along with me and the scripture reads by the grace that God has given me I laid a foundation as an expert builder and someone else is building on it but each one should be careful how he builds for no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid which is Jesus Christ If any man builds on this foundation using gold silver costly stones wood hay or straw those are two to very extreme points right there here's what if you if you do it whatever you do it on is going your work will be shown for what it is so if you do if you serve Him cheaply your work will be known if you serve him in a costly way your work will be known it may not always be known by people but God will always know what you do okay it will be shown for what it is because the day will bring it to light it will be revealed with fire and the fire will test the quality of each man's work if what he has built survives he will receive his reward if it is burned up he will suffer loss he himself will be saved but only as one escaping through the flames Paul is the founder of the Church of Corinth and he says it is by the grace that God has given me that I have laid a foundation as an expert builder look at somebody on your right and say neighbor this is your year to devote yourself to grow yourself tell somebody around you on the other side devote yourself to grow yourself father thank you for the word thank you for what you put in my heart thank you for sending people that have ears to hear thank you for ordering our steps and bring us us to this very moment take over this room take over this microphone take over this vessel say what only you want sit hide me behind your cross the Lord when I get through here today please touch somebody's life challenge us beyond the norm and we'll give you things for it in Jesus name Amen somebody one more time clap your hands and hold your head back and just tell God thank you for your word thank you come on tell him thank you for your word today Jesus name on your way down till somebody devote yourself to grow yourself devote yourself to grow your self as I began reading 1st Corinthians 3 and where Paul is talking to the Church of Corinth the more I read it the more I felt I felt a personal assignment the more I read it the more personally got to me Paul said I I am a master builder what he has done is he has made a commitment here to make sure that the church that is being built is not just being built but it is being built right because when it is all said and done whatever you lead there will come a reckoning day where you have to stand before God and you have to display your works and if you've done what he's called you to do it will stand the so if you have but if you haven't it will be burnt up as would Hayden stubble so if you spend your whole life being a doctor but God called you to be a preacher then what you have done is wood hay and stubble and it will be burnt up before God and you will be left they are standing empty-handed because we have missed the purpose of God for your life if God has purposed you to be in this lane and you fool around and dabble in all of these other lanes multi-tasking and miss the purpose of God then that's a difficult life because all things work together for the good to those who love the Lord and are called according to purpose so when your feet land and your purpose God has the ability of taking all the things that were working against you and turning them and making them work for you so one of the things that you really need to understand this year is that purpose is everything we're exhausted you you get exhausted when you're in your purpose it's incredibly exhausting when you are outside of your purpose so Paul is making a commitment here he's saying we're not just going to build a church but we're going to build it right whatever it is that you are building make sure that you don't just build it and be building it but you are building it and you're building it right according to the pattern according to what God has spoken to you he is not so much talking about when he's talking about building he's not so much talking about quantity as he is quality he wants what he is building what is being built up under his watch what is being built up under his leadership he wants it to be something that lasts for generations and generations and generations and I feel that same urgency I feel that same charge I feel that same commission so as Paul is is saying those things I feel like there is a commission an assignment that comes to me as a builder we we are all builders were just all building different things but we're all builders look at somebody and tell them you are a builder pastor Brady is talking about you so don't sit here and think today that you can pitch what I'm saying over your shoulder because number one you doesn't done that too many times and it's obvious in some of our lives but what God is saying to us is he wants us to know that we are builders we are we are builders of people we are builders of life's we are builders of destiny we are building up builders of sons and daughters we have builders of hope we are builders of joy we are builders all of us around this room and those that might be watching me online I'm talking to builders today and so I felt as I read that the more I read it I don't know how many times I've read it just even this week but I read it over and over and I felt the charge I felt the commission I felt like you know when you read ascription and it comes up off the pages and it's like it chases you you lay your Bible down but whatever room you go into it's right it just it jumps up right in your face it never leaves you well I felt I feel that way I feel the Commission I feel the command I feel the assignment that God is saying whatever you're building at the potter's house in North Dallas you need to make sure that you build it right you mean to make sure that it is built to stand and you need to make sure that it is built for generations even that I get unborn so I understand that if we're going to do that if we're going to build something that is going to stand I understand that I cannot put all of my focus on just building the stage or just building the platform or just building what most of the eyes of the world look at what your eyes look at it's a lot of churches spend a whole lot of time making the stage or the platform the main event of the church and the rest of the church kind of goes to hell in a handbasket but this is not that kind of church and so we made it intentional in the early stages of this church that if you go to our Instagram if you go to our Facebook you will see that for a long time we have not just posted pictures about what goes on in this room because what goes on in this room is really not the main thing what goes on and really is the main thing is in the lifes of of our children in the life of our youth if you were here and you saw our video our recap video you you saw where we took a lot of time and took a lot of footage of Children and Youth and and when we post pictures we post pictures of what's going on in the children's ministry what's going on in the four year what's going on with people we post all of that because I never want to be a church that just has a pretty stage but is void of everything else I don't want to be that I don't want to be a part of that I know I certainly don't want to lead anything like that because that would be like like window dressing you know like you go to a to a store and you look in the window and it's so amazing but when you go inside to purchase what is in the window they don't even sell those things so it's in the window but it ain't in the content it's not in there it's not available so so because of that whatever happens I believe that whatever happens on this stage should also exist in the life in the values and in the culture of what happens in this church the truth is however today those people that have spent most of their life and minister trying to build a platform that looks good it's like cap teeth you know but their caps are over your teeth but if we took the caps off your teeth who would be a mess up in there so those that have spilled out their time and devotion and trying to make it just look look so perfect on the inside I mean on the stage they're they're really kind of learning a lesson the hard way because God you know God will fool around and trip up and do something completely different and so today there are a lot of churches that are being built that that that don't have don't even have great preachers but they're growing leaps and bounds just don't even have you listen to me like god I don't even know if they're called to preach you know I can pretty much try to figure out at least what you're trying to say but there's some people I can't figure out what you're trying to say and so but which lets me know that what grows a church is not always about what happens on the platform and it's not always about what happens in the pulpit what really grows the church so much of it is in it is is is not what is seen but it is what is unseen and it's not always about what is heard but sometimes it's about what is not heard and just be just because I know this for a fact just because a church is loud does not mean that it is powerful hello because you can be loud and void of power have you ever been in a church and it felt like a mixture was in the house and and and you you're hearing loudness you're just you can tell when when when that's not the sound of a house you can tell that's that that's not our sound it's just it stands out it's just like somebody put a microphone in your mouth and you stand out like a sore thumb why because you don't know how to flow in the spirit of the house so your loud a lot of people are loud but they're empty of power they're void of power and I don't want to have a church that just looks powerful on the surface or churches that sounds powerful on the surface but I feel a fresh charge in me to make sure that there is something beneath the surface of the potter's house of North Dallas I want something down and I want people to come in and just touch the surface of our life I want you to be able to go as deep as you want to go and still be able to feel that's the same power the same power that I feel on the platform is what I feel in the youth it's what I feel with the children it's what I feel in those that greet us it's what I feel in the parking lot it's that same spirit so if we're going to have something that is beneath the surface it has to come from a commitment from leaders who are determined to be wise master builders see I'm not interested in just being a preacher I'm not interested in just being another teacher this year or an instructor I'm not interested in just being someone who a crowd comes out to here preach but what I am interested in is is I'm interested in building a healthy sound authentic discerning growing church that is changing the lives of people that God has entrusted me to speak into and at the beginning of this year at the first Sunday morning of this new year I want to reestablish that in your hearing I want to reestablish that in your heart I want you to know what this church is about I want you to know what I am about and we are not about just being a church that comes together and hollers and pumps people up to shout so that we can leave here and go home and feel good that is not what I am about when it comes to a leader I am committed to being a wise master builder I'm committed to building stability and building strength and longevity and quality into your life that's my commitment to you and if you are committed to be built in look for me to pour something into then I am going to have something to pour into your life so that maybe by this time next year you will be in a complete different place than you are this year here's the deal though I don't get a whole lot of time with you I am I don't get a whole lot of time with you but I am committed to take whatever time that I do get of yours and to make sure that it counts you can rest assure that when I when I think about our Sunday services I am going to be prepared or I'm going to have somebody who is prepared but you're not going to come in here and have to wonder I wonder what we're gonna get today or if we're gonna get anything today no I promise you this I'm looking at probably 600 people right now I'm looking at you in this room if all of you gave me one hour that's 600 hours if I waste that time I have wasted 600 hours you understand I think like that I that's how I think and I don't think I've just wasted an hour of my time I've wasted 600 hours in this room so I am committed to making it count and now I want to know are you committed to growing that's what's important to me so if if you're committed to growing and I'm committed to making it count then I've got to feed you more than just sugar you know how kids are they just I just want a candy bar do I have to eat dinner I don't want dinner I'll just eat this candy bar you know why because they want they want the sugar because sugar has the sweet things have the ability to give you a quick pick-me-up I'm committed to not just give you a quick pick-me-up message every Sunday y'all I am so tired of that I am I am tired of people that just come to church oh just pick me up I just want to be picked up have you ever had a sugar high you just eat it and you all of a sudden you're high it'll pick you up fast but it will let you down hard hello and if all you seek is just those I want to be blessed it's kind of services you will find yourself getting real high but you'll find yourself hitting the ground real hard and when you can't when you get in those situations and you need prayer you can't even pray for yourself if you don't have a prayer partner I want to commit this year to teaching you how to have some personal power hello there's a lot there's a problem to me I think in the church I I don't I get disappointed when I when I hardly even watch Christian television I hardly do any of that because I get so disappointed when I look at the shallowness that that is in the church today never have we had better preaching never have we had more exposure never have we have we can we can take the the material home with us and we can study we can go online and study but the church is so shallow it wears me out it exhausts me I can't I can't imagine what the heart of God feels I I'm not trying to be a debbie downer on the church today cuz I love the church that's why I feel like I feel I get wore out I get completely wore out when a singer I watched it the other night a singer got up to sing and in her two songs 12 times she said put your hands together and give God prayer I counted him I counted them I counted them okay and what bothers me is that she's only got the opportunity to sing two songs but throughout that 12 times she had to pull people together to give God a praise I can see burnout that would possibly come her way but I'm tired of seeing burnout worship leaders because we come to church and we're waiting for some phenomenal it happened and then we will put our hands together but that's not what the Bible tells us the Bible tells us enter his gates with your Thanksgiving enter his courts with your praise I tell you I tell you something drives me crazy can I just talk to y'all this morning let me tell you something two drives me crazy I hate when people get up and say things to me like or say things like come on let's thank God for our pastor and everybody claps and the person has a mic says oh come on you know you can do better than that I want to take that mic and knock you upside your head don't ever do that don't ever do that and as bad as that bothers me I wonder how God feels when we have to walk up and say come on come on come on come on you better do this you better praise Him listen I'm tired of that I'm ready for people to get a revelation of why we praise Him and if you ever get a real revelation of why we praise Him and the bin that come when we praise him you will never need a coach to cause you to get God to give God the praise never would you realize that something happens in the atmosphere when you open your mouth you will never come back to church with your lips all sealed up again because you'll realize when you clap your hands when you realize that you are breaking up participles you are breaking up the Prince and the power of the air when you realize that you will clap completely different you'll break it up in your house you'll break it up in your corner you'll break it up in your space I'll break it up up here if you'll break it up over there and you break it up over there but we come in with mindless praise we come in with mindless worship our body is here but our mind is not here our revelation understanding is not here I watch people I watch people this week on on on on my streaming I watch people they would be like clap your hands the people are going there's a fierce anger that came over me because I understand the importance of understanding that we are on the holy ground this is not your house act that way at your house but this is his house and if God were to strike us today for mindless worship I wonder how many of us would be left and then we want to blame God when things don't go right when I didn't get what I wanted for Christmas when I didn't see my promise come to pass into town I didn't see it happen in 2018 and I got a promise right but your mind is not even on God your mind is on everything else the cares of the world are choking out the seed that has been planted in your heart look at somebody tell them I dare you to leave it outside that's why I can't just feed you and I to feel good things people that always just come to church oh I'm gonna get my blessing I'm here to get my blessing they come waiting for the preacher to say just the right thing about their blessing they come waiting for me to say God it's gonna break it through he's cold give you the victory he's gonna do this God it's not a man that he should lie he's going and all of that is true all of that is 100% true he will give you a breakthrough he will make a way for you he is the author and the finisher he will do all of those things he will do everything that he said he was going to do but if you come and only have your ears tuned to hear those certain things that you are getting a sugar high you come in here pumped up because of you come in here and get pumped up over the promises but before you walk out of the sanctuary you don't hit flat again because you're eating an unbalanced diet [Applause] what happens when you when your diet is unbalanced it does crazy things to you if your if your sugar gets too high if your sugar gets too low it'll yank you around like a roller coaster that's what happens people come to church and they they get a little bit of yanking around over here they go over there to that church get a little yank it around and but at the end of the day the dial of their life never moves forward they never grow any in God they never have any real power in God and people that have that imma get my blessing mentality guess what they usually never grow in God period now don't get me wrong I'm all for being blessed but a lot of people a lot of the blessing seeking people are not growing people I will say that again a lot of the bless me seeking blessing seeking people are not growing people but I'm here today to tell you that if you will slow down long enough to grow you will not have to chase after a blessing because the blessing ends up chasing after you so you get your cake and you get to eat it too you get your blessing but you also grow in God I am NOT interested in drawing a crowd into this building that just wants to be blessed I want to draw a crowd into this building that wants to grow in God I'm not interested in building one of another blessing dropping Center where do you go to church I go to church at the blessing dropping Center see they are a dime a dozen they're on every corner and you can get one anywhere but I want to have the kind of church I want to build the kind of church where people don't come looking for a blessing but they come looking to be built [Music] you don't go to the gym and expect to walk in one way and walk out a complete another another way you start realizing that I could I got to do this I got to call a few times I got to lift a few weights I've got a break sweat a few times I've got to do some things that pushes me out of my comfort zone but bless God if you keep it up eventually you will be built and out of big built will come a blessing so let me help you you may walk out of here some Sundays in this church and you may may walk out yourself I'm gonna feel oh but I want to ask you if you didn't get a blessing did you get built because if he got built trust me in a matter of time it's gon be a blessing anytime you leave here with fresh faith in even if it's just that big anytime you leave here with fresh desire anytime you walk out of here with fresh confirmation with a strategy anytime you walk out of here feeling like the roots of your life have gone down a little bit deeper anytime you walk out of here feeling like okay I got a new strategy on how I'm gonna treat my wife or I'm gonna treat my child or how I'm gonna treat my husband anytime you walk out of here feeling like you've taken a step even not the whole not the whole journey but at least you're able to make a step in the right direction anytime you walk out of here feeling like god that's shifted my perception let me tell you something you have been blessed so some days you will walk out of here saying that bless me today but other days you will walk out of here saying that word built me today I feel stronger in God let me tell you something I am in the business of building people and let me tell you right now in the says there will be blessings that God opens up the windows of heaven and He pours down on but I would much rather walk out of 2019 into 2020 knowing that we have a built church then walking out knowing that we have a church that's standing around looking for something to just fall in their hands when Jesus said upon this rock I will build my church he wasn't talking about a denomination he wasn't talking about a feeling he wasn't talking about an organization he was talking about building that people and since I am employed by him it is my job to build people since you are employed by him I need to remind you today that it is your job to build people not to tear people down not to defy not to separate but you've got to build people up so in 2019 I hope you are blessed but if you'll stick with me I guarantee that you will be built well because the truth is if we build big big big programs and we don't build big people I said if we build big programs but we don't build big people then all we're gonna have is big programs being attended by little people absolutely if we build big churches but we don't build big people all we don't have is big churches being filled with little people and a vision I'm guarantee you that's why so many beautiful you may not know it but there's so many beautiful churches today big beautiful churches that have gone into foreclosure why because leaders built big churches but fail to build big people hello and I believe there's a better way to do it I said I believe that there is a better way to do it I believe you need to build big people and out of the growth of their lives it will constitute building a big church but if we build big churches without building big people then we are going to be up the creek without a paddle if we build big churches and build big programs without building big people we are gonna struggle to sustain them because little people don't serve and little people don't commit and little people don't show up and little people don't support and little people don't give and little people do not follow through so we become a program event oriented driven Church and we become known for our programs and we become known for our events rather than being known for the place that God changes lives the place that God makes better father's the place that God makes better mothers that week become known for stuff that we don't necessarily want to be known for we want to be known for God building quality into our relationships quality entrepreneurs quality men quality women quality communities I want the sound associated with this church to be the sound of change lives I said I wanted to be the sound of change lives you want your relationship to grow in God shad you better go to the potter's house north you want to walk with God in a greater dimension go to the potter's house North you want the trajectory of your life to change meet me at the potter's house north you want yolks removed and chains broken and burdens lifted curl the presence of God has the power to do that and he's at the potter's house North that's the sound that I want echoed throughout this community that God comes to the potter's house North I want people to say when you really get ready for God to show you what you were born for find the potter's house now when you really get ready to quit playin church and address the issues in your life that are holding you back here after you're holding your family back holding your marriage back holding your blessing back when you really get ready to deal with those issues go to the potter's house north when you are ready for God to pour a firm foundation in your life that you can set your dream on and you can set your vision on and you can set your future on and you can set your family on go to the potter's house north and while I'm talking about foundations let me tell you that foundations are not exciting I said foundations are not exciting if you're building a house you don't go and just take pictures of the foundation and put them up on fit look what I'm building foundations are not exciting but can I tell you they are vital let me tell you today they are vital foundations are not quick but they are very important and when a foundation has been laid right when it has been laid properly you can set the weight of whatever has been designed to be sat on it and you can do it without the fear of it cracking without the fear of a crumbling without the fear of a giving way because it has been built right as a master builder it matters to me that your foundation is right I want your foundation solid and I want it solid now I want to solid tomorrow I wanted solid five years from now let me tell you something I survived and I say that by the grace of God I survived losing two major pillars in my life in a seven-month span and the reason I am still here is not because I'm a superwoman not because I didn't feel like collapsing because I did feel like collapsing not because my heart did not feel like it was gonna break because my heart did break but I am here today and I am still standing I am still preaching I am still vision envisioning I am still leading you because when my heart broke my foundation stood firm I'm still here and I'm fulfilling my purpose because with those pillars that were in my life were in my life they had been there long enough to help me to understand you gotta have a firm foundation you gotta have something Cheryl that is steadfast that is unmovable I watch them model that for me steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of a PE that means be firm be firmly persistent refuse the urge to quit and at all times and always always abounding I don't care what it was I'm coming back I'm abounding I'm gonna be better than I was before I knocked I got knocked down always flourishing always going forward in the work I said in the work of the Lord knowing that your labor is not in vain they taught me that when I could not get to him he would come to me if I would just be still I would see the salvation of the Lord that's why I didn't quit that's why I didn't throw in the towel and I'm a worshipper but when I couldn't worship my way to him I didn't know how to stand firm because my foundation was solid it's at those of you that have an ear to hear I commit to you to help you grow in 2019 but I want and I want to help you I want to help you girls sit down for a minute but I also have to do this I have to encourage you to grow yourself I don't have but a small amount of time with you so what I do for you is grossly insufficient compared to what you need to be growing in God I can help you I can assist you I can confirm you I can even inspire you but I cannot I cannot really make you grow real growth is only going to come out of a personal commitment to grow you understand that thank you 10 of you I said real growth will only be a result of you personally committing yourself to grow you have got to grow your own life I must say it again you have got to grow your own life there will be times that you have got some of you all know what I'm talking about and this is elementary to you but for the sake of other people please indulge me for a minute there will be times that you will have to encourage your cell you will not have a preacher to encourage you you won't have a prayer partner there are just some times that you'll wake up in the middle of the night and you'll feel like you've hit bottom and in those moments you've got to say but I Know Who I am I know in whom I believe and I am persuaded that that God is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day what day any day a good day a bad day a happy day a sad day I know that I know that I know that God is able you will have to pray for yourself you will have to counsel yourself you'll have to sit down on yourself and say shut up don't open your mouth right now you will have to do it I promise you you'll have to do those things you will have to invest in your growth much more than I will be able to invest in you and if you determine that Wow that Wow you yes I'll take all the help I can get pastor I'll take every bit of help I can get from the potter's house north but I will not rely on the potter's house north to make me grow I don't know who I'm talking to but I came to tell somebody it's your year to self-feed [Applause] look at somebody and tell himself eat something self feed feed yourself ha ha what let me ask you what if the rights of this nation were taken away today and we could not come together anymore in the name of Jesus what if revival was canceled because the government said no more gathering together to learn about Christ what would we do then I'll tell you what we would do we would learn how to feed ourselves you might not make a filet mignon but I bet you could make a bad peanut butter and jelly sandwich and that would sustain you until you had the courage to learn to build a filet mignon and let me tell somebody else something just because you attend faithfully and just because you serve diligently does not mean you are growing you could be just a great attender come on now you could be just a religious person and this is just what I do you could be a person that's into works and you think if I just work and work and work and work that is gonna change everything in my life but the only way that you are going to grow in 2019 and not be where you work um New Year's Eve is you are going to have to determine in your heart I will be a growing person in 2019 I promise you this I will not be where I am come the last day of 2019 I'm not gonna simply be a person that attends church and yet I failed to grow I'm not gonna be a religious person but fail to grow I'm not gonna shout all over the church get a sugar high and walk out of here and when everything falls apart I can't I lose it all because I don't have any personal power I refuse to be a person that runs around from church to church looking for the newest thing looking for the latest thing no I will be planted in the house of the Lord because this year I have got your crowd I'm gonna hit somebody that Ellen is your year to grow no more close with this I love you and I want to see you grow in 2019 I want to see you grow by leaps and bounds I want to build you I want to watch you build yourself and applaud you I want to cheer you on I want to talk to you about things that that need to be talked about in your life I want to talk to you about things that I need even talked to in my life I want to talk to you about things like responsibility accountability integrity hello I want to talk to you about things like fornication you don't want to hear me I'm coming after you this year you better get it right look at somebody say clean it up clean it up clean it up I don't want to mixture in the house I want you to be free I want you to be free forgot to open the windows of heaven over your life and port well I'm blessed pastor Brady but you ain't seen nothing yet if you just get your life right if you'll get your heart clean and your hands pure hello let me tell you I got Scripture for it the Bible tells us about it it's not something that we're gonna just sweep under the rug and say oh yeah they don't talk about that in my church we do talk about that in your church I'm gonna talk about that this year in your church and I ain't gonna tell you what Sunday I'm gonna talk about it either so you can casually get sick on that Sunday and stay home I am here to build you I'm not just here to bless you I'm not just here so you can walk out and say well my pastor can't breathe let me tell you I am here to say these things that you're doing in your life I'm stopping you from being where you should be in God I'm gonna be more honest and I have ever been not that I've been dishonest but I try to find nice ways to say it I don't know something about me this year wants to push back I am gonna push back cuz I'm tired of seeing you fall short of what God has for your life I love you I want to build you and when I stand before God I don't want him to show me your face and say you didn't do right by that man I want to say I wash my hands Jesus cuz I told him like it had to be told I want to talk to you about things like dependability reliability faithfulness a good name we tell you some if you ever needed a good name you need you need one now and if you ain't got one start investigating and find out why you ain't got one and do everything in your power to clean it up look at somebody said clean up your name a good name is to be desired above code above riches of if anything else you need a good name you don't need to go try to buy a car and be dancing in a circle Sandra Lord in the name of Jesus please let it go through please let it go through please know you need to stand there and know if you do have to buy it on credit and on terms that it is going to go through why because my name is clean I have a good name but beyond that how about walking in and paying for it and write a cheque and said oh no thank you I don't need financing today how about God blessing you so much that you can walk in and buy one for somebody else are you ready for stuff like that then we gotta get rid of the little foxes that are spooling the time and we never get rid of foxes just looking for more blessings more blessings four blessings no pay your bills on time oh you're you're just in my business you just crossed the line good I'm in your business cuz I'm not here to bless you I'm here to build you I want you to be the best man the best woman the best mother the best father I want you to raise the best children I want you to get free from anything in your past that will cause you to be hindered growing in God I want to talk to you about all those things unfortunately people that are always chasing blessings they don't want to talk about stuff like that but I'm not interested this year it's simply being your blessing simply touching your life I want to build you I want to build you does that mean that you're going to come to my house and see me personally are you gonna come to my house you're to come you're gonna meet me for dinner I don't know have you invited me for dinner does that mean I won't come in your office and you talk to me I don't know but have you even tried but what I do commit to do it isn't when I stand before you I come prepared to being a master builder to address every crack every crevice every corner you know why cuz I want to build quality into your life I want to build capacity into your life I want some of you have been blessed on the as much as you could be on the level that you are I want to reach in and stretch you and show you you've got more capacity than you even know that you have I want to build stature I want to build value into your life those of you that have suffered from low self-esteem I want you to understand how valuable you are and how much your life is worth to God and I can't desire all day long to do that for you but you got to desire it for yourself so you have to devote your self to grow yourself x2 and 40 to put it up on the screen and it simply says they devoted themselves to the Apostles teaching they'd be voted bambor look at somebody tell me you got to do this for yourself you got a devote they devoted themselves they committed themselves they dedicated themselves they gave of themselves they consecrated themselves let me tell you something if you stand here today and you pray but sinners prayer with me and I tell you to pick up a paper fill out the bottom portion and walk out and give it to our next step table you and you don't do that that is your fault and it is not mine you've got to want it yourself I'm not gonna chase behind people in 2019 oh I missed you Sunday wherever you stand i I don't know that I've ever done that but I surely ain't gonna start now does I believe unless the Lord builds the house they that labor labor in vain that build it they devoted themselves what did they devote themselves to they voted themselves to the Apostles teaching they devoted themselves to fellowship some of y'all come into this church you slide in you sit down you never say hi you never touch your neighbor you don't even know half the people that go to this church if you met him in the in the mall you would just treat him like anybody else cuz you don't know that they're your brother and your sister you don't know that we are in the same family and I'm not just coming out the next service I'm about people that are in the same service with you that just sit on the end of your road because you come in with your uncle get mine I'm gonna get mine it's all about me I'm gonna get blessed that's not what the Bible says they give voted themselves to the Apostles teaching and then they devoted themselves to sello ship that's the Bible y'all bellows ship they devoted themselves to the breaking of bread and then they devoted themselves to prayer I ask you today do you have a life of devotion built do you read your Bible outside of this room do you grow great friendships around you that you can draw from in the time of trouble let me tell you something I can stand I have an anchor that holds and grips the solid rock I have that because that's what was poured in me but I'm gonna tell you some life can punch you so hard but sometimes you're like Lord I just need a friend I just need somebody to smile at actors but if you haven't shown anything like that you can't reap anything like that so while everything's well in your life find somebody that looks just courage find somebody that you don't lost a loved one and to hug them and tell them let me tell you something I'm gonna pray for you this week and I'm not just saying that but I commit to I'll hold you up in prayer this week find somebody that's going through a storm because we can't do that because we don't have any discernment anymore cuz we don't aim for discernment we just ain't for hey hey that's why people's got to pump you up to make you praise God but if he ever really does anything in your life I thank God for the band and the orchestra I thank God for everybody but I've had the best church in my life in my car by myself I didn't have a organizer never drove her I just drove with tears my eyes were open to I'm driving down the road and tears falling off of my face why because I realized what a present help God has been for me never in my life did I understand how anybody could commit suicide I always thought it was so awful it is awful but I always felt like I wanted to blame the person after what I've been through this year I don't feel that way anymore I feel that when I want to help you not blame you I want to be so discerning that I know you're right on the edge hello but I can't do that if I'm busy searching for my blessing cuz I'm not developing my discernment sometimes you're gonna pick up your phone and text somebody without asking them for anything just say hey I just want you to know somebody loves you I want you to know you you're you somebody cares about you that's growing and let me tell you something I've got it's not just good enough for you to grow you've got to make sure that everybody around you is growing with people around you go left holler at him I said holla at him that's what a team does that's what a church does over I don't know if anybody any of you remember this I gotta shut up and to preach it to blow I don't know if you remember in any of this but when we rent the Southfork Ranch I did a message about family and I had all of my family come up and uh we were all up on that high stage and we put a blindfold on Travis and then we told everybody go ahead walk around just walk around so we could see so we were all walking but Travis was getting close to the edge cuz he didn't know he had a but cuz he had a blindfold on he had no he's getting close to the edge but just before he would go off the ends I'll try a stop stop you can't see but everybody started Travis it back up go to the right Travis go to the left come on back up you gotta get away from the edge right you're close to the edge if you follow that you don't lose we got to get you better open your mouth in the lights of people you love say I love you too much to let you miss it that's what this is about today I said Bishop Jake's a text a few months ago I said don't you dare I've followed you for years I've served you faithfully for use don't you ever watch me miss it and not say something to me love me enough to sit back up take three steps back you gotta give people access like like that to your life and even if you don't give me access but you come into this church you give me access and I'm gonna say it and I'm gonna shout it let me tell you this 2019 will go better for you if you grow and if you become a cell feeder and you devote yourself to grow yourself let me tell you this people will come people will go people will love you people will leave you but when it's all said and done your anchor has got to be able to grip and hold to the solid rock it's gotta be stand with me all over the building in the in the in the kingdom of God my my friend Kelly Varner used to say this he's gone home to be with the Lord but he used to say in the kingdom of God we don't measure churches by numbers we measure churches by weight we don't mess the churches by how many numbers you have on Sunday we measure about how much weight you carry how much weight of the glory can sit down in the room think that's how God measures churches you can have 20,000 people but there's nowhere for the Holy Spirit to sit down and rest hello are you can out you can have twenty people and the Holy Spirit can be bouncing all over the room touching those 20 people and changing their lives forever I am afraid for us I'm afraid that we often equate volume to worship I'm afraid that we've settled for a false reading of what God is really interested in God is really interested in a place that he can come and sit he is interested in real worship he is interested in real praise he is interested in in in that real worship and real praise coming from people who have a real desire in their hearts to not just know him on a surface level but to know him intimately my question for you today takeaway for you is what can you do to remove any barriers in your life that might be stopping you from what can you do to have a closer walk with thee with God they used to sing their old song just a closer walk with you granted Jesus its daily walking close to thee let it be dear Lord let it I need a new house Jesus need a new car Jesus I need a new man Jesus they didn't say stuff like that they said just a closer walk with thee my mama was here she could sing it granite cheese I said this is my plea daily not weekly but daily walking close let it be that's what they would say dear Lord
Channel: Sheryl Brady
Views: 56,607
Rating: 4.8318839 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Sheryl Brady, Sheryl Brady, The Potter's House of North Dallas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 9sec (3489 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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