Catch All OP HIDDEN BOSSES Easily! - Palworld

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all right so obviously Pet World is very popular right now but how hard would it be to absolutely break the game well then I'm just talking about just b a little bit or glitch it a little bit I'm talking I want to bust this game okay I want to find a way to do that and I think we might have found exactly how to do that so apparently there is a new glitch going on right now where you can actually capture Pals that were not meant to be catched you're going to head over to this small settlement on the map it's kind of towards the bottom right area anywhere really works as long as it has an NPC kind of Village out but you want to get a wanted status right now in order to that it's not very hard you just shoot somebody that's all you got to do here so this little guy right here reliable PF officer I mean he's got a pension he's got a 401k but most importantly he's going to be exactly what we need to make this happen so we're going to try this right now we're going to take him out right now get ourselves a little bit of a wanted here and then now we're going to transfer over to the Rain Syndicate tower all right this is very very important right now you got to get there without dying and they got to chase you so you're going to do a little bit of dodges you're going to do little rolls whatever you want to do my armor is broken by the way if you can't tell I'm taking a lot of damage but this is going to be where the hard part comes in here what we're going to have to do right now I'm going to give him a second to kind of catch up to me kind of get my health regenerated just a little bit cuz you're going to need it as we go into this area we're going to hold to begin the boss battle and here's what happens ready watch closely how I do this here okay all right so what we have to do right now this is GIS bolt okay we want to capture him but in order to do that we're have to have the guards actually hit Zoe and grisol okay they need to do some damage it's going to glitch him out I'm going to show you exactly how that works here okay so what we need to do is kind of get in the way almost so that they will shoot the boss while I'm behind them so it's like Stormtroopers out here I'm telling you they are so bad at aiming but hopefully we can get in the way just enough okay so they shot the boss now he should be glitched out and all we have to do now if it does work here is wait for him to run into this little corner you know it's glitched out when he goes in the corner throw pal sphere at him 0.0% chance normally you're never supposed to get him but I just caught him and he's level 10 now this is when things get a little crazy okay you can respawn do you want to do I personally just respond and go back to your base this is where it all begins listen we've already broken the game it wasn't hard okay but now we have to see how far we can actually take this okay I want to I want to break the game here all right if you guys go over here right now we have Zoe and grisol I want to point something out real fast okay guys let's take a look at the details of my party right now okay the dragon which by the way is one of the hardest Pals to get in the game it took me so long I mean this guy has got how much health in it right now 11,227 the strongest reasonable pal out there you when you think to yourself like this guy Cooks right no not even close okay take a look at this right now okay grisol and Zoe level 10 might I add guys 3,550 Health that is almost triple the highest level power that you can actually attain in this game I don't understand it I don't get it either but one I just want to point out real fast guys handywork level two lumbering level two transporting level three and generating electricity sorry words are hard apparently level three once again so guys you may thinking to yourself huh onai that's uh that's pretty cool and all but like it doesn't seem like that broken I mean he's got a lot of help so what what if I told you that wasn't the strongest one you can get in the game all right so now that we've captured gribow we're going to continue onwards here at this point okay cuz there's still going to be three more bosses that we can catch that we're not supposed to catch just yet so we're going to rinse and repeat you know you know the pro by now you should know the process okay assault is an everyday uh occurrence for us out here okay we're going to find the tower over here I believe it's going to be right here in the bottle up on the volcano area this one is by the way one of the coolest looking ones maybe not the best one in the game but it's definitely really really cool looking so we'll make sure to grabb him all of our guards are here great to see you guys great to see you welcome on in how you doing and just like the last time we're going to head on in here and this one like I said this one just straight up looks incredible okay like like I said guys this is Axel and ozerk ozerk looks absolutely insane okay I I I definitely recommend getting him uh he may not be as powerful as the others we're going to show you today but I mean if looks could kill this guy is there all right so we just need one of the guards to actually shoot him okay come on you can do it I believe in you oh my gosh there's so many okay there we go so they they hit him now just pull out a pal sphere I I don't know if it changes if you use a better pal spere or not but I just recommend using the small ones I mean come on right there we go Axel and ozerk out here now part of our party we're going to go ahead and just hit the respawn button head on back to base and we're going to do this one more actually two more times really cuz there's like I said four bosses you can do this against and they get crazy and crazier as they go okay so we have Axel and Ozark now I just want to show you guys once again what they look like because this is absolutely phenomenal okay one thing I want to point out with best though I mean he does a pretty good job like for your base as well if you guys are ever interested in having something for your base I mean he's got Genera electricity 3 handy War 2 transporting 3 the guy the guy Cooks okay the guy absolutely Cooks but we're not done by any means guys we still have ways to go right now there's going to be two more Pals we still need to capture here if we really want to break the game we have to go all the way now technically there is a fourth boss in the top right of the map but he's much much harder to kind of glitch out and catch there because he's a flying Mount and getting the guards to shoot something it's flying is a little bit more difficult than it was to get the other three bosses here so we're going to skip that one for now I think with these three that we've captured so far we'll be just fine on breaking this game all right get ourselves some guards here and we'll head on over wait for it tease it we want a few guards we want a few guards to come follow us here make sure they all spawn in with me and let's jump in this boss fight is this this one should be like level I bet you I'm kidding what if I told you this is the strongest pal in the game oh yeah this is the one Victor in Shadow beak I want Shadow beak so badly legitimately I don't know what it does but it looks sick doesn't it come on guys I need you to tr to get in the way here okay take some pot shots at me there we go there we go come on you know you want to oh my goodness all right it is now hit the boss here you can see that shadow is running into a random wall I don't know why don't ask me questions okay but let's see if this work this should not work there's no way there's no level 50 Victor and there's no shot hold on hold on this was not supposed to work guys the first two were supposed to work this one was not supposed to work guys once again I need to preface this right now this right here is jet ragon okay this is the hardest pal in the game the fastest Mount one of the best Pals you can possibly get it has let's see real fast here let's let's take a look at jet ragon here 11,227 Health okay you may be thinking yourself that is supposed to be the upper limit okay that's supposed to be the top that's the level 50 pal out there that you cannot beat but apparently we just did Victor and Shadow be 200,000 750 this is not okay while by the way guys it has no work suitability okay it can gather level one all right that's not that great but the fact that it's 200,000 health is not okay we need to stop here but we aren't okay because we need to test these guys out in actual combat to show how busted these things actually are all right so here's where things are going to get a little stupid all right at level 40 you unlock GIS Bolt's minigun cuz again GIS bolt is supposed to be a power you can find out in the wild but what we can do is actually uh yeah we're going to do it we're going to go even further okay way further we than we probably should yeah you guys remember that uh GIS bolt minigun I'll see you about 5 minutes and we'll show you just how far we could break this game all right so we're going to do now is I'm going to go to a few boss locations like the level 50 bosses and we're going to throw them out there and uh watch as they win all right obviously we've seen the health values we've seen the stats but we need to see how these Pals actually perform in combat because with 200,000 health I mean there's just no way any boss could take them on but I have to show you how much fun it is to fight with them we're going to start off honestly I'm going to save Zoe and grisol till the end because I have a really cool thing to show you for that one but first we'll start off with a excent orer again one of the coolest looking Duos in the game right now but they have 130,000 health so how they'll perform against blaze a month level 49 boss one of the coolest ones in the game who only has 3700 yeah I mean I kind of feel bad about this but at the same time yo look how much health he's losing absolutely nothing hold on I need I need blaz mut to do some like serious damage here okay I'm talking I'm talking a whole lot of damage right now I mean he's putting numbers on the board right now but I mean like I'm looking at my party here right look at the party right now 157,000 out of 163,000 there's just no I could literally go AFK right now and it's going to do absolutely nothing to this guy what's this what's it going to do level 49 boss if you want to level if you want to level any of your pals up I mean this is how you would do it okay but plus I mean a ozor if you guys haven't seen already they've got a pretty sick little like you know repertoire dragon meteor 150 acid rain 80 and 150 I mean you got Dragon you got water and you got electricity I mean that is just the kit and combo right there let's see what Blaze's doing about half Health okay almost nearly half right now I'm going to wait till it gets to the very end we're going to see how much health Axel and orzo have actually lost right now that acid rain is doing amazing by the way do it again right now finish him off Axel oh gosh oh gosh Come on Axel hit him with it wait a second hold on here here we go they didn't lose a single it regenerated in the middle of the fight to 163,000 oh my gosh well but I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth out here but uh all right listen I think it's only fair that we take the strongest one in the entire game the 200,000 Health that is Victor and Shadow beak and we take it to the lowest Health boss in the entire game it's only fair okay I just want to see the just complete polar opposite something that should not exist just something that is about to get bullied like this is cyber bullying right here in a second okay this is the one time I will condone it okay because I'm the one doing it and I want to see exactly how bad this is about to be I mean this has 1,020 Health total okay Victor and Shadow beak 200,000 health I mean first and foremost the coolest looking one out there by far all right well let's just see what happens when uh we do four Health damage right now Victor do do the thing Victor do the thing Victor it's so cute too it's like you want who's next this is so Majestic too my ADD I mean it's absolutely you can't ride it unfortunately you cannot ride this boss but what if I told you you could ride one of them so we're going to actually uh take Zoe and Gribble here we're going to make them the most powerful one now now you're probably wondering why I haven't shown you guys what Zoe and Gribble can really do okay because right they have the 30,000 health you normally go small to medium to large okay but what if I told you the 200,000 health is great and all but Zoe and grimbold are the most fun pal to use and the strongest one in the game because check this out guys I mean again we're we're trying to break the game right so let's go ahead and let's let's really break the game so we're going to level them up as much as we can here all right it's going to cost us all of our souls that we have here oh my gosh now he's maxed out with 30 plus attack all right listen again when we first got him he had 30,000 Health what if I told you now at level 50 this guy's rocking 150,000 health and he is the most powerful one out of the three listen I told you we're going to break the game we're going to break the game I'm not even going to fight a boss okay I want this one to just be truly hilarious okay let's go find you know what maybe we should oh this is going to be bad this is going to be bad guys it did spawn in level 38 mammer set let's see if you can take it on against Zoe and grisol now here's where things get truly broken I made a saddle for the second you guys thinking to yourself well someone's already riding it right now zo's already on it right check this out okay but if you hold down right click you pull out a Gatling gun and you already know this thing does a whopping amount of damage here what else can this they do lock on laser oh my gosh oh my dude this thing is a plasma tornado what bro this is not okay this is absolutely not okay I'm going to I'm going to just keep hitting with a little bit I want to finish off with the Gatling good if we can it's not unlimited ammo I want to point out it is not unlimited ammo here but I mean all the things that you can do it it's it's pretty good okay I have I could at Le sit here forever like it's just going to take all the damage I don't think I can actually get hit off the back of this thing lightning streak is pretty good that's normal right that's normal out here there's quite a bit of damage plasma to actually hold on hold on I don't want to kill this thing off yet let's use the Gatling gun you guys are ready check this out excuse me can it shoot backwards I think it's safe to say guys that this should not be okay 150,000 Health didn't lose a single little bit okay ging gun Laser cannon I think it's safe to see at this point once again we have officially broken power world guys if you enjoy the like And subscribe we'll see you in the next one
Channel: BonsaiBroz
Views: 3,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bonsai, bonsaibroz, bonsai broz, bonsaibroz live, bonsaibroz stream, palworld, palworld 24 hours, palworld 100 days, palworld all bosses, palworld bosses, palworld 100% bosses, palworld every boss, palworld how to, palworld guide, palworld tutorial, Bushi, Jetragon, anubis, palworld bug, palworld glitch, palworld orserk, palworld shadowbeak, palworld shadow beak, palworld elctro buzz, palworld electro buzz minigun
Id: ch2t1VCPrXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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