Dwarf Fortress - Warlock Tower Mod (Necromancy Fort)

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you you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] hello hello welcome to a late night to a fortune stream things sounds weird what's happened something's wrong with my microphone am i hearing myself twice what's happening one second no I've been messing with things and and and messing with more things and I got a new microphone arm a holder thing into the things a little different hey everybody how's it going what's the mod look well Earth chan Earth changes hang on a bit and and we'll talk about it so how's everyone doing remember this it's it's a new decade means it's a new me I got a hat now what do you think I look like 10 years younger so from now on if anyone asks I'm now 25 I think I can pull it off I trim my beard I got a hat it's not a tricorn I'm sorry I Corps doesn't fit with the headphones but well whatever so um anyway we replaced into a fortress today before we begin though before we begin we have to talk about something talk about something so thank you to the new supporters we got Logan both Logan and Alex story are are from today or yesterday depending on where you're from and just a couple days ago I had Sam showed up so thank you all the new supporters thank you very much I know I know I always thought I always thought so this is the hat I wear I wear a hat everywhere you know why because my my once great Empire of hair follicle isn't what it used to be I stole that from George Costanza and so I where I had it where no time I don't wear a hat is is streaming because what kind of weirdo wears hats inside and so I now oh no wait don't put oh hey Logan Logan's here oh yeah I saw you earlier that's gone gone the way of the Romans that's a good way of putting it - yeah yeah like every great Empire it's not all gone let's not jump to Roman talk Adam it's just it's it's around 400 you know the the Celts have kicked us out and and now we're on the ground we're in the sink a sink drain I [Music] get carried away there all right all right so other than new look this is this is me right now we haven't been sacked yet right right before that all streams don't keep work tomorrow excellent hey Tom how's it going all right so here's what's happening usually happening so we have a new mod um I didn't hear anything about this mod but Bobby gene sent me a a a message and said hey there's a new version of MEF's master work that dropped and it looks well it looks amazing it's over here on you know Bay 12 games it's the it's C well this isn't the one will show off this is the one show off it is the the the warlock tower mod so so what's going on here is allows us to play as evil warlock so that means too loud I mean unjam into it right now that may wish turned out today it's already bit quiet I'm like that maybe I knows my livestream music is usually a little on the loud side didn't you do that that one ok so well we are allowed to play as evil warlock specializing in necromancy and raising hell dwarves elves and humans might still visit but in force and with an army bring down your evil to bring down with your evil oh they're coming to bring down my evil empire not gonna happen not gonna happen okay so we're gonna be we begin with only 13 warlocks there's no migrants allowed in here we're gonna be creating ghouls and skeletons and raising terrible things and no caravan so if you want to trade you have to call them manually cuz there's actually a lot going on here a lot more in this mob and I think I've seen in any door fortress mod so yeah well we'll see we have Nobles which a little different we've got the Overlord we've got I guess our our captain's death hunger pestilence and war who will have magic abilities that can like fire fire mages and things we got crypt Lords mistresses of pain we have the keeper of knowledge we have a steward as the bookkeeper flesh monger we have a merchant to eat if we can call caravans emissary keeps in contact we got pets as well we can have prisoners we need prisoners so a big part of prisoners is we have to say we eat them I guess we eat them you ease their skin we use their souls it's a friendly kinda tight you know friendly game and and we also have methods and we have snakes that we farm elemental men giant insect it's exciting I'm so excited I've not tried it out yet so it may not we'll see how it goes we have bone mold we've seen that before we use that before there's a bunch of friends mushrooms we have bone furniture we have ether gates it's all very exciting there's tons of stuff in here I'm mr. price so there's a little cheat sheet here let's go over the the cheap super quick because well I need to go over the cheat sheet because just keep an eye on me know what I'm doing here I think it's here okay so here's our I can't read it you make this not dark make this not is it's always dark I can't read it so butchering gives soul time here read this butcher and gives souls and more resources main resources our souls bones eat meat and courses so we add seven verse through necromancy not birth I think this is because this is my color of my my color scheming in Windows I'm not gonna change that though right now so we'll just kind of keep this on hand and take a look at it probably easier to let you to look at it cuz this is actually in that page I was looking at but whatever we can figure it out okay I couldn't elect the text it's picture you wouldn't let me we saw your evil warlock for to be called I don't know I don't know hey soulless Raven who's gone alright so let's start this thing up so we're gonna go into create a new world and it's been a little while since played Dwarf Fortress it's proper thing it's it's a new right it's a new decade a new year a new hat I mean hat but new hat for some of us let's go with a smaller saw go with a we'll go with a small world everything memes fine if she catches a background all right we build up our world here and we'll see how this works it looks like it's a little bit like the succubus fort where we're bringing in like demons and things but I think we still got we still got I think we still got what's the word migrants with the succubus Forge that's a little different Tim Horton is in here hey Tim Horton how's it going make him hungry already it was hats with your logo man Adam get me riled up here so there was this on on Spreadshirt they had a like a beanie I put my logo on it BTW it was great but it's it's it's it's not in stock anymore I'm not sure if it's if it's just never gonna come back and until next winter or whatever bus yeah I didn't get it in time so we got something here this is a little different towel set the when I loaded this thing up it says it's all ready to go so I haven't touched anything except for I did add make sure I didn't some tweaks to get sound since to work correctly because it wasn't so we'll see how it goes all right this little houses obvious built I lose this house of that we got little little houses around here this is kind of I don't know with a house that this is is this myth it must be a little house to little houses well that's nice prairies at mastery what's over here is this a no no no well there's not many houses around here's a couple little ones this is a kind of a kind of a Barrett in place all right well anyway good enough it was nothing 8:42 morning and keep him it is 12:44 in the morning in Oklahoma in a volcano oh that would be good no perfect we should do that I'm gonna go not that one start playing indoor fortress mode Legends viewer so I wanna get I want to see how much we can get done here so I'm gonna avoid dilly dallying too much probably not but we're gonna fidelity do not get on that well look at the maybe we look at the end of this of the Knights but we've got a volcano right there it's got to be able keno image of a volcano but it's gonna look like a walking you know nothing there though that certainly looks like a volcano look at this thing why does look like that there's no volcano there Mountain Oh the mountain of boulders well I mean oh that's what mountains are all right well see a lot of populations around let just pick a spot only really matters where we're at we're gonna go find somewhere that's homey I guess this has got some sand sand some soil you know what over here in the in the rocks we can go a little smaller just to make sure things are running ok seems good to me well house to the left we can go rob and ransack and pillage and all you know things we can do let's embark all right so we can prepare carefully there's a lot things here that we have to keep an eye on you can see the the base ones they're already built in you begin with prisoners miners what yeah I don't know I don't know I kind of thing maybe we should go with one of these just the other no time don't know what I'm doing but I kind of would see what's in there yeah carefully okay so we got some peasants we got some interesting names so which is the one that's the remember who the the main guy is but Bobbie Jean has um gave me the the name here so I'm going to customize this guy Bobbie Jean that's how it was right correct yeah okay there we go Bobbie Jean will be part of this fortress there we go and we'll get other names in there later on but Bobbie Jean is going to be I'm gonna have you be my my leader will put you just like a point or so on leader I'm gonna happen to yoga fur and we're just basic things I was thinking make some things like Oh record keeper there we go there we go organizer appraiser yeah these kind of things just you know just a basic stuff so we have something there music I stopped D Bob what D Bob in here as as my minor I guess what's up with the font the font I don't know there's a lot of things in here there's more things than usual isn't there let's go if I can because I'm zoomed in there we go is that okay let's go with a an adequate minor Farish will be my wood cutter I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be raising armies to do all this work we'll figure it out there's a Mason and a engraver yeah we know stone crafter I really just care about having things like a fisherman we can all do that growers sure we could do one of those grower and a brewer an herbalist and then Saban can be my doctor wherever that may be doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor surgeon surgeon diagnostician wound dresser bone doctor suture yeah all that stuff that's good enough I think okay items this is where exciting things happen so we've got we can bring in some air methods we can bring it where's my music at hey play something why aren't you playing music okay a warm effort a fire method of course I want one of those 80 bucks to spend though we do need some prisoner so we can bring some dwarf prisoners we can bring a dwarf child it's not a trial prisoners just a dwarf child we're gonna be some elf prisoners in I don't they taste different or fare different Souls I don't know but we can bring a boy and a girl elf prisoner we can breed him I guess a couple of Goblin prisoners sure sure a couple Co vaults mm-hmm that's all my money maybe we'll just do it we'll just do a an elf and a cobalt breeding pair a raven yeah a black mamba we can breed some pythons some coat and all kinds of snakes I'll bring in a couple of black mamba and maybe a couple pythons can we afford that we can't so we just do a couple of those I'm just gonna get two Copperhead snakes and a condo jumping spiders for and Beast beat dogs I can only afford one if I get one of these I got what 38 bucks what can i buy with 38 bucks nothing they're all expensive probably take some of these things away let's lose the staghorn potion chanterelle potion what does it all mean I've no idea let's lose a couple of these things I'm sure they'll be very important Satan's bullet bullet bullet I know what a bullet is it from Dungeons & Dragons sweet pods will lose a couple those Jack O'Lantern mushrooms bomb prepared forgotten beasts long okay leather Quivers we don't need all those take one bucket splints crutches material we can make all that wheelbarrows stepladders yeah there we go there's no points okay let's bring in we gotta get something else exciting here what else do we want elzar vegan alternatives else what you pick up at at Whole Foods freshly ground elf I can see the van lifers now I'll take a beat dog I guess a mud man okay now it's like a mud man come along mode name there's scorpions we've had them before Copperhead snake she'll take up all those guys anything else you think fix it and use a lot of exciting things I want a method can I have a fire method I could have a fire a boy and a girl fire method and make baby fire methods yeah yeah yeah 24 points let's buy get more Ravens okay a couple more Ravens what kind of fortunes would be if we didn't have Ravens really okay it's enough of that we spent of our 11 points on just plump helmets I don't know what we really need around here what gets maybe some thread oh we can't afford it it's wrong but I want to go up I'm just buy some cool moments I guess there we go okay name group no no we're fine sis let's embark you by forgotten beats with trading I don't know so you can only trade people won't come to you to trade you have to like request them I might need not need everything but Caesar very important so seeds I think when you grow things let me have to eat stuff but you also broke oceans that's why you you don't brew alcohol but you brew it for potions start labor come sustenance by the way our warlocks are like magic and that's where that comes in so spring now lodgings dingoes get hungry this place is breech blaze it sounds like the name of a what's the name of a thing that people are sponsored by all the time something that's very similar to that here we go ok we are at what I'm doing here ok we've got a bit of a bit of a mountain on this side and for ste stuff on this side look like a little bit snowy around here let's take a look and see what we can find we've got a bit of a group yeah snakes we got mud man one man we got a skunk out there nothing else is still there well I mean I think we should just go go down a bit and just dig into the mountain I suppose I mean that's the way we do things around here so let's dig in like over this way I'm assuming we can dig as uh let's go something back like that we'll see how this goes as tileset is exciting let's do a you know what we're doing hopefully we can we can dig we there's been times we've tried to dig and we weren't allowed to but you know like cobalt and this fortress our slaves this is not hot to equal hmm I should leave I bet you so people complain just cuz it's hilarious there he goes that a little better yeah that's close enough okay we'll just do that for now get to work you slobs okay my knees happening there they go zoom it a little bit here I can I wait for the the the villain update either hey rocket how's it going I think this is myth I'm certain this is myth well why what what what happened and what happened to my my texture what's happening oh no no no whose idea was it to bring a fire method is it you kobold prisoner he's still alive there's there there's a raven over there even can fly away from fires there's there's um there's looks like a burned person there's the fire method hey hey stop it that's one way to start the let's uh let's move in here I'm gonna set up a stockpile over this way uh I it's been so long zone here oh no no I Q man nope I forget my buttons stockpile stockpile P that's it gauge throw everything down here it's gonna burn though it's gonna put all the fires gonna reach down there it's gonna burn waste put him inside so never mind I'm gonna stand there and just burn the swamp boy people were dying position soon a position as if someone died but no one time nobody's dead yeah they are there's two people missing it's fine it's fine it's fine every will be okay just just hold your breath and and uh be careful let's dig out right over here quickly there's only one guy digging out we won't bring one axe probably yeah look at that dig this thing outside sleep brought oh we've got like two backs is I think in one pic do that right right right quick here here it can't cancel this D and then X cancel designation don't dig those out okay you stop those okay now go go dig that thing out so we can we can stockpile stuff who's digging here oh it's d bad Oh what's this somebody in a cage we're just trying to make it look feel more like home a little nice and ashy and and terrible Oh trees are falling watch out for those trees everybody okay yeah my sponge sir my supplies are burned as well things are falling down trees are collapsing I knew it was a mistake to bring the method how did the fire start mm-hmm-hmm we're supposed to be like necromancer's we can we can handle fire no big deal you let these trees burn down we're gonna burn down the whole place can we maybe chop some these trees before before the fire hits them you got a couple of axes right so let's go chop these trees down real quick just make sure we get a bit of wood on the edge here I guess some people get those and we'll cream in the stockpile as soon as there's a Frank and there it gets done hurry up Frank free charcoal it's right edro and how's it going white a map on fire because I'm playing tour fortress that's how things happen are you done yet I'm gonna wait and get it set up this is going to be a custom stockpile custom then we're gonna just do this and we're going to say hey there's holes in there buddy fix things settings I'm gonna Nabal everything everything but the dumb stuff you know taking all those okay okay okay I get get to hauling everybody think I did that right are you right no you're not right okay there we go forgive me give me like ten minutes and I'll be back to two or forty days make the area a few more evil that's right so what we're going for Bobbie Jean died already oh it's a terrible day one zoo Matt let it kind of do its oh man that's a fire Aaron's been missing for a week what'd you do stay on the fire for don't do that trees all over play so it's gonna be burned for a while I heard that this month is supposed to be the the evil the villany villany update yeah that's a case will be playing lots of dwarf fortress then this month hope everyone's up for a double fortress I know I am our doctor is dead it's a certainly a problem because we we we really need these people here steward we have Overlord I'm gonna overload be Bobbie Jean we'll see what that means in a minute let's get through the panic first and the sims don't forget the sims Bukowski so your record for things going wrong I don't think so we've done better okay and we're already we're already breaking the frame rate didn't take long we've got we've got nine people left it's fine we can always raise a new army no big deal no big deal it's not likely get them all anyways they're all bunch of bunch of losers anyway their whole thing's in here okay nothing's been dug out so let me get whatever we have left has been dug out let me go and get finished with our roundabout over here playing around roundabouts whenever the whole world is burning let's talk pile and I'll probably be like farmland across the way here and then we'll set up some rooms or whatever else on this side we'll go or just go back this way well just to set up with the beginnings and then we'll organize I probably the way to do this would be you know I don't think I'll go that way set up like offices and things at some point but hey oh gee Pete see you Desmond Hayden how are you okay all that stuff that we have in here should get hauled in there it's just taking a little while yeah you know dodge the fires and all that those trees will hopefully get cut they did or not they did not so somebody's slacking I probably don't have it set up on do I have any prisoners left how do I tell pets I do I do have I have the cobalt still okay that's fine that's fine the elves are dead elders stupid then those who they see fire they just walk into it COBOL arts the smart ones they know what to do walk away from the fire see uh weird wired goe beat okay sir what what species we are we're obviously not human I guess are we on I don't think we're undead we're warlocks maybe we're humans I don't know we didn't put that fire protector on those elves yet okay all the junk will get hold in here let me go we got troll first shoes well that's nice some dimple spawn things some mushrooms yeah okay where's my miner at anybody mining I think we're gonna have to go into we could go into I don't have to though if I remember how to do this you mean it's me remember what I'm doing here if we go into here we're gonna grab somebody kit hey you I would like you remember this is Jeep nope how do I make him do things what's the button labor job mmm here we go and occupation nope I got it I got it don't worry I got I got I got I get Kent and then Oh Noel okay Pete you mine there we go got it - got it - okay and then everyone's storing things cats having a drink chic chic chic I would like you to go and do woodworking carpentry across America would yeah all that stuff and perhaps have a few these guys James they're already in Mason we got farish's the steward that Bob's got the mining under control which kid knows as well I guess I don't know well let's Kinser here do I guess health care compared to do doctor we need a farmer as well let me get did we do before Ken Ken jerk carry F carry if you can do farming I want you to take care of the fields but butchery is necessary because we have souls right we get souls we can I think raise the dead and make potions all kinds of things with Souls no tani everything I just what you do in the fields no gathering processing all that kind of stuff I'll let someone else do the cooking I don't need Dwarf Fortress help I know what I'm doing I've been playing this game for years may not look like it but I haven't been like six months give me a break one's a date for trees to grow it don't take very long I think in a year you have you'll have it back but um let me said that I think my my miners busy hauling thing so we probably tell my miner to stop hauling things so let's go back in here - Bob you might minor hey oh I think I think ket has taken over the job that what you're doing you going to grab the patent the battle ax yeah yeah there we go catch his back at it hey Kraske thank very much oh yeah let's name some some some some folks so view customized named casts casts a nice I've been calling you Kokoschka for like how long you've been watching the channel like four years four and a half years to cascade I'm so gonna call you that ever since like the sims 1 days are symptoms Tuesday two days there a long time it kotsky no as I say it but you know what Casca ask I think you've you've said you told me this before haven't you I'm sure you have I'm gonna have a Tom it's important always a Tom Torf anyone else want to be names you speak up and while we're doing this hey mister look Oh Logan look at you in it we got Quinn over here we'll make hey it's very is that how you actually spell your name that's a very cool way of spelling Caitlin arraigned and Brandon the the warlock terrifying name his name is Brandon and Jeff Brandon and Jeff the names of our warlocks it's terrifying I'm gonna have Lech leches good that works and then we got one more move next let's chant Aiden Aiden even more terrifying okay we get more will name them I don't we're not going more like so we will get more will raise the dead so we're kind of off to a bit of a disadvantage to start with but you know what this is a one-day stream so it's okay mm-hmm expect a rather painful death oh you wait you wait you just wait all right what kind of rock is this stone it's just a shirt shirt and there's dirt here there's also bringing me dirt in here what is that Clara opal cluster let's go and dig I'm gonna dig a little spot right here and we're to come in and hopefully find a little bit of digging room I don't know how about food we can poke a little help thing and see you probably should I can't read it [Music] okay let's take a look this one has it in here also all right so we saw this before we know so overlord which is Bobbie Jean military leader responsible conquest and appointed captains and sergeants can lead a squad of a hundred units that's a lot of Units death those are captain's we'll get there eventually Bobbie Jean already but we have a Stewart already which is stoic and calm runs the daily tower necessities okay this is our exhibition leaders is the Stewart who took over there we saw that already sorcerer supreme that's exciting we have pets we know what they do main food source prisoners well we'll find a spot to stuff our kobold so they can reproduce we can eat them and all that we need bone mold we need to get mushrooms mushrooms up attend new shrooms grow in your farms for potions or poisons check our workshops in game to see the individual effects okay we get bone furniture instructions obsidian furniture we have the new gate magic portal it summons free building materials okay the factories liaisons office will offer a sole to lure a goblin or a lot caravan to your tower the Carver and Forge creates blocks of things I guess bones gonna be the main thing we got we got to get bones grant to farm things we have a lack of prisoners here alter soul-based workshops once you have enough servants you soul to power up units treat elemental men not firemen though start strange moods weapon to their fire methods spawn wag water at magma control the razor rather raise the dead and more necromantic shrines soul base workshops use souls to raise courses as mindless undead Institue your bidding or bring the souls of dwarves kobold elves humans governments to raise as your servants create ghouls skeletons are even resurrect emisn can I agree create them without and this is a thing we saw before it's well better here actually though this is a cheat sheet yeah when I build ourselves a whole undead army I've been wanting to do this since I first started playing this game it's great I've tried you you have those of you that watch my towards well horses days we have tried this on many occasions to rave like a necromancy forts or war or whatever bring back you know the books and create a proper necromancy for it doesn't really work in the game but you will hear i'm keep this open we can come back and check on it gargoyle mason spawn immobile pet monsters with special abilities your static defense tower defense meat fire oh no fire breath no fire breath corrupted forge so if we want to raise the dead what's our first option i guess we need to well take things out and kill him i suppose our first thing we should check on probably is gonna be getting bone things Bobbie Jean wants things alright what is what do you want he'll harness talking with a friend last season he was annoy - caught in the rain it's yeah it's really really annoying isn't it citizen of the word he wander at the name of our group the wordy wanderer your purser worshipper of Caffe we have a calf in our fortress has the appearance of somebody is 939 years old when 900 years old you reach look as good you will not oh is this is not this is the casket I'm looking for Bobbie Jean Jean make large gems make bolts that's a bit of a bit of an ask you want large gems they lose their mind aren't they that's all stone well Haughton oh is this well well black sand okay perfect so let's dig let's let's build a farm plot and we're gonna stash and something like one there and another one like that another one like you know let's do it fancy like yeah like that and then uh you know that one and then there's a bunch of plots hey blue zest thanks again yeah blues ask the writer always popping in here once in a while always every once in a while right time zesty raid oh right I like zesty raid Hey look I'm sorry I've had my chat covered up those of you ain't yammering at me thanks all right um inside Jack we're digging out all these things let's go and let's go build up a couple of I don't know rooms let's just set up like a workshop land over here take it out like right here and just sort of take this thing out who's s you you've played Dwarf Fortress am I correct am I thinking of a right blue zest something like that we'll do a little bit uh not quickly roundabout with those things something like thanks and over here like this and then we'll do see you Davey no tutorials every Sunday nice never know when to start playing Aiden yeah jump in and and dwarf fortress is the deep end you gotta you gotta go in but we're gonna grow the rear weird stuff we got false chanterelle mushrooms over here we've got a bro can I do shift does this grow all season who knows we're gonna do what is it shift enter shift enter all season throw that you got fly agaric mushrooms got jack-o'-lantern mushrooms and some of those and over here we're gonna grow in some Louis and plump how much just make sure and then we've got Satan's bolete mushrooms stinkin dapper ling stinking dappling mushrooms what have some of those will grow those in the summer in the fall autumn we're gonna grow some sulfur toughed mushrooms and in the winter we can grow some hyena rosy Rosia mushrooms Rosia okay we need to get a bit of a tavern something like that going so let's go head and get this dog a doll so we return this center room we've done it before we can make it look evil let's just let's just get the show on the road here and we just take it out real quick nothing too fancy today let's just get let's just get ourselves a fort made we got like one day of chickens mano I mean if it's exciting we can do it tomorrow but we do have a civilization game to uh to continue mushrooms are all vanilla base we've got and there's there's apparently 10 new ones then I watching Efrain nuke - not me the die messed up boobs production and died anyways over winter yeah that's he easily done see the discord for the steam version of this it was announced at Odeon three toe were in there answering questions oh nice I didn't do it I'm upset about what about Lucas I'm upset about not seeing you I'm sorry yeah gather all the ash you're right but I could grab that might as well all right let's go stockpile was will do a custom stock custom stockpile I'll just grab drop all this down what is it under I don't even know it's not stone is it is it under blocks bars like bars of ash yeah there's block all those I want permit and yeah just yet we'll just set these kind of in the corner over here there we go okay so what we do over here is even though there's not working on it right we're gonna make this into workshop plane we'll see what we can make here workshop Blaney bill mmm-hmm okay so we've got the usual things up top here but we would make exciting stuff in ventures workshop with gem cutters shop oh hey Mon strimmers shop I don't never seen that in the list we have a Nick Rome Matt Nick romantic obelisk down there carpet flooring liaison Poisson VAT there's so much gargoyle Masons shop there's so much a monument what's the bone one called bone screamer we'll take a bone swimmer need to non-economic I don't have any blocks let's make a Mason first we'll do the basics sash the Mason back here in the back got a church and then we'll build a carpenter shop next to it and then we'll go and get I guess a craftsman shop there give us the basics and then we'll move from there see what we need yeah she's super important for this mod oh nice oh hey Bobbie Jean how's it going Jean you are I don't see how long you've been here but you are our Overlord and you already demand all kind too many things I'm not to kill you but I will not because I've already lost enough we're in a trauma in fact I call myself I want to go into here and I'm gonna set up a just like a finished goods to kind of fill in the rest of this stuff I'm just good over there and we stashed a couple of furniture ones I guess over here yeah Earth chan I didn't do anything with this mod I've added in it comes with everything it comes with the sound since all utilities that are in normal tour fortress lazing in pack or the master work and you just run tour fortress sound since didn't work I just I just took sounds from my previous folder and just redirected it to this gameplay file you know don't you know will understand what I'm if you understand that you know what I'm talking about easy it was Jim's lying around here we should chop these things out hey look through animation for them growing its animation with the sprite Frankl you know that junk we have in your recent boxes um he's all done already okay Mason I would like whoever he wants to do Mason things I would like just some blocks and you know what I'm always in a habit of using the auto ma or whatever it's called I'm gonna try to get in the habit of using this one so we need these are names I'm not familiar with there's famine death crypt lord war these are our uh-uh no no I'm not crippled or it is whose Crypt Lord okay put someone in here as a crypt Lord does it require leadership Bobby gene you're a crypt Lord as well yep you have a mandate already oh you were overlord now you're crippled oh I get it you'll be that instant so Tom's our steward the keeper of knowledge will be I guess it's gonna be you on everything mister stuff pain I'm assuming you have to be I don't Jeff mistress of pain flesh monger a casket these are our soldiers and then whatever yellow ones are here so I I I think we're gonna get someone that can manage the books I wanted to go and do I don't know how to do it though manage the labors oh it's in here right can you go find okay the order I'm gonna make blocks right make blocks from bones that's we need at the bone guy construct stone blocks rock blocks yeah and and make me a perpetual water I'm fine with it actually that's fine which is easy enough to do actually okay so somebody's gonna come tell him to do I'm sending the Overlord will tell them to do that we'll set up a stone stockpile or a a yeah well it's stone next to it and then we'll set some blocks I can't refitted me I gotta cut this thing out a little more put some blocks over the tube being pestilence sounds cool too oh yeah you got that affiliate thing it's course master streaming right now my bet look become super big in the next few months it becomes an entirely different streamer who am I gonna become what's gonna happen to me look Bobby teams impose another ban on certain exports Bobby eat one more and you're out here at the wood spots let's go and make we're gonna do the basic things just just to start things that we'll do some barrels will do a couple buckets and we'll do I guess a few beds we'll do some chairs and all that we get our tavern set up in here I'm gonna go ahead and set this thing up as a location as what's that with you know hi hi okay I think I want the thousand that's okay and I want this ishow delete that hang on hang on I've got report is very finicky that is going to be a meeting area location add location in taverns people if people want to come visit us I hope they do because we would eat them I mean as making into one of the lesser generals is there for them and they had a horseman of the Apocalypse that guy oh it was my mud man mud man get to work there's the O the cobalt prisoner right we have the place with our prisoners were they gonna go we gotta stash them away in some sort of crypt somewhere let's make a make it down stair and in the center here like that and then we'll go down and we'll do a up down you know like a proper dungeon up down there and then we'll go this way and then we can can line up up in here somewhere there we go so Cobalts mate so we can eat you let's take apart this this wagon here who's that guy with the robes is that guy it's Kailyn Kailyn terrifying looking giant cave filled letter hood there's my fire Memphis who out here just terrorizing things hey Zack welcome to the channel I'll do my best Lucas I will try to control myself but the first the first time you guys hear me shout hey guys like and subscribe don't forget to leave a comment in this in or whatever and then you can feel free to unsubscribe that's that's where I draw the line hey or say when I started out saying hey it's your boy look then that's it I quit first time I say that I'm at take out some of these gems here what we do here is we got looks like hope its own it will put some blocks in here also that way it'll be kind of you know kind of organizing all that I mean just because we're evil to me we can't be tidy thanks man oh I think there's our Raven there Raven we go do some things we have a black mom is also we I think we raised them as pits as like for eggs and things so we can put them across the way from the prisoners we're gonna have the animals can make this way snakes okay if the prisoners get a little noisy we can we can send the snakes into them it's the taking going all right now what are these walls this is all just Church yeah what are you you're black Santa but it's all just like a sandy sandy fortress which is kind of kind of miserable raises care for a baseball cap with his put put through this skew right it has to be as Huey and a flat cap and ask you start wearing tank top and scream away plays thanks give eggs and poison to boot okay but Monday topic do you use in your life that you would want to be sponsored by have I had I don't know if I've talked about this before I try to not mention too many things but IKEA makes a tea and it's frankly it's the best tea in the world and just just I'm working on my my my my spiel here and well it's dang good and if you've ever go to Ikea you can you can walk in the food area you can just smell the tea last time I was there I walked in you take a left and again we're all that you know all the candies and and the hotdogs are and you walk by the tea and you just smell it and it smells like smells like happiness ah not a good one it's cold though all right how's my prisoner a prisoner look at this guy scare with a shield where's it going who is that that's Billy Oh Bobbie Jean Billie Jean Bobbie genius lookin faint oh you're not doing anything why don't you go do some I feel like we need some things done let's go do some fishing I guess and I'll set up a spot for you to fish seems kind of wrong for the they'll leave it be just fishing things but it's how we do things around here I want this all to be I think I can do it this way yeah this will be our our water source and fishing spot and gathered stuff if you want as well okay let me go pee order speaking of all that T runs right through me okay give me a minute I'll be right back the flesh monger has banned anything okay I'll be right back okay let's see you what oh I didn't get the last one done right what's this craftsman what do you would you anything special right you do anything bone fancy boom bolts decorate bone that's almost off but what's this bone fence post he's one bone to create four bone bars he used to build fences using vertical bars uses bone carving skill like a totem make a totem sure make that let's go ahead and get better get made right now let's go ahead and get some chairs and some some tables we'll get that set up real quick let's build let's get some let's try some some sort of start here we're getting nowhere I want just three three chairs and we'll put three tables in there okay it's raining this is going to be our new I don't like all this I label this my spot for my I'm swimming expect pasture I'm assuming yeah we can sort the methods in here as well which probably will be a good idea don't start burning things again so they come and put them at the cobol's they'll burn them hmm-what put them somewhere else but the kobolds will go here and they will mate hopefully okay and then across the way we're gonna make this is where the snake the snakes can hang there's what the snakes hang Raven can do whatever you want to do and they were in a dig and we're gonna have a fire methods can come over to this side I don't what they want so I put them over there like this actually under those coals even have like a little honey handcuffs on don't forget to have someone feed the pets how do i I think that should oh you know what Jeff I think I have you set on farming is that put you on all of the didn't put you on what's it under that right gathering cheese the gelding is with this who does the feeding that is that animal care there we go okay so you in the animal care person who doesn't have a job who's staring doing nothing like the miner who's busy mining things but when you're not Oh Brandon just stand around talking look talking this an else he's my doctor okay so you're not doctoring then you can go and take care of the animals you can train them you can hunt them you can trap them yeah yeah do all that stuff okay perfect let's go ahead and get our bone I think it's my block SEP stockpiled there I'm gonna go ahead and get my bone works which is shift necks the bones screamer is gonna go over here and we'll see what we can get made with that and it's done you know we're gonna really see on in steam time is what the time is relative is out if I need to get a steel or something to get potions brew which I guess is a separate thing we can set that up down here which is going to be you place asleep also quick we just keep on the ground not go down we'll go out here and we'll set up some bedrooms I'm not sure if everyone in vintage individual bedroom probably they're warlocks no I emptied it sighs there's only gonna be than nine of us I can handle that seven eight nine on the end and then nine will be a double door this is the overlords room Bobby can be back this way that's that's sufficient I think you can go a little bit bigger I suppose we can't like that but their bed in the corner everyone loves love's asleep in the corner this MF tau set this the I think this is it's be the the new one the four steam is being made by the guy not a gap so just one guy it works on meth him and someone else are working together to make the new tileset to make it looks from what I've seen so far looks looks a little bit keeper ah relish hey commissariat any a AKA but I think this kind of gives a good idea of what it may look like um I'm gonna make let's see what was it Jim we know but no no I want a still well set that still and the food land and all that over here still there we will make a farmer's workshop there and then it looks kitchen this way we're gonna have to get out of people for this much to get some Souls in here inventors workshop that sounds like something I want stash it over here and then the carpet layer shop who doesn't love a good carpet and we got more thing a furniture shop I do want that that's right there any mail grass and grow grass liaisons office poison vat ether gauge what's taken they compete in each souls once this one hobble this takes a slab takes three slabs five slabs ten slabs so in all the stakes one slab we can make a slab real quick hey Mason give me a slab real quick like make you slap while you're at it do that first no no let go make those slabs first and then we'll get ourselves a statue and we'll place it somewhere that made a team if actually have a thread up on the forms console together hippie and nice those are from kills then butchering them body yeah yeah get you free blocks and furniture from the ether gate okay we have time after the butchering right right the butcher place but raise you correct yeah so we'll set it up probably a lot of food stuff right there so we'll take the bodies in will butcher them up and we'll have souls I guess something we'll need a stockpile for this is there a stockpile for souls other materials no what would it be under finished goods don't tooth thanks we do need a corpse one so let's go ahead and set the corpse up we'll put it just right in here you searched that key search can't search probably like a never get finished goods already a surprising output it didn't put it into something like my being in here like a gem I don't know yes Lewis the mold is blood in a shipping okay all right butcher shop you what you did yeah yeah do that do that forever and enjoy yourself extract sure yeah and and capture yes do all those things there's anything out there is anything out there well there's some rape Ravens we have some those already straight dwarf prisoner we've ordered war for this and there are four dead ones we barely knew you David a little bit more more storage space okay you guys all done yet no no need architecture it should get hopefully done breezy and I think they work on everything else which was done we need no I think it's getting done right now we had more Ravens wheat than we have now but we had a bit of an incident rooms are getting done the the sprites look pretty cool get this little guy terrifying okay so we're gonna put the methods into here this and this is going to be into a pin for the fire Memphis they don't burn the place down again okay now do you guys need a place to sleep I need to build you some some places like beds or something well you have a black square around you and slaughter you should make babies okay so I asked kitchens not done I think somebody has cooking on so it'll get done eventually we just have so many things to do I'm gonna turn the blue I probably turn the blocks off I just can't cancel that right now so you do what other things so we got the slabs which means we can make the obelisk where's it gonna go it's gonna go right here obviously that's the point of this something amazing I hope P mu Y trainee places look at that chives outside for that tree knock that thing over take that thing out that's our ash isn't getting picked up why not let's hold over there everyone's having a bite to eat over here we Clairol Popol I'm here hey no problem I'm gonna go in here and I'm gonna say who's uh who's doing less things Tom's steward Kalin is just telling a story which means Kayla needs more work what are you doing anything okay so Kailyn you're going to do everything yes masonry stone detailing we have the hunting out of control you're going to get farm either controls you when I say that though I say everything shift enter yeah I want you to do everything other jobs no hauling though okay that'll work I think let's do it all so you me very brave confession the fifties yeah we don't need that just do everything else that way things will get done eventually because we'll have one person on the job we probably make someone else do it too we can say Lorraine didn't what did I have you do hunting you are my you're my animal man I'm gonna leave you be because I'll make sure you do that job Aidan however for sure you're the wood worker so would work and then craft makeup cancel make totem needs what needs unwritten toda mobile body part oh is that what it is the obelisk welcome keep keep doing their thing I wonder how willing are we capable bar we just a raven right way up there can we um we kill it we like make a military we're quick create a squad with thing uh with armor we have it will take leather the friends of beauty perfect and I want everyone just be in it not Bobbie Jean apparently yeah yeah okay Caleb's in there didn't everyone else okay no signs what don't uh go over his going over his spot no but 100 you know what I think anyone have one person in each squad I think so famine will be metal armor sure famines gonna be Logan death will be Jeff mistress of pain and we have an overlord already Bobby oh we can have everyone in that you know okay you can have up in one hundred one hundred folks in here which can be all the undead things uh I get it I get it I get it okay Bobby Dean will lead the the mighty army we will once have it at some point can we kill kill this thing have a bow do we give Elaine animal we'll take it absolutely it's one unit but they are well the horse yeah yeah yeah oh sorry let's go switch as deaf man wasn't well don't you worry they'll die soon enough build a bed only we have enough of these board put set it up for it okay there's our nine beds we'll give them made eventually you make me some more beds you have at Billy's games and looks like the the what's this one Pharma shop is almost done couple beds going down let's go back to stockpile customs gonna be my everything stockpile enable okay and we put all in there that's just fill er up oh look at the fancy obelisk new task mmm these are sometimes crashes the game since I can't fix DF hack please consider making a quick say before great you okay okay cliche right there nice chance to raise corpses on the map just wait a bit cause a soul requires warlock running the react fancy okay yeah we got to do that we got to do that give me some souls I need I need a I need something to butcher I don't wanna butcher my only cobalt but I have a mud man does he have a soul I have a raven hey make babies already I thought there's a rape and I need I need animals grab the wood bringing it in next one's done what's this this is the still which we're making brew drinks from plants I guess I don't care what kind of drink you make but just make whatever you want and we put it on repeat and should make potions I guess at some point and then this right here is our furniture shop which we can make takes one Boulder and makes a piece of a large table northern end Oh a banquet table a big banquet table a giant egg we have a bench piece okay so I'll make oh yeah make one of those sure north east south east we'll see you make how much of it was you happens if they warned you about the crashes it's true let me and they're having some mushrooms for uh for dinner workshops here okay so this is the bone screamer so it's for bones create for bone blocks yeah I need to make all kinds of stuff we've seen this thing before with the bones inventor teaches you sieve to make this item make this you can make now make it in crafters or fordoes you need to do this only once how do I do it though does it take a soul maybe it does learning how to make thongs takes a soul with great axes learn to learn things then we have the carp a carpet layer who creates make some rugs out uh take a piece of cloth and make for carpet you know make some some what's uh some I don't know black make for black carpet tiles yeah yeah still and this was the farmer um nothing this year we don't meet cheese to make me milk some animals maybe processing plants yeah and then into vials and I guess barrels as well because we're gonna make poison to that I'm gonna have to make a poison maker to deal with that we already raided the elves beginning in the stream we we just lit them on fire yeah yes where is he is that him right there with a little under is that him hello Goblin the the Friends of Beauty would like to say hello to you kill him kill him where are you kill him aren't you killing him there you go get him where's he going tell me get back here what'd you do that for you like you ran them off there's a groundhogs out there too okay um groundhogs have souls this is this games asking all kinds of questions so let's kill from s be you're gonna go kill a groundhog hopefully it's easy to kill groundhog and then see the fierce earns you can kill the other groundhog and then we're gonna let the folks help out with this the perplexed winds kill that goblin and then D it's e you kill that goblin as well ok where is this guy follow that guy where you going get back here let me kill you I need your soul you look too happy to be doing this one groundhog down hopefully it's coming back in to have a drink little does he know little does he know Jim somebody lock the door on him he's quick goblins are quick stab him [Music] nope i bleeding is the goblin bleeding or is my my warlock bleeding boost oh yeah yeah yeah that's I mean that's it's that's a Bobbi yeah there you go there you go playing spooky music again how do we do there's a giant hamster either now did we get oh we got the groundhogs excellent excellent we didn't lose anybody out of it okay so do groundhogs have souls this is the question we're all asking what's your dead animal doing now needs a butcher bowl animal groundhogs not big enough to be a butcher boy animal let me put a I want a refuse stockpile over just take it out sign here you know he worked with a bad guys we leave before refuse outside I think hey Goblin he's back he doesn't want to leave go kill him why are you talking go get him get him have you even touched the thing yet his neck is cut open his neck is dented that's something leg is bruised oh yes yes okay wait for me to come in you put some doors in its place doesn't have you doors put some doors out here right there and there may be some all right there and there there we go that's a little nicer maybe we need doors for our bedrooms and then the prisoners need tours as well otherwise they just walk out okay then you make me some doors okay scoop spooky music are you getting them you're not dying are you Bobbie Jean how you feeling let me make some bolts I'll get I'll get it I'll get by be Tina's lost in Raich her arms cut open her right arm is bruised if you die to a goblin don't solve our problem of you asked me for things I suppose I need everyone I need any B and C to go kill which one is it it's this guy here I think it's a go get him we need souls tell me out here how many weapons I think we got him we got him okay we need a doctor's office because cuz Bobbie not feeling too good and let's dig out one real quick there we go and we'll put a door there okay goblin go carry him into the pit so we can butcher him you go get a drink fish maybe we covered a bucket of water okay okay you'll take care of Bobby a lot of blood around there whose blood is this Bobby's blood goblin blood Bobbie blood yeah you know Nonnie before it's not a little bit of blood or I'm running around please okay so now now you can butcher things right what sure now there is it's right there I'm looking at it hmm cancels what Jeff mistress of pain cancels beat criminal invalid officer what does that mean what does that mean mistress of pain which means you should be in here Jeff let's just have pain neat quarters and all that kind of stuff is it because you don't have a an office we go do that real quick everyone has a mandate so let's set these things up so we make a bedroom here this would be Bobby jeans bedroom assign it to Bobby okay I'll just go down the list sign that one tom yeah that was good assign it to theirs Jeff's this one actually has a bed in it just that one's going to be there and then assign it to Logan is it forbidden oh it might be forbidden Motech Caitlin all right Kayla is that is that really how you spell your name got school waste bullying Caitlin if not you should tell your name that way let Oh Aiden and then let you get to the corner one okay there was got a bedroom now we need more beds we should be making them hopefully make a couple more and we need them for the the doctor's office how I tell few forbidden you claim him we could dump him maybe then oh yes I'm guessing we have to get him into a stockpile good news is if Bobby dies their soul isn't or another goblin here there is I need weapons any buttons what can we make with what we have here not much you make anything out of bone maybe not any bones like any rock things let's new with this this pack wood things we mix like wood training things Bonz grimmer which we need bones for figurines yeah this is all what we want mmm surely we bring it I don't think we brought anything I think I should have brought things I should have brought some sort of weapons there's going there with fists against galvans which should be able to handle let's go and let's go kill a b c d and e kill that that other goblin there did you get him you get away well game I think if the the Warlick mod adds the pixels like the different sprites well the mod is made by the same guy that makes this texture pack so I'm sure he just added in the the Wallach stuff fourth pack like Bobby has gotten up and walked around or a left so we're in good shape I don't know where they are Tom's in his bed I guess we do have beds or anything knowing good why he's so different are they so different oh there's Bobby right there Bobby hey won't you get up carrying things hey you you Logan can you go and uh recovering wounded you should be doing that everyone should have that it's that on because there's no place to put him gonna get this dog out first who's our miner who's supposed to be mine I think it's you isn't it no it's ledge ledge I want you to not Hall for right now except for except for my fuse except for corpses oh look at that there's body parts in there I guess that work maybe that's on the butcher yet quick Tom I didn't even see it there we got that sound okay so let's build a bed real quick all right they're in there get that hold over there and then we can turn that into a hospital this will be H done now we have a place to put Bobby more so let the blood flow but the butcher needs to be far away from everything in a normal game but follow that rule note um yeah maybe no me the butchers outside I think it really matters though as long as the corpses there should be fun we use mandating things I'll use laying on the ground mandating things what if we try putting in a not a garbage dump but maybe a garbage dump just like a bad place to put a car garbage dump right hey roll if I was going see you let okay so I'm gonna pick her up I guess maybe they did let you go are you good you fish it now okay you're all good a problem what's that see over there I mean something come up the hamlet of ancient Crescent says there's no one at either of these places is anyone even in this world if I should have looked it at civilize populate what these no way these are all necromancy towers each way every one of these is necro this whole island is still the necromancy towers what happened to this land there's much of Hamlet's is this where all the people are oh wait I think maybe built in a terrible spot is there no these are no settlements on the side of the map surely not Oh bunch of goblin pits we see that goblin forest retreat fourth retreat with no one there goblin pits there's no Dwarfs ask me I think that's no civilize no population unless it just says that because we're evil there's a tomb human Hamlet yeah I mean we got goblins it's okay we got goblins we can still feast on the goblins hopefully that's crazy my old Atari game he doesn't add cymbal running around gathering treasure doing quests Oh monkeys monkeys why is that Corp still there where's my orders orders claim use a mission claim other day that one whatever those parts that worth Aragon know what we did with them we're not butcher anything though monkeys stealing my stuff my phantom spiders silk shirts we get a message for that not working let me make sure real quick yeah there is needs needs an animal to butcher which there is a great howl out there I think any things in here is big enough we just need like a something to come by why can't we put your third goblin maybe different kind of shop I'm assuming it's the butcher's table but maybe not maybe it's something different you go here it is okay so guard Oh Mason makes towers basically defense towers how come is transmutes things some either gate makes things you'd souls for workshops flush mongers our doctor [Music] mmm corrupt Forge magic altar you know some forged bone mold we face enhancing all this stuff he toured our souls meat bones and corpses butchering give souls that's what we want so it seems like it should work we just have to get something butchering maybe somebody just has the job let's just make sure if someone has that working so let your my minor right all you do is mining well your graduation I love butcher come in here and wrong one for me come in here and butcher butcher and tan I guess if we need it I mean Jeff has the mission probably isn't it hey Janice how's it going hey do village hey iron 360 thanks what is that there a snake outside copperhead snake why aren't you in your in your hole I have you a hole for you aren't you in there just making babies I'm gonna guess we're gonna need some sort of a pin for them so let's go here in the woodshop and make a little bit a what I'm looking for a nest box I'm making this box is that it shift in I think we make those they make those at the other one isn't this box would this box give me a couple of those you keep middle or with it cheat sheet middle column third paragraph down prisoners our livestock good for the butcher injured war souls cobalt skins goblin livers now yeah we have to maybe we don't want to just murder him maybe we need to enslave them ready just Elton's goals and imps easy kill stuff but butcher the corpses raise new Civic resistance we just in an in the neck romantic romantic workshop we've seen that before when we have we can do that thanks Janice my new my new 20/20 thing right right new new new new decade new hairline it's all working out Oh where's my new carpet I made speaking of new hairlines carpet carpet carpet where is it yes box will get me my got in second floor floor heavy F furniture floor bars alt be [Music] I don't know something she built just I play this game but my brain broke means you're playing it right that's what the suppose that's supposed to happen that way okay you know what I'd like you to do I'd like you to put your handle now needs butcher able unwrought in' thing are you rotten now that's a problem did you rot you rot away already mangled partial skeleton he did run away so maybe we we butchered them too much they're supposed to be two of wait to kill two of them though what's this Oh some mussels and fish just hanging out up there speaking of mussels and fish where's our barrels and things hey Rev house yeah its first time I'm doing it like a late-night stew or fortress day in a long time normally this is uh this is like a Monday afternoon thing but today well someone else is here please be an elf McCallum poet is visiting us know that we can kill the goblins I would love to imprison them if we can figure it out and there he is right there I went to kill him I'm going to show this more time kill that guy you know he's getting away go get him no excuse it this time we need your soul look nothing personal I just need your soul well done now carry it in he's in good shape right yeah corpse is in good shape bring it in carry that away come on overlord yeah yeah you butcher things now put your animals pick it up Oh nope what do you pick up victims armor no stop picking up his bits pick up the thing meets butcher Oh animal it's not working look I just just want a soul too much to ask so we could do it this way the old-fashioned Elaine just butcher are these guys but I really want them to to mate we need we need we need babies I don't think I stake would give me a soul maybe the methods will will give me some souls says we butcher them mm-hmm so I haven't figured out anything different d'argo mason we can use we'll see what this does this is the one that makes towers and it's like a tower defense things tower towers for defense we have that malcolmus Liaisons office on where this guy does he's for book bookcases okay we'll make one of those alchemists potions transmutations potions ether gate requires Souls which we have none let me try making a corpse stock pile out here see what happens it outside that I do this right gather food animals bodies their bodies harvest makes food workshop orders Auto collect Auto butcher yeah gather refuse from out some house sign or other vermin remains it's fine save everything I did this right right I don't want it this way I want everything everything claimed let me going down there what's it going what you doing what's doing well no stop taking his body parts or his his armor take the go I know I don't want to use my only my only breeding pair to get a soul I'll never get into the soul I'm a very unfortunate world that has a lack of elves and humans around I have played factory time yeah I do have playlists hey xane it's a very poorly managed play this but I do I do have one Boas really managed as the the door fortress tutorial one that once now it's organized I guess I'll start a new one up for 2022 or four to 2020 we'll set this one in first I guess it might be a confusing one that says the first one in the playlist though but store fortress it's suppose to be confusing hey straight cool ball prisoners giving birth to it but a kobold baby hooray oh it's so exciting that's so exciting we have another baby excellent where is it where is it there he is halo guy small squat humanoid with large pointy ears and yellow glowing eyes force me free it's rotting in a warlock dungeon yellow eyes are very wide said she has a broad chin low voice narrow head is very short ears are narrow skin is brown that's right excellent yeah your snake put some meat on the pits nice Tom now if I sacrifice it now do I get it do I get a soul how old you need to be to be a soul do you get souls at like at birth what's the question here I'm sorry what is it supposed to be over here oh yeah they guard well amazing which will get eventually you know the wards are so politically wait till he gets a little older and then uh Oh empty bucket eh okay I'll make you something else let's do that is getting some barrels and some buckets make me some bins and some barrels and some buckets which is castles beat criminal invalid officer what does that mean you are the mistress of pain are you not set up as the mistress of pain yeah Jeff you know you want to beat somebody go for it I'm not stopping you you always mandates mm people also want things in their rooms so I suppose we should start setting on that on that yeah snake snake twins thanks are gonna give us any babe any Souls but they'll give us their souls they'll give us poisons of course be within 43 tiles as a butcher we're in stockpile if I hang with a bite you know what let's try doing not just say that let's try you were telling me this before let's try this butcher can go out just out here in the world somewhere where's my stash it out here somewhere this is a good spot for a butcher the rotten now we'll get another visitor eventually hopefully eventually hopefully liaison office to call warlock caravan to trade for more prisoners oh right right right how did I what we need for the liaison office it was here did I start building it I need bookcases okay let's building bookcases I know you're busy with things about any some bookcases just but they don't repeat I'll stop you in a minute okay mostly former has risen is haunting the fortress oh yeah forgot about that that's fine he likes it it's good to have some ghost around um I cans okay spoil your future sometimes crashes the game okay yeah right Joe gargoyle a mobile Guardi creature that you pasture to that location cost fifteen boulders spits dust that pushes your own units ghost gargoyle costs one cost fifteen boulders and one corpse so you say and I have a course freezes water and cost one bucket of venom Oh make that you say and I have a corpse are you saying I have a corpse are you lying to me I mean we clearly have corpses we have we have our are dead folks from the beginning of the game they're probably rotten rotten - would you put over there empty bucket I'm working on I'm working on it it gets made we'll set that guy outside for a defense against whatever comes our way I guess goblins hey that's the ghost he looks look spooky making the buckets make these now you bring a lot of prisoners to an altar and do something there I don't I don't know the way it read it doesn't seem to be that way Cobalts go really go fast what's it was a cockapoo let's kill it small flightless green parrot longest live birds not anymore oh I can't kill it from the list where you go I don't have corpang showing off its on favorite game of all time the original XCOM number one of course like pause there and then we can go with a we have the refuse sorted nearby yeah the magic altars which we have one of those here we have an obelisk and they can use the obelisk once we get a corpse or a soul we can animate things but we need one first so we've got we've got the altar and everything set up for it the obelisk the only one you haven't right you haven't the only way home tries the original one what's happening that's the best one oh yeah you're right I'll have you over as opposed to make those Ohio you may come from here no no stone wheelbarrow wouldn't wheelbarrow I'll make yeah good idea get some bookcases made and get that that one thing done and what's going on over here this was the bone personal how many bones though the inventor needs oh we can learn to make loincloths and sandals sure sure what's gonna make a limb cloth we're just a bunch of naked warlocks running around you know if you want to meet some criminals I wonder if that's happening it's like Brandon and Jeff or am i fighting Jeff just wants to beat something okay all those snakes in there oh you are adult now okay I will butcher butcher you not the baby but the snakes boy-girl-boy-girl yeah maybe we should just do the boy to girls I have yeah I have that other sock Paulo I had the Corp stockpile set up I shouldn't have to set up butchering it should auto auto happen if it comes where the snakes going in nick has been slaughtering o animals soul what wait a minute well look at that okay quick save real quick is that like part of the like a somebody come over there and actually quick save for me strange after you quick save then animate a corpse chance to raise corpses on the map just wait a bit cause a soul or we can summon an imp create a new imp or karai I want a name porker actually let's do that first they can I see do jobs no tear from the deep is number two number one came out 94 94 93 UFO defense or enemy sewer sharks that one okay it's soul time there it is raisin imps maybe hang on what are you it's an imp we did it we did it we raised an imp look at the little guy oh he's kind of cute with the demonic eyes and all that uh what's your name his name's Miss Anne who wants to be an imp if you'd like to be an imp you tell me it's not a bonnet stop it you roll a role of the IMP that's an imp name I think more than more than Jeff view you sorry if I have to teach you every what's wrong with I know I've learned how to say I don't know how to spell let's do all right roll if the IMP go-go's stocks and pile some things actually let me give you a job role of zoom in and you're right now you're just hauling things which probably is a good job actually for you what other jobs are there architecture do some of that and why don't you know do some some mmm that's good just just haul things okay there we go soul figuring out done excellence I wish we were on a map where there was a human sitting next to me I thought there was I know there was nothing there Delaney consort you're important you're like a you're a goblin right yeah scratchy voice I don't like scratchy voices I'm gonna kill ya lady consort she's like him she's an important goblin okay kill the lady consort get her I'm gonna paint the walls red with goblin blood okay we got her she's in the fortress now let's let's let's cook her up stew the the soul out of her whatever you need to do okay just just just do it yes we had some earrings and some bracelets nice look at the become has become a famine that was actually mentioned in the in the blurb for the mod was touchin keeper lots of lots of bits out there you are now complete so you can butcher things as well hopefully you will you can't go you don't go talk to that guy are you doing Jeff just carrying body parts okay something tells me can't we can't raise these uh these goblins yep Kevin if there's a way we can I'm gonna get these guys with some badges out there we can get some badgers where we have some weapons it'd be really great made weapons so let's kill from a list just grab grab the grab the girl badger go get her and hopefully she will give us a soul corpse hauling on it's under here right gather bodies forbidden I'll try to seal the way around I think it's the way around right way but I could be wrong you know that's the wrong way he needs a crutch oh let me make a crutch Brandon hey you uh make me a make me a crutch maybe a crutch make me a couple crutches make it a couple splits how many bookcases you made so far you made enough I need to make what was it the it was the gate fundin of these souls it was the liaisons office yeah here we go this is the traitor what statue here in the corner I'm not sure maybe we should stay it outside guessing you go wagon yeah all those and then you can stop making those bookcases now calm down Bobby Jean what is that Oh snake gargoyle right we're making it stop mandating things okay we're build a how do I build how do I build those things the the gargoyle and stuff it's like a siege engine maybe it might be a workshop it's a movie a trap how do I place that thing if statues we can place we could try placing it a statue I think it tell I think it actually tells me I'll go back and look that's not it you go look so you a mobile guard creature that past you you passed your to look at cupcake so we go here and then pasture or just there that will put in gargoyle yes okay there we go excellent excellent you know we put a statue there a be cool apparently we had one how do we carry the.oh the corpse hauling did work is it the other way around I lose my mom I really have it backwards still can't butcher them cuz if they're long long rotten now did I gain one though let's see some of their earrings in the in the hallway anything out there more Badgers they'll be killed a one can we can we butcher it now like I like - what's your more things we have another snake we can take out wait oh yeah I get more baby because they seem to grow up pretty quickly that's how the mud man who's doing nothing for us get to watch you butcher souls while eating leftovers from dinner what a day like a bucket of blood or something there we're hauling out we should have some bones laying right now though right I think yeah yeah take four bones to make beds cabinets we can make all kinds of stuff we can also make I want to make blocks though taken to be blocks as you can because we make like fence posts with those now there's a wheelbarrow if I get a wheelbarrow going whoo there he is look at him look at it it's look at it it's a spitting snake that's fantastic that's great hey those normal DF that's fantastic um add new tasks I would like to hire a goblin caravan cost me as I have a soul hire a warlock caravan I do I have a soul I guess I have oh I do because I have the the boar I want any some corpses first though and then we can go and do that I like to pee again so I'm gonna take a look at breaker I'm gonna let just run and if you see your souls undead things run they're over the map then just to get excited Geoff's throwing a tantrum I'm sorry I didn't do your stuff okay you once they're running anything terrible happen a water source oh it's froze over what'd I miss anybody die Badgers dead the goblins dead okay okay I think okay no more no more dwarves died I've some wrens around Jeff was fighting Geoffrey do anything in England um Jeff using dumb it's calm down he's fine he just punching folks he's fine okay so we we have an undead thing right where's my undead thing did you do it yet and we that corpse gosh a quick say first was a ctrl shift s nope ctrl shift s choice shift s alt s all right quicksave and then animate that a corpse who's in there Jeff I see you must know if they have a salt well you know according to our fortress you do unless you're a goblin which we were still uncertain of no water source yeah you see it's a very cold outside you're you're doing around animating courses let's roll if you have a gob you have a goblin soul look the whole time I just had the wrong if I do this I fight it was wrong like I guess I've had it backwards plains games like for years I guess I've always had that there's no way can you do it it says they just sort of spawn all over the map it says they might spawn no pets nothing out there wait we'll wait a minute maybe they maybe they just sure to show up my warlocks kind of look like skeletons so I don't know I guess carrying a book looks like what's with all the ash doing weird things that's snow we see Nia any skeletons apparently use this the soul nothing new there nothing new there now if I go into here I can stay here and then you can join tantrum who might die you'll be fine cause there's no water what season is it it's cute I'm out of there what's in Brandon there's Aiden it's my Raven hanging out you read this again has Oh has a chance to raise corpses in the map okay okay okay so not a not a given we waited too long the bore all the boars are gone there's some wrens out there we can pry try to kill him I'm sure they're up in the air though Hey go kill some wrens to get some of them on the ground get them can we kill bees and get that's a lot of souls if we can get some bees diesels review Reaper once looked at my mod chichi for changes but failed it's there's a lot of different stuff it's kind of a blending of Dungeon Keeper and for the bad guys we were a bunch of warlocks we do not get migrants we only get new folks from souls killing things gives us souls which we use to raise the dead we try to raise the dead or we can just make imps and what is all this why it's all funny-looking over here would you spit on something my my imp for instance we raised he's out there doing his thing goblin Bart is visiting we're going to murder him come on Colin bard cancel that order cancel that's I got a new job for you including you kill that bard he can come into my my place go get him right next to the butcher perfect take his soul he's still in that bed he's in a different bed now yeah I'll take it apart maybe he'll well I finally get her off get to walking around okay I know there's a goblin there we should butcher him which will give us some more souls we don't need any more imps we need I went I went to raise an army we have goblins to go kill there's I mean there's no humans around to take to terrorize but plenty of goblins what's this kobold baby it went - Kowalski make more babies you guys are slow I had a cobalt for one time when we had way too many I think maybe they just I think maybe we just kill it baby see what happens let's go and let's fry up a kobold baby it's like like cobalt viel is what what have I become what's this game turning me into are you bringing about there okay there we go did you give me a soul animal soul kobold soul only have two souls they're excellent yes I like to animate corpses and wait wait wait cancel that let's quick say first in an animal court animate animate and eight more make sure that baby's soul was worth it yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't say to a versus as a hard game it's just it's just a deep game and just the UI is horrible but there's a reason for that I've always read that that it's like you're making a game I'm not a developer someone oaf is about any of this but like if you're making a game and you want to add in something new to the game then when you add something new with the game you also have to go in and many babies have hatched oh yeah there's a couple about life it's not there every time you make a new feature in your game you have to go back and re update the UI every time so if you make a UI very basic like this you don't do that you just add in a you know a line done and so rather than having to go in and make your new stuff then go back and fix re make all your old stuff you just kind of keep it terrible but slowly add on to it and then at some point maybe the UI will get messed with which i think is what's happening with the steam release that's a big part of steam releases is a UI update I believe I think we got whoa look at all this oh that's a lot of snakes that's a lot of Souls oh my oh my well let's okay wow this snakes have baby like that I don't care let's slaughter them yeah I'll keep a few of them around make some snake big snake Souls have you done your your thing yet one just be done here we get any corpses here comes a soul coming in let's see it you're trying to animate more nothing new I'm assuming we'll get a I got like a pop-up and I'm also assuming they'll pop up as a citizen there comes these are the souls look like little belts you guys what you're carrying oh I see what you carryin I think that's that's what you have it I don't know well that was it yeah you're bringing it to the to the altar I wonder if we'd have a better chance if he built the better one becomingly need five slabs for that so let's go here and make I mean five slabs maybe six just to make it safe and then and cancel the box make those slabs I can get a new altar yeah yeah I can't wait for to come to steam the day it comes to steam prepare for a very long left uh Streamlight the last time we had a big update I spent all night just playing playing the game on my own and I figured why not streaming next time makes sense okay so that should be a lot of souls we're gonna save them yeah yeah we've off the little snake Souls anything so we're not getting any luck with we sacrifice the baby for nothing we can make a whole horde of em so can I put imps in my military can you put role if it oh you can't we can have an army of imps okay I mean that's like we just raised that's like 20 things we just have there Oh a firearm if it just gave birth to twins can I put the fireman fits into the army Oh believe some Nike in Memphis I can't however however I can come over here and go to where's Bobbie yet this is you I think that's Bobby Bobby Bobby and then Bobby and then I can go to preferences work animals what is no working we need nothing left give you the fire method I was hanging out here just having a good time with the mama Souls hanging around if I want to build this 110 slaps for the monument sanctum was five slabs in 25 building material non-economic stones isn't that what we have here oh you know what they're just random stones let's dig out down here take out this this will be my waypoint what was it chief teacher yeah we got some funk in the in the kitchen room hey Andy hey Ben yeah forceless on steam yeah that you yeah that's right I didn't think about that but all the all the mod support and everything along with it with steams thing that's one perk of steam that I would find hard to get away from steam you know one of these days we gotta get a water source hopefully one of these days my stream just broke my thing I'm watching think I'm using to make sure it's working as it should be Chet oh you know why probably because of this I hate this this dang new YouTube studios the worst hates it with a passion I know I'm gonna be forced to be using it one of these days probably pretty soon okay I think we're good okay okay we're back okay if a lot of of Mama's slain I'm gonna say let's quick save and then let's animate let's do like five hopefully get one and then where's it'll repeat on imps we're to have an army of imps and we go storm into some goblin lands and destroy them that's all I wanted to let mermaid farm okay I'm hoping I'm sure we gonna pop up some kind if we get some sort of undead rising from somewhere I hope they just sort of rise in the ground because I'd be exciting no water source water to raise the raise the dead it's frozen right yeah I know I'm sorry it's wintertime it happens it's cold outside purple stuff isn't miasma some stinky stuff in there really what's that water source you have water I mean we could dig down I guess and got to find a spot down here there's some rocks for us put all those snakes and baby a little baby fire I went to fire method let's dig up down we shouldn't do this straight here but what's the worst that could happen everybody Star Wars galactic battlegrounds it's a really old one I get really old one struck Jasper you know me it's like I got 10 and 25 keep an eye on those numbers I just look I just just wanted some zombies too much to ask what's the spawn rate of zombies we should we should maybe we should hold off on this until we get our cool thing that's what it wasn't it you know this sanctum I have to go underground somewhere here we go I can be centered it's okay okay but make that thing great about AoE to devs yeah the really old RTS so we failed all of our arrays two dead things enough so many games that's like its main we will do it again still slaughtering Mama's we got plenty of two to go through Bobby jeans any maze I didn't pay attention to those okay we got a cart the cavern with with water where are we here okay which is right above the water dig over here there and then actually be easier to just there we go and then we'll dig my net out yeah that maxing okay we go animal dig up down is fine there okay I'll solve that problem no need to worry about that one oh no I am excellent that imp is is here in a empezar is is is a making more imps Bobbie Jean want I'll pay attention to you this time what do you want right you want two barrels and two large jims you and your gems you know it just seems like a problem I could make a gem a gem spot though corrupted Forge bone oh yeah for all this stuff err altar a death altar I want that these are in the furnace category make that yeah makes take soul but we'll do it well I mean torches torch and we'll set it right right here as you walk in just because it looks spooky my favorite contribution platform you mean like you don't like patreon or or YouTube's members or or stream labs I mean I think I think patreon it probably takes takes the least of all of them was dehydrated I know I don't have any water I'm sorry we're working on it but you know it's it's it's just a very small percentage difference from from patreon versus YouTube sponsors as far as like buying games like affiliate things then Kronos Kronos is really good Cordova has a really good percentage humble and and do G they're all the same they're all really low as far as percentage-wise so it takes a while for those to add up and those people just buy games on Steam you know but the biggest percentage that goes to me is if you buy something on chrono it's a big percentage actually on those I know patron I went through a thing before where they they're talking about like they're gonna raise the like fees on the one dollar pledges or something that because of the costs of burning the site people threw fits so then they backed out of it but yeah I imagine it is a pretty costly thing to to run what is that Jasper CHR o n o chrono GG / no Priam you like a deal a day thing every day there's a new game it's cheap they usually do have some really really good games though I really get really cheap games usually whenever they have their sales they are usually the they are usually the cheapest I have a pretty caught I have a thing on my on chrome that will tell me on Steam uh what's the word is on chrome and you can and you could go into steam it'll tell you whether like the lowest price ever with lowest price now on what side it is and crota usually does have the cheapest whenever it is on sale let's sort of random you know of course on this are they old games there they've had a couple early access months well they're usually a few years old oh my go this is gonna be F to zoom here and then what we should do is we should go gather some stuff and set this up as just like a gathering spot so if you got fruit to pick you do it okay there you go water come grab what is that giant cave toad okay um call the army make make an army so the deep crowds we've gots imp imp imp lots of hims okay and then the other guys you can get in there yeah did you get everyone in there go murder it okay so we want to e kill well the cave to it obviously one list strange lords back at it oh we're tearing him up well frog never saw it coming got a chrome add-on yeah yeah yeah it's great I love it I use it before my youtube days but it cuz I before my YouTube days I'm most I get logged games for free now obviously thanks to the youtubes but pretty YouTube days I refuse to buy a game that wasn't on sale it wasn't say I wasn't buying it and so I'd use that to make sure I was getting some deal just just our punch and imps don't you worry we'll get you up into one of these days I don't know how we have make charcoal let's get some some Forge things going let's make a wood furnace we'll set that down like any other way here where's my miner at where's my builder why isn't this thing happened the slabs hauled over here let's go this way and we'll build up a big furnace room furnace land can go right here yeah and I would never usually I had a nice routine I would I would I buy a game and typically by the time that I by the time I bought the game the next one would be coming out like the next the sequel or whatever out the game I remember buying and sort of like my routine with Tropico for many years as soon as it was soon as the next one was stuff about to come out i buy the previous one that frog is it dead yet it's sleepy at least giant wombat out there crikey oh yeah he's torn his neck is torn open okay where's this wombat at with Jim I'm gonna stand I'll just in the regular folks go kill that wombat look we haven't onion potions yet and I kind of see that we've been growing mushrooms we should get a potion person in here which i think is from there's an alchemy place I think inventor no no no yes alchemists potions I want this need a metal a pestle and mortar honey goes hey from here I don't know where make those a let's go look at Mason no it's got to be in here mom over in Pismo you think so do you feel it's pitchforks for the imps yeah you know what we could I mean these are terrible but can't we make little weapons like training Spears for these guys they're not nothing worth anything but you gotta have something you know oh we broke down then we got some grass growing in our case that's not evil can we stop that off no more summoning primarily because I want to see if we can raise the dead properly why isn't even doing the sanctum architecture Oh critters are Billy they're busy trying to kill that toad what was that move in mambas snakes - cobalt prisoners right did we kill the guy outside guess so the wombat hit a wall Matt's all coming in summon an imp with it um oh there's more things we can do with it with with souls - we can make ether gate right yeah yeah ether gate yes put down here five souls for that Humble Bundle is what keeps games our sites like GTA and King was England everyone keep those places you know in business there's a lot of shady stuff with them but I think most of those probably come from humble folks can I um we stopped killing the thing I've given up hey you give up its office just go home fine we don't care anymore they don't want to give up so quick Sabre pick problem is we've got our oh you know we can do we have amps doing nothing role if he's got no job where are you oh yeah you're beaten on the horse you are really not beat another thing you know he's down there - how about mmm water water you okay here we go okay so Ren Yin those are gonna have you do I forgot wasn't a heavy do you know was I gonna have them do Oh filled things okay do you preferences labor I would like you to go and do other jobs like architecture and not bad engineering no what would it be but summoning him things be crafts do the alchemy what also we need to add to anyway hey there under furnace things do that one I suppose these imps are gonna want beds so let's draw let's dig a little bit more here give them I'm gonna give them a big K a big dorm I don't know I'm thinking we mate with a cheat here real quick just real quick quick I'm tired of it I think we say kill him is it kill him exterminate is this I before I do it is it correct exterminate I don't wanna room and everything Oh help kill help exterminate exterminate okay exterminate yeah toad giant cave okay problem solved I like your salt please okay they'll be up my aims back and back back working again all this sitting around doing nothing is getting me all angry Jeff is looking to depression what cuz he's been sitting in the in here for so long poor Jeff where are you why are you still there Charmy Theo Jeff and Noble what's wrong with him Haggard and drawn what's wrong with you eight hundred seventy nine years old slow to heal yeah that's for sure Oh what's wrong with you there's nothing wrong with you get out of bed that's right don't fight my powers yeah I grants Michael speaking a building things oh yeah able to do things now what we should do is I'm really have a pic for all this let's has no job he does have a job like you do have a child you mind things why can't you write your mining things who has my pick I bet you one of these guys in the military has it there goes he's got it back ok ok oh it's precisely building is happening as well there's the mining and I saw construct building so that's something somewhere what is this marble there's that side for the MS build his bedroom first smart guy look that's it in their church slab which we needed for the thing that's it why is it sitting there neither for this need architecture which should be coming along and we also they have the altar the death altar ether gate there all kinds of things we need and let's go slaughter a couple more animals we should have a giant toad soul as well let me how many snakes we have which of you can train as continue for war Oh what am i doing okay yeah or fire method methods and you're available which means I should be able to go in here to what I'm trying to do before and find find Bobby really anybody I'm gonna give Bobby though cuz they're gonna be the big fighter where are they Bobby where are you let me just find it this way okay so let's go and find you and then there's preferences yeah work animals no there's animals left the the methods the battle eyes just laying there feel like we should be using that Thank You per fortress happy one time I got a world where all my migrants arrives Tantra me ya know my last fortress was was of that way everyone was always angry that's one of the that sort of the problem with the this update is everyone's always angry about something what's what's blocking the side someone's standing around that shouldn't be no one's good good make that okay build some beds I think we have a few laying around okay prepare for future imps yeah yeah it's been kind of a big complaint for this version I think I saw him on on uh on Twitter asking about about examples of the microwaves having problems so I guess so looking into fixing it which is great yeah make a totem I don't never I made those before I don't know what I was supposed to do with it I don't really know how to put it out there but we made one another one we also have the furnace is supposed to be going in where was that at that was down here which we're building all this out for the furnace stuff get to our camps your invite sent me by patreon is invalid Oh someone else told me that oh hey are you fuzzy hey thanks why didn't it pop up thanks fuzzy is that you uh Shannon are you that I get that fixed my like one day it'll work next day it's like I'm done working and then it won't work my pop up things Thanks yeah it's the link is broken now all kinds of problems that I'll redo that it's not the one you got through the the message you received from it already do it and when you get in there I will I'll get you the orange name at the end of the stream I'll I'll hop in there quick and put you in there don't let me forget I'll get your name in for the death match before we call it a day here - yes thank you very much that's that's the that's number four for the for the week corrupted for I want to make I want to make a poem Forge as I make one of these yet I don't know and I would like to make a would purpose it seems like we need some charcoal and I would like a corrupt Forge crematory I'll take one of those and I'll take a dummy the proper to forge there's mindful for that okay you know we're just be doing we made this a long time ago and I never acted when we started making a long time ago I'm supposed to put in a where is it - where is it where is it Finn's right right it was a fence was it a signpost I'm gonna make a fence well I'll take I'll take a signpost you said it right here okay there you go thanks to village yeah for this quarter oh thanks i discord once in a while for I do give away their muscle life I have some keys I'll throw them in there I don't know why I need to put some keys in there I've got I got quite the hoard I needed to get rid of still but I case people do live streams like the the New Years Eve one or the special ones where we'll all use that discord from time to time so that's sort of I sort of use that as my sweet different like do do you use Twitter or do you use the patreon messaging or do you use so I try to put it all in the discord just to have one centralized place bonemeal from bones okay what else do you do here make bone mold bars okay you make bars there got it you guys aren't done yet there's a goblin that is visiting us going to kill him where is he here yet there he is right there with a stupid little hat on let's kill him kill that that Gotland motto what kind of dumb name is ant let's get him he's quick he's real quick model the quick okay I really want this thing to get made because I really want to see if we can get raise the dead and have him haven't happen yeah we had a couple of ghosts we had a we had a rough time that started as fortress I'm leaving them in the edge because it's exciting you know we're we're evil you gotta have coast around somewhere I'm sure make one of those it make me make me some wheelbarrows problem with ghosts people really don't like ghosts so we could bury them we should where is it lost a few will throw me in the coffins just to make sure we dealt with those town of sorts well you can put in you get out you gotta bury him if they're not buried they haunt you and just cause all kinds of problems so here's a pic right there on the ground okay many beds in here yet I think that's a bed yeah so you're gonna be a bedroom like that and it's going to be a dormitory bought out on your happy thoughts from ghosts probably I'm sure you can Jeff's just having a bad day I think it's because it's just because he can't he can't go and do his mistress of pain things what is that Oh a black mambas goal Oh neat did the totem with the skulls on it um put it somewhere what do I put it it's gotta be I statue what would it be display furniture Jeff wants cages and trains chains oh is that what he wants oh that makes sense oh right because he needs the whip people oh yeah that makes sense I really put this totem out there mm I got a totem I gotta use it oh yeah missus is a pain your fortress I only have one one mistress of pain and they're very uh they're very unhappy because they can't they can't do what they love doing so you make me some cages and I think I should have some ropes will sort has a chain and we'll just set it up somewhere we put it on in the dungeon which isn't really much of a good course down here is the dungeon we can just set him up set him up over here somewhere there's the prisoners we could put them up on it I don't I wouldn't make sure to keep making babies so but we're saving a build a cage once we get one bed and set up and we'll just stash it over here we'll put in the middle so they can still you know do with what they need to do however we had enough enough snake babies we should be fine take out some more here go Jeff had basically just the the sheriff basically and he wants he wants prisoners to whip makes perfect sense hey more COBOL babies how many how many babies did you just have your earth to lots of baby bees to babies excellent excellent keep it coming more we work out what you build those things already what is this this is my bone Forge which we can make oh look at that turn five bones into a weapon what yes I'll take a great axe I'll take a halberd I'll take a long so I'll take all of them why isn't this in the normal game any beads pick spikes Spears oh yeah we're gonna be a massive army I gotta stop playing before too long butts I can't stop hey thanks Lola thank you very much all right I should make make a role of an imp more often you very much roll oh now you can say your message now I'm watching hey Rach how are you don't you worry I uh I never miss Chet I always catch it that's that's creepy Rock somebody got a scary voice Geoff is fighting some more folks Geoff don't you worry buddy I got I got some some cobol's that are just itching for a beatin with your name on them is that the cave toad yeah I think I think we got a soul from him cuz he was smited from above no he sold me out for the goblins the man right there we Souls we have in storage I see someone walk around alone right now stop spending it needs five bone body parts you don't have any how did you make the one but not make maybe you made the one didn't make you didn't make the Howard is that where was it you got we got a battle axe in the great axe done excellent excellent oh that's fantastic okay let's talk while I want a custom stockpile of everything yep still on it's okay okay I need this in the main game we need bone weapon to the main game cuz that's fantastic triplets you better last time they figured out if the m's can be armed we're about to figure it out I think I think they can so then come over here to the deep crowds and we haven't we have a uniform for him which I think we've got them on leather armor I guess that's that one whoops so where is it quick none of them have anything but roll if we can say I want you to have a specific weapon I want you to have not a training spear oh you can't have the goblins why why is it too small for you fine take a training spear they're like you what do you have you can't you know me maybe it's you small thanks peers are fine suppose you might be not right not quite the right size yeah Bo and armor for sure give me uh what do we want o have any chests we have mainly never made you those give you a weapon rack is that did we just cost Souls doesn't just happen look at this thing that's here yes that a death alter and dr. Faye ritual well look might be a start with a fait mood after this concept Odom soul and a weapon Oh to make I can force you to make okay yeah give me uh let's get some new armor fate no a fell ritual we want that what was the other one wait wait wait turn warlock into necromancer teaches a while to raise corpses and curse people although I need to eat your sleep what how do we do this we're like writing a reaction cost the soul five totems and five bones okay we're doing this okay so what was it soul a totem and five was it five totems of five five totems and five bones okay okay save the bones save the bones and make some totems who made the totems was EE I'm a the totems soft before was it here yeah make make me a bunch of those save your bones we're gonna slaughter some more snakes are quick we'll get some more bones out of that and return what are you doin necromancer no what about you you done already you're done Crematory make ash from body parts burn yar burn the armor is just getting rid of things make ash from vermin that's a good one or blown clothes okay let me know what you do right I wish I hadn't made those bone things now that's we know what that is do you maybe we need a little bit charcoal make sure we have it all right where it's right again we're gonna wait I wouldn't get that bottom one done the big one and get some some more summoning going on that's a great workshop yeah get rid of all the all the junk flying around that's that should be the base game too just like uh sort of like the rim world remember I feel like it's in rim world normally it's in mods isn't it where you can go in and like just mantle clothing instead it's like once it hits lousy condition you can just mantle it that's something we need more of I'm gonna finally play voyagers promised a couple times already which what keen voyagers did I promise it's already boy oh that one yeah yeah yeah I was gonna play it I was looking at earlier this week but I just played it like two other face te builder things and anyone do it again mm-hmm yeah that's fine okay just played that that robot one that sci-fi CD builder I another city builder so I'll do it when these days signpost I'm going to set up danger attention yes carry those rocks imp I have wheelbarrows roll off' stop being dumb wheelbarrows everywhere what are you putting it there for it goes here you back you letting Rendon do the old work mate almost weapons in room world but clothing that turns out to be low-quality came here cycled for its ingredients oh yeah you'll get the ingredients for it still you can clean up your base though that's the perk and I'm liking this mod we made it quite a ways without crashing noise this time ctrl alt s what they doing before Rob look at me funny need some fluorine here this place look dumb it's all it's all floor and in box make it out of shirt we have a lot of turtling around we can make it out of bones we're gonna have bone floors groundhog bone floors is that 20 bones we need those me this for our necromancer raising oh wait wait uh don't cover up the hole we do this before they see everything everything wrong it's you into a fortress I've done before we'll get it figured out hey mr. Logan thank you very much sleep in time alright yeah I gotta go I got it oh well I'm gonna make myself a necromancer I'm gonna raise the dead didn't get a call today well we'll finish up with the death match here but yeah I got maybe 10 20 more minutes like to me and we go quite that as long as I normally do I always say that but I do I got this I got this cold like two months ago and it's like been off and on coming back for like the last two months it's not good I very rarely get sick but Here I am nose problems again I've been cursed I tell you hey look at that that's that's a very that's cool as well I like it I like it I hope all this man just just imagine now that somebody said who said that before imagine all the steam all the all the modding that can be done what's this game it seem this game's gonna be incredible the power of cookies hugs and rainbows you know the problem is I haven't had well you know my uh my son's having a sleepover actually as we speak you had a bit of a birthday party tonight and so I've had I've had my share of of unhealthy things what is happening armorstand somebody wants an armor stand we don't even have a barracks but I know that Bobby wants armor stands mushrooms growing all over the place where that chain it we're having that chain for our dungeon our cage okay there's our cage okay so if I let you worry Jeff I got you figured out I got you I've got you Jeff so this is going to be a doing this right no I forget ya a sign I'm gonna sign the Kobalt prisoner to this okay I believe that will work I'd make it a room I will like that so hope they can even walk around this location is can I have that guy no not like that not like that okay so you should get locked up is the mud man going to take care of it mud man's got it under control nope maybe it was a cage thanks Bobby are you out of here there we go locked up you got a different face on him now now Jeff where's Jeff Jeff oh that invalid office no no got it you got it you got it two injured okay Jeff now justice oh hey look Jeff give rainy and a beating do it how do I say do this well fight what's been another Cajun here okay I know them right there they built two of them what readings dad what happened why'd you die for more souls for me make more cage okay did you worry Jeff I got you buddy you wanna you want to whip out a beatin you'll be alright the birds even coming to mock him make the thing already any more rocks or something there's more rocks laying around take a couple more slabs it's not suspended so it should be fine make me feel more sleaze slabs though troglodytes what are you doing in the stairwell dumb place for a snake to be here you I'll show you the base so we'll zoom out here so there we go so we'll go in from from above we get a little mountain here we dig on in we have giant stockpile layin over on this side we've got a little bit of a nice fancy roundabout we got a list here we'll eat where we raise the dead and raise eum's as well we had farmland over this way we got four kitchen land as well as butcher shop and in the guard while making place as well as all of our workshops right in here and we've got downstairs heads into the bedrooms got the big Impe quarters which is still working on and quarter for each of our warlocks and on down we have the the summoning circle which I guess brought things in and then we have a death altar of course which we're gonna make our necromancer very soon and then we've got more more forges and all kinds of other scary things in here crematorium all that and then on down we've got the prisoner room snake room fire elemental room keep on going fire method really and then way down into the underground there's a always carrying off of those are walking fish there is cameras which is full of troglodytes which I believe troglodytes have souls so let's go get some trouble lines there we go okay what Holmes did who said no and I said why why trouble at night Oh Charlie it's killing people stop that Jeff is horrified hi Jeff Amy another that cage can you make me a few more beds no little wheelbarrow there on the stairs who's this goblin goblin tell them bard all right will you sue okay so we've got a cage now we got a cage nobody don't we'll get a cage in it it's like mud man is is not feeling too good I really always want to build a thing downstairs get more snakes we can we could take out let's take out the we have one boy and three copper three girls no we have these up here to make sure we get enough Souls in here so we'll we'll slaughter a few more of these guys a couple babies we can slaughter yeah that'll do for now bard the worst kind of goblin speaking of you guys done killing all those things yeah get the Goblin give me a you know get him there you go got him use your pointy teeth or whatever you got just punch him whatever you want to do because we're using training Spears that seem so terrible this is uh both Anthony no one was born axes yeah look even though even the sprite for the for the bone axis is different look at that thing meat there's no other one right there there's the bone axe right there I think that you guys kill it yet go down here all right what's this this is a armor yeah rack right there yep this is usual time be here they all all night tomorrow night - let's take make this thing tired of waiting we're going for it quick say first and then let's we'll do four more we don't use all our souls though we need to make sure we get a necromancer which is done at that death place we need you suppose one soul five totems five bones it's gotta be the bones but they'll be there any minute we just slaughtered something laws we are using the bones for anything else are they going up here okay good stay gone yeah I'm used to I'm a bit of a night out so I'm using this was why I stream is late we had the fight five totems we got one two three four five okay here the five totems it's very smelly in that main where main room there make me slab still yep all thingy with slabs and no is it we slabs in some rocks cage done yet below the dungeon is more things no it's not okay so can I come in here and go to justice and then do something no reason crimes if I was an option that used as justice it's not normally a option how do you that quite maverick there's roll-off with his uh yeah there's relaf what was your name role of role of mangy serpent is your last name fantastic oh it's done oh look at it so excited ooh look who's even bones laying around okay okay um what why oh I can raise Oh create a new skeleton worker cost a sieve soul so if I had a three types of bones a piece of leather and a totem oh so I could I could do proper skeletons so they're all different cars our warlock running the reaction I sold five totems and five bones surely they have five bones but all the snakes we just took out surely okay let's put another one let's build a shrine put it there some church slabs yeah this is all true right yeah go ahead and just dig it out oh my god I mean we just do this sure we'll be right there next to it that way we roll it doesn't I walk so far as our cage is sitting there you can make it a room a sign person for it we can say this is Jeff's room no signs up we can we can say it's his room maybe I don't remember how did you get Jeff and be a little too distraught anyway he's kind of broken dates jobs okay quick save animate some corpses please I just want to see what I want to happen once I just want some zombies not too much to ask or a warlock fortress I just want some zombies what do you need um right in the reaction which should happen anyway cost the soul I need any bones okay we can get that we can make it happen I think it's time we get rid of we're a mud man isn't gonna have bones probably not guys caged up we can get rid of the some of the mama's gonna give us bones you think come on snake out there surely we have bones laying around I don't get why would I be a bone there's nothing out there oh there's a bunch of troglodytes let's kill it they have bones D F G H go get them we need bones bones let me make a stockpile of bones so then they can't whine about it anymore custom stockpile of disabled everything what bones gonna be under stone no oh there's what the carpet is it's under stone oh hey silo gee how much stuff in here Oh dwarf in our souls Souls we can have a spot for souls everybody have a place for bones you done the rocks you think they're under blocks there's plenty of room in here this that's not the problem where's all this stuff weapon racks make those for who's making those stop it cables Annie of course is horrified it's just a ghost lots of imps no new zombies hello here we start I guess we're a year old or so you're going through maybe one yeah cuz I'll have it freeze over once so I guess we're on one year it's now summer okay mmm we have to end this but but I just want to see this stuff so much for ending this dream an hour earlier sir is purple in here though that one Bonz I have lots of bones I have a soul to have to totally needs body parts it says I need all the body parts bone body parts maybe we need maybe they need to come from humans means trouble life seemed like they would be boney can't beat criminal for some reason there go beat tom yeah get Tom Tom hurt Bobby go beat him you set up something here so where is Jeff's room place Jeff's room right there so this is where the mistress of pain is going to be and can I sign this location as anything other than no whatever I put a cage in here like a cage in your room there you go [Music] thousand DNF ours huh I know our bones come from but can you yeah there's no we have no bones I only have you bones oh you know what no that's that's not full teeth or skulls laying around was that scary green thing plump um it more that no weaponless stopped it was it was here that stopped yeah we have any buy any bones um hmm after all the slaughtering no bones okay let's uh you know we're ending this soon so let's let's just do it just do it slotting the kobolds and the bird the mom is everything sacrificing this this fortress okay solder them all any bones want to make a necromancer and they're done they should take care of what I'm chained up we still grab them so always got folks down here to get chopped up mud man he'll help us out there goes one hitting up so high kobolds I like you but you know sometimes you just need uh you just need your bones Charlie it's fighting finally oh they're out there that's problem they're in the water they're they're out there now there's spiders out here - who died stop dying you guys stuck over there roll-ups dead why troglodytes are killing us no no no this isn't how we end this everyone just move move to here no no more Baja a Rueb hog with Heights troglodytes can ruin our fortress were a bunch of evil folks what warlocks and imps like I had a name right under nine folks again everybody good we get them we all like these are on the wrong side how'd you get over there stop dying okay how'd you get over there who is this Brandon Aiden let's what happened troglytes get here beat it I'm trying to raise I'm just trying to raise a necromancer okay okay everybody good okay okey go y'all good we can raise some more games that we need to why don't we use all ye all my soul but about to get a bunch so raise a few games plenty of bones now that's right and then we should I wonder if we can raise the dead imps tell me write of corpses there are souls we shouldn't get of souls but he's missing for a week what Bobby jeans my know no more that I can't do anything now because we don't have any mmm now we're missing a soul we'll have them in seconds Jeff's thrown a tantrum me too Jeff what a time to ruin things troglodytes we saw the butcher right oh we got triplet fire methods okay okay that'll cause problems now who's fighting black mom is fight another troglodytes outside never able to raise a little bummed about not being able to raise raise the dead I wonder if we have to have like body just laying I don't know we have a corp stockpile there you know movie well you're missing anyway so yeah we're probably gone we'll find you eventually just Jeff skating caterer they just having a bad time though I think we have to end this you guys stuck on the wrong side still yeah and you're not gonna make it over there cuz maybe we go I mean to be taking this out no we're not maybe we end this here sad and broken you know how they haven't even get over it no fake we were in the water and got scared and ran over there across the water how that happened is there a way around this way can you climb up and around or down around get over there tree tops maybe yep usual door for just hitting doesn't doesn't and like we wanted to we're unable to get our necromancer can you like bring me some Souls no there's never you gonna made everything's broken alright we're calling it here so you kobold you're lucky he's standing right there he just waiting oh no is he going ready for slaughter there he goes nope he's going back alright we're to call it a day here so um what's the pain of this fortress to ruin no that's one way doing it all right so much for the save all right so let's do a deathmatch we'll call it a day I have to add some names my death match list in a moment as soon as it opens all right so we've got we have Sam D we've got mr. Logan we have fuzzy and the other one was here was Alex story in here story okay now turn off god mode I know we had to set up on that on as but weird yet what do I have you guys for Olaf yeah that was fuzzy okay um what do I have you Oh what yeah what's what do the name you want Rolf oh right Oh Jay Pete's gone already we have here just all fisticuffs yeah yeah melee weapons okay there we go that's how you go go run style [Music] you're in here you're right you're even it just I'm pretty you see name on the on this thing Oh Jean but do you not want to be infinite this may be launched fast there's fuzzy in finishes they were you did sounds was gone we got left artery Minnie we got christened prongs going at it I've got just enough this way just fun you what are you wearing Oh Fuzzy's out of here Callie and Anuradha going out there see you Jeff Alec you guys gone till we got left Chris prongs John Ryan Onorato Ellie's gone that's it we got spear versus spear prongs has gone we got Chris John but oh I'll fix you last you John Anuradha John's had a amine mask we got to or fortunes music playing background I was gonna faint cowboy hat spear versus the club it's thrilling even more thrilling blood everywhere ekwa super-close gonna be pretty heavy right it's a head forget fashioned in this game John Bradshaw wind it up job Ron John John I've been around a long time let's see your kills that one yeah there's two Jackson three four five six seven eight eight kills for John and win alright Don went clubbing all right I'm going to bed thanks again for watching everybody and I'll see you all tomorrow night same thing not same thing but same time we'll play this and it will play something we'll play we've got a we have a sieve game to play but I might have a sponsored thing I don't know so it'll be a surprise either way be a surprise for me too all right thanks for watching everybody and I will see you all next time see you Tom
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 19,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z3latoNLG5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 44sec (13184 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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