Impossible Tower!! Coin Pusher!

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hey y'all hello welcome welcome time for a little money fun i like that let's see what we can do yeah i want all the money yeah give me all the monies i think it'd be cool like somehow one way those hundred dollar bills could come out for sure oh so it's gonna be one of them well we can try kind of load it up maybe yeah see what happens i'm excited about this little chip tower thing too yeah it's fun behind it it did it was tricky tricky [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is going to be interesting though it's going to be very interesting good thing we have a lot of extra quarters [Music] oh yeah yeah that's gonna be great oh that that spot right there let me tell you we're gonna have another one then it goes back and it pushes it back out oh that one's sneaked out from behind so maybe it's not gonna ramp as much anymore [Music] come on so [Music] one does actually push how's everybody been doing you've been kind of busy kind of not busy yeah just emotions of life yeah ready for christmas of course i've been ready for a couple months yeah i'm one of them people pre-halloween wanting to put the tree up it's just so much fun [Music] [Music] oh waiting for one of these bills to fall down [Music] [Laughter] no wonder i didn't want to go down come on let's see what we can get some reason my fingers are not working right now those various arts and crafts i've been doing oh yeah oh base of the tower's starting to fall whoa that one just shot all the way up oh that's going to be a nice drop on that push down it makes it a little bit harder but like at the same time that was a good push thought come on [Music] one of these times those under they're going to just i you never know what's going to come behind from behind like they want to move we got any rolls to fall yet we're getting close yeah but that tower is moving though [Music] but then you know things just want to slide [Music] i got to be ready like when it's slid down like that keep going so it'll go all the way through saw some rolls oh i saw some money balls all right after the sample we should see how much take a little tally of where we're at didn't really start off with a set amount just whatever quarters we have what we're gonna throw in there until we get it all i mean obviously mine is probably that two under back there i don't think it's gonna go nowhere yeah i'd be really surprised at this point [Music] [Music] see what happens i mean you can see it looks like maybe one of those chips all right we got our brooklyn uh gulf park we went there and played soccer or gold soccer it was kind of fun for those who don't know you take the soccer ball to a yeah elf that's what it's called yeah last quarter let's see what now well that just did nothing all right let's see what we collected so far all right let's see here [Music] so so far we got that let's see like it's one two three so we got 300 [Music] 400 450 so far oh but wait there's more all right so 450 5 6 7 [Music] 8 900. there's the rest of it i'm just throwing it all over the floor ah incoming look out i got it there we go yeah can i have nine hundred dollars please yes you can thanks that's what i want for christmas real money in here okay that'll be fun we'll have to set up like a little again like the actual actual money and a gold dollar dollar bills y'all literally one dollar bills y'all i'll take it i'm not opposed to gift cards oh well oh maybe you should advise her again oh when it does that you can hit the stop tray okay and see if we can catch it on the celine gotcha i'm gonna lean it on back okay i'm ready okay oh prematurely fingers insert change here oh now it's on the ledge up [Music] [Music] missed it i'm sorry okay i'll try again okay i'm ready for real surprisingly well bit build built power [Music] you don't want [Music] i don't want to miss that i am [Music] get the weight on it [Music] couple more i didn't separate the coinage very well these fun little gold things are in the way okay okay oh oh my god do not play with me [Music] oh oh oh oh oh [Music] oh that was perfect stop it sorry all right i'm paying attention she's my stop tray earth as well as my change getter multi-hats worn by afton yeah i like this one new game it's a fun challenge see the trick is we got to get see it's starting to get a little bent there just a little bit for this one it kind of helps [Music] so close [Music] how many quarters you can get built up back there okay see if it'll bend it yeah because this one's a little different oh all right let's see [Music] jammed uh-huh i don't think it's gonna go anywhere now let me see if i can kind of work it out all right well it'll feel fine right now that 100 over here is on the left is moving quite nice [Music] oh there he goes it wasn't the brightest we gotta try everything it just doesn't want to go forward like most of the coins there go in the back so maybe when it's like starting to bend forward and we stop it then so let's see these quarters sticking together [Music] like now yeah oh oh come on oh riley auto parts sorry [Laughter] not sponsored right oh oh okay all right all right we got this we got this okay [Music] i'll try to go over a little bit get a whole bunch on him do you think that's good i think that's good try it oh my goodness we're getting more all right oh my god [Laughter] hey that oh in the meanwhile the tower is like almost to the edge can we see that let's just double check yeah yeah so focused on that not paying attention to the giant tower in the front [Laughter] jeez that was awesome though like it was like you didn't need to do any of that work for me to come down yeah thanks i'm going to get a more even playing field up there even pushes if i stop stacking [Music] that's okay [Music] i can hear our dog and cat on the living room our dog and cat like to play and fight with each other yeah it's kind of funny but kind of annoying at times because the dog just won't leave the cat alone the dog won't leave anybody alone he just he's like a sensitive little boy no he's real special yes we just love he just loves his cuddles and we got a pole so yeah he does he thinks he's a cat sometimes oh look more money for me oh we got another oh yeah all right so we got 300 400 [Music] 500 600 more and then i keep throwing it down sorry oh 6.50 so yeah we are before 900 yeah okay i want all that money okay okay you can have it i did not take up that's fine when we come across the gold things we shall remove all right back to our original goat the tower that tower it's shallow oh man there's a lot of new quarters on top there i know her health [Music] i just want to see the tower go collapse it's barely touching now it is hanging over i mean the original goal was to get that top chip off or the was brooklyn yeah ah but it was way more fun trying to get the money out of that it really was so got a 50 over here hi it is i got 150 over here besides the star those hunters on top just aren't moving at all come on [Music] come on tower you can fall [Music] i give you permission full oh 100 falls top there goes [Music] um oh how about now fall ah come on this side's kind of giving away a little bit just a very little bit though oh two more chips i saw him fall i should be an architect with this great tower i built [Music] [Music] [Laughter] oh it is right on the edge like it goes higher be touching the glass i'm hoping our supporters will push just push out the enemy okay plot twist did not even think of that oh my gosh that's hilarious come on come on nothing all right man let's see i just i can't believe it's not coming it's not moving a little bit so you can see it's like stuck on the silver part right here and it's like buckling on the sides here if you can kind of huh that's crazy [Music] so it's kind of doing like a v-shaped thing like this so how much is that i [Music] so 1700 and a whole bunch of chips i got a whole bunch of chips i think i used every poker chip that we had to make jesus all right i'm gonna make it big yes [Music] come on oh there was a hundred oh starting to give way down here over here maybe that will finally knock everything down [Music] oh oh it's going it's going oh come on you know you want to fall you know you want to fall all right let's load up the tray okay let's see what happens wait my quarters [Music] okay [Music] some of the chips that are on the side are knocking out nothing's working out over here but i mean it's moving this way yeah from right to left [Music] come on bad timing oh but the ones i write out in front on the other side that's there they're coming out oh so yeah to see this oh this hundreds though is creeping [Music] oh there was [Music] you shall fall [Music] [Music] so excited when i saw it kind of cave [Music] it's being very supported all right i'm gonna hold it all right like do good three handfuls all right [Music] hey patience after impatience so we will go on our own terms it's a wiggling [Music] [Music] all right you're struggling i am struggling i'm so focused on this right now i'm just going to think about nothing else i'm like all right where are you going to follow where are you listening up [Music] [Music] ah [Music] like just like they do like vlogmas like we're talking yeah pardon me wants to like have high hopes of like every day in december just because i'm a lot of christmas but that's a lot of that occasion i don't want to set ourselves up for failure there [Music] a kid [Music] we do have christmas plans none for thanksgiving because you know the world is on hold yeah it's been pretty real around here we're in minnesota and we just went into our second lockdown restrictions so we're gonna keep it pretty limited we'll try to for the most part if i could work from home i could set up more stuff but i unfortunately can't but hopefully i'll start getting some part time oh yes it's finally like all right [Music] the battle was real yes it was so real all right oh look at that nice easy push [Music] hopefully being able to get what we got with the rest of the quarterback [Music] i think that's one of the quarters i remember looking at it won't go in yeah yeah it went in that one look it stuck the one that was supposed to be the challenge one the brooklyn one right here that's on the edge yeah that one ain't gonna fall never happened we're going to finish out this handful see what we can get [Music] look at 100 over here [Music] that's fine but that star is just we know it fits down the chute it just doesn't want to fit right now all right we got a dollar left a couple more chips one two three four last order [Music] yeah we got her done perfect for the most part all right that was a battle that was definitely a battle yes [Laughter] we need some ice water i need some ice water a nice fan you know but uh yeah so thanks for watching don't forget to leave a comment like subscribe and we're going to try to get more videos out again being a little sidetracked with other things but hopefully we can get uh get to filming some more of course all right thank you for watching thank you for watching have a good day bye you
Views: 34,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, arcade games, fun
Id: arNB77oKLeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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