$10,000 Grand Prize! on the High Limit Coin Pusher & You Can Win Too! | Joshua Bartley

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oh there we go hey guys and welcome to if I win you can win so let me explain to kick off the new location a new start they have a whole new set of rules which some of them I don't even know yet they're posted everywhere the ones I'm familiar with but they have an opportunity where you can play to win up to $10,000 this is gonna be once a month however it has to expensive buy in like today was a $500 buy-in and the rule number two is we have six oh six we have two six thirty six we have to be done by six thirty six today once we start how this is going to work you're gonna see some 500 chips and you gonna see some tips you dollar bill and there might be something else I'll have to verify but if you can win those in your 30 minutes you get an entry there will be three of them that they're giving away all I know is the highest one it's $10,000 so what I'm doing to say thank you to each of them and every one of you all I can win or if I win any of them I will split it with one lucky viewer how I'm gonna do that if you're not subscribed to the channel hit that subscription share the videos like the videos see some haters on there defend me anything you can imagine I'm looking for the people that donate to me and the channels and keep making videos people that send money to the PayPal account for the channel help make the videos all those people will have more opportunities to win if I can win it within this month I will split it with one of you all to say thanks it's the least I can do for everything that you've done for me also today's video I'm gonna try to keep the cuts very low so you can see sort of real-time what it's like I'm on record for about an hour say 30 minutes it's gonna be really quick video I'll kind of explain some of the other rules as I learn them a little bit better I just went ahead and went in today for this I thought this is awesome I mean you wanna talk about how risk this is how you actually win money and as you all know I'm on a losing streak right now I'm down close to a thousand dollars I guess maybe that was going to happen but so everything else in here outside of those things you actually win your money back it's the only way to win your money back there's a good one so getting money back can't take for a long stops today and keep loading it up also guys he can do me a huge favor you all know all about winter winter and how it's my favorite app if you can go download winter winter show them support play winter winter as I've told you all many times they're going to have live cording pushers here saying you win free prizes braids just did a review on his channel some of the prices we want but they help me make videos they help support this channel and I can't thank them enough for what they do for me today download winter winter just going to link in a description also use my code Bart with 15 to save 15% off so please guys go over and show them some love or help support and they're good people all right we're going through this pretty quickly so I have a chance of losing 500 here but I normally play 400 so I look at it pretty good there's a lot of money in here so I can get my 500 back all there's advice [Music] okay there's Dyson here I honestly don't know what that is for the buy-in I don't think they're going to have a buy-in buyback like what they did which I was fine with I'll explain that a little bit later on because that's what he used to be forward but I don't know if the dice is a chance or if that's for something else I seen that earlier and I didn't they said the 500 and then the gold money and say anything about dice [Music] come on baby all right so we're almost already to this cup that's okay keep loading this up thank y'all so much that came and supported me during last week's livestream going to have another one this weekend I love doing them come on there's a big one all right y'all came up with some new phrases for me to say and I've done forgot 3/4 of them Jedi push and then Joe push that was the big one ain't a big ninja push just loading this thing up as much as I can [Music] oh there we go so there's a big all right so we are on the last handful here juice it's already 5 minutes for a few minutes of me talking that's how quick 500 win couple baby I don't even see any 500 school like anything we've got some money back but I need to get that gold $2.00 bill all because I know that one's an entry alright we're down to 75 cents we got to do it quick alright that $2 bills getting close all right I'm gonna go down here well alright that took longer than expected so I'm gonna go ahead and show you real quick we'll do a final tally at the end just because I'm in so much of a hurry but we're getting money back and we were able to get that out which that is an amazing fool more than what we started with [Music] come on gotta get that to off there just come all [Music] I feel like I have good chances because one there in a new spot there is some people that just play it before them came over here but I don't think a lot of people would be willing to put $500 into a coin for sure let's remember the week of July 4th they're giving away the Bitcoin about to fast on that come on baby I see a hundred they're getting really close [Music] we've almost cleared that top deck all the way off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's getting so close now the ears are just entries oh that was nice come one yes all right right there keep stacking this thing up so I went and did something lose the armor part of the livestream got to hear it first but I'll show a picture of it now oh wait in Baltimore V send over one let's pay it off I'm super excited hopefully we can do a lot of camping this oh look at that our first entry all right so we got one entry within the 30 minutes now we either got to get to 500 we're trying to win our money back but I got an injury so that's Oh remember guys just show channel love just like you all do that's how we're going to repay it so if I win the jackpot you can win five thousand I don't know what the other three or two are or whatever it is but I just heard ten thousand [Music] and guys seriously those donations and things that you all done just the fact that I can come up here and play stuff like this is thanks to that alright hurry up alright so the most important thing right now is that we're getting our money back so let me put this over here keep our entry let's do a time check it is 6:17 all right so we're doing good doing good on time making our money back [Music] got these stacks over there get right fall there we go another pic Holdings still staying up there so if y'all like fast action playing and these are the videos for you [Music] come one officially cleared everything off second wave nice and ninja push as they say again if you are the live stream you might not understand that but a lot of people comment that's what I needed [Music] oh that was heavy can't be a Bitcoin all right so our last handful coming up [Music] all right we're doing good that's so close come on there we go [Music] [Music] and also for those of you all that watch all the way through to the end you all gonna have some opportunities because I'm going to start saying some things in there and then when we do the big one if I win you're going to have to know what I'm talking about so we've got another Bitcoin for the new Bitcoin entry time check all right we have 13 minutes left [Music] we got to try to get these five hundreds off here there we go that was a good one come one there we go big much yes there's five hundred for getting close second wave all right we've got to keep on falling off here so especially the right side because that's where a lot of them are [Music] least we're making money back get that $500 back oh man say what this fast plating playing his way to go [Music] come on baby third wave all right so we're doing good knot aspect of it not so much let's see how much time we have all right 623 oh man that 500 so course they got under 10 minutes to get it man I almost we've been able to clear this whole thing out all that 500 order alright let's see what happens here there's a big one Oh 500 shillings there I gotta hurry up all right and got stuck in a tube so that took forever to get out gotta hurry up times all my stuff Oh baby [Music] so close I just need one good push [Music] need a better pushing that so close [Music] 6:25 [Music] [Music] alright guys so this pool was terrible I gotta try to do better than that [Music] big push oh yes yes second chance unhhhh stinking real [Music] come on baby I need some more quarters we've got to another 500 in there all right so we got the second chance didn't do real well on this part but we got to try to get that off there let's do a time check I'm gonna kind of I don't have a lot left so I'm trying to still in here leave a lot of time we're taking away a lot of the progress that we made the fast act [Music] alright alright so we're not getting the best returns right now I mean now trying to get this off here start in the middle let's get ready to fall man I was so fast-paced earlier now this oh yes all right that's all right we're still doing good all that went all the wrong way come on alright let's see what we got alright so just a couple of quarters do a time check six twenty seven so we still have like we're still doing good we just gotta [Music] I'm old baby get that other 500 off there [Music] man we want some so fast pace down to this come on baby and win on top [Music] come one Wow no the quarter came back [Music] come on baby oh there we go I needed that [Music] right side I need to get that other 500 off come on please oh it's not even pushing anything anymore I'm not their one that was bad timing [Music] 629 [Music] all right come on baby come on come on baby all right we're still winning we're staying in Oh that we will top not good [Music] No 631 I've got four minutes [Music] Oh [Music] haha [Music] alright did a little better that time got about two minutes left try to do something a little better than what I'm doing alright there's another one I got rich stance a little quick yeah I don't think I'm gonna have enough time oh that's not how you do it either [Music] last quarter born 630 200 guys I think it's I got one minute left oh come on see if anything comes with this Oh big push come on baby [Music] that's so close to falling to time 6:33 bag warning all right well there you go I got two chances into it I'm happy with that I would have loved to got that but so let me go ahead and count up and see where we're at and then be right back with you all right guys so I was just informed I had till six thirty six to play but it doesn't matter because it no more coins that was out of quarters so it's rough now I'm telling you it's really rough I think the strategy we played was probably the best but so our cash total five hundred buy-in drum roll and they put this in my cup so I can't get it right back six hundred forty dollars so we're up 140 first up day I've had in a long time still down in the grand scheme of things but that's alright you know definitely the ones get there second thing we've got three more Bitcoin entries for the week of July 4th so that is awesome and the objective for today guys guys and ladies sorry I say guys a lot 1 we now have two entries which that might not seem like a lot but just think about the odds of how many people that are actually playing it and you've seen how hard that was with the time limit so we have two entries into this month's giveaway so guys I hope you enjoy it I hope you enjoyed something new I'm sweating believe it or not I don't know how Quinn pressure can make you sweat but it definitely does so guys if you want to win the only way you can do it just keep going to hit that like button like in the videos also if you're not subscribed to the channel you must be subscribe to the channel if you want to win if not I just really appreciate if you enjoy what you see if you can come over and subscribe love has me part of the family have any questions comments concerns get a hold of me at discord the link to this chords down in the description also please don't forget to download winter winter on length of them will be down the description you just could barley 15 to save 15% off outside of that I'll be coming back up here thanks so your all's to nurse donations that you give me I'm going to come back up here in a few days and I'm gonna do this all over again so hope you keep an eye out for that video also don't laugh stream this weekend alright guys thank you so much for watching thank you so much for all the support and I will talk to you soon BAM - interest to it alright guys thanks for watching
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 109,933
Rating: 4.8904576 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, vegas, slots, high risk, iphone, samsu, josh bartley, coin machine, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher
Id: 6-D3YmmUgW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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