24 karat Gold Bar!! HUGE WIN High Limit Coin Pusher! | Joshua Bartley

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4 500 worth of prizes over an ounce of gold gift cards cash and so much more all this coming up [Music] all right guys welcome back welcome back to mike's creations this is going to be another fun one so i hope you some time to sit back and relax enjoy today's video so what you see in here outside of the mega ludacash 500 chip and uh some looks like something some kind of surprise there you got all the gift cards you got the ounce of gold that's actually a new bar i've just i've never seen that one's got like buffalos on it the other gold all this can be one only rule is just one buy-in so i'm happy with it that's a good enough game for me so we're going to go ahead and do today was a 700 to get into this game and i think we should be all right so let me just go and take my time and no rush there we go come on baby oh man that's a bunch of cash wrapped up in there i wish i could zoom in i got a wide angle lens on here because it'd be nice to zoom in and show you that ounce of gold that's beautiful [Music] again no time limit today but you just got to be careful with the amount of quarters now we did get almost a half a cup so we'll be okay for a while i noticed one of the videos i just recorded i've been bringing this camera angle up higher because i've had quite a few people say i like it better but my arm keeps coming into the shot it drives me nuts so i'm trying to be observant of that today i try to set this up to where it looks like you're playing you could be throwing the quarters in there yourself with some country dude in the background talking to you so i got some good news outside of the fact that the machines will be here this week three in total but outside of that i've been asked so long about getting a po box so people can send things and uh obviously you know we live in a world but i can't really put my home address out just because there are haters out there so i have one and if you'd like to send something to me or if you would like to receive one of those channel chips which let me uh i brought one with me if you send me a pre addressed envelope that you already have filled out with a stamp on it the appropriate amount i will send you for free this thing right here it's it's actually really nice i got these specially made and also a little card that i have that signed on it me and bray so if you'd like to receive that all you have to do is send it the address is po box 393 393. bunker hill that's two words west virginia two five four one three and i also have the address spread up but send me anything if you've got something you want me to talk about on screen on video once a month i'll do a viewer video where i open all your stuff up and if there's anything you want to plug or anything like that i think this would be the easiest way because i get at least a request a day where somebody want me to plug something or a gofundme or something so i think that'd probably be a good way just to handle it and i'm also really excited i'd love to get coins or any kind of stuff that you have from wherever you're from i think that'll be awesome and if you want me to send something overseas just make sure that the want to return uh the proper paperwork's filled out because that's a different thing with the customs look that gold has stayed up this whole entire time it's neck and neck now it doesn't matter i can win both of those as long as i can do it within one payout and oh that's not cool and they didn't put it on the right side the other vials on the right side but that would be an awesome payday sorry with me lifting my hands up them kind of playing slower i'd love to get that autozone card spent so much here lately trying to get the camper ready to paint there we go come on baby uh the vial is down i might just pull on my hand whoa something big just hit i hate that my arms in a way oh i see some cash fall sweet 700 is a lot to have to get back [Music] all right that was my last quarter second wave all right let's go down here and collect all right guys what an amazing first pullback so we got i'll let them count these up because they're all different there's tens there's another 10 there's 20. 20s 20s and the autozone card that is awesome but i promise to you this will get spent tomorrow i'm not even exaggerating so it's a good start and put this in the cup basically as i'm going to use a spare cup put it in all right let's keep on going i really need that ounce to come down although i have had a few good times up here especially since mike's been back [Music] oh that was dumb harley [Music] tower of cash if you notice mike made them a lot smaller there used to be like seven eight rolls in there and he made them like three or four so they can fit down to shoot the only other issue is they get stuck in the shoot and i gotta sit down there and wrestle with it [Music] there we go let me move this around a little bit i got that billy jo stuck in my head uptown girl all day i don't even know why i didn't hear it but the words it's like a broken record keeps playing and playing in my head speaking of playing guys you all know my favorite app in the world winner winner they got some cool games coming out once you register your email they receive and send you all kind of coupons and special deals and everything so guys go show them some love link the winner winners down in the description please use my link available on android and on iphone use my code bartley 15 get yourself some free stuff and give them some support i'll tell you another way y'all i've told y'all i'm getting ready to uh go on facebook so definitely go to my facebook and like that page because here coming up i actually have my mcn setting it up for me but i'm going to be posting just for facebook videos on there but share the videos guys if you don't mind keep hitting that like button you all help me out so much tremendously i cannot do it without your help all right this is the last handful got an ounce of gold's heavy that's the reason why it takes so long to move up and that other one look it's going towards the dealer slot i hope you all know what i mean when i say dealer slot there's where these silver things are they're holes so as the quarters are getting pushed they get pushed inside there to the dealer and sometimes they suck up these uh pills and stuff like that but sometimes i get lucky and the money blocks it so it doesn't come off all right guys that's my last quarter i'm going to collect real quick all right guys so we got that back but check this out another stack now there are two tins in here but i'll take it i need to get 700 back at least i don't think that's going to be an issue today we got some cash mounting up man it's good to have mike back [Music] hey going seems like see when that cash comes to the end and it puts a lot of weight it makes it harder to win stuff i don't think we've done too too well this time around we need to play the left side left side the best side when these new machines get here the new games which i'm not going to ruin it for you all because i can't wait for y'all to see it it's unlike any queen pusher i've ever seen but i'm just curious if the anatomy of it set up the same oh they're going that way oh that was dumb josh i'm serious guys as i'm sitting here talking playing i got up down girl she's been moving i i can't get out of my head now seriously describe me nice and then i stumbled across there's an irish band that was popular in early 2000 called west life west life never made it popular in the united states but apparently they were very popular over in europe and uk but they did a version of it which was really good if you get a chance look up west life uptown girl so i got both songs stuck in my head all right guys that was my last uh last quarter so i'm going down here and collect all right guys so that's not too bad at least we're still maintaining cash this is what i have so far so believe me it looks a lot prettier than what it is but it doesn't matter but this is the bad news that is terrible seriously that's terrible and now that these things are smaller they're going to have to come off i can't go with oh so yes i know i was going to forget something so the owner of these businesses is an avid coin collector and he's telling me he's been looking for a coin his whole life it's an 1804 liberty coin exactly like the eight that's the 1800 but the 1804 apparently is extremely rare they only have like 15 and uh known circulation that he said and he was like have you ever found it i swear i'll give you finders fee so i'll put that out there to you all i mean god knows there's only 15 in circulation i can only imagine how much money that thing is worth but if you all have any knowledge of that coin let me know down in the description 1804 liberty [Music] that's how things get i guess popular or the value goes up when they're rare like that alright guys so again a terrible pool i can't go out this quick i mean i got 700 bucks i gotta win back oh look that surprise thing is stuck i just got to get that to tilt just a little bit there's something phil [Music] there we go some more cash [Music] also he was telling me that those uh silver 1800s in great condition can go for up to like thousand dollars he said that one's not considered in fantastic condition and apparently there's a lot of duplicates out there in this world floating around he showed me the little mark how you know it's legit that was my last quarter oh geez all right so still got a little bit more out of that another terrible pool something's got a gill here [Music] man they will do a reset i'm thinking about before i get too far down to have him do a reset in here because this is actually it's blocking borders and everything else from coming off and reset basically as they pull it back and make it where it's actually gettable and not works facing that way i think i might do that all right guys let me go ahead say something to him about resetting all right guys so got him to reset it which basically just put everything back but sideways where it's actually available and hoping that'll open it up a little bit [Music] so come on baby keep me in this game that was an excellent push i've seen everything move up on that last handful here furnace hole is closed second wave nada so guys all you all that are in the path of hurricane with sally or whatever i'm thinking about y'all i got a lot of people that watch the channel that's affected by it so i hope it turns out to be nothing serious you all could feel everything okay that was my last quarter by the way all right guys so no cash in there just that glinda went uh to see her sister for her birthday her sister lives about three hours away so it's been us guys at the house always enjoy those times but i do definitely want to linda i'm not the same when she's gone oh look just a couple quarters dropping that should be down let's see come on baby good push oh okay well that didn't fall but some other ones did all right let's go down and collect so we got 20 and a 50 real well there but look look what's sneaking up so i'll just keep my fingers crossed it's been a long time since i've got a huge prize like that come on baby the suspense [Music] oh come on [Music] oh that went on top no that was my last quarter come on baby big push big push oh oh man we're getting so close all right guys two gift cards so far in one night so that i will take that for sure i don't ever go to bass pro shop though there's closest ones like in dc but maybe i'll give that away for a gift card or something [Music] come on baby big push oh part's starting to race now that is actually winnable come on i just need a couple more of those good pushes guys and we want an ounce of gold 700 investment i'm just going to play on the right right now it's all i care about [Music] come on get it off get it off oh all that thing's gonna come i know it's gonna come one teether tighter your way off there come on come on come on last quarter come on get it off get it off oh that thing is so close second wave all right let's go collect real quick guys you want to talk about bad news that's all we got that is so stinking close we got to get that off i gotta play smart here i don't know what that is actually oh hold on not nice oh that was so dumb wasted a whole quarter come on baby yes yes oh sh awesome two quarters left oh awesome i can't believe it finally got an ounce gold bar finally unstinking believable guys check this out let's start off with the peebly things right now but look at this now you can actually see how beautiful this thing is look at that isn't that pretty one ounce 100 mil 0.999 fine gold i guess that's 24 karat right is that what that means how pretty is that i can't believe it [Music] finally how long i've been trying to get those got that black that is sweet unstinking believable well i'm happy glenn's gonna be happy when she gets home and guys i might cash out then i know they value like 16 1700 i'm keeping it [Music] me and bray will have our video coming up paying that three uh three gram guaranteed bag oh man that is awesome i am so pumped right now that's what we got that's like playing at the slots and then you hear that bell go off they all come and get you or they have to come and pay you not that i know i've never had that happen i've hit small jackpots but never a big one like that but i've watched plenty other people do it [Music] oh second wave oh yes today is my day oh it's not too often i can say that all right guys boom look it's filling the cup up i can't put any more in there how sweet is that money's falling out all right we got that i don't know if we should maybe play the left because those are going straight forward oh there's a 50 uh chip it's probably winnable getable whatever i stole that term from matt magno arcade match [Music] so got something interesting that i'm looking into come on baby but apparently there possibly is a thief on the channel and i don't want to say too much but apparently when we were doing the fundraiser for jeff somebody was putting their own paypal up in the description and supposedly somebody wanted to do a big donation and they took it again i'm not going to point any fingers yet i'm looking into it but if that's true it really takes someone low to take from my dead friend and his funeral fund but there's people like that all the time guys that's just good to show you you got to keep your eyes out all right so we're down just a couple quarters i'm gonna play it on the left side and that went completely the opposite way oh that went the wrong way last couple quarters here i don't think we're going to do anything [Music] new all right one quarter two quarters oh two quarters in cash 20 dollar bill in there oh i'm throwing it what an amazing play all right my last two quarters i'm gonna try to throw it in the left but this thing hits a mind of its own there we go [Music] nothing on that one maybe one this one two more quarters so we're gonna play this game um not really where i wanted to go but i'm gonna play the other one right beside it that's it guys that's all right i'm happy i'm tickled i mean how could i not be tickled so let me go ahead and count up to see where we're at and we'll go ahead and finish this video hey uh don't uh might want to hang around though because it might be a surprise at the end alright guys talk to you soon all right guys so i will tell you this it looks like a lot more than what it is but cash for today there's a bunch of single 20s and 10s and everything i had to get mike to figure it out for me but our grand total in cash is 790 dollars so that was 790 so that puts us up 90 bucks but then wait there's more we got an autozone card which i will use again i'm serious i'll use it tomorrow and a bass pro shop card i'm going to give this bass pro shop card away to one of you bass pro shop lovers and uh last but not least guys how long has it been how much of a struggle how much money have i wasted i could have done bought this thing a couple times but it doesn't matter because it's in my hand right now [Music] 24 karat 1 ounce gold that is stinking awesome i love it i'm excited it's gold month and i finally got me some gold some real gold so guys i hope you enjoyed that battle so if you would like to win this bass pro shop this will find out who watches this to the end leave me a comment down in the description and put i love bass pro shop or i shop at brass pro shop or anything like that then i'll pick one random person to get this i'm not 100 sure how much is on here they're normally about 50 bucks but i will send that mail that to you now that i got the po box and i can put a return address on these things i'm sending out but alright guys thank you so much for all your support guys what an amazing video i'm a little tired today because i've been working on a camper but still what a wonderful beautiful way to end it um if you're not subscribed to channel guys i would love to have you come subscribe be a part of our channel we're slowly going at it but i have a feeling things are getting ready to change here soon so for all you all loyal people thank you so much if you enjoyed today's video hit that like button and uh outside of that guys i will have another video out here in a couple days it should be the gold hunting video so for those of you all that like that get another three grams of gold to add to my collection maybe more alright guys thanks for watching have a good night bye
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 162,529
Rating: 4.8579702 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, quarter pusher, arcade, win real money, arcade hack, coin pusher hack, coin pusher secret, game, gaming, metal detecting, rare coin, coins, gold, silver, power ball, mega millions, logan paul vs KSI, Mr Beast, how to get money, secret to making money, scratch off tickets, Big money, jackpot, Joshua Bartley, vegas, slots, high risk, iphone, samsu, josh bartley, coin machine, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher
Id: re3k2pwDgMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 57sec (1917 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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