Cars vs explosions in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game where explosions are part of a balanced breakfast it's GTA we want to test Vehicles versus explosions in GTA until Alex has created a brand new challenge he's created an elaborate board where I have to deal with various bombs and nukes and missiles and everything else but that's not all someone gave us access to these modded cars which happened to be Barbie cars but because we can't do anything normal on this channel they are nightmarishly cursed so now not only do I have to figure out how to get past Alex's explosive death course I have to do it with these hideous monstrosities I've also been promised that in the end there's an explosion so large it will end the entire planet and probably crash my game I've been giving these cards so let's do this when I was told I was gonna get Barbie cars to try and do something that involves blowing up over and over again I was really concerned but then I saw what these things look like Alex build a board build it fast no Alex don't build the board please stop giving Alex ideas welcome to train explosion just the thing that I am currently driving makes me realize this is a crossover that's going to ruin my entire psyche all right so we're starting off nice and easy here with just an exploding train I assume oh oh the train did actually explode okay so I think that most of the Hideous Barbie arms off the front of the trike oh God what is it all the legs on the trike it walked away from me why couldn't you just give me a normal vehicle to do this what is happening is this the smallest explosion hey uh I'm not gonna lie with all the legs you'd figure this thing could run faster I don't even know if I can get past the first challenge in this oh oh climb climb this is such a bad idea well all of it oh my pelvis oh luckily this bush broke my fall so does this does this explosion have concussive force behind it or does it whoa okay I guess it does this is an instance where I look at what I've been given to try and do this and I don't know what I'm supposed to pick here all of these are making my eyes bleed sweet vodka oh a scorpion I gotta use it I I have to use this oh yeah I better put my helmet on because if I get injected off of the Quad the stiletto heels are gonna bury themselves into my skull here we go every once in a while the very first challenge that Alex gives me is a real pain all right we're gonna curb boost this I need even more power [Music] this is garbage I'm putting this thing out of its misery guess what Barbie scorpivart whatever you are you're welcome okay sure feminine oh feminine is it because it has nine legs I don't know I can't math well her hair is on my dashboard what did you do to my Dodge oh God you like all the extra limbs are putting a lot of extra weight on the chassis there we go okay so that was made a lot harder than it was supposed to be oh that bird almost flew into my calves Indiana Jones explosion oh that's exciting we're going through all the movies here it didn't work okay we're Indiana Jones tried to protect himself inside of a refrigerator well I guess here's what's left of them oh my God I don't know if you saw that oh yep there it goes there are machine gun refrigerators flying down this Corridor what is this ow oh my God [Music] oh I didn't think the refrigerators could go that far oh it took my door off all right I'm just gonna plow through this whoa um well you can kind of Dodge them so you kind of oh oh yeah just tank it that's what I like to see give me another one oh yeah I love it oh God yeah ah laughs the aim on these refrigerators is actually quite good oh you have to jump at the end wow what was that oh the explosion throws you Ken had had it enough Ken had had it enough what kind of grammar is that I hate pink I love pink pink is part of the channel what is he what was that this can have X-Man Powers is that Cannon I don't remember I don't think it is is he throwing proximity Minds whoa okay so I just do I have to just jump this pit of despair I can't go around it because oh my God okay so he's put proximity mines all around the outer part of the wow I wasn't prepared for that smells like barbecued Barbie also do you notice in in the background there is a plane hovering what is God all boards on fire anyway there's an actual plane flying in the background so we got a problem Alex only gave me a flare gun for my weapon and it does not make the proximity mines go off so I need to figure out how I'm supposed to get past this well you know maybe it could do it it's got armor just due to all the legs coming out of it it's like a porcupine it's like a cursed Barbie porcupine first jump no problem yeah baby Indiana wow okay well the problem is it doesn't really have any weight and the Indiana Jones explosions do a lot of damage so I have to instead of just tanking the hit oh God I have to actually try no ah and Dodge these so I learned something exciting just now the god the refrigerators are heat seeking refrigerators I never thought I'd say that on this channel this is the thing we have it's another day with gray when you're dealing with heat seek you go refrigerators I love that we can weaponize the thing that holds my frozen pizzas what is God you know it'd be great Barbie if you were a little less flammable I'd really appreciate that there we go okay so maybe I have to go slightly to the right of the explosion it seems like oh God it seems like I get less air like what I was trying to say before I got murdered save whoa is if I go to the right of the first explosion it looks like I can not go flying into the stratosphere now still got most of my bumper it's fine all right now it's not so fun hey Indiana Jones suck on this one time oh ah now I know that looked like it hurt but I was just practicing my Pilates I'm not giving up on this car this car does so well up until this point you know it'd be great if the roadway didn't get thin like this so I had some space to dodge oh it's happening yeah yeah there we go I knew mom's car could do it especially if I put the top down alright so the flares oh oh I can't even kill Ken I thought maybe I just had to murder him but the car just goes through him look oh never mind louder you're still alive God ah oh it worked your C4 is really starting to annoy me you know that this truck have a bra on the front nice I don't even know what the aerodynamics are fantastic you know it would be great a T20 okay it's fine oh yeah oh we got to wait now this thing has to I was gonna say it has the back end okay okay all right I got it refrigerators lovely stop stop great now I hate refrigerators just another mundane item oh when the explosions hit you too I'm getting buried I'm getting buried in refrigerators ow ow it's hailing refrigerators right now Cloudy with a Chance of refrigerators yeah yeah okay now I just have to watch out where the mines are now there's one to my right and one straight ahead so if I Arc over to the left but just barely but just barely don't touch the explosive barrels we should be able to make this oh he just blowed the barrels oh nope never mind there is one there look right there I wish I could detach one of these legs and throw it at the problem well whatever we're just gonna do it up on the right here we go yes [Music] I'm actually not sure what I hate more refrigerators or explosions at this point it's it's it's a hard it's a hard first and second place at this point oh that was incredible I don't know how we dodged that to be fair we're getting past the ah how are you what are those tanks we're trying a different car this car has a crown obviously that means it has to be the winner Queen this thing's a queen of the like the Satan verse or something when you went and cursed these cars you went to 11 didn't you these aren't partially cursed cars these are wow oh oh there I just lost my hood but that's okay this thing's this thing's got the low center of gravity it's probably the gigantic hands sticking out the side oh still alive okay Queen you can do this are you ready hey hey got it finally that would that seems like it wasn't supposed to be that hard but man what a nightmare arms race be like there is a plane machine gun dropping nukes in the distance what is this if you ain't red white and blue we nuke you in that order can I can I go around the tanks no you cannot can I climb can I use the tanks no you cannot okay I guess you just have to jump the gigantic explosive fire pit that means we have to do this Al stop shooting me we have to do this with maximum speed oh oh it's not bad at all oh it's a set of three okay so you have to go through progressively larger explosions in order to make it through this part and then I guess you get to that bomber in the back oh my God what a size of the missile back no not into the fire pit all right through the Indiana Jones refrigerator gun no problem through the Ken hole that sounds terrible whoa whoa sticks The Landing no problem I think the thing that scares me the most about this car is the oh no is the Batwing hands coming off of it it's like the Batmobile but slightly more cursed oh I ran to the Rockets okay so this explosive hole has even more explosives if you get anywhere close to this thing it launches you just into the sky but still not too bad how did that truck just write itself just then what is going whoa oh what happened is that the force of the explosion that's a submarine oh my God what is this it's a person riding the nuke taxpayer money to good news did we pack enough democracy in these yes sir they'll love it gray will not love it do all those blow up remember when I said Cloudy with a Chance of refrigerators yeah this is some true Florida weather over here oh what the did a human did a human being just get heated into the pit of despair oh right there it does every once in a while you teleports behind the Jet and he just gets like thrown across the end look at that guy okay I have no idea what you're supposed to do here uh besides backhand that bird I I'm gonna go oh no ah well this is awful oh yeah oh I love being inside the pit of Destruction oh I'm drowning and burning live at the same time that's exciting way to go out I'm not gonna lie I don't feel much like royalty at the moment yeah the explosions are definitely getting stronger maximum okay everything's fine there we go rained that one in before I died okay maybe I can cheat this like if I just barely go okay I guess I can't Cheat It by barely cornering it all right we're just gonna go oh that wasn't that okay all right so if you dodge all the explosions and you just happen to get through at the right time and you don't get murdered by the random pedestrian flying from the rocket it's not bad at all it's like part of a space program being held by the helicopter I guess it's a missile but my God what does the safety protocol say comrade we don't have safety where I'm from okay I've been looking at this for a while there's only one way to jump this I'm gonna have to bank it off of one missile ah and then over the other missiles everything's fine yeah everything's fine oh sticks The Landing we're doing great I can save this told you oh no use the Barbie cars great it'll be great great it's anything but great ah oh huh I got exploded back on the roadway well that's lucky unfortunately it did a ton of damage to my car I'm getting past this bomb area did I just get lucky the last time okay I'm not gonna lie I think I just oh I think I got lucky just let me have this keep your tax dollars oh okay yep there we go this back parallel parking at its finest okay oh god oh I kind of timed this well I have no idea oh yes yes I don't believe it diffuse Barbie bomb explosion diffuse it I don't have any skills it bombed a fusion the only thing I can do is you know make them explode and murder me I just wanted to sit in a chair but it turned out there was a bomb under it unhappy things I love how she says there's a bomb under it yeah you all need to enjoy this with me for a second what is that no what what is that right there is that Barbie because that's hideous I guess to be fair everything so far in this board has been pretty cursed so it makes sense all right bomb defusal skills here we go Bob defusal the bomb has been defused oh God oh God oh I'm leaking a lot of oil that ain't good oh the axle's broken [Music] um the engine died all right I'm not letting it go out like that we're gonna give this another shot oh I'm one time in this run look at this one time right there epic Dodge all of the refrigerators no big deal ow it's fine everything's fine okay oh my God how not gonna ask any questions I'm just gonna say that this is the chosen run I've got good news and I've got bad news the good news is I've made it to this point the bad news is my car has taken a lot of damage and looks extra Derpy I love how the general just flies at full attention through the air he was still standing at a perfect stance when he went flying Ricochet off the bomb no big deal oh boy not giving up give up I have burned alive wow that took the entire front of my car off okay maybe some of these explosions are stronger than I give them credit for barrel roll still Barrel rolling sticks The Landing get ready cause we're going new cramping um I mean it worked thank God fortunately this thing is so low to the ground that well there goes the hood that the the bomb can't hit it so it kind of like just Dodges the missile that way I think if I hit it fast enough maybe I can survive never give up never surrender well all right that's a lot of explosives not gonna lie uh we're gonna need a different car oh they'd be bedazzled the shield on the back all right here's the plan with the shield this thing has and the fact that it has its Arena boosts which is amazing we should be able to tank the explosion that way also this thing can take refrigerators to the face like a champ well shouldn't have said anything that was Karma backhanding me across the mouth oh we're just gonna boost through this we're just gonna boost through this here we go here we go yes no yes yes ow that was weird oh that refrigerator exploded one of the bombs that was nice of it considering all the refrigerator did ah to try and murder me I do appreciate that that one time it helped a brother out all right arms race first pin oh all right got a little scarring on the front hood there but it's fine let's try this again wow all right we're gonna use maximum speed Max above speed red white blue got it just go just go just go go go yeah yeah all right Floridian weather forecast let's do this oh god oh no no no no no no no no how many times how many explosives were never a thing that I can say I loved particularly I don't exactly enjoy exploding but now I have a certain disdain for explosive that I didn't have before oh what the what happened there we're gonna get it yeah yeah yes I had no Blades of the helicopter I hadn't actually tested whether or not this thing had the Detachment for the shield in the back I know oh I knew there was a combination of buttons that did it and now I hate myself because you can't get it back once you shoot it love no hatred it's fine I could get back to where that was and we're gonna use the Bejeweled Shield like a shotgun shell to get through that challenge everything's fine everything is completely under control I'm not gonna lie after getting tortured by explosions for so long I'm getting pretty good at this watch this a one time Avid cluster bomb nightmare off to the left Dodge nice and now for the big bounce oh oh the rocket just saved my life I love explosions again okay I'm only gonna get one shot at this yeah consider the bomb defused Oppenheimer explosion Escape before the bombs go off oh when I get her I get a uh a repair kit hot got this bomb here and then you've got explosives on the right and then you have a recharge pad does it oh okay I already have the Boost so does it give me the job oh well God it does oh I almost killed myself just now okay also there's a checkpoint right at the top of this so I think I know what you're supposed to do you need to get your jump ability then you have to jump and you have to release The Shield at just the right time and blow up all the bombs and not kill yourself are you ready no oh I thought I missed Bullseye so then you can regenerate your car again I don't know if I'm gonna need this thing or not so now you jump on in order to get the checkpoint right out I said jump in order to get the checkpoint so you gotta jump to get the checkpoint too glad I didn't just drive off the front of this thing and we have a checkpoint ow that was a great landing spot for the teleporter why am I uh why am I at the viewing point so Alex just told me to wait oh my God [Music] oh God oh my gosh what happened in the city oh my God Alec said to wait on the rock and then the planet was again oh my God they liquefied the root of the area it's just lava so I had to look around for a while but if you go all the way to the edge of this there it is oh my God it's just love as far as you can see trolled fall Humanity may have ended but it's okay because we got a winner well I play GTA and it literally destroyed all of humanity any folks look at this episode next time say foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 932,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X7hT3AzH260
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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