GTA 5 but it's randomized every minute

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All right. We're checking out the only game where the only prize that you get from the prize wheel is pain. It's GTA. So Alex and Danny, first off, created an impossible board and second off programmed a unlucky and lucky wheel that I have to spin every single time I want to make an attempt to complete the board. It is going to get insane. How insane? First spin:. Six. Plus one windmill. Second spin: Seven. Have a nice day. I don't know what that means. Let's do this. So- Wow!!! That windmill got me quick. I guess at least I get an opportunity to see the rest of the board. So how it works is every time I can attempt to do this board, I have to spin the lucky wheel and the unlucky wheel and I get 3 minutes to try and complete it. The only reason I'm getting another opportunity here instead of just one try is because I died so fast. All right, I'm actually getting another opportunity. The first instance is just a normal wall hop, and then it goes into a full 90 degree rotation. Are you kidding me? Oh, I feel really bad. I think- What is this, like, attempt number four? And I haven't even gone through the 3 minutes yet. I haven't even gotten to the second challenge part of this yet. It is like a nut board. Oh, here we go. Okay, so then we have a what is this? This is a ribbon goes to the left across the vine wood sign. Okay, it's not that bad. And around and then I. That looks awful. I don't even know where it goes after that. This entire board is stupid. What is this? Is that a plane just levitating in the middle of nowhere up there? Whatever! The only problem here is I took so much time to kind of learn the board just now that I'm going to have to spin that wheel in order to get another opportunity. But yeah, basically. What is this? Oh, okay. That. That. I mean, it looked a lot worse than it really was. Oh, I thought it was kind of a wall there. There wasn't. Okay, see, now the wall comes down. I get 3 minutes. Now I have to spin the wheel again. Wheel is spinning and we get aaaaaaaaa: 11 on the unlucky wheel. I have no idea what that is. Okay. Blow-up-able wall, and on the lucky wheel, we get a five. Five is cheerleader. I don't get it. The cheerleader is just me. All it is is me giving myself, like, reassuring words. This doesn't help me at all. All right. Pass the windmill. Perfect. Good landing. And now we're going to have a 90 degree rightward, full turn into a ribbon. So rightward. Wow, I almost. Come on. Okay. I think we're still within the 3 minutes. Yeah, my cheerleader still there. We're fine. So pass the one. I think that all of these things stay as well. So I think that because I spawned a windmill, it's just there forever. And because I got a cheerleader, I think it's there. Oh, God..... What I was going to say is, I think my cheerleader's there forever. I think you get more than one, two. Let me have this I've never heard of so. Oh, God, no. The wall wasn't here before! Okay, so that must be the wall. Oh, my God. I have to back to the left so fast after I land this. What do I do with this? There's nothing to do. You just lose. I hate my life so much right now because I have to spin the wheel again And we get aaaaaa: One. Child Support? What???. And on the lucky wheel, we get a four. Pink. I'm already wearing pink. Hey, Dad. I was going to say it may just be me, but I think that my car is definitely pinker than it was. So there's, like, a random child on the wall ride. Yeet! Oh no... The child doesn't respawn, like, does he? Okay, good. Man this friggin windmill. Let me have this!!! I gave them plenty of chances to do this before I have to spin the wheel again, at least. You have no idea how many how many times I might have to do this board. Okay. That. Okay. Oh, there's another child. I just saw him land on the ground in the background. There we go. Yeah, there's no kids at all right now. Okay, so- OHHHH!!!! I did it!!! Okay, so it doesn't regenerate at least. Fantastic. Okay, so I got. Oh, okay. Up, up. And then a transfer. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. How long is this board?!? Time to spin the wheel... And we get aaaaaaa: Six. Wait, wasn't that another windmill? Oh God...... Also, I said that there's one there called: The subscriber says what? All right. And on the lucky wheel we get aaaaaaaaaaaaa: Five.. Should we get another cheerleader? There is literally two of me now, by the way. Okay, first transfer. Perfect. Very good. Now we're going to do our 90 degrees. I don't have any child support going on right now. I think it's an invisible ramp. I guess I should probably, you know, listen to what I actually roll. All right. Looking good. Looking good. Thank God he gave me 3 minutes instead of, like. What is that? What was that? What happened? What just- What just- How did I die? I know there's an invisible ramp somewhere, but I'm pretty sure I didn't hit it. Or at least I don't think I did. Unless it, like, pulses in and out of nowhere. Okay, I must. I must just be bad. Okay, so get past that. So now we're going to go to the top right there, land it, and now we need to go bottom in order to catch this. All right, so scrape on the bottom. I that looks like a child now. I don't know what I'm doing growing up. We're going up? Where? Do I go to the left or the right, or what? I have no idea what's happening right now. Oh. There is a child up there. I was so close! Time to spin the wheel!!! And we get: Ten. How fast can you read? You're assuming I can read. Although I guess the fact that I was able to read that means I can read. Anyway, on the lucky wheel We get a... Three. Remove one window. We get a... Three. Remove one window. I was hoping I got to, like, pick the windmill, but I don't. But it looks like it just removes the first one that it made. Again, it is like literally raining children. I see them falling from the sky. I can pretty much get this part first. Try every time now. Not because I'm any good at- Not because of any good at the game, but because I've had to do it about 60 times so far. Okay, yeetus upwards. Big, nice landing. Okay, now we're going to go kind of to the bottom here and a little bit of left stick and perfect. I hate my life. Okay. Oh God... Okay, doin' good. The sad part is- Good landing. Perfect. Never mind. What I was trying to say.- I think I just hit a child. What I was trying to say, although I have to spin the wheel again, is that like I'm getting better. But every time I get better, the board gets worse. Because- Four. Isn't that child support again. No. Oh, no. It's the invisible ramp. Oh, I still don't know where this ramp is. Okay. And then on the lucky wheel, let's remove another. Let's remove another windmill. That'd be great. Seven. I think I've gotten seven before. Have a great day. What does that I don't. What does it mean? I feel like it's a lie. Do you know why? Because I'm not having a great day right now. Oh, hey, where's my nice day at? Because I feel like I've been lied to. Every time I get to the D, it makes my life suck. I don't know why. Maybe that's where the invisible ramp is or something. I still don't know where the invisible ramp could be. Yeet. That was a child there, but he did- Oh, there's a second child. But they didn't stop me. Climb. Climb. Okay, good. And then a full roll, man. Wow, how am I supposed to land that? Got to roll the wheel again. All right. This time we get a nine. I haven't had that one yet. What is that? The D can be violent. It's already violent. And on the lucky wheel, we get a One. Increase capacity of invisible blocks. Oh, I didn't actually know that there was invisible blocks, so that sounds really useful. Maybe that's what keeps knocking me off. I was going to say maybe that's what keeps knocking me off. You know, children are another thing that keep knocking me off. All right, through the wood, there's the D. What was that? What was that? Was that you said, okay, there's two things I looked at in that footage. First off, yeah, there's a fish that blast through there. Second off, that's what kept throwing me off. That's the invisible ramp! Back to the wheel.. I'm getting- Eight. What was that? Do you love Top Gun? Yes, I do. And on the lucky wheel, we get a three. Remove one windmill. Sweet. I was going to say the problem is is that I can get so many of the of the the wheels like the wheel spins that- Is that a plane? That plane was not there before. This board might literally become impossible. Like to the point where I physically can't complete it. Okay. Watch out for the- Through the wood. Past the D. There we go. Okay. And then past this. I just need to lean forward. Like lean the weight of the car- There's a plane going through the gap. Oh, my God. No, this board is impossible. It's impossible! *gibberish* Again, we have to spin the wheels in order to get a. I'm a Florida man. That means I drink Florida man coffee and make my coffee like a psychopath. I like to throw it on the ground like it's dishonored. My family run it over with a lawn mower, put it into a French press and squeeze the coffee out like taking blood from a stone. If that sounds like something you enjoy, you can try the new light roasted lightning plant over at Florida Man Coffee, Co dot COM. It's like getting struck by lightning. But without you dying, you'll find it right next to the chaos blend. Man, my coffee site sounds like an apocolypse. 13. Lucky 13. Subscriber says what? I've always kind of wondered what that was. I mean, I know it's going to be awful, but also I read when I got it, it popped up with a subscriber says it says, you know what, Gray needs more windmills. Oh, God.... Alright, lucky wheel we get a two. Okay. I don't think I've gotten a two. You are not the father. Oh, all right. Does that mean all the children go away? Straight up. It would be amazing if I don't have to deal with the spawning children anymore. That is possibly the best lucky wheel I've got outside of- What is that? What was that? What's that just then? You know, I don't care. I don't know. I'm serious. What is this? Down. Down where? I'm not going to. I'm not going to go down. I think I'm supposed to complete this board. I don't know what that means. I'm just going to. I'm just going to trust the process. Oh. Oh. What? What is this? What does this mean? Ow, I'm stuck! Oh, stock down. All it is. All it is is It looks like it's supposed to help me, but it just makes my job that much harder because I can run into these things over there. Top Gun. You have to go right to the middle now. There's like- Ooohhhh.... Way back in the beginning, I got like, have a nice day. Maybe that had gotten rid of those. And now they're back to another top gun here. Let me have this. Just let. Oh, okay. Just let me have this. Hey, watch out. Whoa! Oh, yeah. Okay. Everything's fine. Everything's fine. Everything's fine. Okay. Nice and low and. Okay. I got to lean back when I launch this. And don't touch the wall. Lean full. Roll slow. Yes, yes, yes. Stop, stop, stop. Oh, my God. Finally, I. This is the new personal best. Am I even halfway done? Look at this. Look at that. And then there's another wall ride. And then you go and then you transfer onto it- I don't even know. There is like a ribbon into a curlicue into another- There's so many top guns!!! Do you know what else there is in this board? I can't make this. There's no way I can make this. Not. Not slow like this. I need. I need all the speed. There's no. Well, actually, I think I can. I can totally make this. Hold on. Alright, we're going to go to the very edge and we're going to lift. Oh, yeah. Oh, there's plenty of distance that's easy to make. Okay, no problem. And then this one is. Oh, yeah. Oh, God!!! Yeah!!! NOOOOO!!!!! Take me to jail. I don't want to do it anymore. What do you know? I have to spend 12. I have to spin the wheel again. Uuuuuhhhhhh...... Magnetized windmill. And the lucky wheel says seven. Have a great day. Okay. So magnetized windmill. Have a great day. Sure. People be like how violin is the D, Gray. It's pretty violent. It has punched me off of the board, I would say 70 times. Nice jump. Oh. Oh, it moved one of them. Okay, so I guess there's like multiple. Have a nice days that I can move across. Okay, so we need to stay kind of in the middle. Do the flip. Lean back. Oh, come on!!! Okay, I've got a good feeling about this one. I got a good feeling about this run. Look at that. Awesome. Didn't get punched. Came real close to dying there. Nice little weave. Top of that. No top gun. Then we're going to go low. Low Low. Jump. Not really sure where that wall came from, but I'm just going to pretend that I that it wasn't there because it's fine. I that has nothing to do with me through the Top Gun. Oh, easy landing. Perfect- Made it!!! Go to the very back. Get as much speed as possible. Oh, my God. I can see the- I can see the magnetized windmill on the right. Can you see it? Flipping around? Awwwwww..... Okay. Good landing. We're going to come off of this low. Yeah, like right there. Perfect. Yes. Oh, my God. Magnetized windmill. Oh, I did it!!! Yes. Okay. This new personal best. I don't know what's happening. Oh! Whoa! Oh, my God. Oh, my brain isn't working. Okay. It's fine. It's fine, Gray. This is normal. This is a normal wall ride. Okay. Into a slight ribbon. No problem. And then we have a wall transferred to the right I almost got Top Gunned. I am going so far right now. This is easily to fight. What does that say? What does it say? I didn't see it, what did it say??? I don't know what- What? What happened? Hey, Alex. Here, I'll make it brief. So you have time to read this. Wall wall writing. There are three spheres. Choose the blue one. Don't say I didn't warn you. You're literally Satan. *screaming* Back to the wheel. Three I was fast. Well that was fast. Three cloudy with a chance of meteors. No, you wouldn't. You're never going to believe this, but he totally would. There's literally meteorites right now. The other problem is I couldn't actually. I couldn't actually spin the lucky wheel. Oh, my God. Because a meteorite got in the way. Not worried about the meteorites- Okay, I'm totally worried about the meteorites. Okay, so far, so good. And jump and land. Keep this speed to go low. Turn to the right. Beautiful. Like magnets. So. Oh, my God. Oh my God...... Magnetized windmill. Nice. Smooth transfer. Yes. Oh, my God. Okay. It is. It is literally just a reflex that keeps me on this wall ride from that particular transfer. I always almost forget to roll it to the right, down the ribbon Ribbons gonna go with another rightward roll. Boop. Top Gun almost murdered me just then. Came to know. Okay, I've got this 100%. I've done it so many times now. You don't even understand. I know every aspect of this entire board. Okay, jump. Roll land. Now I know that this role is coming up. Watch Hoop. Roll over to the right. Perfect. Now stay on here. We're gonna have another right roll. Not yet. Then do the ribbon. Go down in the ribbon. My hand just hit my microphone and almost screwed me up here. Perfect. Here. My hand just hit my microphone and almost screwed me up here. Perfect. Through the first windmill. To the second windmill. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Okay. What I do. What do I do? What is this? Oh, okay. Land. Blue, blue. It's blue. It's blue. It's blue. Yes. You have a winner. Oh, my God!!! Well, I officially hate game shows now. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA. Until next time: Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,875,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grand theft auto 5, graystillplays, gta, gta 5, gta 5 challenge, gta 5 choice, gta 5 hacked, gta 5 jump, gta 5 online, gta 5 races, gta challenge, gta choice, gta custom races, gta v, gta v challenge, gta v choice, gta v hacked, gta v jump, gta v online, gta v races, jump challenge, legend, pro, impossible, and this happened, in gta 5, gta 5 mods, random challenge every minute, gta 5 rng, gta 5 random challenges, gta rng challenges, gta random challenges
Id: Ujsn9mk9aVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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