All right, we're checking out
the only game where the smarter the AI gets, the more I want to set
all computers on fire. It's GTA. Alex wanted to put me
against his specially designed GTA AIs, and so he's created a brand-new challenge.
Alex has created a metric ton of AIs from incredibly terrible
to incredibly skilled. He's even made an AI
with cheating abilities and superpowers. It's my job to beat them all. I've been given all these cars
and I can use them as much as I want, but the only restriction is I have to be
the first person across the finish line. Let's do this. We're going in order, by the way.
No cheating. All right,
go into the portal to start the script. Here we go. Wow. There was no green, red, or nothing. It's just a massive AI behind me
and at least two AI that are totally just--
oh, wow. One of them is either trained
to stay directly on my tail or is definitely trying to murder me. The other two in front of me here
are really good. One guy's actually cutting corners. I'm pretty impressed. Basically, I decided I'm going to try all the vehicles
and start with the smallest one. Now this one goes it's about getting
about 121 km/hour, so this isn't that bad. Got decent turning, pretty good handling. I like what I'm seeing so far. I'm just going, what happened? I was busy keeping an eye on the one AI in front of me, and I didn't realize
that he would just be jumping to his death and then ending up
in a flaming ball of crap. Now. The go-cart's good, but we're going
to step it up to whatever this is. It's like my 10-year-old niece's ATV. That's all right, though. Pink is the color of the gods. Wow. Off the line.
This thing is absolutely atrocious. Top speed is already better than the--
what was. I finally got a chance
to glance on over to the right. Is there a bunch of marbles violently gyrating all over the board?
Oh, we're already in second place. Now we're in third.
We were in second place. Whoever's in the blue and yellow
is probably the better driver. If you notice, they can also make turns
at just sheer 90-degree angles. That's nice. I don't know if I have enough speed,
so do not go off to the right, because that AI just--
every time I go to look at that AI and watch it die,
I end up following shortly thereafter. I just broke my tailbone. I want to give this thing one last try. All right. We're rolling pretty good. Just got to cut
a few of these hard corners. This thing corners terribly.
It really does. The turning radius is awful. I have a couple of cars on me now. Besides the two that I'm--
I'm assuming these two are probably two of the more highly programmed AIs
that Alex has developed. If I understand it correctly,
the one in the turquoise and the yellow, this like regurgitated banana vehicle
over here is the king of all AIs. Also, look at how bad this thing slides. That's me turning as hard as I can. I have to slow down
in order to make these turns at all. Was I supposed to turn with him, or can I go over the right?
Yes, I guess I can. It looks fine. What? Jose.
Jose, I saw teleport something. Oh, my God.
They are the color of the floor. part of the time they do the predator. Oh, God. I was going to say
they do the predator camouflage because they're the same color
as the floor beneath them. Don't do it. Oh my God. I almost got barbecued by that dude's. Explosion. Oh, dancing teleports.
That's what it said. All right,
so we're on the dance floor over here. It's a sweet rave party. Love the color scheme, by the way.
Very pastel. Don't know, the teleporters don't make any sense here.
All right, here we go. Birthday cakes. What the? What is that?
Are those two bananas making out? What happened to the car in front of me? Did he just teleport?
Oh, he's getting owned. He just teleported again. Is this one of the cheating AI? So I don't just have to beat the AI,
I have to beat a cheater as well. Come on, cut cake. Cut cake. It's been cut by windmills, of course. My spinal column is
inside of the engine frame. I love how there's
one piece of glass on this thing
and I managed to break it, so you actually have to--
oh, boy, I need to change this vehicle. Hold on. I got to show you guys
something real quick. Watch this. Quick way to get back to the beginning. Get it. All right. Remember how I said we would go in order?
Screw that. Since I'm up against a cheater,
I know how I'm going to do this. I don't have to beat them
if they don't get to finish the race. What do you think about that?
What do you about that, Alex? I'm just kidding.
I'm going to leave some of the AI alive. All right, we're ready to roll.
Here we go. All right, so my plan is
I'm going to line up with the AI, and I'm just going
to blast them off the ledge with the Wastelander. Should be pretty easy
just because of the pure strength. Oh, yes. Cheating with me or you?
It's not my fault. That's a real racing tactic. How could you call this cheating?
Rubbing is raising. If I touch them, is that all it takes?
If I just-- wow, I can't even touch the other cars. I still think that the Wastelander is
potentially very good at this challenge. It just some of its power is restricted in that I'm not allowed
to just bulldoze over the competition. What happens if they're the ones
that initiate it? What if they run into me?
I love how not only can Alex build boards that make me hate myself, but he can develop
AI that also make me hate myself. Bye. I love the gigantic fireball that's left whenever that car just yeets itself
right off of the-- Come on. The wide hips of this thing
just owned me 800 times the charm. Oh, no. Really? Most of these skin
got removed from my rectum. That's great. All right, this is probably
my last try with this thing. We've got a really good run going, though. We've made it to the banana cake. Not really a cake
that I would pick first to eat. Did it touch me or no?
That doesn't count. I got a little concern
that it was going to make me just-- that it was going
to rip my car from out from under me. All right, so through the cut cake, I have
no idea what this is supposed to be, a carrot cake or something?
Looks like it's a chocolate carrot cake. Like a chocolate-filled carrot cake.
Now we have three-fourths cake. Oh, no. If you pick this one side,
you can't get out. Hold on. Maybe I can jump this. Jump it or not. Wow, that didn't work at all. Okay, I have an idea. This is one of the cars
that Alex has given me, and he's left the jump ability in this car,
so that means it's okay for me to use it. Now I will say it feels
like the tires have just been waxed with Jolly Ranchers or something
because it has terrible traction. Considering I could just jump
over most of the board, maybe this is okay. You want to jump over everything?
Because trying to do a turn in this thing is just awful.
We're just going to jump. Perfect. No. Okay. It's fine. I can still just jump over this. The teleporter area is going
to be a real pain because the reactivity of the steering,
it's an F tier. It's F tier steering. I'm going to give the paint job
an S tier, though. Love the paint job. Top speed is average. All right, we're going
to jump this and land it sideways. Of course,
this thing wakes up Tokyo drifting. Time for school, little jumpy. Don't bother me, mom. I'm Tokyo drifting. Hell, yes. No. Okay. Do not touch me. I'm not dealing with your--
how does he? How come he gets
to go through the teleporter? Did you see that?
He went straight through the teleporter. Oh, we're legitimately beating him now.
Oh, yes. Oh, this is the thing that's happening. This is the thing
that's happening right now. Big Tokyo drift looking good. Then we're going
to go through the cherry cake. Did he just get teleported over
to the cherry cake? He also just got endoed
by one of the cherries. Yes, he teleports from cake to cake. Alex, you cheat. I guess, to be fair, considering I do my-- what was that?
Was that a bird? Considering I do my best
to cheat most of his boards, this is the one opportunity that he--
oh, no. What I was going to say is this is the one opportunity
that he finally gets to cheat me. I'm going to give
this car one last hurrah, because the reality is
that we need something with speed and we need something with traction. The classic, the cheater classic has
a little bit of everything. Look at that top speed. Oh, yes, now I'm getting
geometry dash angled in here by the cars, but no.
Oh, it didn't count. No, it didn't count. Come on. At this point, I've made it
to the Predator teleport area, and so far, so good. It's looking really good. The speed, look at this, 150, 170, 190. On those straightaways,
I can get a huge amount of distance on whoever's driving that.
It's probably Satan. In fact, I almost guarantee
that that's Satan driving that. He does teleport
through all of the different cakes, so I have to do this reel,
and he gets to just jump from cake to cake. That's okay, because, again,
I have a better top speed, I think. What is this?
A lollipop cake. It's got a vegan cake.
It's like all trees. What is this? What's it?
Multiple icy choice. What's this? There's like one crazy spaghetti road
and there's one stray road. Obviously, you picked a straight road,
you [?]. What? Wait. You don't have a choice. You have to go the spaghetti way anyway and the other guy gets
to do the straight road. Wow, this is really slippery. No problem. Through the dance. Teleport. No big deal through the cakes. I love bananas. I also love cherries. I lied. I hate cherries. I've also got a real problem
with what just happened over on the cherry cake
because we're the same color. I'm driving a red car
and it's red cherries. I feel like maybe the car and the cherries
should be working together. Now, it is totally possible. Wow, this is nuts. It is totally possible
that I have murdered all of the cherries and I've used their bodies
to paint the car. You don't see something funny?
That one AI is still haunting me. All right. I'm picking it. Gray still plays side by side. Basically, I need something that I can trust
doing well in the ice section because the thing, its top speed is okay. Man, its size isn't that bad. It's not really that wide. I don't have to worry too much
about the teleport dance floor. It's just the snow,
I need to get past the snow and the ice. Okay. Doing really good through all--
I shouldn't say anything. I was going to say
doing really good through all the cakes and then I almost wiped out. All right,
so we have to go over to the right. Let's see how good this thing is on the snow. Wow, I actually over-corrected myself. I didn't know.
Be this good. This is great. Yes. This is easily the best
on the snow and the ice. What did you make here?
God, this is just a nightmare look. It's like a bunch of 90 degree turns on ice. We can do this.
We're all legitimately neck and neck. This is amazing right now. No.
Also, I don't know if you noticed but there's quite a few AIs
that are slowly learning, so they are hugging the road
a little bit better. I just cheated, didn't I? because I touched the car.
No, I didn't. Sweet. Maybe it's if you push the car off
of its AI path or something. Okay. The red car is still hunting me. Yes, he's right on my tail. How do I lose this thing?
All right, can he-- so does he get to go through the teleport? I can't look behind me
because I'll end up getting teleported. So far so good.
We're looking real. This is it. This is the run right now. I am beating the cheater.
Look at this. He can barely keep up with me,
even with his cheating. Watch this. Look at that. Through the lollipop cake. Now unfortunately,
I have to do the snow thing while the cheater just gets
to go on the straight pathway. It had to be a challenge.
That's fine. You can see him right there,
I think, is he going slower though? Maybe he is going slower
because it's like ice. It's supposed to slow the car down
so it doesn't go sliding off the side. What in the unholy Satan is these balls? That's all this is called is balls. Okay. Full flip going to stick that landing.
Maybe we'll roll an extra time. Wow. He just got old. Yes. Take that, cheater. Who's the best now?
Okay. Now I just need to not die like immediately. The merry-go-round of balls. No. Okay. That's right.
We're just going to slowly turn around. Getting out of this merry-go-round is a lot harder than it looks
because I can't get out. I can't get out.
[?] teleport on the front. No, right there.
God, stop it. What is this?
What is this weird like Megatron trades? What is this?
Why? What now? What did you build here, Alex?
This is insane. Ha, ha. Ha, ha?
Well, the end is right there. Can't you just push. Really?
You made you turned him into an ecstatic out.
Are you kidding me right now? [chuckles] What's Satan?
Inside it is Satan. That's who I've been up
against this whole time. I have to know what happens
if you just go around them. I should've known. All right.
We're beating him the real way. All right, I'm ready to roll.
Let's do this. We need the absolute perfect run
and that's what we're going to have. All right. Starting turn area. No big deal.
We're going to have to get a little bit of distance
ahead of Satan, too, because during the part
where he starts teleporting, that is the hardest position
to stay in first place in. This part, I can do this, no problem. Pretty much every single time. The only thing I've ever even slightly had a problem with right now
is accidentally having one of the AI hit me
and then it calling that cheating. All right, so we made it to the cake.
Looking good. Banana cake.
Oh my God. No. I don't think that's that bad. I think that just a little bit of a mess
up there is okay. As long as I don't get totally owned over
in the cherry cake. You can follow the outside too.
That's probably the best way to do it. You like how-- oh wow. Okay. I almost just lost my entire run,
but we're saved. I am not losing this now. Through the cupcake, bam misses the, oh God,
misses the windmill. Three-fourths cake. Make sure to stay to the right. Then the lollipop cake, these ones are easy
because they move really slow, so you can go through
all the little trees right there. Now, my arch enemy right here. You have to make your wheels
literally hit the edge every single time in order to be able
to take these turns without flying off and keeping a little bit of speed.
Right now, we're in balls. I'm feeling pretty good
as long as I don't get totally nailed
by one of these balls. You can time most of these. I have no idea how I didn't just die
then I followed. I don't know if you saw it. My forward--
Oh my God. No. My forward motion was
the exact same speed as the one ball. All right, so through here, up here,
we got the little carousel balls. As long as I can get through it.
There we go. This is looking good. This is looking good.
This is the run. He's got the ha ha already.
He's already spared with it, but it's fine. We're going to end up making it.
We have a winner. Well, Alex literally turned Satan into an AI
and it destroyed my soul. Anyway, folks show to episode GTA.
Until next time, stay foxy and much love.