Fried Apple Pies - Apple Turnovers - Simple and Easy - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're making fried pies [Music] now this is a really old really simple really basic recipe you can use any fruit in it but i'm using apple today and i'm going to link the video where i did fried apples in here because that's what i'm using in this that is another super simple super basic super easy recipe you want to start with four to five cups of apples you just add some butter and some sugar and some cinnamon and cook them until they're tender but i'll put that video in here so you have all those measurements and everything and you know exactly how to make the fried apples if you don't want to do apples you can do cherry peach strawberry blackberry just anything and you can shortcut this by using pie filling in them if you want to you can get you know any store-bought pie filling or if you have canned pie filling that you've made at home any of that will work in this and you either want to slice or cut your apples up in little bitty cubes before you cook them or you want to bust them up after you cook them and you can use anything one of these you can use a potato masher you could use a whisk you could even take a butter knife and just slice through there and cut them up but you want to get them in little pieces because great big pieces of fruit and a little bitty pie if one pulls out half of your pie is not going to have any fruit left in it so go ahead and bust those up or cut them up before you cook them okay now for the pastry you it's basically a biscuit with egg in it i've got about two cups of self-rising flour here if you only have all-purpose you can add a little bacon powder and salt to it and it'll work just fine i'll put those measurements in the description of the video so you have those you can sift your flour or you can take a whisk and whisk it up that'll get the lumps out and it'll put a little air in it you need one egg because i said it's basically a biscuit with egg you need about a half a cup of milk you could also use buttermilk in this if you wanted just whatever kind of milk and you need a quarter of a cup of fat now i'm using butter you can use butter you can use lard you can use shortening whatever you want i like the flavor of the butter and you can even fry these in butter but if you fry them in butter the butter burns and you're going to have to clean that burn butter out of your pan every time before you add another pie to it or it will taste burned so it's really hard to fry them butter i like the flavor and if i was just making one or two for me and bread sometimes i do fry them in butter and the only other thing you need is enough oil to fry them in and you can use any oil you can use you can also fry them in shortening or lard entirely up to you again but you want about a quarter of an inch in your pan and then when you add a couple fried pies to that it's going to bring them up past the middle of the pie and that's what you want now for the crust i'm going to start by cutting my butter into my flour and you can use your hands for this you can use a pastry knife pastry blade pastry blade which is basically just some wires with a handle on it and you cut it in like this and i had one of those and it broke and when it broke i discovered that a whisk worked just about as good you want to mix it until it looks kind of like sand and i have i softened my butter a little bit i usually at least have it at room temperature and i know a lot of folks say you know freeze it and cut it in and stuff like that my granny never froze her butter when she was making biscuits or anything else it's just much easier to mix it in if it's softened so you don't need to worry about freezing it you don't need to make your life difficult and you can use your hands to mix this in you just kind of pinch it until it looks kind of sandy like this right here and that's all there is to that okay and the next step is i'm gonna mix my egg and my milk together and i'm gonna take me a fork and just kind of whisk that up a little bit um i don't want that whole egg in there and you could have just mixed the egg up by itself and then added the egg in the milk but you do want to make sure you get that egg pretty well uh mixed up like i said you don't want the whole egg in your dough and then you just pour your liquid into your flour mixture and now all i'm going to do is fold this together and again you can do this with your hands if you want to i usually use a spoon or a spatula because when i get the super sticky dough on my hands i have to take time to clean it off in order to be able to handle the dough and i think it's just easier to mix this with something a spatula or spoon and either want will work now this is a pretty sticky dough it's stickier than biscuit dough and it's a little more delicate and harder to handle because you're going to be rolling it out so thin but after you get it kind of turned into a dough ball flower your work surface and this mat here i'll tell y'all about these mats alex actually got this for me and it grips the countertop it's a dough mat it's got all these little gauges on it and stuff so you can tell how big around you're making your pastry which is nice and it doesn't slide around like the regular vinyl mats that i was using you want to be pretty generous with your flour when you spread it out because like i said this is sticky and you're going to work this a little bit more than you do biscuit dough but you're still not going to go crazy this is not um yeast bread you want to make sure you use plenty of flour or you'll have it stuck everywhere and just knead this a few times until it gets to a point where it's not too sticky to work with add more flour if you need to to get it to that point okay that's not too bad there i'm going to add a little more flour because it is sticking okay once you get it to the point where you can work with it you're going to cut it in eight pieces this is enough to make eight pies so just cut it in half if you don't have one of these dough blades i do recommend getting one of them you can get them at the dollar tree and it's just a piece of folding metal with a handle on it it's not super sharp but because the way it's made it cuts through the dough really nice and cut them in half again and cut them in half again until you have eight pieces now here's my best tip for you kind of turn these into little balls and set them aside and let them rest for a few minutes they are much easier to work with if they have rested for a few minutes and i know a lot of folks say you know you can't leave um dough that has baking powder in it you know that doesn't that's not yeast dough a lot of people think that will mess your baking powder up it won't and you don't even have to form them in little balls it just makes it easier if you form them in little balls before you start rolling them out just however form them up and then set them aside and i've got some dough over here that has been resting already i've even got some here that i've already rolled out i'm going to tell you about that a dough blade is also going to help here when we start to roll these out because it's going to tend to stick to the surface no matter what kind of surface you're using and you want to clean off any pieces before you start rolling them out that are on there because that will cause the dough to stick once you roll it out and it is a very delicate dough it's a biscuit that you're making a sixteenth of an inch thick you can almost see through it you're gonna get it that thin put some flour down plenty of it and then you're just gonna roll your dough out until it gets to be about seven eight inches um you can mash these out completely with your hands if you want to um they'll you can mash them right on out if you don't have a rolling pin it works just fine or you can use a rolling pin and you just want to roll them out kind of slow going from the center until you get it big enough when you get about halfway there you want to pick it up and check and make sure it's not sticking because as you roll it out and you mash the flower out it will tend to start sticking okay that's plenty big enough right there now when you get to this point go ahead and turn your skillet on because you want to preheat your oil you want to have your oil good and hot before you put these in your pan now we're going to um just i don't know a few teaspoons of fruit in here maybe three teaspoons or so it's kind of up to you but when i'm eating a fruit pie i want some fruit in it you don't want to overfill them because you have to be able to get your crust sealed around them but again you want to put enough in i mean a fruit pie that's all crust is just no good and i know we've all had fruit pies with no fruit in them i've probably got at least three tablespoons in there and once you get your fruit in well you want to take your finger and take a little bit of water and go around the edge and what this is going to do is this is going to help your crust seal and you can get fancy and brush it on and stuff like that but your fingers will work just fine just moisten it up a little bit fold your crust over carefully and then again take your fingers and kind of pinch it together first that's step number one and you can see here i have a lot of extra crust that's okay we're not going to leave that kind of get your pie in a position where you can work with it and take just a regular old kitchen fork and go around the edge and finish sealing it up and once you get it sealed up take your regular old kitchen fork and go around the edge and kind of even it out take off some of that extra crust because all that extra crust out there will tend to burn when you're frying it and it won't be good it won't just be like crispy crust it'll burn you can also get those cute little um dough things and you put your dough in and it mashes it it's actually hand pie molds if you wanted to get some of those and you don't have to do all the fork stuff you just roll your dough out put it in there put your feeling and lift lid over and it mashes them flat for you okay and that's all there is to sealing one up and this is where your dough blade really comes in handy because you can move them around with it and you can also lift them up and put them in a hot oil with it so i definitely recommend getting one of these for a dollar it's um kind of a it's a really handy kitchen gadget you can use a little piece of the dough that you cut off the edge of your pie to check your oil so that you know when it gets hot some of y'all are going to notice that i was running a little low on pie filling there and you're also going to notice that i've already used my skillet well there's a reason for that this is actually the second time i filmed this video today um the first time i did not cut my microphone on which meant there was absolutely no sound whatsoever on the video and i noticed it as i was ending the video so all y'all who uh tell me about how forgetful you are you got nothing on me i mean i do this same process over and over again and how in the world i managed to get through setting everything up and checking everything because i check it all a couple of times i mean the process is turn the cameras on for back memory cards put batteries in the microphone both the receiver and the transmitter tape the microphone on me then i check all the lights and i go back and i check everything turn all the cameras on turn the microphones on check to make sure all the cameras are turned on check to make sure the microphones turned on all that stuff did all that never turned the microphones on and did not check to make sure the microphones were working when i was checking to make sure the cameras were working why i don't know actually i do know and i'm gonna tell y'all why i did it too okay my oil is not quite hot it's bubbling you can see here that it's bubbling a little bit but not a whole lot we want it to get a little bit hotter than this we want it to really be bubbling around that piece of dough there all right so now it's bubbling good you can see here how it's really sizzling around that dough that's what we want and we'll get this out of here because we don't want it burning in there you want your heat kind of on about medium you might have to turn it down a little bit but you want the fry of the pies to continue to fry at a good rate but you don't want them to burn so real carefully slide your pies in your oil and you want a nice sizzle like that when you add them in there but make sure you don't drop them because you don't want to burn yourself and you can see how when i added the pies the oil rolls up and it's well past the center of my pie that's what you want you won't have enough oil to do that now i'm not going to bore you all by continuing to roll out fried pies and stuff them until i do ate fried pies because that would take for forever for poor bread to edit and it would bore mostly all the tears you make all 8 of them the exact same way and you can top them a lot of different ways you can make a glaze this is the same glaze that i used in the apple fritters it's nothing but um powdered sugar and a few drops of vanilla and enough milk to make it into a liquid you just want it where it's barely pourable it's probably not got a tablespoon of milk in it about half cup powdered sugar you can just sprinkle powdered sugar on them or you can mix up some cinnamon and sugar and sprinkle that on them while they're hot you can also add cinnamon into the glaze if you want to and do a cinnamon glaze on them but when the glaze is cool it dries and it's very slick and shiny and you can hold it in your hand it doesn't get all over you it's not sticky or anything and if you put the cinnamon on the pies while they're hot a lot of it will stick not all of it but a lot of it will and again you can hold it in your hand and it won't get all over the place now you want to keep an eye on these because they are only going to cook three to four minutes per side and they are already ready to turn when you turn them again be super careful because you don't want to get splattered with that hot oil well i said that i know why i did the whole video without turning on my microphone i also when i was setting up to re-video this i spilled a whole thing full of cinnamon and sugar i was sitting it back over here after i cleaned everything up from the first video and dumped it in the floor and it went everywhere now i wanted to give it up and just not do anything at all today but i had one of those little aha moments the other day one of those little christian truths that just kind of pop out of the bible at you i was reading in jeremiah jeremiah 17 7-8 starts out blessed is the man that trusteth in the lord and whose hope the lord is now that the way that is worded the lord he doesn't just hope in the lord the lord is his hope and that makes a difference um the way it's worded we hope for a lot of things but when our hope is the lord it's a real hope and that verse or that chapter goes on to describe that man whose hope is the lord as being like a tree that is planted by the water if a tree is planted on the bank of a river its roots go down in the river and it doesn't matter how hot it gets its leaves don't wilt they stay green and lush no matter how hot it is it doesn't pay any attention to the heat and even in the years when there are droughts that tree doesn't change it continues to grow because it's getting its water from the river not from the rain it's not something that is dependent upon the season or the time the lord is steady he's always there that hope is always real no matter what else is going on and that it goes on to tell us that even in times of drought that tree continues to bear fruit so what that said to me is that even in bad times god's people those people who truly have the lord as their hope then they continue to flourish they continue to be blessed because god's blessing isn't contingent upon whether or not it rains or whether or not the economy goes up or down or inflation goes up or down or what's going on in the world god's people are always blessed because their hope is constant their hope is real and they hope and a living god and that's why i filmed this video without sound and that's why i spilled cinnamon and sugar all over the kitchen because when you have something that god wants you to share or something that god wants you to do quite often satan will attack it and he'll attack it to the point where you want to throw your hands up and give up don't give up when satan starts attacking you wipe up the flower mess and start over sweep up the sugar and keep going oh boy these look good this one right here is probably the most perfect fried apple pie ever made now you can drain these on paper towels if you want to i don't i never drain anything like this on a paper towel because the paper towel gets moist and soggy both from the grease and from the heat and when that happens it's going to make your pie moist and soggy and it's not going to be good so i drain them on a rack um you can get racks pretty cheap and you can get them anywhere uh you could even pull a rack out of your oven or if you've got a small countertop oven most of them the racks in them will work for cooling racks too so if you're shorter racks use a rack out of your little countertop oven or toaster oven if you've got one iraq out of an air fryer will work any kind of rack will work for a cooling rack and i do like them better like i said drain on a rack because they don't get soggy it doesn't make the pastry soggy the glaze i've already got that one glazed of course from where i did the other video you can put the glaze on when they are hot or cold um if you put it on while it's hot it's gonna tend to be a little bit thinner because it's gonna actually the pie will actually melt it and it'll run um you can dip them spoon them pour it brush it however you want to get it on there if my bowl was a little bit bigger i would just dip it because that's the easiest way to do it and i actually chose this bowl because i thought it would be big enough but it's not but that's all you do to glaze them and the powder or the cinnamon sugar you just sprinkle on if you want the powdered sugar on them it is best to wait until they're cool because the hot grease will absorb a lot of it and it'll take a lot more but you just sprinkle it on and you could actually mix a little cinnamon in with the powdered sugar too if you wanted to for extra flavor but it's really just that in that simple and like i said it's a super basic recipe you can use any flavor fruit you want you can use the canned store-bought pie filling and you can use canned biscuits to do this get the big ones you know the ones that are about this big around and don't get the flaky ones because you're going to have trouble rolling those flaky ones out do the buttermilk or the home style not the layer ones if you want to use a canned biscuit and you could probably use just your favorite biscuit recipe but the egg kind of helps bind the crust a little bit better and it also makes the crust a little bit lighter i have tried them both ways and these are delicious they're a super quick treat they fry in just a couple of minutes and it's something that you don't have every day it's certainly one of those things that you're probably going to remember your grandma making when you were a kid so it's one of those things that could kind of bring back memories and they're good for all year long you you're not going to heat up your kitchen a whole lot when you're making them because you're frying them you're not baking them and it's even a recipe that you could take camping with you if you wanted to especially if you did the canned biscuits you know you could just mash them out and let the kids do it use a plastic plate or something and mash them out on the plastic plate and let all the kids make one while they're camping and you don't have grease splatter all over your kitchen if you do it outside but that's just some ideas with these it's an old-fashioned delicious treat and it's easy to pick them up and eat them they're good hot or cold they're best warm but you can wrap them up and put them in a lunch box or take them on a picnic before we go um i did check the mail and i got some cards oh my goodness and this pretty one's got grease splattered on it this one is from donna and i'm gonna have to hold them donna has a ministry and i'm gonna ask her if she would to uh post her address i don't wanna post it but it's called sword of the spirit ministries and what they do is they recycle christian books and bibles especially they take ones that maybe you're not using and give them to other people so if donna wants to post her address maybe where people can send books to or maybe even donate to it if they want to and also she's in west virginia don i don't know if you're interested but i have a hundreds of paperback bibles that we had for our ministry that we had years ago and i'm actually looking for somebody who can use those so if you're interested in paperback bibles i've got hundreds of those leave a comment get in touch with me and i'd love to get those to you and i got another card from marianne and marianne has sent me other cards it's a beautiful easter card it has forsythia on it and ever since we have been in this house like 23 years every year i have said i was gonna plant some forsythia in the spring because i love those yellow flowers first thing in the spring and i still have it this year i'm planting some before it's too late but in it she says happy spring and boy don't i know it after this winter and this last year of being locked up i have got cabin fever and spring fever so bad i can't stand it the two of them together might kill me and i also got a very nice letter and a gift from melinda in texas and i i want to say hi to melinda before i leave melinda is a child of god she is just such a sweet sweet lady and she has truly blessed me melinda and her family would really appreciate your prayers if you would add them to your prayer list i know she would appreciate it and so would i so i want to thank you all so much for joining us the hillbilly kitchen if you have not already please don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave and until next time remember to put god [Music] first [Music] you
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 106,200
Rating: 4.9626646 out of 5
Keywords: The Hillbilly Kitchen, Country Cooking, Verses And Vittles, Southern Cooking, Video Cooking Tutorial, Cooking, Foodie, Comfort Food, Struggle Food, Simple Recipe, Quarantine Cooking, Depression Era Recipe, Tasty, Heirloom Recipe, Cast Iron Cooking, Frying, Dessert, Fried Pie, Hand Pie, Turnover, Apple Pie, Cherry Pie, Peach Pie, Blackberry Pie, Fried Apple Pie, Apple Fritters, Fried Dessert, McDonalds Fried Pies, How To Make Fried Pies, Amish Hand Pies, Granny’s Fried Pies
Id: 9m2axuXrBkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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