Canteen Cup Tuesday, Hormel Tamales and Uncle Ben's Rice, a Budget Meal

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hey everybody its bear look here it's Tuesday and I'm hungry and I've got a canteen cup so we're gonna cook today look here we're gonna do a budget meal today because I know that sometimes money gets tight right for me too so this is something that you're not gonna do ultralight backpacking but you might go out for the night and do and I found this at the Dollar Tree and that's the Hormel tamales I've got the chicken and chili sauce today and I've seen this at the grocery store also and it's sub-2 bucks depending on where you get it and along with that I'm gonna try this uncle ben's flavor infusions rice I think it's gonna cook up just like an instant rice so that means I can freezer bag cook it so we're going to try that out today so let's get started let's cook something I need some water for my rice let's see I've got 1/2 a cup of rice in here and I threw some extra seasonings and some dehydrated mushrooms and some things I thought would be good in there to make palak the Cajun rice with it if this one's already the parmesan butter so we already got a little cheese and butter flavor going it's 1/2 a cup of rice 2 1 cup of water for 2 servings and you're supposed to put this in your pot bring it to a boil and reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for about 10 minutes but I'm gonna try to do it in the freezer bag because I think this is like our instant rice and it's gonna cook up but we'll see we'll find out [Applause] okay we have a canned food emergency I don't have a can opener I just realized I don't have a can opener with me I don't have my Victorinox take her in my pocket my EDC night is not in my pocket oh yeah it's got my can opener on it we're getting in this guy though because I've got that Gerber Freeman that I still need to do some testing on so here goes the first test and I've got a three pound mini sledge so we're getting in this can here we go I break out the sledge holly's I'm gonna boil some water I got scared there for a second I couldn't feel that little TVB dick in my pocket ah I'll get my I'll get this rice we'll pour that water in there I'm gonna get it going in this reflect excuse me you let her hang out for a we'll say I don't know 15 20 minutes y'all ever sit around just watch her water boil I in the words a little sugar Marie that's a Purdy boil there we go whoo she almost went that would be bad on my chest wind all right my rice has been hydrating for like 20 minutes it honestly sounds pretty wet I don't have a lot of confidence in it but we'll go ahead and heat up these tamales and give it a few more minutes and see what we get well come on out tamale there we go wow these are in little wrapper things I think I'm gonna take them out of those hmm let me go get my trash bag yeah fire now the instructions on the can was basically do exactly what I'm doing on the stovetop and I think I see why they love them leave them in their wrappers I just break one they break pretty easy and then they say to remove those wrappers before serving that'd be a real pain when they're hot I think this will be all right you're gentle with them they're not too delicate I only broke the one and you know without the rice this is lunch right here Manta helicopters flying love whoo they're starting to smell I think we're hot and I wish y'all could smell those all right job my rice has been in the freezer bag for 30 minutes so if it didn't do at this point it's probably just not gonna do well you know what it might this might work it's a little bit soupy see it's just for doneness here that works so maybe we go just a little bit light on the water and then we can do this these guys with a little Texas Pete there we go well y'all I'm actually pretty excited to these Uncle Ben's flavor and fusions worked because unlike your nor packets where you got all that loose seasoning and if you just want part of the rice you don't you know you got to figure out how to split up that seasoning the seasonings on this rice so I'm pretty excited that were actually worked really well just need to cut back just a little bit on the water from what they call for in the instructions so let's stick in man let's see we got here yeah that's good here's a budget Mexican meal on the trail and we'll see you on the trail on a totally random note my little thermostat is hanging off my tripod says it's 72 degrees out it is beautiful today they say it might snow next Tuesday that's February March in South Carolina you'll have a good one hey did you stick all the way around to the end while I'm heating look here if you're not following me on Facebook I left y'all a little nugget on there my page journey of bear there's a link in the description below it's mostly just photos I take while I'm out and about little nuggets here and there different little tips and things I pick up on so feel free to follow that if you
Channel: JourneyofBear
Views: 3,022
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Keywords: Canteen Cup Tuesday, trail food, trail cooking, Bushcraft, Hiking, backpacking, camping, Camp Cooking Tuesday, Camp cooking, camp stove, camp stoves
Id: Jk26H9tDxKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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