Bacon Fried Cabbage - Southern Fried Cabbage - 100 Year Old Recipe - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're making bacon fried cabbage [Applause] [Music] and this is a really old really simple recipe i have a half a head of cabbage half a pack of bacon and a chopped onion you want at least a half of a chopped onion um that's going to be a main part of your flavor whether you use a whole or half is just entirely up to you and a little salt and pepper and that's all i'm putting in mine now there's a lot of other stuff you can add and if you don't have bacon or you don't eat bacon you can fry your cabbage in butter so it's up to you if you don't have bacon or you don't want to eat bacon use butter and make your fried cabbage but to start with you're either going to fry your bacon in strips or you're going to cut it up and fry it which is what i have over here i cut this up and fried it in little pieces it really doesn't matter which way you do it it's just kind of up to you if you fry it in strips you want to crumble it after it's fried okay now all i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take my fried bacon out of my pan and set it aside now i have seen my granny when she was in a hurry not take her bacon out of the pan just go ahead and throw her onions and her cabbage in there and you can um what taking it out of the pan does is it allows it to crisp up when it cools and it also um keeps it from getting crumbled up into really tiny pieces so before we add our cabbage we're going to add our onions and start cooking them in our bacon grease go ahead and dump your onions in your pan there and let them start cooking now all i did is i cut my cabbage in half and i took a few of the outside leaves off you want to take off two to three layers of the outside leaves you want to get rid of any bruises or like if it's been bumped and tore because those leaves are usually are not good they're usually not crisp and they can even be bitter and have stuff on them that you just can't wash off you do want to wash your cabbage of course you want to wash any vegetables you eat and i'm going to cut it in half again and cut the stem out now the stem is bitter so you do want to get it out [Music] and when we were kids we used to peel it because it's actually this peel right here that's in between the leaves and the stem itself that's the bitter part you can see it on your cabbage probably can't see it in the camera it's just a little bit more yellow that's what you don't want to eat that's the bitter stuff but this inside you can actually peel it out and put a little salt on it and eat it raw and it's pretty tasty and you can either cut it this way again or you cut it just kind of however you want to i usually slice it like this and then just go back the other way and make it a little bit finer and how big you cut it to is kind of up to you i mean you can cut it in really big chunks if that's how you like it and just kind of go back this way and cut it again i don't like to leave it so long um that it falls off your fork you know if you stick a fork in it i like to be able to get it on the fork and not have it stringy okay our onions have only been cooking about two three minutes and they're already starting to turn colors and they're getting soft and that's all you really need to do to them and i've got my cabbage about as fine as i wanted i suppose and like i said it's just up to you how big you want the pieces how fine you want to chop it i certainly don't like mine as fine as coleslaw but i want to be able to stick a fork in it and get it i don't want to have big long stringy pieces that i can't get with a fork so once your onions start to get tender you're just going to go ahead and add your cabbage to your pan and i know this looks like a lot of cabbage but cabbage really cooks down you want to kind of stir this up a little bit with your onions and get some of your bacon grease up on the cabbage there's a lot of other stuff that you can add to this dish you can add in some chopped carrots which gives it a little color it also adds a little sweetness you can add garlic into it if you want to if it's later in the season and maybe your cabbage got a little hot before it got picked and it's kind of got a little bit of a bitter taste you can also add in a tablespoon of brown sugar or regular sugar and that will really sweeten it back up and it helps to bring out the flavor of the cabbage to serve this it makes a great side dish with a roast or corned beef you can add smoked sausages into it usually when we had it we had the fried cabbage and fried potatoes and cornbread are just the fried cabbage and cornbread and that was dinner but if you're looking for a different side dish this is certainly different it's not something that you have every day and it's not something that's served in any restaurant around here that i know of so it's not something folks are gonna have a lot okay after you get it stirred up or after i started up i'm gonna put the lid on it for just a minute and i'm gonna use this glass lid so you can kind of watch it cook down but this will help it get tender before it gets a real dark color and starts to burn now you don't if you like yours crisper don't put a lid on it if you want it more tender put a lid on it well i went to the post office a couple of days ago and buddy the mailbox was full and i had just gone and checked it the first thing i want to show y'all is this lynn mailed this on december the 14th and i just got it she'd sent this to me for christmas she sent a beautiful card that she did herself and this is a potholder that she crocheted and she has her um card in it uh she makes stuff like these and she made this one and sent it to me for christmas and i'm just now getting it so thank you very much lynn and i will use that next christmas for sure but it's just beautiful it's red and green and white and has a little bit of gold in it duranda sent me a beautiful easter card with a note in it and this cute little easter dish towel that i will be using this easter thank you so much duranda the little bunny he's so cute in the bacon cheddar biscuits i said one day i was gonna have to get a sifter and vanessa's in a five cup sifter and there was another sifter in the mailbox when i went and it is from camisha so now i have a one cup sifter a three cup sifter and a five cup sifter the lord does bless his children abundantly thank you so much kamisha this is a very nice sifter and i will definitely use it she had that ship directly and i got several cards and letters um karen sent me this card and she sent me a photograph of her and her husband who has passed away they were together their whole lives they are one of those couples that help to inspire young couples to stay together through the good times and the bad and the hard times and you know what it means to the world to have couples who stay together for until one of them passes on is such a treasure and that worth in a family so that the younger generation has people like uh karen and her husband to look up to i mean you have no idea how blessed you are if you have an example like that in your life and she said that she had purchased three cookbooks and she couldn't wait for volume two to come out she was gonna be purchasing three more so thank you so much karen i'm working on it i hope i'm going to have it ready by mother's day that's my goal but it's coming up quick and thank all of you who have purchased the cookbook i really appreciate it i do want to say something about it real quick i looked on amazon and there were some reviews on there where people said they had gotten misprinted cookbooks there that is a mistake that was made by amazon when they were printed and they do guarantee them and if you contact amazon they will replace the cookbook that's certainly not the way it's uploaded and if you've gotten any book from amazon that's been printed like that it's a misprint send it back and they will replace it for free or contact them and they'll you know they'll replace it it's guaranteed they have very very strict requirements when you upload it and every page is proofed and they will not accept anything that's not formatted correctly so you should not be getting a misprinted book if you got one that's misprinted send it back the way i did the cookbook the pages or the photos go all the way off the edge of the pages but they should not be off center and they shouldn't be like off the edge and way down from the top and the they should not be cut off the picture is still centered even though it goes all the way to the edge of the pages and certainly none of the text should be cut off and um they shouldn't be printed there was one review a video review where the book was printed upside down that's a misprint send that back like i said they guarantee it so send it back and volume two is on the way and i got some letters i got one from lynn and another one from rosalie and the letters were very very similar they talked about they called it my heart for the poor and it is not hard to love people who are like you most of my life i have been well below the poverty line and at this point in life um brett and i i suppose are above the poverty line but it's mostly because it's just brett and i we don't have any children anymore and we have reached that point in our life where it's just the two of us so that helps a lot but i do know what it's like to be in need and so it's not something that comes unnaturally to me or that i don't understand but also god told us that we're supposed to take care of the poor and the needy we're supposed to feed the hungry and clothe the naked and you know go see the sick and the imprisoned and care for those people who are in need that's what jesus told us to do and so that's just part of being a christian i think but thank you so much ladies for your kind words i truly do appreciate it and all of you that leave those kind of comments they are just so encouraging and uplifting i can't tell you how much your support means to me and i received two cards from barry with nice notes in them again the same kind of thing very encouraging and uplifting thank you so much and i got a whole stack of books from linda and dvds and just all kinds of study material thank you linda i really appreciate it i guess i'm gonna be busy for a long time but thank you all so much i do like going to the mailbox and checking it and finding things like this in there your notes and stuff like the towel and the poller and the sifter and you know it just it really lets me know that i'm doing something that people appreciate and it also lets me know that i'm doing something that god approves of because he blesses us through each other we are blessed through other christians many times and that's what this is this is a it's an affirmation that i'm on the right track anyway maybe not necessarily always doing the right thing but i'm going in the right direction and i appreciate all of you for the way that you have blessed me with the little gifts the the nice notes and the encouraging comments thank you all and god bless each and every one of you okay let's check on our cabbage here [Music] you can see it has cooked down quite a bit it's brown in the bottom it's not too brown in the bottom though and putting a lid on it especially if you're using an iron skillet will kind of help keep it from burning because it holds the moisture from the cabbage in so it doesn't dry out and burn in the bottom so if you're using an iron skillet you definitely might want to consider the lid to hold that moisture in while it starts to cook so it doesn't burn the cabbage has completely soaked up all of that bacon grease so all that flavor is now in the cabbage and if for some reason it got too dry you could add more bacon grease if you had it or you could also add some butter to this and butter with even if you're using the bacon and the bacon grease and not just frying it in butter the butter adds a wonderful flavor to it too so you might want to instead of doing more bacon grease add some butter to it if it starts to get too dry and you can also make this dish if you've got leftover bacon use some leftover bacon and pull your bacon grease jar out of the fridge and make it with leftover bacon i mean you don't have to start with raw bacon to make this when i'm doing something like this that uses a half a pack of bacon you know all bacon has the fatty end in the lean end i always cut the fatty end off for this because the fat is a big part of this dish and i saved the lean in to make with bacon and pancakes for breakfast or maybe do bacon and egg sandwiches or blts or something because the lean stuff makes a better sandwich or just if you're eating it with your pancakes or something it's more enjoyable to just sit and snack or just sit and eat the lean stuff then it is that fatty end and that fatty end works better in this dish because you need the fat in it okay at this point it's almost done i'm just going to add my salt my pepper and it's the taste you put in however much you want and you might even have to taste it a couple times to get it the way you like it and the salt will greatly the salt in your bacon is going to greatly affect how much salt you actually add to the dish if you're using really salty bacon you won't add as much salt or if you have low sodium bacon you might have to add a little more so definitely taste it and the pepper is also to taste you know just whatever you like in it now once you're your cabbage is as tender as you want it you just add your bacon back in and let it cook long enough to heat your bacon up and that's literally all there is to it and like i said there's lots of stuff that you can add into this dish but i like to keep it simple a lot of these old basic dishes like this i just think are better if they're kept basic but if you want something extra in it or you want to do something special certainly adding the sausages to it to make it a meal i mean that's not really changing the basic it's just changing it from a side dish to a dinner and you could cook the sausages in your pan before you add your cabbage if you wanted to and have one pot meal it's really just kind of up to you and whether or not you make this the main part of the meal or you make it a side dish also it's just kind of up to you and i'll link some cornbread recipes in here and some fried taters because that's how we always had it we didn't have anything extra in it and i said this recipe was really really old it is really really old it was brought to the united states by the irish immigrants who came after the potato famine and a lot of them settled in this area right here around where i live in the southern appalachian mountains and my granny's family and my paws family were both mixed in with those they they had relatives from other countries too but they both were related to irish immigrants they were in the family tree on both sides and this was one of the things that she made and it was the main course you would have cornbread and taters with it and not have any meat a lot of people think that the corned beef and cabbage is how it was started well it was usually cabbage with ham or cabbage with bacon the beef and cabbage didn't start until they came to america because beef was cheaper and easier to get here so that's actually that was actually started after the irish came to america so the older dish is ham and cabbage or bacon and cabbage so st patrick's day is in just a few days and i thought what a better time to do a cabbage recipe than right now i've been going to do this for a long time you might want to do this one on st patrick's day especially if you're doing corned beef and you want this with it but anytime it's a really good side dish and while you're celebrating st patrick's day you should really look up the true story of who st patrick was his story is incredible and it's about more than just wearing green and having a big party he was a man of god and he was born very close to the time when jesus was alive he was considered the apostle of ireland by a lot of people because he was the one who actually carried the gospel to ireland so check him out look at his story maybe this st patrick's day and see if you can find some inspiration in his life before i go i want to leave you with psalm 46 10 be still and know that i am god i will be exalted among the heathen i will be exalted in the earth there will be a day when the whole world knows who god is and there is no denying it and sometimes we get caught up in our circumstances and we get caught up in current events and we forget to look for what god's doing so maybe this week take a little time and just be still and look for god and look for what god's doing thank you so much for joining us in the hillbilly kitchen if you haven't already please don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave and until next time remember to put god [Music] first [Music] do you
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 1,071,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Hillbilly Kitchen, Country Cooking, Verses And Vittles, Southern Cooking, Video Cooking Tutorial, Cooking, Foodie, Comfort Food, Struggle Food, Simple Recipe, Quarantine Cooking, Depression Era Recipe, Heirloom Recipe, Vintage Recipe, 100 Year Old Recipe, Southern Fried Cabbage, Irish Fried Cabbage, Bacon Fried Cabbage, How To Fry Cabbage, Cast Iron Cooking, Cabbage Recipe, Cabbage and Bacon, Bacon Recipe, Irish Bacon Cabbage, bacon cheeseburger, best bacon recipes
Id: 1VVWUkV4vaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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