Canning Ground Beef for Long Shelf Life; Very Easy and Cost Effective.

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hello youtubers Alaska prepper here so I got an email day ago or so and one of our community members was asking what the cost benefits are to canning your own beef or ground beef because he saw that he could get cans of ground beef for I believe he said around three dollars and forty four cents three dollars and fifty cents apiece roughly and he wanted to know if it was better to get that or to can your own beef and he said that he did the math and that if he got his beef at like three dollars and fifty cents a pound or so it came out to about the same but he wouldn't have to cannon himself now I'm just paraphrasing the question the way he asked it because it wasn't an email form so what I decided to do is is I decided to go ahead and make a quick video to premiere tomorrow Saturday morning of me doing just that canning some beef now I'm not gonna go through the entire process because it would just take too long so what I did was I already browned my meat my beef in his ground beef I found it on sale for two dollars a pound okay and that's 80/20 and some people may be may may think that 80/20 meaning 80% beef and 20% fat may be too much but I kind of like having that extra fat in there because it preserves a lot of the flavor and the taste in it and I've had ground beef that was can about just shy of five years ago just a few days ago we took out a jar of ground beef that week and about roughly five years ago about a month shy of five years and it was just fine it tasted just fine and it actually I think tastes better than putting fresh ground beef in spaghetti sauce because that's what we made with it so I recommend that if you don't know how to can especially pressure can so that you can do your proteins you meet your chickens your turkey I've I've pressure can sausage before I've pressure can bacon okay all still good all right especially the bacon is really good there's two ways of canning meats there is a cold pack method which means that you're just cutting the meat raw packing it in there as tight as you can putting you're putting your your spices in there or salt usually I only put a little bit of salt in there I don't put any water I'll just go pack it in there I make sure the rim of the jar is nice and clean and I go ahead and start the pressure cooking process okay the other way is a hot pack method which means that you cook the meat first then you pack it in the jar and then you go ahead and do the canning process those two methods give different results I like to can ground beef using the hot pack method meaning that I've already cooked the ground beef and put a few spices in there that are somewhat universal all right which means that you can use that ground beef for whatever kind of food you want to make with it when you eventually eat it and that it will the spices that you put in there will be okay for that type of food be it spaghetti sauce be it making tacos be making lasagna all right be a making a beef gravy all right so what I say what I mean by universal spices is that just put some spices in there that will work with any kind of foods that you like to eat okay so what I've done here is I've let me see if I can get this camera down what I've done is is I went ahead and browned I don't even know how many pounds there was in there but it was a big ol log of ground beef and like I said it was $2 a pound and that's a great price so I bought well I know how much it was it was probably about I bought about 20 pounds of it so this what you're looking at here is a roughly ten pounds that's been that's been ground up and if you see I'm not sure if you can see it but there's little pieces of peppers in there of course I put our dough bow in there I put some ground pepper I put some bell peppers in there I put some garlic and I think that's it as far as the spices I put in there I don't want to put too many spices in there later on when we use it if we need to add a little more spices and then that's fine okay so that's the first step while this was cooking up I went ahead and I grabbed my jars okay and I cleaned them really good okay now some people will say that after you clean your jars after you wash them out really well that a good thing to do would be to put these in the oven at about 200 degrees for about 10 minutes or so and that will sanitize them and that is true now I'm telling you the way that I do it okay ladies and gentlemen when your pressure canning you are eventually essentially cooking this meat that's in here at about 300 degrees or higher all right add a positive pressure of 10 to 12 pounds okay what that does is that's gonna kill all of the bacteria inside of this jar okay so when your pressure canning you don't necessarily have to sanitize these in the oven okay because they will be sanitized through the canning process alrighty so that's something that you can do si an extra precautionary measure if you like but you don't have to do it now when you are making jams and water bathing a jam you want to make sure that you sanitize your jars extremely well the reason that is is because when you're doing a water bath method like making jams or putting up vegetables or things like that you're not bringing the temperature of the product to as high a temperature as you do on your pressure canning and there's no pressure involved either okay so although most of the bacteria in there if not all is being killed you want to be extra careful when you're doing a water bath method all right and not the pressure canning method okay so whenever you do meats you're gonna want a pressure can okay that's the only way you're gonna make sure that your meat can stay preserved for a long period of time like I said a few days ago I have some ground beef that I had can just shy of five years ago and it was very good okay so what I've got here is is I've got my little my little funnel all right and I'm just gonna walk through this with you guys and it's very simple okay so this pot in here it still has all the juices it has all the fats it's got everything I'm not going to try to get any extra jus so I'm just gonna get whatever I grab and I'm gonna put it in there okay and this is so very easy to do ladies and gentlemen we're looking at $20 worth of ground beef right here okay and we're looking at 10 pounds if you were to buy 10 cans of that ground beef that sells for about 350 a can for roughly a pound a gram ground beef and it may be a little less than a pound I think they're like 14 ounce cans all right so if you were to buy 10 of those you're gonna be paying $35 okay and right here you're looking at $20 worth of me and then whatever miniscule amount you're using or you're paying for the spices that that you use for it and the small amount that you're paying for the propane or the heat source that you're using to cook this plus I think that the that the product making it yourself like this it's a lot better okay especially my favorite neat toucan is cold packed chicken breast because it's like the chicken breast are you buying a can at the store but the quality is much better if you cold pack chicken breast all you have to do is put a little bit of salt on the top after you cold pack your chicken breast and then do your canning method you can do your pressure canning that is gonna be the very best chicken that you've ever tasted out of a can okay it really is and as you can see I used the flat end of a spoon to just push this down a little bit I don't like to compress it down to where I can put try to stuff as much meat in there as possible I just push it down a little bit and then I go ahead and and I fill it up to the top all right to the top of my of my funnel okay and then I just push it down a little bit again not not really hard all right and you'll see that as I lift it out there's gonna be about half an inch to three-quarters of an inch of room okay so you do that and this thing is good to go see that is full okay that's good to go so I'm going to go ahead and see how many of these jars I can pack with this I got seven jars ready because my canner will take seven quart jars at the most okay so I've got seven jars ready I think that I might get at least six and maybe maybe seven I'm not sure but we'll have to see it's been a long time since I've done this since I've done some canning of ground beef or any meats at okay but ladies and gentlemen this right here is so easy to do it is so price effective so you're not spending that much money if you don't have a canner all right and you don't have canning equipment don't be afraid to go out there and buy some okay I'm gonna show you the canner that I'm gonna be using today and it's gonna be the first time that I've ever used this canner it's an old presto a really old presto and you can tell because it's so thick that the walls on it are a lot thicker than the newer ones right so it's an older presto but I found it on Craigslist for $5 okay you don't have to go out and buy a brand new one you know get on Craigslist and look around and if you don't find one when you're looking for it just keep an eye out ask around and you can probably find yourself a used one for a really good price because the canner that I'm using today is a canner that was given to a lady she is a nurse that was given to her by her mother and she never used it so when when she told me that over the phone that her mother gave her that canner I already knew that I wanted it because I knew that if her mother gave it to her it was probably an old canner and you know that the old ones they are better made alright so there's my third one so I've noticed that the older ones the older Kanner's even the presto type which to presto to me is like a second tier canner it's not the best the best canner in my opinion is the all-american but it's very pricey okay even buying it use they're pretty pricey but they are probably the best quality canner that I've seen all right I have one of those but I wanted to try this one that I got here because I haven't used it yet all right so in addition to this being a money-saving to me I call it kind of a hobby because this really I really like doing this tell you the truth so so in addition to this being a something that you can do that saves money alright and I hope she prep to me this this uh is therapeutic for me alright I like to cook and I like to spend time in the kitchen I've always said that I could have made someone a really good wife so instead I settled for making a good husband for my wife but I really do like to cook and to be in the kitchen and this to me to spend a couple of hours doing something like this to me like I said it's therapeutic it brings me a lot of inner peace when I do this kind of stuff so if you haven't done this before first of all don't be afraid to try it okay number two you don't have to spend a lot of money to do it okay if you buy everything brand new okay so here let me bring this up just a little bit you can see the can from there the jar if you buy everything brand new I would say that you would probably have depending on the kind of canner that you get now let's say you get a presto canner a decent size presto Canada say like a 22 court presto canner you're looking at spending probably between if you're buying a brand new probably about a 150 dollars or so maybe a little less you could probably find it on sale okay let me see I think my I thought my camera went out on me there for a minute so yes you're probably spending about 150 dollars and then once you're done you know getting all your peripherals you know like your like your funnel and your jar and your jar tongs you know the tongs that hold your jar you're probably going to spend about another $20 maybe not even that much you know and of course when you buy your jars you're gonna make that initial investment but the jars are reusable so I would say that if you started out with about two hundred and fifty dollars you can have everything you need including you know probably twenty four to thirty six jars if not more okay in order for you to be able to start out and and have everything you need in order to start canning okay now do I recommend that if you've never can before do I recommend that you start off with a with canning meats honestly I don't really think it matters a lot of people say well when you start canning just start canning and start making jams so you can get used to it but the thing is is that making jams is a totally different process than then pressure canning okay it's a totally different process if you want to do that so you can start out nice and slow and get used to the equipment there's nothing wrong with that but ladies and gentlemen you can see what I'm doing here and it's not it's not brings it's not brain surgery all right it's not rocket science it's it's not difficult anybody can do this what you have to do is give it a try and you'll see that you can do it and the product like I said you will be very happy with the product so you can see there ladies and gentlemen I still have a little bit of me and my Pat in my pot right here I'll probably try to squeeze this meat in there because like I said I didn't pack it really tight so I'm gonna try and squeeze that in but as you can see here I've got five okay here let me show it to you right here let me put them right here so you can see them ladies and gentlemen and in case you haven't seen my very early videos when I first started I said that I'm not high tech and I probably never will be so I've kept my promise as far as not being high tech goes but as you can see here I've got five jars from that ten pounds of meat so I got approximately two pounds of meat in each jar now when I use that jar of meat here about a week ago or so I think it was about a week ago that one jar of meat made enough food for us to eat at least a couple of meals each person and there was still a little bit of meat left over okay it's actually still in the fridge I'm gonna take that meat and feed it to the dogs but there's still some meat left over so it makes a lot of food and you can take out one jar and not be worried about wasting food depending on the size of your family of course okay so I've got a family of four and one jar of me will feed us for a whole day and and that's not skimping either that's pretty much eating really good okay now when you're filling these make sure that you don't overfill them at least leave yourself anywhere between like 3/8 of an inch to a half of an inch of head space okay because you want to give that jar a little bit of room so that when it's up when it's under pressure in that canner that the juices don't want to escape and and break your seal okay so I think that right there actually I can put the last little bit in that jar right there yeah I can put that right there so that right there will do it let's bring this over here okay okay so now what do we do next so the next thing that we want to do is you see these lids right here I've had these lids here at a at a slow simmer okay so that they can get sanitized okay so the next thing that we want to do is is I'm gonna take the water from my lids and I'm gonna take that water and transfer it over to my cat okay there we go and I'm gonna end up putting a little bit more water in there okay and let me go ahead and grab me some more water because what you want is you want that'll be good for now okay what you want is you want that water to only come up to about here and your can't and you're in your jars when you put all your jars in there you don't want the water to come up too high you want it to come up right here you want to have enough water in that canner so that it doesn't all evaporate while you're doing your pressure cooking okay so now that I've got my lids ready to go I want to put them to the side here I'm gonna grab a very clean paper towel okay so I've got a nice clean paper towel I'm gonna grab this and I'm gonna clean the rims off of each of my jars and even if you think they're clean still do this it's very important that when you put your lids on that your jars that the rims of your jars even if I mean sorry especially if you're drawing needs that these rims are very clean because with the meat you can have a little bit of oil or fat in there and that can be enough just a little bit of fat on your rim can be enough to break that seal okay to prevent that lid from sealing now what I'm gonna do is now that I did that I'm gonna switch over to the other side of my of my paper towel okay I've got some white vinegar here I'm gonna go ahead and put a little bit of vinegar on there actually more than a little bit you know enough to get it pretty wet okay and while I have my vinegar out I want to probably put about 2 or 3 ounces of vinegar in here okay now for those of you that may not know what the white vinegar does this if you have water that's a little bit hard and that has maybe some minerals in it that white vinegar will keep your jars from getting cloudy okay if you don't have white vinegar and you don't do it it's not going to hurt the process okay it's just more of a cosmetic thing that way it'll keep you from having to spend too much time cleaning these jars later on okay so with that white vinegar I'm gonna go through my rinse one more time all right with the white vinegar okay that white vinegar is gonna make sure it cleans it really well okay one more okay now I'm done with those rims okay I can put my paper towel down I am now going to go ahead and grab my legs one at a time I'm just gonna put them to the side now ladies and gentlemen someone has asked me this question a while back and it's not one of the community members that asked me this but a friend of mine asked me this question a while back because they got into Cannon okay they asked me why is it that when you get new jars and you open them up because normally when you get new jars they already come with a lid and a they come with a lid and a ring on them already right so they ask me why is it that when you get new jars and you open them they stink and I figured out what it is I'm pretty sure I know what it is it's you see this rubber gasket around around the inside of the lid that rubber gasket when it's on that jar it's it's the smell of that rubber it's like the concentrated smell of this rubber that you smell so every so next time you guys get a new jar open it and smell it and you're gonna smell that you're gonna be like oh wow that stinks that's what that is it's this rubber gasket is to smell that's been trapped inside that jar for so long okay but you always want to make sure that you wash your lids and your rings and then that you simmer them for a few minutes for a couple of reasons one of course you're sanitizing it by doing that but also when you simmer it in water for a few minutes this ring around it inside it makes it more gummy so it helps it to create a better seal okay so now if you guys can see all right I'm gonna put my ring on and I'm not going to tighten it hard I'm gonna tighten it with two fingers okay that's it that's as tight as you need to get it now something that's very important all right because I did this one time before and it's a mistake and I ended up having one jar of me that I packed before go bad because what I did was is I grabbed the jar and I shook it now you don't want to do that once you put that ring on your jar okay you want to make sure that you keep it nice and straight that you don't tip it over or anything like that because if any of those juices get in between that gasket and and the rim you're not going to have a good seal okay so you prick take a nice and careful you put it inside of your pressure canner and that's good to go okay so our next one all right now when I handle these once I'd clean the rim and once I put the lid on when I handle them I am very careful with them okay so here we go this is the second one and what I'm gonna do now that I'm already working on my second one I'm gonna turn on the fire I'm gonna turn on the fire okay I'm putting it on high now if you are doing cold packing me if you're cold packing meat you want to make sure that when you turn on your fire that you allow it to come to temperature slowly all right not really fast because it can crack your jar okay so there you go that's my third one and like I said I like to handle these very I like to be very delicate with how I handle these once I've got the once I've got the product in there and they're getting ready to get the rings on okay and you do not have to pack these very hard at all now you don't have to twist it twist these caps I'm very hard at all okay so and you know this is the part where it helps if you like doing this okay because if you have a little bit of patience I have one of my lids pop back up if you have a little bit of patience or writing you're careful with what you're doing you're going to get a good product in the end now it looks to me like this may need a little bit more water so I'm going to go ahead and grab a little bit more water I'm gonna go ahead and show you the Tanner that I got and that right there is perfect okay I'm gonna see if this if you can see okay I don't know how good you can see that in there but the water is about 1/3 up it's about 1/3 up the jar so about 1/3 of the jar is submerged in water and it turns out that five is perfect for this okay I could have fit seven in this I could have moved these a little further up all right and do a six in the circle and then one in the middle but this is turning out just fine okay so one thing that you want to do with your lid okay here's the presto lid on and I kind of like this old model this is the old model that has two little relief valve in there all right a lot of people when they do canning or a lot of people that are afraid of canning they're afraid of your lid blowing off but uh that's not gonna happen with these all right one thing that you want to make sure that you do though is you want to make sure that this is clear okay and usually I'll just I'll just blow in it all right and if you blow in it and there's no stoppage in there then it's good to go okay and then you also want to make sure that this is good to go all right because this is gonna be your your relief valve in case this gets jammed up all right this will allow for the pressure in there to relieve without this lid popping off all right and here's another relief valve so this bad boy here has kind of like two safeties all right and this is actually a really good good one this is an old one as you can see this is an older one and I can tell that the quality is better than the newer ones all right one thing that you want to do with the gasket is every time that you use this thing make sure that you put a little bit of oil or Vaseline around it now some people may say no only use Vaseline as far as I'm concerned just a little bit of oil is fine there's no reason to have to use Vaseline same thing with the All American even though the All American doesn't have a gasket which is a good thing because there's no gasket in it to go bad you still want to put a little bit of oil Vaseline on the rim because it helps it to not get stuck it helps the lid to not get stuck to the main body main part of the body which is a good thing and one thing also ladies and gentlemen one thing that you want to remember all right is that when you're done canning when your time is up you don't want to open that lid right away be patient what you want to do is is you want to make sure that once you're done canning okay once you're done canning and your time is up okay you want to turn off your heat you want to leave that sit all right don't even take the weight off okay you want to leave it sit there even if this sits there overnight let it decompress on its own okay that's gonna give you a higher rate of success okay so you want to remember to do that okay some people say that you should wait until this comes to a boil before you put the lid on okay I've never done that I just put the lid on all right so I'm gonna go ahead and put this lid on right now let me see if you guys can see this alright I'm gonna go ahead and put this lid on let's see if I can figure this out I might have it the wrong way Oh actually you know what this is how long it's been since I've done that there's actually a little arrow right here that shows you where to put it so we just have to find where the arrow is okay like I said this is the first time I've ever used this canner so I'm not very familiar with this is my first time I'm using it and I'm doing it with you guys so let's see if we can find this where is it we'll find the ladies and gentlemen we will find it let's see maybe it's over here somewhere okay and this ladies and gentlemen it's why you have to like to do this because honestly I can't see the arrow on this one I can't see the arrow where this arrow goes but you know what we're gonna figure it out because it's gotta be there's gotta be a mark here somewhere so let's take a look there's got to be a mark here somewhere let's see maybe it's this over here let's see [Laughter] nope it's not that over there see if we were doing life chat you know but if we're doing live stream you guys can be like no it's over here because I'm sure some of you guys have probably have a lot more experience doing this than I do but that just goes to show that you don't need all that much experience with this alright if you just go ahead and give it a try give it a try even if you start out with just jams then you should be good to go let's see okay let's try this ladies and gentlemen II eventually I'm gonna get it jiù jiù jiù jiù jiù jiù are you guys laughing at me yet what kind of a prepper am i I can't even get this darn lid on I'm not gonna give up I still have time before it starts boiling also ladies and gentlemen what do you all think about the stock market holy smokes that thing is just on a roll downhill it is literally rolling downhill I honestly thought that today was gonna be an up day because I always think that Fridays they pick Fridays to give everyone a break right there you go I found it so check this out ladies and gentlemen one of these one of these here is smaller than the rest so and it's this where I hear okay and it's just easy right there there you go it's locked in so like I said it's not difficult I'm gonna go ahead and change this to this burner over here let me start this one up that way it can be here and the steam and the steam won't be hitting underneath my stove on my microwave there all right so what we'll do is you see there's the weight right there okay and obviously I'm talking to those of you that maybe don't have any experience with with canning this is your weight all right there's a 10-pound weight which is what you want okay when you are canning quart size jars okay let me bring this up that way you guys don't see half of my head when you are canning quart sized jars what the book says and what I mean by the book is is the the ball book recipe book that gives you recipes on how to can and all that stuff I think that if you buy an all-american pressure canner I think it comes with one but don't quote me on that it's been a long time since I purchased one all right I've had that thing for years so when you're canning quart size jars especially if you're canning meats you want this to be at pressure all right for at least 90 minutes okay and what I mean by pressure is this I will not put this on okay until this until this has been steaming for at least 10 minutes okay so I will put this on here all right until this has been steaming until steam has been coming off of here for at least 10 minutes okay once I put this on okay I will not start my clock until I hear this whistling when I hear this whistling okay that's when I will start my 90 minute countdown okay now as long as this is whistling a little bit okay you know that you have at least 10 pounds of pressure inside of this canner and you want to make sure that you maintain 10 pounds of pressure in that canner for the full 90 minutes if at any one time you lose pressure all right I know that the newer Kanner's have gauges on them that show how much pressure is in there if at any one time you lose pressure there were falls below 10 pounds you want to start the clock over again okay once you've gone over 10 pounds all right so that's what we're gonna do is we're gonna let this steam for 10 minutes once it steams for 10 minutes we're gonna go ahead and put our weight on it okay once we put our weight on it we're going to wait for that weight to start whistling once it starts whistling that's when we start our timer now ladies and gentlemen we're gonna have to do a 2 art video for this presentation because I'm sure of two things number one I'm sure that you don't want to sit here and watch this steaming for the next hour and a half hour and 40 minutes alright number two I honestly think I can talk for the next hour and a half straight but if I did that I would probably lose a lot of subscribers so what we're gonna do is is we're gonna call it good we're gonna go ahead and let this thing start steaming and what I will do is tomorrow all right I'll put out a real short maybe 10 minute 15 minute video showing you as I open this up so I will not open this after it gets done I won't open it I'm gonna leave you're right where it's at okay and then I'll probably do a 10-15 minute video opening it up and showing you what it looks like after it's done okay so that's what we're gonna do and as you can hear you can probably hear rumbling already okay so it's boiling in there and it's doing a good job alright I'm very excited I'll be about using this new pressure cooker because it's an oldie but it's really nice okay so like I was saying let's go ahead and chat a little bit about the stock market so this morning I just the Dow Jones is one of the things that I look at first thing in the morning it just gives me a gauge of what is going on as far as the economy alright even though we all know that the stock market is a fake economy okay and I saw that it was doing well and I had predicted yesterday to myself I have predicted that the stock market on Friday is gonna do really well cuz usually on Fridays they try to bring the stock market up a little bit or at least leave it flat so people don't go into the weekend you know where they with bad mojo right so I looked at I was like yeah just like I thought you know it's already at 160 in the green you know it's doing good then I get to work and I said like 300 in the red so you know in about an hour's time there was a 500-point moon from green to red and I think it ended up the day at about four hundred and fifty four points or something like that in the red so it's not doing very good and the word industry and when I say word in the street what I mean is a lot of economic experts are saying that we're going to go into a bear market okay so you take that as you make obviously I am NOT a financial adviser but I don't need to be one to be able to see with my eyes you know what's going on alright so I had a community member leave me a comment and it said something like I've been in the stock market since you know for X number of years look at that ladies and ladies and gentlemen esteeming okay so you see since this demon right now I'm gonna go ahead and put my timer on where's my timer I almost never used this timer kitchen timer for 10 minutes all right I'm putting that kitchen timer on for 10 minutes after that 10 minutes is up I'm gonna be putting this on okay so anyways I had a community member and and he's a very nice person all right watch me call it uh no he was telling me that any obviously very respectful and I really appreciate him when people you know are critical of some of the things that I say whether it's about the stock market with her is about grand solar minimum whatever right because you know that's what it's all about we're here to learn from each other but he was telling me that he's made a lot of money over the last so many years and that had he put that money into gold instead of the stock market that he would not have made as much money and ladies and gentlemen it's true the stock market in the last ten or so years has done extremely well why is that though you see what interests me is the fundamentals that's what interests me when I either invest in something or or get something to protect myself or hedge myself right it's the fundamentals and if you look at the stock market for the last ten years why do you think it's done so well most of you probably already know because the availability of extremely cheap money meaning that interest rates were so low and held that low artificially for so long that businesses were able to borrow money at 0% interest or near zero to purchase back their own stocks which in turn made the price of their stocks in their company go up and then what they do when the price of their company went up a lot of these guys went ahead and got their golden parachute they sold their stocks that they had they retired and they left and they made millions of dollars all right same thing happened not too long ago with the tax breaks that President Trump gave to all these corporations that were hoarding trillions of dollars outside of US borders he said ok instead of charging you guys thirty nine and a half percent I'm only gonna charge you I think it was twenty two or twenty five percent something like that what do they do with that money when they repatriated it back into the United States they bought their own stocks so uh so they artificially inflated the price of their stocks and now what's happening now that all of the big players all of the CEOs or of the insider guys the people that know what's going on inside now that that the stocks went up now they're starting to sell or they've started selling a while back actually so they've started selling and what are they doing when they're selling they're transferring their risk from themselves to the people that are buying it now who isn't that's buying all of these stocks right pension plans I sorry pension funds mutual funds 401ks okay and some individuals that are proudly traders and computer algorithms okay these are the people that are buying these stocks but what's the problem with it it's that the fundamentals are not there the price of these thoughts went up due to artificial methods due to reasons that were not fundamentally sound all right so that's the problem with having that so had I had a choice a few years back to invest in the stock market or buy gold I would have still bought both because the problem with the stock market as far as I'm concerned is that it's not real it is not real ladies and gentlemen it is a figment of our imagination all right all of these dollars that aren't on blips on a screen they're not real all right how much debt and how much credit is out in the world it's in the trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars right only about 1.5 trillion dollar exists in physical form so how can those dollars that represent your wealth on a piece of paper be real if you can never get them right if everyone in the u.s. went to the bank to take out their cash you're not gonna get all your cash all right you're gonna get a percentage it doesn't exist so that's why I would rather hedge against the dollar I would rather a hedge against government's alright with something that's tangible something that will always have value okay now ladies and gentlemen you're gonna do what you want to do of course you are all right what I'm telling you is what I do and why I do it and why I think it's a good reason to do it all right because I rather be vested in something that's real even though it's not making me a millionaire then something that maybe is making me a millionaire but can disappear and I mean at any second all right come come up well Monday is a holiday I believe because of Christmas so come Wednesday morning we can go to work and on our way to work stopped at a gas station and be paying $12 a gallon for gas we never know what's going to happen with this system because the system is not real all right ladies and gentlemen let's see we are at about eight minutes now so let's see this has been going for about six minutes right now okay so like I said before what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna wait till that ten minutes is up then I'm gonna go ahead and put my weight on there now for those of you that have not pressure can before when that weight starts you know shaking and whistling you want to make sure that you adjust your temperature all right so adjust your temperature down on your if you have an electric stove on your stove or a range all right adjust it down to where you're still hearing a whistle but that it's not going crazy all right cuz it'll start wanting to jump all over the place and and you can leave the temperature up as high as you want the pressure is gonna come out but you're just gonna have to listen to that whistle really loud for the whole 90 minutes okay so like I said ladies and gentlemen I'm going to go ahead and come back tomorrow morning do a 5 10 minute video to show you all what it looks like as I open it and to show you old and to show you all how the jars have sealed okay so having said that eight thank you very much for all of you that uh have been hanging out today okay I forgot to do a subscriber shoutout alright before this video started but I'm gonna go ahead and catch that up tomorrow when we do our 10 15 minute video because we've got a lot of new subscribers this week as well so ladies and gentlemen thank you very much I mean you know once this has been a a really very nice journey for the last year oh how do you guys like my shirt this is my Santa Claus shirt yeah I'm Santa Claus oh ho ho so so this this so far has been a fantastic journey okay and I have all of you guys to thank for it okay I truly do hope that you are enjoying the community as much as I am and I truly am my dogs are there Chuck dog what are you doing get out of there she's sniffing it she's sniffing into the president's under the Christmas tree so I truly hope that you have been enjoying the community as much as I have you guys are really awesome I love doing this and I loved especially my favorite part of the week as far as it comes to you is chatting with you guys live you know on Saturdays and Sundays so thank you for being here those of you that are here if those of you that couldn't make it to the live chat I hope you enjoyed the video and I hope you learned something from it and those of you that have experience in doing canning and either beat the water back method or pressure canning please leave any recommendations that you may have on the Commons and help out those people that are just starting and let's try to encourage more people to start pressure canning and canning their own jams and vegetables and things like that because this ladies and gentlemen will be our future we will need to learn how to do this if we are going to prosper in the future this is going to be a skill that is going to be very valuable to all of us in the future all right so having sat down let me stop babbling having said that remember to be good to each other when good people do good things good things happen remember to reach one teach one to repeat if we all did this the world would be a better place and you know that it will be a better place many blessings to all of you and your families this is Alaska prepper and I'm out god bless
Channel: Alaska Prepper
Views: 40,424
Rating: 4.9496613 out of 5
Keywords: pressure canning beef ground long term food storage
Id: yW-ZTNXu0lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 8sec (3068 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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