Canning GROUND Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Sausage, Venison

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[Music] hey guys it's James from Jabra farm and I just got back from one of our local bee farms that was having a sale on their ground pork so I got twenty pounds of it that I'm going to count up today I'm going to take you guys along with me and show you exactly step by step how I can ground me now this recipe is going to work with your candy ground sausage or ground beef or ground turkey or chicken or any of those things the only thing that would be a little different as if you're canning some sort of a wild game such as venison and where you're going to need to add a little bit of fat but other than that all the basics all the regular meat this is exactly what you're going to do for us now why do you want to can ground me well I go over this and wheat in our video why we can meet and you guys can watch my video in full but to give you the quick overview one it's going to save you money lots and lots of money because you can buy in bulk and you can can it and store it for later so you don't have to wait to you run out of something go to the store and pay full price secondly it's going to save you money because you don't have to run a freezer you can just store it on yourself and it will last for a minimum of a year technically it's going to last you for like 10 years or more as long as it stays sealed and then the third reason is that it's going to be so quick to throw into any recipe I actually just opened up a jar of sausage last night throw it into some tomato sauce and made an awesome pasta sauce so it's going to be really convenient for whipping up a quick meal so I will take you guys along with me go ahead show you guys how to can ground meat all right so in order to can ground me you're going to need a pressure canner I have an all-american 9:21 here you will need a pressure canner toucans meat because it is very low acid and it needs to be canned in the pressure canner if you guys need a refresher course on how it can I'm going to link to my canning 101 video it's pretty comprehensive but you will need a pressure canner second thing you're going to need is a valuable hot boiling water which I have on the stove here ready to go we're going to use this to fill our jars you can also use tomato juice or broth if you like I just use water and then it makes a broth whenever it starts to cook so I don't worry about adding additional flavors to it you're going to need to pop two socks a your your median and then you're going to need your jars now you can canvass neither pint jars or quart jars it picks approximately one pound of meat will fill one pint jar I like the can in pipe jars because I'll use one point in my recipes I doesn't matter what type of bleeds you have or what type of opening this is a standard opening and this is a wide mouth you can see I'm mixing them here so it really doesn't matter which one you're using you're also going to need your lid if you want to use newest that's the preferred way to go I tend to recycle some old and sometimes that's just what I do if you guys want to play it safe use new lids but you're going to be lids either way and then I read need rings to fit each one of your jars now some people like to saute their rings in water it just manufacturer preferred I don't do that and it just helps to soften up the the gummy on the on the lids I have never had a problem with my lid sealing so I don't do that plus as you can tell I kind of ran out of space anyway I just make sure that you live the clean and as far as sterilization and long as you are water bath canning or pressure canning for a minimum of 10 minutes or more you do not need to sterilize your jars they just need to be cleaned so my current over here are just clean jars alright let's get started alright so the recipe that we're going to follow is found on the National Center for home food preservation I'm going to leave the link to this website down in the description make sure you bookmark that link because it's a really good link it's what I refer to for all of my candy times and you can see under the procedure that it tells you the instructions for whichever meat that you're canning and basically we're just going to lightly Brown the meat and then Canada we're going to use water leaving a 1-inch headspace and we're going to add a teaspoon of salt because we're going to be canning using the plaint jars not the quart jars down below that you can see your your process times four depending on which Kantor you have now the top one is for the dial gauge pressure canner and the bottom one is for a weighted gage pressure canner you're going to need to know which pressure canner you have in order to follow the instructions for the OL American it is a dual purpose Kantar it has those a dial gauge and a way to gauge but we always refer to the weight gauge whenever we are using this canner so for us we are going to go with a hot pack pint jars prophet pie in 75 minutes and because we are under an altitude of a thousand feet we're going to do it at 10 pounds of pressure all right so the next thing you need to know is how much meat are you going to saute up this depends on the size of your panic for the all-american 921 it fits between 14 and 16 jars just depending on if you're using wide mouths of regular mouths I'm using a mixture here so I'm going to probably guess it's going to be around 15 jars so that means I'm going to be canning up about 15 pounds of meat that means there you have 20 pounds of meat means I'm going to be going to cantaloupes now something to keep in mind when pressure canning it takes usually about three hours per load just keep that in mind make sure that you don't have to run off somewhere going and errands in the middle of your pressure canning make sure you have that at least got three hours to do your gear pressure can [Music] all right so you can see here that we just lightly browned it it's actually still a little pink in places that's okay it's going to cook completely in the pressure canner so we just need to Brown up just a little bit and now we're going to add it to our jars so really the slotted spoon so we don't we drain out a lot of fat fat can now prevent it from sealing and you're just going to fill your jars up to the one inch mark for those of you that don't know with the one inch mark is it's usually this bottom ring here if you have one of these bubble tools it has like little steps on it and I'll tell you one inch so you can rest that right on your jar and it'll tell you right where to fill it up [Music] alright now I'm going to add a teaspoon of non-iodized salt to each one of my plain jars if you were doing quart jars you're going to do two teaspoons but salt is completely optional you don't have to use salt at all just make sure you're using non-iodized it's the preferred type of salt for canning I think the main reason is mostly because it prevents cloudiness now we're going to fill our jars up with boiling water and again you're still going to leave that one inch headspace [Music] now I'm just going to take my bubble remover tool and I'm just going to go around the inside of each of the jars and this is going to remove any bubbles and also help pack some of the food down and you might find you need to add a little bit more water as a food settles or broth or juice whatever you're using [Music] this one needs a little bit more water let's go top that off [Music] all right now we need to wipe the rims off and I like to use white vinegar for this it helps to remove some of the grease a little bit better than just using water so just go around each of the Rings rims and this is important because it removes some of the grease and any food that the Rings will or the littlefield now we just put our lids on and see there's a recycled one and you can use the recycled ones as long as there's no dents in the side and that the rubber still all there but again that's that's only if you want to do that and now we put the rings on finger tight and we can place it in the canner [Music] [Music] the stars are pretty hot so you might need to use a towel so they find jars in there I'm going to put another seven or eight on top so I need to put the separator in next I will stack our second row on top so for those of you guys that want to be extra thrifty you can actually save the drippings from whatever meat you're cooking and you can skim the fat off the top and use that for cooking at some future recipe and I'm going to leave the link to our saving drippings up above and that's what you're going to see me doing here [Music] we're going to put that aside alright so now I'm going to start my second batch of ground sausage in my Park my pops not big enough to hold all of it at one time so I do it in batches this is going to sit in here while I cook the next batch we're going to put another six or seven pounds in here and then we should have enough to start the camera [Music] where I got our counter spool we're just going to line the rim of a canner with olive oil to just prevent it from sticking and you can do this in advance too if you think of it I kind of forgot [Music] and now you just put the lid on by lining up the arrow and watch it and using the opposite toggle you can I'll lock it down finger tight [Music] all right now I'm just going to turn my burner on eighth now my burner goes from a scale of low which is one always a high which is 10 I'm going to put it on me and we're going to let this come up to temperature and it's going to start to vent you're going to start to feel steam coming out of this hole we're going to let us vent for 10 minutes before we put any weight on so I'll see you back in a few minutes very excited about 20 minutes and you can start the she'll that that the event is starting to bed you can run your hand over and feel the hot air come out and you can hear it hissing so right now we're going to time this for 10 minutes or and allows lots of bed for 10 minutes all right it's been venting for 10 minutes or timer went off now we're going to add the weight on again this is only if you're using this particular type of camera which is a weighted pH canner and because the pop of my altitude I'm going to put it on the 10 and you can see that the pressure started to come up a little bit as we were venting but now we're going to wait for it to come up to 10 once it gets up to 10 that is when we're going to start our timer for 75 minutes remember 75 minutes was for processing pints jars so we'll do an hour and 15 minutes as soon as I get up to 10 and we're just going to have to keep an eye on it to adjust the temperature to make sure it doesn't go too high and to make sure that it doesn't fall below 10 all right so our way to gauge started rattling now's the time to set our timer for one hour and 15 minutes you can also tell from the visual guide that is above 10 psi that's what it needs to be for our particular location and right now we just need to keep an eye on it to make sure that it doesn't go too high and it doesn't drop the low Cynthia sighs so I'm going to drop my burner temperature down to 6 and I'm just going to keep an eye on that gauge because if I kept it on a beach it's going to continue to rise rise rise and I want to make sure that it stays right around that 1011 mark where this is rattling about 4 times a minute so we're just going to keep an eye on this for like the next 15 minutes or so and it'll start to stabilize I'll probably end up having to drop the temperature again to somewhere around 4 but it will start to stabilize and then you can just let it go for the full 1 hour and 15 minutes all right your ground sausage has been cooking in the pressure cooker for about an hour and 15 minutes now all we're going to do is just turn it off you don't want to remove the weight you just want to turn it off and we're going to wait until the stage gets all the way down to zero before we do anything else all right you can see that the gauge is now down to zero now it's okay to remove the weight and we're just going to allow its event for another 10 minutes before we remove the lid all right our sausage is done everything's been fixed now it's time to remove the lid and see what we have so before we do that I'm going to cover our countertop with a cloth because we're going to put our jars in here so the same way you put the lid on your 6 to live off [Music] opposite bottle and you're going to turn it a half turn a little bit to the file up and then just make sure you vent it away from you get Zoomer now we're just going to take out our jars usually I might for something to remove this to remove this separator to the top [Music] that's it guys our sawfish is completely camp it's completely cooked we're going to let it sit here on the countertop for 24 hours or until all the lids are sealed so sometime tomorrow I'm going to come back check all the lids to make sure that they're all sealed make sure that they're on dented I'm going to remove the Rings from each one and then with soapy water I'm going to wipe everything down and then I'm going to mark the tops with what it is which is sawfish and the date here's a jar that I can back on 9/16 this is what it's going to look like after it sits for 24 hours you can see you don't have a nice layer of fat on top that's just from the sausage and this is ready to eat right out of the jar so you can open this up and and eat it right away a lot of people are confused about this and think it needs cooked it's already been cooked in the pressure canner so this is ready to go and as far as its fat layer if you want to scoop that off and save it and use it for cooking you could do that now somebody had asked what makes me so shelf-stable I can eat sit on a shelf as opposed to going into refrigerator and the answer to that is that it's microorganisms that cause food to go bad so when you pressure can you are essentially killing off those microorganisms or when you even water back in you're creating an environment that is the type of organisms can exist a low oxygen high acidity or in this case where it's high heat that kills up the microcosm the same it's the same concept as if you're buying a canned tuna off the shelf so it's good to eat right off the shelf so these are all good to go these will last according to the USDA the time stamp on them is one year but there are people that eat them 5 10 15 years as long as it stays sealed in here my jar stinging insect a crown so it's going to be stay sealed oh you open it up we smell it it smells good to you nothing looks off about it then they're good to go so I hope it's been helpful with you guys again this is for candy any kind of ground meat and you can be beef or turkey anything this is how you do it super simple super way super easy way of whipped up a meal and also for long-term food storage I hope it's been helpful you guys if you guys have any tips or tricks for canning ground meat leave them down below you have any questions I am by no means the expert but I'll try and help answer your questions or other people reading them can also help answer leave those down below as well and if you like this kind of stuff like and subscribe okay in the next video we have more canning recipes coming out see you guys in smart video and and what's a couple in addition to do cookies and I'm going to leave that link validus I'm going [Music]
Channel: Guildbrook Farm
Views: 411,937
Rating: 4.9652858 out of 5
Keywords: homestead, homesteading, canning, canning meat, how to can, pressure canning, canned meat, quick meals, pressure canning meat, canning venison, canned venison, canning bear, canning beef, canned pork, canned ground beef, canned meat products, canning deer meat, can meat, canned sausage, canned chicken, canned turkey, ground beef, sausage, pork, venison, deer meat, ground turkey, turkey, save money, save money on groceries, guildbrook farm, beef, meat, ground, farm, canner, prepper
Id: otrFFsPgFNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2017
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