How To Pressure Can CHICKEN ~ LETS DO THIS!

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[Music] [Music] and today we are going to be canning chicken so we are gonna get right to it as you can see I'm gonna be canning some chicken breasts okay I think just about everything that I've been sharing with you all for the whole canning process I've been doing food items that I felt were easy to do especially for those who just are new to getting into canning and you just want to learn quickly how to get it done especially for the time that we're in because the time does dictate what must be done right the time dictates what must be done so now that we know what must be done we know that a part of that is food preservation and I do have the entire food preservation playlist that is going to be down in the description box below maybe the comments section as well and I might even put some cards up here for y'all to see it as well so this chicken recipe is going to be very very simple as well so now I'm going to tell you now I am using whole chicken breasts to do this and I'm gonna be canning using the pint and a half size jars not the paint's not the courts but this is the one in the middle for all of my newbies okay so this is pint and a half and I use paint in the half sized jars for all of my meat whether it's chicken breasts ground turkey ground chicken chicken legs chicken thighs I always use the pint and a half size jars because these jars to me for our family holds the perfect amount of meat and if I need more well I can just grab another one of these but this is the perfect size jar for us not to mention that wide mallet makes it easy to get the product inside and it makes it really easy to clean this jar you can in any counter me or any kind of fish I always recommend a wide mouth whether it's going to be a pint a quart or a pint and a half I recommend a wide now it just makes it so much easier so we're going to go ahead alright so the first thing we're going to do is just grab my chicken breasts these chicken breasts have already been washed and of course I just kind of let them sit in a little bit of vinegar for about 20-30 minutes or so not a lot of vinegar just a little bit this is a pretty big chicken for a student yeah so I cut it in half maybe I should bring out a little bit closer now all I'm gonna do is just get my chicken breast cut up into cubes or little chunks about so size you know there's no like perfect way to do this you cut them up in a size that you'd like okay and I am doing mine raw and I'm not taking off any of the fat I'm gonna leave all the fat in there I sure anything that's gonna make some good flavor for this chicken okay cut this in half again because like I said this is a pretty big chicken breast right you all right I'm just gonna start getting this cut all right now some people prefer to actually cook their chicken breast or whatever they are doing some people prefer to either boil it or bake it in the oven for a little bit see those chunks some people prefer to cook it first and then panic okay now me personally I do not do that I like to get this done as quickly as I can it's already taking time to just simply cut this up so I'm all about trying to get it done quick all right so now when I get to cutting this up remember I'm doing this the easy way and I'm trying to do a quick fashion in an area this chicken is cold this chicken is so cold I'm gonna go ahead and get all this chicken cut up y'all I hope y'all are doing this with me if you are I would love to know if you're doing chicken breast chicken legs chicken thighs what are you kidding what are you cannon y'all know you is so many different proteins that y'all can can you can can salmon you can can't you can can turkey ground turkey you can you can turkey sausage sure can you can can beef burger some people even can ground venison you know is deer I don't know why we have to use the fancy word venison deer all right y'all let's get to it so I got my first jar here I got for chicken legs and then chicken breasts so now the first thing I'm gonna do is before I put the legs in I'm going to go ahead and add a little bit of seasoning to my jar now you can add whatever seasonings you want to the jars but I'm just gonna be adding some salt canning salt or kosher salt whichever you choose to the jar so now this is my canning salt I'm gonna add a teaspoon of salt and I'm gonna add a nice heaping half a teaspoon of garlic powder now you can add whatever you want but around here I put garlic powder or garlic and just about everything okay so now I'm going to attempt to get my chicken legs in here this is one leg and this is going to be what is called a raw Peck okay so I'm just going to take my raw chicken leg and I'm going to put one down and then I'm going to find the other one I'm going to put it down in the jar so that's two okay that's two and then I'm going to take the other two and I'm going to stand them straight up I'm going to press it down in the jar all the way down I gotta get it in here wait a minute sometimes they do not cooperate matching your net okay so I think what I'm gonna do is put the two bigger ones down first yeah then put my short moves down in there and hopefully that'll make a difference and it did alright mash you down in there sometimes you gotta finagle it y'all now look at this jar here we go see there it's down in there that's it I'm not gonna um well let me just sit this to the side for right now we will talk in just a second so this is the first jar will sit that to the side I'm gonna grab another jar but before I do I'm gonna wash my hands I need one of my hands to be clean so I'm gonna wash my hands alright so now I'm gonna do a couple of jars at a time I'm gonna grab my garlic powder down in the bottom now each guitar and my salt a teaspoon is going in this is a half teaspoon I got my salt and my garlic powder down in here and now what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna get my chicken breast add it to these jars now this is so simple when your can and chicken I'm gonna pick some up drop it down in the jar pick some up drop it in the jar remember and I keep one of these hands clean y'all see how simple it is down in a jar might be able to get a couple more pieces in there let's see yeah it's about right I'm leaving a 1-inch headspace on these 1-inch headspace okay if you're new to canning hopefully you got yourself a little canning kit that comes with all the little tools that you need so you can use your it's a measuring tool but it also doubles as a d' bubbler use that little tool to make sure you got the proper headspace but if need be just always know that that bottom rim is one-inch so this bottom rim right here of the jar that's a 1 inch headspace okay so you can eyeball it just like that yep maybe one load over here man that's pushing it alright but I might be able to get 1/2 a piece over here let's see all right I'm gonna leave it just like this I'm gonna sit this jar to the side cuz we got to get them all done alright so with my clean hand we've got clean hand I'm adding my keeping teach people have teaspoon of garlic powder to each one of my jars and a teaspoon of kosher or canning and pickling salt do not use salt with iodine in it okay y'all because that is gonna make for some ugly-looking stuff all right I'm gonna sit this back to the side a hunger trying to operate with your left hand and then all right y'all I'm back I have truly learned how to multitask cuz I'm doing multiple things while I'm doing this as well so instead of having to keep going and washing my hands every time I have to stop and check on some other things I'm just gonna use my little what you cut my little tongues that's what they are I'm gonna use those to get my chicken down inside of my jars okay so now the next jar this is so easy [Music] and make sure you give your chicken a good rinse okay once you cut it up just give it a rinse and you can even soak it like I said and some vinegar and water for a few minutes not a long time I'm leaving a billion water overnight just soak it for a few minutes and some vinegar and water yeah look at this I think although the rest of this chicken gonna go right down in this jar right here I think this is perfect now I don't remember how many pounds of chicken breast this is but you're gonna get it all down in here yeah this was perfect all right one moppy all right and that's gonna be that I can actually borrow one from right here and put it right there and then all my jars are even yep to the side now you call these jaws up here remember if you're new to canning always before you start check around the rim of your own jars to make sure there are no cracks no Nicks okay you want to make sure there's nothing that's gonna stop your jar from sealing okay now the next thing I'm gonna do because I've already seasoned all of my jars I am going to take my little spatula here or if you got that D bubbling tool but I'm gonna take my little spatula I am going to take my little rubber spatula here and I'm gonna go around my jars and this is going to help to release any air pockets okay and then I'm gonna stir this one to the side same thing with my chicken breasts coming with my chicken legs we just want to release any air pockets that could be hanging out okay yep just going around the sides good Nick this is a very important step y'all get the air out of your jars as best you can last one all right yeah now that I've done that part I am going to take my vinegar and my little paper towel here and I am going to start to wipe the rims of each one of my jars okay some vinegar on net and squeeze squeeze out the excess it is so important y'all because this grease from this chicken will definitely keep these jars from ceilings so wipe these rims in wipe them good okay all right that's done now I'm ready to put on my lids okay just pop a more in that sample and just in case you're wondering about why I'm not adding any liquid to this some people will add a little bit of liquid to the bottom of some kind of broth orbs of some kind but chicken will make its own broth okay it's gonna make its own bra so real especially the legs with that bone in there is no need for me to make a broth to put in here it's not absolutely necessary for me to do that okay now I am going to add my bands okay fingertip tight y'all don't crank down on these leads that air has to be able to escape and by the way my lids that I'm putting on here these are brand new okay they just took him out the box however my rings are old I will keep these rings for as long as they will let me did you just reuse them and take them up okay so now that that's done all this left to do is get them in the pressure can okay so now my channel is cold okay bars nylon it's cold okay I have my three inches of water in my canner which is three quarts for my presto canner you always want to check on the directions or the guide to your canner to see what the recommended amount of water is when you are about to pressure can because it's different for different types of pressure canner okay pressure canner so keep that in mind also before you start check your altitude so you will know how many pounds of pressure you will need to properly can or preserve your food it is different based upon your location okay but for me and my elevation the pressure that I can add is ten pounds I know when I lived in Denver it was fifteen pounds of pressure because we were like way up there right so that was 15 pounds of pressure but for me here in Georgia now it is only 10 pounds of pressure so now again my canner is cold my jars are cold so these have to go in a cold canner you don't want to put cold jars in hot water okay so all we're going to do now is get these babies down in the canner and be in my chicken leaves actually I would have more chicken Denise but I'm wrong I had to cook some of it yesterday so I will be I will be canning more chicken more ground turkey and all of that so yeah but I had to share some all right so now that I have all my product in this is the remainder of that benefit that I use to wipe my rims with I'm going to pour that in the water now I'm gonna get mine chopper 1 and seal it who let together tight make sure your pot is centered on your burner turn this baby on high heat and let it start to do its thing and we're just gonna let this sit here and start to build up pressure now what's going to happen is it's going to build up pressure you know is X what's gonna happen is once this starts to build up pressure it's going to start to push air out of this little pipe out of this little bit it's called venting and it's gonna push air out push beam out and once it starts pushing out a steady flow of steam then you want to start a timer for 10 minutes and it's got to be a steady flow of steam okay but once it started shooting out that steady flow of steam constantly you're set a timer for 10 minutes allow it to vent for 10 minutes then you'll come back you'll put your weight or your regulator on top of the vent pipe and you'll let it build up pressure I don't know what my pressure regulated you still we got a problem I found it okay it was in my candy box I can't lose this this is important I need to stop sitting this Bank everywhere I do it all the time but anyway this is my little pressure regulator right here so once it starts venting for that ten minutes and that time is up then I'll just put that on and my pressure canner will build up steam I mean build up pressure all the way to ten pounds and once it gets to ten pounds I'll show you what we do all right so y'all stay tuned okay the timer going off this is vented for ten minutes then I add my pressure regulator right over the top trim the time off once this gets to ten pounds of pressure that's when I will start my timer you will press your can chicken meat for 90 minutes okay one hour 30 minutes you will pressure can all you meat okay so now right now it's just at five pounds of pressure but again once this gets to ten pounds of pressure for my altitude remember to check your altitude to know exactly how many pounds of pressure you need to properly can your food okay so I'm going to let this build up to ten pounds once mine gets to ten pounds I'm going to start my timer for ninety minutes after the time is up I will come back and turn the fire off and let this come down from pressure my gage will have to come all the way down to zero the nipple has to be all the way down before I remove this pressure regulator okay so when time comes to take these babies out we'll be back and we will be looking at the finished product of how to can chicken alright y'all the time is done I have alarms going off everywhere to let me know so I can hear it so all I'm gonna do is just turn the fire off okay let's turn off the timer so now even though I turned this off now I say this every video but just in case you haven't watched the rest of the videos in the food preservation series and you're new to canning and this is your very first video I say this and all of my videos do not touch this canner once it has done pressure canning it's still hot and it still have a lot of pressure inside so we're just gonna turn it turn the fire off leave it alone so this is gonna take probably a good hour before this comes down from pressure so I'll see y'all in an hour or for y'all it'll be like right now alright y'all the jars are ready to come out of the camera I'm cold mm-hmm the jars are ready to come out of the canner so we're gonna get them out I'm going to take off my little pressure regulator because I can do that because my nipple is down in the back and my gauge is down to zero I'm going to open this canner right here I just loosened it first and then I'm gonna lift this lid away from me I don't see it every video you do not want to burn off their beautiful skin or if you got to be here you don't want to burn that beard off okay that's cool away from us alright y'all wanna see these wait board wait for y'all look at that chicken bricks I'm gonna bring y'all closer don't worry that chicken breast looks so good yes it does the chicken legs mm-hmm in the last one she can breathe alright y'all all right do y'all see that let me help you do you know they still balling on the inside now let me show y'all look at it that beautiful chicken breast and awesome and these gorgeous chicken legs down now beautiful y'all oh look at they're just gorgeous gorgeous all right we're gonna sit this down because they still boiling inside all right hell that's it that's how easy it is to can chicken and you can do this with legs you can do this with thighs you can do this with wings you can do this of course with the chicken breast it is just so simple right so in our case we are getting more of our own meat birds ends and we have truly learned just how much chicken we need to get us through one full year it's gonna do what you all I hope you found this video helpful if you did give us a thumbs up don't forget to hit the subscribe button in the notification Bell so you don't miss any videos that we upload to our channel okay so y'all in the description box or in a card somewhere I'll be sure to leave the link to the entire food preservation playlist that we have been doing okay so thank you all so much again thank you to all of our wonderful subscribers new and existing we do appreciate your support thank y'all for watching homestead heart peace and blessings and prayers to each and every one of you and your families I'll see you in the next food preservation video [Music] you [Music]
Views: 147,785
Rating: 4.9821043 out of 5
Keywords: How to pressure can chicken, How to store Dry Beans Long Term, How to preserve candy, How to can potatoes, How To Can Carrots, How to make homemade Jelly, How To Can Green Beans, Black Farmers, Black Homesteaders, How To Start Homesteading, How to Process Chickens, How to cook Okra and Tomatoes, How to Raise meat birds, how to can butter, how to dehydrate vegetables, livestock guardian dogs, how to start a garden, how to grow squash, weed free gardening, garden pest
Id: HdxEQecdlKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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