Pressure Canning Hamburger

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hi and welcome to rosebud homestead I am really excited today to share with you one of my all-time favorite meal shortcuts so we'll get to it in just a moment [Music] my favorite meal shortcut is having pipe jars just like this of pressure canned hamburger on my pantry shelf so I can just take one off that shelf and use it anytime I want to it's kind of my version that fast food maybe and so you know some people might think it's silly to take the time to can hamburger when it really is so fast to just cook it whenever you need it on a daily or weekly basis but see that's just the point it cooks up so fast and so I can do a huge amount mess up one set of dishes wash them and then I won't have to do it again the next twelve times I need to have hamburger so some of the things that we use this canned hamburger for are things like tacos or lasagna or here is jar of our sloppy joe mix that we did our video on about three weeks ago and we still have some of those out on our shelf and so all I would need to do to fix an evening meal is get this in combination with a pint of that hamburger heat both of them up at the same time and the meal is ready one of our favorite meals is taco soup now I've planned ahead for that about a year ago I plant i canned my gosh I bet I can't 30 quarts of mixed beans so this is three varieties of beans its pinto beans kidney beans and this particular one looks like it's navy beans sometimes I'll also do black beans and I put onions in here and a piece of bacon and so this is the foundation for actually pretty much anything we do with beans but particularly taco soup and the other day I just went out but I've got one of these off the shelf added to that a pint of our canned beef and a can of corn and kind of tomatoes and there was taco soup once I ended the seasoning so it's quick it is convenient and it is really good to have these on hand for emergency preparedness as well when the grit may go down for a while and we wouldn't be able to cook any meat so we have it out there already so here's what we're going to be doing Jim found a really good buy on hamburger a couple of days ago at the grocery store and just surprised me and brought this home along with these beautiful roses which he just does this all the time just for no reason at all and I twenty years of marriage I still have just thrilled every time he brings me roses but this is I think between eleven and twelve pounds of hamburger now I took ten minutes and chopped up three very large onions so I'm going to be cooking this hamburger with the onions now I want to just share with you a little bit about what the USDA recommends in terms of bottling ground meat of any kind beef or pork or whatever I have watched a number of videos on pressure canning of hamburger and I am a little bit alarmed to see that some people are advocating that all you need to do is just put the raw hamburger into the jar and pack it down really tight and then pressure candidate now if you understand the science that the USDA does that particular choice is operating within the margin of error which is a pretty scary place to be when you are talking about food for our families so what the USDA does when they decide what they're going to put forward as their recommendation is for pressure canning the whole point is because this is low acid food we want to get the temperature in the very center most middle east part if that's a word of the food up to 240 degrees minimum and hold it there for a particular length of time so that it kills any botulism spores that may be there now it's not very likely at all in the United States that's this meat has any much Elisabet spores in it at all but that's where the margin of error comes in it could not a high probability but do you want to take that probability that when you pack raw hamburger in here so tightly that that middle temperature doesn't get up to 240 degrees and maintain for as long as it takes it's an individual decision and I choose not to do that so instead what we are going to do is I'm going to cook this hamburger just enough so that it is kind of in granules that are browned along the outside so that it doesn't stick together it does not have to be cooked all the way through because obviously it is going to cook during the 75 minutes four pints of processing time and I'd like to leave it it probably would be to the very rare stage now I would never eat hamburger at the very rare stage but I know that it still has some of those juices in it which I want to mingle with the beef bouillon that I'm also going to be adding so we're going to cook up this hamburger with the onions and then we're going to put it in the jars and get air pockets out as much as possible I'm still not gonna pack it down hard that defeats the purpose there needs to be spaces between the little beef granules or whatever we want to call them lumps crumbles so that the liquid can get down in there and that way there is no doubt that the temperature is able to penetrate clear to the center so we're going to go off-camera and we'll come back when I have this meat all ready to go and we'll show you what I at the degree of doneness that I take it to at that point in time so we'll see you in a minute so cooking this meat took only 20 minutes and so right now from my time chopping the onions and cooking the meat we're into this project 30 minutes of my time now I'd like for you to take a really close look at this meat it is nowhere near done it is just browned you can probably tell by the onions but you can see little red spots where the meat is still quite rare I wanted to preserve the other juices right here some red I wanted to preserve the juices inside the meat as much as possible so that they can mix their own juice with the beef bullion that I'm going to be putting in the jars as well so all we're going to do now is I'm not I don't want any fat in so the fat is now all down at the bottom here and there really wasn't much now this has measurements on the inside and it says we have 12 pints I prepared 12 pint jars we will see if we actually get 12 pints but it should be fairly close and then I want to leave some good headspace Tara and I am going to just put the glue on I have the bullion ready over here and I will put the bullion in all at the same time for all the jars so I'm just going to fill these jars leaving about an inch and headspace when I get down in this pen to where there is liquid either fat or the juices from the meat then I'm going to start using a slotted spoon to get these in and it looks like you're almost there go over to the side here where it's still fairly dry now I'm packing it by stomping it down like this I'm not putting my fingers in and squishing it together that's where the danger would come if we tried to just make it into one solid mass then we know that we are in the margin of error again not as likely that the internal temperature in the very center will get to where we wanted it if it was just one solid mass of meat I've gone just about as far as I can with the dryer part of this meat this is my jam pan which I have just come to love my Maslin pan I use it for so much else besides Jam as you can see so it is really a wonderful addition to my kitchen supplies I don't know why I waited so long okay now we go with a slotted spoon and I'm pushing it against the side to kind of let those juices drip out so this project will probably take total of my time about I'm guessing maybe 45 minutes and for 45 minutes of my time I now have 12 easy quick meals that I can just pull right off the shelf so for me that's a pretty darn good trade-off I was just reflecting on how expensive hamburger is now compared to when I was a very young bride in Houston Texas on sale my my first husband was in dental school at that time and I wanted to be a really good shopper my grocery allowance for the two of us was $5.00 a week if you can imagine and I could get 5 pounds of hamburger for a dollar and believe me I learned to stretch that hamburger for a week's worth of meals we had tacos a lot of course gas was 17 cents a gallon then too sometimes you could get on sale for 11 cents and just for more price comparison from the you know the olden days I was so excited because when I was in college at Brigham Young University they brought in McDonald's to town their very first McDonald's in town and we could get hamburgers there for nine cents apiece and french fries for 11 cents we are going to have more than 12 pints which is great I've only prepared 12 jars so I'm going to stop the video here in a minute and go get it probably a couple more jars and get them filled and then we'll be right back so I finished seven they're out in the camera right now and they are on the bottom layer and we have the other rack on the top of those jars ready to receive the second layer so we have 14 pints now I wanted to show you what we have left of this liquid after lightly browning the meat so the whole top layer is fat so we're glad to get rid of that but there is some probably some pretty good meat juice there and according to my measure we have one pint of juice that's left down in the bottom so of course we're just going to discard this but it was interesting to see how much was left I think that if I remember right Jim bought the 80 percent twenty percent fat so I'm going to finish these up so you can see what this is still nice and warm what happens and this is nice warm broth and these are this is another one of those wonderful silicone measuring cups that I have this one holds a whole quart and boy can they have rapport beautifully so I love these I got those at williams-sonoma and they were worth every penny I don't tell you I have the quart size and the vinegar on the paper towel to wipe and then the lids and the bands are over here washed and ready to go so there's one down I used to just struggle with trying to get my measuring cups to pour without dripping all over the place which of course the evidence for that is in some of our videos I may be wondering why I cook onions and candles onions right along with the beef and the reason is in our family we are all about flavor we just love wonderful flavors and so I always cook hamburger with onions anyway and so this is just eliminating one step that I now don't have to do when I pull these off the shelf so that's also very very nice and of course I'm using this table knife to just poke down in there and make sure we took no air holes and then the vinegar cuts the fat if there is any thought maybe that was a little chip but it was just a the way that glass was made now I know some people do not use table knives to do this error test and getting the air bubbles out because it might score the inside of the jars and break them in the canner I've been doing this for 50 years I've never in a jar so I think most of the people that promote those are also getting a kickback on their website and as you know we don't get any kind of kickback so we don't sell anything we don't accept free merchandise we think it preserves our integrity and allows us to say exactly what we want to about any of the products that we use on in our videos okay let's see so I have probably about a cup left of the boullion oh here's the two cup measure that I had I thought maybe I might need it for something but I didn't so I made two quarts of that video I made two quarts of that bouillon and so we have about a cup left and here's our last one and finger-tight whatever that means you just almost have to sort of figure it out for yourself okay so we're going to head out to the canner and we'll see you out there while we get these last jars loaded in we're out here at this canning station that Jim built for me with the windbreaks right here and we're going to need to use those today because it's a little bit breezy we have to protect the flame to make sure that it doesn't go out during pressure County so it is middle of September we're probably going to be in the 90s today last week we were in the hundreds so we're grateful for this little bit of cooling come on over here and take a look inside and you can see that we have seven on the bottom and then here's the second rack and I'm going to put the other seven right here now I have had as many as 18 points in here these are white mouse and besides all I did today was 14 so 14 fit just fine sometimes when the jars are skinnier I can fit more now we're going to go ahead and put the lid on I know that you all know that we'll let this vent a huge big big vent of steam once it comes up to a boil and starts venting we'll hold that and let it vent for 10 minutes so it will clear all the air out and replace that air with steam on the inside and then we will will put the weight right over the vent bring it up to 13 pounds of pressure we usually hold it between 13 and 15 we are at 5,000 feet and so according to the USDA we need at least 13 pounds of pressure so always consult the USDA tables you can find those online I'm going to put a link to those underneath the video so that you can look up whatever it is you're canning and find out for sure what the time and the pressure is when you are doing a pressure canning then once these are pints so they have to process for 75 minutes and then when that is done we will let these cool down on their own and we will come back in a couple of hours or a little bit more when this has cooled down and the pressure is at zero we'll open the lid and take these out and we will just check on what we have done today so we'll see you then so the processing time is done the cooling time is done and we're ready to see the results of our efforts today so I'm going to carefully lift this to one anymore steam it appears there's not and the airlock ventus all the way down so i'm going to very carefully open this lid the handles are a little hot and i'm going to tip it away from me okay now we're going to take these out oh well they're still boiling like crazy and look at that the meat is up at the top and the bullion plus the juices from the hamburger are at the bottom so we'll just move these over here we have 14 to put out here so try to make room for all of them well one just popped another product another we're getting some popping here so that's good all right so there are we are 14 pints of pressure canned hamburger ready for us to use in our version fast food meals so I hope that this is something that you might want to try in your own home and what as well if you've never done this before it's quick and it's easy it certainly does result in a lot of easy quick meal preparation so thank you for joining us and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: RoseRed Homestead
Views: 49,337
Rating: 4.9801736 out of 5
Keywords: Canning Hamburger, hamburger, pressure canning, quick meals
Id: OPMXbRjFne4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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