Can You Spot The Difference? (Cursed Image Game)

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I liked when Link started harmonizing, and that Gavin was startled by it. That was a fun moment.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/toadpuppy 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

An okay episode with a okay guest not bad or good just ok

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/mmcmah3 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

TIL that you can wet your whistle, but you can't Rhett your whistle.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

The guest was great. I liked him a lot more than Iliza.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SwaggiiP 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Which one of us will end up cursed the worst? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat synth music) - Good mythical morning - Today we're joined by one of the stars of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, out on Netflix right now. It's Gavin Leatherwood. - Alright. Welcome to the show Gavin. - Thank you for having me, happy to be here. - Now I like both leather and wood. - Okay, good. - But if you had to choose one, which would it be. - Oh man, I think, I probably wear leather more often than I wear wood, I don't know who wears wood. (laughter) I do chop some of it in Oregon now and then, I have a respect for both of them, it would probably be leather though. - All right, no judgment here. - Okay, all right. - Thanks, appreciate it. - Now, we know that Gavin's character on the show is very unlucky, right? You might even say cursed. So, we thought it was only fitting to play a game with the most unsettling phenomena on the internet, cursed images. - Yes, we'll be staring down the belly of the beastly photos and trying to make our eyes see the nearly unseeable, or else. - [Announcer] It's time for bubble bubble toil and trouble. These cursed images got us seeing double. - Okay Gavin are you familiar with the concept of cursed images. - I've seen one or two in my time, yes. - Okay, yes. So we're talking about these images that go around on the internet, they're kinda unsettling, just kinda upsetting-- - Disturbing - For some reason. - So, here's an example. (groans) - That's not something I've ever-- - Thought about doing. - Yeah, now that I see it. - My sister and my best friend did this, I'm not kidding, it's more disturbing, well I mean that's pretty disturbing. But like, it's pretty disturbing in person too. - Let's see another one. Okay, something's wrong with this mouse. - Yeah, that Mickey is not being endorsed by Disney World or Disney Land. - Cursed images, you get the idea, but here's how we're gonna play the game. We're gonna be presented with two nearly identical versions of one cursed image. However, one of those images will have two small differences that have been added by the Mythical Crew, and basically we have to spot the differences. Once we think we've spotted a difference, not both of them, just one, we'll knock on wood to buzz in and give our answer. - Whoever is last to spot a difference must perform a cursed punishment, which is gonna consist of doing things that are considered cursed, in different parts of the world. You ready? - I think so. - Alright, let's do this. (eerie sound effect) - A desk apparently wasn't good enough, we've added buzzer wood. - Hey, hey, hey, I like buzzer wood. - [Stevie] Only the best. Before we see our first pair of cursed images, there is one more rule, if you knock on wood first but you're wrong, you can't guess again until someone else has found the first difference. And, if you buzz in but guess wrong on the second difference, you're automatically the loser of the round. So, use those knocks carefully. - Alright, alright. - [Stevie] Here are your first images. - [Link] Oh my gosh, what is happening. I don't see any differences. (knock) - No. - Okay, I knocked, did you hear it? - [Stevie] I'm sorry yes, yes, yes. - So it's a koala mask? - On the right side, there's been a little toe nail added. - [Stevie] Correct. - [Gavin] What. - Oh dang, the lower left-- (knock) - [Stevie] Gavin? - I knocked. You gotta use the knocker, the buzzer wood, bro. - I was thinking about what he got right, not playing the game. - Sorry, I was already jumping ahead, I'm like, I see the next difference, I'm gonna take advantage of this. - Go for it, yeah, that is the game. - In the background, a fork is in the right image. - [Stevie] Heck yes, you're right. - That means Link, you lose, you have to put on a koala head and drink a Sprite. - No, what is it. - [Stevie] So Link, for your cursed punishment, you must walk under a ladder, a superstition believed to trace all the way back to ancient Egypt, due to their belief that triangles were sacred shapes, - Okay, true-- - [Stevie] And you must do so, while flipping a cooked fish, which is considered bad luck in China because it symbolizes capsized fishing boats. - What do you mean flipping it? - You mean just like turning it over - [Stevie] Yeah - You can't flip a fish in China? - [Stevie] I guess not. (laughs) - Well, how do you cook it? - Here I go guys. I'm living on the edge. (laughter) - Whoa. I'm coming out a lot less lucky, I guess. - Maybe they cancel each other out - How does it feel? - It stinks. - Yeah. (eerie sound effects) - All right, let's see another one. - [Link] Oh godness (knock) - [Stevie] Rhett? - You're so fast. - The ladle in the bowl has a hole in one side and it doesn't have a hole in the other one. - Dang, son. - [Stevie] Correct. (knock) - I don't want any bad luck. - Oh, I hurt my freaking knuckle. (laughter) I was so excited to think it... Okay, the spigot thing, on the right it looks like the top of a hammer, the handle comes down, but on the left the handle doesn't come down. - [Stevie] Correct. - [Rhett] Wow. - How did you see that there? - I didn't see that one. - Yeah. That's good. - Unfair advantage, you got the glasses man. (laughter) - I need some. You want his glasses? - I need the magnifying glass. - I'll let you wear my glasses - [Stevie] It's your punishment round. - Time to get unlucky man. - [Stevie] Some people in Portugal believe that walking backwards lets the devil know where you're going, and in Victorian England they believe that opening an umbrella indoors would bring certain misfortune. So you must walk backwards, while repeatedly opening an umbrella. - Oh, the devil. - Repeatedly opening it? - Oh the devil's gonna get excited about this. - [Stevie] Yeah, that seems a little bit difficult. - [Gavin] Is that what you said? You have to repeatedly? (laughter) - Be careful you might fly away. - I was trying to, man. Fly. - I think there was... Didn't Davinci try to do something that went like... Well, that's probably not the right motion. (laughter) You know Davinci? - He's not the only one who's tried it, I'll tell you that. - You know Davinci? He discovered masturbation. (laughter) (eerie sound effect) - Alright, let's see the next one. - Oh gosh, really?. - Hairy stairs? - Wow. (knock) - A lot of details - [Stevie] Rhett? - How, already? - Okay, the banister on the right doesn't have a square base. - [Stevie] Correct. - Ohh - [Gavin] Oh. - [Stevie] Gavin? - [Gavin] The image on the right, there's a parting of hair on like the fourth step up or down. - [Link] I see it now. - [Rhett] You're right. - [Stevie] Yeah. - [Link] I would not want to walk down those stairs. - [Stevie] Do you guys see what that is? - [Rhett] It's a nose. - [Stevie] It's a nose! - [Gavin] Is it really? - [Stevie] Yeah! - [Gavin] Oh wow, yeah. - [Stevie] It's a stair nose! - Wow, what is a nose doing in the middle of that hair. - You're giving me scissors? - [Stevie] Yeah, so, Link for your punishment, you must break a mirror, believed to bring bad luck since Ancient Rome, and you must do it while opening and closing scissors without actually cutting anything, which is considered very unlucky in several Middle Eastern countries. - Really? - [Stevie] This is like the worst possible punishment for Link. I would recommend Gavin, if you wanna like step back a little bit. - Yeah, I'm gonna step back. - This is super sharp, there's a lot of sharp things happening. - I'm just gonna come behind you a little bit. - Yeah, yeah I'll protect you. - Not broken. - You don't have to do it too hard, you don't have to be overly aggressive. - I don't know how to do both. (banging) - Wow. - Okay, that's enough, that's enough, that's enough, that's enough. You definitely broke it. - I did the job. - [Stevie] Don't! (groans) (eerie sound effects) - I can't wait to see another one of these images. - Yeah. - [Link] Oh gosh, chicken... Chick in a hot tub. - [Gavin] Wow. - [Link] It must be in the chickens. (laughs) Because I don't see it around the chickens - [Gavin] Oh. (knocks) - [Stevie] Gavin? - [Gavin] The shadow. - [Rhett] Yes. - [Stevie] Yes. - [Link] Where? Where? - [Rhett] The shadow of the faucet is different. - [Link] But there's another. Gavin do you see it? Help me out. - (laughter) I'm looking for you now - [Stevie] Stare deep into the water. - [Gavin] Oh, that's a good hint, thanks. We're gonna find it - [Stevie] I don't wanna be helpful, but... (knocks) - Oh Gavin, go ahead. (knocks) - Oh, I see it. I see it now, there's an extra leg on... - [Stevie] I don't even know how to score this. - There's a freckle on the chicken on the right. - [Stevie] A freckle? - There is a freckle, but I think that's just on the monitor. (laughter) 'Cause I saw that-- - Gavin! - I'm sorry, man. - We have a dirty monitor. - And I was like, "That must be on the monitor" - There's an extra leg on the chicken in the upper left corner, on the right. - [Stevie] Oh okay, yeah. - Chicken got a third leg? - [Stevie] Chicken got a third leg. - Chicken got a third leg. - Oh wow, I would've never of spotted that. - Here I am getting punished again. - [Stevie] Okay Link. - My luck is gonna be sour. - Dude. - [Stevie] You must spill a healthy amount of salt, which has been considered unlucky since the times of the Ancient Sumarians, and you must yo-yo a yo-yo four times. Yo-yos were believed to be the cause of a massive drought in Syria in 1933, and four is a very unlucky number in China. - Link, this is your big moment. Link used to be the yo-yo man. - Is that right? - If there's anything I'm good at. - Fourth grade, he had the butterfly yo-yo, he had the one that would never stop. - I don't think I've ever successfully yo-yo'd a yo-yo. - Watch the yo-yo man. - [Gavin] I'll see the pro. Oh, wow. - Wow - [Gavin] Whoa. - I can yo-yo in the waterfall of salt. - It's a salt-fall. - [Gavin] I think you salted all of it out. - You went more than four times, you've got to do it all again. (laughter) (eerie sound effects) - Shall we do another? - Let's do another. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Link] Oh, gosh. - [Gavin] Wow. - [Link] Y'all go and cheat with the leaves or something? - [Rhett] Y'all done something real, real sneaky on this one. (knock) - [Stevie] Rhett? - There is a spiderweb in the little shed in the back. - [Link] Oh, gosh, what? - [Gavin] Where? I don't believe you. (knock) - Okay. - [Stevie] Link? - The dog on the right does not have a mouth. - [Stevie] Correct. - Oh wow. - Wow. - Yeah, yeah. - You're right. - All right. What you got for me - [Stevie] Okay, so Gavin-- - That is a spider-dog. - [Stevie] You've got to rock in an empty rocking-chair - Okay. Wait rock in an empty... - [Stevie] Oh, you have to rock it with your hand. - Okay, - [Stevie] Something that Irish believe invites demon spirits into your home, and point at a rainbow which comes from the Navajo, who believe that pointing at a rainbow would result in getting your finger cut off. - Oh gosh, - You're gonna hold it for me? - Yeah, I'll hold it. - Okay. - I ain't gonna point at it. - I'm really Irish, this is bad to my ancestors here. - Uh-oh, okay. - And I'm pretty sure my new apartment is cursed, so this is fun. (laughter) - Okay, so you're just gonna rock it, and point at... Oh gosh, this is the most unsettling thing that's happened so far. - Imagine if he was like-- - I can't even look at it. - If he was a little girl in a gown. - Why would you image that, Link? (laughter) (eerie sound effects) - Okay, let's submit ourselves to one of these, again. - [Gavin] Tunnel of bees. - Oh what. There's really bees coming out. (knocks) - [Stevie] Gavin? - There's 101 bees on the left, and there's 105 on the right. (laughter) - That ain't true, you're locked out. - What was that? You didn't say yes or no. - [Stevie] Okay, so here's the thing about this one, we kinda did add some extra bees just to be funny, and didn't think you would notice - Oh, wait, give him the point - [Stevie] Yeah, so, Gavin does get a point, but that means that there are two other changes. - Rhett, why aren't you talking? 'Cause you're playing the game this whole time? - Yeah, I'm playing the game, but I'm not seeing anything - Just noticed the little girl, that's creepy. - [Stevie] Link? - [Link] The bees on the left ends in an exclamation point, but not on the right. - [Rhett] Yeah, that's correct. - [Stevie] Correct. - [Gavin] Wow. - [Stevie] For funsies do you wanna find the other, more obvious difference? - [Rhett] Oh, there's a more obvious one? - [Stevie] Yeah. - [Rhett] The thing in the reflection? - [Stevie] I feel like this particular difference is, women are much more in tuned to finding this one. - It's a hint. (knock) - There's boobs on the right. (laughter) - [Stevie] No. (laughter) (knock) - There's a wiener on the left. (laughter) - [Stevie] Close. - What. - Oh really. - How is that close? - [Stevie] Okay, there's a dude, there's a creeper creeping out behind the trees. (mumbles) - I would of never seen that. Okay, but I lost that one. - [Stevie] Okay, so, for this very cursed punishment, you must stir your tea with a fork, a harbinger of bad luck in Scotland, and simultaneously whistle the tune of Yanky Doodle, because some Russians believe that whistling indoors attracts evil spirits, but their opinion of Yanky Doodle remains a mystery. - Alright, that requires being able to whistle Hah, got ya! I'll try it. - Rhett's weakness (whistling) - Is whistling? - Yeah. (laughter) - I can whistle two notes. (laughter) (whistling) - A little flat. - There's more than two notes in the song. You failed man. (laughter) - I retain my luck. (eerie sound effects) - Okay, last one. - Yeah. - [Link] Okay, it's our Mythical Chef, Josh, - [Rhett] He's grinding. - [Link] Is he grinding himself? - [Gavin] What part of himself would he be grinding if he was? - He's freaking toothless. He's grinding a corn cob, but it's coming out as meat. - He's wearing crocs, which is cursed enough. - Oh. - [Stevie] Link? - On the right, he has an ankle-too. - [Rhett] Dammit - [Stevie] Correct. This next one is fairly difficult. - [Rhett] Okay, thanks. - [Gavin] We'll be here a while. - [Link] Toothless Josh is so creepy. - (laughter) Toothless anyone is disturbing Sorry buddy. (knock) - You got it? - Yeah, the image on the right, his hair, in his hat has been moved. - [Stevie] Yes. - Rhett, you got to... - I started strong, and finished bad. - Make him whistle again. (laughter) - [Stevie] Okay, as the loser, you will now be wished an early happy birthday, which is considered very bad luck in Germany and you must have your feet swept over with a broom, which Brazilians say leads to a life of being single. - You wanna do the honors? - [Stevie] So I feel like Gavin and Link have to sing you a happy birthday, and sweep your feet for you. - Maybe you sweep over his foot. - You want me to sweep your foot? - Please - Is that okay with you? - Okay. - Please sweep my foot. - What's the best, yeah this is good... - Rhett's birthday's in October, we ain't there yet, but who cares. ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪ - That's a big foot. ♪ Happy birthday dear Rhett ♪ ♪ Happy birthday to you. ♪ - I have trouble believing that was a punishment. (laughter) - Felt good. - I very much enjoyed every part of it. - Alright, that was a lot of fun. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - And thanks to Gavin Leatherwood for joining us, catch him on Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix now. - Ta-ka-ka-ha-ha. Now you say, "You know what time it is." - You know what time it is, - Hi, I'm Toby. - I'm Micah, - And we have just had afternoon tea at the Hilton Hotel in Nottingham in England, for her birthday. - For my birthday. - [Man and Woman] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicalilty. - He's like, "It's my birthday! Don't you remember why we're here? - I don't know which one of them forgot though. - "Don't you want to brush my feet with a broom?" Click the top link to watch us play Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board with weird stuff, in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. We wanna create even better content and products for you, so we're asking you to help us by taking the Mythical Census at, and hey, we'll give you 15% off our store.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,235,456
Rating: 4.8780456 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, can you spot the difference, cursed image, challenge, gavin leatherwood, sabrina, teenage witch, chilling adventures of sabrina
Id: dzjUXIpKWVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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