Rhett & Link Get Waxed

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- I'm about to get my chest waxed. - Let's talk about that. Watch it happen. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Good Mythical Morning! - All right, a little bit of warning. There is going to be some shirtlessness happening, and there's gonna be lots of pain happening. I am not happy about it, but I'm also owning the consequences of - losing the game which I'll say is rigged. - Rigged? Well, the official results of the Axe Styled in Seconds Challenge are six for me and four for Link, and that means that I win, he loses, and he's gotta get his chest waxed. Now, do I need to say the obvious, here? Which is... all you had to do was fix your hair! The whole time I was doing challenging things... - Looks good, doesn't it? - including eating chunky turkey nastiness - Yeah! - and making a fool outta myself. - That one was my idea. - And, uh... you had it easy - Okay. - and now I get to-- I have to-- I have to - get all the hairs pulled out of my torso? - Yeah, isn't it awesome? Well, just the front of your torso. You don't have much back hair. We should probably take care - of the back hair too. - I don't have any back hair, - for the record. - Okay, I have a little spot on the - bottom back. - Okay. - I call it "my patch." Okay, all right. - Well, you know what? - We can do that today. - Here's the deal. I agree. - Wax your back. - I've thought about this and I agree that it was slightly unfair because I got to just fix my hair, which I do all-- I do it every day. You know? It was like, the challenge is I get to do what I'm doing every day? Not really fair that you had to do a new interesting challenge every single week. I gotta admit, you know, it was mostly for your entertainment pleasure. And because I-- - So I'm not gonna do it. - No. Because I'm your best friend, and I haven't come up with a Christmas present for you yet, my Christmas present to you is I'll get my whole torso waxed. Yeah I will. And I'll go first! And you don't - even have to do it if you don't want to. - All right! I don't care! My wife is gonna be so into this. It's gonna be like I'm 14 again. - Don't make this awkward. - What? You didn't even know your wife when you were 14. What? - (laughs) - Why you have to throw that in there? Why do we have to make it gross at the end? No. - (laughs) It's not gross! - You make it gross. But I'm still gonna do it, but you can go first. Let's do it. (Link) All right, we are in Go Mode. This is Rhett's bare chest and this is Caroline the amazing... wax woman. Is that what you call yourself? The amazing...? (laughs) Actually, well, I'm an esthetician, so I'm licensed to do body-- - You're an anesthetician? - Esthetician. (Link) You're just gonna rip out his hair using wax. (Caroline) Exactly, yes. And my specialty is waxing, and specifically waxing men. Well, I wanna-- well, I'll be the judge of that. So, there you go. Okay. - (Link) Now, what is this, Nair? - (Rhett) Ho! (Link) Are you, like, putting Nair on him? - (Caroline) No. - Oh, I was about to say, it doesn't feel - like wax. It's very powdery. - (Caroline) No. This is corn starch, and - what this does is it keeps the skin dry-- - You're not gonna fry me, are you? (Caroline) so that the wax sticks to the skin less. (chuckles) She's gonna fry me! That's what's happenin'! (Caroline) It sticks to the hair. And so-- She's not gonna wax me, she's gonna fry me! (Caroline) It just helps the waxing be more effective and hopefully less painful - for him. - I kinda like the corn-- this is the - good part. - (Caroline) Yeah. (Link) Now, this snot-looking stuff is wax, I assume. - (Rhett sighs) - (Caroline) Yes. With all due respect... make his more painful, make mine less painful, - end of story. - Do you think that the fact that I have kind of an afro on my chest is going to cause a problem for the... Because you've got hair kind of growing different directions, we may have to wax this way, then this way, then this way. But we'll see! Let's find out. - Yeah. Multiple waxings, good. - Your hair's pretty fine, so it should - come out pretty easily. - (high pitched) Hooh! (Caroline) It's people with coarse hair that really have-- - (Link) What's that feel like? - Hotttt wax! - (Caroline) Is it too hot? - Hot! (Caroline) Like, does it feel like it's scalding you? - No. Oh, I'm so not happy about this. - (Caroline) I can't tell you, 'cause everybody's a little bit different, you know? So it's like... - (Link) Whoa, now, what is this? - (Caroline) This is-- - (Link) Now, hold on-- - (Caroline) This is a strip. - (rips) - AHHHHH! - (Link) Auh! - GAHH-AAH! (Caroline) Look at how easily his hair's coming out. - (crew laughs) - (Rhett whimpers) gah-- gah-- guhh-- geh! - (Link) Lemme... so you just grab it here? - (Caroline) Yeah! - (Link) And then you just-- - Hold on-- oh no, no, no, no-- - AAAAAAAAH! - (Link) Yeah! Don't let him do it! He's too shaky! Do not let him do it again. - (Caroline) Really? - He's not licensed! - (Link) You got half a nipple. - (Caroline) Actually, he's got a very - good technique. - (Link) Here comes the nipple! - OH! Geh... (whimpers and laughs) - (Link) The nipple! Is off! - (Caroline laughs) - I've never said nipple so many times. - (Rhett whimpering and laughing) - No warning, Caroline! - Well, I told you, once I get going... - You have no sympathy, woman! - (Caroline) I work fast! - AAAAH! (Caroline) Well, you know. What do you want, you're getting your hair ripped out. - (Caroline) It's not gonna feel good. - If this was like the 1500s, you would be - an executioner. - (Caroline) Right. Death by... waxing? Euuuugh.... - (rips) - EEAAAH! It is so not pleasant! - It is so unpleasant! - Can I slather? - Doesn't it? - Can I? Yeah, okay. There's a technique to this. So I'll do a little bit and then-- Hold on-- so, hold on, so you're gonna let me do it to you now?! - (Rhett whispers) Oh, gosh. - Ooh, there's a lot right there. - Should I slather that out? - Yeah, just... but keep it this direction. How did this become Link Does Waxing Class? - Well, he's interested and curious, so... - Well, let him try it on himself! That's doable. You want to try it on yourself? - Uh-uh. - (Caroline) Good job. - (Link) And then... - Oh gosh, Caroline-- - (Link) Just right here? - (Caroline) Oh, no, no. The strip has to - go with the direction of the wax. - Yeah. You apply the strips, okay? (Caroline) So everything goes with one direction. - (Link) Three-- - (rips) GAAAAAAAAAAH! Look at that. Isn't that pretty? - (whispers) Oh, gosh. - How did that feel? - (laughs) - Horrible! (sped up audio) - (Rhett whimpers) - (all laugh) And this is-- is this typically what men do? - (laughing in pain) - No. - (Link laughs) - No, they usually... (cackles) I love this! This is the best Christmas present ever! (sped up audio) - (Link) You want me to...? - Yeah, sure, go ahead. - (rips) - (Rhett) OHHAAAH HAH, GOSH! (Link) Oh, I got some on my finger. (laughs) Oh, it's worse. It's worse down here. Don't let Link do it ag-- oh, gah! (sped up audio) (Link) Oh, here comes the innies and outies! (laughs and whimpers) (Caroline laughs) Look at that! Your belly button's all clean. - Ugggh-- gah. - (Caroline) For the first time, you get to see your adult belly button, 'cause it's been covered in hair all this time. (strained whimpering) - (Caroline) Isn't that cool? - (whispers) Am I done? - Are you still doing it? - (Caroline) All right, it's up to you. There are a few more hairs there, but if you're happy with it? I like those. Yeah, I like 'em. All right! You're done. And now you got a before and after. You might wanna - untuck the... loincloth thingy. - (Rhett) Look at that. - (Caroline) That looks good! - (Rhett) Not bad! - (Caroline) It looks good, huh? - Look at that! (Link) All right, Caroline. Suit up. I just wanna prove that I am more of a - man than you. I am going to whine less. - (Rhett) Okay. I'm gonna cry less... or not at all. This is not... I've got more hair, and I'm gonna be less of a baby. (Rhett) Okay! Oh, snap, I know what's about to-- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! - (rips) - OW! AGH! What're you doing, woman?! (Caroline) Oh, that one got stuck. - Woooh! Wooooooooh! - (Rhett laughs) - You think that's funny, huh? - (Rhett laughs) (Caroline) He's enjoying this more than you enjoyed his waxing. (Rhett) See? It hurts like crazy! It hurts like the devil, doesn't it?! - It's not-- the devil's comin' out. - (Rhett laughs) - (Link whistles) - You're saying that dudes don't scream - like this? - No, not usually. - What part of town do you work in? - My heart's beatin' out of my chest! (Caroline and Rhett laugh) - (Caroline) I work right down the street. - (breathes out) Oh! I'm sorry if I spit in your face, but somethings had to (high pitched) haaaaaah! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Collarbone! Collar--! - (Rhett) You're going up high on him. - Woo! Woo! - (Caroline) Well, he's got hair up there. - Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! - (Rhett laughs) - Woo! Woob-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bawk! - (Rhett laughs) - Aaaaawh! (Caroline) Look at that, that was so clean. - Oh! - (Caroline) Came right off there. - All right, I'm ready to help. - Oh! Owh! - You are? - Yeah. - Oh! - Okay. - (Caroline) Well, we'll start right here. - (Rhett) So what do I do? (Caroline) So I'll hold the skin, and you rip that direction. - (Rhett) That way. - (Caroline) Don't rip up, rip that way. - That way and just as quick as I can go. - Yeah. - (rips) - (high pitched) Fwoooooooooooo! - (Rhett laughs) - Gah, Rhett! I hate-- - You're like a devil woman! - That was very nice! (Rhett laughs) Be careful, you don't wanna get wax all over you. - I wanna punch HIM! - (Rhett laughs) I wanna punch you! Imma punch both of y'all! (Rhett) Now listen, I'm not joking when I say that-- I'm not really gonna punch you, but I just want to, though! - (rips) - WHAAAOW! That's fire! I ate a ghost pepper, and eating the ghost pepper was easier than this. - Oh! - What's a ghost pepper? The hottest pepper in the world! One of 'em. (sped up audio) (Caroline) I am gonna do another little pass to get all the-- Mercy! What did Braveheart say? (crew) Freedom. - Free--! Not freedom, but when - he said "mercy," right? - (crew) He said "freedom!" - (Rhett) No, he asked them to say "mercy." - They said to say "mercy." - (Rhett) And he said "freedom." - And that's what I'm saying. MERCY! - (Rhett laughs) - That's me. I ain't no Braveheart. - (Rhett) Yeah. Something tells me you wouldn't do too well with a disemboweling. - (crew laughs) - (Caroline) Ew! (sped up audio) (Link) Now, you're going around my belly button. I predict that you're gonna pull out at least three inches of belly button lint, 'cause I have maintenance issues - down there. - (Caroline) Really? Why don't you clean - your belly button? - Wooh! (Caroline) It just takes a second in the shower. (Rhett) Look at that, he hardly responded! (Link) It's not as bad. - (Rhett) My stomach was worse. - Yeah, you had a lot of hair down there. Whew! Owh! Yes! Look at that! My belly button! How long has it been since you've seen that? - I rarely look down there anyway. - (Rhett) You got some redness happening - in the upper regions. - So did you, man. We're blood - brothers, man. We've been through this. - (laughs) We can do anything now! We can do anything together, man. Take my hand. - Really? This is kinda-- - Woo! - This is a little weird. - Woo! - It's kinda like... - Woo! - It's a bonding moment. - Woo! - I don't know about that. - It's kind of emotional, really. - Woo! - Yeah, thank you Rhett, for being - here for me. - I don't know about this. - So... who's more of a man? - (Caroline) Oh geez. I don't know, I've just been removing the hair. I'm not here to judge anybody. I'm more of a man, right? My squeals were higher but there were less of 'em. - Here's a different question. How do-- - Am I more of a man? - That's a different question. - How do we compare... how do we collectively compare to your other male patients? Oh, ah... definitely a lot more verbal. But I have to say this is the first time a guy has come with another guy to be waxed. - We're just business partners. - (crew laughs) - We do a lot of things together, though. - I think any two guy friends that came in would probably behave like you guys. Well the funny thing is, is like, I had a flashback to-- Sit up here. Take your shirt off. This is kinda like, ah, 1989 soccer practice. - (laughs) - You know? This is what we would've - looked like then. - (laughs) Yeah. 1989, we're on the soccer team... it's like, (kid voice) hey man, you did great out there. Oh, you got some chest hair comin' in? No, not yet. - (laughs) Oh, man. - Maybe next year. Oh, my goodness. Well, what a way to enter the holiday break for us, but ah... - very slick. - I'm gonna be doing a lot more... - It feels weird. It looks weird to me. - A lot more shirtless walking around - in North Carolina when I'm back home. - (laughs) I know it's gonna be cold, but I gotta show this to somebody! All right, guys, so this marks the end of Season 4 of Good Mythical Morning. I don't plan on marking the end of any other seasons by ripping off the majority of the hair in my torso region, so... hope you enjoyed that. And listen, thank you, Mythical Beasts, for making this a part of your daily routine. More of you made this season of Good Mythical Morning a part of your daily routine than any other season before. This is a good time-- - Cheers to you. - in the history of Good Mythical Morning and you know what? It's not over. It's just over for a little bit, because we gotta go and, you know, do the Christmas thang, - Celebrate the holidays. - and the New Years thang, and then we're gonna come back and we're gonna do this thang again. Relaunching Wednesday January 8th, and um, so yes, as Rhett said, we do want to sincerely thank you for watching this and for sharing the magic, even over the holidays. Pick your favorite episode and share it with your family and friends. - Or just watch it over and over again. - We also want to thank our illustrious - crew. - (claps) Producer Stevie over here. We've got Jason here. You know Jason. You sense his presence. And then we've got-- Alex is in here today. Ben is not in here today. He's upstairs. We'll also thank him for his contribution. - And Jen. - I totally didn't see you, Jen! Jen was hiding behind the Wheel of Mythicality. Jen's in here today. We ate peppers together... ah, why didn't you guys get your... Oh, Good Mythical More! That's right! Get all your hair waxed. Oh yeah, that's what happens in Good Mythical More. Kind of an awkward thing to tell the ladies in the room. I take that back. Sorry for making it awkward. That's gonna be the slogan for Season Five. - "Sorry for making it awkward." - No. We'll work on something else. - Or just "Let's talk about that." - I think we just stick with "Let's talk - about that." - We'll just stick with that. Okay. (both) You know what time it is. Hi, I'm Timothy Weal and I think you guys know what time it is! It's time to spin the Wheel ooooooof Mythicality! Make sure you check out the latest episode of Ear Biscuits, our podcast, coming out later today. Link in the description. [Captioned by Caitrin: GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 13,157,058
Rating: 4.921073 out of 5
Keywords: chest wax, waxing, men's chest wax, painful, funny, epic, screaming, Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, rhett and link get waxed, chest waxing, chest waxing gmm, rhett and link chest wax, gmm chest wax
Id: c31tJ8gc6k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2013
Reddit Comments

I love when Rhett is like:

my wife will love this! It would be like I was 14 again.

Or something like that. Then link gets mad because his wife didn’t know him when he was 14 and he is being weird haha.

Rhett is a true pal. He didn’t have to get waxed.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/bubbletrollbutt 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was better than I expected. Sure, they give each other flack and tease each other mercilessly, but when it gets right down to it, this episode shows they're friends til the end.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
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