Hardest Challenge of the Year 2022! 🔴 Can I Beat Pokemon Emerald with ONLY Poison Moves?

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hey everyone madry brett here pokemon red with only one growlithe was a fun solo run let's follow that up with a brutal team run today's the day that we figure out would i be able to beat pokemon emerald with only poison moves so when i say only poison moves i mean that in battle the only moves we can use are poison type ones doesn't matter if they're attacking moves or not or if our pokemon are even poison type just that the moves have to be poison type i figure this is going to be pretty brutal considering there aren't really that many good poison moves yet i expect to be using sludge bomb a lot oh and we need to have a rule where we can use non-poison moves on steel types since poison literally doesn't affect them i know it sounds like a stupid rule but i'm pretty sure there's only two mandatory fights with steel types in the entire video game and it would really suck to not make this run for you guys just because of two pokemon trust me this challenge run is so brutal that i really don't think people are going to care about having to suspend a rule for a couple of steel fights there's a reason this video is late and it's because this challenge is really really hard like always i'm writing the script as i go through with the challenge so this part is being written before i've started everyone comment down below and guess if i can win or not i'm pretty sure that this is going to be insanely brutal between only having poison sting for the rock gym at the start and having to figure out some kind of way to win the psychic gym double battle later in the run i think this could be my hardest run in a long time let's explain the rules in combat i can only use poison type moves unless i'm fighting a steel type i'll need other pokemon to use hms but i won't be allowed to use any of those pokemon in battle no glitches or exploits no items in battle only pokeballs held items and items outside of combat are allowed also if you enjoyed this video be sure to like subscribe and ring the bell for more let's do this no need for the pokemon randomizer on this one since we can catch pokemon with poison sting on the first round of the game so i just play until i get pokeballs then catch some wormpole now we need this thing to evolve into a cast goon not silcoon that's because cascoon becomes dust stocks and it's part poison type it's a really weak pokemon but at least it'll give us the same type attack bonus this process took us a solid 40 minutes by the way since the first two wormpoles i caught turned into silcoon instead we have poison sting now though so for the rest of the run we can only use poison moves in combat normally we'd head right for the rock gym but i actually have to grind in the first couple of routes of the game because poison sting is so weak that we can only take out one pokemon at a time for the most part it's really slow but we only need to hit level 10 to evolve and then our stats will be at least a little bit better so i need to get that done before we hit the road alright so will i travel we all know that the rock gym is gonna be the first brick wall right well the only poison move that i'm able to get before the rock gym is poison sting i toyed with the idea of using the pokemon randomizer to start with something else that could maybe learn sludge but i wanted to try and do this whole run the same way you would if you had the game cartridge since there's a poison sting user early in the game anyway problem is that means i have to beat the always horrible roxanne fight with one pokemon using poison sting not only that but our pokemon is bug type so we take double damage from rock tomb a move that roxanne's whole team has plus both rock and ground resist poison both types that a geodude is so a 15 power move being cut down by four times resistance this isn't good to say that i'm worried this will take a while is an understatement i think that we could have to be level 30 just to win considering how many potions that they have and how strong rock tomb is i genuinely believe that this initial grind that i'll have to do for the rock gym could be a quarter of the playtime of this entire challenge run i guess i'll have to give the gym a try and see what happens right first try at the rock gym was at level 14 and we did four or five damage before we got three shot by rock tomb yeah this isn't happening for a while is it so this grind this is a very very long grind like longer than grinding ever is at this point normally by the time we're around this level we'd be at least one-shotting the weak low experienced pokemon north of the gym problem is we only have poison sting so we can't really one shot anything yet the fact that i need to land between two and four poison stings to make a wild pokemon fame makes this grind take two to four times longer than normal not only do we likely need to be a much higher level than usual for this gym but we are using by far the weakest move we've ever had to use to beat this gym with i've beaten emerald what 20 30 of these challenge videos now and this is the weakest move we've ever had to use for this grind not only that but because we're gonna do chip damage to them and they have potions roxanne will have tons of chances to actually use them i legit don't see any possibility of us winning this until level 30 although i'm gonna try a few times earlier than that the part is that we on so i've got to spend hours on leveling up a pokemon that's just going to end up living in the box after this then i've got to catch a gulpin and grind that thing up a ton since it'll be whatever level i catch it at right after that is the electric gym 2 and that has a steel type in it so we're gonna have to get strong enough that we can beat it with whatever other moves it even has it isn't until after the electric gym that we can catch a few decent pokemon and actually have a little team even then we're still just mostly relying on sludge and later sludge bomb so i'm expecting the psychic gym later in the game to be absolutely horrible maybe even worse than in the meg car go run probably worse than in the meg cargo run to pull back the curtain a little bit normally i tried to spread the playing of these runs out across like five workdays this time though i know that's impossible i'm already four hours into this run and i don't think i'm going to be done grinding for the rock gym today normally the first day of an emerald run i'm supposed to beat the first two gyms but i doubt i'll be done grinding for this rock gym until sometime tomorrow then that gulp and grinding that's probably going to take a good few hours by itself then i have to catch a grimer and coughing and they'll need to be grinded up i remember on my blane run that a lot of you guys said that you loved the video but a lot also said that it was kind of lame that i hardly used any of the weaker members of his team since i mostly just ended up using rk9 i get it fair complaint problem is the solution to that is to grind even more and i'm one human who in spite of doing this full time still can't find time to grind up that many pokemon in a week like i work 60 plus hours a week on youtube and i still don't have time to get that done in one week that is just an inhuman amount of grinding to get done in one week there literally aren't enough hours in the day so i'll almost for sure need two weeks so that's why this video is no doubt late if you're wondering why i'm just assuming at this point it's gonna be late it's absolutely gonna be late you guys just want to see me move on with this run though and i just want to move on with it too this is probably the least interesting part of the run there's going to be much more interesting parts later so we just need to get there if you want to support the show and help keep this whole thing running in spite of the upload gap then i very much appreciate any support you want to give me through things like patreon super chats and super thanks the show is free and always will be those are just my tip jars if you want to chip in when runs take multiple weeks like this it can really throw a spanner in the works so i really appreciate all of the support now let's see if i can beat the rock gym yet okay so the next strike the rock gym was at level 20 where we managed to poison geodude on the first attack but only took it to half health before we fainted that was just about all poison damage mind you our actual poison stings themselves seem to only be doing one damage so it's back to the grind the next couple of tries were at level 24. interestingly enough they now use defense curl pretty often i think that is because they know that they can't take us down in a couple of rock tombs anymore it takes quite a few now we still only do one damage with poison sting since it's so weak so really we're just hoping to poison them we did better but she's got potions so we still just lost back to the grind another four levels later yeah things go pretty much the same i feel like i'm getting diminishing returns but i think that's mostly just because leveling up is getting slower and poison sting isn't getting stronger that and it didn't seem like we could tank many more rock tombs than usual oh yeah i forgot to bring it up but thanks to our ability we don't get slowed down by rock tomb so at least there's that alright i know you already saw what grinding here looks like but that was almost 10 levels ago now so i should probably show you again we're at the point where we can finally one shot just about all of the wild pokemon here so at least there is that but we still need tons of experience to level up and these pokemon just don't give us much i mean we can one shot most of them we can still hardly hurt the nincada and sometimes our level 29 dust docks can't one shot level seven talo what's the highest level we've ever needed a pokemon to be before we could beat roxanne do you guys remember the highest i can think of off the top of my head is level 30 with shidinja at least i think it was level 30 that was like years ago now i'm gonna tell you right now i don't think that we can beat the first geodude at level 30. let alone the whole gym i was guessing that before but i was totally wrong i genuinely think i might have to be something more like level 40 maybe even higher i mean dustox isn't exactly a physical powerhouse i'm curious did you guys think when you clicked on this video that this was going to be one of the most brutal runs i've done and did you think that the first gym was going to be this hard maybe you'll have to put something in the title or thumbnail to let people know how hard it is because to be honest i did anyone who would read gen 3 with poison only and think that is anything but my standard pokemon challenge well i'm happy that you guys are here and wanted to see it at least because i'm putting some crazy time into this one level 33 we're actually doing what looks to be two or three damage on some of these poison stings although i think some might still just do one we take about 11 damage and rock tombs at this point so we can survive quite a few for the first time in all of my attempts we actually ended up slowly taking down the first geodude yeah yeah took till level 33 before we beat the first geodude roxanne sent out nosepass next but pretty much right away she used hardened tons so we were dealing one damage our poison did manage to chip away at her but she's got potions and nosepass hits harder with rock tomb than geodude did so we still ended up going down still maybe i won't need to be level 40. moore tries a couple of levels later this time at level 37 things turn out almost the exact same as at level 33 so that's depressing rock tomb can miss so this fight is heavily reliant on luck we need to poison our enemies quickly and they need to miss a ton of rock tombs it's the only way that i can see us winning i'm going to go grind for another hour level 38 i actually forgot that this would happen because i never thought dust stocks would get to a high enough level when i was first considering this run but we actually learned toxic at level 38. now you might go thinking that toxic must make this fight trivial but nope not even close in fact we still need them to either miss a ton or waste lots of time with hardin and defense curl in fact it took nine tries until we got this attempt where we only ended up winning thanks to them using defensive moves way more than they should of and us getting a lucky crit to get some upfront damage no word of a lie the start of this run up until the point of beating the rock gym took longer than multiple entire solo pokemon runs that i've done gen 1 gastly was so so much faster than this it's unreal let's go catch some new pokemon before i go insane okay so after a long trip we finally catch gulpin it's not exactly the best pokemon ever but it evolves at level 26 and learns quite a few decent poison moves believe it or not i think this is gonna be our main pokemon until after the electric gem because i don't see dust stocks pulling his weight he still has poison sting and toxic he's not exactly a direct attacker oh and of course i have to grind up gulpin quite a bit we need him to be ready for the fighting gym since we don't have that one done yet either at least gulpin has some real moves thanks to him learning sludge pretty early it's not exactly a strong move but it's a million times better than poison sting let's test out gulpin at the fighting gym we got here at level 18 so about the same level range as them machop used bulk up and low kick but we resisted it so it wasn't too bad three hits of sludge took him down meta type just tried to power up too and he got reflect up as well but then he just tried for focus punch after his super potion so of course he never hit us i'm actually really thankful that he used that summer potion since it ran out the timer on his reflect in fact he used both of his super potions on meditate he did get to recast reflect but we ran that one out too recast that feels like the right terminology to use but i'm pretty sure it's not that's not pokemon terminology we poisoned him and did great damage but he took us down that's all right dustox is still crazy over leveled and for as weak as poison sting is we'd double resist his fighting moves so he did three damage isn't it crazy that our dust docks using poison sting is still weaker than the gulpin 20 levels lower than him using sludge i've really got a ball cup gulpin next up is our rival under the cycling road first was wingall who actually messed us up on the first try really bad with super sonic but this time we took it down pretty well slugma used yawn on us but took two shots so we never fell asleep and for grovile we switched to dust stalks to easily take him down with toxic and poison sting i know grow vile normally we'd pick a starter that makes it so that our rival has their best pokemon for fighting us but because i didn't use the pokemon randomizer on this run i literally just forgot to pick whatever would make him have mudkip hey cut me some slack this run is brutal i am not redoing that rock gym fight just to have a slightly harder fight here we all know that we could have beaten marsh dump anyway alright so we're in moeville this is the location of one of the two steel types in the game that we actually have to fight the electric gym leader has a magneton so we get to use non-poison moves for that i don't really have a good non-poison move for that mind you but at least it's possible we might have to use scibeam and it still will resist it and dust stocks kinda really sucks with scibeam so it's not that good of an answer uh it's what we've got though as we grind up for the electric gym though it's time for this week's chimera ad today we're checking out the chimera spring collection it's a collection of clothes that the folks over at chimera picked for warmer weather they've got short sleeve t-shirts polos some fleece shorts as well as new heavyweight tees and new pocket tees they'll come in a very wide variety of colors so you can always find something that matches your look i speak from personal experience when i say that this stuff is all super comfy and has been super nice to wear while i've been gardening during a heat wave make sure to use the code madribre to check out to get a discount and to let chimera know that i sent you you can find a link in the description now i've gotta run to continue on our grind we ended up evolving gulpin into a swallot and i'm happy that we did because we're a lot tankier now it came in handy since voltorb blew up like usual so we lost almost half of our health we couldn't one shot electric but it just used howl so we didn't take a hit and third is magneton one of the only two steel types in the whole game that we have to fight just in case you were thinking that being able to use non-poison moves on steel types would somehow make this run easy we had an awful time fighting it we got paralyzed right away scibeam was doing very little and we're hitting ourselves in confusion from super sonic not only that but of course he used super potions on it to keep it up longer we ended up really lucking out though with scybeem confusing it and it hitting itself in confusion a few times it didn't do much but it saved us from getting hurt more so we held on with 43 health left lust was mainetric and dustox really didn't last long thanks to paralysis we hit toxic though because of that i was able to outlast it with swalat pretty quickly i was pretty worried about that fight i'm really happy it's over so it's time for a bit more travel and normally this part isn't too interesting until we can get to maxi in the fire gym but we've actually got a whole three new pokemon to catch first is in fiery path where we can catch both a coughing and grimer these are literally some of my favorite pokemon with coughing being my second favorite did you know that poison is my favorite type i don't remember if i brought that up or not anyway it's cool to get to use coughing and grimer since i never get to use them in this game plus coughing has levitate so he might be good for fighting ground types in the future grimer took ages to catch by the way only a two percent encounter rate for some reason we also go ahead and pick up saver another pokemon i've never used in this game although i don't think i've used it in any game if i remember right it's got a lot of attack so it might be a pretty fun pokemon especially with that brave nature no poison moves on it yet though so i'll have to level it up with experience share for a little bit now give me just a little bit of time to grind these guys up and we'll be at the maxi fight before you know it mighty n is first so we lost some attack to intimidate but swallot's sludge was still doing a good job they held on extra long with super potions but they could hardly hurt us with a bite so we were pretty healthy by the time it fainted camerupt is next so i sent in dust stocks to use toxic the first one missed since it wasn't 100 accurate for poison types to use until later generations but his magnitude didn't do much to us i just kept using poison sting to chip away at him while toxic built its damage i don't know why he didn't keep using ember because it was clearly his best move against us but thanks to him holding on with his potions he did manage to make dust stocks faint i just sent in grimer to tank a hit while toxic damage finished him off last was zubat who resists sludge but swallot is too strong and overpowered them let's go to the fire gym next alright first was numel and although we didn't do half his health and damage poison pushed it over so it only took two hits he did soften us up with magnitude though slugma was just a one shot thanks to its low defense for camerupt i sent him coughing to tank overheat so that camerupt would have lower special attack then sent in dust stocks to hit toxic it worked great so i switched to swalat to finish the job camera to use sunny day but just kept using tackle so we didn't take much damage last was her real heavy hitter torkle i sent in dust stalks to hit toxic right away but we missed and got one shot by overheat it lowers her special attack but she used a white herb to fix it so i sent swallot back in to go for toxic this time it worked but we got taken out by overheat i started switching into our lower leveled pokemon trying mostly to buy time for toxic to build power as torkel's special attack kept getting weaker from overheat as the viper went down we had to send in our last pokemon grimer torkel moved from using body slam due to its low special attack and although we got it to red health she has high proportions we lasted a shockingly long time but her two hyper potions kept her up long enough to take us out you know what if we hit toxic earlier then i think we would have won that let's keep trying this fight okay second try this time newmal used sunny day so we never actually took damage from the first two pokemon problem is we missed toxic on camera up to this time and thanks to sunny day still being active we took a lot of damage from overheat we still took it out obviously but we actually lost so a lot and had to finish it off slowly with dust docks taking almost no damage in the process against torquel we still got one shot but hit toxic on the first try only our weak pokemon left first i sent in coughing just to have it faint to an overheat then grimer since i figured he was our next weakest he also got one shot since sunny day is still going but torkel lost tons of special attack by this point saviper is faster than torkel but poison tale doesn't do much so i was hoping for the best torkel used sunny day to waste one more turn we hit poison tail and on the next tail we landed a crit and survived a body slam just for the toxic damage to finish her off she'd have used a hyper potion if that didn't finish it that was perfect now normally we'd go right to the normal gym since it's next but i actually want to level up some of the lower leveled pokemon a bit coughing has potential to tank some hits but it's crazy weak right now with smog and i know the viper will be pretty strong at some point i just have to invest in them here and there whenever i get the chance i could probably brute force a lot with swalat but i know as soon as we get to the double battle of the psychic gym we'd get brick walled so i want to make sure that the rest of our team is at least usable by then but on our way there i took the root fossil i knew that if i didn't say what i took you'd all ask actually now that i think about it everyone ask anyway comments are good for the youtube algorithm okay so this run is already full of long fights and i don't want to go over every step of obviously failed fights for the sake of everyone's time the normal gem goes pretty awful they're mostly faster than us hit much harder than us and his team likes to use facade that's a move that does more damage if they have a status affliction like our poison that we keep inflicting grinding here is really slow too so it would actually take a long time to level up all of our low leveled pokemon to match them plus coffee and grimer don't get any good until they evolve swallowed is basically our only decent pokemon here and it can't do it by itself at least not at this level worst part is that right after the normal gym is when we'd actually be able to get to some routes where i think our poison types could level up pretty easily instead of fighting things that resist them okay a few tries later and after leveling the weakest members of the team quite a bit grimer is able to two-shot spin to now and vigoroth couldn't do much to swallow he did land a few hits though thanks to him healing up with a hyper potion so we were just below half health by the time he went down lenoona actually managed to finish us off thanks to being faster than us so we had to send in some viper to try and finish it off of course though we ended up dropping lanoon to a sliver so it ended up healing and hitting us even more to take us out dustox was able to finish it off with a couple of poison stings and last is slacking right away i used toxic and it missed but slacking was using counter so he didn't do anything either toxic does power up his facade but considering slacking wasted tons of turns and the toxic still builds on those turns i used it anyway he did end up taking down dust stocks easily with facade once he used it but coughing was able to finish it off shortly after not too bad with that fight done we get to travel again honestly i'm just thankful that i'm not grinding super far from where i need to be again so coming up we have the last required rival fight and the flying gem the rival fight is probably going to be pretty easy it usually is but the flying gym is going to be a hard one they've got skarmory the second of the two steel types that we have to fight to beat the game so no poison moves on that one problem is we still don't really have any better moves to deal with it i think that our best non-poison moves are still body slam and sci-beam both moves that they resist i don't want to go grab something with a fire type move since that kinda feels like it's against the spirit of the challenge to me i'm gonna need to be a decent level to win the rest of the fight anyway so i think i might just try and get coughing or grimer to evolve that way we don't have to rely on swallot as our only party member who can take a hit and deal some decent damage back in return before the flying gym is the last rival fight slugma went down into one hit between the sludge damage and poison damage and second was lombre who hit fake out but just went down to a single sludge thanks to being weak to poison last was grovyle who hit screech but was also a one-shot sorry mae this just isn't your run hey what if i did a run with may's team in moves she's pretty weak that could make for an interesting run okay first try at the flying gym it starts great with small blue going down in a couple of hits of sludge and next was tropius who's weak to poison so it actually went down easily too pelipper was kind of annoying because it confused us and we hit ourselves three times in a row but it was just using protect so it didn't take advantage we won after taking a bit of damage now is the awful part the only other steel type we have to fight and we still have no good moves for it skarmory i'm just gonna put the entire skarmray fight on fast forward while i generally talk about it because we threw almost our whole team at it so originally i was thinking i'd use smoke screen with wheezing and then body slam it down but as soon as i used smoke screen i realized that it has keen eye and can't lose accuracy that really ruined my strategy i still managed to paralyze it with swallot's body slam but we were hardly doing any damage and ended up just making swallowed faint i tried dust docks for ages with scibeam and thanks to getting to use moonlight we could stay healthy for quite a while but even after entire minutes of hitting psi beams we still just went down when i sent in grimer i realized i have screech and that would have been awesome before i used body slam but is too late for that now i did use screech until his defense was as low as i could get it but i had no more physical attacks on the team that weren't poison type so it didn't end up paying off eventually i just switched to the viper and kept using crunch until he went down last was ulteria he used dragon dance right away as we hit sludge with wheezing the damage was alright and we even poisoned it on the second one before going down all we had left was grimer and some viper so i sent in grimer who just got taken out right away but at least alteria took poison damage on the last round alteria had a sliver of health and was poisoned but just took out the viper with earthquake her last pokemon ended the fight with what had to have been less than five health that was awful i'm gonna try again next try and after the first three pokemon go down easily they sent in alteria instead of skarmory so i just sent him wheezing early since he's got levitate to avoid earthquake it actually goes really well partly because the first sludge poisoned her and partly because she just kinda used dragon dance a bunch not really sure why she probably could have just kept attacking and we'd have fainted but she just decided to keep using dragon dance until we won last was skarmory so i sent in grimer to screech as much as i could then swallow to start body slamming we actually got all three screeches in pretty easily despite a lot of accuracy drops i was kind of worried when swat came out since we got sand attacked right away but the first try with this strategy actually got us the win alright that means that's the last steel type we have to deal with back to poison moves alright so we're going on to the part of the run that i'm really dreading like even more than the rock gym earlier we're not that far from the psychic gym we've got a lot of traveling to do before we get there but only one big battle and that's with maxie who i don't think will be that serious of an issue the psychic gym though that'll be a mess now for a change of pace this is a team run so at least we won't be outnumbered but will for sure be outgunned i mean they're using four psychic types plus two of them are part rock and one is part ground so literally only one pokemon on their team doesn't resist poison i doubt toxic alone can get us the win considering how many turns it takes for toxic to become dangerous and how few turns they'll need to make us faint it wouldn't surprise me if i need to evolve grimer into muck then to get muk and swallot to level 48 or so so that they both learn sludge bomb at least then we'd hit a little harder but we need wheezing to be strong too since he can avoid clay doll's levitate it's really not a good situation i think i'm gonna need to grind a ton before we could win that one so the maxi fight was actually pretty funny mighty anna is first so he lost attack to intimidate but he kept using swagger on us so we ended up powering up quite a bit swagger raises our attack but confuses us so naturally it just backfires on him and ended up making us so strong that we could take him out against camerupt we had a really easy time with our powered up sludge plus he used earthquake on us even though we had levitate so he just missed last was crowbat and this one was surprising we had to throw our whole team at him one by one to do any serious damage see he's got super potions so he can heal he's got confused ray so we don't always attack and he resists our poison moves we actually cut it really close by the end as he almost took out our last pokemon when we finally took him down i really need to top off grimer's level muck would be a great asset last bit of travel before the psychic gym there really isn't much prep work that we can do at this point just grinding up grimer a bit and maybe making a shell bell i really don't think that is going gonna help much and i'm still pretty much convinced that we're gonna have to grind here for ages until we can get at least one pokemon with sludge bomb but hey at least we can get the tm for sludge bomb now so we can give it to one of the pokemon who doesn't normally learn it i'm thinking i'm going to give it to the viper i was going to give it to wheezing since he has the highest attack on the team but zavipur's attack is almost the same and it's a lower level so in the long run it probably makes more sense for viper to have it plus it's got an attack nature so i'm expecting for it to have more attack than anything else by the end of the game just a shame that it's a bit frail i don't think it's gonna survive more than one hit of psychic at best okay first try at the psychic gym we literally did not land a single move other than toxic until the very end of the fight and it did almost nothing they're faster than us a higher level than us and can one shot most of our team yeah somehow i don't think a shell bell will win this for us so this grind isn't it crazy to think that our team is around the same level that our dust docks needed to be just to beat the first gym well at least per pokemon this is for sure a faster grind since i'm at least fighting higher leveled pokemon but at the same time i have multiple pokemon to grind now so it's hard to say if it's really faster so takeaways from the failed fight first of all i didn't think wheezing was gonna get one shot by psychic like that i actually kind of thought that it would be one of our tankier choices so that has me worried we're for sure gonna have to level up until we're faster than them i kinda think the viper is the way to go since it shouldn't be too hard to level him until he's faster than them but it's not like he's gonna one-shot zatu plus even if he did he'd still go down to earthquake from clay doll speaking of wheezing was supposed to be my counter to clay doll's earthquake but if zatu can just one-shot him then that isn't gonna work plus did you see how little damage swallowed sludge did to zatu that's the only pokemon on their team that doesn't resist poison so the fact that it didn't work probably means that we're gonna be stuck for a long time and i mean a long time i went from thinking that maybe we'd need to have a couple of level 50 pokemon to thinking that our team might need to be level 60 each i mean other than dust stocks i'm not sure that's worth leveling any more than it already is other than muk and swallot learning sludge bomb by level up there aren't any better moves that we can get toxic and sludge bomb are the only poison type tms that any of our guys can learn so we're pretty limited in what we can do in the rock gym grind i went over how long this stuff takes right i think that at the time i was writing about how i didn't think i was going to get that run done that week and like i was super right that was a week ago and here i am still working on the same run i've been seeing a big uptick in people saying to just hack in rare candies when i get brick walled like this but something like six or so months ago when i asked you guys on youtube how you feel about rare candy cheats it seems like the general consensus was that you're cool with them in post-game after the credits but that it cheapens the challenge if used before that i think i generally agree with that although some people have fairly pointed out that there's no difficulty to this grind it just wastes my time and means less videos for you guys i can't really disagree with that i guess that's the problem though right i agree that only using rare candy cheats after the run is over is fair but i also agree that there's no difficulty to this grind the only thing that's special about me doing this grind is that i actually have the patience to do it i'd argue that still has some value anyway it isn't my decision to make well technically it is i mean i write the rules of the challenge but i'm still just passing this decision off to you guys like usual i'm just not going to use rare candy cheats before the hall of fame unless the vast majority of you want me to i know that most pokemon youtubers seem to be cool with rare candy cheats nowadays and that's honestly awesome because when i started doing these challenge runs back in the day what like three years ago now the comments were very clear that they considered that to be cheating i'm happy that that's changed because it makes everybody's life better both for the youtubers who are playing the runs and more importantly the viewers who get more videos as a result anyway this grind is brutally long and i'm sure that i'll just have to keep grinding more every single time i fail the psychic gym so i'm just going to try and get tons of levels tonight rather than trying to fight every couple of level ups we got completely destroyed so i don't think i'm going to stand a chance after just a few levels and it's a real pain to have to get back into the gym every few levels since it's full of little puzzles that waste your time i'll at least get the bulk of my team to level 50 then give it some tries if that doesn't work i'll do another crazy long grind none of this trying to fight every level or two stuff i need to be as efficient as i can with my time if i want to get this done this week i've never actually had a challenge take more than two weeks to beat and i don't want this to be the first one i've got videos to make i'll just take the chance to plug my patreon one last time and remind you that it's linked in the description of all of my videos and that is completely optional because the show is 100 free now i'm gonna go grind for the rest of the day and in a few seconds you'll be watching me trying to psychic gym some more wish me luck so we start things with wheezing and viper zatu used calm mind right away that's good runs where hughes is psychic usually means we lose right away we took out zatu on the first turn by hitting both of our moves on him but thanks to him getting poisoned the second move was unnecessary i hope that doesn't cost us saver lost a ton of health early to earthquake as lunatone came out we did decent damage to clay doll on the second round but the second earthquake took out the viper so we sent in muck who got hit right away by psychic but hung on alright wheezing and muck ganged up on clay doll to finally take him out and now we have to deal with lunatone and soul rock lunatone started building combined so he was my top priority sludge and sludge bomb took it to about a third of its health and poisoned it as lunatone just kept using calm mind and soul rock made it sunny lunatone healed a bit with a berry but the sludge and sludge bomb combo finished it off so we have the numbers advantage psychics still hit muk pretty hard and our moves seem to be doing less damage to soul rock he took out muk so he sent in death stalks to use toxic just in case wheezing ended up losing half of its health to psychic as we spammed sludge and poison sting waiting for poison damage to do its job right when i thought we had won he pulled out another hyper potion to heal back up our attacks didn't do much damage but at least the poison was getting stronger they finished off wheezing so we went down to our last two pokemon toxic took him down to red health again but he used yet another hyper potion we were still doing terrible damage but thanks to tons of turns of him being badly poisoned he finally went down this took 12 tries there's a lot of luck around if they used calm mind or not that and needing to not get crit of course i think that was even more brutal than the rock gym you guys have no idea how happy i am to finally be done that psychic gym but we're not in the clear yet i genuinely have no idea how the next little bit of the game is gonna go okay well i assume archie will be easy since he usually is although i'm sure his crowbat will take ages to knock out the water gym though i don't really know what to expect over there i know wiscash will resist us and have earthquakes so that might be rough but wheezing has levitate so i think it might be okay kingdra could be an issue with double team but that's an issue in a lot of runs so i'm expecting that wally right after is always easy and i don't think it'll be difficult but i honestly have no clue about the elite four we could just lose to them thanks to being too weak plus phoebe is gonna be an issue since poison moves do half damage to ghost types so i could have to over level for that hard to say toxic could help carry us let's just go take on archie and see how this goes okay nothing much to recap on this one they did manage to take down saver but it took his whole team to do it he didn't stand a chance let's go see how the water gym goes first was love disc who confused us but just went down in one sludge bomb so no issue there we switched to wheezing to get rid of our confusion against wiscash it's part ground type so our sludge didn't do much at all as wizkash just used raindance and water pulse on us i thought we were gonna leave it with red health but on the hit that would have left him with a sliver he got poisoned that's awesome he went down faster from that out to viper to deal with kingdra and right away he started with double team our sludge bomb did a little more than half of his health and damage so naturally he outsped us and used rest to heal then woke up and used more double team i was getting worried but then sludge bomb crit for a one shot that's awesome celio hit a weak aurora beam after being taken to red health then healed up with some items so we just two shot right after last was crawdant who couldn't handle sludge bomb thanks to getting poisoned i love that the last thing he did while he fainted from the poison was taunt us last before the elite four's wally it started fine with alteria going down in a couple hits of sludge bomb without doing much damage to us but second was gardevoir is faster than our fastest pokemon and probably could have one shot us with psychic but she used future sight and our sludge bomb took her to a sliver i'm sure wally could have used a full restore but we ended up poisoning gardevoir and it finished her off that was really lucky hey future mdb here apparently during the scriptwriting i completely forgot there was dale caddy because we took it out so fast that i didn't write it down um that's enough from editing mdb back to original voice over mdb next up is a problem though it's magneton uh not gonna lie i completely forgot there was another steel type in the game we don't have body slam anymore i ended up sending in muk to spam screech and i actually had to look at my team to see if i had any non-poison attacking moves left and yeah i only have one it's rock smash a crazy weak move well it's what i've got i screeched until his defense was all the way down then had swallot spam rock smash it worked great getting us a two shot okay crisis averted i was sweating bullets when i saw the name magneton show up last was rosalia and it was a one-shot with sludge bomb i can't believe we just almost had a hard wally fight it sounds like an oxymoron now that we're at the elite four let's take a look at our team to be honest i'm really not sure what to expect just looking at our team right now sydney is probably easy and i don't think glacia will be too hard but phoebe resists our whole team so i'm not feeling confident about that one plus drake is often an issue just because salamance is so powerful then wallace at the end with his tentacruel that resists us melodic who has shed skin so toxic won't stick and whiskash with earthquake this could be pretty hard make your final guesses on if we can win this or not let's do this first is dark trainer sydney this went great with us totally stomping his team into submission they hardly even landed a hit on us what a great start second is ghost trainer phoebe it started all right with us just trying to get toxic to stick on the first dusk lops see they have pressure so we have to use double the power points every time we fight them they spam protect to try and get us to stall out so toxic is the way to go once it went down we had to deal with a bayonet and that was rough thanks to her having psychic we ended up losing our best attacker saver because psychic did so much damage against muk though she sometimes used shadowball for some reason we didn't really deal great damage but we managed to take her down after losing a lot of our health for the second desk lops i sent in swalat to hit toxic just to end up getting hit by earthquake i switched to wheezing since he has levitate then spammed sludge it worked eventually but we almost lost wheezing i kept him in to hit sludge on the next bayonet and we got taken out quickly but not before poisoning her we were able to finish it with muck but only had one health left last was stabilized so i sentenced a lot to hit toxic right away it worked but she started using double team and our attacks were hardly doing anything i still thought i stood a chance until she used a full restore to get rid of toxic we were doomed after that it's alright we're outnumbered and slightly lower level than her anyway so i expected this i'm gonna have one serious grind session then come back okay next try and our team are between levels 55 and 58. i'm gonna be honest i'm surprised this went so poorly i'd argue this fight went even worse than the previous few tries at a lower level there's a lot of luck in this fight around when we can poison them and when they land in red health to then full restore we can get burned we can get crit sometimes bayonet uses psychic and sometimes she doesn't there's a lot of randomness in this fight i was thinking that we wouldn't need to be level 60 but now i'm really thinking that we do i'll be back okay more tries at level 60. the first dusk lop goes different this time thanks to it just using curse and us having to switch it to the viper to get rid of curse thanks to her using a full restore the whole fight basically just went back to stage one so i just went for sludge bombs unfortunately so viper took some confusion damage and a couple of shadow punches so it's already not a good start things turned around though when we crit the first bayonet to one shot it so we didn't have to get hit by psychic out to wheezing for the second dusk flop since i don't want to get hit by earthquake we ended up trading shots for ages as neither of us could do very much it took forever but eventually he ice beamed us and we landed with one health just as our poison finished him off that was literally as close as it could have been as the second bayonet came out swalat got burned that's not good we landed toxic but our sludge bombs are doing just about nothing they knocked us out but as the viper came out the leftover poison damage was finally enough to get the faint last was sable i but we crit a sludge bomb right away for a one shot finally a win third is ice trainer glacia first up is celio who made it hail as we landed a big hit our second hit took him out so it looks like there's a damage range here glayly took big damage off sludge bomb and hardly did anything with icy wind but we did lose some speed so she was able to hit a stronger ice beam before going down out to muk for the second celio and right away we crit for a great one shot the second glaily just started the hail again then used a full restore so we had to take a few rounds of hail damage then right after they exploded and took us out all right well last is wall rain and it did hit reasonably hard but we landed toxic early we never even got to land a single sludge bomb thanks to them critting us for a knockout so we had to use sludge moment's viper instead we got finished off in a one surf and all we had left is wheezing but thanks to her berry and poison damage keeping her in the perfect range where she didn't use a full restore we were able to use sludge and finish the fight fourth is dragon trainer drake shell gun is first and he's got a reputation for wasting our time with protect so i tried poison tail on turns where i thought he would use his protect we lost a little bit of speed to rock tomb but still ended up taking him out just fine second was flygon and it's got earthquake so i used wheezing to negate it that forced him to use flamethrower and dragon breath instead both weaker but could still mess us up with status afflictions it took quite a few sludges before we poisoned him but it didn't matter since he just used a full restore in the end anyway sludge wasn't doing much but is what we've got so i just whittled away at him until we fainted then switched out to muk we lost more than half of our health off earthquake but managed to take it out between sludge bomb and poison damage i really don't like how that went out is a viper for alteria and we actually did great damage his dragon dance gotten to be fast enough to nail us with a strong double edge but we got the knockout right after same thing happened with kingdra he used dragon dance to speed up the first turn but then he used smoke screen on the second causing us to miss so he got another hit in to bring us to only eight health as we took him down last was salamence so a sentence will lot to eat up the attack loss from intimidate on something that wasn't going to do too much damage anyway the plan is just to hit toxic and try to outlast him but even after landing an amazing crit he used a full restore after that he took us out so we can't badly poison him anymore i started throwing the rest of my team in but he easily took them down it's brittle how close that was let's get just a few more levels i'm sure we'll need it for wallace anyway next try at level 65. this one started strange as halfway through the shelgon fight he switched to flygon well it ended up just giving us a free hit in on him then we switched to wheezing where we took him out pretty easily this time shelgon came back out so we finished him with a sludge bomb then we easily took out alteria in a few hits for kingdra we used sludge bomb with the viper and did awesome damage he just used surf so he finished it with poison tail last was salamance so i started with swalat like last time after training hits for ages swallot went down and we had to send in some viper we never managed to get poisoned to stick on him for long but we were able to still eventually just overpower him finally the pokemon champion wallace waylord is first so we just hit sludge bomb dealing great damage his double edge did about 50 as we landed another sludge bomb to take him down second is water onyx so i had splot use toxic we poisoned him but he hit earthquake for tons of damage amazingly though our sludge bomb crit to take him to red health then the poison damage finished him off that was great wiscash is next so i just hit toxic right away as he earthquaked us down out to wheezing and we just spammed sludge to try and take him down we almost did but he landed in red health and ended up healing back up with a full restore we poisoned him on the very next sludge so we were still dealing decent damage although surf was really hurting us thanks to a crit though we hung on with 21 health next up is tentacruel and sarvypris sludge bomb did less than half of his health and damage as we took lots from hydro pump i used poison tail to keep him from going into red to avoid a full restore as he landed another hydro pump to take us to red health our next sludge bomb took him out ludacola was a one shot with sludge bomb and last was melodic i sent in muck and started with sludge bomb but he was faster and hit surf first sludge bomb brought him to below half health but a berry brought him back to above half thanks to that he hung on from sludge bomb and full restored we brought him back down to below health took a surf that left us with only 11 health then landed the finishing blow to win the fight with that victory we get into the hall of fame and win the run normally i'd try the steven stone fight but he's mostly got steel type so we'd have to put aside the poison rule for like most of the battle i think i've already spent plenty of time on this run i've got to get to work on the next one i really hope you guys like that run the next challenge should be up next week on saturday like usual with the return of non-pokemon challenges when i do elder scrolls oblivion as a necromancer i'm super pumped for it those oblivion runs are always really really fun to play and don't worry there's gonna be more pokemon challenges the week after that pokemon challenges aren't going away if you've only watched the pokemon challenges though and you've never watched any of my non-pokemon challenges i've done fallout 3 and fallout new vegas and skyrim and oblivion all of them are really fun and i made sure that my first challenge in every one of those games i kind of go over the whole plot and exactly what we're doing so those of you who have never played those games can still have a fun time watching along with everybody else i've had quite a few comments from people who said that they don't know anything about elder scrolls or fallout but they still enjoyed it so that's that's my sign that i think i did a good job as always i'm looking forward to your suggestions in the comments in the challenge request section of my discord channel and on twitter subscribe ring the bell stay tuned outro time i don't want to go super long on this one because man this episode was long enough already right like i'm looking at the time code of this voiceover and how long the script is and everything and this is probably going to be my longest run since either the brilliant diamond one or the christmas one which one was longer brilliant diamond was like 55 minutes video the christmas one in black two my only black two run by the way if anyone wants to go watch that that was what like an hour long or something something like that and i think this is gonna be roughly around there sorry it took an extra week to do uh it was a lot of work to do this one and i say was a lot of work it was a lot of work when you're watching this it still is a lot of work to me right now because i'm doing the voice over which means i need to you know uh edit the voiceover and then edit the entire video all while doing an oblivion run on the side because there is never enough time in the day anyway i saw that a bunch of you guys started finding my old oblivion with only illusion magic run which honestly one of my favorite videos i have ever made in my entire history making videos not just counting like pokemon challenges just not just counting challenges in general i'm counting like the 13 or something years that i've been on youtube why not i'll even count all the years i was editing in high school editing video then it's just one of my favorite videos i've ever made oblivion with only illusion magic that was such a blast to make anyway i saw that a lot more people are seeing that than ever before um it seems like it's getting pushed more in suggested videos and homepages by youtube i have no idea why they just decided to start promoting those videos now my my old non-pokemon runs considering um most of them are like two years old or something by this point i have no idea why i decided just now is the time to do that but i'm unbelievably grateful that it is um because i like doing those runs and it's really cool that some people want to watch those ones too i think it's always really cool whenever people want to check out more of the variety of things on my channel because it means that i get to spend more time doing other things as well and although i really love doing the pokemon challenges i wouldn't do them if i wasn't having fun with them because they are quite a bit of work um it's always nice having variety and it's always nice being able to do other things and to share all the other things i'm passionate about with you guys because i'm passionate about more than just pokemon and pro wrestling i like other video games too as you probably know if you've looked at the list of games i've covered on this channel what with me playing literally hundreds of games on this channel with literally thousands of let's play videos of uh of many a game what what have i put up 6 000 let's play videos almost 6 000 let's play videos i know it's like over 7 000 videos on the channel total now something crazy like that anyway i'm rambling way too much i gotta get on editing this voiceover and i gotta start that fun necromancer run in oblivion so i'm gonna go make some lunch and then i'm gonna get right on that thank you everybody so much for watching and until next time have a nice day
Channel: Mah-Dry-Bread - Gameplay & Streams!
Views: 258,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mahdrybread, mah-dry-bread, English, commentary, gameplay, MDB, pokemon challenges, pokemon, guide, nintendo, walkthrough, pokemon challenge, pokémon, can you beat, challenge, can you beat pokemon with only a, gba, is it possible to beat, elite four, challenge run, no items, game freak, pokemon gameplay, Gen 3, Pokemon Emerald, Hoenn, Only Poison Moves, Poison Moves Only
Id: N-ip_Y5ZSr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 53sec (3293 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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