Creating a GIGACHAD Lamball in Palworld

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all right so I'm just sitting here in power world what can be something that can be really stupid but also can be really impressive so I'm thinking of trying to defeat the first Syndicate Tower boss with only lamb balls and now I'm after some really good traits that would increase the lamb balls damage is I'm only going to be in that fight with my fist hey yo let's go ahead and F up some PS we've got some more Lambs here let's just yink up all of them hopefully they've got some good stats logging for man not the best we got Swift and motivational leader and power of gear that one is actually pretty decent I'm happy with that but just be sure we are going to catch a ton more to get the best stats possible we are looking for ferocious and there it is ferocious awesome we have gotten that come here Mr Lambo no you're not running away today you are mine oh a chest yoink positive thinker we would like to think positive that you will get good stats oh he's in the water don't worry I'll save [Music] you don't roll over me you dead oh you're dead I thought you were alive all right we at reset number like four now fingers crossed we've got nothing on the past two runs so hopefully we get something better get me off my M thankfully we got 200 spheres so we don't run out of anything another Vanguard how hard is it to get muscle head another day another reset for lambs oh I hear a shiny down there hopefully the shiny lamb ball what up C just slowly chip away your health with my pickaxe if you don't mind ow oh my why is that so powerful give me give me your shiny Essence lucky and coward that's like the worst combinations this Lambo City here there's so many Zen mind where's Muscle head we haven't gotten a single muscle head I'm starting how are you escaping this ball muscle head we finally got a muscle head oh my God and it was on a female I believe that's not the best but we finally have a muscle head um I've been farming for just under an hour now of straight farming we're going to see if we get any more muscle heads on this run but now that we've got that we've pretty much got the best lamb ball we can ever find now we just need to breathe them up all right so farming for about an hour I I'm not even kidding we've got like three four five pages full of just straight lamb balls now I need to go ahead and work through all of them to see which one's the best one I know this one's good so put Chucky on the face bu body has 20 defense that might be good and literally our last one is a male which has muscle head which gives it extra damage so here are the PS here we got muscle head bu body and ferocious that's the ones I'm want to Chuck together so we have attack plus attack and then plus defense which should be amazing we're going to Chuck these two together first actually we're going to breed two at a time can we not okay we're going to breed two at a time we're going to get a second Hatchery going I'm going to Chuck you in in here you got bu body as well oh know this one's got muscle head we want bu body over here you got ferocious this one needs to go over here all right so we got ferocious and muscle head in this pen and the next pen we have got a build body and ferocious once more so hopefully we can get all four of those stats and Chu them together we're going to go ahead and breed three each that one's already got cake in it so we'll leave that one this one we're going to Chuck three in and just like that and while these guys are breeding their eggs I'm going to stock them up Chuck on the egg incubators and I'll be back once they are ready to hatch all right they have just finished laying all their eggs so let's go ahead and scoop up all seven of the common eggs these ones over here all right so we just need to wait 5 minutes and hopefully we get lucky and get all the traits that we would like all right so it's now the next morning the eggs are about to hatch and I extremely excited to see what we are going to get let off I have no idea if these are the defensive ones or offensive ones the build body which is not what we want but it's something another B's body maybe these eggs are just completely wasting we didn't combine any muscle head ferocious that is the one that we would like that is perfect that is a breeding pair for sure we got extremely lucky with that one muscle head ferocious and Swift that one's even better cuz it has Swift on it bu body and ferocious okay we are getting some amazing drops here ferocious B body those were fantastic we going to breed together this one with ferocious Swift muscle head and then this one was ferocious and muscle head as well but to be completely honest if this one if we all if we fail we don't get like all golden traits I'm happy just to use this lamb ball fro just Swift and muscle head that is amazing once again we're going to go ahead and Chuck five cakes in and we are going to wait for them to hatch and we will see what we get all right so I've been breeding a bunch of eggs recently and we've got nothing good besides this one that we hatched ages ago he somehow folded so now he's just healing up we're going to go ahead and Chuck him in our party is a him if I'm correct it's a her we're going to grab her and what we are going to do is we are going to infuse her with a bunch of other Pals and make her the strongest pal we have as we are going to go ahead and just use a single pal we need 32 we should have more than 32 that should be a whole box full condensed condensed we need 64 we we might be able to do this again to be completely honest with you this we've got still a whole box left this just goes to show how many lamb balls I collected and it's already maxed out we've maxed out our lamb ball at level 5 at level four it already has 225 attack damage plus 50% from our skills now what we're also going to do is we're going to infuse it with a bunch of Po Essence as well we're going to go ahead and get it Max HP up we'll get it just until actually we'll leave it at 21% we'll get everything up this is going to be insane yes I most likely wasting a bunch of resources on this pal well I think def I think we should just Chuck one point in everything right we're just going to go ahead and Chuck one point into everything and just like that our level five lamb ball has 1,000 HP at level 5 1,000 HP at level 5 I can't wait to upgrade this thing to get to level like 20 or 30 all right but we also are going to teach it some rock moves I've got something in here we've got sand blast we got Stone Cannon we use Stone Cannon we got sand tornado we're going to need to make him learn these because we need to go ahead Stone Cannon we'll get we need all ground types cuz ground is going to be very effective against the electric boss which has 30k HP so hopefully we can do our best now what I need to do is go out and kill a bunch of things and farm it level up so yeah I'll be back once it's like at least level 25 to 30 my guy tried to blow up he's already we've killed like three bosses and he has implode I do not want you to have the power to be a remote C4 bomb right now okay I want you just almost killed himself before hitting the big boss oh Lambo but as of level 27 our Lambo currently has the most attack damage in our entire team and now we are here at the first Syndicate Tower with a level 32 Lambo we could do a high level I want to see how well she does with just her being level 32 she has some decent abilities she has implode but I kind of don't want to do that cuz I I don't want to wait 10 minutes every single time she does that but she has over 750 attack damage which is insane literally more damage than my other Pals in here not as great defense Anyway come on Lambo we're going to try I'm so excited for this boss fight I literally can't wait I would like to see how much damage my Lampo does I wait here now we do have a 10-minute timer and our lamb ball hopefully doesn't explode oh my God I don't need to do anything my L is just absolutely obliterate okay I literally underestimated how much damage my Lambo was going to do oh my days 2,000 damage this lambo's insane and she's taking no damage all finish her off finish her off oh my God my I'm speechless a Lambo takes down this boss oh the disrespect throwing mud on her face I didn't expect that come here Lambo come here okay here we have I'm not going to drop you don't worry here we have the champion Lambo absolutely destroying that boss in like under 2 minutes I want to see how well it does against the second boss I think I need fire attacks for it so let's go ahead and get some fire attacks on her oh I didn't okay so what do we got we got IGN blast Spirit fire we got flare arrow and IGN blast we also have flare storm okay here we are at the second boss Lambo are you ready I have extremely high hopes for you especially after that last boss fight let's get into it all right good luck all right go Lambo I completely forgot it was a a grass not a fire what you were doing so much damage I can't believe it what level is this boss again this this boss is level 25 has 70,000 HP and a level 32 Lambo is just being destroying this boss Although our Lambo is taking a bunch of damage especially with those grass attacks so I'm just going to have to reposition Lambo every single time to avoid the attacks okay it's kind of hard for her to attack now just focus on me I kind of don't want to interrupt this boss fight this boss fight is really sick you're doing doing damage you're doing damage I must say you're doing damage I'm going to feed him 10% damage resist this is going to be such a tough fight just agon to me and we're happy okay she's almost half HP yes Agron to me that's all I want that's all I want is an agon to me our Lambo is healing up quite nicely go use that fire okay there's a seed bomb I'm going to Chuck lamble over there to be safe oh now lambo's stunned that's not hitting Lambo is it no our lamb is I'm so surprised our lamb doing so much I mean to be fair it's lambo's completely broken right oh no we just got poisoned we might be throwing here okay Lambo you need to finish the job you need to finish the job 18K Health not much left now okay I'll distract the bubbles I distracting the bubbles okay she's running after me you got plenty of time L you you have got plenty of time to attack her she's stuck on this one move where she wants to poison me big Damage Big damage come on I'm literally so blown away about how much damage our Lambo does taking on bosses like this is stupid the worst creature in the game taking on this Lambo is about to take down two of The Game's bosses I wonder if I can do any more probably not I might have to find that out okay 3K HP left finish her off Lambo just finish her off I didn't even think this boss was going to be possible to be honest hey play safe now L you don't want to die right now finish the job nice no way lold just did that actually insane creature look at this you just got destroyed by a lamb all right you are the most OP creature in the entire game if you guys enjoyed the video make sure to like And subscribe I'll catch you guys the next one I'll just Chuck lamp oh no you didn't go off the cliff this time congratulations
Channel: CDiinky
Views: 300,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CDiinky, Grounded, GroundedGame, Bossfight, Challenge
Id: Q1rqMVeWqa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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