Can you beat Minecraft in Peaceful Mode?

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what if i told you that peaceful mode is the hardest game mode you want to beat the game so you head to the nether to farm blazes but blazes don't spawn this is minecraft's only difficulty that is deemed impossible to beat without the help of cheats or specific worlds but i want to change that therefore i'm giving myself 24 hours to find a way to beat the game and if the timer runs out i'll delete my world so is this game mode really impossible i sure hope not otherwise i'm about to look ridiculous now i need blaze rods and ender pearls to beat the game and frankly i don't know how i'm gonna do that yet so we can come back to that later i think first i want to get myself some iron so i can get myself a portal to the nether probably a good time to mention i was talking to my friend right before this and he dared me to use the first world that i spawn in and so i said yes because apparently i'm a sucker for putting myself in a terrible situation oh look a village honestly can i just like what you don't even care oh my god this is incredible i can see why peaceful mode's just the best come here timmy i took my new friend timmy turned him into a bucket and used him to make another portal to get blaze rods i am on an adventure looking for the blaze blaze rods why do i keep forgetting that peaceful mode doesn't spawn the blaze rods i mean what kind this is the part where everyone that's tried to beat the game in peaceful mode has failed obtaining blaze rods in order to beat the game blaze rods are a required step if we are playing on easy or even hard difficulty we can just walk into another fortress find a blaze spawner and kill a blaze no problem but since we're playing on peaceful difficulty minecraft doesn't allow blazes or any other hostile mob to spawn so the answer seems obvious if blazes don't spawn surely it's an impossible task but i'm not giving up that easy so i did some research after quite a bit of research i stumbled across this video showcasing a method to obtain blaze rods in peaceful mode this sounds perfect it seems like the exact solution to my problem however there's a catch because in order to obtain the blaze rods i would need to downgrade my world to version 1.0 the oldest version of minecraft now downgrading a world isn't really a new concept but that doesn't make it any less dangerous your entire inventory gets deleted world generation gets corrupted and minecraft starts to crash constantly now like i said before i'm only playing on this single world safely loading another world isn't an option so i made myself a backup and began the downgrade [Music] [Applause] oh jesus okay [Applause] oh this game is so laggy i don't know if this is playable what is this what oh my god no i i am actually gonna break my game oh crap thankfully a quick restart of minecraft seems to have solved my problem however i'm not quite out of the woods yet now the dude who made that video crafter dark he i don't even know if the video is legit it could be fake for all i know but the dude is claiming that there are actually blazes spawning in the nether i don't know i kind of want to check that out so i guess we'll go back to the nether again i literally did this like not too long ago oh god you can't oh you can't even quit craft oh this is so weird i think the biggest slap in the face is that i have to place every single block in the crafting table what is that boot this thing i'll tell you this thing picks up speed though oh i already missed normal minecraft okay enough messing around i just need to get down to the mines and get some diamonds i'm making myself another portal [Music] i honestly should not be playing this late at night in the dark it gave me the heebie-jeebies i'll be honest i forgot how eerie mining in this version of minecraft can be it's it's pretty scary but i kept pushing forward and found enough diamonds to return to the surface oh oh dude oh my god i built a giant nerd pole next to my base because well i mean it's 2011 minecraft that's just what you do hold on a second i don't have a way down can i can i uh water bucket uh no no you cannot uh-oh yeah so uh good old chiefy poo stuck in what we like to call a severe high impact and terrible situation now luckily for me there was water right next to me and it took a couple attempts but i managed to stick the landing like a grade a olympic athlete but i wasn't out of the woods yet because i seem to have forgotten to write down where my base was a rookie mistake now luckily i recorded some footage and i was able to reverse engineer where exactly my base was however that whole process burnt another valuable hour now sure it was a bit of a setback but we didn't lose any of our items gotta look at the positives oh my god i'm so sleepy but we're in the nether i'm really banking on dark's method to work uh i'm actually just gonna keep going i'm not gonna think about it yeah i'm just gonna oh whoa okay that's that's a drop [Music] oh okay there's the fortress just take a look up here now if dark's theories correct any moment now it should yes yes oh my god dark's theory proposes that in minecraft 1.0 peaceful mode was coded in such a way that the blaze spawners still spawn blazes however the game would eventually remember it's in peaceful mode and remove the mobs almost immediately the key word in that sentence is almost slowing down the footage you can see the blazes in the game for exactly three whole frames so theory stands if i can kill the blaze during that window of time it should drop a blaze rod okay so just flat out gonna need the strongest sword after doing a little bit of research it seems like the best weapon is a diamond sword sharpness four so i'm gonna make myself a little diamond sword here gonna make me an enchanting table yeah i'm gonna need a lot of bookshelves a lot of bookshelves means a lot of sugarcane [Music] now listen i hate to be a negative nancy but between the research the figuring out darks method and these dang crops i i have burned a lot of time i mean i've even made an efficient crop farm design to help improve my rates but the sugarcane wasn't growing and i resorted to some desperate measures come on man you gotta grow i'm running out of time listen i i won't force you to subscribe to my youtube channel like those other suckers watching this video so i went back to my best friend google and started researching a little bit and you know what i found a duplication glitch no way that works or five six so if i want this to work i just take my diamonds put one here and then no oh my god dude listen i see you keyboard warriors about to judge the hairy academy but just remember i ain't using cheats or another seed i'm still in survival so i'ma just keep doing my thing all right perfect okay i'm just gonna grab you bring me all the way over here yeah let's just get that sucker in there ah yes the next piece of the puzzle to enchant anything in minecraft you need levels but we're playing in minecraft 1.0 where the only way you can actually get experience is from killing hostile mobs oh boy and passive mobs but remember we're playing peaceful mode so yes come with me i know you like it you'd probably prefer carrots but since they're not in the game yet yeah you can't be picky [Music] all right now you all get to eat eat eat eat go find your partners make babies right it's like a mosh pit you just got to really get get your get your feet wet you know just just just hop in on the fun yeah don't don't worry about it guys now before i show you guys what i've done i just want to clarify something to the peta organization you guys gotta understand listen it's for the content the content okay now sure it's not the best living conditions but it's okay because they're gonna live a long and happy that went on for 20 minutes and all i have to show for that is 24 levels i honestly thought that the breeding farm was gonna be more than enough but unfortunately it's not because thanks to this enchanting guide i found i need to be at least level 34 to get sharpness for on my sword time is of the essence so i prep some swords and set off into the wilderness once more [Music] let's go first try didn't even need the backup let's go well i guess it's now or never oh i'm so nervous everything's riding on this everything that i've worked so hard for is riding on this if this doesn't work the entire video is going to be for nothing another fortress is in sight okay i'm walking down the stairs oh yeah i'm right underneath me that's yeah it's right down here cool all right mr blaze spawner don't fail me now okay i'm gonna put together a little farm like dark did in this video hopefully this will be good enough here let me pull up my auto clicker if this works i am gonna be losing my absolute mooring [Music] oh no freaking way no no it's possible let's go let's go oh my god yes yes yes yes yes yes oh my god yes oh my god i cannot believe that just happened like what i'm i'm sitting here just shook now even though we have the blaze rods we still need ender pearls to beat the game luckily we could trade for them with villagers but since villagers aren't in this version of minecraft we need to upgrade our world back to 1.18 you know the place where we met timmy so i prepped my inventory with everything i may need and i said my final goodbyes well we've been through quite a lot in these past few hours but i gotta go off in search of a village now i don't know if we're gonna see each other again but i hate goodbyes so you know i'm just not gonna say anything oh my god we we literally look at this we got all of our stuff from 1.0 into 1.18.2 oh my god the generation's good like everything's good yeah that isn't good generation i will say this does make me a bit worried that the villages could have also gotten corrupted thankfully they didn't it just took a little more adventuring to figure that out village village village okay okay okay man i was literally just about to say how much hope i was about to lose [Music] you finally decided you want to come and restock your ender pearls come on man you're like the one thing in my way from making this a reality oh my god please come on oh oh yes all you have to do is ask nicely ladies and gentlemen now let's make some eyes of ender the stronghold is that way [Music] i should be still going the right way oh we are hot baby we are so hot oh oh this is it dude this is it this is it boys they said it couldn't be done they said it was impossible yeah that sounded really cocky i'm sorry but i am in peaceful mode just in case there was any questions and that leaves me with only one thing left to do let's go [Applause] oh my god you know i'm just realizing now this probably makes me the world record holder [Music]
Channel: That Chief Guy
Views: 1,682,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft peaceful mode, that chief guy, chief, chief minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.18, minecraft survival peaceful
Id: mkN-8aSSMzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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