Can 100 Players Beat Minecraft's Best Builder?

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I brought together 100 players and put them up against Minecraft's greatest Builder to test up the quality of a player can beat the quantity of players as soon as the 100 players spawned in they immediately got to grinding and I was surprised to see that they were all working together bruh look at we got like 10 people working on the same house right now from the start of giant cities medieval castles and a technoblade statue these 100 players seem determined to beat Clinton the solo professional builder rather than just jumping straight into building Quentin was replacing the landscape with stone to get a fresh start and even made outlines with wool of where he wanted his eventual structures to be like a true architect would although the 100 players seem to have made more progress so far judging from Quentin's signature builds you cannot rush perfection this 1v100 competition will go on for the next seven days but in the meantime let's push this experiment even further by seeing if 15 average players can make a better Redstone build than two of the smartest as soon as the 15 normal players spawn bond in only a few of them had an idea of what to do so most people are just looking at this like huh what's this dude doing but as they reorganized themselves they came together to unleash their inner IQ by building some different Redstone builds like a three by three door a rainbow Beacon machine in a fascinating Redstone boat all right I think this dude right here is building like a redstone boat or something if it's sales it's sales I mean honestly if it while the average players continue to work on their Contraption convention the best player sloime and map bat wings were already showing off their genius okay I started this competition yeah I kid you not two seconds ago and my man already has a barrel Tower with some like wiring going on I would expect nothing less than the man who's built a giant working 2048 machine all with redstone as each team continued grinding and the 24 hours came to a close it was now time to see who created the better Redstone build starting with the 15 normal players I spawned in a small room with various different levers and after flicking one a three by three door opened up behind me okay interesting I don't know where I am by the way but why why do this bro what is going on this is the most stupid thing oh wait a second this actually looks kind of cool oh my God I don't believe that I do not believe that for a second Not only was there several counts of animal crew cruelty here but they also fraudulently copy and pasted towards one Hertz Redstone computer in the Sky by using hacks surprisingly though around the area were a few legit interesting inventions which the 15 players came together to build like this Redstone Wireless lamp a really powerful TNT cannon that destroyed these Rockets as well as a few other semi-complex Limestone flying machines but as I went to see what the pros map at wings and sloime had made to contest I was completely blown away oh my God why is there so much different stuff going on in just 24 hours these fellas made Microsoft paints inside Minecraft and to see if it really worked I needed to go Leonardo mode and make something great I started off by selecting Circle mode then selected a thickness of two in a size of three I then chose where I wanted the circle to be placed and then finally press the draw button oh my God bro I was not expecting it to be that good I didn't know it was going to be that big of a circle I was trying to draw a dick I knew I can make something great with this so I reconfigured and went at it again oh there we go I hope you're sponsored by manscape nah it's just a turtle bro chill your view next I went ahead and tried one of the coolest features of the entire build the line drawing tablet I gotta give this man the best legs of his life oh look at it go oh far stop stop no I drew in the rest of the two legs and it was finished although the 15 normal players did come together and build an interesting world the quality of a player is gonna have to take the dub on Redstone here now let's increase the player count and see if three of the best players can make a better more functional base than these 20 average players there they are oh my gosh somebody's already are you kidding me who's this dude right here well the normal players had a rough start after a few minutes in they really started to bring it together with a to-do list some rough draft Redstone build as well as an outline for their main base let's see what the best play oh my God the way they already be doing stuff like this every time every time I'll leave and I come back and they got some scientific stuff going on unlike the 20 regular players who were just jumping into things the three best players like pingu and sacred were planning out some different redstone contraptions for later implementation this left each team to continue grinding out their bases for the next 24 hours and this time the normal players ended up having their stuff much much more together I'm gonna look behind me it's gonna be epic oh my gosh the parents bruh they did this in one day the 20 players transformed this whole island into a giant Kingdom base with tons of different personality filled building artwork scattered throughout they even had some well-made Redstone features like this gate to keep any Intruders out a very beautiful technoblade Memorial as well as some interesting defense mechanisms bro what is this no way they got cannons oh my God look at this dude he's defending his Nation Not only was the top side part of the base really well built but they also had a slimestone elevator that led you to an underground mine with various different Farms storage and even a mob zoo inside overall an extremely creative base accomplished by these 20 players but let's go see if the three best players could make something better Bruh Bruh I am getting the Goosebumps right now there is no way my man built this in one day bro entire 24 hours one of the three players Boris Altman grinded for 17 hours straight constructing and designing this beautiful jungle City we've come to a gate my friend open the gate open sesame oh let's go at work as I went through the automatic Redstone Gates I entered the main base to find an extremely well made interior around every corner inside was some sort of different Farm decoration or well-needed feature to make the base functional dang I'm getting a workout in from these stairs oh okay I love that [Music] let's go another door bro the doors are just like such a good touch love it bro oh my gosh it's so good dude and if all that wasn't a bridge outside that goes to the small little island so I love the personalization on the other build like there's so many different rooms but like how can you look at that and say that was built in a day I'm gonna have to give it to the three pros for this another win for quality but let's up the stakes to see if five of the most experienced players can make a more successful survival civilization than 30 normal players oh these dudes spawning on the mountain though the 30 players had spawned on a Snowy Mountain which at first made it difficult for them to gather food and other natural resources but this didn't stop them from making progress as they collectively work together to become geared and set up based brah this dude about to hit that hit up the nether we need to slow down guys we need to focus on taming some of these donkeys the team of five was also making some major progress after spawning in their diverse region and ransacking a village and it wasn't a surprise that jkm the same guy who's obtained command blocks in survival mode was already securing the bag what the it's been 20 minutes hey keep up the good work gents for the next three days each of the two teams worked incredibly hard to develop the most successful civilization they possibly could and from judging the five best players worlds they had indeed kept up the good work in the heart of their civilization was this beautiful wealthy Lake town and in the main building was where they had stored their two and a half stacks of diamond blocks to obtain this level of economy in just three days the five players focused heavily on self-sufficient Farms like this iron farm that produces five and a half thousand ingots an hour this shulker Farm which produces 750 shulker shells an hour a literal Warden farm that they use to make a mob switch among plenty others and on top of all that automation they even had a giant tunnel board machine underground which can literally mine out to every resource they needed with TNT with basically every natural resource being automated exploiting game mechanics and having a beautiful civilization built these five Pros for sure put their experience to the test but let's go see if the 30 normal players can finally come out on time bruh this is a legit civilization bro you gotta do it you gotta do it they didn't even I didn't even do that after three days all of the 30 players had come together to create this really nice town that had different houses and Farms just like a real civilization would they called themselves the ants colony and with features like a shipping dog a technoblade memorial walls to keep any mobs out this was a legit Society dude I don't know why it's just like makes me so happy looking at this bro why would they do this why lord's name would they do this although their civilization did look amazing it lacked the farms in progress the pros had done which made this a really tough call this is so hard I don't know who to pick I want to go with the best players but these guys are so good too if I'm gonna say who made the more successful civilization I'm gonna have to go with the best players now if there was any challenge for the quantity of players to finally pull through it was here where we have 10 of the best PV peers who are going to try and take on 50 normal players all right oh my gosh here they go using their larger numbers the 50 players charged in while the 10 Pros potted up and let them come to them look at this dude's already getting dunked on bro oh my gosh somebody's already dead no way bro they're clearing them the 10 Pro started extremely strong quickly wiping out some of the other 50 players one by one broth what are these dudes doing up here get off of this fights for your people it wouldn't be until they wiped out around 10 of the opposition that the pros would start seeing their first death Frankie don't die Frankie no Frankie although they had a strong start the pro started to quickly get wiped out by the normal player team no oh they're all dropping they're getting clapped right now and look at this dude no Steve gamer died it's all down to straight with little left to work with Straight attempted to avoid the dozens of enemies still chasing him until he finally quartered himself and accepted his face oh no he's giving up no that means that the quantity of players takes the dub on PVP yet it still seems like quality has proved to be better so far the one week build event has just come to an end so let's see how 100 players work together to push their creative limits against Quentin one of Minecraft's greatest Builders here we go oh my gosh bro the 100 players came together to completely transform this world into an extremely chaotic looking Museum oh wait that's actually kind of whoever did this respect there's a couple of Diamonds in the Rough here fellas at first I'm not gonna lie it was pretty easy to lose hope for the 100 players while observing the spawn but as I saw the rest of the map there were some true works of art dang all right this is easily one of the best builds so far not only did they work together to create this really nice medieval village but they also had taken it a step further and made this giant futuristic city oh my God this is actually good oh my gosh they got like a whole airport too with plenty of different buildings a whole airport and a bunch of giant battleships I couldn't believe that 100 strangers had done this all together they even made this gigantic pixel art of me like that okay I'll take you wait wait wait we weren't supposed to turn this way overall it's just so impressive how well they came together for these builds but let's go see what Quentin had made to contest oh damn oh my gosh it's massive Clinton had completely terraformed these Mountain Islands into this beautiful landscape with a giant medieval Kingdom the nature and Views had this really weird effect on me that made me feel like I was physically there this is literally a mega oh my God look at the windmill dude how did he even do this Quintin knew he had to get really creative to match 100 other players so he added intricate details like this working windmill that was done completely with command blocks this waterfall splashing XP surrounding this technoblade Memorial in detailed map Arts of the feds trying to track me for my tax fraud it's so tough to make this decision bro I'm gonna cry again bro I was just like the simple animation if I were to live in either one of those I'm gonna have to go with Quentin's one player build I hope you all support this decision and enjoyed the video it took so much effort to make so if you want to see more like it please subscribe
Channel: Sipover
Views: 2,186,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rmgGNLkyQbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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