I Became Minecraft’s #1 Player

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according to the internet technoblade is minecraft's most popular player well not for long becoming minecraft's number one player is no small feat with millions of active players there's competition to say the least to stand out from the crowd i knew i'd need a guide no not that kind of guide yeah that's better i found this extremely credible website known as wikihow that contains a detailed step-by-step guide on becoming popular oh and also it has pictures yes so i hopped into the bumblecraft server ready to begin my quest to become minecraft's favorite player alrighty techno prepare to be vanquished in popularity for the record i wouldn't stand a chance in pvp okay well would you look at that step one of my guide says that i need to put myself out there and without doing diddly squat this cybec character already recognizes me this whole quest to be the best thing is gonna be a gosh darn cakewalk full disclosure i was wrong about that but let's not spoil this moment we've got some meaningful relationships to make hi can i have stuff right off the bat i get a total stranger inviting me to their home that's extremely sketchy no way am i gonna accept hey stranger upon arriving at cybex home i realized i just completed the first step in my guidebook i invited sybec to go on some adventures and i'm not proud of this but the two of us did get completely distracted and we wasted two whole hours completely forgetting about my goal to surpass techno in popularity upside cybeck was kind enough to donate some overpowered gear to me and i was able to show on my super awesome bucket clutch skills okay one more for good measure lawless but eventually it was sleepy time irl and my bed seduced me so i logged off for the night [Music] i relogged on to the server to continue my adventure and to my absolute surprise cybec was there ready to greet me now i didn't tell the guy i was getting on so there's two theories here one is that cybec has been stalking me for the past oh my god 96 hours waiting for my freaking return so he can i don't know hunt me down and find me and strip me of all my money or two it was a pure coincidence and he was just being a friendly guy i chose to believe the latter distractions aside i must resume my mission to overtake techno the next step in my guide is to form relationships with others commonly referred to as making friends upon asking beck to be my friend he promptly invited me to show me what he's been working on hey cybeck long time no see buddy what the what the heck is this are you kidding me what the heck dude these are all spawners that's not that that's like loki the hack spray i i don't know i dude what are you doing you're gonna get banned for this cybeck explained to me that his contraption was legal and i reluctantly went along with it that being said accepting cybex invitation to his home and conversing with him has made me a friendlier person with my popularity steadily increasing i think i'm ready to call cybeck my friend however everyone knows that real friends go by nicknames so cybeck i'm gonna call you back [Music] okay beck step three on my popularity guide says that i need to help people out so question is for you what can i help with didn't even know you can make another farm but screw it i'm in you just uh you just guide the way big house all right you just guide the way [Music] dude i can't do that i can't do that i i oh wait wait i think i get it yeah i got it get me some blocks and i'll start placing come on give me the blocks i'm going to start placing just give me the blocks all right now we're talking all right we're gonna start building we're gonna start building and we're gonna start practicing art no we're not no we're not oh god uh back i can't build wait what i'm sorry i didn't realize i could be the gosh darn blue angels in minecraft oh my god this is awesome wait how do i stop step back back how do i stop back back back wait back oh god things were going great beck and i were a well-oiled machine just ripping through the build in harmonious synchronization but like all great things it didn't last all right now we're breaking the outer layer okay all right all right i can vibe oh no you're probably thinking yeah chief what's the big deal so you broke a couple blocks you weren't supposed to big whoop well big whoop is right because what you don't understand is i broke a sacred rule in my popularity guide which clearly states to not overdo it and breaking blocks that i wasn't supposed to is overdoing it so all i can do is now sit here apologize and just pray that he forgives me oh thank god i swear it was just on a roller coaster of emotions right there that was not fun okay back apologies again for being over ambitious and uh i guess trying too hard you know i thought i'm sorry i tried too hard buddy [Music] welbeck we're gosh darn geniuses you and i i know you can't hear me but you know completing this farm means another accomplished step in my book for total popularity step four of the guide tells me that i need to get involved and join a club makes sense to me techno's rise to fame was after joining the hypixel bedwars club so i began looking for a club to call my own beck i'll be right back you just stay right where you are and stay beautiful you beautiful person do you even realize that i'm still here how are you doing you are ah what's up please no no no it's fine it's fine oh no no no no no okay so you know no clubs okay hi hi i i don't know if you know me i'm trying to become popular um i'll get right down to business uh would you happen to perchance by the way maybe a little know about the club do you know what never mind it's fine no no i was just gonna ask about clubs it's fun excuse me cosmo how you doing you uh you uh you know about clubs that can join please don't ignore me like the others sir hello oh my god oh that's oh that's hideous oh gosh i'm so sorry gosh it's it's terrible to have have a face like that wow hey oh hey how you doing you're actually you're actually looking at me this is way better than any of the other luck i've had you'd you would have no idea so listen i'm trying to become popular right now uh and one of the steps in my guide is to actually uh i got to join a club are there any any clubs on this server and the very kind lady was actually pretty helpful and guided me to their only club on the server and it was called life steal no no no no no no no no no no no no why is this a problem you might ask well you see lifesteal is a popular style of minecraft but there's one catch yeah that about sums it up but to raise the stakes even higher if i die too many times on here i get banned from the server was i seriously willing to risk it all just for a chance at popularity i mean i was hesitant and back silence wasn't helping either but he knew whether i joined lifesteal or not would have to be my decision alone i'd be lying straight into my mic if i said i wasn't scared but i came to this server for one reason and one reason only to overtake technoblade as minecraft's most popular player i've gotten this far i can't back down now i selfishly decided to ask beck to join me on my journey into what would certainly be a death sentence and my absolute surprise he took my offer and thank god too like sheesh i'm already scared to sleep with the lights off in my room let alone death why did i share that publicly all right here we go i'm gonna join lifesteal it's fine everything's fine yeah i'm just gonna immediately tp back here you know i'm i'm not wasting any time on that oh buddy i'm a little i'm a little worried but i think we'll be uh i think we'll be okay get yourself out i was able to get some spare gear do not ask where i got it but just take some of that and just this is why i brought you around i'm on a quest to have some fun maybe make some friends cuz i really liked him are you kids bickering out there all right i just got ignored by my roommates you know back i actually want to be popular by the end of this video so let's try and make some friends while we're here you know this is the ultimate ultimate sign of friendship you gotta just love the crouch spamming oh hold the hole let's bring another person into the crouch spamming friendship fun let's bring in arch impala i'm no professional but i don't think his name is arch impala oh oh no no no no no wait i barely saw that i barely saw that i don't have another one on me i don't know have another one on me i don't have another one on me i don't have another one oh my god oh no no beck's in trouble back's in trouble oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god blocks blocks blocks blocks blocks blocks blocks oh my god back back we got a fight oh my god what is going on it's like all oh no no no no no no i don't have any equipment for this i i am well ill-appeared back oh geez back chatsura really wanted to scrap and normally i wouldn't go picking fights but this is what lifesteal is all about and if i'm going to successfully join this club i need to fight i'm scared but i have to do this all right chat i'm gonna go down no doubt about that but i'm not going down without a fight much respect and for friendship let's do this [Music] [Music] i don't know what this does i don't know yep yep now sure i got absolutely yeted at a lifesteal like a freaking casual but i wasn't banned from the server and since i joined a club i've increased my overall popularity so who's the real loser please don't answer that okay the next step to popularity is taking risks now funny enough i would think fighting other players with the risk of getting banned permanently on the server it would be a pretty good risk guess i'm wrong what i didn't realize at the time it wasn't about swinging a sword i needed to take a risk that would affect me socially and poetically the answer has been right in front of me all along it could be none other than beck despite all we've been through i've never heard him speak so i decided to take the risk and ask him if he'd be willing to get on a call and talk face to face well i mean it's minecraft so it's not literally face to face it's more like hello hello right off the bat beck was exactly the type of guy i expected extremely humble and welcoming it was one of those conversations where you feel like you've known them your whole life but there was something else bec said that caught my attention wanted us to go and say hi to ross so we could socialize which is coincidentally the next step in my guide how could he know this is he trying to become more popular than technoblade 2 is he using the same guide as me maybe beck is stalking me after all and he's not my friend but my rival if true his tactics of espionage are powerful and i need to be very careful uh beck are you uh by chance uh conspiring against me to become minecraft's most popular player what never mind guess i have some trust issues that i need to work out looks like you win mother i'm going to therapy it became very clear that beck had no motives to become minecraft's most popular player there was a sense of wholesomeness radiating off of beck and until i hopped in a voice call with him i had no idea the impact he's made on this server he explained how he keeps in touch with everyone on the server and if someone needs a friend who's there to reach out beck or if someone enters the world who provides them with new overpowered equipment that's right you guessed it barack obama no that's a joke it's beck beck has shown me something something i didn't expect to find on the server a truly good person doing truly good things in this world with no ulterior motive these are the characteristics that make beck i can't believe i'm saying this popular and that's when it clicked while i've been striving to achieve popularity beck had already gone and done it he didn't need to brag about it with his words or use a guidebook to get there instead over the course of our friendship he showed me humbly through his actions and as i look to my guide to becoming popular i realized socializing with others was the final step so in theory i'm popular i should be happy now i mean i've technically beaten techno late but as i sat in my seat in a voice call with beck it didn't bring me the sensation of joy i was anticipating i had an epiphany i knew what i had to do cyabike my dude yes you're a man a few words i love it no i've i've kind of realized something over the course of our little journey so you've proven to me with your actions that becoming popular is not really what life's all about we shouldn't be worrying about striving for it i completely agree with that like becoming popular in a sense doesn't gain you anything it's making friends that actually stick and are there to help you that is what's important yeah those close and valuable relationships those personal connections those little moments yeah absolutely yeah like it took me quite a few hours with you to sort of understand that message maybe if we were in a voice call from the start this would have been way easier but perhaps perhaps perhaps but i think i know what i need to do this uh this popularity guide [Music] yeah i don't need it anymore thank you for showing me the way it always anytime there goes the wikihow guide yup that was yeah that was the wikihow guide so uh so you like sports [Music] also guys please go into my description take the ip put it in your servers i'll play on there sometimes please i'm legally obligated to say this i think i don't know someone yell at me if i'm wrong
Channel: That Chief Guy
Views: 234,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chief, that chief guy echocraft, that chief guy minecraft, that chief guy
Id: ID6ymOAmOW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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