I think my Minecraft account is banned forever lol

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so i've gotten a lot of comments saying hey rick why aren't you using your recrapt 2 account that's your maid account it has youtube rank it'd be a shame not to here's the thing i think it's banned from minecraft forever and that is not an understatement so three years ago oh frick three years ago minecraft announced that they would be migrating all of their accounts from microsoft accounts to i mean from mojang accounts to microsoft like they'd just been like acquired by microsoft and like hey we're gonna use this new system which makes sense right you use like a new system to organize it it should be better here's the problem my account was purchased in 2011 which means that it's a legacy minecraft account and not even a mojang account so they were trying to get everybody to move mojang to microsoft but i wasn't even in mojang thankfully they have systems to like migrate your accounts they have a whole page about it and i read that entire page can i kill this man with a single egg i can so i tried to do it i tried to migrate my minecraft account but boom i got this error saying you cannot migrate your minecraft account unless you can verify that it's yours you all know how they verify that it's yours though oh crap i'm just gonna i'm just gonna lose ready did i get him i got him oh my gosh is somebody behind me no we're fine we're fine the guy's right there so basically i had to verify my account to migrate and to verify it you need like the email associated with it or like the purchasing ids from when you bought the account here's the problem that was 10 years ago i no longer have the purchasing info and what makes it worse is the i don't i don't have the email that was used to purchase it either technically okay technically i think i do i think mojang is a bit wrong my dad bought the account for me and i don't know who who knows when can you just die thank you i bought the account through my dad's email which means my account and his account are associated with his email this is the going theory at least i'm not 100 sure since it was like you know 10 years ago he's now migrated his minecraft account which means that i don't really have an email associated with my account which means i can't really use minecraft i'm sorry can you just die no no stop hence the problem with not being able to get my account verified and they basically deny you being able to do anything if you can't verify your account which i mean i guess makes sense so i went on a journey i started emailing all the minecraft microsoft employees that i could find which is a very limited number actually it's zero i had to contact their support team and get like a ticket with like some automated responses and whatnot i spent like 10 emails back and forth trying to oh verify my account where did that come from i really couldn't get anything to work they told me to contact like this old minecraft seller person that used to deal with all the accounts and whatnot i could get into so many details but it's all boring basically i emailed them for like two weeks straight and got nowhere jokes on mojang though i could still use my account because i was being a responsible person and trying to get my minecraft account migrated early they weren't forcing migration for another i don't know many months but like uh those many months later you know what i mentioned i could no longer use my minecraft account for anything which is a problem because at this point i had started a youtube channel which has actually become my job and so it'd be a little bit weird if i wasn't like wreck rap 2 anymore so i emailed them again i think this was in like 2021 basically saying hey is there anything i can do you just stole my kill i really don't appreciate that never mind he didn't steal my kill i would like to kill you though thanks i would like to kill you too no no that was really lame i got locked out of my minecraft account basically i was still like messaging mojang anything i could possibly do they were like hey do you have like any old emails that you could access could you do this i contacted skrill which is this like old organization that used to handle minecraft's money absolutely nothing was working so honestly i gave up and for a while i couldn't use my minecraft account and if you have watched some of my videos you'll know that in like one of them i say yeah pretty much i can't use my minecraft account anymore which is really lame so whoa whoa you just are like trying to murder me but then one of my friends i don't really remember who no actually no no it wasn't a friend it wasn't a friend it was a comment i got a comment that said hey i had the exact same problem you know how you fix it you play did you just let me win i'm sorry i turn off chat so i can't see if people are saying hey recrap i'm gonna let you win that was that was that was really weird but this comment was probably one of the best comments i've ever received because it said just use lunar client and everything will be fine i use lunar client and everything was fine i was able to use my account again dubsky's we were back in business ladies and gents i would like to kill that man i will not kill that man i i mean i'm i'm just gonna die i'm just gonna die i'd like the record to show i did not die there i i chose to start a new game pretty much lunar client had this backdoor uh verification method that they've been using for a while and and mojang didn't really notice so i could use it and it was fine but you might be asking yourself hey why aren't you using lunar client now what a fantastic question i was using lunar client like i don't know a couple weeks ago can i just murder you sir you know it's fine well about two weeks ago or something that back door kind of got shut down well partly see i can still like log into my minecraft account i just can't play like any multiplayer multiplayer servers it just says like hey you have like a valid session of minecraft just sucks to suck pretty much hey oh my gosh i'm gonna die so again for the third time in three years i started emailing mojang support trying to get anything i could to work but they came back to me keep saying like nah i'm sorry we got nothing i have like literally 20 or 30 emails with people trying to get something to work but they the consensus is pretty much hey you can't verify your account so we can't help you like at all which i find like it feels like i should be able to use it because i can still use the password and username i can literally use the password and username to log into lunar client i can only play on single player and it works totally fine right it's like i have all the information why can't i use it you know feel free to send any solutions you might think will work but i think i've pretty much tried everything with mojang it really just comes down to if they can verify the account and i feel like if i get uh like a with a high enough up person in mojang they can just like flip a switch and be like oh yeah i have like ultimate power i'm i don't know how to contact somebody like that i don't know if that person even exists so for now and for the foreseeable future i just literally can't use my minecraft account which like it's fine there's more important things to worry about in life than getting your your username the only real good reason is like it would be cool i mean you could make an argument that it's like for my brand and like my livelihood but i mean at the end of the day is anybody really looking at these names also one of the biggest downsides with this is is i don't i don't have youtuber rank on ipixel anymore which sucks because i'm actually starting to make high pixel content and i can't do my favorite thing which is to nick i i don't i don't really like getting recognized in public i think i try to stay away from fame as much as possible it's just really awkward if somebody's like in game asking for a screenie that's why i have my uh my chat turned off so i don't even know i did i did ask if i could get this all to count parker 2 youtube rank because you know this is my second channel and i have over 100k subs so it feels reasonable they haven't gotten back to me though i think it's been like two weeks so there's so many people bridging the middle that would be really cool so if anybody from hypixel sees this i'm just saying i'm open to youtube rank or just the ability to nick anyways i'm sorry i really need this game to end it's 1205 at night i really need to go to bed i've stayed up till like one in the morning making these skywars videos not something i wanted to do i didn't kill him the sneaker roo oh hey hey oh i need to get strength no no i had strength no i hope you guys have a wonderful day i hope i didn't wake up my family because i'm so loud my internet just went out i didn't even know
Channel: rekrap1
Views: 1,117,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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