The TRUE Story of the BLOOD GOLEM...

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the blood golem is a new evolution in the minecraft world created for the sole purpose of defending iron golems from players mistreatment how did this powerful mob come into existence and is it still out there find out as we explore the story of the blood god after the era of the ancient builders the minecraft world existed in relative peace for centuries with each creature playing its role a natural balance emerged between mobs wolves hunted sheep wandering traders cared for their llamas zombies sought out villagers and iron golems protected them that all changed when players entered the world power hungry and excited to explore players were unlike any creature to exist in minecraft before they tore through the world in droves stripping it of resources at an unprecedented rate this hardly bothered most mobs who wouldn't have made use of the oars or wood anyway but villagers were another matter they observed with this taste as players butchered entire herds of wild cows and flocks of chickens fishermen suddenly found their rivers empty and armorers and weaponsmiths found it difficult to procure metals for their wares we ought to show these punks the door they're ruining our livelihood when the time came for them to take action however iron golems refused to harm the players their mission was merely to protect the village from physical harm so unless players made the first attack they swore to stand by as neutral parties the villagers themselves were unable to fight either bound by a centuries-old commitment to non-violence thus they came to another solution and began trading with players instead in most cases this worked well for the villagers with some players even offering to build walls to help protect them from invading zombies but the golems and villagers learned the hard way that not all players behaved so courteously some were cruel and powerful hurting mobs for their entertainment and personal gain when night fell these players would lead zombies to villages take shelter in houses they weren't welcome in and laugh as the golems and villagers succumbed to the waves of the undead before long the worst of these players discovered that iron golems dropped ingots when killed and that villagers had the ability to summon them under the right conditions these players were often too well protected for their iron golems to take them down once they'd killed the golems villagers were left defenseless using mine carts they moved villagers into structures where they would remain trapped with nothing but a bed and a threatening zombie nearby desperate for someone to rescue them the villagers attempted to summon iron golems who would be butchered to harvest their iron word of these iron farms spread from village to village until it reached a community who couldn't stand by while players tormented their own kind this village had fallen victim to the player's cruelty before and one of its surviving golems proposed a plan for revenge they understood that to players this world was only a game but the lives of gollums and villagers were on the line so they decided to raise the stakes hurting them in this world won't be enough we need justice for our fallen brothers the villagers of this rogue community contributed by summoning extra iron golems more than any village had ever had before the surviving golem rose to be their champion and as night fell the other iron golems formed a circle around him with redstone and poppies they focused channeling their rage towards the players and attempting to tap into the fabric of their world energy charged the air around them clouds growing thick overhead as the world heeded their request beyond their perception the very code of the game empathized with their struggle and granted them the power they desired lightning struck the chosen golem and he transformed when the air cleared his metallic skin was stained blood red his eyes opened wide understanding the fabric of his world in a way no mob ever had before the blood golem otherwise known as entity ig 666 slowly strode off to fulfill his purpose a group of players yelled gleefully as they placed a carved pumpkin atop their iron block arrangement bringing it to life the sun was fading and zombies began appearing in the landscape surrounding the village the players rushed inside a house barricaded the door and watched as the newly born golem attempted to keep the villagers safe from the horde they chuckled to themselves oblivious to the blood golem's approach these would be his first victims he felt no compulsion to fight the zombies contrary to the code that was supposed to define him instead he transformed every flower in the village into poppies uh did you guys see that those were dandelions a second ago sensing that something unnatural was happening they sprinted from the house to get away from whatever was causing it as they charged through the forest towards their base one of the players saw a red blur following them from the corner of her eye she paused falling behind the others and looked around suddenly her hearts changed appearance showing that she had been put into hardcore mode panicked she started to run but the blood golem caught her she let out a blood curdling scream as she fell to her death too far behind her friends for them to even notice near the end of their frantic run to safety they rounded a corner to see their base ablaze from the shadows the blood golem watched as they rushed to extinguish the fire he'd started but it was too late their chests had been burned their valuable items destroyed only after the last flame had been put out did they notice that one of their group was missing the remaining players huddled together debating which of their friends could be behind the fire assuming that they were being pranked they decided that the missing player was behind all of it though they still felt anxious about the whole encounter they pushed thoughts of a more sinister attacker from their minds and decided to relocate before building a new base by morning they'd found their way to an open plane but as they began to gather materials for new tools and weapons they felt like they were being watched tension rose between the players until one of them spotted something strange in the distance though there was no village nearby a strange golem stood staring at them they'd never seen a mob like this before and approached him to investigate but their curiosity ran dry when they realized that his skin was stained with blood the group started to back away when the blood golem spoke you left me to be destroyed by monsters he closed the distance between them as the players equipped their salvaged diamond swords and summoned the bravery to fight for their lives their vision deteriorated as the golem struck them applying a blindness effect the players knew that this effect was only supposed to be used in the deep dark panic set in as they blindly slashed at the air around them trying to kill the golem with unexplainable powers the blood golem switched their game modes to hardcore before killing one of the players he teleported the last player to a netherrack island leaving him dazed and alone he attempted to teleport back to his base but he found that his ability to use commands had been removed it shouldn't be possible whatever this thing is i'll need help to bring it down time to call in some reinforcements the last surviving player of the blood golems attacks made his way back to the overworld using a ruined nether point he was joined by several new players who he'd called in to help him fight the blood column though none of them believed his story despite his pleas they remained convinced that it was impossible for minecraft to have an undiscovered bugged mob the blood golem watched from a distance as his victim failed to sway his friends it's their own fault for being so deceitful in the first place he reasoned he changed his golem body to resemble the players and approached the group posing as one of them after some questioning about what part of the server he came from the group allowed the new player to join their hunt for the blood golem but he failed to win over everyone's trust look it's just that with all of the sketchy stuff that's been going on i don't really trust this guy using his disguise the blood golem followed the group of players from place to place often straying behind and getting distracted by villages that they passed through his odd obsession with villagers and gollum struck a chord with the survivor from his last attack but the player kept his thoughts to himself the group built a new base amassed materials and prepared to confront the blood golem throughout his time with the group of players he hadn't witnessed them mistreating any villagers or golems so he was readying himself to leave them in pursuit of new victims but on his last day with them the players became more violent like the players he'd learned to despise he'd been hoping that his first attack would have been enough for them to correct their behavior but when he found a player killing an iron golem to gain a few ingots he knew that they were a lost cause once they had gotten a safe distance from the village the blood golem revealed his true form to the players as they watched in stunned silence he turned to the player who'd killed the golem and banned him from the server the players jolted into action readying their weapons and charging towards the blood golem they were ready to declare war on him but any effort to fight him proved futile the golem removed all items from their inventories undoing the preparations that had taken them days to accomplish without their swords and axes the players stood no chance against him the torches around their base turned to redstone casting an ominous glow over the doomed group of players without wasting another second a blood golem summoned a hollow cuba bedrock in the air above the base and teleported each of the players inside it the moon rose with a blood red hue casting an eerie light across the world and the many players the blood golem would capture the survivor of the blood golem's first attack opened his eyes to see yet another player teleport into the cube no matter what they tried there was no escape their ability to use commands had been removed they had no tools or materials and no food as time passed players logged out never to return again those who remained got into fights as tempers rose not knowing if they'd be released before starving to death one day the blood golem appeared with a dire explanation of their imprisonment he confirmed that he'd gained control over the server changing the code of the game to bend the world to his will in order to level the playing field he'd infected their computers showing an understanding of the world outside minecraft that the players could have never suspected players started disconnecting in an effort to stop the virus but the golem stated that it was too late [Music] the villages will finally be safe for you he vanished leaving his cuba players in a panic one by one he began teleporting them to villages across the world allowing iron golems to take revenge for themselves moments before each player's death their game mode switched to hardcore ensuring their permanent removal those who managed to escape from the golem's iron fists found that all the world's flowers had been changed into poppies these surviving players sought refuge underground hoping that the blood golem couldn't find them they could only imagine the damage faced by those who had logged out viruses creepy ads on their desktops or worse but they wouldn't accept defeat yet the hidden players formed one last plan to take the blood golem down three players raced across the plains fleeing a village that they'd sent up in flames two iron golems pursued them and they hoped that the blood golem would be close behind is this really a good idea it's our only option just keep running the three split up forcing the golems to choose which of them to follow the blood golem appeared between his iron friends telling them to return to the village he erected bedrock walls around two of the players and summoned zombies to kill them neither lasted long dying while trying to dig their way out of their prisons he teleported the third player inside the bedrock cube where he fell and lost most of his remaining health the player said he just wanted to talk to him trying to gain a few extra minutes of life he explained that he understood why he hated players they hadn't understood the misery that they were causing they'd only thought it was a game but none of that changed what the blood golem had forced them to do you see we just had to distract you while the others disconnected and swept the server for viruses the blood golem felt something pushing at the outer reaches of his grip on this world and he realized the player was telling the truth if he remained much longer he'd be erased entirely without saying another word he vanished taking the bedrock structure with him soon after the player fell onto the roof of the base to find a sign with a message from the golem i will take someone with me to my grave the survivor never saw the blood golem again but he could be coming for your server next
Channel: LoreCraft
Views: 2,756,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dvnEduFdHoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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