Dark Souls 3, but A.I. chooses my build...

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today we are playing Dark Souls 3 but instead of making my own builds I'll be leaving that up to chat GPT my character's stats weapons armor and Rings will all be chosen for me by this AI let's see just how much the AI knows about Dark Souls 3. we need to choose our class now I'm guessing it's gonna give us Knight let's see does it know the class is even alright it's given us night I figured that's pretty legit so far now of course there's one last thing to do and that is choose our burial gift now I usually default to The Sovereign Soul just because it gives you a nice boost to your level to start fire Gym's also great let's see what the AI decides to give us for the night class of Dark Souls 3 I recommend the rest of the gold coin okay okay Russian gold coin is a relatively balanced option that offers a small boost to your starting Souls wait what okay so the item I was talking about earlier The Sovereign the soul well that's what it thinks the Rusted gold coin is but in actuality this rusted gold coin just increases item discovery so it's not that useful especially because it's a consumable it doesn't last long it's just not a great starting item in my opinion but it said rusted gold coin so we are choosing The Rustic gold coin so far I mean besides the whole gold ring thing uh very good start after we kill you we'll get some Souls from this so that'll be good that'll make up for the lack of uh The Sovereign that we could have had and I think again that's what the AI meant to tell us but just didn't quite get it right usually the first thing I do upon getting to find the shrine is is get ourselves the uh coveted silver serpent ring problem is I have a feeling it's not gonna recommend that I might probe it might ask it some questions to kind of get it to give us that or like see if it knows about it but I have a feeling that that won't quite work out for us okay there we go deer is down all right we've made it to Firelink before we mess with the silver serpent ring I want to see what it recommends to level up okay so let's get this Vitality which is fine but it's getting confused with Vigor and it's not going to recommend Vigor so we're not going to get any health no way it's recommending luck they're thinking rusted gold coin level that lux stat up okay so they got endurance run too if they're thinking of Elden ring endurance it doesn't actually increase your equip load like this stat increases your critical hit rate that's just kind of wrong uh they're thinking of a different game because luck and crit rate that does not really think in this game uh but okay okay all right so we've got some questionable uh recommendations here we've been told Vitality to increase our health strength great let's do some decks and we don't quite have enough to go into luck but don't worry I won't simply ignore the bad levels I will be putting some stats into luck and here we are luck go into eight let's see if it knows about the Serpa ring so I'm gonna I'm gonna ask it a few questions to hopefully guide it in the right direction if it doesn't get there it doesn't get there it did not get there ring of wealth so I just asked about what weapon I should use against vort and while the AI had enough game knowledge to recommend items that exist it doesn't know when the weapons are available to the player in relation to the boss so it ended up recommending things like the great lighting spear which is something you can't get for quite a while now so moving forward I think I'll try to be a little bit more specific with my questions to get recommendations we can actually act upon because our our build seems to be going the luck crowd here with the Rusted gold coins and our Lux stat we're going to be going for a drop of course if the AI doesn't give us the green light I can't use it but I figured I'd try and actually get the drop before asking if we pop this and then okay the moment of truth we did not get it okay so we just got a raw Gem and I'm going to ask the AI about it here's the Broad Sword and again this is pretty good it's a very very strong early game weapon especially with like the Ron Fusion maybe I'll ask it out of the weapons we have which one I should use so out of the list they chose the broadsword or the long sword uh which honestly I probably would choose too so next up I want to infuse it with the raw gem but I'll make sure that's okay I think I think this first sentence is good enough and that gets us to 163 attack all right let's go take down vort now I know this video is only supposed to be about her loadouts but to spice things up a bit I'm gonna ask where should we go next the natural progression is to head down to the undead settlement alternatively we could go and try and fight dancer very early because well dancer can be fought at this point our character would be extremely under leveled so it makes a lot more sense to head to the undead settlement oh no just hit him okay we almost choked at the end okay yeah the luck stat really really paying off there I'm gonna ask if I should do dancer afterward the undead settlement and the dancer of the Boreal Valley are considered to be similar difficulty so you can choose based on which one you feel more comfortable daggling first alright so because dancer is of similar difficulty to the next area the undead settlement I think we just go straight to dancer now I don't know if I'm gonna commit to actually beating dancer here because it is uh rather difficult as you may know especially this early in the game but I'll give it I'll give it a few shots and see how things go I think without an ember I get one shot by this boss and with oh man 75 damage is just great that's just great stuff right there yeah I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do this I won't lie I'll do my best though just don't mess up it's simple just don't get hit uh oh okay I forget I forgot how tanky this armor is it's actually doing work here let's do it oh I should be hitting in here okay just don't get greedy take your time it's the important thing nice that's two hits oh just kidding that's death okay I mean when you think about it if we can't do this then it's not like we're gonna be able to do the undead settlement because it's a very similar difficulty so we really just want to make sure we can do this before proceeding it's a little skill check because Undead I'm just gonna Crush our souls if we do that first so no we choked all right so I'm thinking all I need to do is just get a little bit lucky for this fight we're gonna get some luck we'll get uh you know what yeah screw it we'll go we'll go all into luck up to 11. let's go now let's upgrade our broadsword yeah look at that damage boost hell yeah give me that so as we're dealing with dancer here if you guys haven't enjoying the video so far consider subscribing I don't usually do this sort of thing I'm mainly a Terraria Channel but I'd be down to do some more Dark Souls content if you guys enjoy this type of thing so be sure to let me know in the comments and like I said consider subscribing because there might be more of this in the future with that said enjoy the rest of the fight laughs [Music] foreign we did it nice you love to see it okay dancer done which means there's a decent chance we'll be able to get through the undead settlement make sure we keep pumping that luck stat up get as much aim Discovery as possible and the extra crit rate I mean if we didn't have as much critical hit rate there on in that dancer fight I think we would have been toast all right with that we can head over to the undead settlement and I mean after that dancer fight I'm not sure if we're going to make this one we have made it to the next boss and I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty nervous that dancer was pretty tricky so you know if this tree is anything like that then we might be in for some trouble so we are going to ask for some advice on how to take this thing down we have ranged attacks we gotta watch out for the parasites um that the boss is accompanied with they can be a nuisance okay we'll look for those we need to use fire damage oh and then at the bottom uh curse right of graywood is a tough boss hold on we got we gotta ask have to ask we gotta know [Laughter] oh no we're it's over it's over it's slightly more challenging I could barely be dancer man curse Rod has got more Health more complex and aggressive moveset unpredictable Behavior larger hitboxes larger area of attack I think we should just quit the game at this point okay it seems like if we're gonna beat this thing we gotta do our due diligence here and really prepare we should be able to get some fire things right there we got some bundles maybe a couple resin and we were told ranged attacks so I'm thinking we bring ourselves a crossbow now I'm not sure how this crossbow is going to do I might have to free aim it because I don't think you can actually lock onto the attacks but we better we better get ready man I'm worried here are the parasites that must be what these are these must be the parasites we're gonna take them out as they can be a nuisance I'm going in oh that's one okay we're doing good I must be getting lucky here I'm surprised we aren't dead yet oh not the parasite okay done oh whoa the unpredictable attacks oh my goodness oh it's working genius genius strategy it'll work just you're just gonna wait a bit oh I'm a little worried here oh wow I'm actually about to lose okay enough fooling around not fooling around I don't have to do this again no no no no no no no no no okay all right it's way harder than to answer they were actually so right it's just so unpredictable man like what do you even do there just straight up what do you even do come on come on yes okay really good for his face this this might just happen all right time for range to battle oh no take this oh spin oh that was barely telegraphed that's why I can dodge it boom I know what to do the crossbow here we go yes man that was what probably the hardest boss in the game after that one I feel pretty good I wonder what they'll say about the boss holes what should we do with them you think it would recommend a hollow Slayer consume it okay that's actually a thing oh that that said that's a new one I didn't know you could reinforce weapons with it transpose into spell karthus Beacon anything else I could do with the soul maybe maybe there's like another thing oh upgrade yes is flask wow yeah no I can't believe you missed that first time that's great that'd be that'd be great reinforced Shields sure transpose into ring okay the curse fight ring that's I forgot yeah that's how you get the curse by ring so literally all that was incorrect okay enough enough beating around the bush oh okay lothric okay we can't get down for a while then hey it's worth noting that the whole Slayer Greatsword is a skill called Wrath of the gods that deals massive lightning damage and can be used to stun like enemies with low points that's just awesome I haven't used that one before never knew I could do that what are we gonna do with this Soul option number one here consume it let's do that oh we should ask we should ask with all the souls to be honest now this one I wonder maybe we can even get like fort's Hammer with this guy oh whoa it actually got it I mean it thinks it's a spell but we'll take it so I've actually never used these oh we don't even have the decks for it but we could quickly get that scales with everything Ah that's gonna be pretty bad okay so those familiar with this game will know that there's a branching path you can go two ways generally I would go towards the crystal Sage take that out then deal with the cathedral while I'm here and then go to the abyss Watchers but I think I'll ask what the uh yeah I thinks I should do if it misses Crystal sage in the cathedral then we'll see what happens when I ask why I can't get an eerothill okay that's correct is a mage type boss this is also correct relatively easy to dodge mental health okay that's all fine wait I don't know why tackling Abyss Watchers first would make crystal say Charter but everything up until that point was actually good I recommend you Tackle Crystal Sage as your first boss that was like probably the first good recommendation since um the night class starting with that so I'm pretty impressed there we go okay maybe it'll get better as we go who knows now what I want to know is where will it tell us to go after we defeats Crystal Sage I want his hope I I hopefully hopefully it'll give us a suggestion oh I have to ask for some help with this one it'll be bad if we lost to the spots sometimes it gives me trouble though unironically it's weird and not having any points of vigor is you know a little unfortunate okay we made it to the second phase now this is where it gets annoying sends out a bunch of clones really knowing to deal with ow they all do a lot of damage and yeah you can only get so much damage in before it just teleports away okay I've got no heels but it's so weak come on come one more oh one more okay that should not have been that close but it doesn't matter it's dead okay it's dead and that's all that matters we didn't lose to it it's okay we did it the reason the only reason why Crystal Sage is a required boss is because it guards the way to the cathedral where there's another required boss the deacons because you need that item to progress after we'll near later on let me see if the AI knows about that okay so we're being a little tricky with this question uh let's see if we can get the AI to send us away oh and we did yes after you defeated the crystal Sage it'd be a good idea to move on to the abyss Watchers are you 37. okay I'm going for the ladder I want to see if it knows how to get to the abyss Watchers I'm guessing no I think it's gonna just make something up okay so it gave me a completely wrong answer and then just completely 180 and and said what to do to get to open the door to the abyss Watchers start from the biswaja bonfire then they say you also need to light the three torches that are located near the door that open the way to the boss room yeah they got it okay kind of sort of okay so as you can see I've opened the way to the abyss Watchers all the Torches are lit as we were told to do but we don't have like any rings on we've got three open slots I want to get his recommendations what we should put on I have a feeling a lot so these are either not going to exist wow ring of favor okay that's good 99 sure that we can't get that yet oh it was doing so good okay hold on it was actually recommending some decent Rings okay here we go here we go cover this oh whoa it got it wait it's leveled up it's no longer calling it The Ring of wealth no way oh my god dude these are good recommendations let's go okay so those are pretty decent recommendations honestly I am not even gonna ask it about the tree jump I have a feeling that we'll have no idea okay I'm pretty sure this thing's not gonna know where the Rings are like at all the AI there's just no shot but it did recommend to us the Covetous silver serpent ring last time I asked about it it uh recommended the Ring of wealth which it was trying to say was like after you beat the princes I don't know it was weird it was just very weird so there's ring number one okay this should be ring number two I think it's actually over there never mind and the last one we're gonna get is actually locked behind a boss in this area and here we are so the straight image should be up ahead it's not a hard Boss by any means but I don't know I can get cheese real easy I don't got a lot of Health you can just straight up throw you off the ledge or the bridge here and that's uh just you're just dead at that point we'll do our best though and uh see how it goes yeah we we should be fine just stay oh okay see that attack would have killed us we would have been dead almost certainly don't pick me up don't do it no no no no no no don't oh I'm so dead he's throwing me right off there's literally no way I live yep see that's what I'm talking about hard but if you get grabbed you're done you just you just get cheesed actually I think I could just stay like right under them until he jumps let me try that I'm pretty sure that works there we go soul of a stray demon okay so with that Demon Soul we can get Havel's ring which is another one of the Rings that was suggested to us and another one that was actually obtainable in the area there was a few good ones there but they uh weren't actually available especially like the Ring of favor that's not for a while now but before we proceed uh now that we have Havel's I want to maybe look into upgrading our armor a bit getting some more bulk because again we aren't going to be upgrading our health okay so here's the Exile armor and this is what I want to get but I want to see if it thinks it's better than Knights because uh you know obviously it's a lot heavier but poison you know absorption wise is just way better than the night set medium weight armor set that can be found in lother Castle I thank you no no see what it's saying only use Exile if you're using fire stuff guess who uses fire damage Abyss Watchers will the AI recognize that I don't know but let's see fast and gross attacks yes Premier League's Firebase wait what wait wait back up the Exile Greatsword is a weapon that can be obtained from the soul of the dancer that will happen to be with fire damage so using it with XLR it'll give you extra boost no it that makes no sense I don't know how much of the set I can put on we don't have a lot of Vitality and this stuff's pretty heavy as you can see yeah I was just completely wrong like this thing's just literally better and every single absorption and resistance stat but it's a lot heavier so yeah just putting that on gets us a 69.4 weight ratio which is point six percent off from fat rolling so this is all we can put on for now but as we level up our Vitality then we'll be able to get more of that okay let's get this over with I am not feeling confident at all here our builds is uh extremely bad like we're probably going to be doing negative damage to these bosses we're going to be healing them when we hit them but oh well we'll just see how it goes I think I'm just gonna have to fish for backstabs oh wait first phase I can let them fight each other I forgot about that backstab oh okay 185 on a back step I'll take that does this stun hold on wait wait yeah they have like no Poise I forgot I got backstabbed okay no this is doable don't go for me don't go for me no no no no no chill bro no no no no no no no you go for them there you go there you go distraction where's where's the main one oh here hello yes bites amongst each other let me get back stabs yes oh no no no no not me chill that's my homie yes yes just take him out get him to the corner okay phase one complete I don't have any help for phase two though so I'm a little worried I think the only time I'm going to go for an attack is for a backstab because it's not worth it I do like 45 damage oh that's backstep all right that's one we're gonna need about I don't know 10. no I missed it come on [Music] it's working doesn't matter how bad her damage is our weapon is if we can backstab yes [Music] no I dodged the wrong side and I'm dead oh I'm able to get this just kidding he went you continue the combo no no no [Laughter] backstab no no no no no not like this okay come on we should have it this is just one L2 right now yeah this is okay that took me more tries to like to admit but we beat up these Watchers man I need a new weapon dude but first I think we're just gonna go through the catacombs I mean it's wool near like even with a bad build you can't really lose to that boss right bro bro what please die please at least give me that okay good good I would have been mad I would have been very very bad okay anyways we basically made it to wool near I'm gonna get the shortcut just in case we somehow lose to this but here is woolner we are gonna try ends kill him oh off to a great start I want to get too close here just in case he starts spread his goop oh I think he's doing it right now yeah that's the only way you can die is if you're not looking at that and uh catches the off guard okay just hit the bracelets and we'll be good oh whoa man our weapon sucks I haven't even broken one yet but it's wait what are you doing what is that what does that do I've never even seen that attack before hey there's one okay that took a while oh the sword okay it's not going well he's usually dead bite out he's usually dead bite out oh nice it kills the skeletons okay that's actually really handy oh okay I'm learning all sorts of things about this fight there's another one okay try and get some damage on this bracelet what we can I still don't know what that does it doesn't appear to do anything well it's dead anyways well he was down yeah like I said even with a not so great weapon it's pretty hard to lose against against this boss we've made it to your film but my memory serves me we can't get past this bridge until we have something from the I think it's the cathedral so I believe you do have to go to oh this is going to be bad oh we don't we don't do any damage hold on oh my God we might get one shot by this two no okay never mind yes okay I'm actually very surprised I managed to do that those usually give me a lot more trouble and I think yeah those who do not hold the doll cannot pass but we'll have to wait till next time to see if Chad GPT can figure out what's wrong thanks for watching I'll see you all next time
Channel: Gungnir
Views: 840,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gungnir, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, Darksouls Chatgpt, Dark Souls but Ai chooses my build, Dark souls 3 but Ai chooses my build, Artificial intelligence, DS3 ChatGPT, DS3 Challenge, Dark Souls 3 Challenge run, From Software, FromSoftware, ChatGPT, openai
Id: DJgEFT4Qtns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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