What I've learned in almost 2 YEARS of playing Hardcore Terraria.

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I started my Discord server for hardcore Terraria over one and a half years ago and while I haven't achieved the initial goal of beating Master mode fourth worthy hardcore I also haven't given up I've come to love hardcore and we've even beat regular Master mode hardcore if you want you can see the final moonlord fight of that run on my YouTube throughout all of this I've learned a lot about hardcore and I wanted to share some of that with you today now I want to preface that this will not be a video about technical strategies to apply in your hardcore runs but more of General tips and tricks to make hardcore more enjoyable to play although people are interested I would love to make a video about some technical strategies that I've learned that are extremely helpful for hardcore runs anyways here are my tips and tricks for enjoying Terraria hardcore the first thing I've learned by playing hardcore so much is just to explore when I first started playing hardcore it scared me I would want to play extremely carefully all the time don't get me wrong you should be careful but being careful to me has evolved from keeping myself out of dangerous situations to throwing myself headfirst into dangerous situations and figuring out how to avoid dying you are inevitably going to get into dangerous situations in Terraria and avoiding them early game will only delay your ability to learn and adapt by avoiding things like fishing early game and just going out and exploring and putting yourself into these dangerous environments you actually get better at the game and increase your survivability and this leads me straight to my second point start new runs immediately after you die it can be very easy to get discouraged after dying and losing a run but if you start a new run right away you won't have time to dwell on it combine this with my first tip and you'll learn a lot faster by exploring more you'll be exposing yourself to more dangerous situations and yes you're gonna die but with each death you should learn something and if you don't then take a moment to ask yourself why you died each time and then when you jump into your next run you can adapt your play style based on what you learned maybe you went too fast and weren't looking out for traps or maybe you should have recalled as soon as the situation started to slip out of control by starting new runs right away I became a lot less scared to implement my first tip of exploring if you die who cares start a new run right away and jump right back into it there's no use being scared of dying because it's gonna happen a lot so just start a new run and keep playing foreign [Music] now this is going to be contradictory to my previous tip but nothing in life is black and white so it is what it is take breaks maybe you just had your best run ever and then you died that can be crushing and maybe you've been applying my last tip of just starting new runs every time but sometimes it feels like you're just ramming your head against a wall and you're not getting anywhere if you keep dying early and aren't learning and aren't playing very well maybe you just need to take a break I've been playing Terraria for at least eight years of course I get sick of it sometimes taking a break for a couple days or more can be great for you to just focus on things in your life that you need to and then when you come back to Terraria and hardcore I'm sure you'll feel refreshed and in a good headspace to focus on not dying as I've said I've gotten sick of this game a lot but after each break I always come back to this game and ReDiscover why I love it so much my final tip is to play with friends it can get really boring playing by yourself all the time so play with friends sharing your experience with others can make it so much better and much more meaningful suffering alone is never good and in hardcore oh boy do we suffer a lot that's why I created my Discord server to play hardcore with a bunch of people this can be very difficult in hardcore especially because of permadeath and it kind of flies in the face of my second tip of starting new runs right away how we do it in my Discord server is that whoever dies is considered dead for the rest of that run and we just have the survivors go on as long as they can kind of like an elimination unfortunately this sucks if you die early so we implemented a rule that you can revive once if you die on the first day and while this isn't completely fair to the spirit of Hardcore I think it's fine because if I was playing alone and die within you know like five minutes I would just start a new run right away so coming back in the first day doesn't really change much we've also experimented with Revival rules where the survivors can vote to revive one person after you know a certain boss progression is reached this can help to kind of keep the game interesting and make the grind less of a slog combining all of these tips has made hardcore such a fun experience for me over the years and I hope you come to love it as much as I do ultimately what I've learned after playing hardcore so much is just that I love Terraria and I love sharing that with others so as long as I'm having fun and making memories with people I'm going to be having a good time I just want to say that if you made it through the whole video I want to say thank you I'm pretty new to making videos and I appreciate everybody who watches if you want to join my Discord there is a link in the description also I stream all the hardcore runs we do there on Twitch which you can also find in the description thank you foreign
Channel: Morsa Sellar
Views: 14,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria hardcore, terraria tips
Id: ItWtNcT7Hs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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