Which Link is strongest? (Ranking the Links from Legend of Zelda)

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I mean...I get his points but OoT/MM Link should win hands down because he has access to an item that makes him a literal god. Like yes my username makes me seem a bit biased, but nothing that Awakening/Oracle/LLTP Link has can match up to an entity than can cut down bosses in seconds

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/---TheFierceDeity--- ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Good comprehensive video but man is there a high bias. He literally praises some of the feats of Skyward Link but puts him super low, and then he doesnโ€™t even talk about how Twilight Link was trained by another Link!! Meanwhile he put Wind Walker Link super high on the list citing a lot of boss battle/final boss only moments

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/J_the_Hero ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That was great

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/WashAwayYourSins ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I dont have a spare 40 minutes can anyone give an abridged version

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GigaHunter93 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
real quick I want to start doing giveaways on the channel as a small one to start I'm giving away a breath of the wild DX link figure as a link in the description [Music] what would the Zelda series be without its hero the boy in green the wilderness order seals the darkness bearer of the Triforce of courage link link throughout the series has taken on some pretty formidable enemies VAR T the evil wind mage you girl o rules maniacal sorcerer who's the first guy since shadow Mario to make a paintbrush look threatening and of course Ganon the eternal plague on Hyrule and Link's true nemesis but while link has faced and defeated all manner of evil over the course of thirty three years of the Zelda series it's not always the same hero who've actually played as 12 different incarnations of Link different people each with the spirit of the hero sent by the goddesses to help Hyrule in its time of need but which link is strongest at the peak of their strength with all items and abilities included which link is the most powerful hero in the series before we start you can probably tell by the length of this video that it took an insane amount of effort so a light could be so appreciated or subscribe if you haven't for more zelda content with that aside grab a snack or something and let's put the links to the test so we've got 12 links here in chronological order the hero of the skies from Skyward Sword the hero of the Minish from minish cap the hero of the four sword from four swords the hero of time from ocarina of time and then in the downfall timeline the hero of legend from a Link to the Past the Oracle games and Link's Awakening the new hero of Hyrule from a link between worlds and Triforce heroes and the hero of Hyrule from zelda one an adventure of link then in the child timeline the hero of Twilight from Twilight Princess and the hero of light from Four Swords Adventures and finally the adult timeline with a hero of winds from the Wind Waker in Phantom Hourglass and the hero of spirits from Spirit Tracks and then at the end of everything we've got a hero of the wild from breath of the wire so here are the competitors let's see which one's best obviously although each link is an entirely different person from one another they're all incarnations of the hero the only different things like looks age and the items they have at their disposal so let's break down what makes each link different from one another and rank them on the following categories physical attributes this means a links age size endurance etc for example Twilight Princess link is a farmer in his late teens meaning he's likely to be far stronger and have better stamina than say the hero of winds who's just a kid from an island next up item Arsenal Link's famous fur in every Zelda game he collects and uses a whole Army's worth of weaponry and tools we'll only look at items that are somehow usable in combat here so no gust bellows or Zora flippers another thing to know is I'll allow all links access to all items they've ever obtained meaning the hero of time can use items from both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask the third category we'll use to rank the links is skill which means how good they are with the sword or the bow or whether they have any Knights training for example so breadth of the wilds link as Zelda's chosen Knight would have a solid advantage in this area over other links and finally experience how many adventures is this link being on how many monsters fought and beaten and how powerful were the villains slain by this hero experience matters just as much as how physically strong a link is so here are our categories on which we're going to rank the links physical items skills and experience let's head to Hyrule and see which hero is the strongest [Music] first off in our little link ranking the locomotive legend to the hero of spirits this link lives in new Hyrule a young engineer's apprentice who lives with Nico over his adventure he defeats Chancellor Kohl and ultimately maladies the demon king in terms of physical attributes this link ranks quite lowly I mean he's a kid he's seemingly around a similar age to the hero of winds we never see any particularly impressive feats of strength from him though but his background as an apprentice engineer makes him probably slightly stronger than an average child but still a lot weaker than other older links in terms of his item Arsenal to this link really struggles he wields the locomotor which is vastly inferior to some other links ores like the Master Sword and he has the shield of antiquity which is the same shield used by the hero of wins in Phantom Hourglass though it can't be upgraded in this game he can use the basic boomerang a width up to 30 bombs and a bow with up to 50 arrows the sand wand the spirit flute and the bow of light although it's pretty weak in this game no stronger than a bomb and only twice as strong as a normal arrow skills wise the hero of spirits actually isn't too bad he can use swordsman Scrolls in the game which allowed to shoot sword beams out of the locomotor when at full health as well as use the great spin attack but otherwise nothing else experienced wise yet again this guy really doesn't have much going for him Spirit Tracks is his only adventure during which he travels across new Hyrule taking on Chancellor Kohl and maladies maladies is a powerful villain but doesn't really hold a candle to some of the other villains in the series moving upwards we've got the hero of the four sort from well four sorts while he's technically just one hero this link is famous for his ability to use the force ought to split into four copies of himself green red blue and purple link over the course of his adventure these four links defeat party who had been sealed in the force sword by the hero of the Minish during the Minish Cap first off physical attributes most of this links power comes from the fact he can split himself into four but as a single hero he's really not any more powerful than the hero of spirit still just a young kid we don't know anything about his past but we don't see any particularly impressive feats of strength so he can just put him around the same as the hero of spirits however this link does have a better item arsenal of course the four sword is an incredibly powerful legendary blade far superior to the locomote and its ability to split him into four makes him physically quite powerful it augments his physical attributes multiplying them by four times as there's four of him in four swords all links share the same heart containers however meaning damaging one clone will harm all four he can use the bombs basic boomerang bow the Nats hat which allows them to become tiny the magnetic glove the Chain Chomp which is a volatile but powerful item of damages not only enemies but also other links he also has even more items which augment his physical attributes such as the Pegasus boots which grant him incredible speed and the rock scape which allows him to jump an ability which few links possess however each link clone can only use one item at a time overall this links arsenal is versatile and powerful with the four sword rocks cape and Pegasus boots giving him the ability to jump incredible speed and the strength of four links in terms of skill though this link falls behind a bit they don't learn any special abilities and having four links doesn't make the original any more skilled with a sword or a bow you can just use basic link skills like the spin attack but other than that it's just the basic horizontal swipe experience - he struggles in he only has one adventure which is one of the shortest in the series and only faces VAR T who's an admittedly powerful villain but less so than others in the series next up the first link chronologically in the Zelda timeline the hero of the skies this hero was born on Skyloft ages after the first war against demise at the start of his adventure he's a young adult he's physically very fit and is a student of the knight Academy he can also climb which is something a few links can and sprints I'll be at both at the cost of stamina link in this game is physically very powerful without any strength boosting items we see him perform feats like lift and use the giant swords of Kalakh dose during its boss battle or shield bash blows from demise in terms of items Skyward Sword has a decent arsenal at his disposal with the true master sword of Hylian Shield he's got the most powerful sword and shield we've seen so far in this little list a heavy duty tunic which includes chainmail for added protection the fire shield earrings which protect him from extreme heat and some fire attacks the bow which can be upgraded to the powerful sacred bow with a quiver that holds up to 50 arrows the double claw shots a bomb bag with up to 40 bombs and the whip this link is pretty well kitted out this link also ranks pretty solidly with his skills he's trained by Aegis at the knight academy and can use techniques such as the spin attack shield bash and fatal blow and he's able to hold his ground in a straight up sword fight with both Ghirahim and demise he can also use techniques like the skyward strike as well as conducting lightning through his sword and finally in terms of experience the hero of the skies suffers in the Skyward Sword as his only adventure despite this though he's shown to be very intelligent with a perfectly balanced heart evidenced by him being able to wish upon the Triforce without it separating and the fact that after the game he founded Hyrule alongside the princess this link also stood toe-to-toe with demise the literal source of all evil in the Zelda universe defeating him in single combat so major points for that all right next up the third hero to wilt before sword canonically the hero of lights from Four Swords Adventures again there's nothing particularly impressive about this links physical attribute similar to the heroes of spirits and the floor sword item wise though he actually has an insanely powerful arsenal like before he wills the four sword allowing him to split into four copies thus multiplying his physical advantages by four times and these ones don't share heart containers like last time making him more durable he also has use of the blue bracelet though is a temporary item as well as the bombs boomerang bow fire rod and hammer they can use the power bracelets to which augment their physical strength though again it's just a temporary item like the hero of the Minish this link can use the Pegasus boots to grant incredible speed and the rocks feather to jump further augmenting his physical attributes both can actually be upgraded during the game allowing link to jump over large gaps with the boots and double jump with the feather but unlike his item arsenal his skills on anything particularly impressive he lacks the options for different sword strikes and bow aiming that the hero of the skies has and doesn't learn hidden technique instead just performing basic moves experience wise though this link actually isn't too bad while Four Swords Adventures is his only game he defeats not only the wind mage VAR t completely but also defeats the king of darkness Ganon sealing him in the four sword [Music] next up the hero of the Minish the young link who saved hyrule from parties wrath for the first time compared to the hero of the skies or the hero of Twilight this link is physically a lot weaker although he's an apprentice blacksmith he's one of the youngest links similar in age to the hero of spirits or the four sword what he lacks in physical attributes though this link more than makes up for with his item arsenal while he lacks the Master Sword and Hylian Shield instead having the slightly inferior four sword and mirror shield this link can use the magical boomerang up to 99 bombs the bow with 99 regular arrows including the sacred light arrows and similar to the hero of the four sword this hero can split into four copies of himself though they can't act independently of one another they can combine to give this link four times his normal strength allowing him to push large objects he normally wouldn't be able to like with four swords these four links all used the same heart containers and if you move into a wall the clones vanish he also has access to the rock scape which allows him to jump and the Pegasus boots which allow him to run at superhuman speeds like other links these two alter his physical attributes while he himself is physically weak and less athletic than the hero of the skies these two items allow him to move quicker and with more agility in terms of skills this hero shines while he's not trained at a Knights Academy instead just an apprentice blacksmith throughout the game he can learn from the tiger scrolls taught by the blade brothers through this training he's able to learn the spin attack sword beam - attack peril beam rock breaker roll attack down thrust and a great spin attack techniques putting him as easily one of the most skilled links when it comes to swordplay inexperience though this link isn't too great while he saves Hyrule from VAR T traveling through the land as both a full sized hero and a mine youtuber quarry the minish cap is his only adventure giving him a disadvantage when it comes to experience the adventure is a lot larger in scope though than four swords giving him a slight edge but Vaati is a far weaker villain than Ganondorf or demise right next up a fan favorite the teenage hero of Twilight from Twilight Princess first off physical attributes and man this link was actually a complete beast he's one of the oldest links we've seen giving him a strong physical advantage over most others being a late teenage farmer he's lean and muscular and one thing to note is that without any items to increase his physical attributes like the power bracelets this link was able to wrestle or donee in goats gowron's and even challenged the strength of fire us hell in the duel versus Ganondorf we can see this link push back the king of evil who wields the Triforce of power in a saw block in terms of raw physical strength this link is an absolute beast and no other hero comes close however this absolute monster of a hero is let down by his item arsenal while varied and useful he lacks the insanely powerful items that other links bring to the table he doesn't have the Pegasus boots for speed or an item to augment his already incredible strength meaning he actually ends up weaker than Lynx who do have items like the power bracelets the hero of Twilight can use the ball and chain again just due to his incredible physical strength up to 60 regular bombs the bow with a hundred arrows that double claw shots the gale boomerang and the hawk eye which allows him to aim his bow with pinpoint accuracy and he wields the Master Sword and Hylian Shield one interesting item the hero of Twilight can use is the magic armor which when worn makes him completely invulnerable to all attacks instead of draining hearts you lose rupees when hit this item is ridiculously powerful and in the HD remake you can have up to 9999 rupees meaning the hero of Twilight can be invulnerable for quite a long time however even when not being hit the armor drains your rupees at a rate of 2 per second meaning that he can't remain invincible indefinitely this limits this item from being instantly one of the best in the series skills wise the hero of Twilight is also no slouch the hero's shade trains link personally the only time a previous hero has passed on his knowledge to his successor through the heroes shade the hero of Twilight can learn the ending blow shield attack back slice helm splitter mortal draw jump strike and great spin easily making him one of the greatest swordsman among the links and finally experience Twilight Princess was obviously this hero's first and only adventure though it is long and arduous and he defeats not only Zant but Ganondorf killing him for good with the Master Sword the original hero from the very first to Zelda games the hero of Hyrule this link defeated Ganon in zelda 1 as well as prevented his resurrection and woke the sleeping princess zelda and adventure of link physically he's nothing particularly special although he's stronger than most child links as a result of him being a young adult in zelda 2 and can jump in that game making him both more physically powerful and agile than most links and adventuring through both zelda 1 and zelda 2 means that this links kitted out heavily he wields the magical sword which is the most powerful sword in games that don't feature the Master Sword he has the magical boomerang bombs bow along with the silver arrows which have twice as powerful as normal ones and can killed Ganon the magical rod which can sheep fire the blue ring which halves damage taken the red ring which doubles damage output the power bracelet which increases his physical strength and allows him to move heavy rocks and the handy glove which allows him to crush stone blocks with his sword he also has access to powerful spells like jump increasing his agility shield increasing his durability the ability to turn into a fairy shoot fireballs reflect projectiles and most powerful of all summon a thunderstorm that heavily damages all enemies on screen skills wise this link is slightly superior to most others in zelda 1 he can only slash his sword and shoot sword beams but in zelda 2 he can perform multiple techniques like the downward thrust and jump thrust and obviously being in two games the hero of hyrule is more experienced than many other links he faced and defeated Ganon in single combat as well as defeating the Thunderbird in his own shadow in order to obtain the Triforce of courage next we've got a fan-favorite the hero of the wild awoken after a century of healing in the shrine of resurrection this hero took on the calamity Ganon amidst the ruins of the kingdom of Hyrule finally freeing it from the perils of the great calamity physically this link is tough he's one of the oldest links we've played as a young adult and he's in strong physical shape able to climb mountains to sprint to hold himself aloft on a paraglider and even to parry powerful attacks of the charge of a Lionel this link is physically an incredible shape one of the strongest in the series with ease his item arsenal is also one of the strongest we've seen yet breath of the wild obviously went away with a classic Zelda item progression meaning there's no hook shots from dungeons bomb bags or the hero's bow instead he relies on what he finds in the wild collected from ancient chests ruins or stolen from slain enemies the most powerful sword not in damage output but lore wise is of course the master sword which this link can upgrade through the trial of the sword in order to unlock its true power he can use the Hylian Shield which while breakable takes an insane nineteen Guardian laser blast before shattering and of course he has the sheikah slate a multi tool which can spawn bombs freeze bodies of water acts as an electromagnet freeze objects and even enemies in time even spawn a motorbike is one of the most powerful Zelda items ever even just stasis itself being horrifyingly strong in addition to these he's granted champions abilities powers from each of the four Hylian champions the power of a defensive counter attack from diruk making him invulnerable for up to three hits the power to summon a thunderstorm from a Bosa the power to revive from death from me fur and the power to leap into the skies on a tornado from Ravalli he also obtains the bow of light during the final battle which is one of the most powerful bows we've seen in the series yet and in addition to this he can use ancient arrows which are pretty much the most powerful arrows along with wind wakers light arrows that we've seen they can one-hit kill any non boss enemy consigning them to oblivion overall this link has an incredibly unique but solid item arsenal of man's skills in terms of skills this is single-handedly the most talented and experienced hero there is when he was just a boy this hero managed to pull the master sword from its pedestal and slay a Lionel in single combat he killed a Guardian with only a pot lid and was appointed Zelda's chosen knight sworn to defend her which he did against the Jaeger and he killed hordes of Lionel's moblins and becau blinds with relative ease with only the Master Sword no shield during the great calamity he defended the princess and the people of Hyrule against Guardians destroying scores of the machines before finally falling and when he awakens a century later he's still a beast he can perform all manner of different sword techniques with all manner of different weaponry including using bullet time to attack enemies in slow motion or aim a bow with pinpoint accuracy this link is by far the single most skilled with a weapon and finally experience given his past to Zelda's chosen Knight this link definitely doesn't lack experience as well as traveling across the entirety of the ruined Hyrule freeing the land from a century of terror breath of the wild is his only adventure so far though meaning he falls behind some other links with more quests under their belts but defeating calamity Ganon and the pure embodiment of hatred and malice dark beast Ganon makes him more experienced than most next we have the savior of both Hyrule and lorule the oddly named new hero of Hyrule from a link between worlds who defeats both Yuga and Ganon before traveling to high topia during Triforce heroes and defeats lady Maud physically he's again nothing impressive a young boy so will rank him similarly to the hero of the Minish and other young links however like the hero of the Minish this link is depth to the teeth with a ridiculous arsenal I'd argue second only to one other link we've got not only the Master Sword but the level 3 Master Sword tempered twice with master or upgraded versions of the bombs boomerang fire rod hammer hook shot ice rod sandra tornado rod and bow the Hylian Shield the red mail which reduces all damage taken by 75% the Titans met which grants superhuman strength Pegasus boots which grant superhuman speed and the bow of light in addition to all of this he can use outfits and Triforce heroes costumes that empower him with different abilities such as the cheetah costume which allows link to run quickly even the fierce deity's armor which doubles his damage output and allows him to shoot sword beams of course it's not the real fierce deity but it's a powerful item regardless in terms of skills this link really doesn't have too much to show but just performs basic link techniques like the spin attack and the sword beam or the dash attack if he runs with the Pegasus boots and finally experience this links been on two separate adventures more than many links both a link between worlds and Triforce heroes in the former he defeated not only Yuga but you Ganon emerged monstrosity wildung both the Triforce of power and the Triforce of wisdom moving on let's look at the adult timeline with the Wind Waker the hero of winds was born on outset island where he lived in peace until the helmet king kidnapped his sister he wasn't a hero chosen by the gods this link forced the gods to choose him he dragged the Triforce of courage up from the bottom of the ocean and forged it back together physically the hero of winds isn't anything particularly special he's a young boy who never held a sword before the start of his adventure despite this though we've seen him perform some fantastic acrobatic feats like leaping ten feet into the air to plunge the master sword into Ganondorf skull and some feats of strength like being able to lift and use weapons designed for dark nuts or swing the massive skull hammer compared to the hero of Twilight or the hero of the skies this link is quite weak but he's physically more powerful than he should be for a kid of his age the hero of winds can use the power bracelets which grant him superhuman strength enough to lift and throw stone statues weighing multiple tons like the hero of time he willed the master sword though he doesn't have access to the legendary Hylian Shield instead having the mirror shield like the hero of the Minish he can carry up to 99 bombs and his hero's bow can use regular fire and ice arrows with a quiver holding up to 99 arrows his bow can also fire the strongest arrows in the series pure golden dart like light arrows that instantly annihilate any non boss enemy they hit these things aren't godlike the hero of the winds also has the classic hook shot and boomerang he has the skull hammer and the magic armor a mystic protective barrier around him that protects him from any and all damage at the cost of magic or rupees in the HD remake this is easily one of the most powerful items in the series even better than its equivalent in the hands of the hero of Twilight as it doesn't continuously drain rupees the hero of winds also has the Phantom Hourglass an item which allows him to survive in the temple of the ocean King but more importantly temporarily freeze time with the help of his fairy sealer this is an insanely powerful ability which would absolutely give him an edge against most links when it came to combat it doesn't just freeze an enemy like stasis or slow time around link like the song of inverted time it stops time entirely except for link however since it can only be used during boss battles with the help of sealer the spirit of time and courage I won't count it as heavily as I would if he could use it whenever another incredibly powerful asset the hero of winds has at his disposal is the spirit gems collectible items found across the world of Phantom Hourglass there are three categories power wisdom and courage gems when all power gems are collected link can deal four times normal damage with his sword when all wisdom gems collected link takes four times less damage and has a more powerful shield and when all courage gems are collected link and fire sword beams with all of the spirit gems the hero of winds is insane powerful in terms of skills the windwaker link is pretty well rounded while he's just a boy from outset island he's personally trained by Orca the villages resident sword master through Orca link learns the various sword slashes the spin attack the parry in which he avoids an enemy attack and strikes him from behind and the hurricane spin during Phantom Hourglass with the help of a swordsman scroll he can also learn the great spin attack while not as skilled as other links like the hero of the Minish the hero of winds is still a force to be reckoned with with a sword in hand and finally experience this link ventures out through sheer will from outset island eventually rebuilding the Triforce of courage restoring the Master Sword to its full might and slaying the king of evil Ganondorf once and for all amidst the sinking kingdom of Hyrule later along with Zelda he finds himself in the world of the ocean King where he defeats the parasitic belem during Phantom Hourglass having two adventures under his belt makes the hero of winds a well experienced link despite his young age the hero of winds is an absolute monster physically he's nothing special but he can augment himself with the power bracelets giving himself superhuman strength he wields the Master Sword he can protect himself with the magic armor and even stop time completely using the Phantom Hourglass so that's every link so far from the weakest we've seen the hero of spirits all the way up to the incredibly powerful hero of winds it makes sense that Ganon's failed every time he's tried to seize Hyrule so far with these absolute monsters defending it but there are two left to their leagues beyond any other link that I've gone over so far so let's put these two final links head-to-head the hero of time from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask and the hero of legend from a Link to the Past Oracle of Seasons Oracle of Ages and Link's Awakening the most iconic link in all of the Zelda series is the hero of time now obviously this link is sort of two links we see and play as him when he's a kid of around ten years old as well as a young adult of seventeen I'll still treat him as one hero though as it's the same character but rank everything when he was at his strongest in terms of physical attributes the hero of time is pretty tough and his most physically powerful this link was a 17 year old tall and muscular and when he's a child he's able to perform flips and somersaults with ease while he's physically fit we don't see him perform any incredible feats of strength unassisted so I think it's safe to assume that physically he's a little less powerful than the hero of the skies the hero of legend on the other hand is slightly weaker physically he's young around the same age as the link from a link between worlds so he doesn't really rank too highly on this one but man both of these heroes have some serious equipment to bring to the table in the hero of times case immediately amending the fact that he doesn't perform any feats of strength we have the golden and gauntlets gloves which grant this hero incredible strength he's able to lift and throw giant stone pillars with relative ease he wields the Master Sword and Hylian Shield though can also use the mighty big goron sword and has items like the longshot which is the longest reaching hook shot in this series the boomerang Megaton hammer up to 40 bombs the bow with up to 40 arrows including the ice fire and light arrows the hover boots the healing neus love spell and the powerful explosive dins fire spell and that's just adult link in Ocarina of Time in Majora's Mask link has access to the gilded sword and great fairy sword they would argue that while they deal more damage than it the Master Sword is still the hero of times most powerful weapon he also has the use of masks powerful magic artifacts which either transform him completely or grant him magical abilities there's the Goron mask which transformed him into a powerful goron and allows use of the Goron role that this is likely less physically strong than the hero of time with the golden gauntlets the Deku mask allows them to fly and the Zoras mask throws boomerangs and can swim underwater with ease the bunny hood allows him to run at superhuman speed similar to the Pegasus boots and the Giants mask turns him into a colossal Titan with the masks the hero of time can basically augment his physical attributes in whichever way suit the current situation and of course links trump card perhaps the most powerful single item in the Zelda series the fierce deity's mask donning this mask grants Linc the powers of a dark God in this form he takes on the appearance of adult length but far taller and stronger he can swing a colossal double helix sword which sends forth powerful blade beams the masks description reads could this masks dark power be as bad as majora this item essentially bestows the power of a god upon the hero of time we only see its powers versus the five main bosses in majora's mask though it makes them a breeze seeing this mask face Ganon would truly be a fight to behold so how does the hero of legend manage to respond to that insane item arsenal well he packs just as much of a punch with his gear starting off he's superior to the hero of time in that he will to the golden sword which is the master sword that has been upgraded twice to accompany this the mirror shield in a Link to the Past is a colossal shield that can reflect most projectiles he also has access to the big Orin sword during Oracle of Seasons he wears the red mail which is far superior to any armor the hero of time wears reducing all damage taken by 75% and could use the blue ring to reduce damage taken by half in Oracle of Ages or the red ring which doubles all damage dealt in fact in the Oracle Games he can use up to 64 different rings which perform different effects such as allowing him to punch enemies become a mob Lenora like like perform double spin attacks or slowly heal himself without the use of items he has the Pegasus boots allowing for extreme speed and the Titans mitt power gloves or power bracelets allowing him to lift tons of stone with ease or throw gigantic dinosaurs he can jump with the rocks feather or the rock scape granting him agility the hero of time lacks he carries a bow which can shoot both regular and silver arrows which arrows so powerful they annihilate any non boss enemy in a single hit and can damage Ganon he has the magical boomerang hookshot bombs hammer fire rod ice rod and the cane of burner which when used projects a magical barrier around him similar to the magic armor from the Wind Waker which makes him invulnerable to any attacks and damage his enemies that are near him at the cost of magic power the magic cape too makes him completely invincible and invisible though it uses slightly more magic than the cane but is not only immune to all damage when he has magic power his damage output is godlike with the Bombers medallion he can summon explosions all around him completely incinerating any normal enemies nearby clearing the screen with the ether medallion he can summon lightning similar to Zelda to stun dispel and with the quake medallion and earthquake in terms of equipment I think the hero of legend has the largest and greatest arsenal of any single link if he has access to every item he's ever owned and has magic power he's completely invulnerable to all damage which even if he did take would be reduced by huge amounts by his armor and rings he wields the sword two levels above even the Master Sword can create lightning earthquakes or explosions at will has superhuman speed strength and can jump is actually insane how powerful this hero is with his full armory in terms of skills the hero of times abilities and nothing to scoff at he doesn't learn any skills during his games and can only perform basic linked abilities like the jump attack and spin attack but the hero of time goes on to train his successor the hero of Twilight in the ways of the sword teaching him abilities such as the ending blow helm splitter and mortal drawl the hero of legend also has his fair share of techniques however he's not shown to be anywhere near as skilled as the hero he can perform the basic linked moves such as the spin attack - attack and sword beam and some more advanced techniques like hand-to-hand combat but he falls behind a tad here and finally experience in case you hadn't guessed the hero of time is easily one of the most experienced he grew up in kooky reforest adventured across Hyrule and saved it from Ganon defeating the demon king in single combat before travelling back in time preventing his rise to power he then travels to the land of termina where he saves its people from Majora's Mask and the falling moon before returning to Hyrule years later his spirit teaches the hero of Twilight in the form of the hero's shade in terms of experience there really aren't that many links that can compete with the hero of time but one of those links is the hero of legend the link who's been on the single most amount of adventures of any with four quests under his belt he's gone toe-to-toe with Ganon who was wildung the full might of the Triforce of courage power and wisdom and emerged victorious he saved the lands of Larina and holy drum from own ox and varan defeating twin rova and preventing the proper resurrection of Ganon slaying the mindless demon king in his second gallant fight in addition to this he saved the wind fish from the nightmares this link is absolutely the most well seasoned link of any even more so than the hero of time so which link is superior I believe that in the end it all comes down to the hero of legend with his incredible item Arsenal and the hero of times fierce deity link form link imbued with the power of a dark God both of these links are about full strength when they have magic power in that fierce deity can shoot powerful sword beams and the hero of legend can call forth explosions earthquakes lightning and is completely invincible and invisible without magic power they're both still extremely strong though the fierce deity can still use the might of the double-helix sword even with no magic power and the hero of legend can still use their level 3 golden master sword with double damage due to rings one-hit kills silver arrows and is so well armored that he takes hardly any damage I think overall is impossible to truly decide between the two as we can't put them head-to-head but I'd give my vote to the most experienced hero the series has ever seen the hero of legend from a Link to the Past the Oracle games and Link's Awakening but that's just my opinion what do you think who out of the hero of time or the hero of legend is more powerful or is it another one entirely let me know in the comments below this video took a monumental amount effort to research scripts and edit so a lie could be so appreciated or subscribe if you haven't already and remember there is the giveaway link in the description for a breath of the wild DX link figure cheers guys and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Zeltik
Views: 4,100,512
Rating: 4.9235682 out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, theory, legend of zelda, rank, strong, strongest, game, a link to the past, links awakening, a link between worlds, analysis, reaction, trailer, ballad of the wind fish, gameplay, zeltik, nintendo direct, scary, ganon, which, link, is, battle, song, theme, release date, death, breath of the wild, ocarina of time, majoras mask, fierce deity, powerful, level, wind waker, twilight princess, skyward sword
Id: 0kM4IB7swnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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