Bloodborne: Worlds First All Bosses+DLC 0 Hit Run

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that is pretty cool it actually kind of looks like a face but it also is a fish-like from far away it kind of looks like a head like a fish person but it ended up it also is like a fish same time which is scarier the end of a no-hit run in your experience soulless in der or these two bosses this runs a lot scarier man this run has to be so specific that like you don't have to really do much different like you can have the same timing and execution but your placement of how you attack or like where you're standing by like literal footsteps could ruin an entire run like I got hit on the other run cuz I got scuffed on the dude's kneecap for half a second like that you basically have to be so accurate whereas in ds3 there's wiggle room for tiny error like that you don't have to be identical with stuff all the time or within like this very tight margin of error you know it's like you you have to really you have to really be particular on this run and that makes it worse because it feels a lot harder when you fail like it feels you feel it more but I think that actually is good looks and you really realize like I need to be perfect right whereas in ds3 you can probably it lazy from a mistake and you don't you don't put as much effort going back into it maybe but like that you really feel the mistakes in this a lot more I think there's been more than just me that said that like even people the speedrun will say like you can feel like a failure a lot more it will it will kick your ass a lot more in that kind of way alright the winner of the character raffle is in [ __ ] in trend I hope that you make it past BSB man I hope your BSB training has gone well and we can good no I kind of want to make a new character but I kind of don't we're gonna go with Pepe I guess we'll do Pepe State Plus yeah men if you want to talk maybe tonight you could do that tonight or another day me and me and cheese already talked a little bit but we have an idea we have like a rough plan so if you want to just get in on that conversation then we can figure it out yeah dude welcome back just gonna say punish BSB for you I'll try my best but you got it you got to grant me the powers man you have all that knowledge store it in there from that recent success when I complete this run will this be my greatest achievement ah it'll be my most like it'll be my most favorite run definitely but I don't know if that depends as subjective to the person that's seeing it some people might not even think this matter is like you know those people that do speedruns they might not even care about this run people that don't do challenges that might be like well like this is really hard and then there's people that also do this run that would understand that this is more fun to play like Faraz even can admit this run is more fun than ds3 but it's a different type of challenge so I don't know how you can like really compare them that much like I feel that this is a lot worse like I said with if you make a mistake like it can be so subtle compared to ds3 ds3 and more so is like your reaction times bad but like this doesn't even just play into that test other things too there's not much like particular setup or execution that has to be specific for a lot of stuff in ds3 it's more like you have all the room in the world to do whatever you want all the time there's no time pressure or anything like that you have to be very very very good I mean there's some things like half light obviously there's a very particular execution to it half lights more of like a blood-borne fight there is a type of fight like maybe like demon princess where you can get a quick kill on them if you have everything in place if you've done it right but if you don't it's not it's not like the the run ends like there's nothing that you can instantly get [ __ ] by like it's not a moon presence where you ruin one part of the setup and any of those mistakes you can make ruining this setup will inevitably on the run it doesn't matter if you are good at the entire fight the third way through you're screwed if you don't kill them immediately at 30% so stuff like that right like Amelia you only get one try you can't go back to run a second attempt even if you could hunters mark out you can't do this the kill the same way very particulate very specific I will feel better about it than the DSP run but I think I think by a little bit I think I'll like it more but that's up to you guys if you think it's easier than the s3 maybe that's just from what you've seen and that's perfectly okay I like challenge is better than speedruns especially if the speedruns use glitches yeah I think there's there's a misconception though like some of the some of the best speedruns that I've glitches and stuff like that are actually harder to do than play in the game Emily and people would think that it's cheating because it saves so much time but it's not like intended well a lot of the setups for runs like even other games not even just the souls but like especially the older school stuff like it's so difficult to pull off takes years of practice to actually be that fast it's not even it's not even like something as easy as you know any kind of challenge run it's way different than it's like a take a legit job like just learning that stuff like dude like God the rung that hops trying to learn like that's a legit like you should have a certification to run that game efficiently and within world-record pace like that's like a [ __ ] talent that's not just being good that's like there's so much information in there it's like a five hour run so many near frame perfect tricks you have to do that's you know and then also dealing a mobility hacks thanks for the good luck by the way Sood Amir no wait what are we saying no to May the runs be dandy today good luck have fun ILU ILU - x - hi my shoe how's it going nephew see me see me killing these crows right now do that's for you man how long is gonna be short VB yeah you haven't you haven't been here for that long leg why are you why even trying obviously if you haven't followed for like two years like there's no point of even talking inside there's a minimum time they have to follow for before you can say anything it doesn't matter that you think you become quite a quite an instrumental part of this this operation you're very you're very very value in this master plan to take over the universe hahahaha aka welcome back Grauman are what's going on how are you hi on popota news poaching use its up considering this game versus dark souls what do you think whatever you think is more appealing then you want more hours of playtime in a variety go souls if you want you like the concept of this and you think that that's more of a value to you than having more play time and variety then go with this definitely you have access to both yes technically the price could be important too I think this is actually cheaper than vs3 so if you're comparing this verse ds3 this is actually less expensive it might be a better deal oh you're secretly gonna take over my Chan I think everybody here's trying to take over in their own way yeah iced don't want to say anything about it I think mostly everybody's aiming to take over the sweet blood God seems to me to make a man sick Hector what's up you think you should chill on some blood-borne today you're feeling blood-borne nice man nice if they're having a good day Hector welcome also daywalker have returned I missed your stream for a few days it feels like it's been ages Cosmo you were here like two days ago weren't you thank you for the the bits dish I think you were here like two days ago I want to make this channel about milk bags that's your ultimate plan stay plus is trying to implement his his milk bag strategies over here make everyone they connoisseur of the milk bag to feed his enterprise elsewhere and and profit him in other shenanigans rather than just the channel yes he doesn't want to take the channel over he wants to control it wants to subliminally control it the power of milk resolute murk haven't seen you forever man welcome back I've been doing pretty good how are you how was life in the things and the stuff hot sauce is this harder than bs3 I would say so yeah I would definitely say so especially if you're super new probably not by much if you're really good as souls in general but a lot different and the differences I think make it harder to kind of begin with miss you tani welcome back is it going long time since you saw me fight Gascoigne still exciting so explosively intense although actually that was a really good fight with Gascoigne that we saved to molotovs it was pretty much perfect our energy it was really nice Solid Snake what's up ripp wait anytime someone says RIP with a question mark and I don't think they're directing it to someone else I think that we crashed and I always check OBS and then I'm like oh yeah OBS studio would probably wouldn't tell me if that was the case unless it wasn't coding at all I could still does beam a thank you for the 250 bits man thank you thank you so much for dropping your biddies off man I'll take good care of them okay I'll make sure I'll make sure I lock up all the cyanide and the barbed wire I'll make sure I take care of the biddies man well you're well you're busy no worries no worries man thank you very much though how's your day going Maya plays welcome back every time I see that emot-- here the Stynes gates theme song every single time burn what's up that's going Danny Boy I'm doing pretty good how are you I've been really busy things are starting to calm down so you trying to get back I'm gonna get back around and drop in on some streams again I can understand that that's that's nice of you choose me I'm glad I'm on your list I'm on the good list for now at least hopefully I'm always that lucky okay we're gonna try to get oh hello not today Miyazaki not today see you later I love how that dog has been meeting me as such a higher frequency and I'm not doing anything incorrect it's like it's such a [ __ ] unlikely thing to be that many times out of all the attempts we've had on the staircase let's say the last 10 times more than half of them one of the two dogs has instantly gone around the stairs I love it I love it it's like so unlucky and it doesn't happen for like so many run dozens of runs in a row and then it starts happening like half the time and that probably won't happen again for a while but something else will start being weird you know like Miyazaki dogs are after me poking milk bags with a stick isn't that like illegal can't you get in trouble by that want the milk police be after you my play is already on to it PB you so fast that was like four days ago I think I think the two at PB was a while ago at this point it's getting stale it's gonna get to the point where people like well hurry up and get that run already because there's three there's a three three-way demographic on average I mean like there's maybe like little outliers in between but there's a three-way demographic you're either super super impressed by how quickly the runs get done your content no matter what because you just support the content in like the middle ground and then like the upper the upper echelon will say the the super super critical ones will be like wow you haven't done this run yet expecting it to be done in 24 hours like it's just anybody can do it so everyone here for the most part falls into one of those three and I think the people that are just like super surprised they probably had missed some of the runs they probably had missed like certain days that I was lives they don't they don't feel the the length of how long I've been grinding for it as much but if it goes on let's just say another week goes by and we still have to it's as a PB we've either probably gotten very close in the process or I'm playing very bad if like a couple more weeks go by and it's still the same case I would be happy with the one at this point but after a while it's gonna be a 1 0 and now that we've no-hit the DLC twice I think it's time to try to go 4-0 or at least you know if I get a 1 I'll be content but really really try to get a good DLC in this run as there is some there's some notice notable improvement on it yeah I think it was like four days ago wonder if Miyazaki actually has a dog maybe it would give him some perspective a be as one I don't know I would I would always imagine me Zaki as someone that has like one of those those tiny cats with like the weird faces like the ones that lyric has like he'd have like one of those those weird cats it would be on his shoulder and he'd be like petting it while uh at his desk and then he'd reach over and hit the big red button and reset runs and his gigantic display of of many screens would pop up chunga's welcome back what's up where do you find it easier to get hit the bosses or the levels between them at this point I think it's it's more likely oh it always has been the case where I think for anybody it's more likely to get hit on movement sections there's more variables right wherever there's more variables or possibilities of something going wrong so I mean I wouldn't be surprised if I got hit on a boss but it's so much more likely that I'll get hit on one of these things right here if your grandma would do this run in two hours s-some h fam okay I just got roasted oh man the Scottish Fold cats yeah that I I don't remember their names particularly maybe that's what they are but they have like the really interesting like squished like flat faces you look really unique I would just imagine him having like a completely white cat like that and it'd be on his shoulder and he he wouldn't even say anything to it he wouldn't talk to it at all he would just pet it you just sit there silently petting and smiling push the button on my road this is dog what's going on feels like ages since you've seen a run that's because you've been out there bounty hunting too much man you got it he got a calm down putting people the way dude that Dog the Bounty Hunter hunter over here oh man it would be really cringey if you didn't get that reference but how's it going doc many dogs he just eats them yeah that's that's a little bit that's that's some it's not even really comedy but I'd probably say and I mean I don't know if this is true or not but I would say I would hope that me as I would like I feel like anyone that's done that before could not be responsible for such a beauty how super epic I was super super epic hitboxes on that my god I mean my timing of my my cocktail would have had to have been earlier or at like at the latest right when I tossed it for that to be possible but it was really good it was a lucky move some of the one of the attacks wouldn't 1r1 definitely whiff there but it looked like he still had enough damage done so that was was one of the later are ones I think dog tastes like really good beef I am disturbed that you would even know that but moving on to brighter topics what was one interesting thing ed of your weekend for anybody even if it's not even like a good thing it could be like interesting in a negative way but what's one thing a fun fact that you can share it's it's show-and-tell time I'm sure dye consists of solely hot dogs every single time you hear Dodd the Bounty Hunter reference have I done that before I thought that was the first time dude ever trying no hitting childless dungeons and though I don't even want to play chalice dungeons normally there is a very low chance I would do that but I just don't like the idea of chalice I don't like materials I don't like the procedurally generated idea but then also having a fixed list of things that are kind of like there's some some of them have to be like a certain way like it's not it's what it's one of those things where like it's trying to combine like like stuff but then it's also not rove like because there are there are some things that are generated in a certain way right but then there's some things that are fixed the content in them and the design of them are not special enough unless they're in like particular cases and the materials make it really annoying they they make it really annoying to have to go through and do all that stuff I'd rather it just be accessible by completion and very very static in the way like maybe you could even just boss rush or whatever you can just go through everything just to a point do a bunch of different fights I don't like the idea of having to get materials I hate that and people said oh it's like not that bad it's like no it's it's a really dumb idea in my opinion it doesn't make any sense but it's okay if I don't like chalice because I mean it's not really part of the main game it's not really part of like the it's like a side idea so hating on it and stuff like that's the one detail I don't like about this probably the only thing that would stop me from giving it a perfect ten but it's not mandatory it's not required it is completely separated to the point where I don't have to do it there's nothing that's required for me to do you know chalice it's Friday but you got offered a new job panorama nice man did you uh do you take in mmm dass with the all thank you for sharing that man I appreciate it I'm probably gonna give you a 10 minute for that because that's not really good oh yeah you're watching the stream fun fact you like milk bag buckets cousin said she'd a lonely fat friend he wants some lovin and you refuse to meet up JCL really that's not that's good that's kind of blunt that's a really like bold statement every time you see your name you make the reference really okay did I play tf2 catered no talking about team fortress right I've tried it before like a long long time ago but no get the lamp I got the lamp without even seeing the thing and remembered I remembered and almost slipped off right there too you're like tan you're not gonna say no to an old Chinese lady oh they they secretly slipped you the dog is that what it was they gave you the dog without consent you're just like no I want to eat dog how do you know it was dog are you certain I think that's the next question to ask in a particular case his emails and ray alert man at bat him up with the toilets so funny is that like a pineapple inside of it like what is what is the thing inside the bowl that's very good RNG I let you out work to close the end day cash things they left you left you to close the the registers okay you get paid extra for closing or is it they just make you do it and they cut your pay at like whatever your hours were Jimbo feeling good about the runs and I feel right man I wouldn't say spectacular especially because we didn't stream yesterday but you never know I don't I don't think we deserve it yeah I think it's still gonna take some more effort almost pull the potato there that there is some potato great shenanigans going on right there for a moment I almost potato all the beef at your grandma's house was in fact dog okay well that's that's really sad man I'm sorry they had to do that oh man Jimbo how are you doing pineapple lurking from a toilet I had a feeling was a pineapple when I looked a little bit closer the first time I saw it I thought it was actually like a like a person or something like that what apparently it's a dude or it's a pineapple with a face no it's a good party if parents you've invited have to drag their crying children away who really wants to stay along dude wait you were at a party where people were dragging their children away avatar catered really it's anybody else experiencing that is there I in in in inconsistent quality right now for the game audio and/or commentary because there's actually problems people have have where it's on their end and majority of everyone agrees there's nothing wrong with it what you got to be critical so if there actually is something bad and you think that it can be fixed you got to tell me like you can't just think it's insignificant cuz it's not as big of a deal as some things that you've heard like it has to be addressed though either it's one person having the issue cuz the video players some something with the platform or it actually is wrong and you got to fix it looks okay to me it looks perfectly fine to me but I can't tell though the frames yeah we dropped some frames that's bound to happen at some point we barely dropped frames anyways but we'll probably drop some frames you're in there had some buffering case there's nothing with the the quality Kawai what's going on man you had a buffer too I'm talking about like the audio not the the frames every bird anything changed his frame drops and Emilia fight okay that's it that is good to know yeah I'd recommend if anyone seems to have audio issues mention it but then also refresh and see if it fixes it it's probably individualized all these on point lethal what's up man how have you been what have you been streaming lethal I haven't actually seen you live for a little bit is you a razor what's up audio is fine alright thank you for letting me know just in case there's been days where there's been a significant problem and people just won't say it though they all know but they just will not it medics they don't want to be the person that complain and you have to you have to do four things to fixed it's not gonna it's not gonna work properly I won't know I can only go by my my input levels and stuff like that my clipping warning and all that [ __ ] so much for me to base it off of it could be any kind of connection err that still allows the signal but the quality is not good there's like noise 1 year 7 2 K 17 unbound Amen you were on the road to there you got out when it was cool to get out of that you you avoided the mainstream not everybody can dodge the mainstream bullet of being subbed for you yeah it would be cool if I had a weapon there we go current year jokes in current year yeah I wonder what that's that we're gonna get old I mean there was the 2k16 thing I don't I didn't really see it as much in 2k15 but started becoming very very uh very very noticeable in 2k16 with those jokes and then now it's I think it's just established although I don't I would argue it probably wasn't created people probably didn't start making it a good normal thing only one year ago I think it's been around but it's more popular now definitely and I would not I would not Bank on anyone stopping anytime soon it's such an easy meme right it's like the most effortless meme like one of the most like saturated and overdone memes but it's there kohaku thank you for the host dude if you were streaming man how did it go so I got to make sure I follow you still I don't know I don't know if I do I'm assuming if you're hosting me that you were streaming what meme are we talking about was seeing what's going on man like when people say in 2k 17 low like people did that last year but it wasn't a thing in 2015 that I know this really so I think it's becoming a little bit more casual bubbles band capital from his stream bubbles like del Fuego the guy that did the gdq thing that everyone was like ripping on him for like last year banning Kappa that's pretty funny [Music] and how will anyone ever achieve the golden kappa and will never happen splits please I just realize that that was a problem sorry about that I think it's cuz we're just so lightning quick man I'm like boom hear them they're everywhere there goes the audio k turn no one else is seeming to have an issue though man like are you are you a hundred percent sure it's not something with the video player like have you tested on a mobile device have you tested on a different device or like refreshed or tried switching the video player to HTML or flash vice-versa whatever is like everyone else said it was fine and lately whenever there's been an issue it's only one person that has the issue and everyone else agrees that there's no problem I'll let you wash catered yeah it might just be the the the video player man or something going on on your end fertile pygmy what's going on how are you around fortunate for many many years since before 2010-2011 at least okay so it's it's old-school that it's just I've seen it more so this year and last year - K 18 and 2 K 17 that's like that's like the sports games ma'am we're pulling an EA catered yeah no worries man no worries I'm sorry that it won't work hopefully you can hear me saying bye but I'll see you again next time I am sorry so remember the half-life to run at sgdq that make you cringe I don't know what that is why no I know half-life but ever saw that or heard about that Gibbs what's going on good luck you're not coming here to tell me to shut up really I thought you were gonna instantly tell me to shut up and then realize it wasn't talking to you how's it going dibs if you guys want to see someone do some sl1 runs on all the souls dibs is doing sl1 on think think she's finishing ds3 and then she's doing ds2 so although her stream it if you do or if you want to see that kind of stuff Zomba are things are going pretty well phone the shadows man how are you a lot of random problems or running on Firefox really PJ I've never I've never actually used Firefox will stream and that's interesting I hide it apparently I got rid of it recently but like apparently Firefox isn't really that good for anything although what is man what is even chrome like chrome is so bad in a lot of ways the guy missed a skip 30 times is painful on a halflife yeah I mean I don't know there's a lot more pressure being at a gdq like the amount of people not only there in person but also the people watching is just like insane like it's if you're having more people watch you then like people would watch like an actual sport right like how many people fit in a stadium for like football and [ __ ] like it's probably more than that so you I'm sure you would make a mistake I'm sure you would probably be like freaking out quite a bit I don't know you're having quite a bit a bit of people also people that are that are quick to judge based on any mistake we're I'm sure even if you did everything perfect they'd have a problem they'd find something that was a thing they just would rip on you for something even if you were perfect you could be like so acceptable on every level and do all your runs get a world record even and I'm sure people would still complain there'd always be that audience that there is the separation of those people as well and then and there's people that just like it overall it's okay and I deal with quite a bit of criticism and I think that even it lets say this guy was like good at the room where he what he wouldn't normally fail to skip that many times maybe some of that stuff had to do with it maybe just maybe Neto has fallen you're gonna need to save file just don't name it kill yourself instead of name it bubbles strats that's that's pretty brutal man finish ds3 by the way nice Yugi dibs are you doing a scholar next gotta watch the vid the Neto has fallen I'll check it out right after get two shadows we're pretty close how come no one remembers 433 years isn't that long that's actually pretty quick man I mean I've been alive for like 1619 years so that's pretty it's pretty small chunks mulch a good time so that's not bad Caeser welcome back thank you for the good luck okay this is where we actually need the luck so anyone that wants to bless the RNG you must do it now you must uh go for that now before it's too late let's see what's going on with this [Music] [Music] pretty funny man Oh God all right let's go finally has lost it I had a blast playing Shadow Warrior isn't that the thing that was free on hundred humblebundle that's what people were talking about got to make it a light-hearted joke even bubbles joked about the savefile using those run this year which she thought shows some class mark what's going on how are you thank you for sharing completely out of context you're I guess I guess you're one of those the the originality [ __ ] posters I like it let's do some shadows for some reason I expected that to be a glitch on on Nita but it was guys doing some Jackie Chan [ __ ] in the corner that's impressive barely ever see that attack it's kind of spooky I didn't see like that micro mounted damage left on the one dude but some probably something to do with like the it wasn't like an extra bullet I don't even know actually maybe the gems activated that's actually kind of weird then there must have been some lack of counter hit on one of the stuff one of the things in the setups so waited so that's really weird actually I I'm kind of confused of how he had like a tick left and because the pellet didn't run out the pellet was still active I did the exact same combo so that's really weird I got to fix the split counter tooks every single time I open a window capture on it it shrinks down the counter it's gonna fix that quickly I think that's alright you guys let me know if that looks fine or not I think I'm cutting off the brackets a bit but I'm just gonna leave it as it's really annoying fix pinic welcome back how's it going dude Zaki has a tentacle fish you have to admit though I mean like the auger is actually a pretty cool item and a lot of the great one enemy type things they're really cool I think their designs pretty cool but there is a lot of thy mean like AB Reedus has them Michael S has the item that looks like a Brutus I think one reborn has them on the front of him moon presence kind of has like the tails that resemble it a lot a lot of use of that you're right there's like the dudes in the DLC that have them on their face there's uh cos has them I think like regular costs Congrats on world's first no DLC run pinic thanks man thank you very much nano slaughter what's up by the way alright well that was pretty quick split that's that's good but it's taken a lot longer his mother is a squid McHale ash are you talking about Casa triceps welcome back how's it going man you have made it to Bergen worth your final destination next up transfer over to mean world Kohaku I'm doing pretty good sorry that I asked you if you were stream it or not and then I didn't see what you said you mentioned what you were playing are you talking about me as I his Miyazaki's mom was a squid okay well I don't know so it's debatable but it's it's still there could be some likelihood there you never know man never know would explain how he could reset so many people's run simultaneously you'd have a lot more coordination to hit a bunch of buttons maybe there's more than one button it's kind of nice we got that guy's a reference again I always feel like I'm not gonna roll recover that when he falls though so I'm just I'm waiting for the day where that happens it might never it might be very hard to not real recover that maybe it's easier to land the timing on it but I'm just waiting for that to happen then I'd be screwed this is does this game supposedly take inspiration from HP Lovecraft I believe it does yeah thank you does so I have an idea of the one time I had like a tiny bit of damage left on ROM I think I didn't have the gem activated I feel like I checked it but maybe I didn't have the gem activated I got started paying attention to that on this fight because I have been rushing him without healing first when we drop and that means I'm not getting a bonus wise name cd-rom ah it's the only thing that made sense as like a practical joke name I guess I don't know why not what else would go with rom I I couldn't think of anything else it's a pretty bad name I'll admit it it's a pretty bad probably could have done something better with more time you stream you're just in the beginning it goes quite well if you may say that's good dude I'm glad what are you what are you playing what kind of stuff are you playing who's the first ever to know hit a game hablas will be the first one sorta mirror in terms of dark souls yeah in terms of the solar chandra one dude had tried to say that he had done in no hit run before HOD but he used his shield to block all the hits so he hob did the first actual no hit without blocking with you know evading every single attack evading death evading a lot of [ __ ] Rammstein okay that's a decent one ROM Steve seven months going strong with the hitless master BB hitless incoming I can feel it keep up the quality content man I still expect big things and if you'll achieve some major fewer and sub feats with continuous growth lethal thank you for the seven months in a row man thank you for the kind words as well continue to enjoy your milks in your hood a badge or one give lethal some some subhype that's nice of you to say dude I really appreciate that it's nice thank you for being a part of making that a thing as well USB the spider and bullies USB why would it be called the USB CD ROMs in 1.9 K 93 little bell dudes before gargoyles and VST one of them threw a firebomb at you as you're attacking the firebomb got deflected by your axe and went flying in the other direction I have never seen that no do you have a clip of that I read half of that before the subhype and then I was like wait you mean like you exploded it in midair I've seen I've seen that happen where you swinging like the weapon would cause the fire bomb to explode by hitting it but like I've never seen it be deflected without exploding on impact that's pretty insane I kind of want to now though playing some firebomb baseball Hernandez what's up saying your weird stuff as usual cd-rom USB you felt like there was something there maybe maybe but like I feel like a nice-to-have ROM in the name right like USB ROM doesn't know if it fits as well even though I got CD ROMs pretty bad I'll admit it's pretty bad I probably should just make it wrong either way feel like it might be dangerous to start playing around with new split names at this point where everything is kind of it's already decided it's already all good quit e welcome back how's it going man I saw in your title recently that you were going back to this run once next week begins are you doing all boss plus DLC now are you gonna be doing the all boss first I shoulda pop this to go for the six I have extra echos somehow I have no idea how but I think it's because the bog dude died might be because that so I can cut this a little bit closer at least waste less echoes blu-ray ROM well I'm not trying to make it like there's no affiliation with the fight in like an actual disc it's just the fact that cd-rom is like a thing it's a name of something cd-rom is is a piece of you know like media or whatever but yeah blu-ray it's not really because there's anything similar to a disc in the fight it's just like the way the name works it's a bad name I'm just gonna say it's a bad name this sucks and it would have to be something that doesn't even include ROM in the name for it to be a really good name I think like blue potato is good or just leaving it as it is let's get to Pacific ROM because he's a giant why not floppy disk yeah it has nothing to do with a disk though it's the thing like that's Pike senior wait a second let me get back out of here Media artifacts Rishta fork Atkins what's up Christopher catkins that's amazing did the watch on your Sunday afternoon the wife and baby are sleeping thank you for the entertainment while they sleep no worries man defies if I wake them up by accident you can blame me you can sue me if you want I say something too edgy and they just like a rise from their slumber I'll take the blame Rahm Emanuel you have the answers cd-rom that's okay that's a pretty good one I like there's a there's a meme within the name right there the way it's spelled I like that and J chopper you like CD ROM that's what I was thinking like that's fine but like now there's the thing is no matter what you make a split name someone's always gonna suggest why why don't you make it this I think this is better it there's no way to win you can't win doesn't matter what it is that's that's the case for a lot of stuff so the case for like split ordering what the split counter like has has on it what how big the counter is what side of the screen it's on like what font you've used like there's so many things that will never be perfect one thing I can try to do though is at least make this run perfect once that'd be cool I can assure you that one time no more though no more no more one is the limit I'm not being chased on that that's good I feel like the dude that chase this is the guy that has the gun but he puts it away for the sword I know there's other enemies that exact same to do that later so what I'm gonna have to guess rom the big-ass [ __ ] spiders st. John what's up untrusted floppy ROM well she does flip and flop there's some floppy ROM now refined cd-rom amusing okay see we're making we're a big hit with the names right now all we need is someone to say something nice about one of the split name and I'm gonna feel pretty good about today amygdala try it tribe trypophobia trigger right befo BIA what's trypophobia Augustus know those people to know hate games and name their own splits whatever they want yeah I know I could do that but I mean I'm obviously like just by even streaming like to the community we have I'm going to be subjected to creative opinions and differences and [ __ ] like that outlet like it's the same thing as someone asking a question a million time and I have to get the same question hundreds of times for a lot of common questions from many different people even the same people sometimes so it's like I it's the price you gotta pay I'm used to that it's not a big deal the same thing with like the creative differences like no one's not everyone's gonna be pleased you can't please everybody that's life but I don't know after a while though I mean like maybe I just I feel like maybe that is not even a point of having meme names for the the counter then there's even less room to suggest maybe but that doesn't really mean much at the end of day it's never gonna change it'll be the same and I'm okay with that that's that's fine I think it would be weird if it wasn't that way at this point baby-blue rage is the worst you've ever named a split baby blue rage you think it's not good well he's a baby he's baby blue and he's pissed off so that makes sense right it's it's not only it's not only a pun but it's it's physically accurate you know like it's legitimately accurate moon potato mark Lambert Oh what's up man coming in with the suggestions as well as see oh he probably mean me on this one I think this is gonna be a hunter's mark yeah its most definitely set on that at least we're not wasting the echos the fear of a lot of little holes together make some people uncomfortable like poorest things like like fossils and stuff like that and [ __ ] even even a sponge maybe a ROM a rom the phobia a very clever though Barry what's up maybe maybe man it's maybe we're cedar read-only memory ROM that's that's very literal ok cleric be split name cleric be just be called easy or I could call it the world's hardest boss ever so it's gonna practice how are you doing man roof dragons best split name from ds1 gargoyles roof dragons gargoyles aren't dragons though they're they're fiends of some sort commonly associated with statues depicting statues depicting fiendish creatures but not of the likes of dragons yeah why can't I hit your finger man ok I'm gonna try to get him over here get him closer we got to get this brain sucker some nail extensions or something so I can just like hit his nail hit his fingernail or something Archie Modine what's up how's it going new gargoyles typically breathe fire I don't I don't see why they couldn't I don't think there's like a rule or like a book that says anything where like they they have to only physically operate or something I don't know it's a good question though if it breeds fire it's a dragon in your opinion okay fair enough Monte's opinion is held heavier in my heart than yours and anyone else's cuz he's a Nike employee no I'm just kidding oh man okay this is ultimate meme once again no chance I'm going to actually get him from here well he steps back down you can get him to move every time you attack by much though technically dragons breathing fire isn't only specific to them Webber and Spieth fight or two but they're not dragons exactly so fur coming in with the facts defending my honor in two gay seventeen yeah so fur so for you have a good point mint have a good point I still stand by the fact that gargoyles typically are not dragons I don't know like what a statue of a dragon constitute as a guy well I highly doubt it well maybe I'm wrong riot wyverns in shadow ward or I think there's a new Mordor coming out soon as anybody interested in that facts on fantasy creatures yeah I guess I guess that's kind of silly already the irony man this is probably gonna be another meme I think this is like the overall record of how many times have gotten mean by this guy Hays moved his hand close enough where it's possible maybe it's maybe I feel the hit of my hands well all-time record for memes what will I be doing after this no hit all boss plus the LC plus all boss chalice dungeons Shimoda now we're gonna be playing some ds2 after this you know be routing out the the ds2 any % yeah I would imagine it's not likely he's gonna do that again but gonna have to see and I'm gonna have to make more bolts right now so don't run out just in case so we'll do that if we have to go back again I got to remind myself new shadow of mordor will be great they'll improve the decent game that was already really fun I've seen a tiny bit of it looks pretty cool but like I'll probably just wash it some pieces of people planted doesn't want to give you that key and now he really doesn't he's doing a good job be honest watchdogs is there another watchdogs played the last one two weeks ago can't say you're too excited it's extremely repetitive how long is it isn't it kind of like a shorter game for that it's not the longest rest is the constant dodging its then dodging Jax what's up Bieber's all can I please get you thank you I'll probably actually is a real mark on this I'm gonna keep the bold one on the so we got 3k from that I'm glad I didn't waste one before that is good character have some hipster glasses on Jax dude this is the Pepe this is feels cool man I'll show you his face in a second rich fizzle what's going on can't open the door from this side yeah I know man I was hoping that after five thousand repetitive actions towards it would break but it did oh look shiny wgr nom okay wait I said I'd show Jax the face before we go back where I get slugged quickly that's that's Pepe feels cool man looks like someone turned his shades upside down he's like God reverse aviators or something like that okay Rivaldo thank you for the three months in a row man continue to enjoy your moats your hood of Edge got the bronze is a pleasure to have you as one of the luckiest people of all time almost always here as well even though many people probably don't know you're here all the time but you are and I appreciate it and that's cool that you decide to sub that many times you're slowly but surely becoming even more integrated into the system of mind control little do you know it's a good thing I promise totally not terrible for you I probably could sprint right to the item on that if I waited long enough I would imagine I could sprint the entire time on that but I had one incident and I don't know what caused it it must have been like the dude was like really really close and I just ran too fast in the first part what I did get him to turn around pretty sketchy we're making their way back down your the hat back on sir you don't like it you don't like my character I think that could be another remote in the future definitely three months already time flies yeah it's crazy dude is pretty weird in a good way it's a good-good weird it's like whoa that's really weird cool well yeah it doesn't mean a lot man seriously being able like seeing your name on the bot when I started almost every time it's pretty creepy like not not not in a bad way but why it's like like whoa man that work is strong there's some people that just are like lurking so hard and it's hard for me to say thank you for your like watching you're not in chat is often but at least you sometimes make the effort to come out of it you grace us with your presence all right uh let's second get rid of the cane get rid of this put this there one reborn is so simple yet funny one reborn drops the hottest mixtapes watch mode and ooh I like platformers I do I do if through good there's a lot of platformers that play they're really good not many that I've tried ever that are bad but Penza depends what kind of style of this man but yeah I would say I do think the next time you'll see us playing something like that gonna give blasphemous a chance when it comes out I miss I think I missed the deadline to support the Kickstarter for it I don't know does anybody know if there's still a chance that you can you founder of it because I want to get that when it comes out definitely that's that's almost think it's a guarantee I'm gonna give it one chance looks very very nice and like they they can they have so much more budget to do stuff with it than it originally was intended for that's I think it's gonna turn out really nice for which game ref although blasphemous I think it's what's called it's like Metroidvania souls like indie game their budget was originally fifty grand and they got I think they're almost had three hundred thousand dollars now so they're going to make it pretty amazing compared to what it was going to be and it already looked like it would have been pretty good from the $50,000 standpoint but a lot more resources now and it might still not stop there that they might fund it past three hundred thousand with I think I think I saw something about like a final deadline for it but I want to make sure that I contribute so I can get early access to it and still get a founder thing let me check alright I got to do that soon then deep hot blood welcome back I was watching your stream earlier man you were going through ash lake there was some nostalgia there I did that had the rest of that go had it on kind of like Luther King but I didn't want to say anything in chat I just I didn't feel like it I'm sorry but I was there a flippantly fabulous day it's gone pretty good it's some really good practice I think aside from from the presence I think it was pretty good so I can say it's been flippantly famila flippantly fabulous I want to say flabulous my god the [ __ ] is platformers a-hat platforming is where you're like it's usually two-dimensional and you're trying to go through an adventure and a series of like vertical bastes levels you know a lot of verticality in a way where it's like super Mario's platformer original stuff even the 3d ones a platformer is still in a way Kirby I guess castlevania metroid stuff like that you can back it until August 31st want me to whisper you the link yeah that'd be really cool man thank you for doing that I will have to check it out I'm pretty I'm pretty oh I won't say I'm hyped but I'm pretty keen on seeing what it turns out to be because like I don't know man it looks really cool it looks like the next indie game that's exciting other than maybe like I don't know absolve er I think is slightly indie but it might go mainstream I think it's like the most indie thing that I've seen that has such a big production value behind it now so I'm I'm keeping my eye on it definitely flippantly fabulous I know like what kind of vocabulary is this it's been quite flippantly fabulous I'm gonna have to make sure I make a note of not going back though on that lamp I wasn't supposed to make a trip back yet there was no point of that played the absorber beta it seems like it'll be okay commie dog what's up I had the closed beta on my computer and then the day I tried to play it was the last day the server was up and it had shut down like hours before so didn't get a chance to play it hopefully they do open beta before because I'm kind of skeptical on getting it on release but I guess we'll see how that goes I've heard only good things from everybody that's tried it done but it's not really a matter of if they think it's good initially it's about the longevity and support from the developer for and stuff like that that's more important and let's see if we can not get me but like a it's always nice being able to kill that extra dude right there cuz you get the echos I mean I guess I technically throw them away right here but in the case where I used a bulb mark elsewhere I probably could have saved the ones over here that probably should have done either way oh yeah we got 200 marks on this that's weird I play hyper light drifter at trees I've seen a lot of it but I have not played it no production database went down at work and you're on call so you miss what happened to entran best of luck on the runs kick some ass in Tran this is still your run man this is still you I'm happy to tell you that you are safe for now hahahahahaha oh yeah your your good men I'll see you soon hopefully the the database gets fixed I'm not sure how important that is but hopefully it gets fixed where'd you come from cotton-eye Joe oh man not that song we're not getting that song stuck in our heads right now that should be illegal to mention should not be able to get that stuck in my head hyper light drifter is really good yeah we discussed it recently I was saying it has the the one of the most basic uses of color that looks so good with like the limited color palette that they got for it and it looks it looks fun I've just seen too much of it at this point where I wouldn't really get excited from playing it the same way why are we missing two blood chunks why is that a thing I like I got the stare once right hmm we pick up the crawler ones I think we also got the crawler ones that's weird I could go +7 on this and be fine but like I'm confused as to where they would be where they'd be missing from go parl junks early we could kill parla plus a and now if we wanted to as well maybe I should do that cost seven parl with a buff mmm-hmm I think I might do that I think I think I think I might it's really weird though I don't know why that would be a thing did anybody see when I went to any of the chunks me missing two of them because I think it's between the crawler or I don't think it has to do with the stairs but I don't think any of them are safe to go back and get now definitely not trying to remember like it's a bundle of two somewhere so it would have to be the crawler would have to be oh you know what maybe there's still one more step yeah there's still more I got to do but okay that's what it is nevermind nevermind we get we're fine one more thing to do first I missed them Kella you lied well I I guess you tell them the truth I missed something but it wasn't missing something that I went past it's I forgot that we have one more part to this Oh God Vsauce see what's up how's it going how are you doin Vee done' in a 15 rest so this was the part that i forgot but now we got plus seven so I mean that's really exciting Wow amazing damage for a part that really doesn't even require amazing damage although it does make these guys I guess the first dude gets two-piece did you know that carrots were all once purple someone's brought this up before and we went into some sort of tangent about purple carrots and other colored fruit or other vegetables that are weird and stuff like that but this has been mentioned before oh he just got rekt with that +7 see you later see you later friend yeah it's the affair ID I need a purple carrot I would definitely eat a purple pair next thing you'll talk about green oranges that was so slow right there I kind of bothered me Manji of the colored ketchup from years ago oh man I remember that overkill you're right there was colored ketchup that was so bad I was so bad dude why was that even a thing and the ad for it made it look so appealing - it's like dude who needs that rina orange equals a lime limes are kind of similar other dill us sweet though obviously so I think a lime would be more like a green lemon rim we're s'more similar to that but hey now let's not get carried away talking about all these crazy fruit creations all these all these theories of fruit might go a little bit crazy alright we're gonna gonna level up with the weapon quickly then I'll get the items what that was the situation right there with the chunks I was gonna say it's almost impossible for me to imagine missing any chunks that I had to make it to without skipping over the area of them and this area was something we hadn't gone to yet I didn't skip over as so like I skipped over any of the chunks before that point that'd be really bad I feel like I wouldn't even I wouldn't have even made it this far if I was forgetting stuff like that so that's good we're gonna get some more of the cocktails quickly let's do that I almost was tempted to kill par literally though that we've been so funny elephant what's going on what about fruit we're talking about purple carrots and the limes relation to the orange and green oranges and stuff Kelly ketchup when you were a kid yeah I don't think I was into the idea that and I don't hate ketchup definitely not but like colored ketchup man weird very weird and we got all of our stuff let's go the only affiliates and partners get vods sir Tamir know you can turn on ass broadcasts in your settings partners get 60 of them and affiliates and non affiliates get 30 I think so sixty slots versus 30 slots of you have the past 30 days for two months for partners I believe unless you highlight it or save it as an upload or something like that Alcatraz what's going on man minty bleach welcome back why bean I've seen April in ages Gloria's probably busy with work or something like that man she's got a pretty important job so imagine that and you have to also keep in mind there's a lot of people that probably are still here sometimes maybe the alert or maybe maybe they would like to be here they don't have anything against the stream but they just don't like souls that much anymore and that can even be people that used to stream souls or like we're like playing it a lot so that's another big deal - you can't appeal to people forever that know like souls anymore it's gonna be cases of that here and there so it could be any of those things I would guess she's probably busy whatever the case I don't know all I know is this this cocktail has to land in the right spot and the second one has to land an even better spot to the first spot here we go so far you've been lurking for like four years or something I would even stream that along man that sounds pretty pretty Opie though you were lurking before I even had a channel you were waiting you were camping the creation of my gym baby blue rage sounds like the blue smelter demon yeah I guess so maybe smelter demon gets pretty pissed but like I mean it's all accurate there's nothing wrong about that statement like he is baby blue colored he is a baby and he freaks out so like what is the problem with that I'm sure there's there's edgy ER names it's not the edgiest name it's kind of funny just a little bit how can you not like souls anymore is even possible well from what I knew like this there's some people that didn't even play souls that much that we just watch because they like this dream but they might just get tired of souls content right that's another thing too what was my first stream are there any followers from that area here I didn't get follow us in the first month of me streaming man it was the second month where things got off the ground first month was troubleshooting and stuff like that and there are people my third follower ever he's a mod and he sucked for 24 months he's got the diamond hoodies here's some times and then there's a couple people that had been here from like the First's couple months to a few months and then there's people that have been here there's a handful of people they're still around a lot in the first six months I don't know I said it's actually quite a quite a large amount of people here from like when I step around the earlier times then some people would have what I also streamed on a different schedule when I made a schedule so cuz my work was getting in the way of that so like I adapt like I had a different schedule for a bit and then when I went full-time I had a different schedule than that that replaced my old work schedule and then I had to change up last year of this schedule so like it depends man some people were used to watching streams that would be friendly for that time and now it's not you factor right now if you want to do something that's like super advantageous don't change your schedule ever find a really good one and then just keep it forever I mean it might not work you're probably gonna have to change it at some point depending on like how life goes but if you can keep a similar schedule the entire time that's that's okey man that's really good [Applause] it was that weird thing with the back stun again on that my gems are fine you got +8 but the back stun didn't work I feel like that's a random glitch I don't think it's actually anything I'm doing wrong because my timings identical the spot I hit him on is fine and I even hit him more than just the two times and it still doesn't start on the third hit so it's really weird I don't know what's going on with that everything's identical but like there's been two that's the second time in total that I've done this run where all my stuff is perfect but the back part of him doesn't stung on the second hit and it makes no sense it has to be a glitch there's no way that it's anything I'm doing his even subtle changes in timing would still be fine for that and the third hit would have confirmed it but it's like the fourth or fifth hit and it's like the game doesn't recognize him hitting that part of him or something like that it's kind of weird and a little bit scary I guess but it has to be some sort of bug alright um one more hunter's mark left I'm gonna save that for later is this the gum Louella day what's up how's your favorite voice is doing by the way don't tell for Rozz but I'm doing pretty good how are you Oh God I wasn't going to Aldi I was watching the place um I think it was like Witcher I think you're doing what sure I finally caught a little bit of Witcher is pretty cool and if anyone else here doesn't know lu ality doesn't follow it probably should does some cool [ __ ] like Witcher 3 some Souls darkest dungeon probably other variety in the future and has bunnies is the evil overlord of bunnies and controls the highest a ratio of rabbits to humans in the entire world and whispers to them and makes them do evil things when the one looks and has some pretty cool amounts of them to you demonstrate the the cults and the cultism is that even a thing I don't think that's a word what I'm gonna level up right now distract you with a sick pawn shop strats you'll never know the difference although I should have only sold like one of those actually I'm not supposed to level never mind we will do that after do and no hit run on what's your leo I don't even like what your man I mean it's okay to watch it's not my kind of game I don't play the story stuff really it's not mechanically uh mechanically interesting enough for me to want to do runs on it but it's a good game if you want to just enjoy a game it's definitely good it's what it's for right but yeah if I if I had played witcher before and i was like into it then maybe but even people that are into it i don't think they would do that streamer named Donnie wreck he runs blood-borne no hit too but he has some way of doing it he's really great checking out some time Joe I dunno Donnie yes I am sub - Donnie although he hasn't put up any emotes yet waiting for his emotes to be here or at least his regular son-in-law captain hi Oh what's going on yo hi oh I don't know how to say that is a he Oh the hardest questions of all time how do I pronounce this name how do I do it fight Jackie who's Jackie is Jackie Chan watching the stream right now is it because I said his name earlier what festive I'm doing pretty good man how are you back sensei what's going on pretty see me slaughter some crawlers right now most exciting intense action you've ever seen in your life ha I'm hitting them even when they're dead and celebrating afterwards back a chance of regular here he's just alert oh I had a feeling I still watch so much in the cartoon that he had when I was little that I'm sure he's paying me back right now Anthony what's going on how are you doing some some runs man no runs two runs two hits the run and I'm done son would it be too too shallow to to expect a sub from Jackie Chan but I would I be like out of place to think that he should sub to me is like I just think it'd be really cool that's all it is I'm not I don't want him to because like I want to feel like [ __ ] like I just think what's let's get Jackie to stuff someone someone tell him something whisper to Jackie Chan tell him like yo man I heard that is the place to be you know don't make a mistake if you know what I mean give him an elbow or something like that like a couple winks I think he'll get the idea or he'll probably break your fingers you might do yeah let's get RNG to do the run time the run the run is not time no I like to check the time to see how fast we do it at the end just in case I think I can make improvements on things cuz some runs go slower depending on RNG what time is not the most important factor in it only thing time helps on this run is making room for more resets in one stream so efficiency is kind of like no time plays into efficiency but it's not the most important thing yo Jackie you don't subdue this guy I heard he called print' Fat Princess of [ __ ] foolish Francis oh yeah Jackie oh my god I remember that like a chance amazing bunny never something you do everything for him with the thing didn't even sub Wow Wow I could imagine new allottee having like a bunny and the bunny has like a like a smartphone or like an iPad or something like that she thinks it's like a child looks like seatbelts on it in the car and stuff just like I don't know as a baby seat you learned something today eviscerate what did you learn get a sub from Morgan Freeman because he heard of your narration skills want to see if they're on his level nah not even close maybe if it was like a like a a self cringing parody okay we're gonna go for the rest of the stuff omit his stuff I'm gonna get more of these and we're gonna get items lots of items stupidest place you've ever gotten hit in blood-borne during a run including before DLC uh as of late on this particular run with DLC the stupidest hit that I took was getting caught on the dudes kneecap for like half a second that was probably the stupidest because there wasn't a mistake with anything other than placement it was so subtle that Tom it was actually hard to see it wasn't even like a noticeable mistake it was really really subtle so it would have been hard for me to like proactively avoid that like it would have had to have happened that way for me to even know that that's possible because I wasn't even like that off of the like the straight path I to take but uh yeah that was the stupidest hit that was recently and it probably won't happen again at this point I'm hoping it doesn't now I'm thinking of it every time what's stuff like that you meant by my own fault that yzma everything that happens that leads me to being hit unless it's a straight-up glitch that breaks the code of the game as intended is my fault doesn't matter how small it is still my fault I'm the one pressing the buttons I'm responsible for all the failures there's things that I don't feel as responsible for because once again it's something that's like so unlikely or again it's a glitch but it's still my it's still my responsibility at the end and that wasn't a glitch so it's my fault so that's that's got to be it despite all my rage I am still just souls born in a cage oh man I'm still just Nick Cage in a cage that's what you could say oh man I'm still just Nicolas in a cage Toby what's up how's it going Oh actually know what there is also something else there's something else that was also very stupid on a boss fight but it was a glitch though or may clash like floated in midair but that's not my fault though so the only thing I can do is avoid like hitting him into exact portion of the handrail and hoping it doesn't happen again but like it's still not really my fault as its broke and it's it's breaking the intended nature of how collision works in the game and stuff so it looks like but that was that was the funniest though and most unfair I think oh we have a little bullets right now we wasted so many bullets earlier that's good good very bad dank memes dank memes okay dank memes right now come on dude no reason that you should be doing that okay he's completely [ __ ] stupid right now this is really annoying it's gonna be a liability because the skeleton timers unless he gives me perfect orangey in the next like ten seconds this trash it's probably worth hunters marking what is life right now just playing peekaboo man my [ __ ] pellet ran out right at the same time right there like it would have been a hunter's mark if he had done that one more time easily and that's kind of sad you should never have the hunter's mark can make a lash on the first part of the fight that's impressive at least we got left orangey that's good sorry folks but on account of bad weather conditions and other memes there will be no trivia today feel free to listen to the sounds of screams coming from the man in the cage who's the dankest boss in blood one good question good question man dankest on what kind of like what what kind of rating system like dank isn't cool or dank isn't like wow like this is like a moist fight that's like dark and like damp and stuff TV what's going on your action arcade bar an hour from your house they have a drink called Estes which you found very amusing you want to share it what does it look like is it like a reference kind of thing or it's just a coincidence the names the same that's pretty cool man say Ludwig Ludwig is pretty dank I personally like orphan the most so I have to say that [Music] my bullets are so bad actually got a heart hitting him like that it's funny can't really spam it you gotta wait spicy lemonade doctor anger welcome back one up what's up want to play older DS games but you're too much of a graphics or grown ROM bar which ones that you want to play particularly I'd say scholar on PC or on ps4 Xbox one or ES one with dsfix both look alright but pretty damn good ds1 with dsfix actually looks better than scholar in my opinion it's comparable to ds3 even maybe I don't know depends what you I'll play them on I guess and then Demon Souls obviously will always look cool until they remake it or if they do never seen that glitch before Joe G it's not a glitch man it's um what if he turns left he has to appear whenever he takes damage in the spot that he dropped into right because he's supposed to teleport whenever you hit him until he makes it to the last room so if he doesn't if he didn't use a mirror to appear out of the mirror behind him then he can only appear on the spot that he dropped down so when he's poisoned he's constantly taking damage meaning he will appear in the same spot every tick of poison it looks kind of buggy but it's not a glitch though it's just the way it works so if I were to throw anything at him he would still do that but it just looks like it's weird cuz he's taking constant damage from poison instead of it being spaced out but every single time he takes physical hit he has to teleport to anywhere in the room where he last came from or like where he's headed to and if there's a mirror that he took at that part he'll always pop back out of the mirror and if he takes us like if he goes straight instead of left he'll go into the room with the mirrors then like after like 20 seconds pop back up where he is right there it's just a really weird we were to kind of thing because the mechanics of him teleporting every time he gets hit on the run the last part demon souls envious one maybe two yeah if you have dsfix with ds1 it should be fine I think you'll be alright with that also screw this up a bit have to fix that after it's not good it's pretty dangerous it is pretty neat Joji yeah man you can you can do that yourself if you poison them although like I said before if he goes straight you don't want to poison at all vodka use the lemonade orange juice Szechuan peppercorns Hughes vodka flow and I'm assuming that makes it orange with all those things look orange that's kind of cool man hopefully you enjoyed the rest of your time there but then I'll see you later if you're taking off thank you for coming to say I though I appreciate that all my angle on the the setup for that looked kind of shitty it's a little bit too overhead I did not like the angle on that is goalball here to gall bolt what's up man crumpled in all the fools over here like the edgiest a son-of-a-bitch Danny welcome back good luck for your runs thanks man thank you very much Husky smalls welcome how's it going you're gonna take a look at dsfix all right sounds good it's a little bit tricky to get working properly but if you have any questions I can try to help you with it you should be able to find some sort of instructional thing on it but there are a lot of tiny details that can make it you do not function at all or not even like open the game so there's that and there's also other issues that can happen while using it depending on what your settings are on the ini file what if you have any kind of specific issues or can't get it to work I'll try to help you with that you do 0at speedruns these are speedruns man the challenge runs so much the only goal is to not get hit by an enemy the entire time that is the goal Husky I have done speedruns before but only for a little bit to try them out I wasn't super super into them as much as challenges but it was cool to understand like the kind of mindset the kind of things that people go through doing a decent speed runs and stuff definitely a lot different want to do an ode FDS run first though drama are do it I believe your bunny tries to zero hit real life everyday avoiding you to pick him up for some reason I feel like he's never gonna complete that run that Bunny's gonna be [ __ ] forever streamed kinky what's up how's it going dude Irina I could level it again we're gonna leave it what do I want to do oh yeah I want one fire pit I guess you don't really need to fire paper oh we're fine tiger and that Bunny's gonna get [ __ ] forever seriously though like it's never gonna get that run if it's trying to get it a picker or try to avoid her picking them up then like its screwed man okay so this is like return to the scene of the crime with Carl split get a little bit of revenge right here hopefully I'll definitely feel better about that I think a good strat for this part would probably be like if you see that dude not attacking me yelling he goes he just starts speeding like midway through that that room in between the tunnel and then like the first hallway or whatever you just get him to attack through a wall like on the last doorway or something and you're fine hit the chunks that might be the best way to do it like hang back for a second get him a jump and then they'll hit a wall or something might try that next time all right Carl's dead how long did it take you to master this I would not say I'm even close to mastery in this game man I'm just trying my best we've employment we've been streaming this game for we're coming up on almost two months and I think in about a week and a half we'll be we will have had streamed it for two months almost for every stream so I have been playin any percent no hits we got that than we did all boss without DLC we got that over a week ago and now we've been doing this for a week or so the odd days off but yeah we don't think you can ever really master this game it's not one of the games that's like that you can get decent but you'll always get your ass kicked like and you'll get it kicked quite a bit too though the harder you want to make a challenge you're still gonna have an equal amount of failure to someone playing their first playthrough it's gonna be different it's gonna be a lot more subtle but like I don't think you ever the you know I my belief is no one ever gets good as soul is born it's just like you can you can up the bar but you can't be like everything you can't always be better than everything it's just not possible it's too it's too brutal man too many memes too many unexpected things there's always some detail to learn like you can never learn everything any souls game no hitted yet dacow not no hit every single Souls game has been no hit before at least with any percent this will be world's first all boss plus DLC if we get it and then ds2 has yet to have all boss and all boss plus the you'll see I don't believe anybody's ever gonna do all bosses plus DLC on ds2 but I do know one person that routed out the regular all boss on it so that might be a thing otherwise yeah they've all been at least no hit with the mandatory stuff which is really really cool in my opinion I think that is great he's just now killing the boss it took you a lot the first time you found him Deann yeah we do parl pretty late in the game he is optional right so anything that's optional that we can save for later we will save as long as we can what to even pick up all the insight for us-- we're just wastes away when you play the game i got to use every little bit of insight in this run man it's for the the bolt paper fire pay for beasts pallets elixirs cocktails even the initially we need blood shards with it as well we buy every single thing in the entire insight bath except for the laddie elixirs and the the larger denominations of upgrades after we get the +6 even sometimes I buy Gascoigne stuff so I can sell it for actual echoes if I'm short on something for emergency but like any any insight I can pick up is valuable like sometimes we're left with extra at the end cuz now we have to DLC in the run but it gets to a point where we don't need elixirs anymore and then that's when we have a surplus of insight but then again on gurmann and the in presence we could spend quite a bit of buffs and then half the like hunters mark out anyways it's always good to have the requirement up until that point then if we have extra that's nice how much insight do you need to get to DLC you don't have to have like I was certain amount of insight to get into the DLC it's just like you know I use a lot of it to buy items before that so I don't know exactly the number but you don't you don't have a requirement for it it's brutal but it's a fantastic game definitely yeah I I agree well I tried ds2 no hit DAC oh yeah that's what we're doing right after this I'm gonna try to do any % well I guess I will I will do any % but we're gonna move on to it we're gonna be attempting it routing and stuff like that just use the hardest Souls game uh no no it's it depends on like what your system is for like Klaus find something is hard it's very artificially difficult and overly done with the quantity of stuff it's not like a legit challenge like some of this stuff it's just there's just an excessive amount of content in it it's 42 splits it was watered down it was half the amount of splits that in and it was more difficult it still probably would be on par with this kind of stuff it's not good okay I got to take this as a one pretty sure we didn't do Plus down on this one is perfectly fine probably didn't even need that last pallet but like man that the timeframe on that because the not having the +10 is such a oh I did have plus town wait that I put wrong gems on them something's up right now I have the right gems but the [ __ ] ok something was going on with that done that's really creepy what's what am i little I maybe I didn't level no I did level what ok that was a really weird fight then I felt like it wasn't ok I am so confused man I should've been hidden way more damage on that maybe my the RNG was not as good my meter wasn't as high at most of the time I noticed I wasn't hitting over a thousand most of the punishes because it would be like bad or on G in between what that okay apparently everything was fine on that I didn't make a mistake with the upgrades alright GG let's continue NP it's gone pretty good so far man how are you what's up I wasted so many materials on that though that I shouldn't even have done how do you not get her to do the clone yay oh you have to cancel it by I framing twice to the side on the startup of the attack you can you can essentially like dodge it but it's very particular on how you do it all right we're gonna go for gonna get one elixir but I need more of these right now definitely like we we've spent so much of those smirk your lurker welcome back have you been aces Charles with the failure of the emot-- failure to a moat right now be cool if you had an insane amount of insight you can actually see wet nurse and mergo isn't Mercola baby or is that am i incorrect with that ah I assumed marigo was the baby oh yeah that would be interesting though what to be pretty cool alright so elixirs sedatives Jews Oh what is PB 2 hits mean means my personal best is two hits taken on this run I think it says that on the info command though if you use info it should say you should say like two hits taken like an explanation of that anyways welcome what's going on man Bassett welcome back part money is Gascoigne yet that is the the Gascoigne split Virgo is the baby okay I'm right there I had a feeling I was wrong with the X I'm not the best out lawyer but I'm pretty sure I was always almost certain the the baby was famiglia Scion welcome back hopeful you have any good weekend do a good rest year or Sunday okay charged or - well I did a regular one by accident apparently regular are two still kills them okay that's good to know I think I could probably get just dude the charger to in case and for the theatrics but well yeah I let go that went a little bit too early Rudo this game doesn't have lore now it doesn't it's all just made up it's just for people to feel better about buying something that has no story obviously got the second one that's what matters man if you get it within the second try you know everywhere everyone gets a second chance but if you make one more mistake after that nope it's over it's over man you may not fail emotes three times over here mu the gamer what's up good day sir just going you pretty slow on that I shouldn't even lock on to be honest I've had a bad habit of doing that super slow and there's no there's no excuse for any of that that's just terrible I was risking it right there just doing it that slow and locking on it's not smart on that either silly me [Music] I'm back beach boys will be H will Beach squeal Beach mr. Rosman thank you for the sub man you gotta remind me if that's a reset or not dude I don't remember I feel like you might have been said before but yeah I know you were here a lot and it's been a while so you must refresh my mind you ever have dreams about souls games honestly I have before but like very very infrequently man I've had like three in my entire life never one about blood-borne yet my dreams are usually about actual [ __ ] but they're just really really weird situations it from the swamp GG Solid Snake the souls games ever dream about you good question maybe best place in the entire game no kappa i do like frontier it's a nice design i used to be like the number one place to pvp just walk carrying it one fire then one of these everyone gives a rose moon some subhype by the way so dangerous that's the halt until you got when you [ __ ] up the strats man you got you only got a backup plan we got good backup plan RNG but even then still made a mistake to see all the extended hits with land I'm just bad I'm just [ __ ] bad that's it I'm not even gonna worry about it though because it works or whatever but I'll address that later I'm apparently like inconsistent to a degree with that bat fight it's too careless with my setup on and unfortunately that wasn't a hit what happened there solid snake poison doesn't count as a hit if it's occurring from water meant otherwise it wouldn't just freely run through the water it's well the water is not an enemy so it's not an attack you dream games ever souls about you I don't know I don't know I did you're going back to sleep wake you up if something interesting happens alright wake dibbs up when will dragger dance [Music] memes have come in past the page just got stabbed in its ass wake dibbs up when the PB and stand on da da da da yeah this isn't a no damage run yeah no damage runs in this are impossible on ng they're not possible to do from the beginning next best thing unless you want to be super super sjw about the the blood poet's best parody every favor des or blood-borne game you this is my favorite game this is just my favorite game in general how about you bars by the way vandal welcome back what's up in a good luck sleigh thanks man Drago Tommy welcome back by the way metalhead what's up musical genius talking about rapping and singing what the [ __ ] k-dubb yes that emot-- is the best Swisher name was a K Wes my chest beaten hardy when I rest passed test me best me me Meimei they'll make me fest when I lose my guest to a long term jest wow that's pretty good man ready fired brow white the bars man we're on that split I think the new name for this split should just be spend all insight on elixirs and go broke it should be called insight shortage be a good name for it cuz we got to get like 11 right here literally it's like not really even a joke dianna I don't know man I have no idea that depends on rng man it's not just depending on me but the game wants to respond and if I even make it there good question oh I still have the cord to pop to forgot about that can I get rid of these should be able to level twice think we'll be able to get one more on the way back wait - I have anything big the cell I have the cage but it's not enough right now might be behind in a level I don't I don't know if I am or not hmm all right litt s fun you just say Meimei I was reading the rap that wakes oh it's trying to figure out how he's trying to rhyme meme with with the other stuff um welcome back what's up bears you heard something about bars of art how far on the run of my we're more than halfway through the run at this point in terms of time were more than halfway how are you doing this out of order cleric was first husky cleric is optional but most people typically find him first it's not a mandatory thing required to beat the game though like I was taking way too long right there what a sketch bag a scary dude every time I throw that I get ok now I got a thousand instead of 500 it's so weird I guess souls every time I throw that cocktail I don't think I get souls when I drop off they're normally something with that dude either kills other people or he falls and I get like that goes from like and maybe sometimes maybe both how do you bypass cleric beast use run to gasps : start off with gas gas when's the first fight of the game a Lincoln Dell what's up yeah his after you go to clerk like it's like a dead end in a lamp that's it you know I think you get a badge for it maybe the blood echoes are from the troll the trap swings okay so he activates the trap when he goes over there you think it's a good idea you watched Hobson see with shitty Channel and for us as well since he had like two-thirds of the fall lows now when I start watching you as well I realized I missed all the streams in which they actually did the no hit run were you were you talking about Satan like the other runs empu how's your day going man what's up hello hello hello DJ Ness welcome back thank you for the good luck I definitely need all of it I don't think that's ever gonna change halo fluff what's going on man first time here seem like a good person I wouldn't be so trusting dude I would I would shred with caution just in case even know when something spooky is gonna happen you never know man maybe some danger around the corner Oh watch out better watch out I'm completely kidding with you but you never know you never know saying that all the no hit runs that they managed to do successfully you missed them when they did it live Feroz and hob are you talking about I'm still kind of confused cuz like we're talking about all of us or like who specifically is is them can confirm probably good person probably it's not serial killer probably will not get you prison time probably will not smash windows and run away probably will not physically inflict wounds upon you unless I have to but probably not still watching me every day in the one day I did it you missed it okay so you mean like you've just missed all the runs when they happen that's that's the case for a lot of people do even if you hear it quite frequently you can't guarantee like it's just a random chance you're gonna be here when I do a run just as a Bret random as like the run could be many good attempts but it's never gonna be all the good of town soon are you talking about my brother Pro Beebe whose Pro Beebe where the members of the time you learn to type in color the fifith I remember before everything was black and white then on the horizon the end of the tunnel that was hope I could see it there was color and so I typed in color and everything changed everything chain ah it's important to support the practice runs - hey I appreciate people to like to see the runs that aren't successful but I think there's that understanding there's no way to just to do a run with the snap of your fingers otherwise what would be the joy of it you wouldn't really be learning you just be that good and this game will not allow you to be that good it's never gonna be the case some people can feel and hear color I would love to hear color that'd be pretty nice I wonder what's up the color to do would say a lifelong quest to figure out what the color blue would say all right so men's this cage Rio Selby's but I'll leave the one that's twenty echoes just to remind itself of how insignificant it is and my items make it feel inadequate and then we're ready to go I think I'm gonna spend this last insight on a an extra one of these guys does I usually have six by this point but I think I've spent insight on something else because because of wet-nurse using an extra pallet and the paper I'll fix that and then look at this we got the bonfire or the lamp the proper lamp it's a miracle and watching stream for most to mow two years never witnessed a successful challenge only PBS and stuff glorious that's a lie man you must have seen challenges we've done before this run or before no hits can you hear a color when it's dark probably all there still exists when there's no light but just can't see them Rasta what's up Zuse for the seven months wamblam bet the blam blam babble um the proper lamp when babblin get out of here TTS lady Oh God that little part right there hey Zeus here's toast with the seven month free subscription thanks man glad you're enjoying the stream thanks for the seven months Zeus I gave you a certified welcome fit only for a god if you guys don't know hey Zeus here's toast go give him a follow he's one of the best players on this game ever he's really really good at speedruns and he does no hit runs as well he's the first person in the world to know hit any percent with our rules undocumented so he is a professional he's actually better at this than me he'll tell you a lot of stories that are scary I can only scare people so much have only seen so many things you see seen the scariest and the scariest on this game how is your day going man what's up Tommy get all boss no DLC but you missed for Roz's nice sleigh I guess that's the benefit of more than one person doing the run as well like it's less it's not likely that more than one person would even try something like this but I mean the fact that there is makes it easier for people that want to catch a run in general if twice the chance and then you also have more chances depending on what the next run is so like again if you don't see this run there's a chance you can still see ds2 you don't see ds2 there's gonna be other things that do in the future that are unique on other games or maybe on Souls born just like meme runs some stuff that you see or you know whatever the case may be other there's still probably gonna be other people that have gotten you know into the runs later that are still doing them I'm doing it's established enough now that you have a decent chance compared to previously I think that's the most important part I was a pretty good spot right there hey I know the color reflecting light I'm just saying that color still exists you just can't see it if it's dark I'm just saying like if there was a color let's say there was like a fabric that was a color and it was dark that color would still be present with in the in the presence of light but you can't see it until that light is back that's what I mean like it's still there it still exists it's like it doesn't exist at all it's not like it just you know like someone that designs something that's a certain color you know what the intention it will reflect light and produce this color it's not gonna ever change that how it reflects light next time it reflects light it's still gonna be the same that's what I mean the object itself still retains those values that allow it to reflect that color it's not gonna randomly be like red from being blue because you turn the light off once anyway I probably should pay attention probably pay attention better stamina management on this part soo aatrox that's it's really bad I take no responsibility in the process of that memes are greater than paying attention I've learned that lesson many times the hard way I'll say glows in the dark if it glue it if it that's it glue if it glows in the dark it would still be the same color though it would just be vibrant you know it would be probably like in in a way you could say neon or something this will be the same color have more vibrancy it would speak to you as if the color is alive bacon welcome back have you been man good to see you again maybe when it's dark everything is shiny purple yo maybe when it's dark leprechauns exist you just can't see them because they're everywhere you don't look oh all right getting out of here how'd you ever go to sleep with the caldo noise blaring 24/7 true very true several backers I'm new here if he gets hit does he have to start over again we're trying to beat a PB of two so ultimately it all depends on how many hits are taken how early in the run cuz I think that because we haven't been working on this category that long only over a week now we've been mainly doing no reset run so I'll probably do a no reset run on this if it goes well and then we'll do another run after this and then maybe another one after that but I want to do one no reset run a day until I feel very confident very consistent no hitting the DLC most the time but yeah when it gets down to like you know where I'm ready to like just go full-on on it I'll probably reset every time in it and I probably won't do no reset runs if I feel like in practice I know hit the DLC nine times at a time then I will have no reason to do no reset runs it won't benefit me at all really like maybe a bit but not nearly as much okay we can't really do much here actually I'm gonna pop both of these really quickly we're skinning atilla's ahead a seven seems pretty good then can we level again let's see I think we're stuck out 46 yeah 46 is good though 46 is what I want you agree to disagree colors direct product of frequency of light and no light no photon no color I'm just arguing the fact that an object that is meant to be a certain color in the presence of light would not change what it reflects as a color once the light has been administered again in the situation like if you brought light back in the situation after it being in dark it would not change it's not dynamic it's always gonna be the same thing unless it's some sort of [ __ ] weird kind of science experiment with a bunch of creepy [ __ ] going on like that ball that is orange will remain orange the next time you see it reflecting color it will not reflect a different color fluffy caldo what's going on man you and your summit god damnit that emotes really funny though I might actually subdue the dude for the first time ever just to get that it's pretty good one as imply what's up on chinchilla Tolos rad emotes adorable I like the one with the the wizard hat that is my favorite there's some good combos with that one all right this should be late enough where'd you get that from the freezer it's a lot of ice - holy [ __ ] okay that was kind of a sketchy which right there how's it going any dank runs him this is the first run of the day believe it or not so I'm pretty good alright wait let's just want to make sure I'm on the right split all right we going up for Cathedral no Blue Man Group Tunes this time that was a really really uh really testy which is the like she was making me work for that one it's sketchy man like you can easily just do something even whiffing the r2 that I just had I'd have to determine is she's starting up a a Oh II do I have to like space that before I go for another one or if I go for another one while I get interrupted and trade with it I think it's it that second one is so scary compared to the first two hit which fight looks satisfying it's satisfying yeah but if it was any harder than that I think witches would actually get a lot of hits on us I'm like if they had to reappear in a different spot and then it was all randomized I think it would become quite a bit of a the task anyways we're gonna we're gonna get the room quickly we're a Blue Man Group oh it's just like the Blue Man Group split and then I put on the song sometimes called I'm blue by Ifill got this clear minds see the run be the run well we get we had good practice earlier but it doesn't mean anything man like we had amazing rng on Maria if anything the best I possibly could play I still feel I can get outplayed by Maria there's some things on that that are just beyond like it's like a whole other skill cap dude congrats on the bosses and what's next XD alors panda thank you for the two months in a row continue to enjoy remotes in your hood of edge this runs next we're doing all boss plus DLC at the moment how many schools could school school is school with a school could school squeals I don't know good question is a very good question okay I want to level again I want to but I don't know if I can I think we could possibly squeeze one more maybe yeah we got one more 47 not that it's after this challenge solid we're going for ds2 no hits after that any percent then after that it'll be an assortment of memes potentially absolve er I have a surprise idea that I'm not talking about yet because I'm not sure if I'm gonna be going with it and then blasphemous whenever it releases will be a first playthrough Shadow the Colossus first playthrough and potential speedruns on those if they are good if they were playable and stuff if you like it there's a lot of stuff that's also just like not even worth mentioning but just ideas I've had for a long time I'm pretty excited to try but we're pretty much like filled up for like the rest of the year until there's like other stuff that's new like shadow the cloths I think is it really next year so you should be fine until then and then after that from soft we'll probably have at least one of the three things out which I'm obviously gonna be playing even if it's something weird I'm sure I'll play it and it's gonna be a lot of other things that are now Stu P clone what's up how's it going you did DLC firsts I haven't not haven't done deal see in this run yet we're gonna be doing DLC after once actually get there although I should spend this insight though almost went there without spending the inside I need more I think we have the rooms yeah okay a part of cathedral time cows a kiss welcome back what about dem Caen what's temp Caen acting about demon souls demon souls baguettes remade on they'll hit that but if it doesn't get remade I don't have interest in playing at other than casual stuff monty shall the colossus you'll enjoy could definitely see you putting a lot of time into it mastering it thoroughly yeah like shadow the colossus would be good to know hit or not no hit on it good to be it would be good to speedrun from what I've already seen of the speedruns of it like Lobos and Distortion did speedruns of it but I don't know it doesn't necessarily have to be like the thing that I replay I definitely want to do one playthrough of it though like it's gonna happen I've never even tried it but it looks really nice I've wanted to play it fer like since even before I streamed like for a long long time but it was on ps2 and then they made the remake on ps3 I think when I already had a channel but I don't want to Streamyx the setup was so weird so this is a decent opportunity to play it okay I have a decent idea for this split right here did I want to try I've already tried it before it should be fine but it gets a bit better of a strat yeah I played about safe he did the counter step into the pillar which is really risky I play that very safe that's good that's when you get music as imply thank you for the sub map thank you very much for the first time in your feeble cursed life's imply you have discovered the secret circle of the squiggly Menotti using the power of dank memes extremes in edginess I grant your remotes and your hood of that sir thank you thank you very much also I give gives him some subhype also welcome Lev let's go and dude yeah I did the strap properly but he counter step the the second swing unfortunately so this is gonna be kind of weird I mean it's the same [ __ ] but like I just got to make sure I don't get clip doesn't rounded them up a little bit different of a formation I think yeah if his backs facing like the middle of a pillow there's this no way we're going to be able to do the Stratos impossible it gets screwed I've never even had that happen before but it was just very very particular here we go so he would either die in one hit there but I had like a baby amount of damage left which means that I'd had to do another r1 but the are ones confirmed to work so I don't have to l1 anymore you got to make sure your meter burns down enough so the second r1 on a counter back step it doesn't go halfway or close to halfway so phase two would be confirmed and then you're fine but some I can't dictate that though there's no way to tell he's gonna do that before he does he would instantly just get it as you swing so that's why I had to fix the first one anyone coming in with a live stream by the way welcome thank you very much how did your runs go love that you can make it back to Prince's appreciate you bringing all the the hype over here anyone coming from Love stream welcome doing a similar kind of thing but it's not a speedrun but we're trying to do all boss plus DLC on this so the world might be mended Black Dynamite Dennis Philby a bad big technical RG on the first part there but I know that there's a can alternate kind of like timing that I think of when I get pushed in the beginning it's basically instantly after you recover right back to the reference on the floor but some that throws me off though you have to like the way you think of that when you do the startup of it to be able to not like I guess sandbag on there like noodle on the first arm or you don't get the health bar you have to think of a different timing from when you get pushed if you get pushed versus not getting pushed but yeah that's very unlucky that she would even push me in the first place but least we got it it's good all right low key G time let's go how is it Brutus macaroni the little tubes on her face look like macaroni man same color as well laughs thank you for the three months in a row continue to enjoy your mouse in your hood of edge dude getting that bronze though even though I think you subbed more than three times in total everyone give left some some of the sup height died to Aldrich twice got rusty you need to practice on them it could just be coincidental man sometimes I have stuff like that too like I got hit four times on Emma doll and flawless all of all bosses without DLC sorta recently and this like I mean it was just till man so you might get tilted from it but I wouldn't think about it too much though I think you're fine I've seen you kill Aldrich many times and quite quite the display of greatness actually the stuff you do on that run some of the strats you do on that runners scary like in my opinion I wouldn't even frost it like you mean but they're so aggressive like especially Slayer watching that when you play that is like the craziest [ __ ] ever met it actually frightens me which boss is the girl with the sword that moves superfast to poyo so you probably thinking of Maria if you're talking about this game Elvin did welcome back what's up man it's occitane what's up well done with your Twitter and chat hope all the best games you can play on your phone what happened plunder what's going on ludwig best waifu sponder the things on her face are like kind of like beige man just look you can even look at like concept order you can look at the actual fight I mean maybe it looks different depending on the lighting but it's the same color it's exact same it looks identical it looks like pasta man I feel like that's not even something you can argue it looks exactly the same what but maybe just maybe maybe just maybe I'm wrong and all the political correctness in the entire universe will not fix that okay I think we're good we can go to low garius let's do it potato chip what's up why do you kill the doll saves a little bit of time so if you think of every reset I'm gonna have to do and all the runs and the time of the runs the amount of visits I have will be cut down by at least a minute or more throughout the entire run at the end I'll save some good time because of doing that which I mean is it's not required but it just needs I'm pretty impatient so I'd rather just rush through it not after listening to dialogue this is the run also it cuts down on the chances of you getting like a gesture where you sit down in front of her and then still have to listen to the dialogue that's very very good attributes thank you for the bits man this is the heart don't say that don't be saying that man you know it you know what's good with with the whole run thing don't say that political correctness yeah you know want to see your work go to waste love all right sounds good dude I will see you soon your food this isn't a let's play that's why I killed her yeah this ain't that casual percent though not on that casual percent fresh knife what's going on this is not the run States to save time but this is a no hit run not a speed run yeah but I'm impatient though dude if I can make a run faster without any effort at all actually with less effort then I'm going to do that like if you played this run and you knew how many resets it would take to get the run wouldn't you want to save any amount of seconds that you can it's it adds up to like a minute or more and if it stops the chance of you doing a gesture that where you sit down and it takes twice as long you're gonna save like two to three minutes if every single instance you're gonna do a gesture right so it's just it's just optimal man anything that's more optimal or efficient I will do but yeah I mean there's some things like cutscenes that I'll leave if I want to catch up on chat but that's not always the case this might be interesting your to your runkiller you being a shack those runs wonder if that works on though hits imply maybe the fact you sub could even increase the strength that your powers to your run killing abilities never no five her boss man loving the bloodborne runs a poly thank you for the five months in a row man continue to enjoy your remote snippet of everyone give poly some subtype and I am glad that you're enjoying them it's it's really nice actually I'm glad like I didn't think that people would like blood-borne as much as they do and I know it's less popular it'll never be as popular as the s3 but that's cuz of its relevance and it's older but that's uh it's really cool that you like it that makes me pretty happy I remember the time we're streaming this on release was like just not even good for the channel like it was very detrimental to it like I lost quite a bit of potential switching from ds2 to this on release pretty much but I did Excel liked the game so much and now being able to stream it for like in sometimes some cases a hundred times the amount of people like that's pretty [ __ ] crazy so it was pretty good [Music] now let's see if we can do this without the blow darts ah blow dart RNG it's pretty easy if he gives evil Oh darts but it's still sketchy though it really sucks because I don't know what triggers it it's very rare ooh BRR hype for the 9-month love child kappa more thank you for the 9 months in a row you got to tell me what the subshells name is continue to enjoy your boat senior Hooda veg as well getting close to that year though old I am I'll snap prefer blood 1 streams 2 vs at Reyes I personally like playing it more than I think I can make it more interesting than regular ds3 but ds3 super mainstream like even right now it's still like the most popular because it's newer and it attracted so many people to play it that haven't played the other ones as well so obviously you're gonna be more successful streaming that but it's just really cool that you guys like this enough or it's still pretty uh so pretty good strange you have an internet you have internet for a bid today what's wrong with it is it like not working tough one thank you for the host by the way I did see that it at ps4 soon you're gonna get it also nice well I hope you enjoy it when you get it Willem is here Master Willem I don't say hello to you anymore food exam I thought I said hi to you the name of the love child is dot dot dot dot x 5,000 dots Lex all right Lex perfect sounds good I almost walked into this fight with bolt paper wow that's bad that's pretty bad all right let's go let's do it you're on vacation okay did you tell me where you went on vacation I don't know if you mentioned that or not gotta remember to get the the insight from Annalise as well we're not Annalise what what's the [ __ ] what's the name of the no way that is the name of the NPC that is the name of the NPC I guess we can just call it getting the insight from the door do you only have to walk through the door I believe maybe you have to go up these stairs to let's see yeah oh you only get two of them though you don't get three I was told you get three at least two is enough for an extra elixir that's not bad not bad at all anal ease oh yeah I never thought you'd love a game as much as you like The Last of Us Last of Us it's very very good very very good I'll be end up get your PC with in mid August you finally have enough money to be stable when buying it nice man that's pretty cool that you're gonna get all the stuff at once low garius equals logos junior logos junior lo merica no Marius Marius jr. 24 of these that's perfect spending all my insight now I should really only need one fire paper for now I already have one so I'll save that and he gets one more elixir to be super super safe that's a better idea they put fifty thirty sell the crown now actually get 51 or 31 I think uh I believe I went to 32 before maybe I can get 32 with the cold blood if we can get 32 than then I think Ludwig's a bit easier with 32 that's good all right let's get over there Shawn bear what's up man welcome back our derp low low low gear rhythms love logarithms are two little gorillas left way again a coelom Ludvig she do a chill until dawn stream after this is over eight rocks I'm not into until dawn man I've already seen the entire game before I've watched people play it multiple times pretty cool but it's not my kind of thing I like survival horror and stuff like that it's pretty impressive though which the detail they put into it I said once I got this run wiid stream an hour of co-op Adele if you like co-op also kami welcome back what's up you win a raffle I should name the character LexA more maybe maybe I will maybe just maybe walk if you win the raffle and that's a request I'll remember it ah ninja coming in here with the sub baby as well we got two sub bait or maybe three today the three sub babies today thank you very much cr.lp d ninja just subscribe with the 499 sub the 9 month free subscription thanks man you got to tell me what your name is though for the child cuz I think we both know that I did not come up with the name yet so you gotta help me out a bit have ever played heavy rain no I never played everyone I had a friend that played it and he said that it was pretty good and then I just kind of lost interest in trying it after a while I've seen gameplay of it on like streams and stuff like that as well way later I think they did a remaster of it like the original one alright gonna probably not reach shot as much right now so if I miss stuff I'll try to catch up with it when we have safe spots but I'm gonna try to be focused for this it's possible Occident what's going on to get webb-kim no I don't stream with one man if you don't like it that's cool you don't have to watch but it's not our style did we go with that immersion I probably will for like certain things like controller cam once in a while or depending on if I'm using like a weird controller but it's not really my thing man we just do the gameplay in the commentary being focused doesn't reach out that doesn't mean we can't talk [ __ ] behind his back oh I caught you there I caught you man aha not even interested in grabbing those files because I know that it can get sketchy guys AoE is ridiculous I've seen it hit all the way up to where like the radius of the blood vials are through the staircase in the beam [Music] Sammy welcome back what's up dude what is this lions next meal hello catharsis welcome back hi go to sleep dude you only have five hours of sleep potential left get too bad man you can always check the bots or watch tomorrow and of the next day or whatever royale welcome back what's up [Applause] konna if the orangey but not bad good rng second phase bad rng for a space sets like a medium medium fire medium ugly a tough one to have a YouTube channel should be in the chat under a command hey Horry what's up how's it going didn't even hear the music for love we got now it's the best part isn't it I'm sorry about that hey Kimmy deuce what are you doing what are you the one talked to the dude that survived vlog I already did I I did talk to a man he just laughs really creepily really I don't know what the right word would be he laughs like a creep that's what he does we've done that before I could impose a NASA turn up the music volume in game after all the music in the game is good I'd have to fix the audio mix though for everything for me so I don't know if I'd want to do that just right now but I can try to like rebalance everything next time I do stuff you see I like how they just go windmill arms and then fall [ __ ] like 700 feet this place is so [ __ ] funny man oh my god I love the I love the dudes the bloated heads even though they suck like they're probably my favorite basic enemy not even the ones with the IVs the stands but like literally the ones with just their bare hands are so funny like that's the funniest looking [ __ ] after they just like swing at the dude on the ledge and they fall off amazing he plays what's up how's it going now runs the run pool it's the run this is also pretty early on in our practice for this category so I can't really make those statements just yet maybe after some more consistency we're gonna have to make a trip back to get more hunters marks I gotta buy another hundreds mark before we go to the DLC every time forgot about that from last time so you're gonna waste a little bit of effort right here spend some effort anyone ever finished a no-hit run in blood-borne yep four people have done any percent actually five sorry five people have done 80% then two people have done all boss without DLC and then there's two people working on all boss plus you'll see at the moment many people have no hit any % at this point god Zeus was world's first then we got I think bras was second quit he was third I was fourth and Jax was fifth so far and there's a couple people that have a PB of one that are very close dopamine and on either very close to be like a total of seven after they get it and David tank oh and I'm sorry David tankers also working on all boss plus DLC as well I forgot okay we're gonna get the Ludwig level now and then we'll uh make the most use out of this trip and we'll do Lawrence thirty-five is pretty good wait a second oh no I can get 36 Brando is it actually a birthday today men I was actually gonna ask you will you'll be able to pop in discord later tonight or it may be like another day this week is there a time where you could talk and discordant about the thing coming up this weekend mmm think I want least one more of these two it's morphin stuff ah heading on how many times have to go back and failure is something chef that five and five all right well then the 100 mark watch me not even have enough I think I'm sure it by like yeah 51 echoes cell one antidote as hobden ds3 all bosses yet criminal I have no idea man no idea excuse me your birthday is today congrats to you Occident are you sure are you sure you're not just hijacking the birthday hype kohaku I'm doing good man doing pretty good an enter perm alert cami all right I'll see you later have a good permanently I'm gonna take these items off it was a faster fall that I got right there but the the placement of where I wanted to go it's still really tricky to get that initial thing exactly where I want to land I just got a gun for it I think I think I have to like rebound off the statues face slide off the statues face into the spot that I roll and then I'll always have the perfect role in the beginning I'm just so worried about landing on the statues head and then not being able to roll recovery because it's on the corner of it then I slip off or dying because the fall damage calculated from that I always like how about weird to start with that there's only been a few times I've done that skip really really well snakey he hasn't gotten it yet I think he's been pretty close though I think he's no-hit every cent every thing but the second DLC so he's done like two all boss plus DLC ones birthdays and nine days why a nice man I will say happy birthday and nine base if you remind me I will do it okay all right let's go you so shocked you didn't come here when you were drunk last night are you talking about my stream vandal I didn't actually stream yesterday so you're you're lucky you probably would have been the only person in Chad what's the best plugin what do you mean by best plug-in birthdays in 64 days king of frogs all right well hope you uh if you have a good birthday in 64 days oh man all right for Lawrence I'm gonna start off with the other palate anyways because we've dictated it doesn't matter if you start with the palate or not it's the same [ __ ] sometimes he has this orangey that lets him buff sooner sometimes later so it it's not the it's not the factor that dictates that I can get some moss with some pretty good damage in the beginning if I want to the splits corrupted did I not split them properly well I didn't here we go riddling winter what's going on watched your ds3 0at run nice man was at the woman both DLCs anybody that's checked those out on YouTube or maybe came there from that I appreciated that's pretty cool definitely not expected really but that's really awesome [Music] pretty decent rng on the short swings right there that's interstate never had that many short swings in a row table probably have finished him one short swing sooner if I spam Darwin with the chance that I'd probably get a cancel right at the end on the fourth and probably trade before he gets me for it but I played it a little bit safer on that a lot more more fun than ds3 riddling oh yeah definitely I've it's this is my favorite game so I've always thought it's better not as much potential for variety with runs but it's it's good man it's very good lit larry destroyed that last hit was close P plays and I was fine I could have swung two more times and then I would have interrupted his next attack at the fastest attack he could do unless he did a cancel earlier out of that but it was it was safe I played it safer than I could have I could have actually killed him sooner than that but I didn't actually in two instances I probably could have killed them really soon I could have killed him a little bit sooner or I could have killed him they're depending on my punishes but you risk the chance of getting this cancel that's really fast and depending on your placement it might be impossible to avoid so you'd have to have the F to have the confidence that you'd hit him before he hit you with the cancel if it was the last attack he had to do I'm gonna get three fire papers for this part I guess I don't know if I could believe in use three but just in case and then we're pretty oh I got to get the be strewn - we're pretty good for failures Rick Hawk welcome back how's it going man should ban the word surge talking about the surge in my chatter did you just say talking about the surge oh no on having demons his favorite Souls game old-school saying hi and wants to know how I'm doing the more I'm doing pretty good why is he saying hi through you though you guys like friends or something ah David thank you for the good luck man but I'm sure we both know it's pretty early on in the DLC I'm sure you'd be in the same position as me right now where it's like whatever happens happens we've only had so much time to practice it's not nearly as as much as I think we would need for it to be a good good good chance but I haven't proved that the DLC a bit that's one thing that is for certain I feel like though no matter how good you are there's there's imminent Maria memes and there's potential orphan memes depending on the hyper armored attack as well although I did practice I did practice hunters marks on orphan earlier and there's a potential maria hunter's mark possibility but it's not really worthwhile i think i found a better alternative to that as well but there are some confirmed orphan hunter's marks you can do I just don't know if I'd actually feel up to it I feel like I'd want it to be more epic I don't know if that's like selfish or whatever like silly but I feel like I'd want it to be more epic it came down to it all right wacky wavy wacky way be wacky wavy come on wacky wavy man let's go let's get wacky let's get wavy that's regular wavy let's get wacky wavy wacky wavy or I'm Hana smirking okay you already [ __ ] it up try his friend dictated it's bad orangey anyways starting off the entire fight before the third punished or the third spawn I should say would not be good if there was asteroids so that would be a guaranteed hands-down has to be a hunter's mark there's no negotiating if it happens mid fight I think I could deal with it depending on the setup and the spacing but not worth it if it's at the beginning that's just not a good fight already even though he did do the right attack after wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing flail squad wacky wavy wacky waving inflatable flailing arm - man it's basically what failures attacks for my man swings I shoulda sent this back down Adso why're you fail fishing that how about you do this run right now I'd like to see you get this run how about that you've been you and your teenage angst well I guess technically your prior just as old as me but adolescent angst or young adult angst whatever you're fail fishes and [ __ ] come on man give me a break that guy's throwing down like there's a mosh pit in the corner over there that's intense man [Applause] [Applause] we're gonna make a stop off on this one to get our beast meter down not really a point of rushing this run we still have plenty of time anyways so it's not a big deal what we are going to stop off you're not feel fishing at you the hunter's mark oh the gesture my bad my bad I forgot we decided that's the hunter smart combo of my Batman I'm so sorry I unleashed on you for no reason I was very aggressive and I take it back will you forgive me I want a little bit more echos right now we don't have enough echoes new level I guess maybe that's like the standard case anyways I'm gonna need three of these definitely there's no negotiating that that's 100% I'm glad I remember - the new strat requires one extra elixir for the next part so it's good to think of biess meter down don't you want to keep it up the creepy well no no no no I mean like I want to keep my insight low so the beasts meter scales faster that's what I want to do the less insight you have the faster the bar goes up just by like a fraction but it's it's significant enough we're on this run I'm not gonna risk anything it could be the difference of like a tiny bit of damage man it's definitely well worth there it gets me ready for the next part lashing out at people like that you know what eel fish and residentsleeper is the only way Adso can show love and a in a bro way that's so is this the truth oh man the stretches were getting me right now the stretches all right I'm gonna have two hunters mark or not hunter's mark you have to bolt paper before we even start this for time reasons but other than that I think we're good to go [Music] now sick dude those so sick such bad rng but it's still sick such bad rng but it's so quick flick of the wrists it's done quick goddamnit I got I guess so hypo now fight goes well and it's bad my god those were some of the some of the secret strats some of that weight for long range l1 spam into Phase two backup plan just in case the timer is bad actually works that's good although one small detail you can't do you can't do an r1 in any of those attacks if she does the long range full form rakuyo because she'll interrupt you on the second of punished that's sick man that was clenched man that was clutch alright let's go oh I can see clearly now but there's still rain over here my god alright we're gonna just breeze through this place hopefully because I don't want to make a stop yet where we have to make a stop before orphan I don't feel confident enough where I want to redo the entire area if I make it over there so we're gonna gonna get the shortcut for it I don't think eight in sight makes a difference on this part I think it's fine okay let's get some stuff for Roz what's up man good luck fat princess ain't no [ __ ] all right I deserve that I definitely deserve that if you guys don't fall for Roz I'm sure you know what to do definitely give them a follow one of my butt favorite streamers favorite people you'll also catch him doing this run as well highly recommend you check out his is run it might see some different strats you might see some scary things you might hear that fat princess is not a [ __ ] all the above is guaranteed I have no extra cold Bloods we're gonna roll in there let's do it Rob's are the lobster I haven't seen you forever man I didn't know you're still sub the what thank you for the 17 months in a row dude continue to enjoy your emotes in your hoodie batch thank you for using your prime here to cool the sea creature that I know other than 3d salmon of course you're amongst the greatest sea creatures to ever live we're taking you to the beach right now anyways hopefully you can help me out on this one go see we can summon ocean man for this what one of your be favors do it I'm trying to regulate breathing and focus right now don't even try to start stuff with me man don't even try to start Steven Hauk welcome back what's going on I even traveling but you love to lurk when you have the time okay I see I appreciate it man cool cool a leg and welcome back Trevor Trevor Ferguson what's up break the wall of fossils and go straight to the fall part add some weight what what are you talking about SLU what's going on are you a list way got back get back to the workshop stop pretending to [ __ ] Weiner you are quite as quail egg and then are you guys at work right now watching this new Merline what's going on dude stop reading chat alright stop good point what's with this bull paper on my slots [Applause] [Applause] all right GG GG three solid [Music] the chokes the other one whipray it's just all about the initial set up position that because you're swinging your your feet your feet are moving as you're swinging so it's what the initial setup okay I think we're gonna sell the parasite I want to go 40 50 on this I think 40 50 safe I'm just trying to think of like how many items I want and stuff sign up what's going on how are you need to pray hip hop God that would probably a good idea right about now Lions so calm yeah I mean I'm not super super calm I'm home excuse me I'm a little bit on edge I compared to normal I'm also thirsty as [ __ ] I'm really thirsty do I sound thirsty I'm [ __ ] thirsty I'm gonna drink some water quickly we're gonna do that God - okay I feel better we're good now I'm not thirsty anymore but I got to take a bathroom break after this oh okay so we're gonna go for know elixirs we're just gonna get the palates of course now we can get a shit-ton eye items I can go ten and ten last two I'm going to just get extra there's no way I'm gonna be able to use all that but I need the insight to be zero right absolutely no way but it's worth it either way yes we got forty-third and 1000 left is enough for items I probably want to get some hunters marks too I'm just gonna grab some like manual ones small guys sometimes I'll actually need a lot of bullets - I forgot about that yeah okay we'll get like 15 and that should be good I can spend the rest on bone marrow ash it probably won't even get used to be honest he rarely ever does but it's a thing all right G daddy thick time let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] baby damage get bucks see you later world's first all boss plus VLC no hits [ __ ] you while in number 2 number 2 get [ __ ] alright we're done first run will cap its film MA this water tastes so good right now and it probably shouldn't it's very warm oh my god the undisputed champion of BL ood bo r NE I feel [ __ ] definitely please that's the best run that's the [ __ ] best run that's better than the history by a little bit but it's it's like I mean it's the best run that's the best run feels amazing men that's whatever [Music] you're lost we've drawn from its vessel it was thank you for the sub and the game is official your [ __ ] a little bit more than it was before yeah definitely definitely bad my god my god Congrats we're proud of you buddy well done okay wait a second wait a second wait a second everybody's being crazy right now I'm gonna take a second to thank everybody after presence I promise we're gonna play co-op for an hour like I promised unless you guys want to see like a limited hit ng+ but that'd be kind of silly bro what do you guys want to see what do you guys want to see we can make a strawpoll because I could do co-op tomorrow that's fun you might my brain hurts right now holy [ __ ] I'm gonna tune down the levels on the oh god Oh for a second thank you guys for all the support [ __ ] crazy and thank you for sticking through all those runs that was blood warranty we cleaned that we cleaned it up cleaned it up everything is done the final frontier man hello YouTube one more month to the next hood Congrats on the run much love brother my god bangle you're crazy dude you're crazy holy [ __ ] stay blessed you [ __ ] monster you worked your ass off for this this is a bad milk stream of course you took your your opportunity to advertise their icy slashy Souls no hit my god my god Alan got [ __ ] so hard right there oh my god guys thank you so much for all that I don't deserve this kind of love this is ridiculous you guys got to give yourself Pat's on the back for supporting my channel seriously you guys deserve a big a big I don't know I guess a big kiss they kiss on the face with big lips that swallow your entire head you know you dassault you deserve a kiss by a giant and a hug that crushes your body I can't even like I can't even see straight right now my [ __ ] head hurts from this my god dude and I'm like fuzzy I wasn't breathing a lot at the end I was not breathing as much as I should've and fras is making fun of me like you didn't say you didn't say this properly I I will admit on record right now for Rozz Khan older of ds3 s world first no hit any % and many other various no hit runs including world ii all boss ds3 and many blood-borne flashiness you are correct FAT FAT princess is not a [ __ ] I admitted it that's it no more discussion of the the sword at all we're just done fat princess is not a [ __ ] Poul God you won the Batman good job love we could still meme and you mythic I'm sorry dude maybe maybe I kind of angered him a little bit more GG squalor bad princess next hacks now I dude we're gonna still play like for example for the rest of this stream you can do a gun only run now or a fifth we should do fists only I feel like fists only right now let's do a fissile me run let's free ourselves from the shackles or resets for a moment until we get back into ds2 just for a tiny bit would you guys think that fists only is a good idea right now should we do that ds2 all bosses that man I think fists only would be cool because God only can come whenever but I feel like fists only would be easier to understand right off the bat chalice bosses at the only thing I can think of the be pretty hard fists only is Amelia but GG this is not a [ __ ] got a Trias thank you for the bits well okay I'm gonna just read back all the thank yous very quick in a second my god okay [ __ ] all right oh we got LaRon thank you for the hosts by the way dude as well I appreciate you dropping that house man black dog blue 150 bits Congrats proud of you buddy army waiting house and well done brother big boom with 500 rip Alan beam a with 250 GG stay plus with the milk bag message that we read you're the man thanks for entertaining my wife all month with exciting blood-borne runs love your work ain't easy with I'm sorry if I'm behind on this by the way easy thank you for you really showed that newborn orphan and crippled dude Bango with the 2k you are crazy know you're crazy Bengal also Emperor tigress the eight-month resub thank you for the eight months in a row dude you got a sub child coming up next month if you even dare to step further into the the sub hype and sloth will not reset with five months as well Highlander and Noctua with two brand new subs thank you very much Genji with the brand new sub in trend wait army was at another wait a second I forget where I was Mike with 250 with the gg gg F ng I hate dex GG frappe fat princess next with 100 thanks man Atria's GG fat princess is not a [ __ ] Feebles with the King rat's army with the way to go an inch ram with the two k thanks for entertaining you and your wife thanks man thank you for enjoying the content enough to happen as your priority for entertainment man that's awesome that at time is a big investment as well times very important and everyone putting their time into this is being run Kappa um there was wait a second just a gingy oh man not up thank you for the bits as well man yessiree no hit run kappa jack with the just GG i like the higher keeping it simple seriously guys thank you everyone and for everyone that just for the first time and their feeble cursed lives discovered the secret circle the school loominatee enjoy your emotes in your hoods of edgehog alan first run - so money gas goon lunchable that's amazing gushers thanks to him like I'm telling you I'm gonna tell you this one more time I'm gonna say thank you the same way as I did before cuz it's really just the way it is like anyone that core group of people that would stick around even if the runs weren't the greatest that will always watch whatever I do I really like love you guys seriously like that's that's the truth guys are absolutely off the walls [ __ ] bonkers man you guys have like eyeballs popping out of the sockets on like rocket scooters shoes and chipmunk like faces and fur like you guys are insane thank you I'm not
Channel: SquillaKilla
Views: 1,002,828
Rating: 4.7608953 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, Bloodborne, DarkSouls, Darksouls 2, Darksouls 3, Sony, Microsoft, Livestream, PS4, Playstation, World Record, Challenge Run, Playstation Network, Action Role Playing Game, ARPG, Difficult, Worlds First, Speedrun, PC, Steam, Nacon, Revolution, Kotaku, Polygon, Gamerant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 48sec (13308 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2017
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