How To Beat Bloodborne Using Hunter Tools Only

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wait i'm not this guy anyway i heard you want to be a beast roaring serpent-taming skull-chucking eye-popping octopus-armed summoner of the stars huh don't you worry i've got you covered because this is how to beat bloodborne using hunter tools only sick but what does that mean well it's simple no weapons no bombs no guns no fists no viscerals no knives no poison no look you get the idea it's just the hunter tools these bad boys a hunter must hunt and unfortunately you my friend are absolute trash with the saw cleaver and have the hand-eye coordination of a wet sock but a little detail like that shouldn't stop you from unleashing the powers of the cosmos in your quest to becoming an arcane demigod bow down before me melee scom lords start the game pick your character give them a suitable name make them beautiful and choose noble scion as your starter class then get your bony butt down to the clinic because you're not right in the head sunshine it's now time to perform your first magic trick i believe it was socrates who once posed the question how does a man obtain the tools of a hunter to kill bosses if one has to first kill bosses to obtain the tools of a hunter well look no further than the wolf skip my friend the objective of this skip is to reach the woods early by letting the big bad wolf at the start of the game give you a warm snozzy wozzy fuzzy hug by the locked gate outside of the clinic clipping you through it in the process to do this you need to lead him outside and try to bait out his grab attack when you're pressed up against the gate as soon as he grabs you mash l2 and r2 harder than you should be mashing that light button right now and you should clip through the locked gate this should be easy right one hour later yeah okay nice thanks god damn it come on come on [ __ ] fair warning the rng gods might eat your butt for lunch on this one but after the longest half hour of my miserable existence this finally happened i am the greatest player of games ever [Music] oh that's right everything can kill me around here nice time for some echo hunting and power leveling so i guess this calls for a good old-fashioned montage [Music] [Music] um that's just me chilling with my girl nothing to see here move on now move on [Music] a general rule for this run that i'm not going gonna repeat is loot as much as you can if it's not a useful consumable rune or a hunter's tool then it's basically free money for levels so make sure you've grabbed the beast raw hunters tool from the woods sell everything else that isn't bolted to the floor and level up to give yourself 18 blood tinge and most importantly 15 arcane to wield the beast raw put any other leftover levels in either health or tinge speak to bucket tits join the covenant and then shout at him until he gets bored of your voice and eats himself to his death do the same with the hunter that spawns in and grab yourself a sweet little pet snake because this is going to be your first instrument of bloody death gg too easy newly armed with your bitey reptilian pal it's time to take on some bosses and you might want to consider backing up your save to the cloud to not waste bullets here first up is daddy guac who does his usual hissing at you thing before trying to pancake you into next week use the gravestones for cover if you have to bait him out whistle dodge away profit repeat music box for stuns if you need to buy yourself some time for an attack and use blood bullets as needed once you've managed to chomp him into oblivion you can get the ward opened up and move on to cleric beast stay unlocked on get behind him blow harder than i do at this game get away and watch him get turned into a snack for your snake repeat as required nicely done run down to old yharnam stopping off to say hi to alfred on the way and do another scenic tour for goodies shout at old man jorah till he unfortunately loses his balance in a terrible accident and quit and reload the game for some free stuff make sure you grab the ritual materials on your way through and don't sell them later but most other things are fair game get everything opened up but little miss suzy can wait a bit longer so head back to the dream and sell or pop 10k worth of echoes to buy the emblem for the gate in the ward like a frigging noob loot everything you can from the ward on your way through and head down to the right of the cathedral to get tickled by amy g good thing we spoke to patches earlier and sent to the lecture hall where it's time for your next hunter's tool and one of the most important for this run the auger of hentai if you like movies with lots of tentacles then boy you're gonna love this thing we'll save that for later though head on to the nightmare frontier and run through it to get it opened up for future use grabbing whatever's safe on your way before gtf owing back to the dream to level up focus on blood tinge for now and buy gascoigne's armor from the inside bath for some extra poison resist time for your date with the blood starved bae and i hope you've got deep pockets because i hear a rumor that suzy skin flaps might even let you eat her after a few cocktails throw one in the corner wait for her to sniff it out whistle nom nom etc each cocktail lasts 10 seconds so keep a mental count and throw another as they run out keep antidotes equipped too because you're not an idiot right and with a bit of discipline and patience the blood starved beast breathes no more this is pretty simple so far i foresee no future problems whatsoever [Music] now you have the patumaru chalice go to a headstone and type in this glyph go on do it it's not porn i promise it is kinda sexual though ignore the size of your health bar move forwards look over to your left give it a few seconds and get filthy rich quick you now have easy blood vials and bullets for life using the chalice for vials and bullets only doesn't make the run any easier it just makes it less of a kick in the dig but if you use the chalice for leveling up you are cheating scum and your bloodline is weaker than skimmed milk just just don't do it okay i'm silently judging here [Music] the augur of ebrietas is going to be a constant tentacle friend to you going forwards and at the measly price of a single bullet per cast it's one of the most cost-efficient tools for this run you're gonna need at least 18 arcane to start slapping your enemies in the face with your slimy fingers though so here's another music section because i'm feeling lazy take it away copyright free music guy [Music] [Music] assuming you remember to spend all your insight this one should be a breeze find the first witch to the left of the door get behind her and gently caress her insides with your cosmic feelers try to catch her in a stun locked loop until you get her down to low health and then go and find her sister repeat the process and then finish off the first one for a simple win don't forget the room tool and now it's time for a quick word from our sponsors yharnam travel where dreams come true leave the stresses of urban life behind with a relaxing holiday at moonlit cainhurst castle coaches depart from hemwick every hour so take this once in a lifetime tour opportunity valuable treasures lie around every corner of the castle just waiting for you a valued traveler to gather up and first-time visitors can even help themselves to a complimentary pair of executioners gloves don't forget to say hi to terry the janitor who does some really great work around the place before topping up your moon tan on the snowy slopes of the rooms and if cainhurst is not a cup of delicious tea then bag yourself a swift weekend break to yahar guru where even more exotic delicacies served up for your pleasure to the gentle sounds of a demonic choir whether you visit one or both you're sure to return to the dream loaded up on plunder to sell and raise your powers thank you again for choosing yharnam travel something spooky is going down in the old cathedral tonight and there's only one squid-armed hero dangerous enough to turn dear older media into venison make sure you've grabbed some numbing mist from the rooftops watch one of the best cutscenes in the game and then circle around her big hairy butt spamming your auger hitting her mid-attack will cause extra damage so use blood bullets as required throw the mist if she tries to heal and the horny dog lady should soon be a thing of the past [Applause] touch the skull grab the eye of the blood drunk hunter from the dream and it's onwards and upwards as a wise man once said this is where the real game begins so it's time for some homework place the patumaru chalice at a headstone and conduct the ritual run through the first couple of layers until you fight the watchers to obtain the root chalice [Music] then enter this glyph at a headstone run through the first side area to find a coffin that holds a communion room remember more blood vials equals more blood bullets then my god are you going to need them onwards through the main dungeon get the boss door open and then take another detour through the pre-boss side area to find another coffin containing the formless oden room [Music] equip your best runes for vials and bullets and it's finally time to return to the woods there are a few optional runes you can grab on the way to the boss if you want but the main reason you're here is to destroy the three edgelord weebs that block your progress so tall up with the auger the beast raw and the gloves and its shadows o'clock use the large gravestoners cover from the fiery meatball choker and start to work on katana dude first with the auger a successful tentacle parry will leave him open for a second here but don't you dare visceral all right i'm watching you work on the fire mage as well whenever you get a window and the flaming shish kebab for the end once the first two have been eliminated you can get to wailing on the remaining shadow this guy is jumpy as hell so use beast raw to come in the f down and finish him off with the gloves if he keeps dodging your auger gg etc [Music] everyone's favorite flowery potato lies in weight at the bottom of moonside lake but be under no illusion this is the hardest fight yet so it's time for more leveling get bergenworth opened up kill everything in sight either diagro the hunter by stepping onto the bottom stair and then instantly hiding underneath she will walk all the way down and back up to the top and turn her back on you or you could just smash her annoying face in with your cosmic calamari for more delicious money you could also grab the empty phantasm shell hunter's tool here but you can't use it without a weapon so still hungry for more take a quick detour back to the nightmare frontier to show amyg who the real boss is stay locked onto her head and spam the executioner's gloves for a ridiculously easy win level up as much as you can bully an old man who just wanted to enjoy the view dive into the lake and instantly regret your life choices oh hey there cutie in phase one take out all the spiders first by picking off the ones at the edge of the pack with the order then start working on rom after the first teleport is where things get really real what you want to do is stay away from rom to bait out her space crack rock attack run straight in towards her to avoid the meteors pop an auger hit and get the hell away again the auger leaves your character locked in an animation for a split second after firing so don't get greedy and be ready to dodge away as soon as the animation ends to avoid death by falling spider pick off any easy prey spiders if you can't get close to rom herself and with a lot of patience you should be finally able to pop a glass over mommy spider and throw her out into the garden you finally reach the stage where bloodborne goes from oh cool werewolves to what are those in the space of five minutes so spend your well-earned echoes and go and do the yahooga run around for items make sure you stop to grab both the upper ward key and the tiny tony truss hunters tool in the same room this one will come in really handy very soon get all the shortcuts opened and then head up through the old workshop to the upper ward grab everything around as usual get drunk like a capri sun because it's tradition and then get your revenge on the old rubber heads by absolutely melting them with the tiny tiny truss level up and it's time to zap the blue man group the tiny tonitrus can rip your enemies standing in a line so use this to your advantage to quickly carve through the blue wibblies and take down the big guy with minimal effort call yourself a boss crash through the window like an old western bar brawl and it's time to grab another extremely useful hunter's tool a call beyond or the star [ __ ] as i like to call it you'll need at least 40 arc to wield this and probably aren't there yet so that should be your next leveling priority the emissary also drops another tasty communion rune so equip the three best ones you have for max vials head back to yahoo to watch the moon vomit up a beef jerky legs man thing and prepare for a tricky fight [Music] run up to the bell maidens first and shut them down with a quick august slap then down to the one reborn himself and get to work on him with the tiny tonitrus use the pillars or staircases for cover if you need to make more blood bullets and try to save as many vials as possible once he's stunned you can get in some easy hits five blood bullets plus one normal bullet is one charge of the tall so spend your vials wisely and you should be able to bring this nightmare of misplaced limbs crashing down to earth [ __ ] mikalash all my homies hate and clear out the upper lecture hall and then run straight through menses only grabbing anything in your direct path and abusing blue elixir to avoid getting hit by now you should be able to hit 40 arcane which means you've unlocked the power of the cosmos itself congrats that can wait though because right now we're going to battle it out with cage head for the title of king squid lord to force him to run into the boss room quickly chase him up the stairs and round the corner then double back on yourself and he should run straight in deal with the skellies and then sidestep his auger and return the favor for phase two chase him and force him to path so that he drops down from the room with the broken balcony then pull out your trusty gloves and exploit his busted arse ai because who the hell fights this guy legit anyway yeah yeah you'll forget everything i spit on you and all your family nikolas [Music] things are really coming together now in your quest for ascension to the realms beyond so work your way through margot's loft get her opened up and also take a swift detour back to the clinic to grab some scampi from fosefc because you're probably an idiot like me who forgets things wet nurse incoming swooping in like as the wet nurse is a pretty big target call beyond can put in some good work here just make sure you stood back far enough for most of your orbs to hit her and you should take some decent sized chunks out of her just run around the edge of the room anti-clockwise during her nightmare tantrum and ignore her she doesn't deserve your attention finish her off with your star bursts dust yourself down wait like six hours for the annoying baby to shut the hell up and gg you can now go and submit to german and beat bloodborne with haunter tools only [Music] now just kidding what do i look like [Music] uh [Music] this is a public safety warning ludwig is an arse you might want to get as leveled up as possible for this one so go and do some more optional stuff to grind that cash money kill any hunters you've left alive up to this point from previous areas make paul go weak at the knees with a few cool beyonds beyond whatever gum run through some chalices as well the first few are all fairly straightforward and you should melt through the bosses faster than i melt through my own bank balance after payday nothing in here should really be too much of a problem ah okay whatever i'm done here's the end result of all that adventuring noticed i've focused mainly on arcane not vitality because you're gonna need as much damage as possible for this one he's jumpy and he's too feet mysterious and spooky he gets a little pukey because he's an angry horse let's not sugarcoat it this is the hardest fight to date by far and took me a good five hours of playing around to get good at ludwig is so skittish in phase one that the calamari fingers are the only viable option but due to the slight delay you get at the end of the animation you're going to only have the opportunity to hit once most of the time and you need to pick your windows carefully and be prepared to dodge both of his leaping attacks leave him open to a shot to the face if avoided for the long run wait until just after his first scream has ended before dodging to leave his head open otherwise focus on his flags stunning him can buy you a window for an extra sly here once you get to phase 2 the fight becomes much easier keep your distance dodge any of his magic attacks or forward charges and call beyond his stupid horsey face all the way to the glue factory as long as you conserved your vials wisely in phase one you should be able to finish him off relatively quickly now [Applause] get his free dollars reload to speak to simon she's one of the hunters for more echoes and scooch that booty up to the research [Music] hall the research hall is one of the coolest and most interesting areas in wait what do you mean we have to do that boring ass adeline questline for more tools okay music time [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] so now all that trash is out of the way you can plow through the failures with the tiny tonitrus just circle around and try to hit them when they're all lined up for maximum damage finish up with some augers as required and your starter course is all done so it's time for the mains of hot spicy goddess of death for you my queen for phase one the auger is the best option with the black sky eye as a backup for the odd ranged attack maria is pretty easy to knock down onto her perfectly formed backside so you should be able to get her down to phase two with no issues once the blood starts coming out switch to a call beyond and keep your distance just make sure you pick the right windows to cast or else you'll just iframe right through the blasts finish her off with a couple of snot rockets if required shed a silent tear for your dead waifu and the final stretch begins become one with the cauliflower raise the dial and go talk to old grumpy for another new tool your cursive brew you'll probably never use this but whatever gotta catch them all work your way through the hamlet looting everything grab the key and bow blade off of simon murder brador and yamamura for their weapons and swag open up the rest of the hamlet loot and kill everything that you missed in the nightmare go back to the dream and buy maria's outfit from the insight hot tub because you can sell it for a lot of echoes get rid of all the rest of your goods and level up by this point i'd manage to hit level 95 with 65 arcane without any farming of any sort so you should be somewhere similar [Music] time to grab spicy larry's skull from the altar and go face him in the cathedral this will be a hard fight right well actually no turns out flaming hot cheetos is highly allergic to you keeping your distance and summoning a call beyond repeat until tender and finish him off with your black sky eye too easy martin logarithm next and there's a reason we've left this bell end until now he's magic resistant and a pain in the vitals keep your distance and call beyond him for phase one making sure there aren't any pillars in the way for max damage and then switch to the auger for phase two try to dodge round him and hit his back for a stun and a three second hit and use the auger to destroy the swords as well screw you old man don your crown because you rule simp for an elise as any good hunter would and then take the unopened summons back to alfred near the woods so he can beat her into a bloody milkshake that absolute madman kill him for more echoes and more importantly the radiance rune which increases the amount of vile's heal by an enormous two percent wow i'll be honest i'd left ebby until now because i assumed she would be a massive irritation in fact she's actually just a massive target and summoning the power of the stellar void absolutely decimates her call that a fight ebby you're pathetic cell cell cell level level level and lube up because the real bloodborne begins now [Music] hey this is by far the toughest fight in this rom by a country mile and i bash my head at this trying out different strats for somewhere close to 10 hours before finally beating him there are lots of issues here orphan has 19 000 hp your only viable tools for this fight are the auger and the snot rocket at the level i was at the auger did around 350 damage the eye did around 250 unless shooting orphan mid attack which did 300 odd you can only realistically attack once at a time sometimes twice and only to very specific attacks or you'll get punished in phase two those windows are very few and far between trust me vial management is essential because you don't want to feel the same pain i did more than once too sad can we get some pipe music going in here [Music] okay cool this is how i did it in phase one bait out the jumping attack and walk under it don't get too close and auger his back while he's stunned hit again keep your distance and use your range so he can't counter hit you you can also bait out the forward charge and sweep up and dodge left through it to get his back open again if he does the big shrimp swings step out of range and eyeball him mid attack for the extra counter damage his magic circle is also a good opportunity for a sly eyeball or time to replenish blood bullets hope you cruise through phase one without too much trouble because phase two is a whole different animal lure him out into the water so you have room to move apart from the odd pot shot with the eye when he's walking towards you or conjuring circles up back shots with the auger are still your best option go near him to try and bait out his spinning attacks or slams dodge round to the right and behind him and hit those tentacles dodge any of his aerial or magic spam attacks and use the lightning as a window to run the hell away from him and heal or stock up on blood bullets time to finish this [Music] [Music] oh my god gammon awaits you at the foot of the great tree it's been a long old journey but we're finally here right back where we started one last level up not that it makes any difference equip the auger the eye and the star [ __ ] and put on your sunday best because we about to take an old man to church let's get this done [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you well done you finally did it are you proud of yourself can't even use all those tools now you're a baby cosmic squid can you idiot if you made it this far thank you so much for watching if you like my content please like and subscribe for more and i will catch you all next time peace
Channel: Baron's Castle
Views: 1,293,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to beat bloodborne using hunter tools only, bloodborne hunter tools run, bloodborne, bloodborne guide, how to beat bloodborne, funny video game guides, bloodborne memes, bloodborne arcane, fromsoft, fromsoftware, dark souls, ds1, ds2, ds3, ps5, bloodborne no weapons, can you beat bloodborne without weapons, barons castle, playstation, bloodborne hunter tools
Id: 1fh35aUxb5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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