BLOODBORNE - No Hunter's Dream Run Guide - No Deaths / No Leveling / No Upgrades

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all right welcome to my blood-borne Oh hunters dream guided walkthrough although as far as this being a guide is concerned looking back at my previous failed attempts it is actually quite surprising that this turned out to be the successful attempt because I screw up pretty hard at some places also I sort of don't recommend actually doing this because it's bad for your heart let me put like that regardless I'm going to explain to you in detail what I did to get through this extremely tough challenge run and also what I actually could have done better so it may not be that big of a surprise but there are very few gaming channels on YouTube who have covered this specific challenge run because like any hard reset run you basically have to be insane to even attempt it well at least you have to be an extreme masochist so what is this run about exactly well the challenge is to kill mirko's wepner's without ever visiting the hunter's dream because since the game has to end in the hunter's dream you cannot complete the game without going there at all but as you know if you die or use a lantern to go to the hunter's dream for the very first time there's this cutscene that place where your character is lying on the floor wakes up and the camera pans up to reveal the workshop now as you know after killing muggers wet-nurse the workshop is on fire and here's the thing if you manage to kill mirga's wetness without ever having gone to the hunter's dream then that cutscene will actually change the workshop will affect be on fire in that cutscene so that is essentially the goal of this run so to say that's the reward in a sense to see that particular version of the cutscene however that means that this run has some pretty severe restrictions first of all you cannot die because dying will immediately transports you to the under stream so this has to be a no dev run secondly you cannot get a starting weapon so my first order of business is to make to where the sauce beer can be found that will be my weapon for practically the entire playthrough with one small exception thirdly you cannot level because you have no access student so this is a blood level 10 character and will remain so for the entire playthrough the fourth restriction is actually the worst one of all you cannot upgrade your weapon neither with blood shorts Norman blood gems and that is ridiculously harsh because that means you can only do [ __ ] damage or battle Seth you are completely dependent upon bees blood to do at least some sort of decent damage the fifth restriction is no gun there is no way to get a gun you can use well technically the flame sprayer but that's not really worth it but of course the downside to no gun is that you don't have the ability to parry not that your visceral attacks would do decent damage anyway and the final restriction is that you cannot use any of the shops because those are in sight of the hunter stream so you can't buy blood vials and you cannot get rid of your inside so these are some pretty extreme restrictions and it's also a hard reset run meaning that dying sets you all the way back you have to start all over again with a new character so in order to make it even manageable in the first place for free of the bosses i will be using cheese tactics namely for the gas corn because you want to be able to make it past them as quickly and easily as possible as you will very very very very likely have to reset your run over and over again so the start of the run has to be easy and quick and then the second boss the cheese is the one reborn because he has way too much health to make a manageable with such a low damage output and the last boss that we can cheese is Mickel eyes during his second phase unfortunately all of the other mandatory bosses have to be done legitimately as I'm not even aware of actual cheese tactics for those ones but there are some helpful strategies that I will show you so especially the shadows of yharnam are absolute nightmare on a run like this at least they are for me as you may know on earlier versions of the game there was actually a glitch to make it to the shadows early in the game and have them being completely frozen but that's no longer a possibility so I just picked up the sauce beer and the oil runs next to those crows and of course a couple of fells on the way as you would expect knowing where blood valves can be found is very important because you cannot buy any and you can't really risk farming them from enemies unfortunately I screw up later on and spoiler alert there's actually a part in this run where I have to make do for a while without any blood vials at all mainly because I made some pretty big mistakes in the forest area so when I get there and you are crazy enough to try this run yourself please don't do as I do but listen to what I say instead so for the most part you don't want to fight against enemies unless absolutely necessary or if they are guaranteed to drop blood vials nowadays of course also RNG involved for example here on the Brits you are likely to get some blood vials but how many or if any at all is in the end just a matter of luck by the way I don't plan on this being my only blood-borne playthrough on my channel given that this run only includes mandatory bosses and cheese tactics to make it manageable so I probably will do a regular bl-4 playthrough in the future like I did for the other source games where I include all bosses that you'll see and perhaps even the chalice dungeons at least to an extent I actually got pretty lucky here and I got an extra oil earn as a random drop because those are going to be an actual lifesaver against rom the vacuous spider but that's a boss for later first there's father Gascoigne and we're going to use the very well-known staircase trick to Chism as soon as the fight starts lure the boss of the stairs then run past them to get to the outside this way the boss will get stuck behind the railing and you can use charts are two attacks from the transformed version of the saw spear to hit them while they're being a little chance of getting hit yourself because you're not 100% safe you can't get hit if you are positioned too far to the right especially once he transforms into a beast his attacks can actually clip through the stairs meaning that you can still get it so it's best to stay a little to the left here and then it's just a matter of patience what's that smell sweet it seems to me [Music] alright that wasn't the big deal right the run is almost halfway done already well not really it's just the beginning and as I said you cannot cheese all of the bosses so as you may have noticed I have the hunter's mark equipped which you can't use that often given that you're mostly progressing forth but there are actually some cases where you can make use of lanterns even though you cannot visit the hunter stream because if you merely light a lantern that you can use the hunter's mark to fast travel to the last length on you've lit so that's what we're going to do here in Cathedral Ward I'm going to light that Lantern so that after killing the Blood star beast I can immediately get back here using the hunter's mark after all you have no use for blood echoes anyway so you can safely sacrifice them but as I said you are mostly progressing forth so there are only a handful of lanterns that are actually worth lighting in fact basically only two namely this one and one in you're a ghoul well technically I also used one in the forest but that wasn't planned that was because I took the wrong route but you will see that later on so I picked up the hunters outfit because you're starting clothes have the lowest defense in the game and other than defense these clothes also help you filling up your beasts blood meter faster so that is very very helpful because bees blood is absolutely one and percent essential in this run and to sound like a broken record because I have set this in so many of my videos I hate dorks in video games so this part sucks pretty hard if you're not careful here and get combo'd by these dorks the run can actually end here already but we need to make it past year since we need to talk to Alfred for fire paper and because we need to get to the blood store of Beast as in this run that boss is actually mandatory after all we cannot open the gate to vicar Amelia without going to the other stream so instead we're going to kill the blood starve Beast so that the door and oedon chapel will open meaning that we can take that route instead not to mention that I basically always do that and you probably do that as well now for some reason these dorks cannot get through or here so we are shamelessly going to make use of death and then I'm going to essentially speed run through all the Arnim trying to avoid all the enemies but picking up specific items on the way to the boss namely antidotes pungent blood cocktails two sets of blood vials some extra fire paper and the first set of beasts blood palettes have I mentioned already that doing a challenge run like this is bad for your hearts well moments like these are basically why things just don't always go as planned and the further along in the run you are the more likely it is for such moments to give you a freaking heart attack all right here to the left is the first time you can pick up these blood ballots in fact six of them so that's a nice amount however this means having to make it back past several werewolves and that can be rather tricky and keep in mind that there's one jumping through the door leading to the shortcut by the way if you want to risk it up the stairs in that building is some extra fire paper but I immediately continue it on towards the blood start beast however keep in mind that just like bees blood fire and both paper are extremely valuable as well you will want to do anything to increase your damage output especially near the end of the game okay so the blood star beast is not a difficult boss but normally you would have a +3 weapon which does make quite a bit of a difference so what I'm going to do here is to lure the boss into the corner using a punch and blood cocktail to get some free hits and to build up my beast blood meter unfortunately I'm doing pretty bad in this fight and I miss a lot of opportunities to get hits in it is effect possible to trap the boss into the corner and just completely build up your beasts blood meter draining is helped really quickly but that is not what happens here unfortunately and I took it so that can be rather scary because of the poison now it's important to not panic because if you use an antidote at the wrong time you will not be able to move and that can mean getting hit again which is likely to mean death moreover when he sprays poison everywhere it's likely that you will get poisoned automatically but in the end it's just really important that you at least don't use too many blood vials as those are just really really valuable okay so that did not go that well but at least I still have 18 blood vials left so as I said before because I lit the lantern in cathedral ward I can now use the hunter's mark that way I don't have to run all the way back and to emphasize again because of the nature of this run you will want to be able to make it through the first parts as quickly as possible because every time you need to reset you need to do all of this all over again to make it back to where you happen to die in that filled attempt anyway so now the blood start beast is death the door and oedon chapel has opened giving us a way to make it past the closed gate and after that it's immediate time for the next boss fight we're going to have to go through here later on anyway so let me just open up the gate however that will agro the two enemies nearby so it's best to go the other way around and close to the large church giant you can find a set of six blood vials so it's vital to pick those up this way we have our maximum of twenty blood vials again as you may know you don't have to worry about the two enemies in front of the cathedral because if you just keep running they won't attack you before you are in the animation where you open up the door and that means not being able to get here you know unlike Dark Souls 2 and then it's time for what's essentially the pinwheel of blood-borne however you need to be a bit more careful given that your weapon is an upgraded but regardless if you just break each of the limbs in succession you can still almost keep a stun lock for the entire fight run up to Amelia's right arm and use l1 attacks until it breaks then move on to the right leg to make a stagger but as I said my weapon is unupgraded so Amelia actually managed to counter-attack yeah isn't that unusual to see after the visceral you can attempt to break her face as well unfortunately she got out of the way in time so instead you can just do the same thing you did to her left limbs as you did to a right arm and leg and just as a general rule applicable to both the saw spear and the saw cleaver transform attacks rapidly fill up your be spot meter so basically this entire run just consists of constant l1 attacks [Music] all right then now before making a way to the forest we need to get some balls paper which you can get by killing the hunter NPC to the side of the cathedral specifically the one with the tonight rest you don't want to mess with one wielding the rifle spear okay there we got some wallpaper an extremely valuable item in fact at the end of the game I only had a single one to spare so you have to make count what you can get your hands on now before Amelie getting to the forest area we are going to make another little detour namely to pick up poison knives because those we are going to need to cheese Nikolai's during a second phase and the ones remaining will greatly help us out during the fight against muggers wet-nurse to do some extra passive damage in the background all right so the forbidden woods is a very important area to get us on specific items we're going to need to collect the maximum amount of bees blood pellets some blue Alexis then Molotov cocktails and preferably some blood vials so that we can face the shadows of yharnam with 20 vials unfortunately you're going to see me take the wrong route meaning that I miss some required beasts blood so when I realized that I used the shortcut to make it back to the start of the forest but because I almost got killed multiple times I panicked and use the hunter's mark too early meaning that I missed the extra blood vials as well and my run through this area was already very messy and I wound up using way too much blood vials even before that point so the following section is a complete [ __ ] unfortunately okay so here to the right is where I forgot to pick up the beasts blood it can be found in that small building so as I said I had to come back for it later actually there was also a collection of beasts blood pellets beyond the gates but I didn't pick those up either anyway so in the building next to where the dogs are some blue Alexis can be found and I'll be using one of those in Bergen worth to avoid having to deal with the scholar you know the one that users call beyond however speaking of ROM the boss of Berger worth we're also going to pick up a collection of ten Molotov cocktails and I'll explain why those are so important during that boss fight but the problem as you can probably already guess is that now we have dogs on our trail so this is where things starting to go south quite rapidly keep running here so you won't get a cannonball on your face and then you'll find some bees blood in a set to the left and here I almost got killed again it's really important to keep it cool on the run like this because if you panic you are simply going to stack mistake upon mistake in fact I even do that without panicking so at this point I realize I only had eight beast blood pellets which is not enough if you run out when you get tumor goos wet nurse you are completely one percent [ __ ] so I decided to take the shortcut back to the start of the forest as you may have guessed by now there is a reason why I don't do actual speedruns okay so now I [ __ ] up in the worst possible way as you see I only have nine blood vials left so my idea was to light the lantern quickly grab the Beast blood in the shat I told you about earlier and use the hunter's mark to get back to that lantern but I used so many blood vials that I now desperately needed the set of blood wells that can be found a little further past the gate but I'm an idiot and after almost getting killed so many times and with enemies on my trail I used the hunter's mark too early meaning no extra blood vials okay so now I only have nine blood vials to fight both the shadows of yharnam as well as rom the vacuous spider which says this is not good so I at least tried to get one extra from the enemy here but I was out of luck so what I should have done is to just go and get the extra set of blood vials that I should have got in the first place but then you assume that I'm not a complete [ __ ] idiot sometimes instead I was like yeah [ __ ] it let's just go and fight three bosses at once with an upgraded weapon hoping that I won't go through my blood vials like a homeless man fruit cheap liquor yeah that's not really a smart move fortunately there was a boar near the shadows and that one always drops two blood vials so that is something at least [Music] in case you ever felt last year in the woods the route is actually extremely straightforward just follow the road and don't take any side runs simple as that alright this boss fight is the toughest part of the entire run at least for me remember that we have three bosses at once your character isn't leveled you have no gun to bury and your weapon is unupgraded so my strategy is as follows I only focus on one of the shadows at once and specifically the one with the tonight refers tand the one with the candle last there are a couple of reasons for that order first it's to get rid of the one who is constantly sparing projectiles from a distance as soon as possible secondly that one has the least amount of health and thirdly it's easiest to separate that one from the other two because it's the least aggressive one he's actually trying to stay away from you and fourthly that one is actually with the fire whereas the other two are weak to bolt and for the rest of the run both paper is more important than fire regardless the most difficult part of this fight is that you need to be aggressive to keep your beasts blood meter high but because your health is so low and you feel the entire run if you die you would actually like to be careful and take your time so this boss is a runkiller ah come on that is a dick move his life bar is empty and he is still alive and this is precisely what you want to avoid having to fight all three of them when they are transformed fortunately when you kill the one with the nitrous you can focus on the one that's wielding only a sword and then it can actually be beneficial to lock-on so you can do dashes rather than on roles in the first phase that's not a good idea because you need more freedom to move around now it is important to merely focus on the one that's not holding a candle because what you absolutely want to prevent is the final phase where they can summon snakes from the ground and there's a way to prevent that because if you leave the one with the candle for last if you simply keep walking towards them doing a single attack this will lock him into doing constant side steps so then regardless of how low your damages it's merely a matter of patience okay so that takes care of the shadows but now I only have two blood vials left for the fight against Rome well isn't that [ __ ] great yeah that's the nature of a run like this if you make mistakes early on you will suffer for it later fortunately it's only a short way to the next boss but as you know there's a really dangerous NPC there as well who can one-shot you with a call beyond so I'm going to use a blue Alexa to make it less likely that she will attack me from behind after all you need a key to open the door to Master Willem and that means you will aggro that hostile embassy on your way past the door to the ladder where the key can be found okay and for the billionth time I make another mistake that almost cost me to run I needed to use a second blue elector because now it's going to wear off which kind of defeats the whole purpose of the strategy in the first place okay dan I barely made it and I still have to face this boss with only two blood vials now remember that I did at least pick up the Molotov cocktails and the oil urns those are going to be of vital importance for the third phase of this fight now this fight is difficult but not so much mechanically more in the sense that it's a test of patience and endurance because it's a long fight you absolutely need to take out all of the small spiders first in all three phases and that kind of wears you down especially because you constantly need to wait for the right opportunity when it's actually safe to attack now you may be aware of ways to one cycle wrong or at least skip one of the phases but with an ungraded weapon that's simply not possible because even with a maxed out beast what meter your damage is still pretty low and I already used one of the two blood vials and this is merely the first phase have I mentioned already that doing a run like this is bad for your heart once all small spirals of that room will still have no attacks into a second phase so it's a bad idea to use any items here just be patient all right second phase so now we have to kill all those small spiders all over again but now each time Rahm raises her hat you need to keep running to dodge the arcane meteor rain as long as you are running those will always land behind you however this makes it even more tedious to take out all the small spiders because now you have to constantly have your sights on wrong to see the meteors coming which applies to the ones coming from the ground as well but fortunately the depth zones are very clearly telegraphed in that move [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay so now the boss is no longer completely passive so you'll have to be careful you need to get the [ __ ] out of the way as soon as she does or AoE explosion you will really be cleansing your butt cheeks at this point [Music] all right third face it's completely the same as the second one as far as the smaller spirals are concerned however as soon as only Rama's left it's no longer safe to attacker because at any time she can now do a sort of melee attack where she goes berserk and storms all around or whatever you want to call it so for the final part I will be using the Oilers and Molotov cocktails so I can stay at a distance and there goes my final blood vial you wouldn't believe how much sweater wasn't my butt crack at this point [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so as I said just finish the fight using oil urns and Molotov and make sure not to miss because you need all of them [Music] what the hell my god glitched out of something okay this is some interest in fashion born at least [Music] all right that takes care of rum but now I don't have any blood vials in fact I don't even have a full life bar and that's it's it's that's not a good thing but at least there is a way to get a full life bar you know the place where you are transported to after the cut-scene that actually counts as a checkpoint so if you use the hunter's mark you'll actually respawn there so that will at least give me a full life bar but I still don't have any blood vials so this is a pretty scary part and run fortunately there was a location where you can pick up eight blood vials all at once however we're going to have to make it there without getting clipped by an enemy and there are several of them with guns and right before those blood vials are a bunch of dogs so my crack wasn't actually getting any drier [Music] you [Music] you okay I lighted the Lance on here because there is one final time we can make use of the hunter's mark because for the fight against the one reborn I'm going to use the tonight rose however there will be tons of enemies chasing me as soon as I pick it up so to save myself I will use the hunter's mark one final time to transport back to this land oh of course it is important to open up the shortcut first otherwise you will have to go through this entire section all over again okay so now the shortcut is open I can safely die what the [ __ ] god damn it this just sums up from software games the whole world just wants you death anyway so now I can make a run for the tinnitus and then transport back to the lantern and as you would expect I almost got myself killed again you you all right the one reborn has a fuckton of health so even with the nitrous the mere fact of it being at plus zero makes it simply unfeasible to do this boss legitimately fortunately there is a way to choose this boss however it's not one where you are 100% safe you can still take hits and in fact I do take it so it works as follows just run past the boss and go up the stairs then you can ignore all the bell maidens you simply need to get the boss's intention and that's the most dangerous part but eventually he will continue to attack you even when you are close to the stairs which causes his text to clip through the wall and that gives you the opportunity to hit them well more or less being at a safe location however it's not completely safe and that's very important to realize so what you need to do is to move towards the wall to bait an attack and then move backwards to see what he does if you're lucky he will poke his head through the wall or what you could call us at at least because that one takes extra damage but what you constantly need to be looking out for is a sideways swipe attack because that can actually hit you therefore keep an eye on the doorway to see that at that coming another thing is that if you get too greedy you can move too far forward when attacking and then you will take damage simply for touching him but in the end it's all a matter of patience because this takes a while so let me speed up the footage Beth you so here's where I got greedy and took a hit not too smart because I still don't have a lot of blood you between 50% and 30% of our the boss enters a second phase and he will make blood and gore rain out of nowhere above you so you will have to move all the way down the stairs to avoid it moreover he can also do an AoE attack which is Fela graphed by a scream and that one can actually clip all the way through the wall so if you are too close that can kill you other than that the fight continues the same way you okay then only two bosses more to go so close yet still so far away from a goal because there are some dangerous areas left you it's a bit scary to have to slow down but it's essential to pick up these blood vials over here because it's a set of no less than eight vials and then it's all about running run fast and be wary of everything around you those wolf kinda creatures can jump great distances and those giant rocks are going to be one that kills as you would expect fortunately you can get out of the frenzy inducing area rather quickly Wow imagine finding a spiral like that in your bathtub just keep running because those small spiders will start chasing you then you need to make it past a hunter NPC and another enemy will be blocking the doorway behind him so you need to push a bit to make it past that enemy and then just keep going because that hunter will also start following you however it's also essential to pick up one more beast blood pellets behind a set of mirrors so there's a lot of pressure on you at this point especially because we're so far on the run already Oh some sarcasm there here no prayers abandon the dream now one can catch us no one can stop us [Laughter] okay then time for my collage now the problem during the first phase is not so much Michael as himself it's the responding skeletons you don't want to have to deal with so the strategy here is to not fight the boss in the room where eventually runs into but in the hallway right before that however since there is one of their skeletons to close by for that to work I'm going to lure that skeleton down the stairs and kill it there it will respond but it won't get a grade again as long as I'm fighting Mick lies inside that hallway luring him into this hallway works in a rather peculiar way if you stand in the hallway Nicholas will stop right on the edge but if you then move backwards he will walk into the hallway and then you can trap them in the corner the annoying thing though is that even with a full beasts blood meter your damage output is pretty pathetic fortunately he only has one attack but if you get greedy or if you get stuck by walking sideways right next to the wall because it has small crevices you will not be fast enough to get out of the way also make sure that he doesn't walk out of the hallway because luring him back in waste both your beasts blood meter and it may trigger one of the skeletons to come in [Music] over here are the final blood vials you can pick up fortunately there are eight of them and now for the second phase we have the opportunity to chisme class which is actually good because he's a [ __ ] however this is very important you can only choose him if he jumps down to the bottom floor if he uses the mirror to teleport there you need to chase him around until he moves back up and jumps down otherwise the poison knife trick doesn't work yeah I learned that the hard way because he will simply disappear and not get poisoned instead of getting into this constant cycle of disappearing and reappearing while his health is draining away because of the poison it takes two knives to poison him and when he eventually dies you will have 12 left which is good because mirga's wet-nurse needs four knives to get poisoned so if you don't miss you can poison her three times which should drain about half a life bar [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay now things are getting tense only one boss left to go with the possible exception of your safecast blood file next to the elevator which I didn't but it's smart to have it as a backup in case you happen to run out of blood files against the boss all right time for the finale mirko's wet-nurse may not be the toughest boss in the game but under these restrictions it's a different story to emphasize again small life bar an upgraded weapon sweat running down your butt crack a very important thing is to poisoner because that does tons of passive damage in the background other than that you need to be aggressive to keep your beasts blood meter up the annoying thing though is that when she does that lawnmower move yes it is safe right behind her but that's a rather precise location so it's easy to get clipped moreover if you get hit you can get stunned for a second and that will likely means death with such a short life bar but as you would expect the absolute worst part of this fight is when she summons the clone now you may not even be aware of this but the first time she does this it's only a single clone and under other circumstances you will probably kill her before you can do it the second time but not in this case and the second time she does it there are two clones and therefore they are much harder to avoid my strategy is to keep running in circles around the arena most of the clones attacks will go behind you and if she appears in front of you you can at least see the attacks coming but of course stamina management is key because if you slow down at a bad time it is all over a lot of the clones attacks will be one of kills not all fortunately but it's a really scary part of the run as you can see this chars attack can actually be iframe it's of course safer to get behind her but that's not always possible okay the first time the arena goes purple it actually takes a while before the clone shows up so you can get some extra damage in before you start running of course don't get greedy you definitely want to play things safe at this point holy [ __ ] that gave me a [ __ ] heart attack have I mentioned Jetta doing a run like this is bad for you well you get the point I think it sucks pretty hard that I missed one of the poisoned knives because the remaining three are not enough to poisoner a third time okay so as I said there are now two colognes instead of one so this part is even scarier than before by the way if you are really lucky and you managed to stagger the boss when she summons that purple ace you actually prevent this phase of the fight but that requires a lot of favorable RNG for hoc I'm getting so many close calls if you want the white of [ __ ] I'm not healing well when when is the safe time to heal oh my [ __ ] god she does the paratime I haven't mentioned already that besides being bad for your heart doing a run like this causes severe amounts of crying in the shower okay final B's block ballots to both papers left and five for blood vials okay final heads don't die now ah you know to quote sergeant Sykes from the movie jarhead though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for I'm the baddest [ __ ] in the goddamn valley and that's it after the baby stops crying and night miss lane appears that is how far you can go without visiting the hunters dream so all that is left is to finally wake up there and see the special cutscene and then have gurmann chop my head off even though it's the first time we even meet you yeah you know come to think of it this may have been a bit too much trouble just for a little change in a small cutscene huh you know what's before handing a no death run by forcefully getting killed in a cutscene let's get naked and roll through this field of flowers to celebrate basically the opposite of what should we do after killing the boss in a flower field and Snake Eater good hunter you've done what now you will done you from the oh well Martine hunter fear the blood farewell good hunter may you find your worth in the waking world all right so that was quite a tough playthrough and this wasn't exactly my first attempt I pretty much went Hollow by having to reset this run over and over and over again in fact I initially wanted this to be my very first video on my channel but I simply wasn't able to do it until now it really is one of the harder challenge runs you can do in this game not the hardest but definitely the hardest I'm willing to suffer through however as I've mentioned before this will not be my only blood-borne walkthrough on my channel since I only covered parts of the game this way so I probably will be doing a regular bf4 run covering all areas bosses and the DLC at some point in the future so if you haven't subscribed already make sure that you do leave a like if you enjoyed this video and stay tuned for more [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Press Continue
Views: 1,239,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloodborne no hunter's dream run, Bloodborne deathless run, Bloodborne no hit run, Bloodborne no weapon upgrades, Bloodborne +0 weapon run, Bloodborne no leveling no death, Bloodborne no hunters dream
Id: KC0qzFoU44o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 42sec (5142 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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