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so last year I made a little video ranking all the trick weapons in bloodborne the response to this was about what you'd expect now truth be told a few of these weapons I hadn't actually used before making this video and I only tested them on some more basic enemies and thus didn't find them that good leading to me ranking them low and many commenters telling me that I had undersold their favorite weapon and should give it a proper try one such weapon which I really wanted to like was the co parasite just for how wacky it is and for the fact you have to turn into a bro man to use it you only get this weapon from beating the orphan of CA so for most players they'll only use this in New Game Plus well today using the magic of save wizard I'm going to do a full playthrough of bloodborne from start to finish using this weapon only for damage I guess you could call this cosplay I'm going to add a further restriction to create some difficulty for me pretty much every comment about this weapon said something to the effect of it's great when you gem it up properly this means grabbing strong gems from Deep in the Chalice dungeons specifically ones created by using online codes or glyphs so on this playthrough I am not going to touch the Chalice dungeons at all the only gems I can use are ones found in the base game or the DLC for those of you thinking oh well this is just beating bloodborne with a normal weapon this won't be difficult I encourage you to look at this damage right here from a little later on in the video Yeah although the damage here isn't great one place you can do great damage is in this video sponsor one to dead that's right I actually played a nons Souls game for a bit this stylistic cyber Punk Adventure combines Hack and Slash and third person shooter developed by the team behind ninja giden and Dead or Alive you play as agent Hannah Stone who's certainly very rock and roll you've got brutal melee combat with intense finishes as well as range cover shooter sections this game is tough but very rewarding and serves as a love letter to those classic PS3 Xbox 360 games from back when I was slightly less old than I am now you know given the a surplus of vast open world games these days having a shorter focused experience is kind of refreshing upgrade your guns upgrade your skill eat ramen and even sing karaoke wait why is this karaoke mini game so difficult oh my God okay so as you can tell this game is pretty self-aware it knows exactly what it wants to be and I got to applaud that dedication to its identity the devs have just dropped the first patch for the PC version of the game adding many quality of life improvements and enhancements steam players have already got the update but don't worry if you're a 30 console scrub like me that patch is coming with us in just three short weeks want to make enemies dead and wanted Dead well guess what there is currently a 50% discount on Steam that's almost half off wait it is half off the sale will last till January 4th so hurry up the game is also available on PlayStation 4 and 5 Xbox series 1 as well as on epic game store get the game today for a cyber Punk slam dunk using my link in the description and let the Mayhem begin well let's get started shall we we start by calling our character octopus and choosing the cruel fate class as it has the highest Arcane stat this old man drugs me unconscious says some really unsettling stuff and I wake up and run to this door mashing triangle because I forgot this is an Elden ring now I actually require three things to get this run off the ground the weapon itself the milkweed Rune and the Rune Workshop so I need a weapon a rune and a key item that I can change into each of these respectively using save wizard the weapon and the key item are no issue but for the Rune well the quickest way to get one is to skip to the Forbidden Woods you have to get this wolf to grab you by the gate here and then mash the shoulder buttons which is a fat lot of RNG but after 1 hour of pain I get it at last and open the shortcut gate in the poison swamp below I grab one of the very few Arcane gems in the base game which should hopefully come in handy later and then run up to speak to this guy to join the League and get the impurity Rune I also grabbed the madman's knowledge here here for insight so that we can level up the next time I come back to the Forbidden Woods will be when we reach here via normal progression so don't worry I'm not going to be skipping anything we actually need 20 Arcane to wield this weapon and luckily we now have enough with all that done I now edit in the COS parasite and nothing okay hands up how many people got this weapon equipped it and were super confused when nothing happened technically you do actually get Arcane damage on your fist this way so that's something but we want to go all in and I've now changed the hunter Bell into the Rune workshop and the impurity Rune to the milkweed Rune with the Rune equipped we transform into the Glorious broccoli man what a parasite for Sore Eyes so let's look at the COS parasite it's a pure Arcane damage weapon with a scaling in Arcane its attacks are very tentically but it has a number of other quirks to it your Dodge now has a very squid-like movement which seems pretty smooth and it has a bunch of unusual attacks like the back step R1 seems to make you vomit up some white liquid which apparently can inflict poison although the range is very short the damage seems okay I I guess what's weird is that in the two-handed trick mode you actually can't charge up the R2 range seems decent at least but I think the real key point of trick mode is that pressing L2 makes you do like a smaller cor beond type attack which is easily the most damaging thing this weapon has although it does cost two Quicksilver bullets to execute it armed with our o explosion attack yes that's what I'm calling it it's probably a good idea to grab some Bloodstone shards in the area so we can get our weapon upgraded thankfully I can still do the wolf trick with this Doorway to get some Echoes and vials and then we upgrade the parasite to plus one and slap a couple of points into Arcane a good thing I noticed was that the tentacles stagger enemies quite effectively which is handy because the attacks are pretty slow compared to the R1 of almost any other weapon weapon in the game at least the ones I've used that is the or explosion is still the most powerful attack by far though even so I want to get as much damage as possible so I ran and grabbed some more shards got some better armor farmed enemies for yet more shards and got Arcane to 25 and leveled up to the parasite to plus three just because I could so now we are ready for our first boss this beast in this very Atmos cleric Arena well let's see how much the O explosion nukes his health oh wow um what about normal attacks oh dear God I think that might be the worst damage I've ever seen from a weapon this early in the game that's a plus three weapon as well now luckily the cleric Beast doesn't do too much damage and is fairly easy to read but it was a long fight clocking in at nearly 7 minutes which I think is the longest I've ever fought this guy for by far the most challenging part was when my son woke up crying during the fight and I had to run to the other end of the bridge leave my character standing there pray that the cleric Beast didn't catch up and absolutely annihilate me rock my son back to sleep and then jump back into the game thankfully with a few spams of the O explosion near the end I managed to just get this done first try through some kind of Miracle this really doesn't look promising so far but no rest for us as the next boss isn't much farther on so far the damage seems better against gassi I mean that's from a transformed R2 which I feel with almost any other weapon would be better than that but at least the range is good and the father here has far less Health than cleric Beast although can get pretty aggressive in phase two I died once when I was trying to see if I could hit him with the O explosion in midair while he fell from here but it backfired pretty badly second attempt I Ed some o explosions pretty well and with that gas gone is gone past him we can now grab the gem Workshop tool and head into the cathedral Ward remember the Arcane gem we picked up earlier well we can't equip it whatsoever because the cause parasite doesn't get any triangle shaped slots so that's a shame but I'm sure we'll find some other gems that fit into it right right well for now let's spin ourselves into Old yarum I Sprint on through because I want to spend as little time as possible being Gatling gun jurious set fire to the enemies in this Cathedral and then get poisoned to death by Flappy wappy here our damage is once again not great the thing I'm beginning to notice from the damage here and also from some stats on the wiki is that a lot of these early bosses have huge resistance to Arcane for some reason it's weird because without save editing like I've done here there isn't really any way you could even get pure Arcane damage this early on was this a purposeful design choice to punish people for doing this n there's no way I'm giving him too much credit there anyhow the first part of this fight is pretty easy you can just walk around a lot of her attacks and punish with some tentacle fun or the O explosion once she hits low Health though she comes up with a new way to try and prevent to call the tentacle spraying poison Mist all around her in case you're wondering yes I did have punch and blood cocktails equipped and I completely forgot to use them this last 20% of her health took half the total time of the fight as I had to constantly disengage to avoid being poisoned which didn't always go to plan thankfully I brought a bunch of antidotes at some points I kept getting poisoned even though it appeared I was Far Away enough often the poison isn't an issue because usually you can finish her off quickly at the end here but certainly not with this damage towards the end I stopped trying to heal the poison and just went in with a bunch of r2s and finally after 9 minutes I was no longer starving for victory at this point I felt I should probably put a point or two into health and endurance just to avoid well I was going to say being a glass Cannon but that implies I do loads of damage right I'm more like a glass water gun at this point with blood starve Beast down we can make our way up Cath cedral Ward grabbing the communion rune for a whopping one extra blood vial I actually amazingly made the drop here on my first attempt and we can grab the doll gear and an umbilical cord for our troubles so confession time on pretty much every bloodborne playthrough I totally forget that you can go down this way instead of buying the hunter Chief emblem to get to the area past that gate but this time I did remember and killed this Beast possessed Dark Soul after a quick Mission through the streets avoiding this member of the Saxon 5 we finally get to this lift taking us up to just behind the gate of Cathedral Ward now we can start picking up some twin Bloodstone shards to further upgrade our weapon and hopefully do some better damage first I smash off these two scurrying Beasts for four shards total and then head down to hemwick chal Lane got to say the O explosion does great for these hordes of enemies we grabed some more twin shards and we can now get the parasite up to plus six I don't hold huge hope that this is going to improve the damage all that much well we might as well make ourselves at hem in charal lane and take out the witches our damage is pretty okay here but this boss is quite weak as it is so not sure that's a great indicator okay I actually wasn't able to kill one of them before the other revived so that's definitely not a good sign I used the ox exposion to finish off these hem wickens before our next challenge I level up and then grab the lake room I thought this was how you activate it honest so next up is Amy the bandage faed reindeer think our damage is going to be good well think again I mean okay the actual number is better than we were doing against the previous bosses but Rudolph here has a lot more Health than anything we've encountered over 5,000 in fact after a first attempt where the healing was easily outpacing my damage by in considerable amount I decided to use numbing Mist against Dasher if you want to write that the whopping one damage Point done by numbing Mist invalidates this run then feel free to do so in the comments below but you're only allowed to do so if you include your favorite pizza dopping in the comment as well my is obviously anything my Italian wife tells me but anyhow I'm talking rubbish here because once again this fight was long going for anything more than one maybe two hits results in me getting smacked also there's something I just want to mention here it might actually just be me but something about dodging in broccoli form just feels off I feel like compared to other runs I've done I dodge at times where I would normally Dodge the attack but here I get struck I couldn't find anything online to confirm this but it just feels SL lower to me particularly of trying to dodge in succession I don't know let me know in the comments if you've got any insight on this or if I'm just losing my mind my plan was to save my bullets for the L2 until the latter phases of the fight to hopefully bring Daner down quickly the jump attack is a really good opening to use the attack by doing this I did manage to stagger proner it still came a little down to the wire but with one final blast we're able to slay this Vixen hopefully at some point I'll be able to fight something which doesn't have a monstrous Arcane resistance one piece of good news is that the gold pendant from Amelia produces a droplet gem which we actually can equip giving us a 12% extra damage against beasts it's just a shame there aren't too many Beast bosses for a while now but hey it's something the crustiest of tosses Master Willam reminds us of the first word in this game's title and then we run through sen Forest grabbing this solitary Bloodstone chunk now I had heard that these Celestial minions can drop Arcane gems and they definitely do shame again that they're godamn triangle shaped I'm seeing a pattern here anyway I grabed the clockwise metamorphosis Rune get the blood drunk Hunter's eye for DLC access later I'm prepared to face the next boss of this area the black knife assassins of yarham now one great thing here is the O explosion can actually hit all three of them if you get yourself in the right position they don't have very high Health thankfully but it's easy to get ganged up on so constant movement is important at one point with just two of them left I foolishly didn't notice I was out of bullets so tried to execute the o explosion and got smacked up for my troubles but once it's just one remaining I was pretty much able to stagger the last one with a single R1 tentacle swipe until it finally Falls this was pretty straightforward thankfully and didn't go on anywhere near as long as the previous fights you know I can't quite put my finger on it but something about Bergen worth just really bugs me maybe I should fight Yuri no no I don't think I will I blast the crust off William's face and then jump down into the lake for a fast furious fight with romanic Toretto now for some reason the one boss that you think would be resistant to Arcane is actually weak to it I mean we're still not doing amazing damage but the AOE blast also seems to keep those other spiders away I'd run in get one o explosion off run back out rinse and repeat she really eats up the O explosion guess that's why she's a romn noore it's been good to have a couple of easyish fights after the earlier logs maybe we've turned a corner on this run the moon turns red will we soon be dead well yaha ghoul is far from a fun area to Traverse but there are quite a few Bloodstone chunks here I also realized I'd forgotten to sell the doll set so I did that and got our Arcane stat up to 34 with a mad runaround in yaha ghoul we get enough Bloodstone chunks that we can upgrade the ca parasite to plus 9 almost at maximum which hopefully should make some kind of difference to our damage please especially because we got to face one of my least favorite bosses in the game the one reborn this boss has over 10,000 health and our damage is basically the same we were doing to the cleric Beast even though our weapon is plus 9 now the thing I hate about this boss is the falling corpses attack which if you fail to dodge can almost on-shot you and given how long this fight will take that's a bad time upon some further research of gems I found that these Celestial minions in the Forbidden Woods actually can drop a nourishing waning gem one of the few gems I can attach to this weapon and actually benefits me so I equipped the iRun and went and farmed them for a bit but after several runs where they literally dropped either nothing or gems that don't fit I realized that even if I did get that gem it was only a 7% attack boost anyway so it's not like it was going to turn the tide dramatically after a couple of pretty frustrating attempts I went and grinded some levels to get 31 Health endurance and 42 Arcane did this help not that much no at this point point I was getting pretty frustrated in normal fights with the one reborn you can normally rack up lots of damage to repeatedly stagger it and bring it down easily but here of course that's not an option thanks to this monstrosity tremendous Arcane resistance anyway I decided to go in a different direction for a bit I went and bought gasco's gear grabbed the upper Cathedral Ward key and headed up to this godforsaken place this place is genuinely terrifying with the Silhouettes Of The Doom wolves swinging from the chandelier and the surplus of paralyzing octopus men but also it has a pretty important badge the cosmic eye Watcher badge which makes some crucial materials available for purchase in the Hunter's dream the octopus men are normally pretty scary but thankfully our explosion can actually hit them through walls which makes handling them a little bit easier than usual just ignore the fact that one has a giant head tentacle I also couldn't resist cheesing these Doom woles with this narrow doorway pops me every time and of course there's a couple of bosses in the area we might as well take on with the first being Celestial Emissary this was fine honestly they don't resist Arcane too much and even my normal tentacle attacks managed to hit loads of them at the same time I saved up my bullets to hit them with the O explosion in phase two which definitely helped to keep the numbers down and with one final blast i c steal the win from this to end this Blue Man Group eretus daughter of the cosmos A Boss with a face like a mashed up plate of pasta often find the difficulty of this boss varies a lot depending on how much she decides to do the charge attack and the head slam if she does the head slam a lot the fight's pretty easy if she decides to spam the charge then you're in for a bad bad time our tentacles can actually hit the head when we do the R2 attack which is useful but we still need to wait for the right openings following the head slam we can get two R2 attacks in if we're quick squishing in about 800 points of damage in phase two the opportunities to hit the head become far less and she can chain attacks together quite quickly but if we're patient and wait out those few attacks where the head is vulnerable we can get through I had a bit of a last minute Panic getting caught by the frenzy blood but thankfully I was able to recover Dodge through another round of blood and show ebrietas who the true eldrich monstrosity is here as we bring this daughter to the slaughter although it feels good to tick off some more bosses the actual main reason I went that way was for the eyew Watcher badge so I could purchase Beast blood pellets from the Insight store hopefully this will give us some extra damage for the one reborn I kept hitting the W rorn now till it staggers pop the Beast blood pellet and go to town but of course the Beast blood pellet doesn't work with non-physical damage apparently well there's pretty much nothing else I can do here so I'm just going to have to push through this is going to be pretty long and painful I kept it just quick R1 attacks for the most part to try and avoid being locked into anything that would mean I couldn't escape the falling corpses about 7 minutes into the fight with 20% Health left I got hit by his arm and then smashed by some falling corpses luckily surviving with the smallest amount of Health possible in the last moments a couple of O explosions fin the in this after 11 boring minutes of fighting the only thing that's been reborn here is my absolute hatred for this boss with a bit more Arcane pumped in we can Mission onwards to the lecture theater but the gents have nothing to teach us so we're not going to hang around here long no we're going to head into this joyous place and we're going to go fight mik trash the first phase with basically any weapon is ridiculously easy because you just move right do one attack move left do another attack and repeat for the easy win our damage is lower than it usually would be by this point so it still takes a while so long in fact the puppets came back to life because of this I was pretty worried about dropping into the room for the second phase where he'd almost certainly kill me in seconds by spamming a call Beyond but thankfully I was able to find a workaround by dropping into the room as soon as he teleports into the first mirror he now stands waiting outside the door here I get just close enough to not trigger him to run but close enough that my R2 tentacles can hit him with each hit he walks back to the Mirror ER and then proceeds to run back to the same spot I repeat with just a single R2 and he never deviates from this pattern and eventually he dies without the second phase happening at all and giving me an easy mict but why was I so Keen to go this route before any other you might ask well after running past these Autumn flashlights I can now get this giant brain to ride the Tower of Terror it's a shame that much like the real ride it breaks frequently now on this bridge here there is in fact an Arcane gem which gives an 18% boost boost to Arcane damage and is a droplet so can be put in any slot there's also the blood Rock to bring the parasite to plus 10 but that gem that could really be a Difference Maker here with this in hand let's go back and clear off some of the bosses we missed along the way starting with dark Beast par Jam I proved I'm the better man with an even flow of O explosions and before he could just breathe he was no longer alive I next went back to the clinic got revenge on this damn wolf killed yfa with an unnecessarily power powerful attack and then got the summons that let me travel to bloodborne's equivalent of Hogwarts I decided to give myself a bit of a break and used the stairs jump to skip some of the area and open up the bookcase ladder more quickly but I was punished shortly after for my arrogance by failing to drop onto this walkway when I at last made it to the top it seemed that Dumbledore was in pretty bad shape but he was still able to give me a Avada kadavra in all honesty this fight had been one that worried me because as you might imagine leidan has pretty high Arcane resistance and likes to spam out some spells our damage was I mean I probably couldn't go as far as saying it was good but it was a damn site better than we' done against the one reborn phase two with him always takes the majority of the fight time as the windows to attack just get smaller and smaller I tried using the O explosion in the final section of the fight but found it was pretty RNG whether he decided to dodge out the way or not damage was decent though about twice as much as I got from an R2 the flying attacks seem to have the biggest windows so I try to bait them and then get my attacks in it was a close fight as I was once again left with no flasks but he goes down second try which I'm pretty happy with legarias wasn't though he cried more tears of defeat it turns out though that I could have made that even easier as just further past melash was a nourishing radial gem giving me a further 15% attack boost whoops oh well equipping this makes things look very promising and wouldn't you know it our next boss is actually weak to Arcane so I'm a go fight the wet nurse now so let's see how much the osion does hit wait was that over 1,000 damage oh my eldrich God needless to say the combination of a slow moving boss with huge attack windows and a weakness to our Arcane damage meant this was one of the quickest wet nurse fights ever if it does the Walking slashing attack it's really easy to get two of them in even three of your lucky after definitely not getting too cocky and nearly dying the wet nurse gets left out to dry fear the power of the broccoli with the runes collected I got Arcane up to 50 and now started putting some points in health I was thinking the DLC would be on next stop but then I realized I'd forgotten about amigdala I was sure after how quickly we destroyed her on the Gatling gun run that this would be a more challenging encounter here's how it went with that amigdala destroyed this amigdala gave me a handshake so firm it sent me into a different dimension I taught this Hunter to eat his vegetables boomed up the boom Hammer Hunter and prepared for a game of horse here's a fun fact Ludwig is my favorite boss in the souls series and my wife brought me this lovely handmade Ludwig figurine for Christmas truly she is a fire keeper when it comes to fighting horse and Wells I'm one of probably a small percentage of people who find his second phase more difficult than his first which funly enough is actually exacerbated by our build you see in Phase One Ludwick does not have much arame resistance at all while in phase two his Arcane defense doubles meaning our damage is a lot less due to the low resistance in phase one I can cause massive damage to him with the O explosion even chaining several in a row as we repeatedly break his limbs for phase two I found it was more effective to use r1s and r2s after dodging as it gave me more time to respond to his attacks although there was certain occasions where the O explosion was okay after enough patience I gave Ludwig an honorable defeat by shoving my tentacles into his sternum and I end this nightmare a little bit of horse humor for you there very neighborly I ran back to grab the eye pendant crammed it into a random skull that activated a lift for some reason and then grabbed Lawrence's skull because I needed an ashtray the research Hall held very little of value for me so I pressed on to fight the failing livers now despite their High Arcane defense the good news is the same strategy from the shadows of yarum works here the or explosion can hit multiple livers at the same time the bad news is I'm left vulnerable and they can slap me to death pretty quickly it's basically a lot of running away and waiting for a group group of them to Cluster together make sure they're not about to start slapping and then let off an O explosion for massive damage it doesn't take many of these before blueberries get picked and they become the non-living failures to be fair Maria I don't blame you I'd react that way too if something that looked like this tried to touch me now Maria is actually fairly weak to Arcane but her combos can absolutely nuke my health in the later stages of the fight so being in that vulnerable state while doing the O explosion is not a good idea but I am stubborn so I pushed through using pretty much just that for the most part tanking hits were needed the damage was just too good to pass up dodging through her attacks to the side and instantly going for it did seem to work fairly consistently and in one final exchange we charged at each other and I came out the Victor as the clock strikes for Maria and she ascends to the astral plane I can now buy Maria's armor for insight and then instantly sell it for an absolutely ridiculous amount of runes and score myself a few more points of Vitality before delving into that joyous place where dreams come true known as the fishing Hamlet we best take out the other remaining DLC boss so we Enter the Matrix to take on Lawrence the Fishburn vicer now supposedly he resists Arcane more than anything else but honestly if that was the case I didn't really notice I think with these gems our damage has finally reached an acceptable level for most of the first part of the fight I focused on just dodging r1s and r2s getting a good series of limb breaks at one point once the Final Phase began it was O explosion time there's several really good openings like running in close when he's about to spit lava which can also get you counter damage if he's still spitting as you hit him it's actually also possible to get around the side of him while he's doing the crawl and he can't turn around quickly enough to get you two more o explosions here got the job done and we make Lawrence take the blue pill and return to the real world feeling a bit under the weather mate maybe some vegetables will perk you up no because I'm pretty sure no one likes these shark Giants I couldn't resist cheesing this one through the walls of the Hut I showed him who the real Petri shark of this area is now there's no more time for messing around here we've got to fight the boss that had me the most worried of any on this run a fellow cosplayer so he's got super high arcan resist although we still do decentish damage with our build but he does have a lot of health and the windows to attack aren't the most frequent plus there's the usual craziness of Orphan changing his moves Midway through or the second phase catching me with a combo that just wipes me out in one go I hadn't had too many issues dodging stuff up to this point after Vicor Amelia but I really struggled here for some reason after a few deaths I decided to have a think if there was any way I could increase my damage going Beyond 50 Arcane produced seriously diminishing returns so there was no point doing that then I found out there was a really good Arcane gem one of the best yet right here nearby in the caves by the fishing Hamlet it's a godamn triangle gem again meaning I can't equip it at this point I was sick of the mocking me with these wrong shaped gems but also genuinely curious about what this would do to our damage so I did what I probably should have done from the very start of this run I changed the cause parasite into the loss parasite the weapon is basically exactly the same in every way except one of the radial slots is now triangle so I can equip this gem along with the two we already had the damage difference actually wasn't that huge where we' done about 300 with the R2 before we now did 363 so like a 20% damage boost or thereabouts not as a fantastic as I thought it would be but this I think gave me the confidence I needed I actually went with some normal r1s and the Damage I could rack up in the first phase was quite significant I hadn't really decided if I was going to use the O explosion but I held off using it in phase one anyway just in case surprisingly I did find three opportunities to use it right near the start of phase 2 the jumping slam attacks are also good for it I'm genuinely surprised I thought this would leave me way too open for his chaos okay he did get me there but for the most part Phase 2 went probably as smoothly as I've ever had it Go Dodge through the attack proc the O explosion and one final burst of running tentacles ends this for good measure this fight was a microcosm for all the issues I'd face throughout this run but I'm glad we were able to succeed here oh look we got the co parasite after destroying the orphan soul I think that's what that was it's time to end this once and for all with the final boss weirdly I did actually have some minor struggles with German for some reason even though his Arcane resistance is one of the lowest yet he takes very minimal damage from our tenticle attacks way less than orphan for example the O explosion damage is good but he was one of the most difficult bosses to actually hit with it as he Dodges a lot or quickly counters into things that stagger me I missed a lot of times with it as a result actually nearly died right near the end of the fight because I tried to finish him off with just tentacles and he punished my slow attacks hard luckily I was able to he heal up and smack him with one last attack to send Peewee German back to his playhouse but we're not done just yet as we've got old wholef face to deal with ever noticed that the whole face design pops up a lot in these games I actually restocked on bullets first and then absolutely destroyed Moon presence with the O explosion as it's pretty weak to Arcane so that's it the run is over I feel like I say this a lot but this was a real roller coaster I went from struggling early to mid game to Smashing through some bosses in the later game to then having some struggles against the DLC bosses I have to say as much as I love the quirkiness of this weapon I think there's a case you can make that this is the worst trick weapon I know the ca parasite lovers won't be happy with this but hear me out every weapon in bloodborne can be greatly improved with gems of course but I'm not sure there's another weapon that's this dependent on these gems to do even half decent damage with no gems even at plus n the damage was really low and the fact Beast blood pellets don't work and you can't use fire and bolt paper make the issues even worse I guess in the weapons defense his placement in the game suggests that you probably would only normally acquire it at a point where you've probably already got a whole bunch of decent gems and you'd be able to Max it out fairly quickly it likely wasn't designed for someone to do a run through from the start of the game with it like I have here as that was only even possible through save editing Shenanigans regardless I'm really glad I got to give it a try here and we've shown that it is indeed possible to beat bloodborne as a tentacle broccoli man if you enjoyed the video consider hitting subscribe to be notified of new content and leave me a comment below to let me know what your favorite vegetable is until next time have a good one and see you for
Channel: JK Leeds
Views: 258,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Soulsborne, Elden Ring, Challenge Run, Fromsoft, Bloodborne, Bloodborne Arcane Build, Arcane Only, Kos Parasite, Trick Weapon, Tentacles, Magic Build
Id: K90exKF8DhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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