Can You Beat Dark Souls 2 SOTFS Using Throwing Knives Only?

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foreign ever since I completed the video I see throwing knives everywhere sometimes I look at my wife and her face looks like throwing knives well they do say happy knife happy wife yeah but sometimes I have dreams where there's a bunch of throwing knives dancing around me in a circle singing tick tick tick while a health bar looms above me depleting at a rate so small is almost imperceptible I can't even go to the shop without thinking I'm hearing that ticking chasing me down the aisles of the store while I try to buy ingredients to make more sandwiches also I lost my ability to produce sound effects I should have known when Baron asked me for a knife to get in character it was a trick I don't know what do you think theropress continue well ignoring the fact that I was kind of distracted by my phone let's go back a few steps you try to beat Dark Souls 1 using only Throne knives that's right the reason being well I thought it would be fun I see so you thought that trying to beat Dark Souls with a consumable that does low damage and has no scaling or any other way to improve its damage would qualify as fun yeah I'm operating under the philosophy that one cannot spell fun without Fu yes I see seems like you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer yet it does sound only relatable regardless it's not exactly a sign of mental well-being and therefore my conclusion is that we're dealing with a clear case of post-traumatic knife disorder well at least that's what I would have concluded if I had actually gone to medical school or in that case I wouldn't have either or oh God what can I do well as I see it or a battle set according to wikiHow there seem to be three options the first two imply doing either Jack or but the third option would be to just cut a crap and not play with knives for a while and according to several studies that I may or may not have read There are these Concepts known as outside real life social interaction exercise I mean it could be misinformation but it might be worth a shot I think I get it now so what you're saying is I should try to beat Dark Souls 2 using throwing knives next that's a great idea thanks therapress uh is that what I said nah screw it if you're going to throw your life away you might as well throw your knife away well let's get right down to it [Music] [Music] yeah well that's all nice and dandy but do you have insurance or will you pay for this session with your credit card well neither I'm not a real patient ah well I'm not a real doctor either so I guess you got me there regardless the least I can do is show you the way out thank you perhaps you've seen it maybe in a Dream well this probably isn't going to go well I start as always by making a hideous character to represent how my soul looks right now our first number one priority is to get to millentia ASAP to buy our first throwing knives unlike Dark Souls 1 the normal knives are the only ones we can access from the beginning but will need some souls to stock up so we go cheese Dragon Rider as always plus uses sold normally we buy good items from valentia but here we buy this crap and what's worse is that the normal throwing knives are 100 Souls of Pop here 10 times the price they were in Dark Souls 1. there's sure been some serious Savage inflation between the two games can always count on Dark Souls 2 to remind me of real life problems let's check the damage against this hollow wait what 250 damage okay but to be fair damage is relative as if we looked at the raw numbers this hollow had way more Health than any early Dark Souls 1 enemy so not really a fair comparison but still it only took two hits one less than against the early enemies in Dark Souls 1 and it seems the throwing animation is actually a little bit faster what about against this Turtle guy well it took eight hits 86 damager Pop I got 720 Souls with the Covetous silver serpent ring plus one uh so unfortunately we made a loss of 80 Souls there well I suppose we should try our first boss the last giant he has 2530 HP which is about twice as much as our first boss in Dark Souls 1 the Taurus demon so this might Ward the run right off the bat let's see what we got here wait a minute what 97 damage that's like 2.5 times as much as we did to the Taurus demon that's amazing I never saw damage from a single knife against the boss come anywhere close to that 26 knives brings down the last giant 12 less than the tourist demon took I'm I'm in shock okay okay but it's the first boss let's not celebrate yet let's try the pursuer on the first encounter actually I'm guessing you'll take much less damage as he's got that thick armor 75 Health though okay that's not bad this was actually kind of easy took 45 knives my only issue was remembering not to press a direction while throwing the knife as it makes you throw it off in that direction instead of at the enemy you're locked onto I'm not sure why Dark Souls 2 does this if I'm locked onto an enemy that's where I want to attack if I roll I have to wait a second for my character to finish rolling reorient themselves make sure I don't press the analog stick at all and then press square I also on some occasions healed but then forgot to switch back to knives and used another life gem by mistake can you tell I'm still not used to consumable only runs so we get the Ring of Blades does it increase damage from the knives no of course it doesn't 166 damage both times I'm going to leave lenigrast outside the houses I've got no reason to let him in really also there's a huge window there why doesn't he just climb through so one other crazy thing with Dark Souls 2 I was told the knife scale with decks even though it doesn't seem to actually say in the game I tested it and it is actually true the damage increase is pretty small three levels of decks made it do 168 damage instead of 166 but still there is a way to increase the knife damage as we progress wow one last test before we move on I can't imagine this is going to go well but we're going to try this ogre here oh my God leave me alone okay well seems that throwing knives are still absolute trash at close range this was a bit of a disaster but let's try again now that damage really isn't bad you know without these guys getting in the way we actually took down the ogre pretty easy is this run actually going to be fun no no no no it can't be it can't be okay let's grab the binoculars may come in handy for aiming apparently well before we do anything else we can actually grab our second type of knives the poison throwing knives from our buddy gavlan here in No Man's Wharf sadly he only sells 20 at the moment but 20 will be plenty for now at least another bit of good news doing this run in Dark Souls 2 is that many more bosses and enemies can actually be poisoned some have higher resistances to it than others but overall there's less of a chance of us being totally walled compared to Dark Souls 1. now I've got a specific route planned and I'll explain why in a little bit first I form a few easy souls and then use them to open this way right here I then nipped back to majula killed this guy for his armor because it increases Souls gain from kills souls are going to be really important for keeping stocked up on knives and life gems so this armor seems like a no-brainer plus I look so adorable with all these knives I must be considered a criminal as I was man hunted by the cops in huntsman's cops like all good Souls YouTubers instead of fighting the enemies one at a time I ran through the area got all the enemies to aggro after me created a video clip of them all chasing me and then complained about Dark Souls 2's enemy placement with this crucial part out of the way I was ready for the skeleton Lords or at least I thought I was but yeah here's our first big damage drop-off in the game they also can't be poisoned saying that though I think with 99 knives this probably is still possible as they have about 2 000 combined HP between them and 99 knives should do 5940 damage this doesn't factor in the skeletons they summon upon death but I think this may just be manageable time to go farm for a few more knives well I was wrong even with 99 throwing knives I wasn't quite able to do it it's that last Lord who summons the horde of skeletons that cause the issue e-skeleton takes at least three knives to kill more so they have their Shield up which they tend to do a lot I did miss a few shots but it didn't matter it was clear for now it wasn't possible now where this Dark Souls 1 I'd be pretty screwed and have to summon or something but with Dark Souls 2 we do have some other options to consider firstly I'm gonna level up a bit as Dex will improve my damage even if only a little it could just be the Difference Maker here so let's head back to hides and clear out these enemies in a completely non-chease fashion okay I killed all the knights so just gotta take out this Dragon I saved my poison knives for just this moment time to watch some very slow Health trip whoa whoa whoa whoa look at that number it's speeding along that's the poison equivalent of a Ferrari right you should die any minute now we got this uh-oh [Music] okay no messing about now poison and then normal knives at a rapid Pace Not Gonna Keep It Dragon this time so finally we can face the old dragons there he's hiding away up here this fight made me realize one problem with throwing knives you see initially I thought they were faster to use than Dark Souls 1 but that's not quite true although the knife throw itself is quicker the period after throwing the knife before I can move is longer so I'm locked in place and unable to avoid damage I should have unseen that one coming timing is crucial here especially with the Old Dragonslayer having attacks that can close the distance pretty quick we do 92 damage and he has 2880 HP meaning it will take 32 knives to get the job done it took a bit of patience and not getting greedy with knife throws but down he goes and we get 30 000 souls for our trouble with all this I've pumped decks up to 40 so my hope is this will make a difference let's try the skeleton laws one more time so last time the knives did 60 damage ahead but since then I've leveled up decks by 21 points so let's see what we're working with now 68 damage so 21 levels of decks for eight points of extra damage worthwhile investment well I joke but actually this did do the trick it was no lie one of the most intense fight of the whole run I really didn't know even up until the end of the nights were going to be enough this time I killed the Lord that spawns a large army of skeletons first it still took three hits per skeleton but with the reduced amount now needed to kill each Lord I finished the fight with eight knives remaining it was close and the fight went about 10 minutes but we got it done this was a huge Victory we didn't do a skeleton of damage but soon our journey will get made just a tiny bit easier thanks to this first thing we do is head through to harvest Valley and speak to gablan sadly he has no more poison knives for us but we'll be seeing him again soon enough onwards to Covetous Demon now remember when I fought pinwheel in Dark Souls 1 and I was amazed at getting 18 damage well look at this 176 damage that's right a throwing knife did 176 damage to a boss I'm literally speechless never before has but this demon brought me such Joy anyhow I grab a couple levels of adaptability and head to the secret passage to God damn it okay I made it but wait this isn't where I needed to go man I'm so good at planning these runs out all right so at last found the way I needed to speak to ladder Smith Gilligan after paying two grand souls for a useless ladder we can get to the good stuff so here's a mind blower for you in Dark Souls 2 there is a third type of throwing knife that's right the lacerating knife this knife can cause bleeding Lara Smith Gilligan sells them here and after we exhaust his dialogue he moves to filing Shrine although he increases the price by 25 going up to 350 Souls a pop now this knife does about 60 of the damage of the normal ones which isn't bad here actually this will give us a good chance of success but before we continue down this way let's go get unlimited poison knife sorted by the way I know with this vid and also with the Dark Souls 1 throwing knife vid I'm not showing much of me going through the areas but to be honest most of it is just this running through ignoring stuff because I don't want to waste my knives especially with how much they cost but anyhow it's time for non-union Quail lag and our first chance to test out the lacerating knives the way bleed Works in this game is that it does a flat amount of damage 200 hp when triggered that's not 200 hp based on how much HP nagica has that's 200 hp to any boss vulnerable to it it's obviously way less powerful than Eldon ring for example and 200 damage doesn't sound like much but combined with the 75 damage per knife it can stack up nashika is super easy actually I got through her without taking a single hit she's very easy to just keep distance from and has long openings where I can get three or four knives in I'm feeling pretty good about this actually one of my more successful Tales so far so with her done we've got access to gavlan's final spot where he sells unlimited poison throwing knives now the only difficulty becomes keeping myself stocked up with all these different types of knives it's 350 each with poison knives so the same as lacerating knives this means it would take just under 35 000 souls to buy 99 of either plus the 9900 required to buy normal knives so if I ever ran out of all my knives I'd need about 80 000 souls to fully restock which is insane and then you also got a factor buying life Gems or leveling up for now I'm going to grab 50 poison knives and see how we get on with that this is my knife stock right now the last thing to consider with all I said above is that the knives obviously do way more damage than in Dark Souls 1. so for a lot of bosses I might not even need the 4.99 of each we can now go any way we choose so I decided to return to Earthen Peak to take out some serpenter progression on metha first let's burn the windmill first let's burn the windmill then head to head user now weirdly I have occasional struggles with this boss some of the attack delays really throw me off I decided to stick to just throwing one knife at a time as she can quickly punish me with the charge attack especially when I'm locked into place after throwing the knife the normal knives do 125 damage again which is pretty decent with enough hits she snake bit the Dust after a quick stock up on knives we moved to an area that I always dread on any Dark Souls 2 playthrough Iron Keep worth stating that this place was pretty alright in vanilla Dark Souls 2 at least this beginning bit anyway but in scholar the amount of enemies and their aggro range is crazy honestly I just find this the most tedious part of any Dark Souls 2 run because you just really need to farm the enemies into non-existence most of the time but it's made worse here by having to rely on a consumable for damage poison knobs might be a good way but the knights take four knives to poison which is 1400 Souls worth but they only drop about a thousand so I'm taking about a 300 Soul loss with every kill I decided the best way was to trick them into falling off by running an elaborate route around the area which did actually seem to work pretty well these Knights randomly seem to have their AI break in certain areas like this big guy would consistently wander around for ages in this spot before just running off the edge eventually I coaxed enough of these knives to leave me alone and dive into the comforting fiery arms of lava death so now just the Smelter Demon the good news is that he can indeed be poisoned and it takes just four knives to do it the bad news is that he can two shot me with most attacks I initially died a couple times but my arrow was trying to fight him from a distance anytime you try to do this you'll almost certainly get hit by this quick charge stab so staying close is 100 the best way to avoid his attacks eventually we make him ride the smelter Skelter down to Helter and I can breathe a huge sigh of relief I'm not going to bother with the pursuer who appears because the ringer blades plus one offers no benefit to us stock up on knives and level up adaptability mainly for the faster life gem use so the hard part of Iron Keep is over right okay for real though this part isn't too bad if you can make it up here drop down poison the total Knights till they die run past this fire and then light the bonfire so easy it basically beats itself at last we can take on the first Great Soul Boss run the Old King now Ron is susceptible to poison which is good news but it takes about five or six knives to proc it overall it's pretty easy and the fact I can hit him from range is super helpful so it means I don't have to just wait for his attacks the normal knives do 87 damage which is a decent enough amount to help chip his health down eventually he goes down and we can leave Iron Keep behind forever or until I decide to play Dark Souls 2 again whichever comes first even if this area isn't my fave at least the knives seem to be doing a decent job so far well as I'm in suffering mode Let's go do Royal Rat Authority now a while back I made a video listing my least favorite bosses in the series and I put this at number one what were you expecting me to say anything further I don't regret that choice at all doing this with throwing knives makes it absolutely awful even worse than usual seriously it takes two knives to kill the small ones so there's exactly zero percent chance that I'll kill all the small ones before budget Sif gets involved trying to then kill these little ones with throwing knives while the big guy repeatedly judge attacks is not fun he does damage the little ones as well but it's such a small amount this is one boss I wish just didn't exist it's a royal pain it took a lot of attempts but I finally managed to kite the rats around enough until I could kill them fighting the big guy is easier and he's weak to bleed but he can still two shot me as I am now and I was so nervous about dying after spending five minutes killing those little ankle biters also a lot of the time I kind of thought the Sif comparisons with this guy were you know maybe not justified but then I noticed here for the first time this guy has the limp animation just like Sif why this boss does not deserve to have one of the most emotional moments in Dark Souls 1 it repeated let's get the hell out of it I feel sick to my stomach we head out the other route from the door of Pharos and it's time for congregation they tend to congregate together but that's okay because I poison knife the maggots and the healers and it's a lovely easy fight just as a side note it's still weird to me that the normal enemies have the damage numbers from Poison but boss health bars don't in Dark Souls 2 the health bars at least have this random number 15 there which lets me know that they're poisoned so I don't have to squint at the health bar after having to strain my eyes at the health bars in Dark Souls 1 trying to work out if they were poisons I had to get prescribed stronger glasses so I'm very grateful of that little 15 there Duke's Dear Freya thought she had the drop on me but I spider from a mile away this was a bit long but overall kind of easy the damage from the knives was pretty poor to be honest but luckily she is vulnerable to bleed so this made up for it hitting the heads is tricky without lock-on so I had to quickly run around the other head turn lock on get my knife throws in rinse and repeat I used up almost all my lacerating knives here but we got the job done in the end want to hire Freya for an event or birthday party or you can check out her website two great Souls done and I'm feeling kind of good about things so far but there's still many bosses left speaking of bosses this is a boss I don't even have a joke for this it's just a bunch of rats I use normal knives as to be honest I don't want to spend expensive knives on this crap it's over they're not even vanguarding anything worthwhile but while we're down this well let's knock off Great Soul number three Johnny Rotten despite living in a valley full of poison statues he can actually be poisoned as well as bled this makes it pretty easy to stack up damage on him and the fight goes pretty smooth he goes down first try the only thing rotten here are is status resistances so funny thing I haven't even done No Man's Wharf yet I guess I took the no man part too seriously flexile Sentry is a bit of a joke at this point he's weak to both bleed and poison so his HP just gets shredded the only one flexing here was me with my little knives I beat him hitless [Music] sorry well we've got the Rune Sentinels next who get ruined by poison they do move around a lot and fighting two-on-one can still be a bit of a challenge but overall not too bad my health and adaptability level UPS help with this quite a bit another boss down you know I was worried about the cost of knives being an issue but honestly I'm at full knife capacity and still have enough left over to level up twice there's not been any grinding needed in quite a while if there was one boss in this part of the game that I thought would be an absolute chore it was The Belfry goggles but despite the fact they look like they're made of stone bizarrely they can be poisoned it takes quite a few knives to poison them but once they're poisoned it's enough to kill them with one proc so actually I did this first try so this is Bill freed up my schedule significantly so the last great one the Lost Sinner apparently a Reincarnation of the Bed of Chaos or something she's vulnerable to both bleed and poison so you can probably imagine how well this went it was another first try win you know it's crazy how different this challenge run is compared to Dark Souls 1. of the big four in that game every single one of them was immune to poison which made it impossible for any players who wanted a poison build plus the knives did such insanely low damage with no way to increase it but here I'm almost feeling overpowered almost against some of these bosses the only big four member immune to poison here was Duke's Dear freyr but she was weak to bleed so it made it kind of okay I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm actually enjoying this this is such a weird feeling anyway Moonlight Butterfly of the first sin pops up to remind me of a boring boss fight I've got to look forward to and then we last head onwards to Drang Lake Castle I know I skipped out the journey getting here but honestly it was pretty uneventful I did run into a bit of a roadblock here where I needed to kill one of the enemies to open the door the knife damage against them isn't good and I'm fairly sure they can't be poisoned one thing I've learned is that throwing knives do not fare well when I'm against multiple enemies and there's no way to aggro just one of these guys but anyway it's not that big an issue we get him have a nice day speaking of multiple enemies though Twin Dragon Riders are a boss yeah that's all there is to say Really they are boss health bars now they're dead so um hey uh here's a joke why do I get wet whenever I play Dark Souls 2 because it's Drang Lake so anyway let's get these next doors open then wait a minute hold on I never did execution this chariot back in a sec thank you [Applause] [Applause] thank you hahaha foreign I gave that Chariot a Lariat and now it's coming forth to carry me home ah so itchy why do I always chase badly back there oh hey oh oh hey you're still here uh hey hi oh moving on to something less bottom related we now have what we need to enter the king's Passage wait what so Looking Glass Knight let's get right in there with the all-important question can he be poisoned the answer is yes actually I was honestly expecting this to be a solid no but here we are the summons cannot be unfortunately but a few normal knives sorts them right out it's probably one of the longest fights yet at around seven minutes the poison didn't last that long on him with each proc and I suspect that this is gonna start becoming a thing from now on great boss though a high glass encounter in Dark Souls 2. you ready for the best area in the whole game no I'm just kidding it's Shrine of Amana whenever I do a challenge run as well as iron keep this is another one that I always dread I know from past experience trying to run through just doesn't end well so I opted for the safe route moving through slowly and picking off these enemies with poison knives I also stupidly aggrove this Dragon Rider which was completely unnecessary and took a lot of knives to kill I kept on moving through just slowly bringing down each one until I got to these two guys there's no way to just aggro one of them I found so I took the approach of luring them back to this Hut but unfortunately I miss timed the Dodge and got killed so now I need to get myself all the way back there so I work all the way back there luring the enemies back to the Hut where necessary picking them off one by one until finally at long last I miss time a Dodge it yet again and die this happened several more times and by this point I was absolutely raging at both the game and my own ineptitude in a crazy Act of desperation I decided to just try and run for it for Pure lows and I made it I can't believe it I don't know if I should be happy it's over or angry that I could have done that in the first place instead of wasting an hour let's just pretend none of this ever happened I'm feeling froggy so let's just run right through the Demon of Song surprisingly since its Soul gives a poison weapon it can actually be poisoned and bled this is pretty smooth again Chuck some knives in once it opens up and watch that health bar deplete demon of a song croaks and we keep on keeping on Vel next up is wellstad I know from the boss weapons run I did in Dark Souls 2 he can be poisoned but the poison doesn't do very much damage and also it takes a long time to proc six knives in this case but staying at range actually makes this fight pretty easy his charging overhead Slams are fairly easy to dodge and the second phase actually gives some huge openings to get loads of knives in this was pretty easy again he just dies a slow death from Poison and we beat him first try with king's ring in hand we proceed on to Audi Escape where we start to see some of the more baffling additions that scholar made like this petrified ogre firstly there's such a large amount of space that you surely could easily get past this without using a fragrant branch of yore but even disregarding that lack of logic there's some stairs just to the left that get you right up behind here so what's the point is it meant to be some kind of troll for players who don't spend that extra 10 seconds exploring it just seems really odd but anyhow Ian the guard Dragon I mean we already beat a version of this guy earlier the only difference is this one has more Health but it goes exactly as you'd expect poison blade yada yada easy first try now onto another completely baffling Edition in a similar vein as before this statue here on this bridge again the Gap around this statue is so large I cannot suspend my disbelief that our character couldn't get past this if you've explored enough you probably will have a spare one by this point but still could have done a better job at making this seem impassable but we move onwards the one area that scholar actually made better than vanilla Dragon Shrine we easily poison kill the drink Keepers here plus the Dragon Knight Champion now what about Ancient Dragon I hear you ask can we kill him with throwing knives well surprisingly yes he is actually vulnerable to both poison and bleed but because of his insane health bar neither do a tremendous amount of damage to him luckily the tow Strat exists which helps a lot but I never seem to get the luck others do with him never taking flight I end up using all 99 poison knives and all 99 lacerating knives and he still wasn't down luckily I had enough normal knives to get the job done using 63 of them that last bit of health bar seemed to take forever to go but at last this dragon is ancient history this took 15 minutes by far the longest fight of the run so far but still shorter than most of those late game Dark Souls 1 fights so yay consider this it took me five minutes less to be ancient dragon with throwing knives than it did the stray demon that honestly blows my mind so with the Ashen Mist Heart let's do that memory she doesn't get the giant souls of course we've got to take on the giant Lord here as well I'm gonna fight him on this platform as apparently it's the done thing if you're a ranged attacker in Dark Souls 2. this is pretty smooth poisoningly cheapest Health down with no issues whatsoever it's maybe even easier than usual with that sorted the memories are done but I still got one more giant Soul to grab I poison off these Giants below the Black Gulch and now we can take on Vendrick if you can believe this it was actually the most annoying fight so far he can't be poisoned which drags this out much longer than it needs to be and even though he's slow he can two shot me with every attack and his range is huge I made some careless mistakes just because I kept getting bored during this and he actually killed me with some surprise combos I think he calls that one the Vendrick or treat it's effectively just throw a knife Dodge's attack walk back a bit throw a knife etc etc I used to have all my normal knives luckily he can be bled so the lacerating did a decent job bleeding him out after every four hits I made a mistake and nearly died at the Lost hurdle but luckily was able to recover and finish off this super boring fight again less bad than the stray demon because at least I was doing something the whole time here well let's close in on the Final Bosses of the base game Throne Watcher and Defender luckily they both can be poisoned but there is one thing that makes this fight quite annoying their ability to revive one another at this point the knife damage has really dropped off only doing 65 per hit with normal knives and although the poison is good it's kind of slow and requires six knife hits to proc here I found myself on a couple occasions where I thought I was gonna win but I just wasn't able to deal the damage in time before the Reviving started finally I made sure to get Throne Defender really really low on health before killing Throne Watcher and then managing to finish Defender off this was an absolute clutch Victory and really tense but we did it Sandra jumps right in asking for a brawl but we need to restock on knives not today baby [Music] okay so now we're ready to take on Sandra and yeah this was pretty easy to be honest she can be poisoned it takes quite a few knives but it's not an issue her attacks are all extremely chill to dodge we're just like now Chandra and even getting cursed a few times doesn't do much to change things in her favor down she goes Moonlight Butterfly of the first sin of course wants to jump in right after but we warp out to restock [Music] audio is audio really not much different than usual he's vulnerable to poison but of course only when the flame Shield is down we poisoned him a few times dodged his Fireballs waited around questioned the meaning of life and at last he goes down after about 10 minutes but that that's it I I actually did it I completed the main story of her Souls game using only throwing knives no summons or anything like that I mean obviously we're going to do that DLC but but wow I feel happy he's such a bizarre feeling but but of course we've now got some unskippable credits to look forward to luckily it's dinner time [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] well I guess it's DLC time starting with the crown of the sunken King yep I can already tell you're gonna be immune to poison so after grabbing a bonfire and letting sin start the sunken city BBQ I had one question I needed to answer do the binoculars actually allow you to aim the throwing knives honestly it seemed really inconsistent but then again this switch is in a really awkward place okay open the chest oh come on okay try again God damn it climb climb climb clap I hate this area oh hey look I managed to hit the ceiling switch get the chest get the chest all right got it got it this time now let's resort to a classic tactic from right near the beginning of this video there we are beautiful now all important can I hit this switch you know I think the binoculars actually did help there we got the bonfire and slapped this Dragon headstone into its rightful place awesome well time for our first boss now I've been avoiding this so far but I am going to start save stating just because going off to buy all the knives again each time is going to be too much of a pain with how tough these bosses are going to be Alana is immune to both poison and bleed which is a bad time already I thought this was going to be brutal and I was right it's actually not bad at all when it's just one-on-one with her and you know what it's even manageable when she summons once but when she summons the second time and you've got her velstad and three skeletons to contend with yeah it gets out of hand there's barely any Windows to attack or heal I tried to push through but in the end I got smashed down I tried taking out the skeletons but the knives do very little damage to them so by the time I'd almost taken them out she summoned again anyway annoyingly you can't even poison the velstad summon even though normal velstag could be poisoned it's not impossible in terms of being able to deal enough damage to deplete her health bar but you'd really need good RNG to pull it off in any case as much as I'd love to plow myself into this for a few more days my allotted time to finish finish this run draws near and the YouTube algorithm Waits for No One Plus we've still got a whole bunch of other bosses to do as a quick palette cleanser let's go take on ganknam Style so I died once here but as I did something pretty crazy happened I think ancient Soldier Vlog damaged his own teammate see Afflicted gray robber is between me and vog and as I get here Afflicted grave robber takes a huge chunk of damage it can only assume that's from vogers trust me that damage is not from me I thought this boss loads of times and I've never seen that before anyway second try they go down is just poison them run around rinse and repeat but I'm still kind of mind blown what the hell happened there how did ancient Soldier Vlog damage his own teammate I've never seen that happen before weird has this happened to any of you guys let me know in the comments below if you've ever seen this so we move on to the Old Iron King DLC I got bundled by these guys stuck my large burning Rod into this round opening and then decided to take on the only boss in the DLC that's not immune to poison the blue Smelter Demon the poison doesn't take off a lot of Health but at least it acts quickly if this fight was in Dark Souls 1 with this amount of Health this fight would have taken about eight years instead of eight minutes third try he goes down at least I didn't end up having to do that run back much what kind of demon goes around sniffing women they smelt her demon so fume Knight at last the damage from the knives has truly fallen off only 62 per normal knife and 22 per lacerating or poison and of course fume Knight is immune to bleed and poison he has 10 100 HP so is this actually possible well it could be but it would be very tight with 99 throwing knives we do 6138 damage and 99 of the other two knives would be 2178 each total which would make for 10 494 between all three so just enough damage to kill him but it would mean all 99 throwing knives and then 99 with the lacerating or poison knives and then 81 of the other remaining type would all need to hit him plus I need to survive for the time it would take to lay all those knives in again similar to a lineup real world time limits are the true final boss and at some point you just gotta move on and accept there's not much to be gained from applying myself into this it does lock me off from doing Sarah lawn but that run back is so horrible that I'm not even fuming about it let's press on and tackle the final DLC where all three bosses can be poisoned like a true hero I ran past all the enemies grabbed the eye and then decided to have a go at this tiger boss although arva can indeed be poisoned she must have the highest poison resist of anything in the game no joke I used nearly all 99 poison knives and I only got three proxel poison but in spite of this I still won first try with a combo of this and the fact she can be bled with the lacerating knives it was a good 10 minute fight but was actually kind of fun and kept me on my toes throughout she at last Falls and I make a feline for the bonfire ahead with the ice all melted it's time to unfortunately go grab this Garrison Ward key and also start freeing the knights I also managed to break this guy's AI bringing him out of the barrel state with throwing knives seemed to cause him to just stand there while I peppered him with knives it's a silent night for this Holy Night so the ivory King yeah I pretty much knew this wasn't going to go well to my absolute surprise I actually got all the way through to the King on my first attempt despite the knife damage being horrendous only took me nine minutes by this point though I'd used about half of my stock of every knife the King has about 8 000 HP but has huge damage absorption so normal knives only do 44 damage and the other varieties do 22. you can be poisoned apparently but as resistance is through the roof and I could never get it to proc it's maybe possible but crunching the numbers the damage would be very very tight and having to go through nine minutes each time to even attempt this yeah look I think it's not gonna happen the DLC has really stepped things up well I can't put it off any longer let's try this God forsaken area you know what I'm not even gonna focus on the area before the boss you've seen me go through it loads of times before we all know it sucks I'm summoning the NPCs to distract the reindeer and run through let's talk about the fight though the Tigers can be poisoned but like arva they have insane resistance sometimes I Chuck nearly 20 knives before it procked but this was possible after not being able to do a lana fume Knight or Ivory King I was determined to get this done for some reason normally my strategy is to finish load off quickly but of course here that's impossible with both tigers in play it became pretty chaotic this was pretty stressful it was a battle of attrition that took 19 minutes the longest of this run you know what we haven't done one of these in a while so here you go [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you it it's over I I I I can't believe it so I know we missed some DLC bosses but we completed the main story and about 85 of the bosses in the game which is more than I could ever have imagined you know what Dark Souls 2 has given me a great gift here I was just a guy with a dream a dream to beat a Souls game with throwing knives I rang up my good old mate Dark Souls 1 who I've been tight with for years and said hey man wanna come to the throwing knives concert with me but Dark Souls 1 blew me off laughed in my face and I was left on my lonesome then Dark Souls 2 came along like that friend who's part of your group but you don't know that well and don't have much in common with putting their arm around me and saying hey you like throwing knives me too let's go and we went together and we had a wicked time I spent all these years thinking Dark Souls 2 was the black sheep of the souls Trilogy making negative comments about it but it still came through for me here when no one else would through the areas of the game I don't like were still annoying but after the torture of doing this run in Dark Souls 1 I actually had fun during this more than once several times in fact I guess I want to say thank you Dark Souls 2. let's hang out more let's go to a bar we'll come to mind for dinner you truly are deserving of your place in this series [Music] your enemy placement still sucks though [Music] [Music]
Channel: JK Leeds
Views: 222,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Soulsborne, Elden Ring, Blooodborne, Challenge Run, Fromsoft, Throwing Knives
Id: HhuGy76Qouw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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