Can You Beat All The DARK SOULS Magic Challenges On One Character?

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hey hey it's JK Leeds let me talk to you about magic in Dark Souls 1 there are three types of magic sorcery pyromancy and miracles and I have barely ever used any of them I'm pretty much primarily a melee guy and apart from using a bit of pyromancy on my very first playthrough years ago I've rarely steered from this in fact the first time I ever used any sorcery at all or any of the famous pyromancies like the Fire Tempest chaos storm ones Etc was in the one shot video from a few months ago and to this day I have never used an offensive miracle in this game but for many people this is actually what a normal playthrough would look like and I think it's time for me to get familiar with these builds that I've ignored up until now now I could just do three videos each doing a standard new game playthrough with each of these magic types but I wouldn't want to risk copying any weekend Gamers who might have done this before and I want to spice things up a little so I got to thinking what if I could do this on one character so this is what I decided first I'll do a new game Run which I must complete with sorcery damage only I'll then go through to New Game Plus with this character and switch to using pyromancy only to complete that game cycle and then finally I'll go to new game plus plus to complete that with Miracles only when I go through to the new game plus a new game plus plus Cycles I'll ditch all of my equipment except for one basic offensive spell and the starting spell tool within that school the magic but I'll cover this further when we get there the only other rule is I can attack with my spell tool if I completely run out of other offensive options and trust me that will come into play at at least one point other than that I can carry over and use Souls consumables and most importantly Covenant items which will be crucial for the success of this run lastly of course no glitches or skips so let's Dive Right In but let me know in the comments below which is your favorite magic type sorcery pyromancy or miracles so I give our character a super appropriate name we're going to start as the sorcerer class of course but that's not important right now because guys I did it I overcame the hardest challenge in Dark Souls 1. I made a character with green skin it took a while but with enough fiddling with these stupid sliders we have our absolute magic Chad ready and raring to go look at that handsome face I want to see at least five or six comments below about how good-looking Harry derpa is but anyway we also select the master key because it will help us to blast through so our first cycle will be sorcery damage only aka the easy playthrough I'm not even going to try and insult your intelligence by saying this will be difficult as again this is just a normal playthrough for some but I am going to try to mix up the route to keep it interesting so stay with me we get the Esters flask from the Academy Award and then run to grab our Catalyst this might be the first time I've ever taken on the Asylum Demon without doing a plunging attack with 30 Soul Spears each doing 83 damage there's no danger of losing to this guy unless you get greedy like this of course the Arkham demon goes down after a couple more blueberry blasts and where airlifted into the terminate Zelda Shrine we can now level up and of course we're gonna go for intelligence to boost our magic damage this and one other which I'll come back to will be the main stats leveled in this cycle because we chose master key we can head down the elevator below filing Shrine through this door to Valley of Drake's up this elevator to Dark Root Basin grab the grass Crest shield and run past the high in Titan demon to the undead Parish I took on the very nice Knight who took numerous Soul Space to bring down but then got promptly impaled by this little scrub and died guess that's why it's called the undead perish but ignoring that we grab the basement key and then find out one big weakness of sorcery close range attacking is absolute trash instead of trying to give myself an aneurysm trying to Soul spare that guy I opted to use Soul boot instead to send him to his demise now that we're here we visit cranky mut tosser to buy the residence key and head down to lower underberg to have ourselves some crispy fried dog all of this was of course leading us to saving old Greg's if you know anything about sorcery builds then you probably know how important he is but if not let me Enlighten you he sells many great spells and also a ring which boosts sorceries and pyromancies but these things of course come with a high cost so time for a bit of farming I rented this bridge to kite this Dragon there and thus activate infinite easy soul farming 550 Souls of run isn't loads but it's at least a minimal danger farming method if you don't absolutely suck like this after quite a few runs we're finally up to 28 000 Souls which is what I need with this I can buy the bellowing dragon Crest ring and great Heavy Soul Arrow from griggy Smalls with this attuned we can get to some action and the future looks blight I grab the tin banishment Catalyst which turned out to be useless maybe that's why it's got banishment in the name because that's the first thing I want to do after seeing that damage we also get a sorcery called remedy after much lagging we're on the Quay to our second boss the spider demonetizer great Heavy Soul Arrow did some good damage but we only had eight of those and once they ran out normal Soul Spear was uh yeah a little bit less good it was a pretty simple runaway and cast sesh you could actually stun her for additional damage if you hit the body but free aiming isn't the best there was no arachnid and strategy here all pretty straightforward and we can get our first Bell rung as I was feeling quite cocky I ran down to ceaseless discharge without leveling up or resting at a bonfire but I mean this boss is a joke we just need to lure him back to the 4K and suddenly we've got a desperate situation I decided the only appropriate strategy was to wear his sister's clothes just to really aggravate him I grabbed the souls lured him back to here and then ran like my life depended on it which in fact it did he did the fire blast attack again but thanks to the new armor I resisted fire just enough to survive got him to jump after me and then downed him with six hits I can't think of many way to ways to die than be killed by someone wearing your sister's clothes the lava is gone now and we've got 40 000 Souls so totally worth it in the end maybe on our way out of Blighttown that remedy spell came in extremely handy for curing the poison and then we make it back up to Firelink if you're wondering why I still haven't leveled up with those Souls well it's because I wanted to buy more spells such as Great Soul Spear and Heavy Soul Spear from Conor McGregor I did save some to level up though and this time I leveled Attunement this stack is going to be very useful for all three Cycles as it determines how many spells we can hold we've now got five slots which should be ample for the time being after a magic Showdown with Zoe de Chandler we get another beautiful Ragdoll moment God I love the ragdoll physics in this game time for some goils what kind of damage are we looking at okay well needless to say this didn't take long I had to press R1 a whopping four times to complete this fight a far cry from Quake way you know what these guys using their salad dressings Olive Goyle Bell 2 is wrong and our next story location is now opened time to ascend this Fortress but first there's a very important character we need to free in here remember the grass Crest shield from all that time ago well here's going to come in handy we get in between sneaky Jake and this wall blocking with the shield we get him to hit us and break the wall so anyway we get him to hit us and break the wall smash him with soul Spears and free large hat Wolverine from his cage it's really weird that the master key can open this cage but not the other ones at the top before we venture further up though I wanted to make a quick detour back out we take the ride back to the Asylum and go to take down the astray demon this fight is Mega easy as his moveset is very predictable and you can just run around him fire a spell and repeat we easily do enough damage and that's an easy 20 000 Souls under our belt we grab the pectacular doll fly back to Firelink pop some consumable souls and splash off 40 000 souls to buy soul spear from gargantuan hat Hugh Jackman this spell is faster and more powerful than great Heavy Soul Arrow but the trade-off is we only get four casts still very worthwhile to add to our Arsenal after doing this I realized I'd made a small error I totally forgot about laotrek and as such Firelink Shrine is now unusable I also could have got a Sunlight medal from loudtron cat eye freedom and then the Ring of favor of protection when I killed him oh well I'm sure I'll be fine without these I quickly spank the titty Knight demon to boost my self-esteem and then it was time to get hydrated luckily I now did enough damage that I actually didn't need to kill all the heads as free aiming for that last one would have been an absolute nightmare good thing there's no snow here or this would have been a hail Hydra dusk is now free and sells me some spells which I will mostly never use but most important we can now get the dust Crown which boosts our Magic by 20 our build is really coming together here you might notice my sole Focus has been making us as strong as possible and don't worry this is going to pay off big time so time to enrich our senses again and also boost our defense with the Ring Of Steel protection these snakes tried to Viper me out but I was able to wrestle on past like the bad member I am to the bonfire iron smeagle doesn't like magic very much and dies in 20 seconds thus giving up the one ring and allowing us to travel to Rivendell a smash is core and some other consumable souls and we now have 45 intelligence which is approximately 40 more points than necessary to make a Dark Souls challenge run video wait why did I write that painting Guardians roll off the edge the twisty lift goes down and even then silver Knight decides he's had enough of the annual Londo archers section we grab three sunlight medals which will be super important for later in the run and it's time to get some Vengeance on laotrek for causing me a minor inconvenience oh and killing the fire keeper I guess One Soul Spear each is all it takes we've got the fat bring now as well as the fire keeper soul well it's time for Ornstein and smoke I think I'll do onstein first this time how much damage we talking holy solely wow it nearly downed on scene in two hits needless to say this was very easy super smooth was no issue staying in mid-range means he doesn't spam the charge attack and after a few great Heavy Soul arrows he gets cut down like grass by a lawn smower this was one of the easiest fights I've ever had with these guys but anyhow we've still got a lot to cover so let's get cracking we grab the large suit ball and place it ready to face the joyous second half of this game our first stop without question must be the Duke's archives to kill this Crystal Golem for the broken pendant I actually still hadn't spent any of these Souls from killing on scene and Smo so I used the Revival ring for the mandatory seat death I then invalidated the whole run by smacking the snake with a stick now still holding on to this nearly 80 000 Souls I killed these snakes grab the key turn off the alarm climbed out through these doors turn the stairs ran to drop down and then got hit by the channel this spell nearly giving myself a heart attack I ran frantically back out my heart absolutely racing and thankfully managed to turn the stairs and retrieve the souls unlocking the shortcut and the bonfire now you might be asking why didn't I just level up using these Souls because I need to buy a bunch of spells from Logan who is now relocated to this area but if you thought my nerve-wracking Mission Impossible level Adventures were over well guess what now I've got to get back to the cell to let him out I fought my way back through Crystal hollow's snake men and these tentacular spectaculars to at last free colossal hat X-Men so now all we need to do is run all the way back through the archives to where we were before without dying thankfully I can just run down these stairs this time but I was still bricking it by the way did I mention I haven't leveled up my health at all on this run so far but anyway it was totally worth it to purchase his strongest spell crystal soul spare for a mere 50 000 Souls now you might be wondering what's next well yep it's DLC time if you know anything about sorcery in this game I bet you know exactly what I'm going to get but if you don't oh boy are you in for a treat despite being bested multiple times by me Ian the sanctuary guard came out of retirement took four spells to the face and then returned to his quiet retirement home to knit before venturing into the DLC I used insoles to buy all of the remaining spells here artorius is up next and once he's down the ball is really going to get rolling on this sorcery run even with as high as his magic defenses Crystal soulsby still nukes a good chunk of his health he did Dodge some of my spells and I got stuck trying to take him out with great Heavy Soul Arrow with its slow car speed but thankfully he went to buff which was just enough time for me to throw out two casts and wish him a good night with all the necessary spells bought I now leveled up again this time raising achievement as well as intelligence to get myself six spell slots this is actually going to be the last time I level up on this cycle as this should be ample to beat the game and considering the faith leveling I'm going to have to do later it's better to level up to only what I actually need at this point but anyway we now run way down into the chasm of the Abyss to get the only spell we'll ever need dark bead this spell is absolutely incredible firing off six dark orbs in a spreading Arc which does massive damage at close range of all six hit the rest of the bosses are probably quaking in their boots right now first up let's go and finish off the archives by taking out Seath a quick soul arrow to make him vulnerable and it's time for docked bead which to be honest that was less damage than I was expecting but then again our build still lacks one item six dark beads bring seat down to low health and then a crystal soul spear does more damage to him than dark bead that's a bit weird how does that make any sense well whatever no need to seeth about it we can now pay another visit to Titanic hat Weapon X who's losing his mind a bit reload the game and we get his gear and a pretty good Catalyst but we've still got one more encounter with him to go and now it's over tin crystallization Catalyst completes our build boosting the damage from our Spurs a lot but halving our spells cost despite the drawback it's totally worth it so let's clear up the rest of the game Rapid Fire Let's bully the Taurus demon wish good night to the red kite put a cap in Capra widen the hole in the gaping dragon goddamn Channel free laurentius and by Fireball and Pyro flame prep for New Game Plus make the Moonlight Butterfly float down to hell find out if All Dogs Go to Heaven make this undead dragon even more dead cross off Priscilla's breed commit the ultimate Cinema go from gwyndolin to winderlin the demi-torus just came to Boris the fire Sage wiped off the page forced the centerpiece to concede Bed of Chaos gets laid to rest I lost three hundred thousand Souls I'm not even mad pinwheel gets wheeled out eye of death we'll see them later sucks [Music] the Four Kings become zero Kings golf pops and Calumet drops then calamit actually took more than just two or three hits I mean this wasn't too difficult still but it took a lot more spellcast than the other bosses same with Manus but I guess that's to be expected they are the hardest bosses after all crystal soulsby did much more damage to Manus than darkbead which this time actually makes sense logically a few Soul Spears and great Heavy Soul arrows Manus is down I blast dusk because I'm still bitter about that thing from the one shot contest and finally we Face Gwyn how do you think he did so as we're now moving on to the Pyro section of our run it only makes sense to go with linking the first flame as our ending choice so what happens here well I get rid of all our equipment except basic pyromancy flame which is unupgraded at this point and the only spell we can use is basic Fireball until we get a hold of more pyromancies in this cycle so we've got to take out the Asylum Demon first I'm sure eight Fireballs will be plenty oh crap did the Asylum Demon just one shot me so as it turns out basic firewall with unupgraded pyromancy flame was only enough to take off half of the Asylum Demon's health so we've got to punch the rest of it off with the Pyro glove how much damage does that do per hit four four damage the worst part was that on the winning attempt the glove broke bringing my damage per hit to two eventually I got him but this was an absolutely horrible start to this run I died more to the new game plus Asylum Demon than I did all of the bosses in the whole new game Run I just completed let that sink in for a moment after that absolute disaster I flame-growed Oscar and flew to Firelink regretting all my life decisions along the way after returning to my human magic Chad looks for probably about two minutes before I likely died to my own ineptitude I ran down to ricott to repair my pyro glove in a pretty similar route to last time we ran down through Valley of Drake's up to Undead Parish grabbed the basement key got murdered by rats and generally died a lot trying to repeat the same route I took last time with no issue I grabbed the shield and tried the shield strategy but how she leave me to forget that the rat's poison goes through Shields somewhere Baron's Castle is shouting many obscenities about Dark Souls 1. I realized that I would need some arm over I was going to have any hope of getting by these Juiced up rats and this idiot with the spear so I ran to Valley of Drakes and grabbed the brigand armor as well as the spider Shield which apparently 100 resists poison when blocking which is pretty helpful to counter this nonsensical issue two handing the quail egg Shield I totaled in the corner only for this other Hollow to get involved and break through my defenses leading to yet another death after getting quite understandably frustrated I realized I needed to change my route and actually go for quail egg first you see I was trying to do what we did before and get the bellowing dragon Crest ring from Griggs but regardless if I did that or not it still wouldn't make any difference as Quail like is 100 immune to Fire and wouldn't affect my strategy against her in the slightest the only way we can beat Quail lag is to use the classic Mildred strategy but of course we first have to butcher Mildred Mildred has really strong fire resistance which is weird because she's basically naked so the best way to take her down is to take her up up this water wheel that is we get her on with good positioning and a few seconds later she went from man-eater to dirt eater now I've done this on a normal new game cycle but I have no idea if Mildred can get the job done and solo Quail like on new game plus I guess we're gonna find out despite not always making the smartest combat decisions Mildred has a lot of Health a strong fire resistance and the Damage he does is actually okay so without me even really interviewing at all Mildred does in fact manage to solo quailag this Victory alone should mean that we can rescue what has been a surprisingly painful cycle so far we ring the bell of course but more importantly we offer ourselves to the chaos Covenant give 30 humanity and now we've got chaos viable and Chaos fire storm vastly increasing our range of attacks on top of this the guy with the obviously unpronounceable name can upgrade our pyro flame and by popping all the souls we've collected we get the Pyro flame all the way up to plus 15 right after beating our second boss there's still a bit more we can do here before we go on our merry way though first I give myself worms after which some ceaseless discharge follows now this boss is literally impossible using only pyromancy because it's immune to fire damage well maybe if I went and got the black flame from the DLC that might work but I'm here now so uh punching with the Pyro flame does no damage at all so I just use my bare fist please make sure to comment below telling me the run is invalidated because of this anyhow the worms finally kick in and my entire head is taken over by parasites with the Egghead status effect in place unpronounceable name guy will sell me poison mist and toxic mist given how effective poison is in this game I don't expect this to really be a huge help but decided to buy it anyway just for the hell of it after poaching my own head for a protein-filled breakfast I can now speak to quailana she sells fire whip which we snap up and can also Ascend our pyro flame but that is very expensive so we'll come back for that a bit later the advantage of doing this in New Game Plus is that we can get those Souls much more easily for now we Jam back to filing Shrine and into underberg where I get reminded that I still haven't upgraded my health at all I decided to try out toxic Mist on the Taurus demon while it seems like it's a little faster than poison the damage still seems very slow they really missed the mark with these status conditions anyway I used some chaos fireballs and Chaos storm to burn this ball which got the job done although slower than expected the health increase from new game to New Game Plus is really noticeable here but then again so is the soul gain 2 700 Souls each time for the Dragon Bridge that's like five times as much as before one run is enough to let me purchase the residence key and once again we free greeky Stardust but first we need to knit back to Blighttown to grab an all-important pyromancy which I foolishly forgot to grab before I thought this wall hugging parasite was immune to fire damage at first as I couldn't see its health bar but after three hits it goes down and we've got power within one of the best Buffs in the whole game this spell reduces our health by one percent per second for 100 seconds but we do get a 40 damage boost within that time this will be extremely handy as the Run continues the channel in the Paris tries to Fork us over but this time he's a chaos Fireball to the face after some more BBQ Antics I freed loud track correctly this time and he gives us a Sunlight medal now it's time for this Duo who are very familiar hence why they're called Gog oils a crack on power then chaos stormed the first coil with no issue and then almost died at the second one throwing a chaos Fireball but I just narrowly survive and the lingering lava is enough to send the second one into the Afterlife now I remembered just at the last second that if I ring the second Bell lautrec will kill the fire keeper and I won't be able to use Firelink again so I ran straight back there and killed him quickly with Anastasia safe I could now ring the second Bell with no worries because I want to max out my flame ASAP I went and bought the crest of Andre from artorius and cracked out the spider Shield once again to use the classic farming method of getting these guys to fall off a cliff because it's New Game Plus each of them Nets me about 6 000 Souls so it doesn't take me long to get to the 160 000 Souls I need to ascend our pyro flame and then level it to plus five I also brought great combustion from kolana while I was there I then tried to kill kolana but turns out surprise surprise she has quite High fire resistance luckily her AI is some of the worst of any NPC fight for some reason and she just wanders into the swamp and poisons herself to death quilana Del Rey dies and Fire Tempest is ours we can now imitate an egg I think why would a bird want to carry an egg to another nest in any case it's time for the Stray derriere with power within active great combustion and fire whip are more than enough to fry this turkey and of course we grab the doll afterwards the Moon Knight butterfly who's played by Oscar Isaacs in New Game Plus floated up this time because fire whip burnt it to ashes which blew away in the wind I felt something a bit tankier might be good for Sif so I grabbed the stone armor but it made no difference as I still got one shot by her sword on second attempt with some lighter armor I just dodged through and fire Whip and great combustion fried or furry friend here's a fun fact in Italy dogs don't go woof woof they go bow bow while these dogs here in the Capri demons boss fight simply go hey screw you luckily Fire Tempest chunks a big load of Capra's health and kills the dogs setting me up to end the fight with a quick great combustion does winning this make me the goat the gaping dragon has a lot of Health this go around so we stood quite a few pyromancies but luckily it's so slow that we really had no issue casting in escaping attack windows another day another run-up sends Fortress I tried the toxic Mist on the giant at the top but it really didn't seem much better than poison so I just fire whipped him till he died Iron Golem got destroyed in an even more embarrassing fashion than with sorcery Fire Tempest knocked him over and then I shot great combustion right into his iron balls like I was a human soldering iron he really doesn't like any magic type does he in anolando the rafters weren't much to write home about I avoided the throwing knives by moving really slowly and then these guys threw themselves to their deaths out of frustration I decided to go to the painted world first this time because I wanted to grab a pyromancy from here but this unfortunately means we have to go through these horrible corridors with bone wheel skeletons which I honestly avoid almost every time I play this game but after Escaping The Zone of Bones we crisp up this fellow to get the fire surge pyromancy reckon I can one shot the Four Kings in New Game Plus with this spoiler icon I go on a blind date with Priscilla black but luckily we've got the perfect spelling Fire Tempest standing next to her and casting not only takes off most of her health but also cuts off her tail which is neat I decided to finish things off with fire surge which did pretty nicely the anolando Archer again does the hard work for me seriously was there AI always this bad and now we take on unseen and slow again this will probably be as easy as last time right I've realized that my problem is the one shot run conditioned me to always want to use Fire Tempest or chaos storm when in reality it isn't always the best option unless you can land it perfect which to be fair I did manage to do here with Ornstein leaving him vulnerable to a couple of quick great combustions to get the job done this leaves me with just super smoke but I ran into a slight issue you see I whiffed on a couple of chaos Fireballs due to hitting his hammer this left me in a familiar situation from earlier in the run where I had no pyromancies left but smooth still had a little bit of health so it was Fire Punch Time Again thankfully upgrading the glove means that it does a slightly more acceptable 55 damage but still took quite a few hits to bring smoke down in a tense battle I baited the mid-range Hammer swings went in for some punches rinse and repeats until at last it's over this fight spiraled into a bit of a smooth dive but I managed to steady the plane and just squeeze past with the victory with the Lord vessel once again in our possession I decided to start with Nito this time so down into the catacombs we went and did did I just get one shot by pinwheel well rather than put a pin in this one I wheeled myself to try again and this time he gets flame-growed with no issue now just gotta heal up oh God damn Power Within I quickly speed through Tomb of the Giants get the first bonfire get kicked down the hole grab the skull Lantern get the second bonfire only to realize I in fact did not place the Lord vessel it's alarming how often I make this mistake so I head back to frampt smack him a couple times get more teeth than I usually like with my kisses and this time place the Lord vessel successfully a head back to take on Nito and I have no idea what happened here but just watch this ah on second attempt though I managed to land a Perfect Chaos storm and some chaos viables before one final combustion to turn the bone Lord into a spicy Bonito New Londo left me in High Spirits and I thought I'd try out fire surge against the Four Kings now I was at close range where normally the Kings do way less damage but yet I still got dropped in two hits even wearing the stone armor I might need to come back to this one I decided to try the Jukes archives instead where the mandatory seats death unfortunately left me cursed which was not ideal so I made a Mad Dash out there which was even more terrifying than last time at least I don't have to go back through to get Logan after a quick trip to cranky tossette I buy a purging Stone we go back to take out Seath how did this go well seats being such a large Target means that Fire Tempest and kale storm hit him really well and I fire surged off the last of his health I like my dragons descaled before I flame grow them so this was perfect speaking of flame grilled I gave this worm the same treatment fire surge is really underrated you know demon thick Sage is of course not actually resistant to fire like at all Fire Tempest fire whip chaos storm and then of course fire surge finish off this three-peats demon now I'm afraid I have a confession to make I'm skipping centipede demon I know I know but he's immune to fire anyway so I'd have to summon Solaire or something and plus I've paid for the access to this store I'm damn well gonna use it 30 Humanity isn't cheap in this day and age you know but first it's finally time to do some leveling the Four Kings attempt earlier made me realize I need to get some more Health but also I need to prepare for the Miracles run so time to level up Faith also I use the souls I had collected so far but then also went for a pretty solid farming session The Painted World netting me about 22 000 Souls per run I got myself up to 26 vitality and 25 faith and then came back to Lost isolate to do the Bed of Chaos of course grabbing chaos fire whip on the way I actually didn't realize a bit of Chaos's body is totally immune to fire although again this makes total sense so bare fist punch it is we can now finally return to do the Four Kings get ready for some Havel tanking with this and power within things go at least a little smoother as I burn one king to death with Fire Tempest fry up the second with fire Whip and burn up a third with chaos fire Whip and some great combustions it's a bit tense as I now have just five great combustions left but thankfully it was just enough to finish the job with my last great combustion depleting their health bar I killed exactly Four Kings but I'm really not looking forward to doing this on new game plus plus with Miracles just given how tight this was the four Lord Souls gathered it's time for the DLC but of course we need to see off the Hydra first hydrogen is a key ingredient in some fires but clearly not minus this was way more annoying than before we actually had to destroy all the heads and that last one was very annoying to hit with great combustion after missing numerous times I finally got the right position to bring it down by waiting right here and then running towards the item which I didn't pick up to give myself something to aim for I killed the Golem behind and grabbed the dust Crown which to be fair I probably could have gotten earlier to make the Four Kings easy but there is a reason I didn't do that that reason being that I'm an idiot in any case I knit back to the archives and I couldn't resist my fire's urge to fire surge the Golem into Oblivion before we hit up the DLC I might as well finish off the one other optional boss gwyndolin Guinevere first becomes guinnesse and I introduce Gwendolyn to a new kind of medical procedure called fire surgery so at last we get to enter the DLC which I did actually destroy with pyromancy in the one shot one but of course that wasn't in New Game Plus in the sanctuary God no I'm never gonna stop calling him that I actually very nearly got one shot from chaos storm I was pretty chuffed with getting that position there to avoid the tail swipe just a shame he survived with a tiny bit of Health one great combustion later though and the DLC is off to a pretty good start now because we're in here in the DLC and using pyro I just couldn't resist trying to one shot at least one of these bosses so I went and grabbed the red tier Stone ring and set myself up with a classic one shot setup for artorius here's what happened is that a world's first New Game Plus Artorias one shot I mean probably not but I'm still pretty happy with it he went from Abyss Walker to firewalker but unfortunately he forgot to use flash sweat after also one-shotting the mimic for the crest key I remembered there was a DLC exclusive pyromancy and ran down into the abyss to grab black Flame now this pyromancy does dark damage as opposed to fire I'm willing to bet a bunch of you are going to comment saying I should use this to kill centipede demon right well let me show you what kind of damage it does against him [Music] 98 damage and I only get eight cars if this game had a spell cost restoring item I could use then I would 100 do this but with eight cars that is not happening he's still getting skipped I'm afraid I was pretty sure one shot in calamute was going to be off the table giving how much health he has in New Game Plus but just for lows I tried anyway so yeah that's not happening I decided to forego the red tier Stone ring and just fight him normally chaos storm and Fire Tempest did some decent damage but I did have a couple of close calls here look how narrowly I dodged this head swipe in tailspin and then how close power with him was to killing me I also arrogantly went into this fight with only five Esters so I was pretty low at the end here luckily I had just enough damage left from my last fire whip to put this calami on the barbecue and fry it up good so that just leaves Madness man this brings back some foreign memories I decided to not even bother with red tier Stone again this was maybe a little easier than calamit or at least I seem to do more damage I still had pyromancies to spare and there were some good openings for fire whip after he'd use a magic attack Manus forgot a key life motto the fire is always ready to burn the hand it warms as its tradition dusk gets a face full of flame and we do a last bit of leveling before new game plus plus we've got 40 Faith now this might seem a bit High to start things off but this is honestly the section of the challenge I'm the most worried about so I'm not taking any chances I offered the Lord souls and then prepared myself for Gwen with full Havel's Armor this time I somehow managed to dodge loads of wins attacks even though I was fat rolling and one chaos storm followed by a Fire Tempest later and the Lord of Cinder becomes the Lord Of Ashes this pyro New Game Plus run was actually surprisingly difficult at points it's oh wait what happens now okay phew I'd start here that's cool anyway as I was saying I thought this was going to be pretty easy but the early part of it especially was more challenging than I had imagined I decided to take the dark lord ending this time to mourn this run and we're back to the Asylum for the third and final time I'm starting this off with the canvas Talisman and lightning spear for our basic spell which I grabbed from the Sun Bros Covenant earlier canvas Talisman is what the cleric starts with so this made sense and it's actually going to be our Talisman for a lot of this run worth noting that given how long this run was anyway I couldn't bring myself to farm for the Dark Moon Talisman which is the best in the game so hopefully that won't be a Difference Maker now for my starting Miracle you might argue I should have started with gravelord Swords Dance AS that's technically the weakest one but all that would have been is I'd have had to spend 25 minutes punching the Asylum Demon to death again which I could have done but I thought it would be more interesting for you guys to see how much damage lightning speed does to the new game plus plus version of this guy oh yeah that's some better damage that cast time though is pretty slow but at least I'm not getting one shot so the shock of No One the Asylum Demon Falls much easier than last time and I speak to Oscar instead of killing him nah just kidding we smack him with a Talisman we fire on Winston fly link and this time our route will differ from the previous two runs the bellowing dragon Crest ring does not increase Miracle damage so there's actually no reason to free Griggs at all I do need to get to the altar of sunlight but I'd rather not have to go through that awful route under the bridge ever again so let's just do the normal progression and fight the tourist demon the slow cast time of lightning spear is definitely going to be an issue I mean I even need to use good timing just to kill these Hollows with crossbows on the tower this leaves us with eight Spears remaining which I hope will be enough to handle the tourist demon okay so 431 damage per shot I think that this should be doable but I can't afford to miss a single one luckily his attacks are even vulnerable for a very long time so this isn't too bad and with our last Lightning Spear the tourist demon goes down it's probably not a great sign that it was this close with the goddamn Taurus demon but we'll be increasing our Lightning Spear stock shortly to jump start this run again I run past the dragon on the bridge to activate the bonfire and now we can join the sunlight covenant again to get another round of lightning Spears which will help us a lot I'll just pray at the altar hearing oh okay maybe I need to leave and rejoin the Covenant yeah let's try that I quickly went to filing to Petrus to join his Covenant and also bought a really fun Miracle called Force which will be very useful on this run a return now rejoin the sunlight covenant and still no lightning Spears so after a bit of frantic Googling it appears I've made a bit of a miscalculation I was under the impression that you can get Covenant items once per new game cycle but in fact you can only get them once per character so there is no way to get more than one lot of lightning Spears this could be a problem we've got Force now though which is super fun to use this doesn't do damage but can Propel enemies off the edge of platforms into Oblivion a freed loud track and gave him a taste of this also but remember way back at the beginning of the run where I forgot to speak to loudtrick and get the Sunlight medal well had I done that I would have had nine medals at this point and I could have then summoned Solaire for the goggles to get the 10th upon defeating them meaning I would have then had 10 medals to get great lightning spear from the Covenant now because of my error I can't do that unless I were to try to go online and get summoned to earn more medals which obviously I'm not going to do there are three more sunlight medals I can get but that's not until Anor Londo is just 10 lightning Spears enough to carry me to that point let me take on the goggles while I Moor this over it's another fight where I need every single spear to hit and unfortunately I missed one a couple times meaning that I died I think I need some more offensive power and luckily there is a way to boost my Arsenal with the help of force I muscle my way down to this coffin to go and enter the gravelord Covenant with the ten eyes of death I've gathered from the Cycles I can now get gravelord Greatsword dance and gravelord sword dance neither of these are amazing to be honest and the cast times are horrific but I'll take all the damage I can get when this attack actually hits that is seriously you can see the sword connecting with the goggle how did that do no damage I also realized I was making this harder than it needed to be by doing it naked so I went and grabbed the trusty brigand armor set this next attempt was much better gravelord saw dance even managed to cut the tail of the first goggle I managed to take out the first one pretty quickly and gravelord greats will dance did a nice chunk of damage to the second I think maybe due to instability I still nearly died due to getting caught by this fire but I soon recovered and destroyed the second one to give myself a new spark of hope that I could get to the end of this absolute Marathon run the Bell is wrong and this is actually the first time we've rung this Bell first through this run but now our mission is to get to Anor Londo as soon as possible for those sunlight medals so back down below Firelink we go to Blighttown to fight quelag which unfortunately did not look promising now I did miss with one Lightning Spear and one gravelord sword dance but if you check out Quail egg's Health it's clear that even if both of those had hit it would not be enough to kill her so we physically cannot do enough damage to kill coilag I tried again just to confirm it and yeah this was with every single attack we had connecting I could hit her with the Talisman but yeah we aren't too far off at first I thought we could kill the Hydra to get the crown of dusk but yeah we're not killing that yet this really brought things to her head but fear not I have a new plan and trust me this one is goated because the first step is killing the Capra demon in an appropriate moment for this run I somehow miraculously managed to cast gravelord greats or dance and kill both dogs with them down the rest of the fight was pretty easy as I just needed to keep walking away from Capra and casting Lightning Spear my favorite part was after the fight where all these guys got stuck in the doorway and gravelord Greatsword dance sent them to the Grave with Capra dead Ria and her crew now appear in filing trying to begin their Quest so it's back down to the catacombs and once again we fight pinwheel which was actually pretty annoying trying to lock onto the right one when we only have limited costs I actually did die once the pinwheel but on second try I found the right one and the squeaky pinwheel got the grease or rather the grave sword in this case so now we venture further into Tomb of the Giants get kicked down this hallway patches again where we could get the skull Lantern and find Ria and her now Hollow comrades I forced them to come round to my way of thinking and they jumped off this cliff in fear of my power I save Ria and run all the way back to Firelink and then up to Undead Parish where rear now resides she sells as a lovely Miracle called broth of the Gods which does nice damage and has some fast car speed although only three uses after this absolute Mission I head back down to quail egg with our new spell in tow and we can finally push past this section but guess what even with three Wrath of the Gods costs on top of everything else we hit her with from our Arsenal it actually still wasn't enough to kill her now I could just hit her with the Talisman again but it does one damage and because of how higher health is this will take a long time and possibly break the talisman so I decided to go for the break glass in case of emergency strategy and grab the red tier Stone ring so first I smashed quail egg with three Wrath of the Gods as normal while letting that blight down poison drain my health after this I took some more damage to get myself into red tearstone range I didn't need much to get me over the line so I just used four lightning Spears and then healed up to normal after using the rest of my lightning Spears to bring out a low health I nailed her with gravelord Greatsword dance but did get caught by her AOE blast however this again brought me to Red tier Stone range and I beated out the one lava spear attack I knew I could safely punish once she did it I landed the red tier Stone power Greatsword dance and this ordeal is at last over this was a tangled web of convolution with no hesitation we charge into Sen's Fortress forces snake to shed his life and chat to Mr onion as this will be important later I grabbed the Ring Of Steel protection and turned the borders away so Mr onion can Ascend this Fortress the next part goes as you expect a Mad Dash up to this bonfire but I had to test out something I've been dying to do this whole run Force as well as shoving enemies around can push back projectiles including the giant fire bombs from the giant at the top I don't think you can propel them to actually hit him but this was still cool to see after some more fun with force and unlocking the cage shortcut it was time for one more round with the iron golem I didn't even bother with killing the giant this time as I was confident I could get the job done from this small area now I definitely could have killed him from a damaged perspective with lightning Spears and all our other tools but check this out I found another cool use for the gravelord Miracles turns out they work perfectly for staggering and subsequently toppling this metal lump right off the edge maybe I still need to iron out the Kinks in this strategy but it worked well enough to ax him here the giant up there didn't want anything to do with me after that look at him just staring like oh crap I hope he doesn't come up here after me so on to animal Londo force is the MVP of this run honestly super useful for the rafters here wait why did that guy fall off surely it didn't reach that far maybe he knew it wasn't even worth trying after he saw that and he thought to take the easy way out well now that we're here we can at last grab a ring to boost Miracle attack power the Ring of the sun's firstborn this does for miracles what the bellowing dragon Crest ring does for sorceries and Pyro I really wanted to force the silver Knight off the ledge but it didn't seem to work too well on him so I settled for just letting him end his own life again I never remember this part being that easy but anyway finally we can get what we came for I Unleashed my wrath on this silver Knight and Bam three sunlight medals bringing us up to the 10 we need I'm gonna head back and trade them in but first let's go help out Mr onion with his conundrum I lured the knights up here and with a well-timed Wrath of the Gods took them both out at the same time he just rewards me with a crappy ring for now but the true prize comes later so let's run back to Undead Parish by offering 10 sunlight medals we can now get great Lightning Spear but also we can trade in Gwyn soul for sunlight spare the strongest Lightning Spell in the game the only downside is I can't actually use sunlight spare yet as we need 50 Faith but we're not far off before heading back to animal Londo there's a couple of things I can now do here first we now have enough damage to kill the Hydra because these lightning spells have such good range you can actually hit the Hydra from here so you don't have to faff around with the heads we crush them with hydroelectricity kill the Golem free Dusk and grab the dust crown for the final time I also wanted to get myself up to 50 Faith before fighting on scene and smoke so clearing Sif now seemed like a good idea as she would drop quite a nice amount of Souls it may be the most inhumane part of the run I became a human shock collar for Sith and like most dogs she didn't respond well to it hitting her with a lightning spear while she flails on the ground didn't exactly make me feel good about myself but at least I have 50 Faith now so yay sunlight spear does unfortunately take two achievement slots so I ditched force and gravelord sword dance for now hopefully the damage is worth it let's see how it looks wait what why doesn't it work what the hell so off screen I joined the forest hunter's Covenant to give myself an easier run back to Sif and apparently this miracle cannot be used unless you're part of the Warriors of sunlight thankfully in the remastered version which I'm playing now you can join from the bonfire here and we can use the sunlight Spirit last that is a big spear but also a big cast time if only there was a boss nearby I could test it on okay so 925 damage that is pretty good four of these bring down this annoying bug it would seem sunlight beats Moonlight pretty hard here Mr onion is now also here at filink and gives us yet another offensive miracle in mid-force this is like a Dragon Ball Z style energy blast cast time is slow but the damage is pretty solid while we're here we might as well clear out one more optional boss in this stray demon with our new updated arsenal we had easily enough damage to get the win electrocuting him until he fried to dust going from stray demon to ashtray demon now on our way to the depths to fry up this rat I was assaulted by the most Relentless dog I've ever seen in one of these games I slid down this part to get away and well just watch this what the actual hell was that he continued to chase me all the way to this ladder but at last I got away and rested at the bonfire I'm really not sure what that dog's deal was that was relentless but anyway let's go get the gaping dragon now what the f are you kidding me I rested at the goddamn bonfire how is it still here so in all that mess I totally forgot to kill the Channeler making the gaping dragon fight a bit of a cluster I actually got stung by the slow cast time of emit force and got killed as I defeated the dragon it's karma because here it was me that got killed because of my gaping attack window it still counts as a win though please don't tell anyone I died to the gaping dragon I was so angry I took out my aggression on crappy haircut guy and he actually dropped a Talisman which is a little better than mine so I equipped it right away for the love of God let's get back to Anor Londo now so I grabbed Havel's Armor in case we need it and we at last can take on Ornstein and Smo Smo is pretty weak to lightning so I decided to take him out first but super on Steam was an issue he has huge lightning resistance and for some reason I could not get a MIT Force to damage him which was a problem because it's one of my few non-lightning Miracles I think it might be because it's hitting his spear Wrath of the gods did good damage and hit consistently but with three cars that just can't get the job done as for the lightning spells I mean look how much damage sunlight spear does yeah in any case killing him was not happening so I changed tactic the problem with the MIP 4 is not hitting is I believe that super Ornstein always holds his spear in front of him with two hands and thus emit forces hitting his spear blocking the attack normal unstein does not have this issue however and also has much less health so The Logical Choice was to kill Ornstein first to fight super smoke I'd really wanted to kill super unseen in one of these fights but oh well the emit Force blasts were almost enough to kill unseen by themselves but I did need one Wrath of the Gods to finish it super smooth took good damage from my lightning spells and sunlight spear even staggered him he tried to imitate Thor with his lightning Hammer but I showed him who the real God of Thunder was I short-circuited him shortly after and we can now acquire the Lord vessel for the final time just to absolutely ensure I can't get the document Talisman a lightning spear gwynevere hopefully this doesn't come back to bite me gwyndolin is of course our next opponent and apart from having to time sunlight spear just right to hit him this was as easy as it always is now onto the painted world remember this farming spot right here well with Wrath of the Gods it's even easier to do I would definitely come back here if I need to Priscilla was actually really annoying this go around I was the one getting cross here none of my Miracles were able to knock her out of her invisibility and trying to hit her with lightning Spears when I can't see or lock onto her was not a good time I actually thought I hadn't hit her at all but then she died I honestly couldn't tell you which my hits connected and which didn't but I'm just glad that's over so there's two bosses that really worry me remaining on this run and we're going to attempt one of them right now the Four Kings are weak to lightning so you might be thinking this won't be that bad well think again they have an absolutely monstrous Health pool and with my slow cast time killing one before another spawns is very difficult plus their damage is huge now once a second king spawns the fight is almost an instant game over I did come close several times only to have it snatched from me the biggest issue was I get unlucky near the start and they'd spam the grab attack or spam the AOE which wasted too much time and then the second king would spawn by Victory honestly I think came down to good RNG of them deciding to play normally I was just about able to pull it off dodging an attack while fat rolling at a crucial moment and Landing a final lightning spear for the win I would not recommend trying new game plus plus four Kings with Miracles only because honestly getting through this felt like a miracle in itself I'm pretty mentally drained after that but of course this run isn't over yet I actually hadn't spoken to frampt so I got the rare carth interaction which was pretty cool I placed the Lord vessel yes I actually remembered to do it this time and went on to take the other Lord's Souls because I had some good long-ranged attacks I thought it might be fun to take out ceaseless discharge in a fair fight I definitely didn't nearly die here nope you didn't see that after avoiding a few more slow attacks I didn't cease with my discharges of lightning Spears and he goes down for the final time right no more wasting time I fired lightning at the fire Sage I introduced this centipede to some electricity I actually killed one of these things for once this wrath felt my witch and I forced a bit of chaos to emit a squeal as it died now I had heard a rumor leading into the gravelord Neato fight the Wrath of the Gods Perma kills the skeletons and I'm here to tell you that this is absolutely inaccurate anyone else think there should be a miracle that can kill skeletons for good feels like it would be logical but other than that I just sniped him from a distance let him kill the skeletons himself anito goes to the Grave for the final time thanks for your Miracles gravy sorry about the whole killing you thing Duke's archives is our last stop I of course got the broken pendant from the Golem again and I even tried to attack Seath in this encounter because I could actually reach him that's what happens in case you've never tried it this time round Roth of the Gods can take out the snake guy with the key I get these probably useful Miracles that I can't use because I killed gwynevere and I killed this guy for probably the first time ever I also killed this mob version of the Moonlight Butterfly does anyone ever fight these usually this is again literally the first time I've even attempted it Seath himself was one of the easiest seat fights ever I just stood there in spammed lightning Spears he didn't use the AOE for some reason this time so with those just no danger I should have brought some small toy cars to go with this seat lightning kill then we could have had scale Electrics right guys we're in the home stretch just the DLC and Gwyn to do thanks for sticking with this madness if you're still here now I was a little worried about Ian the sanctuary God resisting lightning due to the fact he uses it and while it's clear he does resist it to some degree it's nowhere near as much as Ornstein and his health isn't very high he goes from Guardian to electrician from one more Lightning Spear to the face and our first DLC boss is down now artori has concerned me because of his aggression fast moves and my slow cast time and it turns out I was right to be worried finding times to land cast was tricky and he dodged a bunch as well which didn't help things after a few deaths I found myself with no flask left and notorious on relatively low health I was patient and finally got my opening hitting Wrath of the Gods and using my holy damage to turn him into a nightlight this was tough but it's still not my biggest worry remaining calamite conversely was very little trouble to be honest stays at a distance and has lots of big openings for me to cast you resist the damage a lot but at this stage we've got so much ammo it didn't really matter we plug them full of many kilowatts and this back gets the shock treatment another name crossed off our list Manus was similar to be honest actually got through the first part of his health bar without taking a single hit I did then nearly die of course but that's beside the point he has a lot of health so he took nearly everything we had to bring him down but eventually I was able to show him the true hand of God and DLC stands for dirt lightning current now or dusk lightning current so remember I said there was one boss that still really worried me well we're about to come to it and I'm pretty sure this will be the hardest fight of the whole run Quinn resists lightning how much does he resist it well just look at that this is not good Wrath of the Gods does good damage but again we've only got three of them we probably could deal enough damage but the slow cast times of the lightning Spears and emit Force combined with gwyn's aggression and speed means this probably isn't going to happen even with full Havel armor his new game plus plus damage cuts through us I need a new game plan I went and grabbed Havel's ring to try a faster Havel build and farm those guys in the painted world until I got up to 50 Vitality which took absolutely Forever at this point to my dismay this still didn't help the best I could get was medium roll and even with my higher Health three hits would spell our demise three hits that Gwen could easily get in in the age it took us to cast our Miracles I tried just blocking with a fully upgraded Dragon Crest shield for the fire resist but he cut through our stability with almost a single swipe I could have ground up more strength to use Havel Shield but at this point they would have taken forever so I just had to resort to the one tactic that I really wanted to avoid parrying yeah I know it's a bit of a cop-out but I couldn't think of another way I'd parried him walk around while casting emit Force hit him with that rinse and repeat when a MIP Force ran out I used my great lightning space to knock him down to a range where three Wrath of the Gods cast could finish him through a torrent of gwinder and lightning this Marathon run is at last over this was an insane roller coaster going from crazy easy victories to real roadblocks that required proper problem solving to overcome I'm not sure I'd recommend it but it was certainly an experience let me know in the comments below if you liked the video and of course like And subscribe for more content and to help support the channel there's also my patreon link in the description in any case thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this Saga have a good one and see you next time
Channel: JK Leeds
Views: 828,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Soulsborne, Elden Ring, Blooodborne, Challenge Run, Fromsoft, Pyromancy, Sorcery, Miracles, Dark Bead, Fire Tempest, DS1 Magic Build
Id: 9CjPZz3Y71w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 45sec (3465 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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