Can You Beat Elden Ring As An...OCTOPUS SIMP?!?

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okay so hands up how many of you knew this was a helmet in Elden ring well I didn't until recently it's actually one of the rarest helmets in the game and being a big fan of the Majestic octopus myself it made me wonder can I cosplayers in octopus and beat eldm ring well only one way to find out so how does one do this well unlike bloodborne there aren't literal tentacles we can use so we're going to have to get a bit creative and it also gives me the opportunity to try out a weapon class that I've wanted to for a while the humble and often understated whips which will represent my tentacles I'll wield one in each hand at all times and I've got a spell in mind which will also fit this theme which we'll get on to later I'll also be naked outside of the Octo helmet for the entire run apart from one specific circumstance which I'm fairly sure you can guess I'm going to complete all remembrance bosses on this run as well but anyway with that brief little intro sorted let's get the build set up melaner sets us up with some horsepower and we ride into the Weeping Peninsula the only place where it rains almost as much as the UK our first whip is hidden away in Castle mour we just got to light this grace and then drop down these beams to grab the very imaginatively named whip for our next whip though we're going to have to travel a bit further a field all the way to Leonia in fact this is as far as I understand the only other whip we can get at this point in the game so we Mission through grabbing the academy glint ststone key on the way as of course we'll need it later our destination is Carrier Mana but I don't Carrier about anything else in here so I just run through to the second level where we can then drop down to this part here run to the right and grab the second whip the arumi I also do some usual chores like grabbing runes leveling up to 19 decks and a point or two in intelligence and now we're all set for this run I mostly plan to use the power stance attack with L1 including the jump variety of this but there will be some examples where a simple R1 will be needed I grab hor Frost stomp from carry a mana and equip it to our arumi for some nice Frost damage now we of course need our octopus head and this will be a bit tricky you see the only way to get it is as a drop from those little land octopi but the chance of them dropping it is .5% after about an hour of this I was already bored so I reached out on Reddit and luckily a kind user and Watcher of the channel named murderous banana was happy to drop me my treasured headpiece thank you my friend you have saved the Run just look how fantastic I look positively tentacular with that sorted there's a couple of other pieces of setup needed we grab the map here from East limb grave take the longest lift down ever and then surprisingly struggle to kill this Scarab that's probably not a good sign but we eventually do to get Oracle bubbles now to be honest I was really hoping there was some kind of spell or incantation that resembled the lobster spit attack as that's pretty close to an ink spray like an octopus would use but I couldn't find anything apart from maybe Darkness but that's pretty useless so this is the best I got more on this in a little while as with most runs I cheese up the knight's Cavalry in kalid for a cool 42 grand souls and level up into Arcane to allow us to use our new spell it fires out some slow moving bubbles awesome well it would be pretty good if we actually upgraded any of this stuff we just grabbed wouldn't it so let's run on down into Ry lucaria Crystal tunnel to fight Logan's wet dream for its Bell bearing now you might actually notice that our attacks are doing a decent amount of damage the normal whip does strike damage which crystallion are weak to the arumi however does slash damage hence why the second hit is doing quite a bit less but regardless once he STS broken it's Mega easy as always and now we can go upgrade everything after a little more ball farming and purchasing the stones of course both whips and staf are now plus six so it's probably about time we fought a real boss hello margetti took a pretty small amount of damage from Bubbles and responded by smacking me in the face after a few more bubbles I decided to switch over to my trusty tentacles and get some jump attacks in mainly just because they look really cool the range of the whips is great so no danger of them missing I didn't manage to get a stance break or a frostbite proc but it didn't matter I was in tentacle on winning and that's just what I did I now had two Talisman slots which was kind of useless because I hadn't even filled the first one but given how much stamina was being used by the tenter Combos and jump attacks I decided on the Green Turtle Talisman for one of them I know I could have gotten rigan sore seal but I feel like so many runs start by getting that that I wanted to just try something a bit different I found that the whips probably to the surprise of no one work a lot better against NPCs than the knives do the Stagger is great especially from the jump attacks eat this tarnished Anastasia I wanted to get a sweet affinity for my normal whip so I got flame of the red Mains worth mentioning that I'm only going to use these for the Affinity I'm not actually going to use the ash of war attacks as I think it would defeat the purpose of using the whips plus with that flame of the red M's Nerf what's the point in even using it fire would also be especially useful as I needed to kill this urry Ang to get its beautiful tears and of course wood plus fire equals Burnie Sanders shield and health regen are mine I now feel confidence flowing throughout my suction cup covered limbs that we can handle storm Vil remember how annoying these birds are normally Well turns out the Whip's sweeping range actually handles them really well the damage isn't incredible but we hit reasonably fast and normal enemies tend to get stagger pretty easily it's dominance by protuberance even this sneaky night in this dark room was no match for us I'm also a big fan of the running L1 stylish and deadly octopus is really in fashion it seems but it occurs to me we have one Talisman slot still empty and when I see an empty slot I feel a strong urge to fill it I know just the Talisman just got to climb up this ladder here and right that's it anyway as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted we grabbed the claw Talisman providing us with a 15% boost to jump attacks very handy indeed if I had hands that is I just have little Nubs on the end of my many limbs I have become the octopus damn it you know sometimes it's easy on these Souls challenge runs to just run past every enemy and book it to the bosses but I really wanted to give the whips a chance to show what they can do one thing I found is that I can actually hit the troll in the face with causing him to hold it as if I just whipped him right in the eye I got a nice stance break and then slapped him silly till he died wonderful stuff also have a good look at the Landing here of the jump attack pretty cool huh respect the octopus right in the comments right now saying octopus is a beautiful Majestic Creature if you don't do it I'll send some real octopus to crawl up out of your toilet s sorry I got a little little C away there anyway godrick Ashley told me he was never going to give me up never going to let me down but unfortunately he did because he got Poise broke by the bubbles very quickly he got Poise broke by the freaking bubbles just as Phase 2 started I was able to proc Frost the advantage of having a fire whip also is that it gets rid of the frost allowing me to instantly start to try proing another which is very handy I actually didn't even need it though as he is just not very difficult anyway with a few more hits godric said that he was never going to say goodbye and then died a second later meaning that earlier when he said he was never going to tell a lie that in fact was a lie itself even I don't know what the hell I'm writing here anymore guys now normally I end up doing Ray lucaria here but I fancied switching things up again so let's actually go straight away and climb the Run Strom precipice I want to give one of my brethren the secret tentacle Shake but he didn't respond well for some reason Hank you okay there's a ledge at one point here with some soft Cottom right at the end an item that reduces fall damage makes me wonder if from were hoping someone would use it and then try to jump from here such trolls much like birds bats are very annoying creatures who can often be hard to hit but not with our flailing anti-air weapons though even the singing ones which are normally in absolute pain to deal with get smashed down no issue and then the rest of these bats take a battering take that your flying rodent tosses now I'm actually going to get an item that I've never used on any Elder ring run before the Lost Ash of War I use this to duplicate hor Frost stomp so now I've got dual Frost whips a useful trade as fire will really not work well against the boss of this dungeon that boss being this magma worm who pretty quickly made me realize that I was probably underleveled for this especially in the health department I guess that's MAA phase one was pretty easy I managed to get a stance break and then proed Frost bringing him into phase two in phase two he gets some giant sweeping attacks which can be tricky to avoid but yet essential for me to do so given my health situation I tried using the bubbles a lot to break his Poise but it didn't seem to happen so ended up switching back to tentacle Slappy just one jump attack at a time the damage was really not great and even with both whips Frosty getting another frostbite just wasn't happening it was actually a little close but he couldn't worm his way out of this one thus far octopus beats Birds bats and lizard truly the most dominant creature up in tus we can do numerous extremely exciting things like activating Graces grabbing golden seeds grabbing a smithing Stone Bell bearing and whipping this guy in the face repeatedly shame couldn't evolve into a Steelix La he might have stood a chance against our Octillery with a bunch of the smithing Stones purchased I was able to execute the devastatingly skillful maneuver by pressing X repeatedly over each of my weapons in a menu screen leading to them being upgraded to+ 12 truly only a soul series Master could have pulled this off let me know in the comments if you're one of the 1% that's ever managed to do this I Mission back to rad meme Castle to speak with the popular MPCs and then prepared to face red June down in the rans now to the surprise of no one but me and my Supreme ignorance when it comes to upgrading my health bar Redan actually one-shotted me with many of his attacks our damage was also absolute trash after getting crushed a couple of times I felt a sense of star SCCY I needed to actually come up with a strategy for once first I easily killed gry by dragging my tentacles across his face giving me a fat chunk of runes and upgrading to a mind-blowing 25 Vigor I had a plan to bring Redan down without having to grind horrendous amount once more so I grabbed the two fingers heirloom and also the blood flame blade incantation I then switched my arumi to an affinity that allowed Buffs to be applied with this it was easy to kill this completely immobile Dragon who couldn't even attack me and now I had 30 Vigor which would allow the inevitable mistakes I would make because I'm an extremely poor player of these games for my Redan strategy this is one of the few times I would use R1 attacks on this run first do the despawn trick to get Redan to come to you as he gets about halfway drink the physic and cost blood flame blade now use just our ones to attack with the damage is really trash but the main goal is to hit enough times to proc bleed cost it again if needed and hope for the cross sword attack the bleed should bring him to the range where he Buffs his swords at which point apply rot grease to the whip get behind him and hope you get in enough hits to proc the rot attack normally until the meteor Dodge that again and then apply blood flame blade again now it's just a matter of surviving and getting hits him where you can the rot will take off a pretty good chunk of his remaining health and again the cross sword attack is your friend unless that happens I applied bloodflame blade again at the end here which it turns out was absolutely unnecessary and shortly after radam was left seeeing Stars a cheeky level up later and we knock run down to visit the Eternal City want to see octopus versus octopus here you go as well as just changing up my route I was also Keen to kill Redan quick because getting down here means we can grab the black wet blade letting us apply bleed Affinity to our weapons at the gray s blood flame blade is good but I prefer not having to repeatedly apply Buffs so now we have a blood arumi and a frost whip for pretty much no reason apart from the fact that I felt like it I decided to take out marget again on route to the capital the damage seems to have really dropped off but thankfully Frost and bleed do a bit of the heavy lifting now just as I was about to go into the capital I discovered something you see my plan had be to get to the mountain tops of the Giants right away to do the volcano Mana quest to get the hoslo whip whip but it turns out that not only can you actually get a second hoslo whip but you can actually get it now by going and killing Diablos here in Leonia I never even knew that you could find him at this location but I'm certainly grateful he gets his horn stuck in a wall and then takes a thorough whipping what makes this whip great as well as its higher damage is the fact it has innate bleed so infusing it with poison means that this whip has both poison and bleed at its disposal so of course this made the draconic tree Center not really easy no of course it didn't damage was pretty poor and of course I can only take one or two hits but I did come up with a strategy first sneak up behind and spam the bubbles four bubbles staggers him allowing for some hits both whips supect for poison as I think that's going to be the most useful for chipping away at its Health my whips do okay damage with the jump attack but it's not amazing honestly I'm actually surprised that I won here I made a couple of pretty bad Dodge mess ups by the time the Sentinel had 40% Health remaining I had no flasks and about half Health thankfully I still had the physic regen going but things were not looking up I luckily managed to proc another load of poison and pretty much just played stay away until the sentinel's health was low attacking only on certain opportunities such as the lightning strike and then I finished him with a few more whips giving this draconic a colonic much like overcooked octopus this was pretty tough in the capital there was another Ash of War I could grab Thunderbolt to give myself some lightning Infinity that would for sure come in handy in this next fight also completed my usual ritual of grabbing the shield Talisman because with no armor on this is quite useful goldf free is weak to lightning apparently but the whips weren't upgraded as much as they probably should be by this point I know I could go and get smithing stones from some of the minor dungeons instead of pushing through here for the next spell bearing but I'm feeling stubborn anyway his moves were pretty easy to avoid and the Dodge and whip strategy worked eventually by the way at this point I'd kind of decided to ditch the Bubbles as the damage was very low and I didn't think it was really contributing much to this run I switched back to bleed Affinity on my arumi and then fought this black knife assassin which only further confirmed how powerful the Stagger is on the whips against humaniz enemies it even seemed to interrupt her grab attack the jump especially is really difficult for them to handle to keep the momentum going let's take down morgot my combo of bleed and poison should work a treat here I feel like I got a bit Lucky in phase one here and he did a lot of easily punishable giant hammer attacks Phase 2 was definitely a bit trickier but I figured out some new openings and thanks to watching Press continues recent streams I now know how to dodge the spear charge which is tremendously helpful after a few more wildly flailing tentacles to the face morgot got more than he bargain for especially after the fight apparently octopi aren't allowed in here though what kind of mistreatment is that but at least now we can move on upwards to everybody's all-time favorite area mountain tops of the Giants here we can grab the next smithing Stone Bell bearing and get our whips nicely upgraded the smithing Stones do get a bit pricey though so I wanted to get mwin open ASAP for some easy blood Echo farming I actually did some invading of real human players for once to move var's Quest forward not sure what these guys must have thought about being invaded and killed by some naked whip guy wearing an octopus Helm if either of them are watching this video yeah sorry about that but anyway we got to mwin and we got our whips nicely upgraded I think the best bet is to get the second hoslo whip now and for that I need to go to volcano Mana I took the express rway to get there and joined the Mana to take on the assassination quests first I canceled this Knight's only IST Van's account next this guy stood idle and had a Riley bad time and now we get the final and most important assassination quest for Juno hoslo just to mention as we travel here there is another whip you can get by farming this fire prelate guy but looking at it I don't think it's worth the aggro of trying to do it so here we go the true battle of jeel whip versus versus duel whip thankfully Juno stands there like an idiot at the beginning and gets slapped for it the jump attacks just absolutely smash him although he did nearly catch me at the end here but down he goes didn't you know that I'm the whip Master around these parts with that our second hoslo whip is secured I won't be retiring the arumi completely because with enemies that resist strike it will still come in handy I spec the arumi with pure blood so after getting poison in with the duel hoslo I'll switch to the arumi to focus on bleed so fire giant I can tell our damage is a lot better than before since we upgraded our whips but it's almost hard to tell because he has so much health but I surprised myself with how well I did here this was actually my first attempt which sadly ended because I got stuck against a rock and caught with the fire explosion phase one is pretty straightforward as mentioned the damage is pretty decent when we break his weak point but phase two is a slow SLO even with the poison it's just baiting his hand slams hitting the hands and occasionally jump jumping on torrent to run around for 10 minutes to avoid that annoying fire spit attack this fight went on for 14 minutes but half of that was just getting through the last 20% of his health because he just wants to spam eruptions and Fireballs it's hard to even get enough frequent hits in to proc the poison and I often misjudge if I'm far away enough to avoid his double hand slam but finally with probably about 10% of his health left I get the poison in I pretty much just need to survive now and the fight is mine I just go for one jump attack here and there and finally we give the fire giant a seafood allery and we manage to kill him as poison and bleed are our statuses of choice Arcane is getting pumped hard from now on I got faram moua unlocked but before spending too much time fighting the best boss in the whole series I thought I'd go clear up some other business first starting with the Academy I mean at this point we were pretty overleveled look at the damage the whips due to the red wolf of ragon just another animal that is inferior to the octopus this caran Knight got beaten so easily that he he went from Moon grum to Moon glum watch this and write in the comments below what you think would be a good caption for this clip for rala herself well we technically did her in one cycle because the poison still hurts her while she's floating but she doesn't actually die till she comes down again even if her health hits zero for Phase 2 I always wonder do you think renala has a boat she uses to travel across this water I guess then she could call herself Sailor Moon I of course being an octopus was at home in the water water so I really got Kraken and finished off rala quickly truth be told the real reason I decided to come back and do her now was to resp to get rid of some useless points in int and get Arcane all the way up to 50 for max power as well as grabbing the blue dancer charm from The High Road cave what the hell is this thing doing looks like his battery might be running out so let's get the Tweedle Duo out the way luckily I had a strategy already in mind thanks to the throwing knife run the rolling attack from the noble want my biggest weakness in this fight had now become my greatest strength focusing attacks only on the noble but leaving the Apostle above half Health meant that almost every single time I was left to my own devices to attack the noble while standing on the broken pillar apart from the rare occasion the Apostle would Chu a fireball bleed and poison helped to bring down the health bar and thankfully they don't gain too much more resistance each successive time after three kills of the noble the health bar was low enough that I could focus just on the Apostle and end this quickly Gods guro down on just my second attempt I I think that's got to be a personal best for me I really wasn't expecting my whipped tentacles to carry things this far what's even more crazy is they aren't upgraded to Max yet but with the duo down we can indeed do that thanks to them dropping the last bell bearing I also grabb an ancient dragon smithing Stone from here in the mountain tops where I couldn't resist cheesing these stupid birds through the mouth of this skull I also killed gank for another one in a fight that definitely wasn't close whatsoever and then I grabbed one more from here in faram moua all three whips are now upgraded to Max and we're ready to roll dragon lord flaccid socks is up next who unfortunately has a big old Health pool and a high resistance to strike damage and statuses so yeah this is going to be long I went with just one hoslo and the arumi for the whole time here as I felt bleed would be more useful in the long run I did actually get a bleed proc which was pretty handy and pushed him to phase two but once again the last part of the boss's health bar takes by far the longest at least I can pretty consistently avoid most of his attacks these days I actually even got the laser attack twice this time round after 13 long minutes he finally Falls pull your sacks up plassy before pushing on to Malik and the final Boss Rush let's try clear up those other remembrance bosses shall we Thea was laughably easy at this point and I actually thought I might kill a jeweler before it flies off is that possible has anyone done that but anyway I did all that Ranny Quest stuff got through The rotto Grotto and prepared to have an annoying call with an aella marketer compared to the other remembrances bosses I'd done recently this was a much quicker fight but I guess that was to be expected can we add scorpions to the list of animals inferior to octopi in any case damage is great bleed is good natural born becomes natural unborn similar situation with the Regal ancestor spirit I mean that damage might look crazy but it's all legit nothing irreal going on here anyway poison and bleed get the job done now against my better judgment I decided that because I never do them I was actually going to do the Valiant gargles on this run now they are weak to strike but immune to status effects so I tried out the Affinity known as a cult which basically turns our Arcane scaling into pure damage instead of improving our status buildup I'm genuinely curious to see what the damage here is going to look like wow okay that damage is pretty good actually I mean I guess they are fully upgraded that poison spray is still not fun though I just need to get this one killed but I really wish he'd keep his bad breath to himself seriously stop doing that okay there we go with one down the fight is easier but I still loathe fighting these guys ooh head hit this did end up being closer than I'd have liked a lot closer in fact but after my Valiant efforts Victory is secured sorry it's pretty dusty in here I can't stop coughing but yeah it turns out a cult is actually pretty good there's at least one other boss this Affinity will come in handy for later you know which one now on my way into carrying study hall I had a weird thing happen I've never seen before perceptor Miriam dropped down to this ledge and then just stood there only reacting when I got very close this was a huge Boon because it meant I got to fight them one-on-one until they teleported but by the time we caught up to them one attack was enough to finish him after definitely not from marging up the godkin noble I got the curse mark but then got joyous revenge on fia's champions for the hell they gave me on the throwing knife run this guy wouldn't take it Ling down though but a series of jump attacks spelled his demise next up Fort Dragon licky socks who even comes up with these names anyway JRR token anyway head shot on this guy do a massive amount of damage but he moves his head a lot so it's not always easy to land them but he is vulnerable to bleed and poison so it doesn't take too long those head whips are Mega satisfying though when you find that perfect moment to land them now remember I said there was one time I was going to break my armor rule well obviously it's here with Reichard because yeah I went and grabbed redan's armor from the Round Table and gave it another go it still didn't go the best but to be fair I think I probably need more health and more flasks to pull this off so let's go take on some other demig gods first I snagged up all the golden seeds I'd missed gave myself nothing but Crimson flasks and then headed back to fulu to take on malth now I had hoped that I'd gotten better at dodging Destin malade death's attacks after the throwing knife run and while I think I've definitely improved one mistake can still lead to him decimating my health bar phase one is fine the windows are pretty pretty obvious to attack and poison helps to whittle his health down I didn't manage to get a bleed though because my attacks were too infrequent for Phase 2 Poison again was invaluable as it allowed me to keep doing damage even while I was waiting for openings it was actually kind of refreshing just fighting with pure melee not having to worry about Buffs or FP I was patient and waited for the openings I knew I could punish and we send malth McFarland back to Cog with one final jumping tentacles attack back in the capital I was now the Ashen one I needed to make a quick trip to the sewers and for once actually fought this Lobster in a battle to prove who was the Superior Seafood and surprise surprise it was in fact me what you want some too yeah that's what I thought you Scuttle away now I actually came here because I wanted this item from moog's basement but also ventured into the ever fund L catacombs to fight this Silent Hill Fanboy trying to imitate the caer demon it didn't go well for him it seems the gods of Asgard abandoned him after whipping elanora till she couldn't take any MOA I could had now returned to mwin to take on the president of the bloodborne fan club using the shackle in the combo of bleed and poison getting him down to phase 2 was a quick process and the combination of my constant attacks and poison helped to ensure he didn't start phase two with too much health I even got a Poise break for the first time in ages phase two was pretty smooth up until I nearly messed up at the end with Moog one hit away from Death I have no idea how I survived that but we got through and we're making some good mess so then we got half a medallion before we Road here on our stallion to whip this boat riding Soul right in front of this Castle Commander Neil was lacking his minions had been slacking his jump here had some good tracking but our whips kept on cracking then the other half he yields for entry to the snow fields okay that's enough of that seemed like a good time to Pivot over to handle Gideon off near the massive tosser I think it's safe to say all my homies hate Gideon but luckily our attack stagger him and I was able to finish him off near these steps thanks to the Glorious range of our tentacles murder Grandpa is our next opponent I remember really struggling with his first phase when on my first run of Elder ring but now the openings are very clear and it's easy to take advantage of his okay ignore that Dodge I said ignore it but horor is a different story poison again helps keep the pressure but something about his moves just throw me off and I even got powerbombed into the ground at one point but with no flask remaining I landed one last strike and we can shout hip hip hurrah because somehow I did this first try so I was now starting to wonder if the build actually was just pretty good or if I had just gotten better at the game well given how much I had struggled with dodging rigan in the past this would be a test to see if the knife run had in fact helped me get better so this is where I got to on my first attempt against RAB Beast pretty good actually I went to grab the Crimson wall bubble tier just for extra comfort and then went back for try number two worth noting I switched back to the occult Affinity on Dual hlos for max power strike damage Dage and oh yeah I have definitely improved against rigon where before his Combos and Strikes caught me off guard here it was like I could see through them the power of the octopus fueling me letting me move with the most Supple flexible movements to gracefully dance beneath his hammer and land tentacle slap after tentacle slap this was a great fight but of course ELD and Beast awaited however it made the mistake of fighting me in water my home turf with a crimson wall here in effect Elden Stars was no trouble and again the dance of tentacles continued Elden Beast once a devastating foe realized he simply didn't have enough limbs to compete with the mightiest mollusk in all the [Music] land but before you get to see that funny cut scene with this octopus face guy sitting on the Elden Throne let's clear up the last couple remembrance bosses shall we I still felt I needed more health for Rod so I uh uh this isn't what it looks like I promise rard went a lot better this time I mean I still died due to getting caught by this Onslaught but it's 100% getting done octopus versus snake the true battle of boneless entities again I'm wearing the Redan armor because the Stagger and lava damage would just be too much without it getting close up to Reichard you can actually Slither past a lot of his attacks outside of occasional jumps I always waited till after a lava stagger has hit me to do a jump attack to avoid being interrupted Midway through poison and bleed are perfect for high HP bosses like this by the end this reptile must be in denial if he thinks that he'd ever match our multi-limb superiority now obviously there's just one remembrance boss remaining and look I could go on a big spiel about octopi being the dominant species in the lands between and show you how I definitely first tried Loretta yep definitely first try but you all know it's all about Millennia who I was determined to best to avenge the throwing knife run so here's the most epic music I could find along with my fight for her [Music] enjoy [Music] might I say this was actually third try that is the least amount of attempts it has ever taken me to defeat her so there we are octopi now rules the land between the tentacle will never lenticle Seafood for all all hail my flailing limbs whips are pretty cool at least here I had a lot of fun using them great range and good stagger give them a try yourself if you fancy I think that's officially enough Elder ring for a little bit but that DLC is coming soon right if you enjoyed the video let me know your favorite Seafood in the comments below subscribe if you want to help support the channel and be notified of new content until next time have a good one and and see you
Channel: JK Leeds
Views: 68,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Soulsborne, Elden Ring, Challenge Run, Fromsoft, Bloodborne, Whips, Elden Ring Dex Build, Elden Ring Arcane Build, Elden Ring Whips Only, Octopus
Id: 8OaAApAeDqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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