Trying to Eat My Biggest Pregnancy Food AVERSIONS

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oh it's all wet fish kind of grosses me out these days anyway hey it's hannah and welcome to my channel or if you're a real one welcome back to my channel um if you don't know this i am pregnant with my fourth yes i'm crazy we all are um and we're very excited but this time it's a little bit different for me i'm about 13 weeks along and i feel like crap all day every day i've never vomited this much during a pregnancy because i hate myself i'm a masochist i want to try something because i have so many food aversions this time around and i'm genuinely curious if they are actual food aversions and that food will make me sick or if most of it is mental and in my head and just the thought of a certain food sounds gross to me so what i'm going to do today is i'm gonna try to cook the food that sounds the absolute worst to me and see if it's really as bad as it sounds and that food just so happens to be fish tacos so this might be really fun or this might be really terrible but let's get started i'm already kind of regretting this so i'm going to do some oven baked fish tacos i don't have it in me to fry so i have panko bread crumbs i'm oh my oven's not preheated yet i'm gonna pop these in the oven until they're a little toasty brown and then here's what else i have i've got egg wash i've got some cod fillets yuck i've got some garnishes and some stuff for like the crema and sauce and cabbage and radishes um so we're gonna get everything prepped before we do the fish because the thought of fish i have a cream soda in case this is like the one food i like right now the thought of fish really sets me off i'm gonna get everything prepped because it could be that i open this up immediately throw up and we're done um so i'm gonna do all this first so let's start with uh let's start with the creva i have some sour cream i'm just gonna cut two limes in half and squeeze them into this sour cream and that's gonna be my crema with my three boys i never got sick i would feel a little nauseous but i never got sick and this time around i have been sick since week five and now i'm going on week 13 and it's just getting progressively worse let's get the panko in the oven i'm gonna do it for like seven minutes and i'm gonna set a timer and check cause i don't quite know what it's going to take to get toasty most days right now i just eat a slice of bread for every meal and that's fine and when i venture out like it just never ends well it's hard for me to take my prenatals at any time of the day um so it's just interesting how different it can be like from child to child like the hormones maybe are a little more intense this time the one weird craving i've had is i wanted to dip a donut in queso and so i did it and it was delicious and i actually didn't throw it up just want to put out a disclaimer that this is not a knife skills class i know i'm not the best at life skills and i don't love the like gushy stuff getting all over my tacos if i'm even gonna eat these oh my gosh my family might have to eat these dice the tomato see so far so good we're doing well still eyeing that fish a little suspiciously but that's okay i'm gonna get some gloves on and do this little jalapeno another thing i really like right now is spice but it just doesn't sit well you know going down i've kind of avoided some of my favorite foods oh this is looking toasty give it one more minute and then i think it'll be good now last i'll just slice a couple radishes these actually sound very good right now the other thing i'm already thinking about is i think i want to wear gloves when i touch the fish because if the smell sets me off i don't want the smell to be on my hands the rest of the day like very afraid come on out oh yeah look at the difference these are toasty these look good now these are going to go into a bowl i keep putting my mitts away and i need them i need them that went well should i clean this off i guess fine okay so to this i'm gonna add some chili powder maybe about two teaspoons but i kind of eyeball it's kind of a lot i'm gonna do a little garlic powder i like a lot of seasoning because the coating is what gives it so much flavor i'm gonna do a little cumin these are all smelling fine to me this is all okay i don't think i would eat it like i don't want to eat it oh that doesn't smell very good that's a little strong for me right now this kid that i'm growing better be nice that's all i have to say heard me a nice kid dang i'm going through it right now okay so now that this is done i'm gonna do kind of a little assembly line for the fish this can go here and then basically you have your egg wash and your panko mixture you just want to dip the i'm not i'm i'm already like regretting this you dip the fish in the egg wash to get coated and then you um wait no you get the fish coated in the egg wash so it's sticky and then you stick it to the panko so i'm gonna take my rings off and we're gonna do this i'm hoping that this is mental and the fish actually smells fine and everything's gonna be dandy and then i'm gonna eat it but i'm usually wrong everybody just make a wish i wish that this isn't gross okay let's go i can't smell anything okay oh ew ew this smells so bad let's try a piece and breathe through my mouth oh it's cold this is not going well at all oh dear one down if i just keep it far away from my face i'm really good at holding in my throw up too just you know i'm gonna be here like ruining fish tacos for everybody forever i'm so sorry it's fine everything is good i like it i enjoy it i'm having a good time i'm having a good time i'm really looking forward to this meal and i'm having a good time okay done i did it i did it my fish is done this is gonna go in the oven and we're gonna just keep having a good day okay i'm gonna wash my hands and i'm gonna be right back okay this is going in please don't smell bad please don't smell too much do about 15 minutes this is a bad idea okay fish is done it smells horrific it literally smells disgusting my whole house smells like ass and i'm not in a good mood right now and it just it smells very gross i'm chewing on mint gum and then i just realized i should probably try this so maybe this was a bad choice but let's assemble a taco okay wow this video i'm gonna be like the grumpiest i've ever been in this video i'm like i hate not being able to eat food i love it really bothers me and i hate feeling sick so i'm just in a really bad mood when i'm like i should like this so i'm gonna take this other half of lime just do a little squeezy why not i don't want to waste this half of one this is a corn tortilla but it's pretty soft and it's like taco sized i'm just gonna hype myself up a little i look like i'm praying which piece looks best i don't know they all look so delicious oh you know i touched it and it was like jiggly and i think that just didn't didn't drive well for me [Music] oh that doesn't smell good who knew i don't like cabbage right now come and do this a little tomato a little radish a little jalapeno oh i might regret this and then we'll do some crema [Music] and now i'm going to take a bite i think i need to put my hair back for this okay this feels very dramatic i'm not this dramatic in real life just when i'm pregnant okay ready i think it's i don't think it's mental i think i genuinely i think i genuinely can't oh i can see it i can see the fish okay okay i will do it one two two and a half two and three quarters three oh what it's not that bad it's not that bad did i cook this enough yes it's flaking okay this is not that okay the aftertaste is kind of bad but the actual fish taco is not that bad i am so surprised wow i was genuinely afraid to eat this i had a notion in my mind of how it was going to taste based on the smells and just the feeling i had and see still thinking about it i'm like gagging but the actual bite wasn't that bad it actually tasted kind of good okay i think i could take one more hmm that is not attractive but it's very tasty i put all over my face i guess in conclusion it really is a lot in my head and not necessarily the physical part and the flavor of the food i think with this one this is more of a mental food version with the fish i think because of the strong smell smelling it coming out of my oven smelling it while i'm preparing it really set me off made me want to throw up made me really sick made me afraid to taste it but the actual taste is very mild and pretty delicious would i do this again no the cooking process was very painful but would i eat one maybe i was interested i'm very surprised you know who would like this jackson chicken oh my goodness can you try this taco i'll move the jalapeno what do you think yummy should i serve the rest up for dinner did you miss fish tacos i haven't really cooked a lot of fish yeah i love fish tacos thank you see jackson approved thanks me you can go back to your game i'm sorry for bothering you bye yeah anyway that's it follow me on instagram i post more there and let me know in the comments what else you want to see on this channel because it's back baby we're back and we're we're posting regularly so i'm actually going to try to finish this and i will see you next time bye you
Channel: Hannah Williams
Views: 58,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8rQn, buzzfeed hannah, hannah williams, mom in progress, wine mom
Id: Yq24a_MVHRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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