$840 Cheese Wheel Jollibee Spaghetti Taste Test | FANCY FAST FOOD

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Mindy! Hi. Why'd we switch places? I, I dunno. Okay, all right. Mindy. Why did I get scared again? Why is this my natural stance? Why are you scared of me? Don't be scared! Mindy, before us, we have a giant four-pound family size tray of Jollibee spaghetti. How excited does that make you? Oh my gosh. This feels like home. It feels like a party already. I'm so excited. Oh, we're partying in the 2017 certified pre-owned Altima right now. But first off, this is Mindy, everybody. By the way, meet Mindy. Mindy's been with Mythical for like a couple of years? Yeah, almost two years. Holy crap. Oh God. Oh no. Existential crisis in the car. Time. Also, it is nine in the morning and it is like 90 degrees in here, and we're sweating on the spaghetti and the chicken. Ooh, yeah. I'm so excited about that. It feels like the Philippines up in here. So you are a full fledged member of the Mythical Kitchen and you started by writing the research package to the podcast. The reason we're here at Jollibee now is 'cause you would always name drop Jollibee. You said their gravy was like the nectar of the gods, I believe the direct quote. So, I mean, tell me about Jollibee, your relationship to it, how much you love it? Oh my God. I need to pull my hair back for this. Also 'cause I'm sweating a little bit. Yeah, dude, it's wet in the car. Like, you know, I'm a Filipino American, so Jollibee is very close to my heart. It's been a big part of, you know, me growing up. Yeah, Chickenjoy, the spaghetti. Whenever I see this little bee right here, oh my God, with his creepy eyes. It's the best mascot in the game. Oh my God. You gotta agree. But yeah, whenever I see that logo, I just feel at home. Can we just dig in? I'm going to, we're going to start dripping sweat into the spaghetti. Let's go. Is this considered the party size? Yeah, this is the party size. Wow. Look at this, look at. You got like the shredded cheese on top. It's kind of like that delicious, processed cheese that I'm a huge fan of 'cause it melts really well. And then you got the sweet sauce and the Filipino spaghetti, right? You got the hot dogs, you got some sort of like typical like pork product. I already got spaghetti on my white shirt. It is so hot. Oh my God, so hot. Oh my God. How could you do that? I mean, this is a freaking delight. I love this sweet sauce. I mean, that's the spaghetti that I grew up on too, right? You got like the Ragu sauce out of a can. That stuff's got a ton of sugar in it. It's really delicious. I used to also eat spaghetti growing up with just shredded block cheddar cheese on top. Same, yeah. Our task now is to take a delicious, perfect dish and make it fancier. How are we gonna make this fancy, then? I got a couple ideas. We can do some pasta from scratch, of course. We've been there before. Right, okay. I think we can get some real like rustic, Italian nonna methods going in there. Okay. Obviously you got some really cool pork products in here and then of course, I want to do banana ketchup from scratch. I've never done that before. Oh, I've never done that before too. I don't think most people have done that before. Yeah. I have so much sweat in my eyes that I can't even open them. Mindy, welcome to Mythical Kitchen. You ever made Spam before? No, but I eaten a ton of it. Yeah, me too. I grew up on Spam. I grew up with just pan fried Spam sandwiches with American cheese on white Van de Kamp's bread with a little bit of mayonnaise. I love to hear it. Good for you. But I've honestly never made it from scratch. I've made like similar products from scratch. We're doing what's called a forced meet today, which means we're going to grind up a bunch of this pork. This is Mangalitsa pork right here. This is a heritage breed pig out of Hungary. It is a wooly, just Google Mangalitsa pig. It is a frightening nightmare creature, which is why we felt the need to kill it and put it in our spaghetti. Oh my God. Not really. But I mean like a little, like they're really messed up. They're they're this wooly pig. They're very fatty 'cause they come from very cold climate, which is great because Spam has a lot of fat in it so we're going to emulsify that in there. Another thing about Spam that I didn't even know is that there's actual ham ground into the pork in Spam. Like it's pre-made ham that they grind into pork and then they boil it in the can. And that's what makes Spam. So this is going to be like the ham portion of our spaghetti that we had in the Jollibee spaghetti. But the ham, we have Jamon Iberico. Ooh. This is from the cebo de pata negra. Try this. I get to taste it? The is the black footed pig. It is fed a diet of acorns and hazelnuts. So if you rub your fingers on the fat, you can physically feel it melt into your hands. Oh yeah, that's smooth. You're hitting the ground running in Mythical Kitchen. This is gonna fun freaking day. Oh my gosh, it is. You ever use a meat grinder? No. First rule, don't put your fingers in it. Okay. Let's grind up some meat. So we're going to take this Mangalitsa pig meat. We're going to grind it up. We're gonna hit it with some curing salt. God, this ham is good. This is very salty. I'm gonna need you to get some of this garlic out. You ever palm heel strike the garlic clove? No, I don't think I'm strong enough to do that, Josh. Mindy, strong is a mindset. Okay. And also it's defined by numbers and creatine. What is that? What do you mean what is creatine? We gotta, she gotta learn big. I've had all of them on a steady diet of creatine and now they're just real aggressive like beta fish. They're all going like this. All right. Palm heel strike, the technique. You're gionna want to stack the wrist over the palm. Drive down and crush that garlic. This is your first test. Okay, the test for what, do I get to keep my job? Not if you don't do this right. Okay, okay. What, are we giving away jobs here? So I'm just gonna, so just down? So the strong part of your palm. Keep your hand flexed and just right down. That was loud, okay. And palm heel strike, ooh! Look at that! You did it! Mindy's first palm heel strike, we're doing today. I had to jump up there. I feel bad. That's. No, I can't do that, I can't do that. That's demeaning. Is that a hate crime? I don't know. All right, so we gotta start grinding some pork. Also, we got a couple other fun things going in here. Take some of this Grains of Paradise, pop in that Hefty bag and start bashing it with that. You don't have to palm heel strike it. I'm gonna start grinding up this meat 'cause I don't, like insurance reasons. Yeah, no, no, no, go for it. You know what I mean? Like I'm a pro at this. Nothing bad has ever happened. Mm hm, yeah. All right, so we start taking this pork. We've frozen the pork. We've par frozen it 'cause when you freeze meat, it becomes easier for the fat to grind up, 'cause otherwise it'll get your grinder all gummy. Now we're just gonna stuff the pork in the hole. I'm going to get a nice little pork well going right there and we're also going to grind the ham straight into it along with a couple of garlic cloves. Okay. Yeah, there you go. Ah, the meat's in the hole. There you go. If you want to get a couple of garlic cloves out for me, just peel those. I'm going to start grinding up the garlic cloves with the pork. We're eventually gonna whip this up and turn that into its forced meat best. Okay, cool, cool, cool. There we go. So I'm just gonna? Yeah, beat the crap out of it, Mindy. Don't be shy. Beat the crap out of out it! Okay. Get some aggression out. I'm so scared, Josh. Fear does not exist in this kitchen, does it? I just felt so much fear right now, so. Cooking is such like art form that you never really screwed up. You just made something different, you know? Beautiful. Yeah, like if you're a screw up flipping a pancake, just scramble it and then you've made Kaiserschmarrn, Austrian shredded pancakes. What's up? Didn't expect a Kaiserschmarrn reference today, did ya? Boom. I did not, didn't know that existed. There we go. Now we see the garlic and all the Grains of Paradise getting ground through there. That's fun. Oh my gosh. All right, what's this? Ginger! All right. Yummy. Now I need more stuffin' pork. We got our aromatics. We got our pork. Are you okay? Yeah, we're going to do some more stuff with it. We're going to stop the cameras right now so we can get another thing out here. So I mentioned the term forced meat earlier. Yeah, that sounded really aggressive. What a forced meat is. So it's any like smooth paste of meat. Like if you think about Vietnamese meatballs in pho, or Spam, or bologna mortadella. So the way you do that is you literally agitate the meat. So you could take this right now, stuff it into a casing, and that would be like a nice coarse ground sausage, like a bratwurst. Gotcha. But if you take this like we're going to do and you spin it up in here with, we're going to add ice and nitrate curing salt. So that is actually going to force a protein called myosin to develop, which is what gives it its snap. And every time I say myosin Nicole laughs and usually go myosin again. Yeah, Nicole. It's an important protein. All right, so that's what we're gonna do right now. First off, can you add some calamansi zest to that? Ooh, yes. Calamansi, really delicious fruit. Yeah, you ever zested something? Yes. Are you like an avid home cook? No, but I was afraid to like tell you that before you hired me. No, that's fine. What you should do, this is great. This is a great advice for anybody out there. Just lie on job applications. No one checks. I'm gonna take this. This is bagoong. Good job, bagoong. Bagoong, did I get the pronunciation? Yeah, bagoong, not ba-goong. Not ba-goong. It's bagoong. Bagoong. So this is fermented shrimp paste and it is very concentrated. This is a huge flavor bomb. It's like all the things you love about fish sauce or Worcestershire but it's like cranked up to 15. So I'm just going to add a hefty dollop of that 'cause it's gonna add a lot of our salt in there. Heck yeah. You said you've never tried this straight, right? I have, I feel like you're gonna. You wanna ride the lightening, Mindy? Oh, okay, oh. Ride the lightning with me. That was a lot. Yummy. Whoa! Delicious! I mean, in like a quarter teaspoon of that, you're getting all the flavor that you got from like a whole slice of that ham, 'cause it's the same things that are happening, right? How do you feel, you okay? That was a lot of sodium. Yeah. Oh yeah, you're gonna want to get your sodium tolerance up working in this kitchen. Oh my God. All right, we have the calamansi in there. You want to cut that open and then pot some juice in there. So citric acid can actually help tighten up a sausage. Yeah, really grind it. There we go, sorry, and then I'm cutting? Yeah, cut that in half with that knife and then just squeeze some of the juice in there. Gotcha. Can you just eat these whole? Oh! I like how you ask the question and then no one answered, and then you just did it. Only one way to find out. Is it okay if the seeds go in there? 'Cause like calamansi, they're so tiny. Can I swallow the seeds? Try it. It's done. These are adorable little baby calamansi in there. Technically we don't want seeds, but like you ever just get a weird gristly bite of Spam? Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get the seeds in there. It'll mimic the experience. Oh my gosh. Now we gotta, probably should have done all this in this bowl. I'm just gonna do that. There we go. There we go. And then we're adding ice in there 'cause you want to keep this really cold and the ice is gradually going to melt when we're whisking this up from the friction. And then take some of this pink salt. You want to get a quarter teaspoon of that. This is nitrate salt. It's like a really caustic chemical, but it's what makes meats delicious. Also the World Health Organization, I think said don't eat it. But it's in like all your processed meats. It's just, it's delicious. Now we're gonna pop it in here and then we're going to whip this up. Yeah. So we're just gonna crank it. Nope, gotta do this. Yeah, I said there's a lot of levers. It's tough. Then we're going to add a little bit of water just to get things moving. There we go. So that's going to create an emulsification and then you're going to see the water and everything. It's going to combine this sort of make the pork grainy. That's the protein that's developing. It might kick out some ice at ya. If you get hit in the face with raw pork or an ice cube, don't tell anyone. Okay. Yeah, well, we have a strict no narcing policy in this kitchen. Oh, okay, okay. Yeah, unless it's like a hospital thing. You know? So what we're doing right now is we're making a bain-marie to make our Spam meats. Pour that water all around this. Don't get any in there. Okay, there we go. Oh my God! What we are gonna do is we we're trying to steam this Spam in a water bath because we don't want it to get nice and crispy. We want it wet. 'Cause when you open a the can of Spam it's not crispy. It's sopping wet. It's wet. So we're making her sopping wet Spam using a bain-marie. Pork is flying. I forgot the sugar. Oh! And then there's another white powder. Oh yeah, can't forget the, ooh. Mystique, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. The prestige! Yeah. So that was sugar and then tapioca starch. It's just going to help emulsify it even further. Got it. It's going to give it like a nice study texture so all the water doesn't leak out. We can probably stop this. This is probably looking good. We're just going to kind of. The pork weight. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There we go, I got you. There we go, thank you, thank you, thank you. You're doing great. Thank you. A-ha! Sorry, watch out. Watch the fingers with the raw pork. So now we're just going to kind of paint this. Here, you should paint it. Ooh, okay. Just kind of paint it and scrape it against the sides and this is our Spam meat. Okay. All right, let's go. Hold on, it's kind of preggers right now. Let's kind of just fluff it. Yeah, paint it. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. Nothing, no, bringing pregnant is beautiful and it's weird. There's just like a watermelon-sized thing growing inside of you. It freaks me out, man. All right, so we're just going to take the plastic. We're gonna wrap this up. Now we're going to put a weight on top of it and it's going to force the forced meat even further. We're gonna pop this in the oven. Mindy, toss it in the oven. Don't hurt yourself. Oh, this is heavy. Are you tall enough to get it in there? Wait, I don't lift like you do. I'm sorry. Yeah, there you go, there you go. You're doing great. Mindy, you've proven yourself a great physical asset in the kitchen today. Sorry. That's gonna bake off and now we're, you wanna make some banana ketchup? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. This is going to be a fun one. Mindy! That was my, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just, I like screaming people's names. It gets them awake sometimes. Banana ketchup. Yes. Jufran. Nice to see you again. My old friend. You have returned. I also eat a lot of this. I keep it in my kitchen all the time. I love ketchup and I love this. It's like extra sweet. Get a little bit of extra zing. So is made no tomatoes whatsoever. Just bananas. I had no idea. Yeah, it's from what I understand, there was a bunch of ketchup in the Philippines with American soldiers in World War II. And then after that they couldn't get tomatoes through the supply lines so they were like, yo, we grow a ton of bananas. We can make the same sauce out of bananas. Dye it red. It'll taste exactly like ketchup. So we're gonna make our own. I've never done this before. But I have a pretty good idea of what to do. Okay, cool. I think. I trust you. Killer, all right. So you're gonna start chopping up these bananas. We're using fancy bananas. This is Fancy Fast Food. You said you trust me? Yeah. You'll learn. So we're using red bananas and burro bananas. Might be a little bit more starch in this. We're gonna try and strain it out and then get all our aromatics in there. So you start chopping that up. All right. I'm just gonna start sauteing stuff. Yeah. We're just going to add this onto a pot and the idea is we're going to deglaze it with this beautiful Filipino rum. It's called Don Papa from the foothills of Mount Kanlaon. Fancy. Ooh, girl, all right. All right, I don't think I did correctly. Yeah, honestly, I don't know how to work red bananas. I tried to eat a red banana once and it made my mouth go numb and taste like poison. I don't really know why I did that, looking back. So we're back at it again with the red banana? Okay, all right. Was that a, what was that? Back at it again? With the white Vans? Yeah, but wait, Trevor, explain the memes to me again. What was his name. Daniel. Damn, Michael, Damn, Mikey. Back at it again with those cool shoes. Palm heel strike! There we go. One swift motion. We're just going to get a garlic clove in there. Should I light this on fire now? Oh, there's gonna be fire involved. What's the point of using rum in your cooking if you're not going to light it on fire? You ever light anything on fire? Do you wanna do it? No. Should Mindy do it? No. Should Mindy light this on fire? No. Yeah, okay. No, okay, I'm gonna stand here. So we're just gonna leave that and we're gonna take, this is going to be a good little lesson. So what you want to do is you want to pour in the rum and then you're just gonna hit it like that. Wow! And then she's gonna light on fire and then everyone's safe and happy, and that's going to burn off. You can do some of that stuff. You put your hand through the flame, okay. Yeah, it's like a Wiccan ritual. You know, you into Wicca? We converted like three months ago. So we're all yeah, deep into Wicca. We got some dead rabbits hanging outside there. Oh, that's what that was, all right. That wasn't for the spaghetti. So we're getting a lot of that caramelized rum flavor in there. I'm going to add another glug for good measure. Oh, that smells good. I mean, it smells really candy-rrific, right? Yeah, it does. Since there's so much sugar that goes into this ketchup, the rum is going to add another dimension. And now I'm going to take. No, it's called the height difference works so that neither of us are blocking each other. We can just do it for minimal time. We're gonna take a bunch of coconut vinegar. This is one of my favorite products to use. I love using this in adobo. Toss in the bananas, Mindy. How's those bananas going? You're doing good on that? Yeah, I think. All right, tossing, tossing. I think there's a little bit of skin on. Ugh. What is that? Soy sauce. So this is cherry blossom shoyu. So it's really cool. This is actually my favorite soy sauce producer. They make really good stuff. I have one at home that's been aged in whiskey barrels. This actually has a cherry blossom living in it. Oh, I see it. So it's got this really great floral quality to it. Nice. This has a nice citrusy quality to it so we're going to use that as our salt in this ketchup. Oh, okay. We're gonna add a whole lot of that to there and then we're going to get a lot of sugar going in 'cause there has to be a lot of sugar in there. We want a lot of salt, just massively flavorful. We want a big old flavor bomb in this, and then the spices that go into ketchup. Typically they're like very warm autumnal spices. People don't think about it with ketchup 'cause all you're getting is that salt, that acid, and that sweet. But we're taking some allspice right there. Oh. We're taking some more of those Grains of Paradise to get that black pepper in there, and then fresh nutmeg. You ever just tried fresh nutmeg? Here, try some. On the bana, do I just lick it off my hand? Lick it up. Right? Yeah. All right, toss the bananas in there. No, I don't, okay. And now here, add some food dye. Add as much as you think, this is your first test. Add as much food dye as you think should go in. You said first, earlier you were like. Nah, that wasn't the test. That was a test for the test. That's a hell of a lot. All right, great. Holy, this red is, woo! Yikes. Fantastic, all right. We're just gonna, oh my God. Oh, what a bloodbath. What shade of red is that? This is like prop blood red. This is, my God. I'm sorry. No, you're doing awesome. So we're just gonna let that cook and then we're gonna blend it. Mindy, how are you with blending boiling liquids? Haven't done it before. All right, you're gonna take that and dump it in there. Clear all your hands out. Here, we can probably turn this off. Okay. I'll take this. Yeah, just like a dump that in there, but try not to get any liquid on yourself. All right, that is quite tall. So yeah, maybe, maybe I'll just take this one. I'm sorry. I kind of feel like I haven't been doing it, I'm sorry. We gotta get you like a little box. Yeah, I think that's what we need to do next time. Oh, that's not fully on there. You can be like the safety monitor. Yeah, okay, cool. How do I, well, hey, let's just turn it on and see what happens. Variable. It is very hot in there. Oh my God. Mindy, get some water! Get the Smartwater, it's fancy. Where's the water, oh okay. Is that yours? Nope. All right, yeah. Pour some in there. Oh, okay. We're going to loosen up this with some water. There's a lot of starch in those nanners. Yeah, yeah, that's good. Good, good, good. Now we're going to go high. There we go. That's looking about as smooth as it's going to get. I thought that was the button to turn it off. Mindy, you have an important job here. Yes. You're going to push this through the strainer. Oh, okay. You're gonna pour it in there. All right. And then you're going to take this. Just push. Yeah, it's kind of all in there now already, but you did it. You did something. You wanna run threes? I don't know what that means. Now we're actually building the sketti sauce. So I got the Spam here. We're gonna start getting some aromatics working. You're gonna work the saute station today. We're going to pour a whole bunch of oil in there. There's gonna be a lot of beef fat from that. But dump the shallots and the garlic, and the pan's probably rip-roaring hot so that's going to burn immediately. Ah, there it is. No, it's fine, it's fine. Oh, I love that sound. All right, so this is this the Spam. This is the bounce test. This is how you tell if your Spam worked. Worked. I'm just going to unwrap this. All right, so here it is. You see, just like Spam. We got the gelatinous coating on the outside. Yeah, shiny. Spam jelly coming out on there. Ooh, that gloop. Got the good Spam goop. Got a cool little pattern from the weight. Here, I'm going to trim off the end so I can get a nice clean cut on it. You want some Spam ends? Oh, we can eat it? Oh, it was in the oven. Yeah, it's good. Okay, all right. It's just cold and gelatinous. Mm! Good, right? Yeah. It's a little more subtle than normal Spam 'cause it has enough salt to give a rhinoceros kidney stones. You ever seen a rhino kidney stone? Brutal. How's that going? Is it looking browned? They're translucent. Ooh, it's getting there. Okay, go for a little bit more and then you had dump in. We have Wagyu ground beef. I know what you're saying. Josh, isn't Wagyu ground beef pointless 'cause the whole point of Wagyu is because its muscle structure? Yeah, this is dumb. Don't buy it. This is a waste. But we got Rhett and Link buying this stuff for us, technically, you know? So that's cool. It's coming out of the kids' college funds. So we got it 'cause it's fancy. Wagyu does have a different, What? One of them is going to public school, I think. It's fine. In state tuition, dude. They're chillin'. Wagyu ground beef does have, Wagyu fat has a different characteristic to it. It melts at a lower temperature. It's cooler. Gonna be a little bit more mild of a flavor. We're going to dump that in there. That's gonna be the base. Do that right now. Yeah, dump in the Wagyu. I'm going to cube up the Spam. Then we have Wagyu hot dogs from Snake River Farms. These are just really good hot dogs. Nice. What's your favorite hot dog? There's different types? What? Oh Mindy, you're going to want to get real opinionated about hot dogs being in this kitchen. All right, all right, whoopsie. Nicole, what's your favorite hot dog? Hebrew National. See? Want some Spam? You can take home some Spam cubes if you want. Yay, thank you. Yeah, it's how we give bonuses to people in the Mythical Kitchen. I wish I knew that before. Build it first with the Spam cubes. Just going to hit that little bit of salt. Okay. Little bit of fresh cracked pepper, yeah. Make it rain, okay. Yeah, that's nice, that's nice. I'm hit some rum. Nothing goes good with ground beef like rum. Cook that out. Nice to see you again. We'll get this bottle. Really bash it up more aggressively. Just really go to town. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going to dump in tomato paste. All right. Now we're going to probably just like all that banana ketchup, right? Why not? Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah, so that's going to add a lot of the sweetness to this. So that's where the sweetness in the spaghetti is coming from. Yeah, don't, did you just touch the pot? Yeah, 'cause it was. You're learning. Slidin'. You're gonna want to touch everything to see if it's hot. And then a whole lot of that tomato puree. Oh, sorry. It's okay. Yeah, just splash you? A little bit. There's a lot of sloshing going on over here. How many hotdogs do you think we should add? All of them. Oh my God, Mindy, I'm so sorry. I actually didn't mean to do that. Did I get ya? We got Mindy. You did but it's. That's my bad. I forgot I shouldn't throw hot dogs. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw hotdogs. That's a color. That is a color. That's a heck of a color. Sorry about that. I mean, it's going to be great. This is looking like Filipino spaghetti sauce, am I right? It does, I'm so excited. It's getting there with a little, a little heavy on the food dye. I think it's gonna taste good though. Me too. All right, so we're just gonna let this reduce for about half an hour and then now we're going to make our sketti. Mindy! Hi. Why'd we switch places? I, I dunno, okay, all right. Mindy. Why did I get scared again? Why is this my natural stance? Why are you scared of me? I'm not. Don't be scared! We're making spaghetti. Yes. Not just any spaghetti. We're making the fanciest spaghetti anyone has ever seen. 'Cause we got duck eggs and we have flour. We can say it's a special type of flour, it's not. It is? No way, what is it? Oh, it's double zero flour. It's like a Antico Caputo double zero? Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, so this is a nice flour. It's like eight bucks on Amazon instead of four bucks from Ralph's. Okay. And then we have 24 karat gold inspired dust. Inspired. Yeah, so we're just going to add that 'cause we're gonna try and make gold spaghetti. Inspirational. Just kinda dump a bunch of that. Don't inhale the fumes. No, that'll get deep in the lungs. You're going to go ahead and whisk that up with this here tiny little whisk. I'm gonna start cracking open some duck eggs. Duck eggs are actually really cool. I just, I like just kind of frying them up and putting them on a tortilla and eating it for breakfast. Oh, do they taste different than like chicken eggs? They do, yeah. So the, in my experience, dude, have you opened a box? They have a stronger membrane so when you crack it, you kind of gotta like puncture it and then you gotta get that open there, and then the whites for my money have like more protein to them. There's also like a stronger sort of grassier taste to it. Grassy, okay. Yeah, and then that thick membrane. So I'm going to separate one of these here yolks. You ever separate yolks? You can do kind of that thing, but favorite thing to do is just go. Ah, yes. Oh dude, I put the whites in. We needed two and one yolk. Where'd that bowl come from? Yeah, no, no, no, okay. So we're good. So we have two whole eggs in there, but now what you're going to do is you're going to kind of, I'm just, we're just slopping around in raw egg. Now we're going to yeah, yeah, get the into there, and then this cracked so this is just going to be rough. And then we're just going to, there we go. All right, perfect. Now we're just, if someone's, oh God, we gotta wash. You ever made fresh pasta before? I haven't, I'm very excited. All right, cool rules. So here, you have clean hands. Kind of fist it in there and kind of make a, oh God, I'm leaking. Kind of make a hole. Make a hole. Yeah, make a hole and make a well. Fist it and make a hole. Fist and make a hole. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like, uh. I see the gold though, it's so shiny. Yeah, so this should be a cool, shiny pasta, and then we're actually going to do a method called spaghetti alla chitarra. Yeah, we're leaking everywhere, we're fine. We're just going to pop that in there and then, uh oh. No, no, we're fine. I didn't fist it hard enough. No, you fisted it fine, Mindy, you fisted it fine. Now you're going to gradually work the pasta in there. You know, you know when people to say you got to gradually work the egg in the flour? You don't. You can make it in the stand mixer. You can do it whatever. You know, you got Giada, Giada De Laurentiis and do it gradually? No, you just mash it. All right, Mindy. If you just want to go in there and mash it, you can do it. Okay. Yeah, here's yeah, just kind of use your hands to kind of throw some more dough in there. We've got some leakies up here. Now the proper method is you just go and then you start smashing it together, and that's how pasta come out. Get your hands dirty, get in there. Eee! Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is fun playtime. Oh, that feels nice. Doesn't it? As you do, so what I like to do is kind of bring it together and then sort of like smash it down with the heel of your palm. This is coming together nicely. This pasta dough feels good. Once you work it together, that's actually going to get it to hydrate even more. Oh. You gotta really smash in there 'cause right now it's looking really floury, right? Like a lot of people will think that their doughs are too dry and will add more water to it when what they really needed to do was work it more and then it comes together. There we go. It's good? Now you can see how shiny that is? It's good. All we gotta do is wrap it, get it in the fridge, and then it's going to continue to hydrate more, and then we can sheet it, and then we can run it through our chitarra. Chitarra. Welcome to "Mythical Kitchen." That was so ominous. Right? Yeah, no, I only know to make ominous music. This is a really cool tool, though. This is called a chitarra. It's literally Italian for guitar and this is how you make spaghetti alla chitarra, which is a really cool dish. So it almost gives the spaghetti like a kind of square quality to it, because what you do is you're gonna take this here dough. We rolled it out. You didn't need to see that. You didn't need to see me struggle for 20 minutes with the freaking thing. So what you do is you lay the dough over it and you physically just push it through these very tightly tuned guitar-like strings, and then they just fall through. One little fancy method from the Italian countryside. Chitarra, okay. All right, so we're just gonna cut this dough in half and then I've totally done this so I'm like super much an expert. Super much an expert. Yeah, yeah. All right, cool, cool, cool. You generally want the dough a little bit thicker so it does get this kind of like square quality to it, and so what you're going to do is you're just going to kind of like roll it out into the strings and then you're going to like really press in on it. Just make sure it's getting in there and then you're going to almost sort of scrape it with the rolling pin. I watched one YouTube of an Italian grandmother doing that. She's smoking a cigarette with one hand and then doing this with the other. We're just going to brace it with the hips. There you go, yeah. Thank you, nonna, for the tips. Grazie bella, grazie miele. Ooh, look at it. Then you gotta kind of bash it and then this one's just stuck together. That's beautiful. And then you always do the last one by hand. Would you like to do it? Just, just? Make a wish. Oh, that's so cute. Now you gotta bash it. And then now we just got skettis. Amazing, okay, cool. You can actually see it's like, it's not quite fettuccine because it's got more like depth to it? Yes. It's almost a square. Here, you want to do that one? Skinny rectangles. Yeah, put that on there and just do it. All right. I am stressed, I don't know why, okay. Don't be stressed. What about this environment is stressful for anybody? All right, so now that we got our spaghetti, we got the sauce, we did the banana ketchup, we got our Spam, all, everything is coming together. So now we're going to boil this off and we got an extra special treat. This is gonna be super dumb. This will be one of the dumbest things I've ever done and I hope people get mad about it 'cause I think it's hilarious. I didn't say anything. Oh my God! I was going on. Oh my God. We got everything to finish our spaghetti. We got this here delicious sauce that everything is tinted red, but Filipino hot dogs are red a lot of the times. You're right. Red, shiny hot dogs, so that's gonna be freaking delicious. I'm excited about that. We have our delicious gold pasta here that we hung on the racks. Yes. We just let it dry out a little bit so you get more al dente flavor in there. And then we've got a big old pot of boiling water. You want to salt that give it like a heck of a pinch of salt. All right. They say you should salt it as salty as the ocean, which is complete BS as we found out on Myth Munchers, now out on YouTube dot like, what are we like? Dot com slash, we're still Rhett and Link four? Drop all the spaghetti in there. Cool. So I firmly believe that Filipino spaghetti should be, uh oh. Oh, they're breaking. Oh, it's breaking. Are you trying to slide it off? Maybe you shouldn't add a bunch of gold dust to spaghetti. Let's get these little guys in here too. Maybe we'll just kind of do all that and then we'll kind of just get them on, that's good. Oh, okay, we'll just slide them all off. I think the right way to do it. Oh, it's breaking. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think this is probably the best. No, it's fine. All right. There it is, spaghettis. Looking like a haystack, all right. Toss it all in there, toss it all in there. We have a couple of other things to finish this spaghetti off. So I am a big fan of spaghetti that is just topped with the sauce, especially Filipino spaghetti. For me that's very iconic. Plain spaghetti topped with the sauce and then some sort of orange cheese. I believe Jollibee's is both orange and white? Okay. Maybe it's just white. All right, Jollibee. Either way what we're using is a really strong cheddar. This is Red Leicester out of England. Then we're going to toss the pasta with a little bit of Normandy butter. This is Beurre Bordier. Thing that makes us better is the cows are French. They're very progressive, you know? They take multiple lovers. We're gonna let that spaghetti boil and then we're gonna finish it and top it. Cool. Huh? Okay. Sketti's done. That's a big boy. Yeah, we got a 50-pound half wheel of Parmesan cheese here. So we're going to build this in the Parmesan cheese bowl. We've hollowed it out a little bit. This is Parmigiano-Reggiano. That is from the Parma region of Italy. So what I'm going to do, Mindy, you gotta start taking that skettis out with this here thingy and then you're going to put it in there. You're gonna try and drain all the water off of it and then I'm gonna start scraping up a little bit of parm. Ooh, okay. In there. Get to scraping, all right. And then that's gonna sort of infuse in the pasta and I'm gonna take a little bit of this Normandy butter. Yeah. Okay, yes, yes, yes. There we go, there we go, there we go. Okay, so we got the butter in there. Now just toss hot sketti in there. So fancy. And I'm going to start like mixing, and mixing, and whisking, you know, doing it. Yeah, yeah, those were a lot of words. Yeah, so this, yeah, we can just get this on Amazon, turns out. Okay, just get the, oh there's so many. Yeah, dump it, screw it. The pasta water will like infuse into the Parmesan to create a sort of thing. Just like flippity flap right in there. Oh, the noods are so floppy. Yeah, then we're gonna start tossing it. That butter's gonna melt in there. Wow, look at the gold on that sketti. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I do love that we are using about $600 worth of Parmesan cheese and then we're topping it with cheddar. What? All right, now we're going to create a large bed. Oh, woo! I'm getting excited. He barks, okay. What? Oh yeah, no, I yelp a lot. I yelp like a seal. You ever hear a seal yelp? Yup. Okay, yup. Yup, yup, yeah. All right, so we got all the sauce in there. It's looking pretty freaking fantastic and then we're just going to shred all that delicious Red Leicester on top, mound it up. This is like an homage to Skyline Chili as well as Filipino spaghetti. Boom, and. Wow. This is it. We made fancy Jollibee spaghetti and I cannot freaking wait to eat this. Before we do that though, let's compare it to the original. Oh, it was just hiding, okay. Yeah, we keep a lot of old fast food items in a drawer. There's a couple of Jack in the Box. What are the Breakfast Jack's back in there. God. We like to age the eggs. Oh. This is the fiesta size spaghetti from Jollibee. It looks not dissimilar. True. This is missing a giant wheel of Parmesan. I will say that's something that ours has going for it. But I mean, we got the hotdogs in there. The sauce is, ours got a little more food dye. That was you know, anyone of us could have been responsible for that one. But I mean, this looks pretty fantastic and it doesn't look dissimilar from this. I think they're gonna taste pretty similar maybe, but let's dig into this, let's try it. Yeah, let's do it. Let's try the original just to like remind us. Yeah, okay. This was her breakfast this morning. It was. Dude, a spaghetti breakfast rules. I'm gonna have to get back on that. Mm hm. Mm hm. Family party, mm hm. It hits, it still hits. This is good. You play the hits, there's nothing wrong with it. I think this is going to taste it a little bit different. Oh, look at the way the cheese melted on the top. Yeah, it's got a little bit of cheese sweat in there. Okay, I think I've got a hot dog. Gotta get the hot dog. Gotta get some of that homemade Spam in there. Oh yeah. You might taste a little bit of rum in the sauce 'cause we put a lot of rum in there. Oh, and I smell it too. That vanilla, okay, okay, okay. All right, you ready? Uh huh. Do it. As it's in your mouth. That's really good. This is fire. You taste the rum, but like, 'cause you taste so much sweetness in the sugar in here and this like smells pretty sweet as well. There's like artificial banana extract in banana ketchup that we don't have. True. But our rum kind of makes up for that. Yeah. So it's a very similar experience. Except like this, it's not like light years better to me. Like it wouldn't justify whatever this price tag is. I agree. But this is really freaking delicious. So we tried it and compared it. Now let's compare the price. How much was this? Let me answer your question with a question. How much money would you pay for the best bowl of spaghetti of your life? I would probably spend like $50 on like really fancy spaghetti. The good news is this only costs $840.75. Huh? Yeah, well okay, hold on. The thing is we bought a $650 Parmesan cheese wheel and we're putting that into the cost. If you factor that out, it's only a $200 plate of spaghetti. But we did buy this and so it's there. So this is the 840 bucks. But the thing is you can reuse the Parmesan wheel for cereal in the morning. You put a little Captain Crunch in there, you put your Top Ramen in there. Cereal? We can keep this on your desk for the next couple of months. My desk? Yeah. You know what the funny thing is. She doesn't even have like a desk ever. She was like, where do I put my bag? We're like, I don't know. We'll figure it out. Like we'll clean one of them off. Mindy, this was a hell of a time. I am very proud of you. Welcome to the Mythical Kitchen. Thank you. Everybody, woo! Mindy's first one. Thank you guys. Oh, did you have a good time? I did, thank you so much. This is like not to be cheesy, but this is a dream come true, seriously. Aw, stop. This is my dream come true. This giant cheese wheel full of spaghetti is my dream come true, and sharing with good friends and all that. Anyways, thank you so much, Mindy. And thank you all so much for stopping by the Mythical Kitchen. We got new episodes for you every week. We got new episodes of our podcast, "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich" every Wednesday wherever you get your podcasts. Hit us up on Instagram @mythicalkitchen with pictures of your mythical dishes under #dreamsbecomefood. We got a lot of work to do on eating all the spaghetti. Yeah, we do. Hey, cook up your own feast while wearing the Mythical Kitchen apron, available now a mythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 1,419,502
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Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: i5kWVgnBWA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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