Two-Point Campus, $0 School.

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today i'm being sponsored by sega to create a school for zero dollars and two point campus you know you can play this game starting with money in school buildings but i just thought i'd spice things up by starting out as a solo teacher with nothing just this one building to see if i could make enough tuition money off the kids in order to build an actual school to make it even better the only course i can teach them is called general knowledge before i go any further if you decide you want to check out the game i'd appreciate it if you use my link below in the description you wouldn't want to disappoint me would you meet our protagonist professor bodie mcboatface founder of our school he had excellent hygiene and moved faster than most i decided the goal of this playthrough would just be to treat this like a business and make professor mcboatface rich time was of the essence mood was already dropping and then the students emerged from the subway nearby and filed into the school building in the month of august before classes began by september professor mcboatface had stepped suspiciously out of the parking lot and decided to enter the classroom to commence the studies after the initial lecture i spent the first round of tuition money on sprucing up the classroom with potted plants to make the boring lecture hall more attractive i gave the students an assignment to complete in the library but there was no library and they couldn't bother me during office hours to complain because there was no office so i just built a bathroom with only one stall so that i could hog it and take an egregious dump during the months between my pedagogical duties then i built a dormitory for some of them to sleep while i distracted the rest of them with my second lesson everyone was failing the course so finally by the end of november i at long last had enough money to finance an entire library i also hid the bathroom behind the library so that not only did students have to push past one another to complete their assignment but if they wanted to see their professor they'd have to endure a great big dump in such a short amount of time the school was already humming along prosperously i actually had enough cash flow to hire an assistant to help out his name was cooper trout a slow gross library manager i also bought a water cooler and a snack machine since no one had had anything to eat or drink in over four months which was eroding at student morale even the mayor visited the school and despite the fact that she started crying after seeing the state of our campus they must have been tears of joy because she decided to award us a ten thousand dollar grant to help expand our building i used the money to hire a thirsty janitor to clean the place up and bought hand sanitizing dispensers alleviating the overwhelming stench of bo in the building then it was an arcade machine to entertain everyone it's not like we didn't have growing pains though there was trevor juggle a total basket case and he smelled something had to be done about him but what i couldn't simply allow him to moonwalk intimidatingly into this girl not on my watch no having tantrums in the hallway and then he stopped paying for school so i expelled him you can't drop out of if we expel you students were still bored i expanded more adding a student lounge complete with a couch foosball games fruit boom boxes the students loved it it distracted them from the fact that they were receiving mediocre tutelage from a scammy man in robes walking around a parking lot but even our protagonist bodie mcboatface was growing tired 10 months into his vocation so i built him a staff lounge finally by may students were getting a's a pluses the kids were happy and had pieces of paper that said they had learned something and deserved to be paid more than other people out in the real world yes that first year had been a success but it was time to expand my business i mean school they say every good entrepreneur's first employee is a clone of himself someone who had the same hoot spa and so it was that i hired peggy strong and gilbert damp both of whom were actual certified educators to legitimize my operation the graduates simply disappeared at the bus stop so began the second year of school we doubled our lecture halls and admitted too many students shrinking the student lounge and packing them into a hot classroom now this was really getting to be a lot of money so we built out to the building footprint and constructed a dorm that well it wasn't really a dorm but more of a barracks somehow people still thought it looked good because of all the potted plants and even during a routine health inspection our janitor laura buzzkill stuck her entire head into the toilet bowl to demonstrate our commitment to sanitation the school expanded two lecture halls became four we added private tutoring zones and a therapy office for students who were angry and upset we expanded the library and then we made a weird brain expansion room where we sent faculty members for professional development another year of satisfied grads in a flourish of celebration i erected a duck in our main courtyard like the duck our students would go out in the real world and quack about everything they were learning quack quack quack out with knowledge that was our alma mater we had so much school spirit that we threw a party and set sky-high expectations by hanging up pictures of the same fancy man all over the walls i decided to expand the campus but we didn't have any more money so i couldn't expand the campus so i had to go get some money to expand the campus what i'm trying to say is that it grew but see there was this looming problem on the horizon there's no death in this game and faculty members demand a one percent raise per year which if you do the math ultimately would lead to an exponential growth of infinite salaries we'd have to keep up by making more money or just fire everyone i wasn't ready for that so we decided to teach archaeology an extremely lucrative course to teach since your students dig up ancient artifacts that can be sold so we saw off our graduates and commenced with year six in which we established a dig site literally right in front of the school in a research room everything was getting better we even upgraded the lecterns somehow by welding uh the wood yet another year passed i decided to open up a few clubs on campus to deceive my students into completing my aims the speed walking club to get more people out of the way the power napping club to free up dorm space the nature club to take care of the campus grounds without paying the students this is when i made one of the most bizarre discoveries the orb club that's right you heard me the orb club like a sphere i don't know why anyone in his right mind would join the orb club but it had hundreds of applicants before long it requires of its members regular payments ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars for seemingly no reason and it just makes people unhappy but since people were loving it i invested tens of thousands into progressively larger more impressive and obtrusive orbs to get everyone's money i think it's a cult but it's my cult now i had more money than i knew what to do with hundreds of thousands i bought the last available campus land after all archaeology was a three-year course that required more and more specialized classrooms but it was worth it because the kids were paying more than twice as much as the general knowledge students how had an educational scam in one man's garage become an archaeological university the answer is ambition we purchased expensive gemstones pottery dinosaur fossils and obnoxious trophies just because there was now too much money around this time i trained laura buzzkill the janitor to get better at upgrading machines and then i upgraded the machine that trained her to get better at upgrading machines and then i trained her again with the upgraded machine to make her get even better at upgrading machines you know how long it took me to say all that year eight was incredibly lucrative we were showered with accolades and to celebrate i got an arcade machine of crazy taxi because sega published this game which was honestly kind of a cool easter egg it was satisfying to pass the million dollar mark but it honestly brought me back to the kind of existential listlessness enwi and lack of real world experience i had in college it was cathartic to watch this archaeology student seek therapy eat a bag of cheese snacks and drink two whole glasses of water with an explosively full bladder but that was the exception rather than the rule kids were happy almost everyone had an a starting with nothing bodie mcboatface founder and headmaster now had over 1 million dollars a beautiful campus housing priceless artifacts and making people happy and a nice little office where he personally counseled and tutored the youth my plan was almost finished except now for the final act in which i sold the building fired all of the faculty and expelled the students [Music] i don't know i just i just wanted to do that i don't really know what to do at the school once it's done so i just replaced it all with ducks i think i'm ready to make a wizard school next anyway huge thanks once again to sega for sponsoring this video if you want to try out two point campus you can check it out on my link below and thanks as always to my patrons who have explosively fall bladders and yet somehow still continue drinking water i'm ambiguous amphibian until next time my friends
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 968,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: two point campus, two point campus gameplay, two point campus review, two point campus 2022, two point campus sega, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian two point campus, ambiguousamphibian tycoon, two point campus ep 1, two point campus episode 1, 2 point campus, 2 point campus game, 2 point campus gameplay, let's play two point campus, two point campus let's play, lets play two point campus, two point campus lets play
Id: 0lFT-mX9KGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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