Warhammer 3 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - EVERYTHING IS BROKEN AGAIN!!!!

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ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen I hope you're all having a lovely time today my friends how we doing are we all glorious are we ready have we got warm Cups of Tea in hand are we all ready for something very very very special today today we are doing a stream like no other to unleash an exploit like no other that has literally never been covered before uh because no one was aware of it except for now here it is we're ready to shoot up to the world I would like to before we start uh say a huge thank you to the one for salt effin for uh basically submitting this exploit I don't normally cover other exploits that are submitted in for like newer stuff um however I make a big exception for this one because there is nothing like it and is absolutely absurd uh I've never seen an exploit like this in Warhammer so I thought it would be good fun to show it off with you guys so yes grab yourselves a nice warm cup of tea huge thank you to Salt FM uh otherwise known as karmic for today as this is going to be a little bit Jazzy so welcome ladies and gentlemen to the world of Warhammer free I hope you are already an excited look yes this is what the world looks like it's Warhammer free we recognize it we know what it looks like it's a it's a video game um I hope it's not laggy is it all fine does it render fine chat is there lag or is it fine because recording Warhammer 3 is always a challenge oh wait it's trying to record at the same time there we go let me fix that go are you happy now streaming software are you happier not fine lag God [ __ ] God damn it Warhammer 3 you're an absolute bloody nightmare to try and record so this computer's dying experience computer is wonderful literally impossible right I have to turn off my lovely Rules of Nature audio okay fight wait I can't click on the Army that's a spoiler spoiler to click on the Army um all right 25 of frames skipped am I outputting this at what output am I sending this out at am I sending this out at like 240p or 2C 1440p okay let me just quickly lower the resolution of the game down to something that makes a bit more sense sorry chat one second um one moment visual settings lower down to 1920 by 1080p oh I hate it running window as well uh 1920 by 1080. oof apply changes here we go okay right should hopefully work now this should render fine um it is it is a challenge with these video games because of how they function uh they're often a little bit janky and that's okay it's okay to have slightly janky video games um largely because Warhammer 3 is not rendered very effectively uh the developers you know they they spent time on something else and that's okay we can appreciate the time they spent working on other things so this should now hopefully run completely fine um if it doesn't I'd be bloody amazed because we effectively just half to the quantity of frames that the software had to even render no that looks lovely to me fantastic okay welcome chat this uh is now live we're here together we're here to break the game um much better um ah chat I love you thank you chat smooth as butter uh I can't believe what we're watching isn't butter now you will notice we're playing Total War Warhammer three uh normally if you're playing Warhammer 3 you're gonna be playing one of the new affections uh I don't know why I'm looking over here there's not many new affections over here but anyway you're going to be playing some of the newer chaos factions that just kind of makes more sense uh We're not gonna be doing any of that because that's big old nerd stuff instead we're going to be focusing on the the good stuff and the good stuff ladies and gentlemen is not um not whatever the f whatever the heck that stuff is still like Jesus Christ this game this game's rendering software is like absolute Jank I can't describe how bad this thing post process is let me just actually turn of all post-processing effects quickly anti-aliasing of texture filtering uh tri-linear I think that's that's what we're wanting right um fog low just turn off all that shadow don't need Shadow [ __ ] shadow um cloth simulation who needs to simulate cloth geez I couldn't just wear clothes if I want to simulate cloth oh dear okay right back this should be back fine now oh no the game's lagging of course it is games lagging not responding thank you Warhammer Warhammer like it's not difficult okay to actually function um Connor you can't do a poll where you ask if there's lag and you propose an option of T they're just gonna vote t you know what this community is like anyway right this should mostly be fine anyway who cares if it doesn't perfectly function [ __ ] it it's it is what it is I'm Gonna Keep a little Tracker open so I could see how many frames we drop but I'm gonna hide all of the rendering stuff so where computer doesn't have to worry about it okay right welcome to Warhammer three ladies and gentlemen normally of course as we mentioned people play the boring nerd factions they play elves they play chaos hardly anyone gives the wood elves a go no one gives the wood elves a go okay because why well there's a few reasons number one elves suck uh they just generally do they're just not very entertaining next up these are wood elves imagine an elf that already suck and now they suck more because they just live in trees okay like literally Die Hard hippie faction that's who we're gonna be playing today they're quite boring to play as well like um their fraction mechanics aren't very good especially the faction I'm playing uh the sisters of Twilight like they have a forge oh wow I could make I could make 16 unique items and I can do this thing which like almost all other factions have access to so like is this is this good is this good the answer is no it's not good this isn't good there's no benefit to this this just kind of sucks uh it's not very good so yes the faction sucks not fun I I can see some of you already rebelling in chat saying look we love the wood elves you can say they're fun to play they're not as fun as other factions okay if you're asking me would I rather play wood elves or would I rather play the pirate faction it's gonna be the pirate faction because they are fun they're silly all of their units look different I'm sorry but all of the wood elf units just look like re-skinned elf units because oh no that's exactly what they are anyway doesn't matter that's not what we're here to complain about um we're here to talk about some dubious game balance so this is the wonderful world of Warhammer the way Warhammer works is you have your armies and you fight with your armies you can also have Heroes and you can embed these Heroes into armies they can fight in battles and they can do other status effects so I know there's a dude over here he's a lich priest of light so he heals Undead units when he's in an army but when he's not in an army he can go around and he can wound other enemy Heroes makes perfect sense uh the elves have the same we can recruit Heroes we can recruit these Glade captains we can recruit these spell Slingers some of them are quite good we can recruit them at level 10. however the game has a unique mechanic you can take heroes from one campaign that you've done and load them into another campaign this is like a really good idea it's really fun it's really silly like you can you can be playing with your favorite hero in one story bring them over into another campaign when you give it another go it's great makes perfect sense there's just like one one minor difference and that is that in this case it's completely utterly broken okay ladies and gentlemen because we can recruit heroes yes yes we can recruit Heroes uh one issue we can recruit unique Heroes okay that makes perfect sense we can recruit maybe the unique hero for the wood El faction known as uh alariel um or Ariel uh we can recruit them that makes perfect sense and that's wonderful who doesn't want to recruit a hero issue is we can recruit them from other campaigns um sorry Avatar yes Ariel the Avatar of issue we can recruit them from other campaigns now you're going to notice they're bloody expensive they're really expensive we've got a aerial here that costs 18 Grand this one costs 15 grand this one costs 15 grand this one costs 18 Grand this one costs 17 grand now this is a unique hero you can only have one in each campaign uh you get the they spawn in when you like heal up one of your the main tree that you're looking after you get the uh the Avatar aerial um issue is you only get one now one's okay but it's not good enough because sure they're probably one of the most overpowered heroes in the game but having one of them isn't good now of course we could recruit one uh they're too expensive and we could only have one so that's not really an exploit what is an exploit is uh you can recruit more than one allow me to introduce you to my free Aerials here uh who I recruited earlier because I'm on turn 21. yes it says probably takes a little bit of time to set up but it's worth it basically in a single player campaign you can go around and do the first 40 turns of the sisters of Twilight campaign uh get as many Aerials as you can and save them uh you can just press this button to save character then start up a new campaign and you can have all of them that you've saved and you can recruit them for example instead of Ariel we now just have Bob Bob the fairy and now Bob the fairy um is quite good we're going to talk about why Bob the fairy is so good uh this is Ariel Ariel if you don't know is a spellcaster they're quite a good spellcaster with a lot of hit points they've got decent stats and they're okay and melee not the best they're okay what makes them so damn terrifying ladies and gentlemen is what you can do with them and what happens when you get multiple Bob the fairies together and yes I know Bob the fairy is cute okay if you ask nicely Bob will give you his number um Bob the fairy has a few special abilities firstly queen of Apple Lauren uh this means you get Winds of magic cost minus 10 for all spells and Winds of power Reserve change plus 20 when increasing this is a minor problem because you'll notice um there's some battle effects that are affecting all of our units we can take a look at this hero and we go down to their battle effects these guys don't have any if we click on one of the Aerials because there's multiple Aerials the effects of the Aerials are stacking and you'll notice they are currently being affected by minus 20 wins of magic cost for all spells and a further minus 10 for all spells in all armies oh you can't see it because the chat's in the wait look chat that's my okay yes that is my fault I will move the chair out of the way there we go bam check out the way fine enjoy you can now see um Ariel has minus 20 for all wins of magic spells and minus 10 for and then additional minus 10 percent Ariel is getting these two minus twenties from the other two Aerials in this Army and this is Ariel's own ability and they're all stacking now what this means is quite special basically all of these spells that cost magic uh like say soul stealer would normally cost us eight magic to cast now costs us 30 less and that is with free Aerials in the Army what happens when you get all of the Aerials in the Army well that's when Shenanigans begins and I mean true Shenanigans that's what we're working towards an army of entirely just Aerials so this is exploit number one and did my game just crash it's a game what the what the hell game we haven't even started with the exploit Mr Warhammer geez okay fine game loading [ __ ] God uh do I see the super chat or are we supporting a streamer that does not see comments uh yes I do I do see the super chats they do pile up I do generally read them at the end like for example I can see the wonderful Dan the indoor man thank you for the 10 pounds I don't know how to do this uh but hey oh uh you can use the Super Chat payment but you didn't know how to give random subs and you wanted to gift uh and you wanted to give back well thank you very much for giving back my dude for the 10 pounds and of course one cooler guy for the classic 420 69 Australian dollars um what we've all learned is the Warhammer free can't handle spiff that spiff no I'm not I'm not responding to the rest of that one cooler guy you know I can't you know I legally can't I'm live on stream you can't maybe respond to slander about coffee it's a legal a legal you're supporting the black screen look the black screen is some of the best content this platform has ever seen I know this because I've seen other streams uh you know I was also doing some deep uh deep philosophical thinking earlier today if a um if a streamer donates money to the homeless and they don't record themselves doing it did they really do it just some deep thoughts just some deep thoughts it's my uh modern Twist on the if a tree falls in the woods and nobody's there to hear it does it make a sound I mean it's a genuine question like who knows with these streamers who knows right I'm gonna set Graphics to low uh 1920x1080. I don't know why it is resetting my graphics every time I reload the game that doesn't make sense Warhammer off of texture quality why would I want Giga texture quality right apply changes here we go continue campaign okay bam loading in loading in nicely I know look the black screen's good we're loading back in I've loaded the game look you can have screen now I hope you enjoy the screen premium quality uh actually I don't think you can see what no you can't see it whilst it's loading there we go look at this we're bam wonderful loaded um right I will switch back to not being able to see the Stream So if something buggers up uh give me a shout chat I'll see the chat and that's that's all we'll know okay right uh welcome back here we go so you'll notice we have our free uh Aerials and that's great uh we're quite early into the game so we haven't really done much expansion so that's generally what we're going to be focusing on uh we want to be saving up money so that we can buy another aerial the next aerial I think is uh is Greg Ariel who comes in at 15 000 so that's our goal is to make as much money as possible we're gonna do that by basically raising this entire dark elf action that for some reason decided hey you know what I'm gonna go to war with the two sisters flying on a giant [ __ ] Eagle equipped with this medieval versions I don't know this this fantasy world version of like a a 50 caliber sniper rifle but hey that's fine sure we can go to war um I'm not gonna spend any money because it just does not make sense to spend money we are here to do something different what is this reforge to gift with temporary Powers I've not bugged about with this what does this do roof select to reforge gift with temporary Powers okay I'll save that for a little bit down the line because that could be that could be Shenanigans chat that could be good Shenanigans but yeah effectively we're playing with fantasy attack helicopter and free hype women who their mere presence to each other and they're all sisters literally well they're not even sisters they're twins okay and if you get a whole bunch of sisters together they they're combined girl boss energy is going to blot out the entire Sun now this tomb King over here does have a high power rating and he is asking for our money normally I would just tell him to [ __ ] off but um I will actually accept paying him because I do not want to fight the tomb Kings to the left of me I've got to bother about all of this random crud to the south of me okay I can make more money off of it than I would from giving money to the tomb Kings it's fine it's all gonna be okay right what is this treasury but we get corruption hell yeah I love money that sounds great well Quest has been issued I don't care about the quests what is this oh money I do care about the quest okay this would give me casualty replenishment and a frost Dragon so rather than flying on an eagle uh rather than flying on an attack helicopter we'd be flying on like an AC-130 Gunship well that's potentially a thing we could we could deal with um instead I'm going to take the sisters of Twilight and we're just gonna go burn down the forest of Anaheim Anheim I think yeah it's probably a good idea right we're going do we do we like heal as we pillage no we don't okay we have to encamp our way across oh fine it's in Camp it's fine next turn we'll be able to just Waltz our way straight in to the forest of Anaheim and Burn It To The Ground so that's the plan all right which word you're doing okay we don't have any money to sink into you so I don't care about you right and turn easy quick turns here we go why not have multiple sisters of Twilight um I don't think you can you quest another settlement needs your help thank you thank you um Todd Howard for the greatest bit of guidance and Quest design The Fallout Universe has ever seen oh boy hope the wifey and purpose is doing well yeah they're doing good they're out for the day uh good they've gone on a walk um because you know I'm being boring and spending all day inside playing video games but we went out in did some shopping early today so yep life is good okay so we're gonna go take over the settlement I don't think there's much of a Garrison or there's a prophetic Garrison in we go okay and I mean you probably know exactly how this battle is going to go down it's decisive Victory it's honestly not worth me even fighting this I'll just Auto resolve okay we get some money and we're gonna raise it which gives us four grand there we go bam four grand lovely uh most importantly what's great about getting that full Grand is we can immediately recruit Another Hero yes we can recruit one of these Heroes these Heroes suck we do not want these Heroes they are unique they're not legendary we want to recruit one of these Heroes um Bob Ariel Chad Greg or Ariel chat which which one are we going for Bob Ariel ched or Greg or the other Ariel the choice is yours we can afford them all oh dear Bob okay we like the sound of Bob Bob's Bob's got some great traits yeah I'm sure Bob's good Chad Chad's good Chad is Chad's underrated okay it looks we've got a we've got a firm Bob gang okay so Bob's in uh this is Bob Bob the second I think now um because we've got wait did it not let me I forgot to rename okay well this is I guess the OG Bob then I'm not allowed multiple Bobs in this canonical universe so the other reason why Bob slash Ariel is so good is quite clear um they have this Advantage here on Photo ground minus 20 construction cost for all buildings in the local Province minus 20 construction time and plus five percent income from all buildings this is as you can imagine really really really really really really really quite useful like silly silly useful uh and that's great that's what we love to see that's what we really love to see because that means this stuff builds faster and is cheaper and when we have more Aerials standing in this province oh dear it becomes slightly too cheap and that is what we like messing about with anyway we sacked up this province um can we go anywhere else no I don't think we can okay right uh sisters of Twilight what can I sink into you um you haven't really got anything useful because let's be honest this is all about the aerial show rather than anything you can offer so guess I'll just give you more hit points so you don't die like a weak Noodle and then I need to spend some of these points so I might as well try reforging because we have some spare money what has it done okay it's reforged twilight spear um I don't know if it's doing what I wanted it to anymore but who cares fine uh I don't know what the goal is I guess now we have a bound spell cool I yeah but I plan to do that I love loot boxes you can honestly get multiple sisters did the same with foreign oh wow okay so I guess we can save this character and if we were to start another campaign we could recruit a lord load a character and yeah load in another sister of Twilight the issue is multiple sisters of Twilight not that useful multiple Aerials however hell yeah now that's that's what we're all about anyway right I'll end my turn who cares about anything the enemy can do I've made my money I'm happy you can tell he's you tell his screen is however is at the stream because his cursor is in random freaking places all the time look I'm sorry Connor if my cursor isn't lining up look you don't come to these streams for the highest quality you come for the experience Orion are you dying to the elves sorry to the dwarves you are I will take a defensive Alliance though because you're offering me money and I love money can I say I'm British please money right there we go these elves are these dark elves are quite angry oh we have to give money or angry Gods angry Gods I'm not giving money to the gods I am a god jeez okay right we're going to encamp our way up use the wood roots does not sound like a fun idea uh we're gonna encamp up what's our way over towards their capital I think they're not feeling too great anymore oh they've got actually a couple of armies over here they suck but they've got some armies and we can actually afford to build stuff here um there's no reason to though because we're just going to take this Bob and send this Bob over to go join up with this Army there we go look at the sister skill tree they have a faction Road wide buff that gives dragons extra breath this can be stacked to Infinity um I suppose you're right having multiple multiple sisters of Twilights rather than multiple Aerials could be useful uh what is this where is it is it a worldly Spirit yes plus one for all dragon breath attacks all armies okay I suppose you're right having like infinite sisters could be great however the cooldown on the dragon breath attack would be your bottleneck whereas I feel that I I really do feel like just the fact that you can have endless infinite Magicka and infinite money is going to be better with Ariel in my humble opinion was Ariel sorry Aerials the Disney princess that's what I've learned um infinite Bobs hey that's what we want uh someone in chat then let's say more Rihanna thieves kind of soon maybe no spoilers this week no spoilers what is this non-aggression pact hell yeah I want to be friendly with everyone I really I don't want I don't like it in Total War when the AI just goes absolutely rampant and starts declaring war on you willy-nilly it is much nicer when the AI just kind of like can chill the [ __ ] out because it's way too common that the AI just goes gets an absolute I know I don't know how to describe it other than a raging murder boner and all they want to do is just kill you at every single opportunity they just want to kill you right um let's send this aerial over let's just wander in this way so we're nice and close there we go and we can reform up with this Bob soon soon after and yeah we'll just heal up here this seems fine have I got anything I could recruit uh nothing because it's all worth too much money and I don't want to spend money no no no no no no no money is for Bobs that's how it works right and turn who is stronger Rihanna keeps or Bob uh it's challenging because both of them technically can cast infinite magic for free Bob is just inherently more powerful what is this Balthazar girl you want a non-aggression pact as well hell yeah my dude yeah oh we're starting to get the Friendship ball rolling I mean the Friendship ball can only go so far because you're gonna start murdering people um I also guess one call ago because you did donate a stupendous amount of money I will I will rename one of our lovely one of our lovely Aerials after you let's choose uh this one uh you are now one cooler guy there we go and to that safe that did actually save heck yes good stuff settlement infected uh that's fine that's okay the plague's fine I love the plague plague time yay okay right we need to sack someone out of this Army one of these terrible Glade guard units can go let's send in send in the Bob send in the Bob of course because this is a legendary hero um there is no cap on the sheer quantity of them you can put in your army the game's just like oh you want more fine why not let's just add more of them in what could go wrong uh this is a battle uh this is a unique battle because the game is like you will die here look at all of these units they have um This Is A Lie of course we are not going to die here this is going to go very nicely for us anyway I'm going to make a uh Siege Tower yeah one Siege Tower that sounds good and I will wait a turn and continue The Siege uh because it otherwise might be a faff to get all of my heroes into the settlement right oh wait they can fly can't they it's been I did all of my testing like last week so I don't even I can't remember if they can fly oh wait I can just do voice Anvil during Siege battles oh that's that's great okay well that changes everything you have access to voice Anvil now right uh let me check [Music] uh it should be under the Army effects oh God I don't know right I'll just end turn and then we'll definitely go in next turn because I don't know if it activates this turn lag no like look chat I have no control over how the game is feeling sometimes game want to be friend other times game does not want to be friend game wants to be absolute bum what is this you want money give money get defensive Alliance yes why not you'll probably survive that's the Hope um why is the game liking what do you do Smith I don't know look this game never runs well for me absolutely never like every other game runs fantastic this game nope not at all not at all always the worst all right there we go fantastic we've made some friends settlement receives plague uh something doesn't matter oh we got a new new technology we'll go for uh cooldown for law of Shadow spells is good because I'm pretty sure most of these Aerials are law of Shadows normally that's just my memory so my memory could be wrong uh you had that problem with Matthew 3 I know it sucks Bob is lagging the game possibly well laptop or PC you're using I am using a 30 atti or like a 30 90 and a incredibly overpowered processor I can tell you that it is not my computer my computer is one of the most strongest processing computers you can have my memory is wrong I have 64 gigabytes of memory and 25 gigabytes of visual memory do not tell me my memory is wrong the game is just the game is poorly optimized okay look look advanced settings it's a 30 90 2 24 448 megabytes of virtual memory there's a visual memory silence chat silence you silly sausages um I wonder if there is anything here that I can just chat I'll give you one moment before we go into this battle because I know we can't check unlimited memory yeah but the game is running fine on my perspective it's just when it's getting rendered by streamlabs where it's it's feeling funky so it could be a streamlabs thing I'm not sure maybe bitrate is all weird but no I've got the bitrate set so they can't exceed 4500 and that's fine check unlimited memory but the games running fine chat don't I'm not bringing up potato into that it's not potato internet my potato internet is great okay need a 4090 chat you are literally full of ah this move is to brains a limited okay fine look I'll turn it on if this some settings could not be applied until the next time a campaign or battle is launched continue yes okay potentially my computer is about to burst into flames um use OBS I am using streamlabs OBS which is basically the same okay look I have checked unlimited video memory we're going to now pray to the machine Spirit if I move around the map and wiggle you should basically see if it lags or not from your perspective and we'll make our judgment based off of that because for me like streamlabs OBS is looking fine other actually please don't tell me that's what fixed it no there's no way that's that actually fixed it [ __ ] chat fine uh 50 gifted memberships I owe you that I owe you 50 gifted memberships you bastards you are some bastards right we're gonna fight this battle I'll drop down a quick save because there's a chart side blunder it entirely um that is a win for the chat you did it ready good job oh my God if it starts lagging again it's not my fault okay it's not my fault is Chad smarter than spiff you cannot legally vote in that poll that is a legal poll to vote into uh do not touch it foreign you ever just um instead of chat replace the H and with a B and said you've got seabat um how did that work I've got no idea this is just like a a prey to the machine beer machine Spirits um moment anyway here we are we're in the battle uh Channel magic not needed not needed in the slightest and here's why we have four Bobs uh these bulbs all have spells um this is soul stealer soul stealer costs eight wins of magic to cast you will notice soul stealer does not cost eight wins of magic to cast uh streamlabs is actually not OBS I know it streamlabs is an OBS it's very different um but it is for me the most useful and intuitive streaming software yes one day I might switch but for now no um yes this spell is meant to cost eight it costs two this spell is meant to cost six it costs one this also meant to cost eight eight this one I think is meant to cost 12 or something like that the dwell is below 17. okay this well is meant to cost 17 wins of magic it costs free uh healing is meant to cost Five magic it costs one and um Shield of thorns is meant to cost seven Tempest is ten you're meant to be eight and you're meant to be oh Soul steal is meant to be 16. oh is this the yeah okay it's meant to be 16 wins of magic not today um this is of course quite useful really really quite useful slightly broken some would say now what would happen if we were to add in another area the answer is it would go down even further for even characters that aren't Aerials like say this wizard here flock of Doom is now um is now down to from six to just costing free which is really really impressive um but yes it's mostly these Aerials here that are the most overpowered so we're going to group them all up together and effectively everything else in the Army is just going to loiter and distract that is their job everyone else can just kind of like chill back here we can have these Eagles go in and die I don't care about them because honestly the sooner they die the less maintenance I have to pay um is this seriously smooth as butter this is so much smoother I can't believe that actually fixed it can it ever be a zero yes uh we need a couple more Aerials and then it does become zero anyway uh Chat Place your bets who's gonna get the most kills uh Bob Ariel Ariel or one cooler guy those are your choices let's begin start the battle okay I'm gonna go to a nice slow speed because I do like to think about my actions um also going to send in one of the towers here and the other Tower here there we go I don't really care if the towers make it or not it's more about sending a message okay that's what we care about um and then I think yeah we're doing good we can just bug her on straight in oh look we can do magicy stuff oh that's nice oh wait we can cast vol's anvil on this wall ah well we might as well sorry archers dog Shield dog shields no goodbye dog shields bye bye rest in peace rest in peace okay right this is how the Aerials are going to enter now they're all going to enter in through this hole in the wall okay you there can go there you can go here fantastic and send in the Aerials so Aerials quite useful main spell here soul stealer uh what does it do drains life from the enemy and gives it to um to the Caster now I think all of them just cast soul stealer on the same location uh it doesn't stack but it does stack the healing for all of them which is fine they a lot of them also have this healing ability which is going to do something a little bit silly and basically route all of the nearby units there we go so this unit is just buggered off um because they're terrified and they're going to cast a shield of forms on one of the Aerials this reflects damage back uh we can then cast dwellers below just like here somewhere that'll be fine um I want you to do a soul stealer on this unit I want you to do a soul stealer on this unit and yeah we're just gonna let the fun and Chaos begin ladies and gents oh wow Bobby's doing great go Eagles and look the Eagles are like the weakest element in this entire format I've all seen my lovely main person to go kill these these units here anyway one call ago you're up to eight kills good job I'm gonna drop a soul stealer down um Bob here Bob how are you doing Bob's on 24 good job Bob Bob I want you to cast a tempest um on just where where is Tempest even cast oh it has to be on a flying character my bad uh dwellers below is what I want you to cast just cast it like here fantastic and then potentially cast a damage reflection on one of the other Aerials that's right you can just cast sorry another lifesteal why not more lifesteal how about you I would like you to cast a damage reflection on yourself to get more easy kills fantastic okay Ariel like sorry not even Arrow the sisters of Twilight genuinely like they're okay but they do not last anywhere near as long as other Lords okay the Aerials here have done a great job um we can take a look at the floor there are quite a few corpses uh and the Aerials I've got to be honest they're not looking as friendly as they wanted it they've got a bit more blood on them um I think Bob if Bob has killed 213 people oh my God Bob that is actually horrific everyone call the guy I want you to cast soul steal on these guys Bob you're doing great so I'm gonna have your car soul stealer on these guys and um can I even cast Fool's anvil on like this shitty fortification I think I might be able to who knows um anyway these guys are having their souls stolen Ariel can you cast soul steal on these archers over here oh wow they just okay one unit just got wiped out there Bob you're doing great so can you just also cast oh what of pain isn't that useful okay just cast well is below why not go for it go for it you can also cast dwellers below just cast it on yourself oh there's a dude over here okay right you're ready to cast I want you to cast this here um we'll call the guy I also want you to cast dwellers below right here as well oh this is just fantastic where's Bob Bob okay that's Victory that's Victory cool lovely amazing uh we can just end the battle right here um and see how everyone did decisive Victory guys change the name to Bob The Butcher hell yes fall for the doctor a live stream that I get to watch live yay thank you very much for your generous 50 bucks my dude um I will get a a character named after you okay so the winner is Bob with 233 kills um that's pretty good that is what I like to say very good uh Bob the brutalizer um Bob is Bob is here 233 kills we can see at the end actually he's just got to do a loading screen [Music] here we go it divvies out the kills a bit fairly for the people that didn't get much and Bob here actually it says Ariel Ariel Ariel oh okay all right well it's Bob um Bob did 15 000 damage which is really quite good good job Bob uh right we'll raise this place to the ground goodbye lovely lovely lovely lovely a unicorn cool butcher just being given to the sisters of Twilight yeah there's definitely Bob The Butcher here uh Bob congratulations you're getting renamed Bob the butcher there we go Bob The Butcher can he kill it Bob the butcher he's stealing your souls it's just how it how it is um see the words if you know them uh right what am I gonna want to sink this into Barry wine is good Evergreen is also good plus control and decrease corruption can stack really nicely Europe to rank 31 I didn't even know you could go above rank 30. uh that's kind of crazy um what does this do when casting when literally casting anything increased damage to all allies everywhere well yes that's just fantastic that's just brilliant um what about you Ariel uh I will give you a ward save when you're casting 10 physical resistance when casting seems great to me seems really really good you'll notice that also all of the hero recruit ranks and Lord recruit ranks are getting boosted by each each area we have and speaking of which we're ready to hide the next one um chat what would you like Greg chedd or Ariel pick pick Greg cheddo Ariel um the choice is yours whilst you pick I'm gonna rename one of our Aerials to Fourth Doctor fourth daughter there we go Bim wait did I just say Bim instead of bam that's like geez uh flock of doomed I want to upgrade flock of Doom it is a damaged spell and I could do with some kind of damage spell really in this Army Amber Spears good ever Spear upgraded does do like a thousand damage so yes I will take that and the sisters of Twilight upgraded as well uh who cares about the sisters of Twilight plus 15 speed for Elven units I think that is okay oh diplomatic bonuses and Casualty replenishment and plus 15 physical resistance to all units oh affects Heroes plus 15 physical resistance to all of our to all of our bulbs yes hell yes that's amazing right now does this faction want to peace out uh yes but there's no point in piecing them out because they're at war with these people and so by fighting them we will make more friendship with the cult of pleasure um Cult of pleasure should hopefully hopefully like us eventually I'm not going to spend five thousand getting on aggression pack though Greg okay chat you want Greg so we will summon in the hero Greg um bam now of course we also get this Forge and this Forge lets us do special things uh one of them being give units give unit stuff um so for example which one of these is quite good recruitment cost and Vega loss wouldn't be the worst uh melee defense of and Twilight helm ETS Twilight Helm might be okay uh dreaming cloak upkeep for all units in the Army could be good Winds of magic we don't really need we saw a straight for construction cost for all buildings uh growth and campaign movement range okay I don't think that's too great either okay I think I might just go for this dragon mask because it gives us more money and more money is more Greg's and so I think we can all agree oh if we reforge it plus 100 percent yeah that sounds great I would love a plus 100 loot okay so we're going to equip this dragon mask to one of our lovely Aerials it's going to go to Bob The Butcher you know it's a good price congratulations you murdered a bunch of people have more money I will also give you a fireball spell not that it really matters Fireball kind of sucks in the grand scheme of things you could also be given these ancillaries which is a bit silly so we can give you more spell resistance we can give you uh reinforcement range doesn't matter we give you armor and weapon strength and yeah I think that's probably all we want to give you but the fact that you can equip this guys if they were an actual Lord is absurd absolutely absurd anyway bam that seems good to me fantastic we're gonna probably leave the faction alone now um if they want to rebuild the can but I'm going to bug her off back here to do a quest battle because Quest battles give money um can you honestly get multiple sisters uh did the same with foreign I don't know I haven't tested it I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you could is spiff a VT bird yes I'm a virtual tea YouTuber um because I am a box of tea given sentience that is streaming that is how it works oh look at these the slaughterhorn tribe has come back to kill one of my areas that is fine Auto resolve sounds like we've got some people to murder next that's okay it's fine we got ourselves a nice Target uh what do you want you want trade agreement heck yes I want a trade agreement friendship I love the sound of friendship it's before yeah that get it added to the um to the wonderful Smith Law Wikipedia page please um all right we're going to bugger off in this direction as fast as possible fine I'll go these sisters are so sassy they might as well be called the sastas of Twilight not the sisters but um that's a terrible joke anyway Greg come on down here Greg get ready to join up with the army um we've got a forest encounter over here we'll deal with this Quest battle will probably deal with as well that seems fine uh I do think I'm gonna grab the boots where are they the Twilight dreaming boots for increased map movement speed yeah plus 35 campaign movement range is exactly what we need on our current slow as Folk sisters of Twilight right end of turn let's go the sastis the sisters imposter detected um you can also get infinite Magic by casting the Amber Spear and moving during the cast time it removes the cooldown doesn't spend wins but still casts as well I think they've fixed that though um I think they've fixed the whole start casting spell stop casting spell um what is this you want me to join a war against some skaven and in turn you'll pay me I look we're friends so I'm not gonna do that because you're not gonna hate me so there's no point count the Bobs we've got some decent Bobs um five Bobs so far does the minus 25 off building stack well sounds like it sounds like we should find out shouldn't we um oh migration yay migration faster growth is good oh chaos is corruption is starting to get spicy in how cool but that's okay we don't mind look there was a pillage it was going to happen um all right so we're going over here we're going to get Greg added into the army so that means we need to get rid of one of these add in Greg bam Greg is in so now we're up to Five Sisters of Twilight um they're looking quite quite Mighty and twilighty I think it makes sense that we go straight I think it makes sense that we go for this Quest battle um we might as well I'm gonna drop down a save uh it does say that it's literally just the easiest fight in the universe but they're gonna get reinforcements so maybe it'll be difficult maybe it will be difficult here we go um to do all right bam into the battle we go what's with that Mouse it's off a bit look the mouse is off it it's gonna be off because my monitor is at a different resolution to what the game is running at um that's just how it is right here we go bam into the battle defeat heard Stone Guardians is the goal that is our goal um we can do that where's my dragon oh it's it's Daenerys Targaryen where are my dragons who cares about the law it's fine you don't need to know about the law okay bam we're in um we got our sisters and we have our heroes oh it's happened okay right some of these spells are now free uh soul stealer is now completely free to cast so can you guess what spell we're about to go cast right income the Oreos in makeup oh some people just love to rock nice nice you love to rock um what is this summons safinha oh that's pretty cool I guess I'll save that for some point in the battle anyway uh soul stealer on you uh soul stealer on you and soul stealer on you I think is a good idea there we go I'm just gonna start stealing some Souls it's uh it's a good idea trust me and we can just leave our armies like so who cares if they get ambushed it really doesn't matter who cares if a rock is getting thrown at them I don't get why he's trying to hit the bird with a rock the odds of hitting the bird are kind of a bit Slimmer anyway dwellers below we'll get a cast off here we'll get a cast off uh here we'll get a soul stealer cast off here and I'll also do a reflect damage on this one here we go right yes yes yes yes yes damage all coming in I can pop a soul Steel on this one oh you're doing fantastic as well I'm also going to do a unhappiness attack there we go drawn by the scent of elves the beastman surged towards their sacredstones okay they're not doing much surgeon um at the moment mostly dying is is what I'm seeing have I lost any units yet yes 20 units have somehow died what are these deepwood Scouts doing why were they out there what were you doing out there you silly boys jeez you silly silly sausages right okay one another soul stealer on this one I um but they're just literally fleeing okay so I'll steal on that one uh you over here Ariel can go kill this saigor how are we doing Greg okay no fourth doctor is in the lead with 50 kills good job fourth doctor I think you can potentially even get another cast off here this would be insane this would be really really good all right let's see if it can be done oh and we have a cast here and we have what looks to be another cast here uh in terms of quest battle um I'm not feeling very questy I'm feeling very uh very this is a thing that is happening currently um and ultimately there is no challenge in the slides oh here we go here we go there's a whole bunch of stuff behind us look at this look at this let's just send in all of our units to manually do this fight there we go um this is a thing that they can do can you cause flock of Doom yeah you can you flock of Doom up you doom them up I'll also summon in the the dragon why not it can just loiter back here somewhere right you cast you're gonna come back and help okay Bob The Butcher you're doing great Ariel okay you're just gonna Soul steal on top of yourself you're also going to join the freight go on get in there get in there soul stealer oh yes you can also bug her off over here uh we can also do a bit of leadership shenanigans fantastic dwellers Below on top of yourself as well um they literally can't take damage none of these units can dish out enough damage to even hurt them and even if they could soul stealer is regenerating their health at the same time that it's leaving which you know creates a little bit of a problem um and by that I mean quite a big problem yes huge problem in fact okay how are my units back here doing uh they're doing fine absolutely fine okay yes this worked out completely okay wow um what a what a fight is what I would say if this could even be classed as a fight this cannot right Banning cast like so what are you boys you are your anti-infantry unbreakable chaos spawn okay it looks so you got some fancy stuff good for you good for you let's get some dwellers Below on top of you then we'll see how good you can do um might as well get this Dragon to go car some breath or something I mean it is what dragons do I feel like that's their job he has to do it Greg uh you haven't been given many opportunities to do anything so go cast some stuff um and well the Saga is just buggered off bless the poor little cycle he ain't got the best leadership he's just a cute little dude trying to make his way in the world and I think this is uh the game um what the fight at least not much request battle but it was technically on paper a battle that did occur in history it was this is going down as one of the uh the character the games of all time yes right bam fast forward come on unbreakable chaos Pawn you're done now are you also unbreakable there is no way you could possibly still think you stand a chance okay Aerials deploy right look at this we're just going to send them in fam leadership bam leadership and then soul stealer and then dwellers below let's let's see how long they can last then yep let's see let's see oh oh no you don't want to fight oh what a shame oh what a shame you didn't actually want to fight oh you poor noodles okay well Greg 41 kills Bob The Butcher 22 one call look I got 47 fourth doctor got Fringe and 26 and Ariel got 275 good job everyone that is a a good win for us all everyone is happy at the end of the day except the people who had to fight us they are not as happy by what happened yes lovely stuff oh glorious glorious decisive Victory and battle Bob got robbed ah it's fine Bob could probably solo an entire battle the thing you have to remember about these characters is they are now so powerful you could send them into any fight and you they'll just win solo literally just solo one of these people um fourth doctor is just ignoring his Hippocratic Oath he is I know I can't believe it we actually can't believe the fact that such a such a fine young doctor would go and murder 391 individuals right do I want money replenishment or weapon missile strength money give me money money right lovely so we killed the quest thing got the big dragon um and most importantly five grand that's that's money we like money money is good uh what can we do with you growth and diplomacy movement range uh yeah I'm gonna go movement range oh we can do both and then this awesome oh this is fantastic oh this is going lovely absolutely lovely right then we've got new Spell slinger you literally did nothing but that's okay you've got a unicorn now so I can respect that Ariel you did great so you can have um what can I give you uh I'll give you the Evergreen sure get rid of corruption that'll be useful you can also get what do you want replenish troops I don't really think we need replenishment rakes we're just not gonna have troops in this Army you can have ripe pickings which basically heals you and you can also have oh you already have it um tapestry of magic there we go bam awesome cool all right let's wander into our own territory yes I know it says there's corruption happening however corruption's about to go down by -20 due to nearby characters sorry we could just lower corruption by 20. 20. 20. that is absurd just oh yeah sure there's two there's chaos corruption happening here except not next turn jeez okay that's a bit crazy um nice lovely get rid of corruption that doesn't sound very imperialistic okay look you gotta have a little you gotta dabble in your corruption okay fourth doctor says my Hippocratic Oath states to save save the Life by ending the suffering of of Life against the Great and Powerful space you see that's that's what all doctors have to swear it's a little known fact but if you want to be an NHS doctor you have to swear an oath that you will save spiff at any cost um yeah look we were going to take attrition but just didn't um because we unchaosed the hell out of the place anyway we're gonna go over to here into the Witchwood because we want to do our experiment to see if we can lower the cost of things by a very nice large amount um what's giving us corruption here uh uh oh it's this thing is a defiled blood ground okay we've got to burn this thing to the ground and then it's okay that's fine um and we probably actually won't get the attrition anyway uh it shouldn't oh it has actually updated the prices okay so it is now free and takes us one turn to build anything um nice I'm going to build this for free I will upgrade this for free I will build um this looks good what about this eye control and Corruption we don't really need upkeep for armies in the region but does give us Garrison garrisons are always nice cool yeah I'll sink that in um so that's exploit number number two and the reasoning why it's so powerful is this is technically also now infinite money because we can demolish the building that we build next turn for free and then rebuild it instantly like we just want to find a a building that would normally cost a lot of money uh which we can't even tell what that would be probably like this building I think costs a decent bit um and then just Burn It To The Ground instantly and rebuild it what have I done Brit uh the game is running at Peak Performance right we're gonna hire another character it's gonna be shared shared urine right but I'm getting rid of this Glade guard you're redundant now goodbye Chad you're up um we're also making more money we're not making 2380 this is because our income is getting boosted by the characters nearby so um the Witchwood the this is not the witch this is the it's the bitchin wood hell yeah it's great so much great wood stuff happening here but we're nearby to here it's amazing uh technology wise we're also getting cooldown on our spells which is lovely that will come in next turn cool down on law of life um we're mostly casting lore of Giga murder so less needed less needed but that's okay I'll take it oh Richwood Yes actually that's true it is that it is the Richwood tea wood uh well we've got another tree that we could call the tea wood we do own two trees two large trees that's right two whole trees oh redo the Witchwood upgrade um I don't think it will actually reduce it because the Witchwood upgrade is like 20 turns or something like that no one of the factions is dead what no no Orion how all right you were meant to live you silly fool you silly fool Orion uh oh it's Torx the rest will talks talks my friend talks okay Chad you don't get to join in on this fight but it's okay Torx uh my beloved friend um how about no and you just you just don't get to do anything you want here um bam we're in colonize or do nothing uh well apparently I can't correlates would just have to do nothing I don't think I can colonize because toroks is literally standing here oh I have to slay the blood ground right something like that I have to go up here and Kill toroks ah it's fine who cares we're working out uh let us learn diplomacy from one of these right no there is no diplomacy here uh anything useful here plus 10 diplomacy with all factions could be good yeah I'll do that plus 10 diplomacy with everyone will make people happy so researched that even though it costs money it's fine right all of our buildings just got built uh they can be demolished for 1 200 that's how much that one could be demolished for so that's an extra 1 200 per tick if we want it per term um maybe I could demolish it I don't know I don't feel like it's it's safe or we can perform the ritual uh enemies will attack the region defend it until the ritual is complete for additional rewards oh nice cool yeah I would I'll defend it why not and I'll also get my boots that are made for walking and I will give them to you please can you take these boots so you can actually walk fast thank you there we go babe lovely okay uh let's see how the world is doing over here seeing as our friend just got murdered uh yes it would appear the dwarves just came in and beat the ever living hell out of them belliger iron hammer well you sound lovely you sound absolutely lovely right well hey we have a we have an outpost from it from an ally here that's okay what are you even doing uh I'm gonna say you can stimulate growth you're pretty much useless but that's okay I don't care thank you for the boots with it's okay I thought you needed them everyone needs the boots yay the dwarves not yay the dwarves the dwarves don't like trees they kind of have like quite a big anti-tree anti-tree thing going on oh true replenishment rate cleanse corruption uh uh that's actually better than Glenn's corruption by a very large margin all right look at this there is meant to be so much corruption here there's meant to be like 20 corruption per turn and yet we're somehow lowering the corruption just with our sheer presence I know Bella got what the hell dude yeah dwarves have axes dwarves chop trees it is just the way life works uh you're supposed to go for eight Peaks not the oak tree yeah like it's it's wild anyway Fey enchantress is here tell me to join the war against Grom the porch gotta be honest I would but you actually look like you're kicking grom's ass which was amazing because you were you were one Province minor not that long ago I'm going to decline but thank you for thank you for the idea uh you might have inserted ads accidentally sorry check Corner jeez if you've just received an ad I'm sorry Connor is sorry he apologizes um can I colonize this yet no I can't okay right Chad you're in the Army join and now let us kill toroks Torx where are you going oh Torx flees like a little crybaby right Torx let's just kill you decisive victory yeah I'm not even gonna fight that one um Torx The Brass Ball is dead uh let us get a cheeky bit of money oh we got two grand from that fight oh that is nice and armor piercing and charge bonus lovely all right over towards turoks his lands we go we're off to see the turoks the horrible Beastie of the North he's angry he's angry he's angry he's angry he's always angry that's literally his only personality trait um go for scouting and you have been buffed so you can go for cleansing there we go it's going fine it's going fine is this the forest encounter is this what I meant to also deal with I don't think so I don't think I need to mess about with that look at this it's so expensive now it takes takes so much more time to this costs four grand six grand uh expensive I'm not spending any money on it though because I'm a lazy get what is this Amber oh okay right yes we get that from healing forests and stuff um I like money so I'll go for this one and I'll just enter there we go there we go oh hello Avalon are you gonna be friendly yes you're on trade agreement and money I want your capital city which I know you can't give to me because it is really good it is really really good oh Connor is doing his best for 11 look you can love Connor but what's he up to what's he doing there's there's malice behind those those loving loving Ginger beards of his friendship for the win I don't know if if friendship is going to win us the game I think it's more likely to be a large quantity of murder um I think it's more likely to to sway towards us anyway oh we've got to fight here can we make it the entire way no we can encap we're no longer taking attrition we would take attrition as soon as we step into there so I will encamp my way up to here which is good we will get a heal off and then we'll go straight into Taurus's one remaining settlement and just wipe him from the game this this soon lovely he doesn't have any other territories right no I really think he is just down to one oh this is wonderful okay Enter t for the T got indeed it is oh first live stream otherwise love the channel and videos cheers thank you Matthew means a lot I hope you enjoyed the live stream uh live spiff is of course a little bit different he oh [Music] those dastardly bone boys I gave you money I gave you 700 gold 700 gold what more could you want from me bone boys now I have to go in there and raise all of their lands to the ground oh do you have any idea how much that inconveniences me oh right the great stack sure Low's corruption why not that's all I need to see okay right in we go I noticed we can also claim the sword of cane which might be really fun uh to give Ariel the sort of cane uh what is this Auto resolve this is an auto resolve all of the Aerials did great fantastic work from all of them lovely stuff let's just raise that to the ground goodbye slaughterhorn tribe goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye yay normal territory now no more corruption no more corruption and now I have to go and murder the bone boys but luckily the bitching would it's well defended bitching wood is really well defended uh I think I could also recruit another alario no Ariel can be recruited next turn that's fine right enter can you give them all the sword no only one of them could get the sword I don't think I can get multiple swords out there um it's just not possible right oh with regret what is this I wasn't land uh you want a peace treaty yeah I'm vote for a peace treaty um they basically just attacked me like a absolute stinky but yeah I think peace makes sense uh because I don't even have to fight them we didn't even attack like he just declared war and never even got close to my territory so sure that's fine by me uh can I fix this territory now Temple of added ADI off colonize bam and fix this place instantly in one turn Province secured lovely province is secured oh wonderful look at this territories we are improving nature nature is healing chat nature is healing uh I'll get you greater Arcane conduit yeah it can be great royal king conduit that's so much better sweet and you are breath of the wood cool lovely the Deep Roots how are the Deep Roots doing okay we can do a ritual of rebirth here and honestly we might as well because we're just going to be defending our territory from the bone boys so why not also yeah why not also just bundle it all in together at the same time ritual of rebirth everyone tries to murder us all at the same time happiness for all um be stuck was this money from battles gain additional health for winning battles in magical forests or the heartlands yes heck yeah we're going to be winning lots of battles in the in the Heartland so this is worth it always if I bet my coffee can Outlast your tea in streaming stamina I bet you're streaming before me love you yes look okay I'm sorry Legend my streaming stamina might only be two hours but I intend to live a nice long happy life I don't intend to be dead by the time like I'm I'm 40. um why do you think I've managed to live to The Ripe old age of 874. it's entirely thanks to drinking tea and not doing sober funds anyway I hope you do a good Legend lovely to have you here um but yeah Legend I don't know you probably have seen this before uh I don't know but it's good fun uh just having multiple Aerials um stacking all of their modifiers so like I don't know look these buildings they're free and we can pick whatever we like um what do I even want here none of these are useful in any way shape or form oh income for raising settlements and adjacent regions we have been doing that a lot so sure why not okay and in we go let's go defend the Glade with our Giga Aerials if I win you gotta drink coffee and say it's really scrumdidlyumptious what is the challenge Legend if you win I'll do the same for T what is the challenge that I have to stream longer than you is that literally the chat I have to stream for longer that's not that's not humanly possible I'm not I'm not a my Noggin my poor Noggin I'll go to this battle my brain can only last for two hours after two I'm like asleep there's a few exceptions Maybe pretty epic challenge I don't know he can't do it I can't do it right we've got Clan molder here um they're wanting to do something they want to burn our tree down um we don't like that we want to kill them can you turn lag off look I've got no clue this game just does not like obs oh my god oh there we go it did render yay why is the frame rate so bad I don't know OBS streamlabs OBS hates this game okay it's all good live along though thank you Legend I will um Legend how do you stream this game and why does it not lag horrifically for you um a genuine question because I've tried to stream this game like three times and it has happened every time only when I'm streaming like if I am in if I'm recording no problem streaming terrible turn just slide this the this just like the no lag slider your right chat you're really you're great it makes perfect sense running like a this is like look at look at the background settings look Nvidia 3090 TI right 25 gigs of visual memory two PCS two pieces is not the solution here two police two PCS is not the solution in the slightest anyway Aerials um where have they even got to get to they've got to get to like here right this is where the Escape point is so logically you just line up all of the Aerials and have them walk in front yeah I think that makes sense right I'm just gonna hide all of my infantry at the back of the map because they provide no advantage to this engagement wizard as well you're useless uh assistance of Twilight you can you can do something you can you can just I don't know [ __ ] flap up here some something like that bam start deployment um turn off unlimited memory you told me to turn on unlimited memory chat what's make up your mind unlimited memory or not unlimited memory anyway straight in we go you need to move a little bit to like here oh what have you got oh play claw catapults yeah I love play claw catapults that's so cute I didn't see any of those in ages we will actually do a little little stinky breath right um time for you to cast some magic so soul stealer right in the middle of the Rap Rat spam Soul Steeler right here on these rats um you're gonna cast reflect damage here you're gonna cost oh soul stealer probably on these Reds here you're gonna go deeper and cast the Dwellers below right here uh because it doesn't cost anything if I overcast it it does cost but for its base price it does not you're gonna cast the one around the side here so they can't escape it right and Ariel you're just gonna sit up here and get shot at because that's fine sorry not aerial whatever the [ __ ] sister of sister of thing uh oh yes I can blow everyone's loyalty that will actually work really well sure soul stealer oh my God there's such a big pile of rats I need a soul stealer right in the middle of this rat pile hit the center of the reptile get the reptile go see Lord all of the rats in the rat pile just whoever gets the most kills wins a crunchy bar Chad you have it even because like two spells so get to work the entire map is a sea of bloody purple okay uh you want to cast some Dragon stuff oh wow they are shooting at my dragon you wouldn't shoot at a dragon that's rude rude dwellers below cast on yourself Greg you giant Champion uh Chad get ready to cast this uh Bob The Butcher you're doing great my dude do you want to cast a um a soul siphon on these rats that are trying to run away and then we'll get you hooked up into the main engagement toilets below get ready to cast that look over here you need to run over here actual aerial bam you're doing great oh yeah this combat is going lovely absolutely lovely oh what are you you're rattling guns oh you can definitely have have some soul stealing um try this below let's slap that down here I can't believe like some stealing is just so stupidly powerful it's such a strong amount of damage it also heals you there's like literally no negatives to Casting it it is just a straight W endlessly straight W all Clan rats hello Clan rats to do oh and that's a victory okay well that's pretty good anyone ready to uh fire off a another another volley Greg you've done good Bob the Butchie did great I think Greg definitely by far here MVP Greg uh I'm just gonna cast soul stealer right in the middle of that group because if it fires I think it is actually gonna just get even more kills yep there we go look at the kill count go Greg look at it go oh Greg I'm so proud good job good job right end battle GG that's a nice win rats have warp Stone tea I don't think they do I think they're just mad and completely insane um that's just kind of how the rats are try plugging your PC directly into a nuclear power plug that should work probably maybe I don't think that's how Warhammer functions don't know if that would improve the gameplay oh dear all right what is this right uh do we get some experience we get some money I'm going to say I would like more money because more money is more good so that's a good win uh then there's another imminent Forest Invasion over here cool I will take that fantastic lovely Chad got an upgrade is this the rat Army that we just fought yes and now it's just messing about over here fine okay my aerial you need to be upgraded you can get both of these good job you there you need to be upgraded you can get cleanse corruption uh literally the worst Fourth Doctor congratulations You Can level up even more I don't know just whatever the heck this all is one cooler guy you also get another another level up more healing not that you even need more healing it's just not possible for you to run out of health and Chad you can also get more e-link why not firm perfect oh all in all good job we can recruit another aerial let us recruit this one fantastic and can I build some stuff yes I can um I think I have to wait a turn for them to be in this region oh no no it has literally just all fired minus 150 construction time okay I'm gonna build the Great Hall next turn I'm going to build this in a few turns time I'm gonna build oh is there any any economy stuff here this requires population which we don't have anything that doesn't require population could be good maybe going all the way up to a tree man I don't but we don't need tree man what's tree man going to do faction-wide minus two percent construction costs for all buildings is completely redundant um I'm just gonna go and upgrade this why not and then I'll upgrade gosh there really isn't much okay fine before us look out and this thing will just have uh like as big a Garrison as humanly possible so we can just leave this entire region alone uh we got no loads that we can put into any of this so we don't need to worry about it I will however ah diplomatic relations with High Elves is maybe a good idea sure yeah yeah diplomatic relations with all hives is probably a splendid idea that will work out for the best okay spiff I can help populate what do you mean you can help populate what do you mean what do you mean you can help populate that doesn't make logical sense and if you've got seven turns where we just have to hold this tree um from armies that can't even kill a single one of our units that's that's the situation we find ourselves in this is where we are kind of sad I'm late to the stream a good thing I made up I made it after sleeping in this uh yeah look congratulations I hope you had a nice sleep welcome to the stream um one call ago saying popular in all caps doesn't make sense chat you can't just say words and have me be like yes yes I um I know what you mean I know exactly what you mean yes of course of course yes um it all makes sense now yes when you say it like that chat wait wait we can all help to populate yes you can all help to populate that still doesn't mean I want to see your attempts at it oh dear Master Mason minus seven percent construction costs for all buildings oh that's useful that's going to be really useful yeah woo um all right these are all about to attack soon honestly I I'm kind of fine with them all they're taking it exactly the same time I think it would be funny uh right we're gonna do this yep and I'm just gonna sit my Army next to my capital and see what the AI does I was going to get rid of another Glade guard don't need it weapon weapon aerial era can you not Eric can you are you slightly bug trying to get into this Army you are oh I didn't delete the unit that's my bad Boop there we go and you're in fantastic into the settlement we go upgrade this I think we're looking pretty pretty good what's this Forge that I can do select this to give it temporary pass oh for five turns we'd get that uh that's not useful all right I'm gonna say income from post battle loot I do want so I will sync some points into that and then spell resistance not useful flaming attacks may be useful missile resistance none of this is useful like literally none of the upgrades it's it's almost like the minus about 107 construction cost it's fine don't question it chat don't question it um oh you want a non-aggression pact heck yeah friendship where welcome to the Friendship going chat it's time for friendship we're here to have the friends that Dragon thing has three buildings um look the dragon isn't giving us free buildings what is giving us free buildings is the fact that we have seven copies now of the exact same legendary hero that you're only ever meant to have one copy of okay that is what is granting us this giant lovely advantage right of Awakening performed um Confederation and the invasion begins look at it oh The Invasion is here oh no what if they start corrupting our territories what if they start what if they start giving a scave and Corruption oh wait they can't they can't it's physically impossible it's just not even possible um do I even want this upgraded not particularly I'm Gonna Save up until I can get this thing that gives more money yes money money money money money or maybe the wine the wine Nexus I'm sorry you go from a you go from grapevines to a Vineyard to a winery to a wine Nexus what's that that sounds like quite the step up quite the Step Up indeed in terms of like skills or quantity of wine produced uh somewhere gives us twenty dollars to say love your content spiff hope this is enough for some tea it is twenty dollars is surprisingly enough for some tea oh my goodness though rats are attacking oh no oh dear however will I survive no oh dear I'm gonna say not to control a large army I'm just going to control my heroes it's time for the great defense Battle of the bitching word yeah let's go The Great Battle of the bitchin wood the the skaven thought they could defeat us but no The Last Stand of bitchin wood is here oh my God I'm gonna get some music for this one I'm really gonna get some music for this one here we go Bam um YouTube there we go let's give Rising OST you know it you know it has to be this it has to be the Metal Gear Rising OST right which one are we going for uh let's go for uh which one hot wind blowing is good actually I'll go for Red Sun here we go here we go oh yes here we go it's the Battle of [ __ ] in Wood chat hope you're ready we've got Ariel times one two three four five six seven everyone else is just gonna sit on the cat point uh along with our Commando because we don't need them to die right time for the hero ball here we are I will actually send two of them onto this flank on the left or actually wait I can just block it and then I have to go through the main entrance I've just got a platform and a kind of is a blocker short bed okay there we go two blockers which should funnel them through the center and make the fight easier let's go stop battle bingo oh yes Redstone over Paradise here we go okay with all of these heroes in a battle together um it means that every spell is now completely free healing spell is free Tempest does cost one however we're never going to use it Soul sealer is our spell it is good it is very very good right let's go in and uh melee a whole bunch of rats I will leave four no three here three here to hold this choke point uh if we actually have them hold this choke point they can cast spells over here Okay so you're gonna be able to cast the first spell soul stealer I want it straight on these night runners okay we are going to get a few counter spells oh wait no we're not actually I'm gonna cast a a spook which is going to scare the heck out of this Doom flare or we've got more units here lovely this is exactly I was looking for right more soul stealer on the back unit right here we go I'm gonna then cast dwellers below right here that's going to hit the rats when they're coming in you're doing great my dude I'm gonna put Shield of thorns on you so you don't take any damage fantastic okay now you guys you're all in combat which means soul stealer it means from you as well on a soul stealer on those range units at the back I want a dwellers below right here and for you oh soul stealer as well yeah popping the soul stealer right here just doubling up okay they are gonna try and break down these barricades but that's completely fine you're just gonna need to Barrel on into that look at how many units are just sat there just kill those units there's like a hundred thousand rats kill the rats go kill the rats Aerials Fireball okay yeah you can Fireball go Fireball why not it's a free spell you might as well wait all of our spells are free oh you're just gonna flee you're just gonna flee okay cause soul stealer and then they're all gonna die and they're never gonna come back that's them broken for good all right how about you have you gone so steel already you have okay I wouldn't cost on those Clan rats here we go Commander can also step in here and cast a bit of dragon breath okay all of these um all of these units are buggering off uh so we can Now cast a soul stealer on you we'll talk to Zales and then we're just gonna cast dwellers Below on literally the entrance point and the point after the entrance all of these routes are just going to be murdered as soon as they step in soul stealer bam go go go go go yes yes yes yes dwellers below also right behind us oh yes yes yes right you are you ready for a soul still not quite you are free Soul steal on warpls I want you to run over here as well it's all Steel on you you're gonna come around and fight these Clan rats oh this is going fantastically especially over here this is going to be just an absolute blood buff Soul steal just if they can't leave the choke point we can just stack the same murder spells on all of them all right latest unit that came in let's get you hit with one your right here you're going to cast it dwellers below right here oh yes another dwellers below right here you guys are going to do so much damage in such a short space of time it's gonna be horrible um I'm gonna have you go kill the commander why not okay so steal on Clan rats Soul Steel on rat ogres let's run over here and I want a soul Steel on these wall clock giseles there we go fantastic lovely oh my goodness I think yep the entire reinforcement Army here routed and they've just sent in another they've sent in another you wouldn't send in another reinforcement Army you wouldn't oh no you poor boys you poor silly silly boys okay well more so Steel you wouldn't okay let's um cast also some demoralizing I think I've got some loyalty negatives come on steal their souls it's a very wood elf thing to do I'm sure they're all about ceiling Souls right right what do you mean is sort of would a thing to steal the souls of your enemies also snoozing okay you're doing great if you've got a fireball you have cast Fireball there oh you're doing great as well I want to associate and that's a victory that is actually a victory that is absurd oh that is absurd oh my goodness what a great battle how many losses none three thousand three thousand rats zero losses zero losses for not counter the soul steal you just cannot oh my goodness that's so steal on you oh my good lordy Lord you've done fantastic all of my units right who's done the best Fourth Doctor 98 kills good stuff one call look at 24. Bob The Butcher 348 Greg 332 chaired with 169 Ariel with 464. that's gonna that's the win that is the win right there one of these units actually they got 100 kills each that's not bad that is not bad right and battle not bad at all squeaky clean my friend squeaky clean right in time for it has to be this way it does look you try and fight with all of those stinky rats it's just not gonna work no kills no kills I don't think I've ever seen rat hookers not get a Kill they are like oh Doom Wheels in a war block giselles they're like the highest damage dealer they always get like one kill at least because each shot normally kills but no this this unit here did 40 000 damage that's pretty good right I'm going to take um the one grand oh these poor little silly rats you silly rats you thought you could kill a god you thought you could defeat me Clan molder got hit by a border that is the famous saying uh what about you do you want war or peace military access you can have it we can make friends with them uh because we do start a war with them but I think they're going to be friendly it's fine they're like a one-profen style cow right cool um I think it's safe to say that the skeburn ain't looking too great decisive Victory straight in we go you're dead apparently we lost 52 men I refuse to believe how that is possible all of the Spells are free it doesn't make sense that we could even reasonably lose a character you die as well you're dead oh wow the great The Great Battle of bitchin wood what a glorious fight it was what a glorious battle wow um I think I think we're safe now I don't think there's much else that could be sent our way to be honest I'll let uh [Music] oh wow buddy I just I love I love it has to be this way it's just too much of an addictive song it really is it's like it's Moorish very Moorish is the only way I could describe it oh right uh great invocation performed by the Exiles okay they did a thing they cast a ritual they've got a whole bunch of Heroes around here um that's fine we can just ignore them that's fine uh the great [ __ ] in Wood's looking great three more turns to go until it's it's completely safe uh which is fine I don't even think we need to do anything but we might as well just occupy it and just wait three turns let's see what our opponents can even do in that time that wasn't about a battle that was a massacre um yes uh I I would 100 agree that was that was actually horrific I don't think I've seen battles quite as one-sided like that in in a while especially normally when you're doing battles like that and you have one horrifically overpowered character um it's good however uh that one character doesn't often have many utility bonuses they're like great for murdering in battles and as soon as the battle's over there useless whereas for these guys um they're also completely overpowered economy beings because yeah they allow us to build buildings for free and instantly and they they're increasing our income by like a insane degree which is wonderful thank you I can recruit another one of you I will recruit one more one and we can see that look we're making 2893 well I recruit another and next turn I will make even more uh because you have the on fertile ground which is wonderful so enter 2895 we in turn and it should go up by five percent especially ordering food tonight uh I can do maybe unless you want to bring food back with you I would prefer homemade food it is up to you um but yes mango whatever you choose likes for Georgie yes of course you legally have to like the stream for Georgie Georgie likes likes um it makes her happy oh dear all right Ariel you're doing great and lovely just vibing just vibing in the the great [ __ ] in woods um oh we got a forest encounter that's literally the other side of the map do not need to worry about that and the slightest uh we can take over these forests as well and if we do we get bonuses like um was this this is like Inca from trade plus 30 percent eh that's pretty good Oak of Ages is the big one though um Oak of Ages is the big one um we will eventually get that in fact we could probably send over our like Lord soon and just max out the Yoke of Ages in like four turns uh might be a good idea anyway this is up to 2995 oh stack Ariel inside of our army by getting rid of one of these terrible Archer units in you go Ariel we're bam um and now we spend more money getting the winery up and running yeah it's good good I really want that wine Nexus just because it sounds absurd unless what are you you are four thousand to uh I think you do give us more trade resources you do you're gonna make us more trade income in the short term how about you no you're not as good okay cool we're going for the Artisan Nexus for the money money money and next turn uh we can we're gonna be done on this ritual uh and the [ __ ] in Wood will be properly ready properly ready to rumble hello sorry I'm late don't worry you're not late you're not late you're here you're here in time for the exploit to chat don't worry you don't need to apologize for not being here on time oh carcassoon the hellophane chantress you want me to join war against clanskaya in turn you will give money I don't I'm not going to take that I don't really need money anymore with we're set for cash um yeah I think less war more good oh ritual of regrow we both succeeded yay treasury Deep Roots cleared minus five cooldown for Deep Roots and we get an amber and the queen emerges Ariel's here oh my goodness the recent efforts of Healing The Glades of the world has roused Ariel she will lend you her strength Ariel oh my goodness I've never seen you before you've also got all of the unique equipment Ariel oh my hi Ariel I'm your biggest fan um I'm look look at all of these posters of you I have um cool we're up to one two three four five six seven eight nine Aerials um this is useful this is uh very useful I would say another one in the wise words of DJ Khalid another one all right let's upgrade this to Temple of anaph arima and then I think we have to go murder the tomb Kings unless they want peace do you want peace no you don't want peace fine right we're gonna have to kill them once and then and then we'll be fine over we go let's turn on the oh we can use World Roots does that allow us to literally teleport here yes it does okay bam I'm just gonna teleport here Hazard look I'm closer than you expected um and what about you speed of Hunter increased speed of units increase your resilience or whatever you there lady with Beast Powers um magical reserves sure Aerials look you're all doing great like there's there's nothing I I even need to teach you you are just objectively fantastic each and every one of you I want you to hold your head up high be proud of yourself be proud of what you stand for and what you stand for is the mass murder of literally anything that isn't an aerial um it's it's beautiful absolutely beautiful right do I want to go for a lot of pain what a pain just doesn't do damage I don't see the point of taking something if it doesn't do damage I want to murder my enemies not tickle them what's the point of that all right Greg you're a great Ariel buffed you're also a wonderful Ariel get buffed as well go oh fantastic gifts for everyone okay and turn lovely stuff oh hey spiff you should check out Kingdom's reborn again there's a lot of new stuff oh yeah I think I did see that they've um they have actually yeah they've changed it a bunch um I think I might have played it on stream with the yogs recently like not that recently but like a little while ago it was really really good fun any more animated videos in the works yes we have one for Fallout 4 coming very soon very very very soon is there a legendary character that increases your movement range that you could duplicate like Ariel I would love to see you walk across the entire map each turn um theoretically yes uh it is 100 possible you could just stack enough Aerials and equip all of the Aerials with like movement speed modifiers to boost your your like leader and you could um the issue is the game has now kept movement at 150 percent so the max movement you could do is a 150 um you just can't do more the only way to do more is if you can refresh your movement which you can do with certain characters anyway um bone boys fight clear to half land yeah clear to half land why not well bam lovely fantastic oh we're doing great right how do you feel about peace now Mr skeleton oh now you feel like you want to give peace a chance oh curious curious curious right well there we go Pete it is uh they're not gonna be able to declare war on us for a little while so I'm fine with that and I just don't want to go fight skeletons there's just no need they're just not that good in terms of fighting anyway Ariel you've leveled up uh I'd love you to get on Photo ground I can't do that instead I must give you Unbreakable we're bam fantastic next turn peace and friendship is the way it is the way look where wood elves we are tree loving wood elves just join what Shenanigans are you up to today well the goals are on the left goal is to break the economy break the game and break magic and we've done that you would I'm Murphy I was just about to leave this area alone I tell you alone you want to show down in the bitchin wood you think you could you think you could even survive one ah I can't believe it morafia I can't believe you've done this um does valky have refresh movement yeah I think valkyr um valkyr terrorists the breast bull and like most of the Corn ones do all right uh what is this Avalon calls for Aid in the green Veil um oh wow you really do cool for Aid what happened to the tree avalor you killed the bloody treat you have one job look after tree your job is to look after the tree you have not looked after the tree right that's it I'm taking over the tree what do we get Temple of Asia if we get control of it fine right we I'm literally going to come in come in here take control of it you're not allowed it you're terrible absolutely terrible right bam stance use under roots fast travel here um all right if I click on this magical forest no that's not how it works okay wait select Army zoom out select oh click to instantly teleport the selected Army to this magical forest via the Deep Roots [Music] um yeah we just kind of might as well okay right yeah I'm just going to teleport right over here well bam here we are uh on a new island here's glug me glug me I'm sorry but come on if you're choosing your big evil chaos dude name are you gonna follow are you gonna follow I don't know tell rocks The Brass Bull or like corvax the despoiler or will you follow glugamir glug me jeez like find the chaos B Team okay right end turn we're gonna kill glug me next turn um what do you mean no exploits detect Today Jason have you seen how many Aerials I have uh you want me to pay you money fine I've got money to spend I want to be friends I'll give you money glug me hello there skaven you're gonna declare war on me fine icky claw you grumbly stinky rat ah right glug me the Supreme glug me is not a commander worth fighting for he's not glug me the tea Logan now that I can get behind but I don't think he's glug me of the tea drinker he's got skulls on him he's one of the baddies everyone knows they drink coffee except for me because of course I'm a baddie who drinks tea I'm you know all Brits are evil um anyway glug me glugway just wants to get close to us look he's right here glug behind lugby um with Grace do I even need to fight glug me I don't think I do I'm just gonna take over the tree um yeah cool the tree is mine I'm just gonna power grow the tree instantly um why not a glove look you misunderstood we don't even need to fight I'm sorry for even thinking we would have to it's nice to know that there can be peace but please leave leave please yes um there we go please leave plug me you're not very happy you are quite negative opinion you are very negative opinion in fact fighting you would probably make people like me which is definitely worth doing okay glug bit you might die next turn I'm sorry um Paul Glover he's just ignored yes uh yes that is 100 accurate oh Trade Agreement yay I love money wait was this Cult of pleasure uh uh yeah I'm fine also resolving this that's fine wow you guys actually killed stuff Valiant defeat oh and they're not even gonna occupy it what fine okay The Cult of pleasure like they can get close to our tree but they're never going to be able to turn off slow mode oh yeah um Connor can you turn off slow mode I don't think we need it um Chad will behave themselves frog frog declares what frog you're the other side of the bloody wild frog what's the point frog what's the point I don't understand you frog why would you why would you do that frog um sentiment sacked okay that's fine trespassing ignored glug me you wouldn't ignore the trespassing okay Glock mirror I'm sorry we must go to war now declare war blood me goodbye um we might as well Auto resolve it glug made bye bye GG um let's get some money thank you glugman for the fight it was rest in peace glug me rest in peace whatever glugres faction was and now with all of that done I'm gonna upgrade the settlement build some defenses here so oh exotic animal tamer yes what are you physical resistance for all armies would be quite silly that could get very silly I want a guard platform I want um Trapper's Den there we go oh yes we are looking mighty powerful mighty mighty mighty powerful yes good now if I click on this do I see what we get okay this is the thing that gives us the um the resistance in all armies okay cool cool and can I upgrade the [ __ ] in Wood yet oh I already did okay nice well oh of like capital is so good it is so strong and powerful wow how cool did slightly get a bit dismembered but that's okay we can't have everything in life um nice I will oh can I spend some points on what dragon mask for extra post battle loot yes enter slow mode isn't changeable inside of the streams dashboard fine I'll do it corner I'll do it slow mode off save done no slow mode oh defensive Alliance yeah sure why not make everyone happy why not everyone's gonna be friends everybody's gonna be friends with the sisters of Twilight and most importantly Ariel pretty much just Ariel that's literally all we're here for just Ariel this is the aerial gang um for the aerial party yes no slow mode in freedom Congratulations I hope you enjoy it chat you're gonna be great Smith why is your cursor not where you're clicking um because I'm playing in a different resolution to my monitor because the game does not like rendering nicely it likes rendering nastily right you get upgraded again you get something that gives me a Garrison what you don't give me Garrison you don't either this technically gives me Garrison eventually oh yeah it does give Garrison right cool Forest Lookouts you're in arbiter's perch yep you can get upgraded do you want any of this no it's all useless okay I think yeah I've successfully defended this territory like it should have yeah it's gonna have quite a nice Garrison so we can actually leave in one turns time we're going to be able to Deep Woods travel actually can I just deepwood Deep Woods travel back here no I still have to wait one turn that's fine we'll travel back we'll kill Marathi um where is Marathi even like I can see one of our armies but it's not Marathi it's Elizabeth Marathi hasn't even sent an army to fight me that is incredibly disappointing Marathi please don't you know who I am don't you know oh Connor you finally found the slow mode controls congratulations all non-aggression pack with Tyrion sounds great more friendship is more good ah all right come on come on lovely game hmm chat we're doing good we've got control here I want to go murder my Rafi I think is our next step um although I don't know how far we murdered Marathi do we like do we murder Marathi completely and massively just evaporator oh wait hang on a second sword of Kane oh the sword of cane where are where are you sort of Kane sword is currently controlled by scourge of Kane so it's somewhere around here the source the sword of Kane is somewhere around here I think the sword of cane makes people hate you if I remember correctly there is a chance it does make people hate you um which if that is the case might make people upset by me having the sword of came um I'm gonna need I'm gonna need you guys to check on that whether sword of Kane is bad idea um oh dear sort of came might be very bad idea it might be very very bad idea anyway we're gonna fast travel back to the soldier King definitely makes people hate you yes I knew it damn it right well we'll do it we'll do it only as like a last resort deterran it's time to end the world kind of situation right time to teleport our way over to here you're going to feel a little bit a little bit awkward about trying to sack that territory now by all means take hag Hall if you believe you can but you're gonna get your face melted off by a bunch of very angry Aerials ah you have proven yourself an enemy of the forest in other words oh cetera the imperishable what do you want you want five grand six grand and in turn you'll offer US military access Etc um look I don't I don't hate you but you are also the other side of the known world so it does it just does not make sense for me to spend six grand to get military access to a location that I am never going to use I'm never going to use it okay for those of you that have apparently just joined us um you need to be caught up as to what's what's been happening okay gold simple we wanted to break the economy break magic break the game uh I'd say we've pretty much achieved all three because basically when you heal up your first tree the witching wood uh known as the bitchin wood in this playthrough you get a little hero this hero is called Ariel Ariel is okay Ariel has some abilities several of those abilities are really good like say um lowering the cost of wins of magic for everything in the heroes Army by 10 pretty good other ones quite useful making it so the buildings are cheaper and nearby buildings make more money really good giving yourself extra hit points as well issues blessing lowering the cooldown to all spells and making your own magic even cheaper so Ariel's quite good only downside you're only allowed one aerial we have one two three four five six seven eight nine Aerials because you can load Aerials in from different campaigns which creates dubious situations oh you're just fleeing Elizabeth don't you want to fight with your friends oh well Ariel you know what to do down we go black hole for Tris oblique called Fortress my friends Auto resolve you die rest in peace uh sack raise uh we're going for the race we are going for the race and we're also going to change the corruption here um basically there is 64 slaneshi corruption in this region however because of the sheer volume of characters in my Army corruption will be lowered by -46 so even though it says we're going to take attrition we probably won't um it's probably not even possible for us to take attrition anymore welcome to the aerial Multiverse yes this is like this is the scene in the Marvel films where all of the characters come together in one giant murder ball oh hello there are you ready oh you want me to pay eight grand for a non-aggression pact I will accept it because I think it should mean you'll stop attacking me and I just don't want those stupid stupid skeletons trying to attack me Murphy showed up to the West I did spot the murafi think it should should be okay should be okay we'll uh we can we can hop around and kill murafi we get bonuses for killing Marathi I don't know what marafi's unique trait is for murdering her I think it's something like I don't know extra damage against Dark Elves which if that's the case kind of sucks but hey yep there we go look we've cleansed the corruption so much we didn't take attrition uh right Marathi you're there I'm going to teleport here you can no longer go down this road more Effie um I hope you're happy what have you got your level 14. um you've got some dudes you've got some Selena she's some wood shelves and some dark shots nice nice that's cute that's cute um still wouldn't trust my life on it though Ariel I think that's the difference between you and I um because I don't want to die anyway I'm going to spend 20 grand building this it sucks that we have to pay for it now because our Aerials aren't nearby but hey we're gonna have to pay for something eventually uh you can't be upgraded yet yeah no point spending money on anything else lovely unless is the main OG Woods over here Oak of Ages have you got an upgrade yes you do 12 turns fine yep have that what are you doing you're doing literally nothing fine faux Seeker useless tree human thing okay and now that we're back over here and turn I'm kind of hoping that um yeah I'm kind of hoping that morafi just throws the Army at us but I think she won't because there appears to be a a rogue Army of rockets and Gunners oh my goodness this is the most absurd Army I love this Army just a general of the Empire a whole bunch of grenade launch horses two tanks and then some rocker batteries just the entire ranged unit Army that is so fun that is like the best kind of RB oh dear that's fantastic oh hello there um elfari on the Grim you want a non-aggression picture yeah why not friendship um how do you load heroes from other saves is um is that a regular feature of Warhammer free yes it is so in one campaign you want to have your aerial ready to go you save that aerial and then you start another campaign and you can load that aerial in at any point as soon as you have enough money for it um and you the more campaigns you do with Aerials the more Aerials you can save they have to be from separate campaigns to be brought into this campaign uh so this aerial on the end is the only one that we actually got from this campaign the rest are from previous campaigns um Marathi stayed and wanted to fight Marathi I appreciate I appreciate the ballsiness I also appreciate the fact that the game thinks this is a pyrrhic victory empiric Victory chat Herrick victory hmm curious that curious that we'll have to uh we'll have to see if we do indeed get ourselves a peric victory wait let me get some music parrick victory okay game this is fried this is fine okay where am I gonna put my armies I'm going to put all of you guys back here because the AI won't be able to spot you same for you guys you might as well just all hang out back here same for you I will keep my commander just loitering over here there we go select all of you bam Eagle oh you're a Spell slinger I don't need you just bug Rock back here a big eagle you're also back here right good right start deployment start battle are all of your spells free now they are yes flock of Doom is now completely free awesome right in go the Aerials just send them straight in here we go we might as well also cast a dragon breath on something ah actually there's no need okay right first spell soul stealer on you then I'm gonna need a soul stealer on you then I'm gonna need a soul stealer on View I'm going to want a soul stealer on you a soul stealer on you so let's move to slow mode here I'm going to want a soul stealer on you and for you you're going to have a dwellers below here and you're gonna have a dwellers below here bam there we go oh you've also got the acorn of the oak of Ages oh yes this is one of the best ones lovely uh you're also the weakest character which is going to be a problem you're going to take more damage from the rest that's okay we can just get you to heal yourself um Gates cast this on the dread space actually there we go bam good shot oh good job Ariel Acorn of the oak of Ages just gonna dump that right whereabouts probably like here actually get a lot of kills right you're gonna cast dwellers below right here you've gone one call ago has gone berserk but that's okay they can't die um for a few reasons reason number one we can just drop a healing spell on them uh you're doing great I'm gonna have your car Soul steal on these archers you're doing great I'm gonna have you cast stuff there lovely oh yes good stuff good stuff okay right you've cast your some brilliant stuff I'm gonna want a soul steal here I'm gonna want a soul steel here I'm gonna want a soul steel here and from you I want a dwellers below right here there we go going good I'm gonna need a heel actually oh no Ariel please go on Fourth Doctor no no no no no no no no no no no I can't beans this I can't beans this oh I might have been this potentially you need to bug her off right I'm gonna send my commander into soak up hits and you need to cast a heel on this one and you yourself need to cast a soul steal because that will give you more health as the issue with range units dog shots especially really good armor-pacing missiles so if they can get off enough hits all targeted one then that is a problem but if you have melee reflection usually you're fine which is what we've just cast there and then I drop a soul steal on you we're gonna Define okay you drop a heal on yourself and everyone after Marathi come on she's buggering off you might as well go kill her It's All Steel on you dwellers Below on you or you can cast a fireball why not custom Fireball that sounds great you can do vomit attack lovely a wonderful vomit attack okay it's going quite well a lot of the arrows are a bit dinged up um most of them I haven't given any equipment so their stats are and not the best but definitely could be improved and that's that's one thing we will do we will improve these steps all right let's go kill Marathi because she's weak as heck at the moment as well as below on you Soul Steel on you there we go oh you're doing a great job of just absorbing all of the damage and you're going to cast a soul steel here you're doing wonderful as well yeah you're supposed to regen as fast because you haven't got all of the upgrades oh you're injured okay I need you to drop a soul steel here there we go and that Soul steel should give you all of the necessary Life to Live and I'll also pop a heel on you so that's going to be two heels and I'll also pop a leadership negative oh oh we got one here on really low health okay pop that instantly hop heal on self instantly pop healing there as well and also proper leadership debuff also have you proper leadership debuff and that should route everything in the nearby radius you pop one as well are you not gonna affect anything oh well that should break all of these units before any damage goes in and yes Greg is gonna live Greg is gonna live oh that was a close one that was a close one but I think that's the battle okay oh how many losses none it's okay look yes it was our closest battle but one of the advantages we have is we can just full heal after pretty much every fight because our magic doesn't cost anything there is no reason not to just cast a full heel on ourselves um there building the Castle full heel on yourself you're going to cost a full heal on yourself you can cast a full heel on yourself I want you to full heal yourself as well there we go good stuff good stuff all for Greg yes we saved Greg that's the most important thing of course um everyone else could have died Greg's existence however was not optional he had to live right just heal yourselves up guys luckily this spell recharges in like 10 seconds which is very very useful my goodness we have over a hundred 135 wins of magic reserves is absurd I'd go just wait some time pop another heel on you pop another heel on you pop another heel on you there we go good stuff end battle oh lovely stuff good clean fight is Murphy dead um no but she was defeated I mean if she routes we'll just go chase her down and kill her um she can't move as fast as we can I think definitely I should have played that battle out at a different speed and targeted the ranged boys at the back because in melee combat Ariels are fine because they can just dodge most of the attacks oh she flew away Ah that's fine it's fine okay we've got the spell shield I'll get the treasury why not yep she has just bug It Off because in the woods nice nice oh we get the bonus plus 10 hero self-defense charms and here is the cheaper uh it's okay it's okay what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna Forge some equipment though um so what are we gonna want we're gonna want stuff that keeps our hair is alive maybe Twilight Helm is a good idea UPS the melee defense of everything in our army so yep I will grab that Twilight Helm is a good idea [Music] a little mask for research rate Dragon pendant for melee defense Dragon spear yeah okay we'll do dragon Prius why not and I will grab the dragon pendant and I'll get these equipped onto one of our Aerials here you go you don't have anything so where this this this sure yeah I think that's everything right I didn't have an obsidian trinket right and you want a weapon I haven't really got any weapons that's fine okay you can have Elder Scout General thing Forest spirit and uh this Anvil Smith giving some extra armor and a war dancer nice yep that looks good okay that looks good lovely cool next aerial Fourth Doctor you need to get some equipment as well we get some stuff on you okay drama standard Bearer pork companion uh Forest spirit and the rest looks fine magic items Dragon craze for extra shield um sort of Might for extra weapon strength and yep that looks good to me fantastic everyone is happy straight into Murphy we go Marathi hello or to resolve you die rest in peace for good and just grab some cash sweet right that's Marathi dead a second time um and I can just also walk straight back look at this 167 cost reduction for buildings is absurd is absolutely absurd okay [Music] um Rafi how how does peace sound to you now you still don't want to have peace okay maybe you want a turn to just reflect is that what you need do you need the reflection would reflecting help you but I'm gonna walk around over here and oh there's a little skinny skinny rat red boys over here excuse me rap Boys Hey skimmy rap boys I appreciate the Metal Gear Rising music spiff I just beat the main story yesterday all right glad you enjoyed it hello elf people you want me to join the war against the scourge of Cain well if they have the sword then sure because I would quite like that sword I think it looks cool and Jazzy oh [Music] did you break magic yet um yes all of the Spells are free to cast and regenerate in like 10 seconds so my entire Army is comprised of spell slinging Wizards that can endlessly cast spells that are really really good like really really good um cool right where are you off to um you want to try and take this settlement again don't you okay well if I move close enough you'll probably give up this aerial needs to level up because they're by far the weakest um so you can have extra damage and bonus versus infantry yeah this is why they do so well against infantry this absurd like plus 25 is really really good uh five percent Ward save when accompanying a lord is probably pretty great wait a high second plus 30 armor-piercing missile damage for sisters of foreign units oh should I be recruiting those that sounds that sounds really quite good um I'll have to have a look at that how many of you guys have it quite a few of you um how to switch to Global encampment sisters of what are they okay I can't recruit them which is fine let's head back to the bitchin wood and work out if we can or can't hire whatever these units are um evidently they're not these units so we might as well sell this Barracks we'll just demolish that and get the money from it and we're gonna go kill Trey Trey the skaven um forgot about glug me glug me died okay we don't need to talk about glug me glugman is dead what does this first encounter dark elves um I don't want to upset the dark elves plus 50 faction lowers unrest and control but gives us far stuff yeah this feels like a great idea we get friendship with all darker factions why would we not get friendship with all darker factions that's absurdly good that's absurdly good anyway right you need to not you need to unlife okay Elizabeth you grumpy angry person you are doing fine as well um might as well just get some unit bonuses on you that's not going to do anything let's just get income from post battle stuff why not we've got a lot of post battle look I'm sorry for slandering glug me okay this game want to fight yet we'll Auto that die skavins um I'll take your money I love your money thank you scum okay we're being angry to them they've ended their non-aggression pact with us okay so the vampire Coast potentially up there might want to kill us and marathi's back in control of a different Army this time but she back she back she better than ever she wanting to murder us um potentially why is the mouse pointer so sus look don't we don't talk about the mass pointer the Clock mirac Was underdeveloped and not where Frank definitely a fill a rock yeah the cloak of Iraq um had his moments it really did uh it's a shame glug me arc I feel like they could have done a lot more with the glove mirac um okay where is this fancy Arrow ladies it's not whey Watchers is it deepwood Scouts maybe watches is it something I can recruit from here no they're the [ __ ] craters okay what is the thing that you're buffing fawn the sisters of fawned units okay what building is a bloody sisters of thorn all right let me go in here uh Glade Riders Glade stuff blade slingers why does Murphy keep uh keep respawning um it basically she has a really quick respawn time Rafi also they they just do the AI has has a few advantages what is this what is even the name of it this game is too much I know I know Chad truly one of you knows where the the Fawn sisters of Faun units phone units you're not class the commanders are sisters of Ford are they they definitely can't be classed as that it's definitely not Hawks sisters of Fawn oh my God here they are here they are Cavalry the cavalry fine right um Marathi I could fight you however I'm gonna actually walk over to here so that I can Giga boost the construction speed because I want to see what my new horses would look like uh it's literally just that simple if you want to take that sentiment raffy by all means go for it I'm not going to stop you um I just cannot be look I've got better priorities in my life at the moment um plus one uses for Dart of Doom and Oak of Ages oh if I upgrade this is this going to give the one aerial that has the dart of Doom more uses of the dart of Doom because if that's the case that's going to get very silly very quickly all right let's grab Evergreen for you oh well you've got even more um as far as gifts and shield of thorns healing stuff and foresty stuff magic stuff well all of you Aerials are getting very powerful very very powerful indeed doing great very Jazzy World of Pain is not needed it does nothing for us but we might as well grab it anyway because I have spare points fourth doctor what do you need um just give you specialist I guess just max out the specialism I have to stop watching guests coming over waiting for an egg shipment of Yorkshire gold hit Portland wow good luck with your guests um what's a better present uh what better present is there than the gift of tea there is none a nice warm cup of tea going into someone's house is a wonderful thing indeed I think never over never underestimate the power of a nice refreshing cup of tea it's beautiful absolutely beautiful all right all right I think all the points into whatever that is the sisters of Twilight what do you want you can have that and cool I think we're gonna get some horses in a few turns time and I want to see how much armor-piercing damage those horses doing Ariel's a legendary yes they are that is why they're slightly a little bit broken in this situation because you're only meant to have one of them why would you be allowed more than one aerial it doesn't make sense oh yep you're gonna go for the settlement okay fine cool it's okay are you gonna even take it no you're just gonna loot it okay fine doesn't bother me that's fine Murphy if you wanna if you want to do that that's peace be to you cool um have you tried northgard um yes I've played northgard a few times I think it is a good fun game very enjoyable good in multiplayer however I have um not not played it for a little while Neiman Ariel Globe yes good name good name uh we're gonna name the overpowered aerial that has actually all of the items cloak me um hello there legendary oh you're the only one I can't rename okay this Ariel is gonna be named glug me foreign I want you to be upgraded with there we go um we also might as well just clear out this Army and it's got like a great eagle and some Hawk Riders I don't think any of these guys are going to be useful so we're just gonna kill them actually could we just recruit another Lord and dump them in there uh have you got a Lord that gives money Lord that gives money money Lord Ariel's chosen nope campaign movement for enemy armies ah perceptive strong weapon master um I guess I'll go for the I'll go for the ancient tree man we'll be fine all right we're gonna just dump our army into the ancient tree man is the plan right in you go one two three four five six seven eight nine bam oh I think a corgi's back I was gonna put this spell Caster in there because they're just not needed literally just the army of 10 Aerials is it's fine right one moment chat back in the smidgen why do we waste time why do you waste energy you meet with the emissaries of a demigod who won't hesitate to kill in her name right I'm back I was just the Corgi coming in to say hello after her day out she's had a grand old time um all right uh we've got our Aerials we're doing good one more turn and then we can start recruiting Sisters of the fawn are we able to buff units anymore you give Lord's army casualty replenishment you give not much I suppose this one gives research rate that's probably a good one to pick up if I actually picked up so a melee difference for the entire Army and melee attack and missile strength okay this one is actually really good yeah this one's great sure okay we're gonna go for the Twilight spear bam Twilight spear you sound great sound amazing okay who's even holding the Twilight spear it must be one of you um none of you are holding the Twilight spear right glug me congratulations your job is to hold the Twilight spear bam yours and think yep you can also have a spell shield and that should be good lovely stuff any ancillaries for you a spy a thing a forest spirit uh A Smith to give you armor perfect lovely brilliant okay one more turn we're up to a hundred grand in the bank uh which is nice that's a decent little bit of money needs a little bit of money right we're gonna repair you up as well and we're getting ready we'll be ready next turn that's when the money comes in Sisters of the phone in my side does each aerial buff each sisters of phone that is my guess uh normally I would say probably not normally you would not expect the individual legendary characters to stack their modifiers in the same way that if they were to all cast the same spell on the same unit that unit wouldn't receive seven instances oh sorry break my pardon of that spell um it would only receive one whereas in the case of in the case of the unit being buffed I think there is quite a high chance it's really high chance also Ned completely missed it but you gifted 10 memberships thank you Ned that's incredibly generous you don't have to do that um Confederation Whispers grateful Paragons cool okay and now we are able to recruit the sisters of phone nice uh might as well also pick up this thing that Buffs the heck out of cavalry um and pick up this thing because why not actually yes I know why not we won't get late game money making buildings okay so this is a phone you're gonna get some Sisters of the phone let's just Spam out a little army of them it's gonna take uh okay we don't need all of them I think we'll spend we'll get two units of them because otherwise I'm gonna fail to microwave them anyway that seems fine by me um and we're gonna see how strong they get to they should hopefully be decent is the idea decently good oh and Corey hello inquiry do you want to declare yes you do you do want to declare war that's nice and Curry nice to meet you too glad we could be friends for such a brief period of time you silly pink salmon individual uh Hey spiff you know those Rihanna keeps coins that you have as YouTuber much would it be possible to have one made of silver um uh you like flipping them but you don't know how they handle drops I can say they handle drops very well I flip them I've spanned them uh they are really really quite resilient very very resilient buggers but think making merchandise out of silver just as like a general YouTuber guideline probably quite challenging but we'll see we'll see uh right okay sisters of Twilight these uh these guys you know they seem okay they seem okay I'm a piercing weapon damage of 10. it's fine we'll see how they do in a battle because currently they should be receiving plus 15 armor-pacing missile damage and Global recruitment time for them is reduced by one minus one okay so the global recruitment time for them has been reduced because evidently they're meant to take a long while to recruit and we can just recruit them in one turn so that's nice right can I speed my way over here yes I can perfect right next time we're going to fight Marathi for the second time oh they don't own regular asphalt okay well fine I I haven't I haven't dropped a coin on asphalt I've got to be honest mostly just on the floor of my office and the four floor of an expert why would I want military at fine I'll give it to you why not it gives us more map vision I'll get military access with the tomb Kings for five grand I mean we have what 100 grand what's the point of money next video spiff exploits the Commodities Market honestly um if I were to exploit the Commodities Market I would just buy excessive quantities of um of just like Lego because Legos consistently gone up in price you know things like oil go up and down Lego forever eternal never-ending glorious Lego here we go um game doesn't think that we're gonna do well here medium casualties I disagree I think we're gonna have fun I think we're gonna have a lot of fun here hi spiff I love your merch but it doesn't hold up great when I eat it into asphalt can you cast it in Precious Metals to help me out um it's a funny question though that's like the second time that feed us I'm joking uh chat you are you are very you are very funny as a totally legitimate Channel member not someone who just got lucky gifted a membership can I highly recommend twinings every day teach you you can recommend it I can however say that I've uh tried it and I don't like it as much as Yorkshire Tea I think it is a nice tea I think it is an enjoyable tea and if someone served it to me in a house I wouldn't be upset I wouldn't be annoyed I would just be like oh that's a cup of tea so yeah I I you know I'm not a twinings everyday individual but if I had to fine if I have to okay um another thing that I need to show off with oh my God you will have Vanguard deployment so where did you guys all get Vanguard deployed fine who cares oh everyone has Vanguard deployment now lovely right you guys what is your weapon strength um not the best you do however get a lot of charges I don't think you're meant to get eight charges of the shield of thorns no you're only meant to get one if I remember correctly and the curse of Anaheim on air fine well it looks like the the weapon strength hasn't necessarily been improved but I have to say we'll have to see how many kills they get if they get a lot of kills we know that yes yes the magic stuff happened and we start deployment stop battle um so I'm going to show off something really fun and silly which is that basically we can just March our way straight to the objectives and they will just mass murder everything um right you are gonna vomit on those dark shards for me please and you guys are just gonna harass those dreads beers that would be lovely um you're close so can you Soul steal them and can you so steal these guys you guys can cast what's moving right can't you yeah you can you can just cast and still just be buggering off in like One Direction oh that's lovely that is so good I'm gonna also drop a like Fawn thing um you can have a dwellers below oh we got a great opportunity for one right here lovely I'll cast that if they got a flying thing oh my God they've got morafi finally I get a chance to cast Tempest oh yes Tempest yay cast tempest Go yes let us hit the flyer hit the flyer yes the flyer is hit by a tempest whoa that's quite the visual spell okay we're gonna drop a spell steel down you're by far the strongest one we have you have this Dart of Doom which is um absurdly powerful like absurdly good um all right we need to get all of our heroes in the objective and there we go they just capture it instantly this is because Heroes capture objectives like stronger than units I think each hero is like multiple units worth of capture power um right you're you're the one with the dart so I'm gonna mess about with you I'm gonna have you Dart this unit here because you should be able to probably kill it um right bam cast your Dart there we go we're bam oh they're gonna form up as well isn't that lovely oh that's good right then we're gonna cast a soul steal on him and that should be then completely routed from the fight what are these guys doing okay so this is a phone look your weapons strength ain't the best but at the same time you're not dead so is that is that a win it's kind of a win I guess you're not dead good job congratulations have a medal um what is Marathi doing Murphy you're just just thinking about Murphy please can you take this fight seriously um I might as well cast this explosion on the ground I would go three two one and kaboom pain for everyone lovely okay have I got someone to cast a soul steel over here that'd be great someone needs to cast The Soul steel here someone needs to cast a soul steel here would be great oh dear it looks like someone's attacking you guys well luckily you can just melee reflect yourselves um and you can just weaken the hell out of them and that's you find you can just flee now there we go sisters have fallen I don't like the fact that they their literal one thing is they just say their name loudly I don't feel like that's a good character trait it's not a great character trait at all right soul siphon on you you can have a the Dwellers below and honestly you can also have a fireball I think I could get a nice Fireball off on you Marathi you're not exactly in a great position at the moment gotta be honest life don't seem to be doing too great I'm never so Steel uh Fireball yeah just eat one over there why not okay oh we're gonna have another Dart ready soon okay let's get ready for this Dart oh and Tempest sorry Tempest you think you can get away oh mirafi where are you fleeing to where are you fleeing to morafi oh no Florida's just been hit by another tropical storm okay and rip to Murphy uh uh oh dear I don't I that is one thing that I do have a question to all Americans in the world why would you live in an area that has tropical storm like possibilities why would you voluntarily live there it's like yes I I like living on the edge oh darts come on dot turn around dot no bad dot oh there's a really bad Dart uh too soon spiff I'm sorry chat I'm sorry it's exciting I suppose yeah you guys just like to live life on the edge you guys are super cool um right one of you needs to get a really good Soul steal off of those guys because they're not gonna make it another one of you needs to get a dwellers below off like here right and they're just all going to die now to this dwellers below rest in peace I'm gonna watch just the kill count go up and up and up yep there you go whole bunch of angry tree roots just murdered all of those elves right where's that final objective okay just everyone goes stand in it uh one two three four five six seven eight nine there we go and you can cast a soul taker here you can cause a soul taker here you can cast a soul taker here and look at how fast we just take this objective it's like oh you want to try and hold the objective doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you've got units on it um that's it that's my objective now um that's mine oh my goodness this is just too perfect what the heck just happened there did a whole bunch of their dudes just get heated into the sky and fall yes um well cool that was a good victory decisive one to be first with most Americans aren't aren't dumb enough to live in Florida that's rude Florida okay Florida does I'm joking it's not rude um Florida does have some unique things we've got to be grateful for the existence of Florida for several key reasons one the existence of Florida man um Florida man makes life spicy you never know what you're gonna get with the people of Florida you don't know what they're going to do they're completely unhinged they've got different rules to the rest of us and that is a power in and of itself okay it's a unique power not necessarily a useful power but power is technically power yes oh dear right a good another Victory another glorious Victory Marathi is dead again uh we're gonna raise this place again that's a victory outer Scout nice plus five percent movement sweet oh my goodness this is very very good right [Music] um uh Where Do We Go From Here chat chat where do we go where do we go pretty sure I'm done I'm pretty sure I am actually completely done I've played the game I've broken it we've got some Unstoppable units glum glug me you know what more what more could you need the the stream I think this is it true are we happy I think we're happy with the stream uh we've been going for what two hours and 50 minutes yeah I'm happy with this there you go chat um if you want to give this exploit a go yourself uh how you do it of course I did explain it early but you know it's okay I understand you weren't all there uh you play a campaign of the sisters of Twilight get your starting location up to 100 uh 100 thing as soon as possible uh you will get then receive Ariel with a whole bunch of great bonuses save Ariel as a character then start another campaign and repeat repeat as many times for as many Aerials as you want um and then once you have all of your Aerials simply press the load character button and load in your Aerials from previous campaigns it is as easy as that chat only 6.3 K likes it's fine you guys will like the people watching the live stream VOD will make up for it I've got to go make myself dinner I've got to go relax we've got a big week of content ahead of us so yes I've got a burger off anyway I hope you all enjoyed the stream I enjoyed having you all here um world domination world domination would take about 200 hours maybe from this point uh so no no we're not doing world domination I appreciate the appreciate the enthusiasm anyway have a nice chat uh have a nice chat have a nice chat day um have a nice day chat thank you for taking part in the Stream it's lovely to have all of you here um and now what I'll do is I spend my auto clicker on the insert ad button yes how many advents did you get you would never know goodbye goodbye if you have YouTube premium congratulations uh you just fed me a lot of money anyway have a nice day everyone and look after yourselves goodbye
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,243,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, warhammer 3, total war, total war warhammer 3, wh3, tw wh3, total war warhammer, exploit, Warhammer 3 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game, EVERYTHING IS BROKEN, the spiffing brit, spiffing brit live, warhammer 3 live, livestream, perfectly balanced, warhammer multiplayer, top 10, tier list, grand strategy, rts, total warhammer 3, warhammer 3 gameplay, gameplay, warhammer 3 campaign, warhammer, ogre kingdoms, immortal empires, valkia the bloody, memes, ign, youtube seo, meme
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 14sec (10274 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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