The Problem With Huge Giveaways On YouTube

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Such a good video!! I'm glad she won

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/xxoyez 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

That was so wholesome and cute!

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/mitch13815 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

He was so genuinely nervous and awkward. I love it.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/mitochondriawesome 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this video is sponsored by current stick around to the end to find out how you can win 500 hi i'm danny gonzalez and today i'm going to be giving away this tesla for years youtubers have been giving away expensive cars like these to attract millions of viewers while simultaneously looking like a really good person today i'm gonna be surprising my girlfriend with their brand new tesla car but how does it work i mean like seriously how can youtubers afford to constantly be giving away super expensive cars like this and is there a dark side to these videos can giving away a tesla to some random person end up doing more harm than good let's find out because i'm giving away a tesla baby [Music] what's up greg and welcome back to another episode of yeah the title is correct daddy gun giveaway tesla i've decided that i've been a mid-tier youtuber for long enough i'm sitting at around four and a half million subscribers not a small youtuber but also not a huge youtuber and honestly i'm sick of it i'm gonna be a big youtuber now and i'm pretty sure one of the only ways to do that is by becoming a youtuber that gives away teslas giving away teslas is sort of a favorite pastime of big youtubers it's like baseball for youtubers over 10 million subscribers it's a fun way for them to pass the time they get a big audience from doing it and quite frankly i want in so i'm uh i'm gonna be stepping up to the plate so to speak little that's a little baseball pun for you i'm gonna be stepping up to the plate and i'm gonna be hitting the i'm gonna be hitting the bat with the ball but the bat is a tesla and the ball is some random person well wait actually that's a bad metaphor i'm not gonna hit someone with a car i'm sure most of you have seen videos of people giving away teslas on youtube before and honestly i've always been curious like what it's like to do that and after being stuck inside for over a year and now being finally vaccinated i just want to feel something you know i want to feel like i just gave someone a really over-the-top gift for views on youtube i don't want to name any names here but over the past couple months we've all witnessed what can only be described as the disgracing of one of youtubers most popular tesla giveawayers which kind of makes me feel like i've been gifted the the perfect opportunity to become youtuber's next big tesla giveaway youtuber i've got a great opportunity to capitalize on this but also to do it better i feel like whenever i watch a youtuber give away a car i always feel like there are so many details that they gloss over what does it mean to just give someone a car did you buy it in your name and then give it to them if you give someone a car aren't there like huge tax implications did this person want an electric car and most importantly do people who ever win lavish gifts like these ever come to regret it the answer might surprise you which is why in today's video i'm gonna be stepping up to the plate in the arena that is tesla giveaways and i'm not hitting it to first and i'm not hitting it to second and i'm also not hitting it to third i'm hitting a home run this is the world's best and most ethical tesla giveaway ever i feel like that's a pretty good interest now i'd never given away a car before so to be honest i didn't fully know what i was getting myself into at this point but i did know that i wanted this to be the ultimate tesla giveaway i want people leaving this video thinking holy that was epic which could only mean one thing i had to do this as responsibly and ethically as possible i needed to be aware of anything and everything that could go wrong so i sat down and did some research okay let's search tesla giving i surprised my brother with a tesla i surprised my wife with a dream car surprising my best friend with a new tesla what i'm gathering so far is that this has to be a surprise according to these really popular youtube videos 2.8 million views 21 million views viewers like it when it's a surprise i guess that makes sense i don't think it'd be very exciting if i like picked a person to give a tesla to and then like together for months we sort of like planned on getting a tesla well i get all the finances in order and i like let them pick out all the things that they want in the tesla no so i got to brainstorm ways that can surprise them let's watch this video i surprised my wife with her dream car maybe there's some good ideas in here so i bought my wife a brand new tesla model x however first i had to prank her that we crashed the car her parents bought her when she graduated we also spray painted her old car with chalk and eventually well you'll see as you watch the video yeah maybe i don't want to go the prank rally the only way i can think of the one up this i mean he already is like destroying her old car how can i one-up that by okay when i pick the person to give the tesla to i have to destroy something that's not their car something that won't even be replaced by their car okay guys but before i can give away this tesla to some lucky guy first i gotta make him think that i've kidnapped his parents and i'm actually gonna make him think he's gotta pay me ten thousand dollars otherwise i'm putting a bullet in both of their heads yeah actually maybe the way i can improve upon this format is by not doing it at all maybe we're just maybe we can just nix the whole prank part of it right just get straight to the point hey i'm giving you a car here's the car it's beautiful is this mine this is your new dad's salon we got the boat we breathe bree it gets better what this is your key now to your brand new tesla wait wait wait it gets even better i'm gonna give you the key to the new car that is yours so you won't just only be able to look at it you'll be able to drive it to you'll actually be able to get inside of the car that i bought for you see i told you it gets a lot better okay so that's all good and fine i think i've got a good baseline for what a tesla giveaway is supposed to look like and how i can improve upon it but there are a few other things i'm worried about uh the the more i think about giving someone this really expensive electric car the more i'm realizing that there's a lot that could go wrong in this that could actually end up having like a really negative impact on the person's life that i'm giving this car to before youtube and these like lavish tesla giveaway videos and million dollar challenge videos existed people used to get their fix of watching ordinary people win super nice gifts by watching game shows and like hdtv home remodeling shows and if you've ever read up on what can happen behind the scenes and after a lot of these shows end you might know that unfortunately giving people really exorbitant gifts could actually have a really negative impact on their life let's talk for example if you were to win like hg tvs sweepstakes that they do every once in a while where they give away like a million dollar smart home so if you're like a somewhat average person and you make like sixty thousand dollars a year and all of a sudden you win a million dollar home in general the companies and people that run these sweepstakes don't pay for anything except for the house so they give you the house and then everything else is up to you so that's like homeowners insurance property tax and all of a sudden you've got all of these responsibilities and even if you like accept the house and then realize what a big responsibility this is then you have to try to sell the house which can be really difficult also not to mention when you win a million dollar prize the government doesn't really know how to classify that so they just classify it as income so if you make like sixty thousand dollars a year and you win this house all of a sudden the government says oh no you actually don't make sixty thousand dollars a year this year you made a million and sixty thousand dollars so instead of paying twenty percent of sixty thousand dollars you actually now have to pay what uh whatever the tax bracket is like 30 of 1 million dollars in taxes and the same type of thing can happen when you give away a tesla one of the big advantages of having an electric car is that you can charge it at home and you never have to go to the gas station again but if you live in an apartment building that doesn't have a charger installed you'll actually have to go to a supercharger every time you want to charge it and spend like 30 minutes waiting there for your car to charge which is obviously a lot slower because charging an electric car is a lot slower than filling up a gas car with gasoline plus you have to pay insurance on the car which for electric vehicles is often more than even a gas-powered car that costs the same amount it's kind of sounding right now like the point i'm trying to make is that like people who aren't already rich can't win nice things and that's not the point i want to make anybody should be able to win a nice car but i just don't want to give someone a car that ruins their life you know call me crazy so how do we fix this and make it work well first thing i could do is what a lot of other youtubers do and mostly give teslas to their already rich youtuber friends who won't necessarily struggle if they have to pay an extra few thousand dollars in taxes that year when youtubers do give away cars to non-youtubers i'm really not sure exactly what they do i did manage to find like one terms of conditions of a sweepstakes david dobrik did and in there it specifically said like you will win this car if you don't want the car you cannot have cash instead you have to take the car or you get nothing which as we discussed is basically like saying if you're not already wealthy this is not for you this is a really a giveaway for people who could have afforded a tesla anyway to get a better idea of what could go wrong giving away a car i reached out to one of my followers monica who just a few years ago had won an expensive car from a raffle and ended up not even being able to claim her prize i kind of just wanted to hear your story about you you said you want a car from like a sweepstakes is that right it was actually a raffle but same thing i paid 25 me and all my friends did and there was like six of us and they gave me a call back the next day and i was like hell yeah i got a car was not as sick as i thought it was gonna be dude when you initially won the car i would imagine you were like pretty excited right did they like explain to you what that entailed like right away no so they had a sales person call me and it was for an audi so i was like yeah i drive a honda accord i want an audi yeah so when a salesperson called me he told me that he was going to need a bunch of information for me including insurance information and at the time i didn't have a car so i was looking into insurance i would have been 19 at the time insurance was through the roof for me that would have been like 350 easily yeah per month i don't have money like that i don't have expenses like that that would have been my second highest bill next to my rent and on top of that i didn't read it but if you looked at the tickets really really tiny it says we may help with paying taxes oh interesting and i was like what does that mean when i was talking to him he was just like yeah so we just need to check for about 3 700 and i was like what it what and it just came out of nowhere was that like the sales tax for the car yeah so the 3700 was just sales tax and i was like oh i don't have that i asked him it was like is there lesser options that i could go for so that the 50 000 would actually completely cover it and he was like no and then i was like okay can i just get cash and he was like no and then after a while he was just like you know we're just gonna have to go with forward with another raffle ticket winner and i ended up finding out that it was like some person that was well enough off to be able to pay for it themselves and i was like oh okay so you would have had to pay sales tax on the car plus insurance for the car and then i would imagine that the government would count that as just income so it's almost like now instead of however much you were making before you're actually making 50 000 more than that it would put you into like a different tax bracket and so you would actually end up having to pay more income tax that year too which would be money that you might not have do you know that's interesting i didn't even think about that that's crazy he also had a rule in in the like thing that i i was okay with abiding by because i didn't know i would i would be like thrown around like trash um the rule was that you couldn't sell the car for a year oh wow if you had not really thought it through and you had accepted the car just because you figured it would have been great to have and then you realize a couple months in that this is like costing you so much money you wouldn't even been able to sell it if you wanted to yeah i would imagine that if you're if you're gonna give out a car to anyone like under a certain age or anyone who hasn't purchased a car themselves should be very black and white explained to them on paper so that it's easy for them to understand what exactly is happening at the same time like sometimes people are just so blinded by it especially when you get a car that can really change your life all right awesome well thank you so much monica i really appreciate you doing this especially on like such short notice it was very cool of you yeah of course dude you have a good one okay all right yeah it was nice meeting you monica [Music] oh mirror mirror on the wall who is the nicest person of the whole world who should get the tesla who am i guys who am i going to give this tesla to i've been thinking a lot about this okay there's a couple different routes i could go one of the most common things that youtubers do in tesla giveaways is give it to someone that they already know whether it be like a family member or your wife or like one of your youtuber friends who's already rich and like probably could have bought a tesla for themselves if they wanted to but that's not how we're gonna do it here uh i'm thinking we make this a little more spicy i've been thinking about it i want to give it to someone who follows me you know i want to reward my loyal audience the people watching this video also you know like whenever mr beast gives away something crazy he's like this guy was just some random subscriber and we're giving him we're flying him to the moon so make sure you subscribe because you can win a great gift so subscribe to my channel and maybe you could win a tesla in the future am i going to do this again you know i'm not going to answer that i want to give it to someone who watches my videos but i also want to give it to one of my followers with the purest heart of gold almost like a fairy tale you know he who has the purest heart in all the land that follows the dopest damn shall win the tesla so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna make it look like i accidentally tweeted what was supposed to be an email containing an important login to some account while the common nardule might take advantage of this information and try to log into one of my accounts someone with a heart of gold would discreetly dm me to tell me privately about the mistake so as to not publicly embarrass me so i made a fake email address that way a bunch of random people wouldn't be trying to log into one of my actual accounts bada bing bada boom i am now the proud owner of daniel g productions 35 at and i began drafting the perfect tweet to weed out my my knight in shining armor my golden goose okay so this is my fake message hey dude here's the account info you should be able to log in because i disabled two factor authentication now we got to come up with a password what could the password be hunky chunk 33 88 oh no not hunky chunk how about hunky hunk that makes it sound like i'm talking about someone okay so let's go ahead and tweet this boom and uh okay there it goes it's getting some likes it's got a reply already it's got 100 likes okay i'm kind of nervous i'm kind of nervy my hands got really sweaty all of a sudden this is kind of nerve-wracking i wonder what people are saying all right let's click on it danny what have you done hmm what is this literally what that's dude what is happening okay not very insightful responses so far honestly nobody seems concerned that i just tweeted my login info i'm gonna go on danny's account uh oh we gotta we gotta what's the synonym for nerd duel i don't wanna keep saying their duel good for nothing lazy bones sloucher oh we got a lazy bones in the quote retweet do i log in no no you do not log in i'm sorry but you absolute loafer dude you good for nothing scamp all right you know what let's check the dms aha hey danny for no reason in particular what is your credit card number expiration date and the three ones on the back thanks haha whoa we got a near duel in the dms their account even sounds like nerduel never do ill that's actually kind of weird you know what maybe i should check the oh i just thought maybe i should check the email address too oh no the email address is getting flooded this person just sent swag sent from my iphone it's not helpful hello mr obama this one seems to think i did get hacked but they're laughing at me you should make a butter sculpture here's a photo for reference okay none of these emails are helpful no one in the email is helping me they're all just taunting me mocking me even and no one's gonna help me didn't work angry faces were they pissed off at me did you happen next time you accidentally tweet your login info you make it work please dude i'm getting like no dms about this this is absurd nobody wants to help me out in the way that i want them to in the exact specific way that i want them to nobody want nobody's reading my mind right now kind of ticked off honestly kind of peeved i decided to give it a day to see if any more kind-hearted dms would roll in they did not i have waited 24 hours for my concerned pure-hearted fans to start flooding my dms and guess what i think i've gotten maybe two but really neither of them have enough info on their profile for me to determine if they like even live in the us and i can give them the car or if they are like you know old enough to get a car honestly i'm starting to worry that maybe i don't have any followers that have a pure enough heart this fairy tale is ending in disaster i feel like the prince and cinderella going around with the glass slipper trying to find people's feet to put in it and no one in the kingdom even has feet like everybody just walks on their hands and they see me walking around with a glass slipper like what the are you doing with that dude we all we all walk on our hands here i don't know you know what let's uh let's come back to this let's come back to this [Music] i've been thinking about this a lot and i feel like the name of the game here in creating the ultimate tesla giveaway is can i give someone a tesla while putting as little burden on them as possible and also giving it to them in a way that can have the the biggest positive impact on their life and after thinking about it for a long time talking to my manager and business manager and lawyer about it i've come to the decision that the best way to give away a tesla is by not yes that's correct i will not be giving them a tesla i'm just going to be giving them cash it's actually kind of funny i was just reading about hgtv's dream home giveaway that they do every year this year it was a 2.8 million dollar house the winner was just announced about a month ago and i just found an article about how apparently the person who won put the house up for sale days after winning which i think just goes to show that sometimes cash is just better cash is just better um a lot of these sweepstakes kind of seem like they're just for show you know it's a lot more exciting to give someone a new house than it is to give them money that you you can't really even see because it's probably just wired to them or given to them in a check but like if you want to give someone a house or you want to give someone a card i feel like it's better to just give someone the money for it and they can pick out whatever house and whatever car they want and they're not just limited to whatever the sweepstakes wants them to have so i'm gonna give them money how much money in the terms and conditions of one of david dobrik's tesla sweepstakes it says that each tesla that they're giving away has a value of 37 000. i looked it up on tesla's website that is the most bare-bones basic tesla model 3. it's got no upgrades it is the cheapest tesla you can buy so in order to make this the best tesla giveaway ever i've configured a tesla model 3 with one upgrade and with that upgrade the total cost of the car is about 49 000 but if i just give someone 49 000 a huge chunk of that gets taxed and so they end up not even having enough money to buy the car so we're gonna have to factor in sales tax which i think will be around 3.6 or 7k income tax which will be about 11.7 k i don't know why i made that k lower case than these ones uppercase but now since i'm giving them this money i have to account for the taxes on this money also which we're estimating to be 3.7 k and this could go on forever like since this money is also going to get taxed i have to give a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more but that's too much math and the number that we come to is 68 k but you know what let's just make it a nice even number and change it to 70 000. 70 000 macaroons 70 000 so instead of giving someone a 37 000 car i'm gonna give them thousand dollars human dollars us dollars which reminds me how am i gonna pay for this oh uh who are you current oh current like like the future of mobile banking current that's awesome and i'm here to tell you oh sorry sorry no i'm just go ahead i interrupted you sorry oh sorry that's okay just go i was just gonna say are you here because you're gonna you want to pay for the tesla [Music] yes oh hell yeah this video is sponsored by current current is banking that you can do entirely on your phone it's simple to use there's no hidden fees you can send and request money from friends you also get a visa debit card this is mine and overall they just take all of the hassle and confusion out of banking what they're doing for this video is so above and beyond what i would expect from a brand they've been so cool about this video they are literally paying for the entire check that i'm writing for the winner which is insane but not only are they doing that they also want to help out the people watching this video so they're going to be giving away 500 to 10 people who sign up for current using the code danny i seriously cannot overstate how cool it is of current to be doing this this is like a crazy amount of money to be helping me with and also very cool of them to be giving you guys money too so if you want to check out current for yourself and sign up using my code danny then head on over to danny or check out the link in the description again thank you to current so much for sponsoring this video and thank you to you guys for checking out current it's free to sign up and you could win 500 so really a win-win and if you like this video it's also a good way to thank them for helping me out so much with this weird ass video so thank you to current and thank you to you guys okay so it's been about it's been another day and i've been thinking racking my brain trying to figure out how can i find someone one of my followers that seems like a nice person and deserves a tesla i've been thinking of different things i could post i've been thinking about trying to do the same thing on instagram or maybe posting a an instagram story that has like my credit card information in the background or something like that and waiting to see if anybody dms me to let me know i've come up with so many different ideas but i'm just worried that i'm gonna get the same results from every single one so i was feeling pretty dejected and then i realized what if i have had the right person the whole time i'm looking for someone who follows me who's got my back who's willing to help me out when i need it without expecting anything in return i think i already have that person and it's monica the person who who's i interviewed about winning the car before honestly i don't know why i didn't think of this sooner dude she's like the perfect recipient she was cheated out of a car once before because they weren't willing to accommodate her situation the car would have ended up actually being a huge burden on her and my whole thing is i'm trying to do this the right way or i'm not making the car a burden on someone and so i feel like the the ultimate poetic justice that this video could have would be to give her the money i think it only makes sense now once i realized this i started thinking about it and i also realized that this does complicate things a little bit first off i want this to be a surprise obviously so i can't just message monica again and be like hey do you want a meet up to film something it's something i have to do in person for the video where i'm giving away a tesla you know how i described the video to you already and you know i'm giving away a tesla do you want to film for a different part of that video in person so i can't do that giving away a car is a lot harder than i thought giving away a lot of money is a lot harder than i thought well i guess to do it on film is harder than i thought i could just go and give it to someone and just tell you guys like all right i did it oh you wanted to see it yeah no i can't do that sorry luckily i was able to find what looked like a close friend of monica's just by going through her tweets and looking for people that consistently liked them and since her profile said she also lived in florida i figured they must be at least somewhat good friends and with enough luck maybe they even hang out on the red so i spent about a half hour crafting a dm that would hopefully get the friend's attention but also convey just how secret this needed to stay i was nervous to send it what if she read it and immediately showed monica the whole surprise would be ruined but after reviewing the dm a few more times i mustered up the courage i sent it and she never responded uh yeah she didn't respond to the twitter dm she didn't respond to the instagram dm that i sent the following day because i panicked in fact she didn't even read either of them so then i ended up finding a different friend of monica's named shelby and i dm'd her and she responded right away and good news she was on board to help out with a surprise so with a new accomplice and a vague plan to surprise monica and some park in jacksonville florida i packed my bags and headed south when i arrived in jacksonville a day before the big giveaway all i found was problems while we were originally planning on doing the whole thing outside of the park it was forecast to rain all that day and the next day so we had to scramble to come up with a way that we could film all of it in cars so our cameras wouldn't get ruined on top of that i got a text from shelby saying that the storm knocked out the power at her house and also all of her dogs got out so we wouldn't even be able to meet to go over the plan until the next day right before it was about to happen and that's if she showed up like what if she just bails what if she just decides she doesn't want to do this and she doesn't want to be on camera then what do i do at this point i was pretty much my pants and also kind of starting to worry that maybe placing the success of the highest stakes video i've ever made in the hands of a complete stranger might not have been my best idea maybe not my smartest move but lucky for me time flew and before i even had time to reflect on my mistakes and grow as a person it was game time um today is the day that we're giving away the tesla i feel like anxious because i want it to happen already um but i also feel a little bit under prepared it's supposed to be happening in two hours that's what we planned with shelby and i haven't met shelby yet so that's uh that's a little nerve-wracking i'm hoping that everything comes together i thought it would be kind of funny if instead of like a big check you know how sometimes people give someone a really big check when they win a lot of money i thought it would be kind of funny if i gave a really small check because when you get a big check it makes you look like you're like six inches tall and holding a regular sized check so this one this one will make her look like a giant i thought it was funny a few days ago i don't think it's funny anymore but this is the only check i have so this is what i'm going to give her i kind of felt like everything up until this point would be the hard part and then like giving away the money that's going to be easy how hard is it to give away money to somebody but this element of like trying to surprise this person has been the most difficult thing so far definitely yeah we've had to i mean we just went shopping we got a bunch of stuff to make sure that everything goes smooth we're gonna have to like hide cameras i just realized that uh the the current plan right now involves me hiding in the back of shelby's car and uh we filmed a little bit earlier in the tesla today and for part of the filming we had to turn the ac off and i realized how hot it is gonna be in the car so hopefully i don't faint and die in the back of the car they just like get in the car and shelby's like giving me my cue to pop out and then they turn around and i'm just like dead in the backseat uh yeah i just the more i think about it the more things i feel like i realize can go wrong i feel like i've kind of been like on edge and shaking all day but at the end of the day you know what we're giving someone a gift and hopefully she'll really enjoy it so that's really what matters right to me and hopefully this video will get a lot of use too so that you know what that's really what matters i think at the end of the day you guys are already here you're already watching the video so any you know probably i got your attention and you watched all the way up until this point i i honestly probably don't even have to give her the tesla at this point i got i got the clicks and i got the view time so i could probably just end the video here so knowing that i guess i feel pretty good so the plan right now is to meet up with shelby in about two hours we're just gonna go over the plan really quickly and then she's gonna go pick monica up and then we're gonna get it done we're gonna give her the money when the world needed her most shelby arrived with just minutes to spare before monica was expecting her to pick her up we came up with a plan shelby shared her location with me on her phone and off she went here's the plan right now shelby's on her way to pick up monica for what monica thinks is just two friends hanging out to go get boba tea but little does monica know that when shelby parks she's gonna be parking right between our rental car and a tesla model 3. yeah even though we're not actually giving her a tesla like a physical tesla i still wanted to have one there that way she could see what she won and also it would be better for the thumbnail and for the video so there is gonna be a tesla there when shelby and monica leave the car to go get their tasty treat shelby's gonna leave her car unlocked which will give me an opportunity to sneak from the rental car to shelby's car where i will surprise monica when they get back luckily the windows of the rental car are completely tinted that way my shooter christian can be filming from the trunk of the rental car it was the perfect plan to make sure that even though it was gonna be pouring during the big surprise the rain wouldn't ruin the whole thing [Music] so shelby shared her location with me she has just picked up monica it looks like she's like at her inner parking lot right now so they will be here shortly and it'll be game time let's go i'm gonna be right here like this and when they leave i'm gonna bop on out and run over and do my sneaky little sneak and get right into their car where i will spend an eternity in her hot trunk let's go this should be pulling up any second i will be hiding they're very close now they're about to be on the street i think i can maybe see their car in the distance oh yeah that's him but before i could get too excited shelby went rogue wait where's she going she got so close and then just started turning down a bunch of random streets it was insane she couldn't be stopped oh she turned okay again okay oh wait no she's coming okay she's back on the street she's coming back over here she's just coming back oh wait where the is she going now oh my god maybe she's trying to play dumb like she's looking for parking this is very interesting where's she gonna end up oh she just texted me a minute ago how did i not see that she said about to be back one minute ago at 5 00 pm she said about to be back does that mean she's about to be back at the car maybe i'm worried she already parked oh no they've been yeah they've been like stopped right there for a long time i feel like they probably already parked i wonder she the wait wait wait is this her is her going up right now okay she said no i'm almost there okay that might be her oh it's happening are they still parking yeah [Music] this is wild dude this is crazy with monica and shelby just barely out of sight i was safe to make my move please leave her car open please tell me your car's open no oh my god my car's locked dude i was trying to sneaky sneeze oh no there's no way if she presses unlocked from there it'll work wherever they are no they're definitely at a distance oh my god i hope that she can come up with a natural excuse to be like come back to her car for a second she did thank you okay why are they just standing there they're not going inside maybe they're vaping good luck okay so right now monica and shelby appear to be standing outside a frozen yogurt shop or a smoothie king um they're just standing outside so i'm not sure what they're doing if they're getting smoothies or if they're waiting for smoothies or just kind of hanging out and enjoying the night you know we may never know but for right now i am sitting in a car and you know what it is humid and it is hot but as long as they're back shortly and they're not gone all night i think i'll survive i'm in the trunk i'm in shelby's drunk okay they're coming back i'll be here any second okay it's time let's do it let's go let's give away a tesla let's do it [Laughter] yeah so thank you for helping me with that video before okay um i wanted to thank you for helping me with the video so i got you something you got me something yeah okay can you guess what it is it's a hundred dollars oh what's the matter you don't get the joke you don't get the hundred dollars joke yeah that's because that's because i i didn't film this part but when i interviewed monica before i asked her to sign a release and she'd get a hundred dollars for helping out with the video but by the time we got to jacksonville she actually hadn't filled out like the bank account info so we hadn't given her the hundred dollars yet so that's why she made the joke and it's actually pretty funny if you get it so i just wanted to let you in on the little joke and it will get back to the video is this a hundred dollars no it's actually right behind us it's what does that mean also can you guys let me out of the trunk yeah yeah oh my god oh my god what is this okay all right all right okay so do you remember what the video was about that i was filming yeah okay it's about giving away a tesla right okay so i wanted to thank you for helping and i've been trying i've been like looking for someone to give this car to and i figured since you won a car in the past and you weren't like able to accept it i wanted to get you a tesla do you want to go in and see it yes okay let's go so you push your thumb in on the big part of the this is the tesla that you can have okay oh so nice to meet you by the way nice um so i have good news and bad news the bad news is you can't have this exact tesla because we rented this it's just some other guy owns it okay so we talked about in the video a couple reasons that you weren't able to accept the car before right like it would have cost too much for insurance it would have cost like a bunch for sales tax so um i want to make sure that all of that is like taken care of for you so instead of actually giving you a physical car that you'll have to register and i don't even know if you want a tesla in the first place um i'm instead giving you a check for seventy thousand dollars oh my god this isn't real no it's not real i thought it would be you know how sometimes in videos people give like really big checks oh yeah i thought i thought it would be kind of funny if instead i gave you a really small one because the big ones make you look tiny so this one kind of makes you look like a like a giant or something hell yeah yeah i guess i was right after all the tiny check was hilarious i can i'll give you the actual check off camera i'm not sure if we're actually are we giving her a hundred dollar check and seventy thousand dollar check this one should be in her so yeah it says monica 70 000 for one tesla so basically we wanted to make sure that if you wanted to get a tesla like this model you can if you don't there's no strings attached and you can use it for like literally whatever you want oh my god i don't know how to feel about this i'm so happy i didn't bail were you gonna bail that's what i was worried about okay well yeah we can edit it okay yeah i'm gonna buy cocaine and hookers that's going in the video [Music] monica and shelby in the tesla for insurance reasons they can't drive it it was really great getting to spend some time driving around with monica and shelby we had some great conversations so do you play guitar also no i don't play guitar i'm a classical flattest oh really the flute wow that's so cool that's cool you play you play you got a flute on you okay have you guys ever been in a tesla before no you have yeah i have whatever you [Music] oh no well maybe you can get it fixed yeah exactly that's what i'm saying i like my honda accord oh really yeah have you been watching my videos for that long for that long no way yeah no it's crazy though that's like i watch your videos i would say every day for like the past three years i don't want to put any pressure on you you can literally do whatever you want with the money do you not like have an idea of what you might use it for just to have um i don't yeah i don't that's the thing just live your life like probably college yeah that's more likely what i was going to do with it if i gave you a tesla i would be worried that you would just want to sell it anyway and then like use the money to pay for like stuff that you actually want in your life so i'm not going to lie if you gave me a tesla i'd probably keep a tesla what yeah oh damn it so with checks in hand we said our goodbyes and that was it all right i'm filming this part of the video the day before this goes live because i am just finishing up editing it um and i just wanted to say thank you guys for watching the video if you got all the way through it holy cow was this a long video but it was so fun to make this is some of the most fun i've ever had making a video so so thank you so much for watching it i really hope you enjoyed it thank you again to current for sponsoring this video again i couldn't have done this without current and they were like insanely cool about this whole video thank you again of course to shelby for helping out with this i'm so happy that we could pull this off in such a short amount of time and uh everything worked out perfectly i feel like the money could not have gone to someone better monica and shelby were both so cool on camera and off camera they're the nicest people and yeah i'm really glad that i got to make this video so thank you guys for watching and for your continued support even when i do like very different longer videos like this because i really like doing it i should also say that like in in general i think the spirit of giving things away on youtube is generally a pretty good thing you might say like oh people only do it for views and as i showed in the video that it has the potential to go wrong but if it's done right which you know for all i know it might be done right all the time i really have no way of knowing what other youtubers do i think it can really inspire other people to be more giving in their own life or maybe it just inspires other youtubers to also be more giving in their videos which is fine i mostly just wanted to make this video to explore how giving away these large gifts on youtube works and all the pitfalls you have to avoid in order to do it the right way and uh yeah with that being said if you're not subscribed yet make sure you go ahead and subscribe and turn on my notifications to join greg greg is what i call my fans on youtube and all you have to do is subscribe and turn on my notifications and you can be greg as well alright well i gotta go finish editing this video but again thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you next time bye bye this video is over now over now go find something else to watch or just watch this video i know we had a lot of fun a lot of fun but you can't stay on this end screen forever this video is over now over now so why are you still watching this
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 5,189,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor
Id: w_6HHWCdl7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 32sec (2432 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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